xt783b5w9m71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt783b5w9m71/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1911-03-03  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 3, 1911 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 3, 1911 1911 1911-03-03 2020 true xt783b5w9m71 section xt783b5w9m71 mmwa-mmm.w.mm

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March 3,1911.


. The faculty met at the usual place at 3:30 p.m. those
present being President Parker, President Emeritus P tterson,
Vie President White, Professors Geovell, Anderson, iller,
Nornood, Latte rtv, Hamilton, Patterson, Pryor, ”alho.s Ponce,
T1leon, hemorof, luttle, Frankel, Kelly, Jones, Terre1_1, Snow,
Pooarts, Peter, Curt1s, Turner, Cord, Frown, Hoaly.

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The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The reverts f stand1nr oomm1t tees were then called for.
“ornittees l, 3, 3, 4 and 5 had no renort to were.

President Patterson, on beh11F 01 the Library dommittee,
presented the following report

"The library toeuiti, me in the of Ties of the
P1es1dent Wmeritus in the 1.1brary, Tuesday, Febr11ary 98,
311 at 3:30 P.M.

Present: President Emeritus Patterson, Chairman,
Professors Anderson, Jones, Mackenzie, Walter Z.Patterson,
ani Terrell.

Motion was made, eeoond011and unanimously carried
that M:1ss King, the Lioiarian, be elected Secretary of the

President P1ne2itus Patterson stated that the
apportionment for the Library 01 the current year is
about exhuus te LQ; the t 1he no Fnoylope dia P:ritannica w
the only larg 0 order made recentl: and that would not b
paid For until after July let, 1911.

It was moved, seconded ar Od une nimously carri_ed that
as soon as possible all the b s in the Library be
properly out, steeped with the filibrary stamp, e-d

It was reeommen and he was further
asked to lay the can *" various



0 oeTore the 013,3 eni t1
committees so as to insure that the renditions be faithw
fully obsei ve’. It was further oriere d that an of 10131
letter be sent to the preeieent of the Pophomorc $1383
30 that the required conditions ehould he further e eted
in 111131311115“).

Naroh 1,1911.

Tim Committee on Fntertainments Non Athletic n1.t
in the of ice of the clairmen in the err-oult1r(l huildinr,
all being presen nt. Mr.fiicha neon, firesident of the
Sophomore Class, one pre eeent oy reqieet of the Committe—
sinoe it hatl been learne ed thet on the hi ht of the rece rit
daice of this clese the lemonade served head been liber 311V
treated with in 2 oxicants. Tu'r. ~iehe wzon mt ted th: tic
reffeehmente served had. oeen provided by a eon-mitt 0 who
admitted that a quart of whis key and two gallons of wine
had been added to tho penera, out he himself had not ob~
served any flzavor of liquor.
After Mr.Ri charuscn had withdrawn, the situation was
ue2e ed at length aid various plans proposed for dealing
the CEISG. It was Finally agreed that the most
tive rnethod of handling the matter would he to with~
From the class the privilege of such an entertainment





Minutes of the Faculty,‘a1‘h 3,1911. b5«
in its Junior ear, and the one irn an an

write to the clisz president to that effe .
An app1101tion was read from C.PC.E and others
on behalf of the Lamp and Cross Society ror the use
of the gymnasium building on April 88, 1911. On motion
it was ordered that the request be granted under the
u: ;ual renuircrent .
The meetinp adjourne d.



On motion of Profess<3r White the report was ordered
accepted anti Filed.

Dr.8now reported that Hr.Cope of Chicago will speak
in the near Future in Lexi gton upon some phase of m ral
edhcation. It 13 hoped to receive the cooperation of the
faculties 0F th? educationa 1 institutions in Lexington, the
churches, and ot h=r or9:anizatione interested in this phase
f education.

Dr.Terrell called attention to the need of the prempt
handing in oF the material for the catalog. Professor
Miller requested that the heads of departments 0F the

Cello ege oF Arts and Science hand in the cir catalop material
to him so that he could coordinate and harmonize the various

President Parker explained,in reference to the recent
publications regarding the barring of University stud lents
from saloons,that he went with Professor hoberts some time
ago to Mayor Gkain to see if the licenses of saloons in the
vicinity oF the University could not be withheld. He re~
ported that Mayor Skain stated that in view of the exisiting
ordinances he did not see how anything could be Zone The
Mayor said, however, that he would tare star 8 to rigidly en~
force the ordinace against minors nterinn saloons. He stated
that this ordinance was not directed specifically toward
students but toward all minors. He thought, however, that the
students of the Univ rsity should be notified in order that
they might have a fair warning OF the difficulties they mijht
meet it they attempted to enter saloons. President Parker
then read the letter of Mayor Skain making this suggestion,
and also read Section 15 of the city ordinances relating to
the matter.

On motion of Professor Frankel it was ordered that the
meeting be adjourned.

President of the University.


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