MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY SENATE, FEBRUARY 11, 1974 3714 The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday , February ll, 1974 in the Court Room of the Law Building. Members absent: Lawrence A. Allen, John G. Banwell, Charles E. Chairman Stanford L. Smith presided. Barnhart, Robert P. Belin, Robert S. Benton*, Garnett L. Bradford*, Charles L. Brindel, Sam Brown*, Herbert Bruce*, John M. Bryant, Jamie Chase, James E. Criswell*,hThaddeus B. Curtz*, Vincent Davis? Wayne H. Davis*, John L. Duhring*, Roger Eichhorn: Claude Farley*, Irving Fisher*, James Flegle*, Juanita Fleming*, Paul G. Forand*, Lawrence E. Forgy*, James E. Funk, Milton E. Gellin*, Richard E. Gift*, Ward 0. Griffen*, Jack E. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, George W. Hardy, Virgil W. Hays*, 1 Charles F. Haywood: Ron Hill*, Raymond R. Hornback, Eugene Huff*, Charles W. Hultman*, Raymon D. Johnson*, L. Clark Keating, John E. Keller*, William F. Kenkel*, James B. Kincheloe*, Don Kirkendall, Walter Langlois*, David L. Larimore, Mark Lee, Cynthia Link, Marion E. McKenna*, Michael P. McQuillen*, Alvin L. Morris*, Arthur F. Nicholson, Jacqueline A. Noonan, James R. Ogletree, Thomas M. Olshewsky*, Paul F. Parker*, David Peck*, Donald A. Ringe, Robert W. Rudd*, William Shanks, D. Milton Shuffett*, Otis A. Singletary*, David Smith, Herbert W. Sorenson*, Earl L. Steele*, William J. Stober*, Andy Strickland*, Frank Traficante*, Jacinto J. Vazquez*, Harwin L. Voss*, Thomas J. Waldhart*, M. Stanley Wall, Wayne Waller*, M. O'Neal Weeks, Daniel L. Weiss, Rebecca Whitis, Leslie K. Williamson, Paul A. Willis, Ernest F. Witte*, Kenneth R. Wright. The Chairman stated that the Senate would consider confidential information in this meeting and asked that all Senators and guests present not release the information. posted in the room and refrain from smoking during the meeting. He also asked that those present respect the "No Smoking" regulation The minutes of the regular meeting of December 10, 1973 were approved as circulated. On behalf of the College of Engineering Professor Orville W. Stewart, Depart- ment of Mechanical Engineering, read the following Resolution on the death of Professor Estel Burdell Penrod and asked that it be spread on the minutes of this meeting and that a copy be sent to Professor Penrod's widow. Following the reading of the Resolution the Chairman asked the Senators to stand for a moment of silence in tribute and respect to Professor Penrod. ESTEL BURDELL PENROD 1890—1973 The University community has been greatly saddened by the recent death of Professor Estel B. Penrod, retired Chairman of the Mechanical En- gineering Department. "E.B.", as he was known to his close friends, came to the University in 1946 from the Armour Research Foundation, to become Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Department. Previously he had been a Professor and Head of the Physics Department at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan and was a native of Indiana and a graduate of Purdue University in Mechanical Engineering. He also was awarded a Master of Science degree in Physics from Purdue and a Master of Mechanical Engin— eering degree from Cornell University. At the time he came to the Univ- ersity the Second World War had just concluded, and he faced a department with only one employee and a handful of students. Under his leadership the department grew in a few short years to an enrollment of over 550 students and a well qualified faculty. *Absence explained _ — ::~,v:-...u_._ i; l I l ‘ ;