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Media Services Bowl Game reeccrds ........................ 114 NUMBERS
lVl€CllCl lDOllCl9S ·.·..·.............................. 2·3 147 GTGOT Lakes Bowl ........... _ ............. 1 14 Athletics Director A________4__________,___ (606) 257-2881
UK Column Notes .................................. 4   gang; B<1wI ................. Uniw»zrsl1*1·5A1  hggyésggigfe --···~4-··-·-·»---··-·--·--» 12% 55111;;;
The 1989 ouiicck ,82 O“§$'C;n EQQVW1 ‘’‘‘‘‘ lvtxrgsiw’t;"i~T1;1;1;§_1Ts_,. Qemweqge .»»..........T............., > zswssii
'8° 991661* ····-···································· 6*7 176 Pedcn Bowl Q1ZZZ1]1Z];IZZ§fL11Q·§£Q§1Q]]QZ[QZ.1 167   .. r»§§Z1§§§P;}h;;igi15g ‘‘`‘‘`’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`’ $2% SEZQET?
'89 A1R11¤6€116¤1 1?6$19' ········-····-·· 10·11 ’33 1-1g11 gr Fgme BOW1 _,_____ 1  1117   "spcrtsinrcrrndticn ....... 1Z11]Z1Z11]1Z1:r606> 257-3838
/89 l\lUm€TlCGl RO$l€l' ····-·-····-····-·--···-·- 12 *84 HO11 Of 1:OmO BOW1T:gg_1_;:_1.1j_·.;T11_.__Qf`,1?1?]izr{ir /TlCl<€@T‘fjQ'§ ................4..............4 (606) 257-1818
[8g l:Oll DGDUT CTTOI'1 ........................... 13 UK1n AP pO11S 118
hlo Breakdown .................... 14 · ''''''`'``'`'`'``'.'`''.'''``''`''``''
9669166 UK in un Polls ..................................... 119 CREDITS
The Coaches 8K 1919V1$9,9 991119s ························· 129 The 1989 Kentucky Football iviedie Guide is
Jerry Claiborne ,,,,....,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,, 16-18 9111999111111g @91119s ······················ 129 published bythe University of Kentucky Athlet-
QUOTNTQ C1O1bOm9 _II.I_   .__.._ 1 ..I·_)___ U 19 ics Association, C.M. Newton. Director.
Assistant Coaches ......................... 20-24 1*16 S9u111°°s1°1° c°111°1°11°° PGNO, TCG Howmd
_ The SEC History .................................. 122 ········‘*···································· V
Football Support Staff .................... 25 26 , , ,
88 SEC S1C111s11Os   ·················-··· 123-12*1 Editorial Assistants ,.................. Brooks Downing,
The 1989 Wildcats All-Time SEC STCll1Clll'1QS ...,................. 125 Dan Peters, Joyce Baxter, Don DeLuca
'89 Wildcats Profiles ....................... 28-59 Proposed SEC Schedules ................. 126 D _
'89 Freshmen Signees .................... 60-62 99911 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘`·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘·‘··‘·‘`‘ 99111 131999911
The Record Book Photography David Coyle
The 1989 OPF’°1"°111$ Individual Records ..................... 128-132 A t‘ s   `'A'. 11A 'IUUI`' 1 ``'''. ZJ d & c 1
;89 Opponent Directory ..................... 64 1OOm Records ________Y___________________ 132-134 Milgxngiféi11;t?¤uss91r1aK1iEr?etegrd/pnic  
89'Tl'ClVGl Plans .................................... 64 UK 11-T SEC/NCAA Reccrds ________________ 135 §:ES(81§lr1;SM1TCh€ll. KGF1 G0¤d. Bill Wells),
111919119 ······ ; ················-··········-·············· 65 Career Leaders .......................... 136-138 `
N6'111 @9191109 --···--············--·····-··-·-····- 66 Season Leaders ................................. 139 rypesettingxprinting ..... Pest Printing Company
Alabama .............................................. 67 1_OT1g p1O1yS __________________________________________ 140 (Lexington & Minster, Ohio), Special thanks
7R§¤1>¤1¤ ----·----·-·----·------·------·----·----·-------· gg 100-Yard izusners ............................... 141 *0 Km" Z1*"1W¤'<1-
Lgjugers `''`'''`''''`'''''''''''''''''''''''`''''''''`''' 70 2OO'Y¤1C1 POSS9111 ··--····-·········-····-········ 142 Additional copies of this publication may be
‘‘·‘ j ‘‘·‘·········‘‘··········‘‘‘······················· 100-YGTC1 RGCGIVGTS ........................... 142 purchased for $7.00 each, which includes
Georgia ..1 ............................................. 71 30g-1OOk1O Club ________________________________ 143 postage and handling. Please write to:
C11'1C11°11°1G11 ················-··········-·········-···-·· 72 Opponent Gqme Highs _______,___________ 144 University of Kentucky Sports Information,
I!C1l'1§lGl'bllT ............................................   UK ROCOTGS (1881-1945) ____________________ 145 Memorial Coliseum. Lexington, KY 40506-0019.
911 9 ·-···--·---·--··--····-·--··--·-----·----·----·-·-· The Last Time ..................................... 146 . . . _
1911¤e$S99 -----·--------·-----·-·--···-·-··-·--·-·-··- 75 AIl—Time UK Record ........................... 147 1.77 EQU€£fi1Z.$$.‘1$31&il?ZA?°“ E““°' °'°‘°°"“
'89 SGTIGS Scores ............................. 76-77 A11-11m€ CO¤ch1ng Records _____________ 148 W
'89 6910995119 $91199919 -··-·---··-·----··- 78 All-time Series Records .............. 149-151
The 1988 season Former Assistant Coaches ............... 152   THE  
,88 STONSNCS 80 82 \/\/ikjcgtg LQ1-tgrmgn ___________________ 153-156 On the front, All-America candidates OT Mike
·······························-···· ‘ · Pf'f 75 doror B t179 t
rss superidtives .................................,. ss 611*1*1116 116*1115 ···-····-·-······-··-·-···- 15*166 rw? 9311 ri$e°Te¤sOns 'BTY PZTIS SOeZE"ié`fZ,
’88 [nd Qgmg `[gtg|g _____________________ 84-86 _ _ Claiborne calls this ‘89 squad his largest and
·88 1_1OnO1,S 87 The UhlVefSlTy strongest at Kentucky. Pfeifer (6-7, 305) bench
OGHNG1 M188`1588 `‘`''`'`''`''‘'`''`'`''`''``''`'` 88 University Profile ......................... 162-163 gggssr? 4115 ¤¤¤n¤$· B¤rne1t<<>-3» 285> $<1¤¤1s
`'''`''''`'`''''``'''``'`'``'`'' David Roselle ..................................... 164 D 1111 s·
  ''''''``''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''`''''''''   Q_|\/|_ Ngwtgn _____________________________________ 165 ggh?bac|\l;AlI-StargzandigaéesRIg1ndyH0lIeran
················································· · · - . on asse ( ), an on obinson (26)
KGTTT STCTTG ............................................ 91 ’S|§1mm1S11¤11V€ 91Gff ''''''''''''''''''''''''‘'' 166 are primgd to lehd an experienced Wildcats
A|¤p¤mg ______________________________________________ Q2 11999 (:99911% ······--·-····-····---······ 167 defense. Kentucky returns seven starters to its
LSU   UKSLIDDOFTSTOTT ................................ 168 traditionallytoughdefensiveunit.
Georgia ................................................ 94 Cover r>h¤r<>er¤i¤nv bv D¤v1¤ Coyle. Geyer
SOUTNONT 1111nO1S _____________________________ _ _____ Q5 UK Football Items design icy Pdui Blodgett or Bicdgett & nulirndn
Vcmded)111 ‘ 96 Nutter Center Profile .................. 170-171 Advertising, ine <>f1e><1ne1<>n-
neride ....... IIjjj1IX11IIZZIZQZ1IXZZQZZZQQZZZZQZXZZQZZZZZer 111<$1rene111 Preerern ----··----------· 172-173
Tennessee ............................................ 98 C9m1`1191“"’991111 9199111111 ········· 17**175 1989 PRESEASON
CATS Center Profile ................... 176-177
Kentucky rcctbdii Tradition Fiedltn and Equipment ..................... 178 SCHEDULE
UK Football l·llSTOTy ..................... 100-103 Cl'1GGl'IGClClel’$/BONCI. ......................... 179 Tues., Aug. 8 ....... Freshmen Report to Campus
All-Americans .................................... 104 Kentucky Charms ............................. 179 g1g111$AL’?5191JO ~···-·-- 88.§111tr;esnnn;en grcictlce
_ · .. . ........... T l DO O Cll’T`l US
All SEC   ............................................. 105 Lexgngton   ........................................ 180 Mon'/Aug M _'K8muCky FOO1b¤11M8d1¤ SW
Academic Honors ............................. 106 Lexington Directory .......................... 181 11188, AUg_ 15 _______1__________1_ First Vcrsify p,OO11OO
Honor Roll ................................... 107-108 K-Men’s Association ......................... 182 Fri., Aug. is ......................... nrst Day in run Pads
Former UK Greats ....................... 109-1 1 1 BIue—White Fund ................................ 182 ggdicgleéé?3 ···-·-···---··--··~»— F1ggr1;9»é_g1C1¤éSeS
· · · · · ., . ........................... l UTS OY
WHSESEiQ`r1FSrZ?r’isPr;;;ji;;;j;i;i;;§;ii11li Eiiliéileélfgiissiiiiiii::;:;i;i;::;:;;;;;;;122   —~—~·—~—»~————·~·—7r—~   ~¤rr