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Msrgsielr T.   Li*¤r¢r’·!   ***99**
**~·.=~.-      i';:;r:*.i:cT="¤'
The UK Sports information Office will pro-
vide a complete pregame packet (includ-        
ing fact sheets, flip card and game pro-
gram) approximately 30 minutes prior to    
kickoff. During the contest, UK will provide a
complete play-by-play and statistical report T .—V_ .V;     ·· ..
of the game. Quotes from both coaches     . —  ,. :   . - - ‘ rf;. ,§_` _. I `
and UK players will also be available. The UK     To  “*  ée "     i   f` .·— 
Photo Services provides a game Photo   0 T -   <·.   ·* ..    
Packet which is delivered to the press box "’=·       ._   __   e —   T
late in the fourth quarter. Each packet will *        »'-·       VVVV V ..  .  
. be available to those requesting the sen/ice mi r      ·     W ·; rs·   . I   ' .—.
and contains 5-7 photos of the game. This T T 3;    V · . VVAV     * i\\   1V    [
service is offered by John Mitchell and the C ’ ‘   H d ‘’‘'’  ‘“‘  ‘‘`   “ ‘ D 9  ` B XT
UK Photo Services in cooperation with the UK Gmemn DWG, ’C'n' 9** 0 9*
T Sports information Office.
I Telecopier (FAX) service is olso ovoiloble cmis Cameron eeii Dent Commonwealth Stadium
*9* 9 *99 9* $*0 Del 99*09- C90*99* ~*99V Sports information Director SID Assistant Press Box: (606) 257—l230
Howard when requesting telecopier serv- Office; (606) 257-3838 Office: (606) 257-3838
ice. Home: (606) 273-8882 Home: (606) 272-5703 FAX Phone: (606) 257-8909
Assistant SID SID Staff Assistant Room 23
V DAR*<**00M *°A0"·***Es _, , , (reeibeii cemeei) orriee; (606) 257-3838 Memorial ceiiseum
 . _ ******99 99***99*** *99*****95 9*9 9V9**99*9 orrice; (606) 257-4792 iieme; (606>7s4·s26i University of Kentucky
ih the Commohweolih Stoolum press pox. Hemei (606) 263-2240 rexingien. KY 40506
Photographers wanting to use the darkroom
facilities should make arrangements through Rena Vicini
the UK Sports information Office. A5g§_T¤¤T $*:206) 257 3838
ICG: -
Home: (606) 278-7773
The official visiting radio broadcast net-
W·reotoror Jerry ci6i66me ii6i6is 0 20-minute press 6i (606) 257-0060.
Athletics Director. Three phone lines will be oohferehoe Vio Teleohohe hook_uo from The
made available in the visiting broadcast WT|oooTDeheoohsuhooyforrowrhoooome PLAYER INTERVIEWS
eesih G* O (:05* 0* $65 per ****0 Unless G *3**0* ***9 990*9*9099 *990*05 9*6*2 *5 9*** E*- *°*9959 All player interviews must be coordinated
e)eée)eTh;e2ThH¤S$e;e¤ ¤rr¤¤oceel_;l:o¤oh(?Te)r; COFITOCT iiie UK Sports iiireimeiieii Office i6i Though The UK gpm ThTOTTh¤TTOh Ohm
* 0S 0****00*** 0 * S ’" further information if you would like to take pr ·r br b T T· 2.45
253-3230. _ _ part in the teleconference. Radio sportscas- pr?3/is <§*§5O;TqT;¤5r? O? gg  Ggéerrs
Thos? nG**'YO*kS.**€Sd***g *0 msmll 0***9* *9*5 5**9*-**9 **9*9 **29 9**9**9 **99*99 is 9*999* Complex practice field and following prac-
0**090 "*‘0$· 9****0* '*‘ ***9 0*90 bex 0* *000* oost oiuolity. lt you wish. meoio mempere iiee eiiiy AFTER 6ii reeiiseii ebiigeiiens have
*00*** 0*00· 00** eo $0 pv 000*00**00 *0**** can attend the conference in-person as been eemprered
Fuller of the UK Phone Services at (606) 257- Well. The UKSDOTTS TTTTOWGTTOQ Office Wm make
7727. ‘
every effort to arrange telephone interviews
when necessary. Player telephone numbers
SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE SERVICES are not given out, and players are instructed
    The Southeostern Conference Commu- DOT to COTTCTLICT TTTTGTVIGWS WTTGTT contacted
nieeiiens ofriee. directed isy/xssisieni c0m- py telephohe. The procedure UK follows is for
CLAIBORNE TUESDAY PRESS CONFERENCE missioner Brad Davis, offers a variety of serv- The D*GVelS *9C9*'l*¤C*VOU GTG Dle·GllG¤QeG
UK head football coach Jerry Claiborne ices to the media during the year. time.
will conduct his weekly Tuesday press con- UK head coach Jerry Claiborne is avail- P*GVeT *0TeTV*ev~/S FTTUST be G0l’TTD|eTeG by
ferences in the President’s Room on the west able each Wednesday on the SEC Coaches VVeGheS¤GV evehihg Gh 9Gme weeks.
side (Alumni Drive) of Commonwealth Sta- Teleconference for a I0-minute period. _ The KTTWGH | defmlfefv. The Donovan HGH
° dium, beginning Sept. 5. The opposing Video highlights and interviews of each SEC dlhlhg ¤fe¤. Te¤¤’l locker f00mS Gnd The
coach, in most cases, will be available via a school is available via satellite feed also TTGTFITTIQ f00m Gfe considered pflV¤Te Teem
phone hook-up. each Wednesday morning. Another service GfeGS. These Gfe¤S ¤re off-limits to The mediu
At least five players will be in attendance is a 24-hour bulletin board which the media Uh*eSS G¢00mD¤h*ed by UK $*D personnel.
each Tuesday forinterviews. if you wouldlike can access over the phone by computer.
to request a particular player, please con- The bulletin board contains notes, statistics, FOOTBALL PRACTICE
tact the UK Sports information Office by5 pm rosters and depth charts of each Southeast- Kentucky football practices are generally
ET the day before. ern Conferenceschoolandis updated each open to the media. if you wish to attend
Lunch will be served from ll:30 am until week. practice, contact Joey Howard at the UK
I2 Noon. Claiborne and player interviews For further information on these services, Sports information Office. Practices usually
will follow. contact Brad Davis of the SEC Office at (205) begin at 3:30 pm ET.