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            ·-¤-·, .                 izv                
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  ·>   . VA,V,   A.V,»_,N». .. »N._     ,JV,   .   ,.,i   ._.,     A;,, . `V».VV,, . ,,.,,7 .       .VA..v.”,h  
fOnIy being C|O£COtJ|dCOUn1*insOm€_   defensive lineup. There’s Teckle Oliver
Thing ofher Then horseshoes. Like fooT- Bemew (6-37 285) OLE Tom/. M¤$$eV (9*2
bell. Like Kenfucky wileeels reelbell.     221). All-SEC linebdcker Rdndv Hcllercn
For The IesT four yeers eT Ie fees l¤dl¤¤¤i Ndilh C¤idli¤¤·
seconds lefl for e 15-13 GeTor vicTory. In beck Venderbilf, 14-13. ei .- , ~
1986, Virginie Tech goTe49-yerdfield goel "Sure, The 1988 seeson wes V_   i   7; 1 ¥”A
from Chris Kinzer es Time expired To give diseppoinTing," Cleiborne seys, "buT we '   · ¤ V
The Hokies e 17-15 win. mode some progress. We geined  .  
ln 1987, Georgie Teilbeck Lers Teie confidence wiTh The wey we pleyed/’   V     ··‘’’   ’`’‘   V
scored from five yerds wiTh 1:08 To pley "|’ve never gone inToe spring precTice ~g   A Z'- ‘ een; A" ‘·’
leeding The Bulldogs To e 17-14 come- wiTh The Dreperefion end eflifude TheT we     i* ji   `
from-behind Triumph. Then lesT fell, hed This pesf spring/’        
Alebeme's Vince SuTTon found Greg The reTurn of 34 Ieflermen, including 14 ‘ 1 ig 
Newberry for e Three-yerd Touchdown wiTh sferfers, hed e loT To do wiTh TheT eTTiTude. A V.      ’ A
10 Ticks IefT To hend The Tide e 31-27 Experience end depTh in key posifions,       \    
vicTory. could indeed prove To be viTel if l*‘»‘    .` T . g "I Think we ere es sTrong, es big, end es
i V   ’  1 fesT es we’ve ever been/’ seid Cleiborne. "I
, ._ .  " _  A   A   •     V V reelly believe our firsT Teem is es good e
" ~ V _  V‘‘ '·       A A   _. . _ V _  jx  .·  A A A uniT es we’ve hed. lf we cen sTey heelfhy.
 T  W “ Y    »=e*AA  f   · .    ]   A?Y?>§%f§ We will be GDOUT ds deed G5 We’ve ¤ee¤~"
.   ..— .     Sirens Sfdfemenfs. indeed buT
79 Oliver BerneTT is The force on UK defense. Cldlberne hds beerl drdund ldne endueh