Ambrose Seaton family papers


The Ambrose Seaton family papers (dated 1787-1946, undated; 0.9 cubic feet; 2 boxes) consists of legal and financial documents, business materials, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and two daguerreotypes that document the Seaton family in Amherst, New Hampshire, and across the state of Kentucky from the late eighteenth to the mid twentieth century.

Descriptive Summary

Ambrose Seaton family papers
1787-1946, undated (inclusive)
Seaton, Ambrose, 1804-1866
0.9 Cubic Feet
Family archives -- Kentucky.
Medicine -- Kentucky.
Collection is arranged by subject into three series: Seaton family, Spalding family, and Assorted.
Finding Aid Author
Sarah Coblentz
Preferred Citation
2016ms033: [identification of item], Ambrose Seaton family papers, 1787-1946, undated, University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
Ambrose Seaton (1804-1866) was born in Amherst, New Hampshire, to John Seaton III and Rebecca K. Seaton, the youngest of four sons. He entered Dartmouth's Medical Institute in 1823 and earned his M.D. in 1825. He married Mary Rand Goss (1803-1863), also of Amherst, New Hampshire, on November 12, 1828. They had seven children: Mary Elisabeth, John Ambrose, Nathan Kendall, Helen Augusta, Ann Martha, Sarah Francis, and Charles Stewart. About 1832 Ambrose and Mary moved from Amherst to Boston, and then in 1840 they moved to Maysville, Kentucky. Ambrose owned and operated a pharmacy, Seaton & Broderick, and worked as a doctor. John Ambrose Seaton was born January 5, 1832 and attended Maysville Academy. On October 25, 1859 he married Margaret Arthur with whom he had four children. He was involved in business and upon the death of his father in 1866 he inherited the pharmacy, Seaton & Broderick. John Ambrose was active in both business and religious life until his death in 1905. Charles Stewart, brother to John Ambrose, was born on May 27, 1849 and was also an active businessman who manufactured and sold nut and bolt headers until his death in 1898. Both sons relocated from Maysville to the Cleveland area in 1870, following the deaths of their parents, where they were prominent businessmen.
Scope and Content
The Ambrose Seaton family papers (dated 1787-1946, undated; 0.9 cubic feet; 2 boxes) consists of legal and financial documents, business materials, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and two daguerreotypes that document the Seaton family in Amherst, New Hampshire, and across the state of Kentucky from the late eighteenth to the mid twentieth century. The collection is arranged into three series: Seaton family, Spalding family, and Assorted.
The collection includes legal and financial documents that describe multiple generations of Seaton family purchasing and selling property, medical school records that detail Ambrose Seaton's application and entry into Dartmouth's Medical Institute, business materials that document John Ambrose Seaton's drug store and Ambrose Seaton's pharmacy, and newspaper clippings that discuss relatives of the Seaton family. Also included are daguerreotypes of Ambrose Seaton and his wife, Mary R. Seaton. Correspondence in the collection includes letters to and from Ambrose Seaton's brothers Nathan Kendall Seaton and Samuel Seaton, his wife Mary Rand Seaton and her family, and his sons John Ambrose Seaton and Charles Stewart Seaton. Additionally, there are letters to and from Rebecca Spalding, niece of Ambrose Seaton.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Seaton family, 1787-1905, undated

Correspondence, 1818-1865, undated

Samuel Seaton letters to father, John Seaton III, 1818, 1835

  • Box 1, folder 1
To top

Ambrose Seaton letters of recommendation for medical school, 1823

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

Ambrose Seaton correspondence, 1826-1863, undated

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

Mary Rand letter to Ambrose Seaton before their wedding, 1828 February 22

  • Box 1, folder 4
To top

Samuel Seaton letters to brother, Ambrose Seaton, 1831-1839

  • Box 1, folder 5
To top

Nathan Seaton letter to brother Samuel Seaton, 1832 February 21

  • Box 1, folder 6
To top

Drug order from abroad sent to Dr. Ambrose Seaton, 1832 March 7

  • Box 1, folder 7
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John Seaton [Sam Seaton's son] to sister, circa 1837

  • Box 1, folder 8
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Letter to Ambrose Seaton concerning pew taxes and leading church choir, 1839 February 20

  • Box 1, folder 9
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Ambrose Seaton to brother, Sam Seaton, 1847 January 22

  • Box 1, folder 10
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Nathan K. Seaton letter to brother, Sam Seaton, 1847 July 7

  • Box 1, folder 11
To top

John Ambrose Seaton letter to uncle, 1851 April 24

  • Box 1, folder 12
To top

Mary R. Seaton letter to mother, 1852 October 4

  • Box 1, folder 13
To top

Ambrose Seaton letter to Mary R. Seaton, 1857 May 19

  • Box 1, folder 14
To top

Nancy [wife of Nathan Seaton] letter to brother Ambrose Seaton, 1860-1865

  • Box 1, folder 15
To top

M.W. Goss letter to brother Ambrose Seaton, 1862 July 11

  • Box 1, folder 16
To top

John Ambrose Seaton letter to father Ambrose Seaton, 1862-1864

  • Box 1, folder 17
To top

Ambrose Seaton letter to "My Dear Niece" re: wife's death, circa 1863

  • Box 1, folder 18
To top

Charles S. Seaton letter to father Ambrose Seaton, 1863

  • Box 1, folder 19
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Ambrose Seaton letter to "My dear Mother and sister Martha" [wife's family], 1865 January 16

  • Box 1, folder 20
To top

Calling cards to Ambrose, Mary, and Lizzie Seaton, undated

  • Box 1, folder 21
To top

Family records, 1787-1905, undated

Deeds and leases of John Seaton Sr. and Jr., 1787-1834, undated

  • Box 1, folder 22
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Bill for Sam Seaton, 1820 April 13

  • Box 1, folder 23
To top

Medical Institution of Dartmouth matriculation and lecture tickets, 1823-1825

  • Box 1, folder 24
To top

Poems and songs by Ambrose Seaton, 1824, undated

  • Box 1, folder 25
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Company orders for Amrose Seaton, 1825 September 17

  • Box 1, folder 26
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Appointment of Ambrose Seaton to Surgeon's Mate of the 5th Regiment, signed by Benjamin Pierce, 1827 August 9

  • Box 1, folder 27
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Account of the Seaton family by Anne Duncan Seaton, 1827

  • Box 1, folder 28
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Funeral invitations for Sarah Francis Seaton and Ann Martha Seaton, 1848

  • Box 1, folder 29
To top

Dissolution of Seaton, Sharpe & Co, 1860 July 2

  • Box 1, folder 30
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Funeral notice and invitation for deaths of Mary R. Seaton and Ambrose Seaton, 1863, 1866

  • Box 1, folder 31
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Advertisement cards for drug store goods, 1883, 1895, undated

  • Box 1, folder 32
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In Memoriam - John Ambrose Seaton, 1905

  • Box 1, folder 33
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Seaton and Broderick drug store advertisement, undated

  • Box 1, folder 34
To top

Death notice for Charles S. Seaton, undated

  • Box 1, folder 35
To top

List of scholars for Sam Seaton, undated

  • Box 1, folder 36
To top

Dr. Ambrose Seaton daguerreotype, undated

  • Box 1, folder 37, item 1
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Mary Rand Seaton daguerreotype, undated

  • Box 1, folder 37, item 2
To top

Spalding family, 1866-1946, undated

Rebecca Spalding letters to son George Spalding, 1866-1867, undated

  • Box 2, folder 1
To top

Rebecca Spalding correspondence, 1885-1895, undated

  • Box 2, folder 2
To top

Rebecca Spalding letters to George A. Spalding, undated

  • Box 2, folder 3
To top

Holiday greeting cards, 1880-1934, undated

  • Box 2, folder 4-5
To top

Glimpses of a Doctor's Life in Kentucky, 1815-1878 by Rebecca W. Spalding, 1946

  • Box 2, folder 6
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Visions of a Little Girl by Rebecca W. Spalding, undated

  • Box 2, folder 7
To top

Assorted, 1836, 1853-1922, undated

Ledger book, 1836

  • Box 2, folder 8
To top

Newspaper advert for A.B. Hutchinson groceries, 1853 January 1

  • Box 2, folder 9
To top

Funeral notice for Henry DeBard, Sr., 1875 October 7

  • Box 2, folder 10
To top

Civil War clipping, 1865 January

  • Box 2, folder 11
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Greenup Independent Newspaper [re: Carrie Bell?], 1876 December 15

  • Box 2, folder 12
To top

Christian Observer newspaper clippings, 1879, undated

  • Box 2, folder 13
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Grant County Register newspaper [re: A. DeBard?], 1887 January 1

  • Box 2, folder 14
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Herald and Presbyter newspaper [re: Helen Augusta?], 1887 April 20

  • Box 2, folder 15
To top

Recipe clippings, 1893, undated

  • Box 2, folder 16
To top

Margaret DeBard Peter's Teachers Certificate, 1895 June 7

  • Box 2, folder 17
To top

The Daily Register newspaper - Ironton, Ohio flood of 1913 edition, 1913 April 12

  • Box 2, folder 18
To top

Knoxville Journal newspaper - twins in Knoxville [Seaton Peter's children], 1922 April 23

  • Box 2, folder 19
To top

Math workbook, undated

  • Box 2, folder 20
To top

"Wurts home" images and clippings, undated

  • Box 2, folder 21
To top

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