xt786688kp32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt786688kp32/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 08, 1977 1977 1977-11-08 2020 true xt786688kp32 section xt786688kp32  


NOV 8 1977

- of Kentuekt

D rory

Volume LXIX. Number 58
Tuesday. November 8, I977

At low levels

Tight dollars vex UK

Ask a University official what the
most urgent problem at UK is and
the response will probably be

Or more specifically, the lack of it.

In its pleas before the state
Council on Higher Education, UK
insisted that much greater funding——
a higher percentage of the state
allocation for universities—was

“We have not been able to keep up
with our growing needs, particularly
in the areas of salaries and number
of faculty positions," said UK
President Otis Singletary when the
University’s budget request was
approved by the Board of Trustees
in the summer.

“Failure to remedy this situation
will have serious repercussions on
the quality of University
programs,” said Singletary.

The council recommended on Oct.
18 main campus allocations of $98.1
millim in 1978-79 and 108.5 million.
Those figures are below what the
University requested, but could
begin to ease problems if they are
granted, said Singletary.

How severe are the problems
caused by lack of funds at the
University? Are departments
having difficulty keeping faculty
members? Are classes too crowded
and without adequate facilities? The
situations at three colleges and the
Medical Center indicate the woes

Sin gletary alluded to are very real,
and could become much worse.

The College of Fine Arts problems
are intensified by serious space and
faculty shortages.

There is no concern about ac-
creditation yet, said Dean Robert
Wills, but unless the pressures
lessen, students will suffer from
inevitable cutbacks in programs,
staff and other basics, he added.

“’No or three things can happen
when the arts are in trouble finan-
cially," said Wills. “The first is
cancellations, which receive media
coverage because the cutback is a
visible thing, or the second
possibility is withdrawing quality—
doing things the second-best way, or
not as well."

Theatre Department Chairman
Wallace Briggs agreed that the
school is having financial problems.
“So far the college is managing to
maintain the status quo of past years,
althmgh there is no possibility of
expanding programs or addding
desperately needed faculty

The Fine Arts College is composed
of three departments: art, music
and theatre, with the number of
college majors estimated at 450.
Fine Arts separated from Arts 8:
Sciences two years ago, andd this is
the new college’s first year of
separate funding.

(in independent student 7


“An important question to ask, is
have we reached the point we are
stretching too thin, or are we doing
enough with what we have? Often
it’s not a matter of not enough
money, but not imaginative enough
use of the money," said Wills, who
said improvisation is often helpful in
spending limited funds.

UK's theatrical department bears
an enormous production expense
burden. “Most people attending
productions have no concept of the
inflationary problems ocurring with
materials," said Briggs.

“The price of lumber tripled in the
past few years, and wood ias a basic
part of any set. Lighting instruments
are expensive, and although the
budget increased slightly over the
years it is not keeping pace," he

Briggs addded that although the
department found money for this
fall‘s Outdoor Theatre, future
funding for this and other produc-
tions could be a problem.

“I‘m not complaining, we haven‘t
lost yet, but without further finan-
cial aid l don‘t see how we can
continue," he said.

Apparently, few Fine Arts
professors are dissatisfied with their
present salaries. “I don’t think low
salaries have driven people away,"
said Wills.

According to Art Department




legislators, district court judges and a myriad of local officials,
and to vote whether to call a convention to revise the state
Con stitution.

Secretary of State Drexell Davis predicted relatively few of the state
Democrats and 500,000 Republicans would vote, though lively local
campaigns will draw larger crowdds in some areas.

In the Lexington mayor‘s race, Jim Amato is making his second run for
the office. having lost a contested election to incumbent Foster Pettit in
1973—and Joe Graves, a Republican state senator, has campaigned hard
on what he says in Amato‘s involvement with Gov. Julian Carroll‘s
“political machine."

Track near Florence has at least 19 fire safety deficiencies that must be
corrected for the structure to be in compliance with regulations.

The notification was given in a letter from Chief Deputy State Fire
Marshall Clell Upton to Sportsystems of Buffalo, N.Y.. which operates
the northern Kentucky track.

order allowing strip mining of 19 acres in Daniel Boone National Forest.

It indicated in a motion that otherwise such surface operations
ultimately could affect 400,000 acres in the area of southeastern Ken-

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
sought the delay in a recent order of Franklin Circuit Court, which paved
the way for strip mining by Stearns Mining and Lumber Co.


violations and missed inspections preceded two coal mine explosions in
Kentucky which killed 26 men.

A federal judge in Catlettsburg, Ky., has banned publication of in—
vestigation findings by the U.S. Mining Enforcement and Safety Ad-
ministration tMESA), but a report in a Washington newsletter, Coal
Outlook. said yesterday that MESA's investigation turned up “at least a

dozen" violations of federal safety regulations which may have con.
tributed to the deadly explosions.


THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION of the Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) met in Vienna yesterday to prepare for a
ministerial meeting next month at which the cartel is expected to again
raisethe priceof oil, probably by 5 per cent.

A Middle East newspaper said that even Saudi Arabia, “the most
modeate of the moderates," has declared that some increase is justified.

0 PEG spokesman Hamid Zaheri said a review of oil prices was one of
the tqiics to be discussed a the meeting. The meetirg is being held behind
closed doors.


ELECTION DAY FORECAST partly sunny and warm with highs in the
mid 70‘s.




Chairman Professor Joseph Fitz-
patrick, “One of the major
criticisms we got over in Arts and
Sciences was the number of faculty
leaving every year—the department
was like a revolving door. However,
no one left last year, which is either
a good sign or one of utter despair.”

Music Director Sara Holroyd said,
"Nobody is leaving as far as salaries
are concerned, but most of the
problem is lack of funds and space."

Nature‘s autumn harvest shimmers by streetlight
after an evening shower. These mounds of drenched
leaves on Fontaine Road near Euclid have been


.353, ’ a, (an 6 a. .


before they fall.

l'niversity of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky


I fink, Lulgdrt

Lexington‘s trademark in recent days. They‘re
slippery. dirty and a chore to rake, but nice to look at

Georgia college mourns loss of 37

AP Staff Writer

TOCCOA, Ga. [API- Their faith in
God unshaken, students at the small
northeast Georgia Bible college
where at least 37 persons died when
a dam burst, said yesterday the
religious fellowship that kept them
closeknit will see them through
mourning and rebuilding.

“We don’t understand the
meaning of it all or the purpose of
it," said A.J. Moser, vice president
of Toccoa Falls Bible College. “But
we feel very strongly that God is in

Twenty children were among the
37 known dead in the flooding. All 37
were college students, staff mem-
bers or members of their families.
Two men were missing and
presumed dead. About 45 persons
were injured, 12 of them seriously
enough to be hospitalized.

In North Carolina and Tennessee,
weekend flooding from the same
heavy rains that hit north Georgia
killed 11 persons, including six

Toccoa Creek—normally a placid
stream only inches deep--turned
into a destructive torrent about 1:30
am. Sunday when an earthen dam
bursta half-mile upstream from the
college and Kelley Barnes Lake
spilled over 187-foot Toccoa Falls
and (hwn to the campus below.

A 31-foot wall of muddy water,
throwing boulders and tree trunks
before it, smashed into a student
dormitory and tow mobile home
parks. 0f about 20 mobile homes,
only one remained yesterday.

President Carter declared
Georgia a major disaster area
yesterday making federal
assistance available for disaster
victims and local public agencies
touched by the devastation.
Rosalynn Carter, who flew here
Sunday, called the scene ”in-
describable” and said it was “a
terrible tragedy.“

Thedam had been built in 1937 to
provide the college with water and
electricity but in recent years bad

not been used for that purpose. The
80.acre lake was used as a
recreation area by students at the
tiny, Protestant, non-
denominational campus operated by
the Christian and Missionary
Alliance of Nyack, NY.

years ago, Congress approved an
inspection program aimed at
preventing disasters such as the
Toccoa dam collapse.

Butas of yesterday not one dam
has been inspected.

g AnArmy Engineers spokesman
‘ attributes the failure to lack of

“Congress authorized just
enough money to make an in-
ventory of the nation's dams,"
said Locke Mouton, the Army
Engineer’s spokesman.

That inventory, completed in
1975, estimates it would cost
$367.5 million for the inspections.




Only $15 million is authorized for

Searchers using heavy equiptment
tore apart the piles of trees, boards
and shredded metal yesterday
looking for the bodies of two men
still missing.

“God has a reason" for causing
the tragedy, said Mrs. Jim Weiss, a

Dam checks weren't made

the program this fiscal year,
which started on Oct. 1, and no
decision has been made so far on

how to spend it.
Part of the delay stemmed from
governmental philosophy,

Mouton said. The Nixon ad-
ministration, be said, wanted the
federal government to set dam
safety standards while leaving
inspection up to the states.

The federal program is aimed
at the numerous dams built by
power companies, farmers, water
conservation districts and private
entities such as Toccoa Falls
Bible College, which built the
Toccoa dam in 1937 for water

storage and hydroelectric power.

persons in Idaho.

cook on the campus. She and her
husband, a student, lost all their
belongings, but they and their four
children survived.

”We see sunshine today and we‘re
starting over,” said Mrs. Weiss.

The Army Engineers inventory
classifies 9,000 of the 49,500 total
dams in ints inventory as ”high-
hazard” but the classification
does not refer to the structural
integrity. Instead, it means there
would be substantial loss of life
and rroperty damage if the dam

The Toccoa darn was listed as
“highhazard,” Mouton said.

The Georgia dam collapse
prompted Sen. James McClure,
R-ldaho, to renew his plea
yesterday for federal darn safety
regulations. McClure had
proposed two bills after the Teton
darn collapse which killed 11


SG publicist amendment fails

Kernel Staff Writer

A constitutional amendment to
create a permanent press secretary
position received attention by
Student Government in its meeting
last night.

The Senate, at its last meeting
created a press secretary position
for "is year, and Chuck Malkus was
chosen to fill the post. The amend-
ment seeking to make the position a
permanent one had been read and
passed at that meeting. It was un-
dergoing its second reading last

night ( Two separate readings and
affirmative votes by twothirds of
the Senate are required to pass a
constitutional amendment.)
Senator Mark Metcalf, Public
Relations Committee member and
co-sponsor of the proposed amend-
ment, described the duties of the
press secretary, among them
writing commentaries and letters,
planning press releases and
newsletters, and coordinating
publicity for various programs.
Metcalf said the chairman and
director of the Public Relations
Committee did not have sufficient

time to devote to such activities.

However, Senators Mark Benson._ 1 I

and Jim Lobb suggested that such
jobs should be performed by the
Public Relations Committee and
that a new administrative position
need not be created.

After two votes on closing debate a
vote was taken. The amendment
failed, as the number in support fell
far short of the two-thirds

During the committee report
segment of the meeting, the
following matters were presented:

(‘onthued on back page


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“ editorials 8: comments

““4““. News W M FWD.“ Co" “I."
Save Built-got Sumac Wham flu mm,
M": um
nu" Amulet: W [m ”l. [W
Dick Gabriel Mario Mitch-ll livid Ilibbittl lot-y Puree
Pill Iutlodlo
Witt m m Mint m m
Jae Kemp Mlltun Fill-to Mu Clark




Jimmy finds life tough without a drink

NEW \OHKwIt is very hard. The
last drink I had was several weeks
ago. I had a couple of drinks after
work in Manhattan and then on the
way home I met an old friend, an
arsonist in retirement, Marvin the

We sat down at an empty bar in a
(‘hinese restaurant on Queens
Boulevard and the whiskey did not
bother me at all. We were there for

Marvin was talking about how he
had been put out of business by all
these kid pyromaniacs running
around the city Once. he was in the
business ot taking a large. losing
restaurant and building it into an
empty lot. 'l‘hen along came these
kids who burned down a whole
borough of New York at a time.
"They are giving arson a bad
name.” he said.

“So you‘re behaving?“ I said to

“Compared to who?“ he said. He
ordered another drink. “Today. you
got to work. you know that. right?“

It was after I when I got home.
The whiskey still was not bothering
me. When I woke up in the morning I
telt tine. Except that there was a
large crevice in the wall running
around the inside of my head. The
crevice was at the front. just inside
my forehead. When I sat down at the
typewriter. a thought came
dragging around from the back of
my head.

As it neared the front. it began to
tiptoe along the top of the wall. The
thought began to waver. It held out
its arms for balance. Just as I was
about to seile the thought and put it
onto the paper in the typewriter, the
thought fell into the crevice inside
my forehead and was lost forever.

I sat at the typewriter for five
hours that day and was unable to
write a line. I went up and took a
shower and decided I would try
again the next day. This time
without a drink.

I was a little apprehensive about
abstinence. A while back. a guy said
to me. "You're not an alcoholic, are
you?" I said. “How the hell could I
be one of them?" He said, "Well.
why don't you try something. Try to
get along without string beans for a
week.“ I said. sure. I went home.
opened the kitchen cabinet, looked
at the rows of cans of string beans
and l snarled. I gave them up for a
whole month.

When I told this to the guy. he said,
“Beautiful, Now we know you have
some character. This time. why
don't you try giving up drinking for a

week?“ This was on a Friday night.
I went home and didn't have
anything on Saturday or Sunday. I
sneered at a beer commercial on
television. “You and string beans,
you're all alike," I said.

I had to a column yesterday. I did
the legwork all morning and into the
middle of the afternoon. It was late
when I began writing. The clock
tried to destroy me.

Near the end. I looked at the clock
only to confirm what I already knew.
You‘ve used six minutes. I told
myself. I looked up at the clock. It
was exactly six minutes later. Now
you‘ve used It) minutes and you‘re
late. I told myself. I looked up. Ten
minutes were gone and I was late. I
finished writing the column with a




rush and walked out of the building
tired and excited. I did not know
which bar to get into first.

But now. this time. after the
crevtce in my forehead, I decided to
go on to tomato juice no matter what
the temptation. To reinforce myself,
I ducked into a movie house on Third
Avenue at noon one day and saw
Richard Burton in Equus. Once, no
man alive drank more. But it came
to a point where anything he did had
to be done before It a.m. Then he
pulled off. The last time I saw him
was at lunch on the day of the
blackout. He ordered bottles of San
Pellegrino water. Now watching the
movie. I wanted to see some results.
Did the San Pellegrino water im-
prove him or what?

It did. Here he came on the screen.
alert as hell, eyes flashing, the voice
rumbling and hurling beautifully
tormed words. He looked as good to
me as he ever did. Terrific. I walked
out of the movie house and had a cup
of coffee.

I don‘t know how long this will go
on. The other night, my friend Fat
Thomas was recalling that once he
had gone off it for 18 months and he
thought about a drink every hour of
the day. “I’m glad I don‘t have a
problem," he said. “At the end I had
to meet a guy on Tuesday and I got
there an hour early. The devil
jumped into my head. ‘Have a white
wine, that’s not drinking.’ 1 went
inside a joint and had a white wine.
Two bottles of white wine. I got
home on Thursday."

The problem with not drinking is
that things bother you more. Once, if
anything happened that was up-

setting, I’d have a drink and the
matter would be forgotten inside of
an hour. But now, any little thing can
stick into you and there seems to be
no way to pull it out. The other night
I sat at the dining room table and
watched one of the kids doing

“Do your homework! " I snarled at
him. This is how I help all my kids
with their homework these days. I
yell at them, “Do your homework ! ”

I went into the kitchen and had a
bowl of soup. I was reading a
political article about how Ed Koch,
who is sure to be the mayor of New
York is not married and appears to
have no inclinations to be.

It is the same for Carol Bellamy,
who is assured of being the City
Council president. She is 35, single
and childless. The only controversy
from this came as a result of the way
Koch ran around holding hands with
Bess Myerson all during the cam-
paign. They looked like they were
joined at the hip. After the
Democratic primary runoff, Koch
brought her into Jimmy Carter’s
office in Washington for those
breathless pictures of Ed and Bess.
This was to fool us. It also was the
bottom of bad taste.

What do I care, I asked myself.
Maybe there's a whole new trend
starting in New York: stay single,
have no children and put all drive
into your work.

If I had a drink I would have gone
onto the next subject. Instead, over
the soup, I began to sulk. Why do I
have to do homework with these kids
and nobody else does? What am I
supposed to do, give the kids back?
“Do your homework!” I yelled out.
This was to help them.

I decided to walk down Queens
Boulevard and catch Koch at a
campaign stop that was on his
schedule. I wanted to ask him about
all this. He wasn’t there. One of his
advance men said that the stop had
been canceled. I fumed. Why did
they do this to me? I started walking
home with the local city councilman,
Arthur Katzman. We went into a
place called Tutto Bene. He had a
scotch, I had coffee. I became
jumpy. Why was the juke box so
loud? I walked out.

As I was going past the bar on the
next corner, Tony, the bartender,
was waving at me to come in. I put
my head down and kept walking. As
I walked away, I could hear him
rapping on the window to catch my
attention. When I got home, I had a
can of string beans. I don‘t know how
long this is going to last.



“They that be whole need not a
physician, but they that are sick."
Those were the words of Jesus
Christ, spoken to certain of the
Pharisees when they questioned his
actions in dining with publicans and

Today, many “Christians" are
asking to be excused from the table
before the meal is finished because
they find the other guests upsetting
their digestive processes. Having
wiped their mouths clean, they go
seeking a religious Walden where
they can sit and admire their halos
without the daily chore of polilshing
them to keep away the tarnish of the
world. So what of the sick? Sounds
like: “Go to hell!"

Oh, there have always been “little
islands unto themselves" back over
there or sown in another place, but
when the schools are declared too
“worldly" for their children, that's
here—that’s the we, as in those of us
who remain. It‘s more blatant now.

Then it may just be the thing to do,
Ike having a church bus and a soft-
ball team. Why, for nearly 200 years



after thoughts

Students of religious schools
may make adjustments later

Rocky Mount, Va. has been the
home of the Old Order of the Ger-
man Baptist Brethren, and ac-
cording to the Brethren, the rest of
the world has been shut out for much
of this time. But now change is
threatening to dump the world into
the mountain valley, and school
population has grown, bringing in
beer-drinking, pot-smoking
radicals, according to some parents.
You guessed it. The Brethern have
already withdrawn six of their
children from the public schools.

More and more denominations are
starting schools of their own and
attempting to get state aproval.
Why? Is it really that much worse
now than before, or are Christians
weakening? Whatever happened to
relying on God for strength in times
of temptation? He promised never to
allow man to be tempted beyond his
endurance, so strength is all that's
needed. James 1 :2 and 3 reads: “My
brethren, count it all joy when ye fall
into divers temptation; Knowing
this, that the trying of your faith
worketh patience.” Count it all joy?


MY “outlaw,


So what are these Christian
academies like? Nice. The students

aren’t exposed to foul language,
suggestive clothing, cigarettes
(straight or otherwise), alcohol,
sexual encounters, dancing, etc.
Perhaps the parents are thinking of
themselves more than the children,
because without peer pressure, they
won’t be begging to participate in
worldly affairs, the parents won't
have to keep saying no, and
Vanquish—no more headaches from
”everybody’s doing it" hassles. But
what of the children? What happens
when they grow up outside the
bubble into the lavender and red? It
isn’t likely that their faith will have
been tried enough, so they will
probably fun away as their parents
did or they will fall.
One of the most important duties
of the Christian is to bring others to
Christ, and it would seem a handicap
to be isolated from those you hope to
convert. How many Old Order of the
German Baptist Brethren do you
Another nice thing about the
academics: the students are not
taught any scientific fact or theory,
if you will, that is contrary to what is
taught in the Bible. Determined by
whom? Mere mortals. Do Christians
have so little faith in the word of God
that they are afraid to test it against
man’s? Are their children such
mindless creatures that they canot
be permitted to exercise choice?
How will it affect these young
people when they become adults and
are confronted with ideas contrary
to their own? Why it's simple. If
their education has been narrow
enough, prejudice will save them!

Betty Peterson is an English junior




Distributed by The Chicago Tribune-
New York News Syndicate. Inc.



Items Ollie§0VIGTUII01l





o»,o..-.- ,..

Letters to the editor

Boyd Army

Being a faithful reader of the
Kernel, (what the hell, it‘s free), I
couldn't help but notice the article
about the Boyd Liberation Army

I know (and so does everybody
else) that on occasion the quality of
material published in the Kernel is
somewhat lacking. But this time,
folks, you hit the pits.

What ever happened to the
journalists old friends “pro” and
“con?” I know that, being just a
“civilian" in Fort Boyd, my opinion
is of no value. If the reporter wanted
to know what we “civilians” thought
of Brig. Gen. Mayhew and his band
of hellfighters, why didn’t she ask a
“civilian“ instead of one of the
members of his crusading army?

I don't like complaining about
anything. But I could not possibly let
something like this go by. I would,
however, like to invite the same
reporter inside the safe walls of Fort
Boyd for another look at the BLA.

Steven D. Haywood
Psychology junior

Silent majority

In your article on Nov. 2 con-
cerning the Boyd Liberation Army,
it appears that you took the opinion
of amroximately 6.6 percent of the
people who live in Boyd Hall. You
make it appear in your article as if
the halls of Boyd Hall are filled with
every type of violence imaginable;
that everybody is scared to walk
down the halls alone; and that the
so-called BLA is constantly
patrolling these halls to help us
make safe trips to and from our

In my opinion Boyd Hall is totally
opposite from this. The residents of
Boyd are probably the friendliest
people on campus. We try to make
every visitor to our hall feel as if
they are just as much a part of it as
we are. I would like also to say that
no one is afraid to walk our halls
alone. i have heard from several
people who are not residents of Boyd
say that the dorm has a quite
unusual atmosphere; that it is one
that is very friendly.

As a resident of the third floor who
lives alongside the BLA people, I
feel as if their purpoSHr what they
say is their purpose—is nothing
more than a joke. I also feel as if
many other people in the dorm feel
the same way about this matter.

In closing, I would like to say that
it would be greatly appreciated if
you would do a story on what the
other 93.4 percent of the people feel
about Boyd Hall. You might also
want to get a view from some of the
other people that visit our hall every

Kelly Deahl
Business Administration junior


A Resolution in Conclusion of a
Particular Matter in Question


An intolerable condition exists at
present inand uponthe campus of
the University of Kentucky to the
continuing detriment of the peace
andd order of said campus; to wit,
the simultaneous existence of a
plurality of intramural football
teams who have experienced the
exquisite thrill of victory but not the
wrenching agony of defeat.


One team, solidly bounded with
the traditional notions of Fair Play
and Justice must attain that pristine
level of achievement which is
summarily conducive to a positive
definition of a term rife with subtle
vagaries, i.e., “Champion."


Indostructibility,maturity and
redoubtable skill are predominant
indicia of consummate fitness to
assume thelaurel.

Whereas :

The Advocat Football Team were,
toa man, born to the purple, possess
indisputable maturity and wisdom,
and are facile in bothm 'lid and body

to a degree unparalleled in modern

Be It Resolved That:

I. The Advocat Football Team does
hereby challenge any and all in-
tramural football teams who have
attained the above qualities to a
Quest of Honor on the appropriate
Field of Endeavorso as to alleviate
this otherwise intolerable situation.
2. Thatany and all teams domoted
by such Quest to the humiliating but
inevitable condition of “Victim”

shall purchase, deliverand dispense
intoxicants of a suitable description

and in sufficient quantities for the
consumption of all parties directly

concerned at a timeand place ot be
mutually affirmed by said parties.


(To Brig. Gen. Mayhew:

I appreciate your faithful
dedication to stopping organized
crime and seeking out and
destroying all its perpetrators in the

Your devotion to protecting fellow
Boyd Hall students has deeply
touched the innermost parts of my
heart. It’s people like you who make
me feel secure when I walk the halls
at night, in fear that I may be
molested by such evil acts as am—
monia being poured over my body,
being burnt by arsonists or being hit
by flying objects.

Without the support of your BLA
members, I would live on a campus
without any human morality or
peace of mind.

Harry Carl
Accounting senior

We goofed

If you went to room 206 of the
Student Center last night, thinking
you would be attending "Iran
Night," you probably received a
nasty shock.

No “Iran Night.”

It will be tonight. Same place.

The demonstration by the
Organization of Iranian Modem
Students will be held at 11:30 today.
The protest will origmte from the
Patterson Office Tower.








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Doonesburyis a cartoon
that keeps getting better and
better. The gem of a few
weeks ago was when Zonker
and Mike Doonesbry moved
into a friend’s room In a
college dormitory.

Making themselves quite at
home and returning to the
habits of their halcyon days
at college, Mike and Zonker
decide to “Put up the Hobbit
posters," “Stack a pyramid
of empty beer cans on the
mantle," and “Unwind with a
little Vonnegut."

greg kocher


Writer Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
was born in that most Mid-
west of towns. Indianapolis.
Vonnegut is over 30 and a cult
figure on every campus in the
nation. He also sells a lot of

Ilehas not always received
such recognition. In the 19505
the New York Times Book
Review shunned Vonnegut’s
work. But with the
publication of (‘at's (‘radlc in
1963, both the public’s and the
reviewers eyes turned to

There is not a university in
the. country where. some


bespectacled, middle-class
freshman is not reading a
book by Vonnegut.

The fact that Vonnegut’s
books are so popular among
the young has caused con-
sternation among critics.
They lainbasl Vonnegut for
his “dormitory profundity"
and his “pandering to youth."

lThose quotes are at-
tributed to Stanley Kauffman
and John Simon, respec-
tively Both are film, not
book. critics. and l do not
know why they chose to get on
Vonnegut's case other than to
score more points in the
Cynical Wit ratings.)

The critics say we like
Vonnegut because he is “anti—
intellectual" and preaches
reading books, but not
necessarily cracking them.
Why shouldn‘t the kids love
Vonnegut, ask the critics. He
tells them everything they
want to hear: love, peace, no
pain, no bomb, no work, just
"go out and fool around."

I have a different opinion of
why young people read
Vonnegut. Reading
Slaughterhouse Five or
Breakfast of (‘hampions IS
like reading graffiti on any
bathroom wall or Margaret

Surreal servant

King Library desk. The
statements are short, lyrical,
fluid, clamorous and who
knows? There may even be a
smidgen of philosophy at the

A long with Robrt J. Ringer,
author of Winning Through
Intimidation and Looking Out
for No. I, Vonnegut has
become the hipphilosopher of
the 1070s But Vonnegut is not
a science fiction writer, as
some of these misguided
“Trekkies” would have us

Vonnegut spices his Marvel
Comics prose with science
fiction interludes, but that
does not qualify him as a sci-
fi writer. Instead, he uses
science fiction as a vehicle for
com mentary on social issues.

I don‘t think Vonnegut has
the talent to produce a
Stranger in a Strnge Land.
But the hippies who clung to
Heinlein‘s book as scripture
in the I960s have now taken
the Vonnegutian religion as
their source of faith.

Well. what is Vonnegut, if
he is not a seience fiction
write? Some answer that he
is a dark humorist of
literature, just a Randy
Newman and Robrt Altman
are dark humorists in the

NYC vs. Lexington


l cannot believe the gal] of
some people. Anyone who
would come from a hellhole
like New York City to tell us
how to live has a messed up
sense of mines.

In a city like New York,
which has so much crime,
pollution, overcrowding an