xt786688kp80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt786688kp80/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-02-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 03, 1982 1982 1982-02-03 2020 true xt786688kp80 section xt786688kp80 " c
Wednesday > ,.
KEN'I 'UCKY t N ‘ " '
Phll storms! . :A “0 fi‘ .
The gtoundhog saw his shadow yester ~\ . ' ‘ ‘
do . so that means 5:: more weeks of bod ‘ ‘. , n" . x , .
Weilther. Temperatures will be In the up- 0 l‘t "‘ Solving .... ”of" ' problm " I
per 405 to low 505 today. Sounds 900d. it In his column today Editor-in-Chiel Bill
right“ WRONG. "'5 going to '0'" today, , ’ ' Steiden tries to figure out what's going
This evening the rOln will change to snow "/ ,‘ ‘ wrong with today‘s socnety, and ends up ,
as temperatures take a dive into the mad 5, . 1‘“ ' asking his readers ’0 help him out. See . .
205 L» .57 x ‘ p09e3
Vol.LXXXIV,No.9O w“"mY.F°b'W’Y3 we? University at Konlwkv Lexington Kentucky A" 't‘d998"d9"'S'Ude""'t"~\90vt“ “luv W“
E t Se l ts fundin f C K ‘
——_ is the only camp the state aster ”me only time affwtedMll§llthe Stu:- {gr thle ldas handicapmd age :tartding . - ' '- '4 .t I,
By JOHN HARDIN ~ - - _ mer camping season," er sai . inc u epersons previous y cum “in n ‘7 5 ‘ 2
Reporter mmitgmfizzkmfol‘eifwn- Re said he hopes the financial sitlla- the multiple-handicap sessions, K Ir I I ’1' camp made progress .‘ . '
tionof giving upthefacilities at Camp tion at Kysoc “will"be back on line because of the demand for handicap W— “It was the first camp in the U. S. ,. ‘2. ..
Kysoc," said Kelly, but instead would wrthlna year or two. recreation servrcos R: rtcr that was planned for the handicapped _5. -5 I
Beset by financial shortfalls, the rent the facilities to interested par- Starting in 1965. Camp Kysoc has Student counselors and campers 1‘” 0,, a smuywp basis.” she said, A 5‘
Kentucky Easter Seals Society has ties, such as Jaycees, Kiwanis, or Operated two W90,a °f catnPS- One. both amassed fears that byclosms Mfi- small group approach would enable :_
been forced to suspend its operations other civic or health clubs. Through ",3”th the multiple-handicapses- Kysoci institutionalized handicapped Betty Kirlin, associate dean in the the handicapped to develop their f, .-
at Camp Kysoc, at General Butler this, Kelly said, the society hopes to 31°". “"5 "‘0" e merely handrcap- people w°“_ld bedemed the opportum- (3011888 01' SOClal Work, lOlhed Camp thinking and communication skills to 2 v
State Park near Carrollton. serve as many disabled persons as ped youths for a smgle 1° t° 17' day tyofexpenencrng the camp. KYSOC While the faCillty was Still in their fullest she explained. . -' ,
For over 20years the camp has pro- before. penal in late May or early June. “A lot of the guys-that go (to Kysoc) the planning stages. “The camp was one part of the total 4'- ‘ .
vided a recreational Outlet for the Guy Miller, executive director of _The 0th”: camp .entertalm less come from thStltUthh-Si those are the Through fundraising, construction program," Kirlin said. “Some -. ‘7 ,. ,
state’s handicapped children, and the society, said five weeks had disabled children With several ses- 09$ thatare really gomgtobehurt, and opening, Kirlin was involved with children can be mainstreamed and {.5
since 1965hasprovided class creditto already been firmly sub-leased for srons runmng over the course 0t the 53“? camper , J‘mh‘y Letteh‘ a the STOWthOt Camp KYSOC. serving as some need special care. Some 7'
physical therapy and special educa- the summer, and noted “a strong summer. Camp Greensbores busmessadmimstrationsophomore. directorofgroupprograms. children neededaspecialized facility. .5 ->
tion majors. possibilityofthreeother weeks.” prevrously served only the latter. but “There is absolutely no question In 1955' Kirlin said, Easter Seals Other children were ready for camp- ... ,
With its $100,000 state allotment Kelly said about 300 children used WIHPefOl’cedthsswne “mm“ that they (the children "0m _"" “recognized that the handicapped mg programs in nomhandicapped I; '. ‘,
severed in budget chopping ($10,000 the camps each year. He also noted sessmnsasaresultof thecutbacks. stl'tutlons) wrll be the hardest hit.” child’s development depended ona lot camps .. 7 .
was later restored), Easter Seals felt that once weekend and day-camps ”Obl’lth’hlyv,'_t5 gomg t° restrict 9‘? Sam Edens, a political science more than physical treatment and Since the days of Camp Kysoc’s in- ‘_ ._ "
it could no longer afford to operate are included, the figure rises to 3,000 59309, Fthahlhty {91' other (lesser JilinorandaKysoc camper. . formal education. fancy, she said much progress has _, , _
both of its camps for handicapped or 4,000. disability)_sessiom, said Dr- Donald That s a complete nusconception. “We raised money and planned for been made on behalf 0, me handicap 5 a -_
children, said Alan Kelly, director of Since Nov. 1, 1981, Kysoc has been “0555’ chairmanofthedepartmentof I don’t know why they would th‘hk about three years" Kirlin said. ”It ped. '5
camping and recreation programs. “serving agroupanaverageof every spew” ““98“” . that' Mm" “‘d' “We can serve all was "may th’ “13" ditterent CMC h I V '-
Camp Greenshoros, opened in 1975, weekend." Kelly said. Cross Stud. however, that sessions See CAMP. page 8 clubs and women’s clubs that money “In the last ten years tremendous 71' ,'
was raised." strides have been made in the publlc‘s : ~ _
5' 7 5 ' 5- 5.: . The state offered its help by awareness . . . Most recently, I think
. WW , _ , ' ’9 : fit it is” donating property, “The state said if it has been the handicapped _ ’ ' '.
‘ , t, i 5 f .- 5.3 you can find a piece of state park pro themselves who have nudged SOClEtY- ‘ ' , ‘ ‘ ‘
M 7- M“ .g ‘ ’ perty that’s not being used" then the “More and more handicapped ' " '1
m ‘7 7 > facility could be built at that site. A children are growing up with a . ., _~
_ ,. i ' ”’ * " r _: a _ 5} .' .. . _, . . location comprising 100 acres was positive self concept.”she said. _ ‘i. --
Q .. . 5; . 5, . 3*:“4‘? “5‘ .. .. . a~ :,_ chosen, lying at the edge of General But Kirlin said she is disturbed that .9 i “ . ,
" " - , a . w ugh a T ”a 0 - Butler State Park. Easter Seals can no longer afford to ,, .
‘ » -. a - - r .s' ‘ Approximately $300,000 was operate the camp. “Why in the last ‘ i." , ‘5
-' allocated by Easter Seals for site two years does that mean you haveto s , F
5*x development.Kirlin especially cited close Camp Kysoc when it existed 5" , j
. . . .. ,. - -. 7 . ., . two people influential in the develoo since 1960 without state support . . i 7 ‘ 5"
. a”: - , ,_ i , '. . t; ,}~";’M ... meht — the late Sidney Rosenbloom, The Spirit Of giving in the American t ‘
' H 1: i” " ., a Louisville businessman who per- public is just basic to our American '- f . 5
.. ~ . " "' - - - termed veoman duties in tund- way." sinners.
fight; ' 3 raising; and LB. Sharp, 8 national “This is but one symptom of a coun— l ‘ .' t :
_, . 3. 47..., .‘g _ ...." camp consultant who made the design try that needs to reeducate itself to " ' .
_. g .7 5 . ' ..., -- l .. my _ 7 plans. voluntary giving." E ,5 .
l”~ . gs ii" men iii 1 ~ a .. - ‘Tlmes gurde uses
,.’ {Ii-Jr": .-.:’::=...:"\‘-.4ag','-,“l“» ; ' .n » i » - . a \ '7‘ .21 . t_
l l , l U l l 1 . questionable methods .
» ~ "“5 7. “it" 3 ' t ‘5 . s. » ,5 5.3.3. ;“ % malts _. , ____.__.._______ - ' , ‘ ' . '1 ~: .
- .. , 5g t. ' ... as . ~ sum: GIBSON $1853.33?“ ”*5“ gm" "‘ "“ ,
t“ a. t . t . . l w No.1 ,. t « l t . .l t t ~§At 5 Semor Stat! Writer “We recommend to students in our i,
imp“ 5”,... 5 "it“ WW ..lm «it ~ ' , _._._._-__ _._____u bookto talk to shidents who attend the
..** gs 5» t g ‘t ' i : iii-:7? “ . Although declining to judge the ac- college, but we don‘t tell them to talk , .
Wt .5,._, , 7 g“ curacy and overall quality of The to just a few select (students;," 13
.3"; ' “ti": :2: . j; $1"? New York Times' Selective College Matheson said. “There is a place for
‘ egg,» . . . .‘ egg . ‘5 ,7. l 7: IGuide. 1382—:ij two (filer major col- this:i type of audefiwased ”8"”;3 ._ .5 --
Nags” . mt .ju a; 5, ,5 " .fjaa “ i - 5 ege gui e 'tors ve expressed stu ent opinions), ' it is represen f, ,
will; {filagétgk acting/Mt, «§t§?*~r§s g” @333“ t t ' ° 9 ' reservations about the methods used correctly, which can be hard to ac- .. .
‘ «..:é;§§:§g%éfi ‘P jfi,%?g~° ‘ ffgcgfizii :1 «1V {lhl 1 -_ . , . 7 ,. to compile the recently-released complish." J, .
' , . {Nthhgfig ~59,“ publication. Virginia Christensen, editor of Ban , :
' 5 aritthgzh 't ' " t' c The Tlmes'glhde causedastir 0t lh‘ Tod's Profiles Of America" COIleeest
... ‘ " . . gihh‘tfizghew WK; 3th s3 f‘ 5“” , ;‘ " ~’ r a, ,- ; dignation among UK faculty and ad- said her company also directs its " ,
‘st‘t/“t "ark ",e‘.’ " $- ‘t’t‘ , " £ ministrators in mid-January when uestionnaires to the admissions
ti"~tt,$ i “was Wis- .e; «l...» ”time? n q a, gt ”is ..___ s '_ ,3, . . q, . . .’ l ~ .:7
. - aha“ *1. e. isfigi‘ig v , 3e. to 3;. ..*7 .. W the uncomplimentary revxew of the directors at the colleges instead of to f, 5 , ,
. w "um“ Km .5 H Univertzijty’s 1academic life was studfints. ,. ,1 . .
° ' ' ° '° reprin ina oca newsmper. U ike The College Handbook, Bar- j - , , .
DOUbIe ViSIon In a copyright story on Jan. 28, the ron’s rates the “competitiveness" of f", ._ cf .5
A lone shopper at Turflond Mall makes his way toward an exit as his metry. The photograph was taken using a wide-angle lens pressed Kernel reported Peter Fitzgerald, colleges on the basis of the American ’ it if, L, 7
image is reflected by a large mirror creating perfect bilateral sym- next to the mirror. vice president for budget and plann- College Testing and Scholastic Ap .- :7, f ,
ing, had never dlstributed the 28 titude Test scores of incoming . , .
I surveys for students and ad- freshmen accepted. UK was placed in ‘ ”:5 in}, .. i.
eagan r e ['13 ur n renewa programs to states ministrators sent to him by the the competitive category, along with 5.3.5 ,3 '-
' guide’s chief author, the Times the majorityofcollegos listed. , ’ ’- . -
I Education Editor Edward B. Fiske. Christensen thought there was a i ;_- i. ,
could have Impact on redevelopment of slum areas “WW .... 5...... ...... .. - '7
General Counsel John Darsie said be distributed by the Times, but she add- i; 5 r",
sent Fiske a registered letter re- ed, “the publisher that undertook 9‘5. ‘.
—— made thefederal govemmenta part- range from Baltimore's Harbor ing up the costs or letting the pro questing he produce prOOf that any such a guide needs to use careful i‘ 5.7:": --_‘
By MARTIN CBUTSTNGER ner with cities in cleaning up slum Place, a tourist mecca of shops and grams die. UK Students 01' admimstrators had judgment." . "
AssociatedPross Writer areas. restaurants built on a crumbling Critics say Reagan is using this ap— been interviewed for research used to She said the method the Times used 5‘- .." . 1. f.
_____—_._____ A city would buy the land, clear it waterfront, to a granola bar factory proach to jettison urban programs he review UK. ' was workable. although she hesitated '_ j
Editor's note- the following is the and sell it for about one~third its cost in Alma, Ga, built with aid of a does not like. As evidence, they note Fiske, however, declinedtosay how to agree 25 random students would .' ,7,
third part in. a five-part series on to a business willing to move in and $200,000, low-interest federal loan. that the Reagan administration many, if any,students hadbeenlnter- give an anew-ate sampling to make 1).; t .5 .’
President R eagan .8 .. Ne to build a new apartment building, fac- Critics complain that tax funds are already has sharply scaled back the Viewed but said he planned to reply to such an oplmonated grading, . ~. ‘ ..., _
Federalism ., tory or shopping center. being used to subsidize private in- sewerage program and consrdered parsre 5 letter as soon as he received “As long as they state lt-IS based on 5 -,
‘ The difference between what the dustry in projects they would have asking Congress to eliminate urban it. only 25 people, it is OK, ,
WASHINGTON - In the 1008 “St 0f cities spent for the land and sold it for undertaken anyway. Supporters of renewal programs altogether. The introduction to the guide Christensen said. “If they were make ;'7"
federal acronyms, CD36 and UDAG was paid bytl'legovemment. the program contend that every Many city officials have criticized stated, “On each campus a set of 12- inga different claim it would be a dif- ' . ~‘ . " , .
d0 "0t ring bells With many people. __.“ dollar of federal support has at- Reagan for leaving cities at the mer- page questionnaires was distributed ferent story. Still,ourcompany would . .i ' 5‘
3t“ they are the successor programs anaIYSIs tracted $5 of private investment in cy of state legislatures that often are toa cross-section of students." not base a rating on such a sampling, 1 . . .
0‘8 federal commitment made “11949 M depressed areas, dominated by rural interests. Maureen Mathoson, editor 0f the in my opinion." ~ I i
to revitalize America’s cities - a The Urban Redevelopment PTO- Reagan cut the program back .. . . College Handbook, a separate Christensen saidthetwobookshave ._ . _' ~‘1
commitment President Reagan gram begat Open Space, Model sharply, and this year only $400 The president m effect ht,“ aban- publication on universities, said her a very different purpose, but again
wants to curtail sharply. Cities. Urban Beautification, Urban million is available. doned the cm” 0t Amenca' the M," company would not consider a survey said there was room for both types on j ' .
Under Reagan’s “New Renewal. In 1974, afterafour-year ef- The two urban development pro "0"“ Conference °t Democratic of only 25 students a “viable sampl- themarket.
Federalism" plan, two 0f the 43 fort, the Nixon administration suc- grams are not the only aid to cities Mayors saidmastatement. . . ing“ upon which to rate an entire James Alcom, director of the UK , " 5
federal programs slated to be turned ceeded in combining all the programs Reagan has targeted for elimination S°m° urban experts say ‘t '5 “nttke' university. Placement Center, said his reaction -
over to state control are Community into one - the Community Develop- over the next decade. Another is the 'Y “99°" CW“ be ‘0‘"‘0‘ ‘0 00mm” In her opinion. a sampling of “at to the Times' guide was that it “look- .
Development Block Grants and Ur- ment Block Grants. government’s biggest pollution con- urban renewal efforts because .°t leastabundred shldents oversperiod ed like something put together hasti- ' .'
banDevelopment Action Grants. No longer were big cities forced to trol effort, the commitment to im- strong local Oppos't‘t’" t0 ":3" m' ofyears" would have been necessary ly." ; ‘. ,
While those names are unfamiliar compete with each other for money. prove thousands of city sewerage ““55 “Med ‘0 Pay t” P” to accurately rate a college in the “Ithinkl‘ll take some ribbing about 5
tomost Arnericam,theimpactofthe (fities with populatiom over 50,000 systems to meet requirements of the grams. manner of the Times' guide. “We (the review of UK) from my col- V ' . ’
two programs is evident to nearly automatically received money each immean Water Act. “Cities willbeforced to sitback and wouldneedalargercross section." leagues and recruiters, but I don't _ ~ 5 .
"WW Wh° “V“ in a CitY- Ad‘ year according to a formula that In the past nine years, the federal watch neighborhoods fall to urban Matheson also said she thinks think itwill makeacompanydropUK
ministered by the Department of takes into account such things as government has committed about833 blight,"says RayStruykoftheUrhan guides presenting student Opinions for recnliting purposes because of " . - i
Hotlins Ind Urban Develovment. population. number of poor people billion to plan and construct 22.000 Institute. areuseful,buthercompany (The 001- that article,"hesaid, “Andldoubtif - , .
CD36 and UDAG funnel about $4 and ageofthehousing. sewerage projects. The federal In response, Reagan could point to lege Board) does not think a publica- any high school seniors even read it." ‘ '
billion annually tOCltJ'eB bigandsmall In 1902. the 640 largest cities will government pledgedtopay 75 percent his suite of the Union proposal for tion such as the Times' Selective The guide rated UK‘s academic j . ,
“1'“!le 0‘ develwmentmiects. receive about $2.4 billion. An addi- ottllecost. legislation to create “urban enter- Guide is a “valid educational quality among the bottom six out of 1
0"” the m' the grants have tion-1 ’1 billion Wt" be given cities Inlleteagan WWW prise zones" where the government method.” thezssinstitutions surveyed. '
M used to tear down slums, fix up under 50,0“) population WhtCh must to reduce that commitment to 55 per- would extend tax incentives — but not “We give information for students Alcorn said imtead of such guides, ‘ ‘
haw. install W- build W“ submit grant proposalatozetashare cent starting in late 1904 and restrict direct federal subsidies — to com. tomakethedeciaion aboutthecollege herecommends that student] on to . 5 -
”d WWW cutters, and provide ofthemoney. tletypmf projects thatqualify. panies willing to locate in depressed for diemelves," Mathesm said. “I graduates or students attending the » ~
sub-idle- to hum willlns to The Urban Development Action Under Reagan's New Federalism whammy don’tbelievestudents’commentsand college who slurc the same interest
locateindepreuedams. Grill“ with W” the WWW” plan. the sewerage construction PM Not all mayors were complaining, testscoresarea good way torank col- or pay a visit to the school to deter-
" hid M W “ Urban 0t Pro-idem Carter’s urban policy: mm. CDBG grants and UDAG either. James lnhofe of Tulsa. Okla, leges. They can be accurate or inac- mlncifitisrightfor them.
with“ Namath“ it!" limited Immtof filmy“!!! sunt- wouldbe-monuatederalpm vice chairman of the Republican curate." Larry lowlatradebooii mmgerat
atlas - but the same 800': bring enticement for private enterprise to grams tnmferrcdtostates and citiel mayors' caucus at the mayors' can The College Handbook sends out a Kennedy's Book Store, aid, “Nobody ~
mammaareubacktolife. Iocateindepnuedareu. begirlningin 1904. ference, praised Reagan's plan and sopage survey to the director of ad- really expected the book to do well, '
The mt hm m ln~ lnlt- fluttlneeyem, UDAGuIed Afedenl mist fund would help the reminded his colleagues that for missions for each institution. the even the publisher. until the article
valved in Ithn Will in the sabtmmlntedu-almoneytoatu-act Itatuaboorbthecosts but by remote many years, they have asked for publication given such informational was printed. Then people started .
Tnmn Wham 0"“ ‘11-5 billion from private mm tl't-tnndwouldrunwuelt’inllml morecontroloverlocal prograntund degrees available. costs, settim and comingin (tow-chase thebook) out
. M th' m Mt °t 19‘9- It Whit-Ill! 1.000 Inject. The projects govg'nmaits with the option 0‘ PiCK- themooeytooperate them. homim, but stays away from value - Soootnm, pages

DoloOJAonon 7
Editorial Editor e i
. I ..
Illl fiction g... “ti... 5"", m” Alon Crouch “fly “UM M. Mb: ”in a
(duo: .n (hi-0 on, “no, Horny l. 00le soon. (duo. Am Editor Graphic: Editor Photo Editor
Jonas Idwln Mauls .
‘ ‘ ersuaSIO" “"‘”'"" ““““"' ““"‘""' '°”"“""' "'"’”"“"'°" ””"°" '°“°“"" ‘
Managing Editor Copy who, Assistant Managing tone: 3 Assistant Sport, (duo, Ass-stunt Arts Editor layout Editor Chior Photographer
. . . _
' ' mnm 0 t e on '
.g , .
I 3 ' ' I ' I I
~ _ . Program relegating grant programs to states control has slim chance of being effective
x - President Reagan’s “new beginning“ might It is most important to note that the pro- 7 o
. ' be described more accurately as a slow en- grams in question are administered on the @@ @ @m @ @ @j @ [7
, . ; ,. ‘ ding. federal level for a very sound reason — to en- 0 O
' » " - In his State of the Union address last week, sure the equitable distribution of funds to each g (g) P
, Q ' .V \ Reagan detailed a plan for turning federally- state. FET revenues generated by wealthy Wfl (3:7 @0503000
‘ , administered programs over to the states, states are thus directed by the agencies of the . "I
. ,1 . . which he claims Will .end. the cumbersome central government to poor states w ere ey I‘t'1"lllllllllllmmumuunuiru .535
. . . admmlstratlon and Spiralmg COStS at the are most needed gggi gg-j.z:I;2§;g5g;2g:3;235332=2523:222 an::::m;3:zisssssssszsz§§§§§§§§§§§
, ;_ 2 federal lever while “insuring these programs ,
. . ,. .' are more responsive to both the people they Reagan splan, however, would appear tobe ’figewagéigzieeggig; j 9
,» " 1 . are meant to help and the people who pay for postulated “PO“ the smk or sw1m theory. I!" G ii” fl Vg?’ ,1 fl 35 , .55 iii
.-_ - , i, ' them.“ dustrialized states already possessmg solid - - Eg. .. -‘ .- ‘
., . 5 ~ revenue bases will probably benefit most from 5
. According to the plan, in 1984 the federal state control of excise taxes — the flow of Q 4
.1 g0vernment will begin applying the total pro- dollars though the marketplaces of these a
' ’ ceeds from certain unspecified Federal Ex- states, from which excise revenues derive, is . 7 r
,_ f ., cise Taxes to a trust fund that will belong to active. P "t a
.4 , the states in what Reagan called “fair "m- '35:;ff;;:---
~. 4‘ . shares.“ That leaves underdeveloped states and 5?ti mg ’ W
', . those experiencing a sharp decline in business .5 g
. \- . V , . . ‘ . .. 211112 ‘I:15233:i21:21:33II:C:ZZIII11:§Z.'II:IIZI
.- .- . easiest:atrial?tastiest: or dry. m +- --
, . r . - u c . g p depressed areas where social services are ; a I ‘t 3?; 55%: L -1
‘. . - grams. The trust fund Will then be phased out . . - . a 2: 2. , =2:
' ' 5 and the excise taxes will be turned over to the needed most, the Reagan plan WI“ fall to " ” ' ' é
, g . . . guarantee the necessary money to ensure .gfi3:;;§§331='=“i=”‘-=i&3:§
.. .. . states to do With as they Wlll —— raise, lower, . . :- _:__»_____._;___.__’_—:_—’___——:___- $5535-
. . . . . . . . their continuance. "vs.- —._—.=.-——-_—_—-—.:—_ . —.«___:..——__—_——___.-_ :5
, _ - maintain or ( impliCitly) abolish. The manage— gg-i‘ééa
' . gt merit of the grant programs will also be entire- 3%
'-, 1 g» . ,- 1y their responsibility. In short, the purpose of welfare, food >13. _=—'=—_———=cr:::_—-‘-_f—_;E;Tj—__' {mg—_E- ,T:
. i ,‘ _ stamps, Aid to Dependent Children and other :L;;E:i" $22291 Jégéécjt—fi’i
.5 Reagan said this system is intended to programs benefitting the economically I»‘z'llllUleii‘I’T—E_LE'§Egsgzrmllflu‘ 1""
, ' '. t . “strengthen the discretion and flexibility of deprived will be defeated. Some states will be "”‘fifi 7'5. “'5'"ifilllllflngiillmflli‘l‘lfg-f . *’
'. 2g -‘ state and local governments.“The chances of abandoned while others bask in the sun, and ' “2:“
I} ' " .' » this program operating according to plan, no effort will be made to redistribute the
. .1 . however, seem very slim when the full import wealth. It‘s a “nice” way of gutting the entire 000 w @5@ @ 5 @ W@ 0
.‘ , f of various factors overlooked in the State of spirit of the New Deal, and it has a name with
‘ g 4 ' . ‘ the Union address are weighed against it. a nice ring — “New Federalism.” ‘
‘1 B d 'scrimina tion Reagan ’s an ti black
  w' ' t t h I R A C I S M ol'cies are obvious
. " Ronald Reagan may have indicated has gone off and destroyedeverything What about Brigham Young “Iresent the implication that there record and the record of this ad- There was the Republican fund
;, " a truly fundamental 130k 0f appr 8013‘ in this field for WhiCh the party University? Until very recently, the is any bigotry in my nature. Don't ministration are clear on this point.“ raiser in Chicago which Mrs. Reagan
_.‘,: . I 'e' ' . tion for the political sensitivities of leaders have striven. Mormon church officially anyone every imply I lack integrityI Indeed they are and they are both greeted by saying how delighted she
~ g e Americans. He proposed ending the Mr. Reagan claimed that this area discriminated against blacks, claim- will not stand silent and let anyone bad. In his first 12 months in office was to see “all those beautiful white
.' ' ' ~ ban 0“ granting taxcxempt status [0 was one in which Congress should ing that they were the doscendents of imply that —~ in this or any other Ronald Reagan has compiled the faces” in the audience, Or the inci-
‘, ' I * SCh°°15 that discriminate 0“ the baSiS legislate non-discrimination; it Cain and therefore unfit for the group," Ronald Reagan shouted some worst record on race relations since dent at the Republican National Con-
- . 1/ . of raceMr. Reagan feels thatthe rule priesthood. Brigham Young never years ago toa meeting of the National ' vention when Benjamin Hooks, the
W - is lawmaking through administrative . lost its taxexempt status for that. Negro Republician Assembly. With I ’ NAACP’s executive director, was,
fiat and 15 therefore contrary ‘0 hi5 That was surely as much an ad- that the future president slammed a ' after considerable fuss and reluc-
_ _ _ i ‘ 2 has“? philOSOPh.V 0f government. ministrative decision as the Bob fist into the palm of a hand and walk- mm tance, given a chance to speak. Mrs.
. ' ‘ ‘- .‘ j It wasn‘t until he heard a cresendo pm Jones case was. Congress passing a edout of the hall. Von Hoffman R. sat in the box doing giggle and girl
_ 0f outrage that he informed the public Pico law specifically banning tax-exempt A few minutes previously, a ques- ‘ talk with Mrs. Senator Elizabeth
. ' of the “second“ part of his proposal. status for schools that discriminate tioner from the floor had asked Mr. Taylor Warner while the hopelessly
. ’1 -:.I_ g. that Congress legislate so that such should not be the responsibility of the will not relieve the executive of the Reagan, “How are Negro Republi- Woodrow Wilson, an out-and-out, no optimistic Hooks attempted to
.' I, schools do not receive taxcxempt Internal Revenue Service. This total- responsibility for deciding what is cians going to encourage other pretense bigot who fired black demonstrate to the ladies that many
,_ .. __ status. The president wasn't trying to ly ignores two very important facts. and is not discrimination. Negroes to vote for you after your clerical workers and re-segregated of America’s 30 million black people
.1 }_ Q , - give racism a break, the argument First, Congress has already The fact that the president fumbled statement that you would not have federal government offices after truly do have some special problems
,jg, ;. .i went, but merely trying to see that legislated such nondiscrimination. the ball on this issue is no excuse for voted for the civil rights bill?“ Theodore Roosevelt had integrated which need addressing.
:‘i proper procedures were followed. While there may be no specific law Congress to neglect its respon- With the tax exemption on Jim them.
. Racism, Mr. Reagan proclaimed, that says that taxexempt schools sibilities. Specific legislation should Crow private schools, we are seeing The pattern is clear. The record he As it was fair game to speculate
.j .' Z 3‘ was something that he found per- may not discriminate, the Supreme be passed banning racial discrimina- another example of the “I can do boasts of is one of opposition to school about Rosalyn Carter’s influence over
.- ..- -.-‘-.; sonally reprehensible. (‘ourt has ruled on numerous occas- tion in tax-exempt schools, and pass anything I want how dare you ques- integration, failure to support exten- hubby and, more importantly,
.3 The president‘s explaination sions that such discrimination is edquickly. But that in no way relieves tion my motives" approach. His nibs sion of the voting rights act, opposi- hUth'S official behavior, SO We are
i .' doesn‘t hold water. If he truly finds against the law. Mr. Reagan from the tremendous tells racially discriminatory schools tion to affirmative action and support allowed to wonder about Nancy
i “‘3 ' racism reprehensible, why didn‘t he The justices do not just pull mistake he has just made. Afew more they'll be gettinga subsidy from now of negative action in every area of life Reagan. It has been written and
'~ f ,- if 7 propose that Congress pass the platitudes out of thin air, but base like this one from that “master politi- on and then, after hearing the hor- where black people have a vital in- whispered over and over again that
legislation before the change in ad- their opinions on the constitution, cian“ and he'll be writing his rified coast-to-coastgasps announces, terest, be it public housing, govem- Nancy’s step-father, Dr. Loyal Davis,
'- i - ministrative rules? It is curious that. statute and precedent. If the Supreme memoirs after the 1934 elections. “I am unalterably opposed to racial merit employment or welfare. His ad- With whom the Reagan’s spent their
‘.i ., under a president that finds racism Court says that schools may not discrimination in any form." ministration’s program, as it has honeymoon, did much to shape his
3 . .' ' '~ ‘ . reprehensible, the Voting Rights Act discriminate, then that is the law: eX- Dana Pico is a graduate student in the Yea, well proveit, Mac. worked out in fact, consists of cutting son-in-law’s thinking about society.
.' (due ‘0 expire 500'“ is in peril 0f not ecutlve decisions that run contrary to Patterson School ofDi'plomacy. The same statement also says, “My welfare and jobs at the same time. .
., .‘- l,’ 5'.- _' being renewed such rulings do not negate the ex- Over 12 percent of adult non-whites bfiedethmBgr. the :ewspapet; ChPS
9-3.: 'f.'3:.-“:":'.5 One has to marvel at the lack of istance of the law, but simply ignore are out of work. a u tedl. £535,153}; one .5 ry '5
. 3-. political acumen among the president the exectuive responsibility to en- What are these people supposed to rePered' 5th W. h' verSion was
I‘ and his staff Surely out of all of his force the law. do? No jobs and no welfare; the P1212“ ml de [as ":13”: 2:; d
‘2, .j'j'; top advisers one of them should have Second. even if Congress passes the money for the public schools is being oca . 0c or v' .0 S u , un er
‘. . A. ,~_ , .. . . . . . , . Loyal DaVis recalls him as one of the
.' .‘y ...‘e'f; realized the political storm that this speCific law for which Mr. Reagan l STAND 0“ cut and the white only schools get a n t t . hat'
..’, M would cause. Indeed. Mr. Reagan asked, administrative agencies will W leAl- % tax subsidy. The next thing we know mgoim‘nmughded :sofingimrrrliiie- “11:8,
'2. .3, ~ 32",; himself, an assumedly top-notch have to decide just what constitutes I; WW Tip a if Mr. Nice Guy, the Great Com- na rv t‘l hell'o ,hfi, ng, at-
, a: 1' :, politician, should have known this. It discrimination, Certainly schools that WV)... '\ {Vt/a m \ municator, is going to be on the tube wfieh a we] . 1 ns, h everdmei
‘L-L r. wouldbestretching one'simagination refuse to admit someone simply . 7a 0m C l V telling us, “Look, you know my t dints e§a3‘3sl' w_ y b2]; 1c?
f f; .-,," J: r to claim that 20 percent of the because of his color are . "f t.‘ record.Youknowhowldespiseracial so: a 035 ab] ck 3:31:28 oulldm H:
" .-" -' ; .Vi' students in an introductory political discriminatory. But then we come in- 't . ,‘ ’ . discrimination in any form. It hurts c g .a . ‘. w ge
. , - , ,v . . . , . 1‘ -’ ' . , back at DaVis by convmcmg mothers
- .,-, suence class wouldnt have some to less welldefinedareas. : j "\l me to see it, so why dont the black toname their babi afterhim n
,‘l ." '3: .- :' idea of how politically volitile such a Bob Jones University (the school . ‘. to.) (*4 people go back to Africa where I’m as ‘
"... If. ‘,f “,‘5', proposal would be. over which this all started in the first p; , .\ sure they’ll be treated fair and Maybe it didn‘t rub off on Ronnie,
4". I: '. Mr. Reagan is not worried about the place) does not prohibit blacks from I \v‘ , _ “'7 square?” but as the sports writers say, the ball
”3 . . black vote. In the 1980 election, the enteringand does have at leastafew y , \ ‘,~. \ 471'; In ordinary circumstancesa prosi- is in his court; it‘s up to him to
- ‘ . _, black vote went to Jimmy Carter in a black graduates. What BJU does do is \ ./ (6’4; 1,, ~ ~ ,, '4 f \ dent, like anyone else, is entitled to a disprove it and not be another huffy-
g -; landslide, the only identifyable prohibit interracial dating, a belief