xt786688kw2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt786688kw2s/data/mets.xml Pickett, L. L. (Leander Lycurgus), 1859-1928, compiler Knapp, Martin Wells, 1853-1901, compiler 1897 scores (documents for music) M2117 .T4 1897 English Pickett Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Hymns, English Revival hymns Tears and Triumphs: No. 2 ; for Sunday Schools, Prayer and Praise Meetings, Young People's Meetings and Revivals (Pentecostal, Loyal, Evangelical), 1897 text [201 hymns], 21 cm. Call Number: M2117 .T4 1897 Tears and Triumphs: No. 2 ; for Sunday Schools, Prayer and Praise Meetings, Young People's Meetings and Revivals (Pentecostal, Loyal, Evangelical), 1897 1897 1897 2022 true xt786688kw2s section xt786688kw2s . 555qu duykwww . .\ iii. s H um i ll tn mum , 4%.“ i 4 .@ NEVER ALONE. ‘\ k K En nghsI‘i‘N Arr. for this “01k 11 h 1 l 1 A h .__1__ a V I A #HFEI—tgfi—“f%igii I :23 ii? 212%? “110 2 I :1 Z} .3 =1 -' l V V .1 "'3—"; I 1. I’ve seen thelightning flash - ing, And heaid the thunder roll— {I’ve l1ea1d the voice of Je - sus, Telling me still to fight on, ‘ Cf} 2 l The weild’s fierce winds ale blowing Temp— —ta- -tions sharp and keen— 7‘ He stands to shield me from danger,When earth- l-y friends are gone, _ 3 J \Vhen 1n af— flict - ion s val - ley I’m treading the road of care, ~, I My feet en- tangl- -ed with bri - ars Ready to cast me down, If 4 [He died for me on the mountain—For me they pierced His side— fl: lFor me He’s waitmg 111 glo - ry, Seated up on His thrfme’ ' " —e —o— -o» —o~ —o— : ‘VVJ _. ~_.._S<.Vegmew.~.v—~_——..:: .< He promised nev-er to leave 111e, [Omit . . % W2: IFEnE—B—e 4—1:_t:-Ez:p__ I ‘F 14' 1V1 :1 V J 7 —/ g v 1 l {' r1 1 l a +-_ L l 1 ‘ . v ‘ :.—..—J’l_i : II: I , at, 4.11—1.1— -~— we; +1 i“ V - —9: 0A. » _ ‘7' #51 U v _ 3’22}? I I’ve felt sin’ s breakers dash- -1ng—— T1 ying t)to conquer my soul* I {1 3 He promised nev-er to leave me, — [Omit . . . . . . 1 .! I feel a peace in knowing— My Saviour stands be - tween. { He promised nev er to leave me, [Omit . . . . . ‘ i My Sav- -1our helps me to cm - 1y My cross when heavy to bear, a; l My Sav- -1our whispers His pIo1nise:[Omit.. . . . .. . . 3‘ For me He opened that fountain, The Crimson, 'cleans-ing tlde, ' v Copyright, 1897, by 11. L1 Pickett, I 1 l} lone, He promised never to leave me— Nev—er to leave me a-lonAe. o o V ,., IL}!— 9—: . 7 ‘ A ”mats ‘ l 11 \ 1 _1\;:s_: '3’. —«— 3—5:;~—«_—— — #2::1 ——~~~§1¢ '-1 .1. er .; ~ 3 —i—' :.:;+¥L : Rafi] 1 .1 ' 1 F ' fi;‘ ‘3’ —'—' 'fi‘ i::_1_ _l L:_;.1_§;.'_L:_. _o___-_L_o_-.Q’:1::d; V V V . " V v1.3 Nev-er to leave me a - lone. [1‘5 Nev-er to leave me a - lone. No, never a - lone,— No nev-er a— 1;: “I never will leave thee a-lone.” * 115 Nev—er to leave me a - lone. «o- 1!- -.w—.— -o-. 9—1 -o- 9 —o. .1» jfijfifii 1L "1 111;: F—“Ef— :3_ 3:3: I -—¢—2-—d—dfi--tb_._.;l1ggg 3—3— Egg: Fifi 1:;,::'7_:7: r V ‘ / .../ W mf _ if m. M £5, /9 4/ WWW, £014,092- w / f; ‘H sa. C“ 7’3 33.“: .‘ .3 a5 RIUMPHS AND. 2. «’13-»: pull!" / .%fi§a‘?flv§u \ 5 kc‘a,.~*:»_;.}.~ « , v, i... . 1,, .. 59 .19. 19. PICKETT and M. w. Knapp. .. ,4.“ 1%.; w. fun”, 4:. , J ,3: _ I '5? ,:. 7‘ «1‘» 5 M mix gawksxémfigvfiéfifivifi : A . —--0}}0§©@©§.{0-— THE PICKETT PUBLISHING COMPANY, ‘: LOUISVILLE, KY. "". :, ~ 2; mm»; A .mrv'. “» < “*7“ «$231.: i.‘ SALUTATION. 3. ' SINGERS OF ISRAEL, GREETING: l .1 We thank you for the cordiality with which you received and sung " Tears and Triumphs” No.1, and praise God for the waves of salvation which have vibrated from it. In response to your earnest solicitation and our prayerful con— viction, we hereby submit to you “Tears and Triumphs” No. 2. We believe it contains all the merits which made No. I so universally popular and so speedily pushed its circulation up to 100,000 copies, and carried it to every State in the Union and to countries beyond. We have added a number of valuable improvements which we believe will add to its efiectiveness. Among those are: Many new songs; department arrangement; the office and work of the Holy Spirit in salvation magnified; and plain, clear type. \Ve feel that equally with the first book God prompts us to issue this one, and record with gratitude His guidance in writing and selecting both songs and music, and especially His approving manifestations of Himself during the work of preparation. We have felt called of God to this ministry of song, and we praise Him for using our first efforts so marvelously 111 the salvation and edification of souls; and anticipate greater effectiveness for the present book. Our chief aim has been the glory of God, and we trust that the 1+.» ‘ . 1’23“?” “9.141%". "2-. n ., M‘ dw.“ ”ya—.‘_-- . . . . A , 4' 40'" , ”v.7. Hu— .. mar “2...me w~,.r_.3.,‘ 2.. songs will be sung in the same spirit. ,3 The following hints may prove helpful to many who use it : £33 Sing in the Spirit. Possession of a salvation experience is essen- :3 tial to acceptable and Scriptural singing. Sing with expression. Judgment, and other solemn songs, should " be sung earnestly yet slowly. Songs of jubilation and victory should be sung with vigor. ' - Adapt songs to occasion. Avoid errors like that of the person who opened a beautiful Sabbath morning service with : “ The day is past and gone, the evening shades appear.” . , May these songs be so sung that by God’s grace they may win many to righteousness and holiness, and may we all be among the glad throng who “return to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads.” L. L. PICKETT, Wilmore, Ky. M. \V. KNAPP, Cincinnati, 0. ARMSTRONG dz FILLMORE MUSIC TYPOGRAPHERS AND PRESS CINCXNNATI. O. iflraise. No. I. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY. :01’l~ 'y i5 "' Exalt ye the Lord our God, for he is holy.':——P:.Izlm 99 , I). .1 .‘ REGINALD HEBER. Tune. NICEA. 11, 12, 10. i —%+_ a I__ 15:32:“; r+ .Ij sj i1 SO — H—rLiEam—a— _ ,, —j g— ' 5—7—4: ' T 1i:.,_._“:::*: '12:: ff.:_£t_:é2izpjjfli P to 11+ {I J" 7'; I I to 1. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - l , Lord God Al-might- ! Ear-l in the . y . y . y 2. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho — ly! allthesaints adore Thee,Cast1ng down their 3. Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly, Lord, God Al—might- y! All Thy works shall new 3 ‘ gfi #24 I if: 0‘ [fifp 57 g I“ d 1 I. 4. 3 3'3— L’ (1 1r L; I: Lg a! *F: [01y . 3—fiifiifi+p—~r—~+ :I: a I Ir ' I : _ 'A ‘ _, _J . . 3. to i gfig‘lEt 4r? 4 3i ' i’; L I I [L9] —p§i———1 ting 5.1a :r d 9 r; 9; 4% __E:t:::‘:l:—_:—‘—fl in 1:: '1 J I ' . 7’ w i. EI I"? 7 g 3".“ morn-ing our song shall rise to Thee; Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly, p 5:13 golden crowns around the glass—y sea; Cher-u-bim and seraphim l we - praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea; Ho-ly, ho- 1y, ho - 1y, m f L r‘l rl I" ‘ a; FT _ __ 4.. P “A ' Q 6" _~___..._.____ ._!_.V l “‘m f?“ azfigiafiii’fgfir—fiFe—Ij—Ifiifi—i::*"3“ the ‘ *“ — div. ‘I r L . i L9 Ii . F“. +P*AF“4 ‘II F f‘ r I I _ 4‘4 1 _. . J 4 m "he gigs—iris: 1:: » I”: Ia~—:—I;:—+—::—: _: 4.; —— fi—dia“;fll5 _ 1L; gm l ¢“g::,_ g: d r 5! _.- i'rfi ' I ~ 3} mer-ci-iul and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trin-i - ty! 35611- ‘ falling down before TheeJVhich wert, and art,and evermore shalt be. mer-ci-ful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trin-i - ty! . . l"\ . 7,; I -.O~ l ould 93’ T'Ld“;$I——- ‘0 Iii/j? hflfi .9 I.‘ .3 . i m . ., “1141' ; rlg fan I '____ __ :‘r‘:i' .tory 5’. 44%” LL? i'r ‘rfiLra E: in g E:E*'i—V$§—“ I U r I I I I - EI'SOII ‘ day No. 2. WE PRAISE THE, 0 GOD! “ Give praises to God."—Psalm 47 : 6. 1 \Ve praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love, Win For Jesus who died and is now gone above. ' CH0RUS.—Hallelujah! Thine the glory; hallelujah! amen! “I Hallelujah! Thine the glory; revive us again. ' JOy . ; . 2 We praise Thee, O God! for Thy Spirit of light, _ Who has shown us our Saviour, and scattered our night. ; the yr .. :3 3 All glory and praise to the Lamb that was slain, 5% Who has borne all our sins, and has cleansed every stain. 4 All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us, and sought us, and guided our ways. 5 Revive us again ; fill each heart with Thy love; May each soul be rekindled with fire from above. ‘C‘f~¥“ J.“ No. 3. ‘ HALLELUJAH! "Amen; Alleluiah!”—Bev. l9 : 4. Melody furnished by the Salvation Army. . A H. by CHARLIE D. TILLIAN. G. D. '1'. l . K i A—A—A—«k— Efififinfiw sigh _ 32% 1. I now have the Spirit that setteth me free, Hal - 1e - lu - jah ! 2. No longer I’m doubting His power to save, 3. So glad I can trust Him I cannot but shou , 4. My Saviour is with me each day in the year, Hal-1e, hal—le-lu - Jah! .. .._~———~§MW»Ln—A guy-.m—r ‘ My Saviour’sown presence abideth with me, Hal 1e - lu - jah ! The pleasures of earth I no longer now crave, The in-bred corruption is all taken out, A constant companion, I’ve nothing to fear, Hal—1e, hal-1e -1u - jah ! I v - -o— l‘ _:_ " _ :g‘i . :— 44“ :7“ uuuuuu'u CHORUS no- i/ Oh, hal-le-lu-jah! hal-le-lu-jah! I amglad to _'_ id _._ . Oh, hal - le -1u - jah! hal - 1e -lu-jah ! With my soul ’tis well. *J Copyright, 1894, by Charlie D. Tillman. By per. 1: J- ‘~ )1 ikéw'?‘ réms e 1 O No. 4. BLESSED BE THE NAME. “ Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore."—Ps. 113: 2. Rev. L. L. PICKETT. r——'r— Fen-r, _ In Bethlehem 3 child was bor _ l 1 PT— ‘2 v n, Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, ,} F or 11s His life from earth was torn, Blessed be the (011121.) The angel told before His birth, Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, That He was Christ, the Lord of earth, Blessed be the (Omit . ) , 11... l cuonus name of the Lord. -._ . _,__.. Pless- ed be the name of _'_' —._' +-— . . Copyright. 1897, by L. L. Pickett. 3 He called Himself the Son of man, Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, Of conquering hosts He leads the van, Blessed be the name of the Lord. 4 He shall be great, the angels said, Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, The crowns of earth are for His head, Blessed be the name of the Lord 5 “The Prince of peace,” “The Son of God, ” Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, Yet for our souls He bme the rod, Blessed be the name of the Lord. 6 “Messiah” and “Immanuel,” Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, His glory who can full tell, Blessed be the name 0 the Lord. Bless - e( be the name, blessed be the name, R . g; the , . . . of the Lord. _'_ . -F..- . 7 Jesus the holy Counselor, Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, Our Leade1 in the holy war, Blessed be the name of the L01d. 8 “The Everlasting Father,” He, Blessed be Hisname, blessed be His name, The mighty God shall ever be, Blessed be the name of the Lord. 9 He rose triumphant from the grave, Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, His people evermore to save, , Blessed be the name of the Lord. 10 He soon will come from heaven again, Blessed be His name, blessed be His name, And over all the earth shall reign, Blessed be the name of the Lord. No. 5. WONDROUSLY REDEEMED. _ “ That he might redeem us from all iniquity."—- Titus 2 : 14. E kt H. 4th verse by L. L P. Rev. ELISHA A. HOFFMAN. 71:23:- 6??? T3311}? —__::_‘.__ ————— ——a—7?|:~—l—d————H—~—A—] 1.1 have precious news to tell, hal-1e - lu - jah!Christ has 2. It was Christ’s redemption- -blood, hal - 1e - lu - jah. ' That re— 3. I have found a precious friend, hal - 1e - 111 - jah! On whose 4. Ihcanh trust Him ev - ’ry- where, hal - 1e - lu - jah! Roll on 0' -' 33:: #:‘fli. ggfa—v -—F3§-——§—v—fi—§ :pzfi ‘r v V [ b m y\ R 11 . .3 . , .. _ fiii—‘S‘iifii? 3 2—3—33: 3%;313 L . L I ' d y d a a come with me to dwell hal- le- lu-jalh! By His grace and pow’ r divine, He has stored my soul to God, hal- le- lu-jah! He the cleansing stream applied, Flowing help I can ,,,depend hal- le— l11— jah! Since He took my sins away, He has Him my ev’ ry care, hal— le- lu- -jah! He will keep me as I go, All my . 1 ._ ._ afie-J—— P—e——Pb~ll::E ’w :Lv “‘1? —ti' ._,(_ D. S. —j01'c- mgmght and day, As I \ *Fj *3/93"; tie” #:3212533 changed this heart of mine, And He whispers,“I am thine,” hal— le- 111 -l jah! from His wounded side; I am saved and sanc ti - fled, hal- le- 111 - jah! taught me how to pray, And to do His w111each day hal— le- lu - jah! pil- grim— age be- -low, For His grace doth o- ver-flow, hal- le- lu - jah! _-p—~¢-p—rp——p» fif—Qfii!~s~P—— .m 1 _ g h big 1 J J J V‘ J {V IV] V, U r walk the 11117-74010 way, For He washed my sins a- way, hal- 16 - lu- jah! cuouus K 4’ _ \ N 3‘ L L o ' ‘ L o ' I; 9 a ofi . ‘ G ’ V v ’ U U '14 r Hal -1e - lu - - jah! I’m redeemed! Oh, so Hal- 1e - lu- jah' I’m redeemed oh, hal- le- lu-jah! I’m redeemed'Oh so .9; tag-e: figs—wace—Lazqejfi gates; i! ” .1 .7 V VAVW won - - - drous-ly re- -deem ! I’m re- wondrously redeemed, yes, oh, so wondrously redeemed! h Used by per. of Henry Date, owner of Copyright. «4. 1" -"T;:,.-.;.yu"~1:~§é.flj~2......‘ , .:_7 " " ' 3 , " ,,, . m‘m‘fl{w " ‘ No. 6. GLORY BE TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”—Luke 2 : 14. Rev, L. L. PICKETT. saws-«- I; ~;_;:;+_ — —~,-—- ‘1 love my Saviour,He’s my Lord,Glory be to God in the highest ; love His Spir—itand His Word, Glory be to God in the highest ; love His church so bright and fair, Glory be to God in the highest ; love His people ev’rywhere, Glory be to God in the highest; _(_ '1 are i it r-I 9/ Glory be to God in the high-est, Glo—ry be to God in the highest, Peace on earth, good-will to men, Glo-ry be to God ‘O‘ “O- _+_. _ Copyright, 1896, by L. L, Pickett. 3 I love His holy Sabbath day, Glory be to God in the highest ; It helps me learn the living way, Glory be to God in the highest. 4 I love the hour of prayer and praise, Glory be to God in the highest ; And all His peaceful, holy ways, Glory be to God in the highest. 5 I love His work, I love His rest, Glory be to God in the highest ; And in His service I am blest, Glory be to God in the highest. _._ »t___ 'u V ‘v I in the highest. 6 I love the cause of holiness, Glory be to God in the highest; This living truth He’ll always bless, Glory be to God in the highest. 7 I love the hallelujah song, Glory be to God in the highest; I’ll sing it loud, I’ll sing it long, Glory be to God in the highest. 8 I love to think of heaven above, Glory be to God in the highest; That holy land of purest love, Glory be to God in the highest. :i;.. GLORY TO JESUS. A. F M An. “To Hit- be glory and dominion forever. '—Rev 1: 6. A. F. MYERS. By per. _._~.~___ -3:_ _A_w_____ $?$2> «~2— $$ a :7?— —i 2— _ rhi— ¥ U . U 1. If you want pardon, 1f you want peace, If you want sorrow and 2. Living beneath the shade of the cross, Counting the jewels of 3. If you want boldness, take part in the fight, If you want purity, 4. If you want Jesus to reign in your soul, Plunge 111 the fountain and «tre« J‘J‘.1‘“~"1" i: 2,2223 412 '."§E'l ,e #—o 1 m 2. 22—2. v.2;— 2— 2 2."— g ”2—2—2, *2: i ' V .1 v u 3/ 17 v I v I v V :7 n 1 t . __p, .N _ _ ____ gig“? §:}§£§4§§i§: :. 2?: "H. “1:333 __._ ii'77— . #1. i', r 7:77:77 f7_ I __. sighing to cease, Look to the Saviour kizvho died on the tree, Jesus can earth all as dross, Gleansed 1n the blood flowing f1 ee from His side, Jesus can walk 1n the light, If you want liberty, shout and be free, Je— sus can you shall be whole, Wash 111 the blood that 1s flowing for thee, Jesus can ' ,Lon. 5.17,!" punt-.1 1 a '9’! . J ‘ I _\_ cl 4.. E'fiifli it? \_ CE C TI -E \ rl-F'l- wusi save you, for He saved me. save you, fox you He died. Glo- ry to Je sus, He sat— is— fies me, cleanse you, for He cleansed me. cleanse you, for He cleansed me. . - _ .p- ,1 .1 .1- ' o—Q—~'—- -— ‘ Qt—b «fit—11 2: r-_n—.——,-— —H2—H f I' 7 :19. Ebngxfi +1i‘Ef—ti‘jfg2afii? '3 7 —7*[ u e a; v v 1‘ u a \ Glo - ry to Je—sus, I’m free, I am free, Glo - to Jesus, ’11 shout it, I will, Glo~ry to Je-sus, I 0 fl 0 cannot keep still. OUR JOYFUL SONG. per, B. S, TAYLOR. “My mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips."—Ps. 63: 5. I L. PICKETT. 1 ‘ nNot too slow I i 1' fil *— I._.%_. _ 5——A vu..:1¢r _-;:;,tgi fit- 5'11 é 94} idI—g: 1—1:;533553 g .1 " ' EEE—‘ir -- ' '9' 9' - Laid—451w,— ,W 21nd " 55 1. Long in sin I wandered, \Vearv, heart- sick, lone, 1 ’ 9t :3 {And3 its heavy burden Pressed me (Omit . . .) sad-1y down in y, d 5": '11? Then by faith I touched Him, Reached the cleansing blood, ,1 man if iRest— ed all my sor- row In the (Omit . . .) will of God; __.. , Pardon, sweet and peaceful, Jesus made me whole, )1 :3. 3{Then the Ho- ly Spir - it Sanc- ti— (Omit . . fled my soul; 21;: 4 Now I’ In walking gladly In the King’s highway} ‘ {Eat - ing milk and honey, 01d corn (Omit . . ev-’ ry day; = —~o—- ——~—P- E4— -_ . lz—gf’r “—r‘i iqu :fi _-,._-1__ :7.._:j _ ‘ :iITL‘fHfip: ‘—t ‘fimt—HV— J 1 1. _J_ 53:33:113i1—1113—a—Hfiz—id—f :#§3 ”Tfio—d—L: a‘ Lo'_a_.._1_ g5._._._ .3. But the blessed Saviour Sent conviction; sore, By the Holy Spir- -it, Precious testi- mony, In the Holy Ghost, Life and light and glo- ry, Oh, the wondrous cleansing By the precious blood, Filled my soul with gladness, Come. and ‘buy, ye hungry, Wine upon the lees, And the rich pomegranates - p P' . - ———-o-1—|o;o-——~' 1 r .: I — . v 7" EE Jam Ls CHORUS. Triumphant‘ly? K _o A - .4. e__ E j EEEEilntizi-E To me o’er and o’ er. Ransomod from the lost. Glory be to Jesus, Sing ye blood washed host! Glo- ry be to God. Hanging on the trees. bur/fig - A Of the cleansing fountain, And the Holy Ghost! Glory be to Je—sus: I A ‘0 :1:_ fi..—_ 7‘? _ ill. Shout, ye ransomed throng, Full and free salvation, your joyful song. I“ 1 - A , Hi I 1 Copyright, 1897, by L L. Pickett. No. 9. HOLY IS HE. “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts."—Iss. 6 : 3. L. L PICKETT. V -i. C— —d— Hi: .:- .J- 1. Oh, worship the Lord in the beau-ty of 110 - li- ness, 2. Come en - ter His courts with the ten - der- est tread just now, 3. His love is so great, and His mer-cy is rich audfree, L. L. P. n L L ft: "4"“:fis—4‘ :‘Qgg 3“ N ::N'— * git 2::3‘31j—g—_:Lfi fl“; *4:— g z / _., ' '— »o» 1.- "a —O- 70- ' »o- it ~o- ' -r 30- —._ —*P———.‘F Jfi if i . r 'r— . If E):- fifllp- 1? F .. s f “—“ . “—Ik—lfi—Zl psi-+7 -—:v—s—--~rx~ie-JE— 7—7-"17 —x ”a ~14 n ’1‘ T _- ___‘__ .1 ". "__§_§§ e is: -~£gr~~ -s—a—g iv: fairw— _ ll Ho - 1y is He, ho - 1y is He; Confess all His glo - ry, pro- Ho - ly is He, ho - ly is He ,With an- gels in glo - ry, come H0 - ly is He, ho - .ly is He; He’ s call— mg the lost ones, His 1-” p— '94..” 1" P P .. 7' '* * ' e; . F ! V . _ j s e - stirs-dis —— ~+——7—ra V 7 V l ' D 1 “ V9“ _p‘_;‘_.._u§fi_,t f ____ Es- E%"—:—ii:fi:az—s E332 ”Egg-x: ' d7 7.. . ,o, , claim. all His righteousness, Ho - ly is He, 110 -1y is He. humble thy self and bow, Ho- 1y is He, ho-ly is He. Spir- lt‘ now call- eth thee, Ho- 1y is He, ho- ly is He. , ~ ' lo E ,., ' i: ,._ '[OJ p . , ,-,. ,1 ' 5 g iii—this? j-fi 9 45,—. E 7.7 Ho-ly is He, ho-ly is He, Setting His people from ev-’ry sin free; . . J , C ' Ho-ly Is He, ho- ly is He, Tender and (mu 1011s He loves even me Copyright, 1397, by L. L. Pickett. No.10. GLORY, GLORY, JESUS SAVES ME. " Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing."———Rev. 5 : l4. [CRET'L DORA BOOLE. E. T. RINEHART. By per. “— — —4~~—j-;‘:Fé‘—__:1:i::o: a———-+——q——¥IE fi—‘A [—7 .j a‘ 0" a i a _:‘_—_3 3: 1. Precious Saviour, Thou hast saved me; Thine and only Thine I am; 2. Long my yearning heart was try-ing To en - joy this per-feet rest; 3. Trusting, trusting ev ~’ry moment; Feeling now the blood applied; 4. Con- se - crat-ed to Thy service, I will live and die to Thee: 5. Yes, I W111 stand up for Je- -;sus He has sweetly saved my soul, 6. G10 - ry to the blood that bought me, Glo- -ry to its cleansing pow’r! at a, flasher-”$253 :{Eea 1 ' f' 1., "“ ll.__iij i i LJL t 1I “312E . +fld—j‘ g—_:~—t +— %“%§Et;f:] J a: id_:f:, U Oh, the cleansingblood has reached me, Glo- r-y, glo- ry to the Lamb! But I gave all try- ing 0- ver: Simply trusting, I am blest. Ly- mg at the cleansing fountain ,Dwelling in my Saviour’ s side. I will wit— —ness to Thy glo- ry Of 5211- va- -tion full and free. Cleansed me from inbred cor- rup- -tion, Sanc- ti - fled and made me whole. Glo- ry to the blood thatkeepsme, G10- r-y, glo— ry, ev- er — more. __ .‘fi' 4L“‘:_ __ ";____ _, - __ ~___ , cg: Lp—i- _F J. - - [a E» - u f? $23$ 315—153 Big—:E—lg— —1 CHORUS. Glo-ry, glo- ry, Je-sus saves me, Glo - ry, glo - ry to the Lamb! h 'u Oh, the cleansing blood has reached me, Glo-ry, glo - ry to the Lamb! ._ '1: V. ,1“ ‘4 ‘31. '- < V figfiti‘ane'mm‘: 1 Adair-.- ,» Q ”251.“; ~ M “ A; £454: “1 a?" No. II. THERE IS JOY IN HEAVEN. ” There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."——Luke X5: 10. Mrs. LOULA K. ROGERS R M. McINTOSH. By per. ’0# .N J . at L - - _-. It Has E55354: _—.._-.p Li?" ~j#.fgj_ 3:5: #7 V / 1. There is joy in heav’n to- -day, There“? is joy to-day, O’er the 2. When a soul has gone a-stray From the nar-row way, And there 3. Sin - ner, bow with grat - i-tude, And with heart subdued, Plead His, 110—310—19— : 9—glb—E—Z—ig- Ph‘l’fl’ %;—E E:: ' V V V 1/ : 7'23 .4”th éflfis: #32?” 5:35;? i; l lamb that is found again; Far away from pastures green, Wand’ring all alone seemeth no joy nor rest, Jesus still is ever near, Hearing night and day mercy and pardon free! He will see the falling tear, Hear the fervent p1 ay r, _ ,9; r r . - «g +1 1. 1 1 On the des - 0- late, barren plain. All the c1ies of the sin— oppressed. Glory to the Lord of hosts, Shout the And will tenderly welcome thee. Aflfilfill _ ing—E- §::s§_;_’ 'ZT‘ b——f—w—E«—§§j / morning stars on high, Praise Him ever, ye angels of light! e has #— 41' . . > I heard the distant cry Of thellamb to-day, And He hears it rejoicing home. No. 12. GLORY! GLORY! GLORY! Mr W. K. "Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name.”—-Ps. 20; 2. 1 All my sins are washed a - way, G10-ry, glo — ry, ' {Je - sus keeps me all the day, Glo- ry, glo - ry, 2 All my needs He doth sup - ply, G10 - ry, glo - ry, ' {Hears my feeblest, faintest cry, G10 - ry, glo - ry, 3 When the Saviour shall ap - pear, G10 - ry, glo - ry, ' {I will greet Him without fear, G10 - ry, glo - ry, / - _ _ A 7 7‘ ' l gggfi‘gfl” ‘fi" fi:‘§:§:fi: 1‘3" ._.————————————— —~—————————————— o-——[- D. 0. He doth save and sane -ti - fy, Glo - ry, glo -. ry, lll alone w 1" D. C. Je - sus givesthe vic - to - ry, Glo- ry, glo - ry, and day ' D. 0. Saints your loudest anthems raise, Glo — ry, glo - ry, ltpray’r, D. x. __ 2.. ,__. . _, -.—— - ::._ 6; G10 - ry be to God on high, Ech - 0 out the sto - ry! \Vhen the dev - il tempteth me, G10 - ry, glo - ry, glo - ry! An - gels help me sing His praise, G10 - ry, glo- ry, glo - ry! sgfléisséi “a gag Copyright, 1897, by L. L. Pickett. No. 13. NOW I FEEL THE SACRED FIRE. 1 Now I feel the sacred fire, Now I know it’s full and free, Kindlin , flaming, glowing, 011! the wondrous story! Higher sti l and rising higher, For it now is saving me, All my soul o’erflowing; Glory! glory! glory! Life immortal I receive,—— . Oh, the wondrous story! 4 Glory be to Goa 0‘“ hlgh’ I was dead, but now I live, Glory be to Jtesus. . . Glory! glory! glory! He hath ln'Ollg t salvatlon Illgh, ‘ From all sm He frees us; 2 Now I am from bondage freed, Let the golden harps of God Every bond is riven; Ring the wondrous story; Jesus makes me free indeed, Let the pilgrim shout aloud, Just as free as heaven; , Glory! glory ! glory! ’Tis a glorious liberty— 5 I t th t f . b'l Oh, the wondrous story! e e “imp 0 J“ I ee, I was bound, but now I’m free, The glad tldings'thunder; G1 ory! glory! glory! Jesus sets the captives free, Bursts their bonds asunder: 3 Let the testimony roll, Fetters break and dungeons fall, Roll through every nation ; Oh, the wondrous story! Witnessing from soul to soul, This salvation’s free to all, This immense salvation; Glory! glory! glory! Ar. ,...~v———-—--nr19<\ ._ ”I “at? a ., ,_-W.—Wz.w——..u-.w:. . V“ < w a i i >) i: :1. i ‘)i . ‘2 a .,: .1 l is wizfjggggg f_.;‘v:. .11 ' . unauumggfnm . 335115 14. ALL HAIL. 1 All hail the power of Jesus’ name, Let angels rostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Sinners, whose love can ne’er forget The wormwood and the gall: Go, spread your tro hies at His feet, And crown Him ord of all. 3 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. 4 Oh, that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall! \Ve’ll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. Edward Perronet. Alt. 15. THE LILY. KEY 0F F. 1 I’ve found a friend in Jesus,—He’s everything to me; He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul! The “Lily of the Valley,” in Him alone I see, All I need to cleanse and make me fully whole. In sorrow He’s my comfort, in trouble He’s my stay; He tells me every care on Him to roll; He’s the “ Lily of the Valley,” the bright and morning Star; He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul! 2 He all my grief has taken, and all my sorrows borne; In temptation He’s my strong and mighty tower; I’ve all for Him forsaken, I’ve {all my idols torn From my heart, and now He keeps me by His power. Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempts me sore, Through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal; He’s the “ Lily of the Valley,” the bright and morning Star; He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul! 3 He’ll never, never leave me, nor yet forsake me here, \Vhile I live by faith, and do His blessed will; A wall of fire about me, I’ve nothing militia. With His manna He my hungry . soul shall fill. When crowned at last in glory, I’ll see His blessed face, Where rivers of delight shall ever roll, He’s the “Lily of the Valley,” the bright and morning Star; He’s the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. 0'. W. Fry. 16. A SHELTER. KEY or r. 1 The Lord’s our Rock, in Him we hide, A shelter in the time of storm ; Secure whatever ill betide, A shelter in the time of storm. CHORUS. Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a wear land, A weary land, a weary Ian , Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, A shelter in the time of storm. 2 A shade by day, defense by night, A shelter in the time of storm; No fears alarm, no foes affright, A shelter in the time of storm. 3 The raging storms may round‘us beat, A shelter in the time of storm; We’ll never leave our safe retreat, A shelter in the time of storm. 4 Oh, Rock divine, oh, refuge dear, A shelter in the time of storm; Be Thou our helper ever near, A shelter in the time of storm. Words arr. 17. AT THE CROSS. 1 Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free ? No; there’s a cross for every one, And there’s a. cross for me. REFRAIN. At the cross, at the,cross, where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart rolled away, It was there by faith I received my sight, And now I am happy night and day. 2 How happy are the saints above, Who once went sorrowing here; But now they taste unmingled love, And joy without a tear. 3 The consecrated cross I’ll bear, Till death shall set me free, And then go home my crown to wear, For there’s a crown for me. now to fear, Thomas Shepherd. ungry [’11 see 3r roll, ” the ,nd to Fry. hide, (17‘7”. 8, first way, ight, No. 18. CHRIST IS ALL. “ Unto you therefore which believe He is precious."- 1 Peter 2. 7. W. A. WILLIAMS. By per. Efl'ectlve a: 3 Solo. Ad lib. .K I m . Q— ‘l L L 1 J J L ‘ A. '_ ,) -i‘ Q A‘flN—fi‘l a J . d4;#d l 6—! QL‘S_3;:3:E?Z§ I ‘7_U—5—_El._:~ . A 9‘ L5J 1 U 1. I entered once a home of care, For age and pen—u — ry were there, 2. I stood be—side a dying bed, Where lay a child with aching head, 3. I saw the martyr at the stake, The flames could not His courage shake, 4. I saw the gospel herald go,——To Afric’s sand and Greenland’s snow, Yet peace and joy withal ; I asked the lonely mother whence her helpless Waiting for Jesus’ call; I marked His smile, ’twas sweet as May, And as His Nor death His soul appall, I asked Him whence His strength was giv’n, He looked tri- To save from Satan’s thrall, Nor home nor life He counted dear, Midst wants and -O— 1:3 ~ —o-'—o— —o—'—oA i: l 1 4L . 1 Egg: i ' i1 1 '1 ll 1 D 7'14 V I7 V V V CHORUS-l , Lo . l4. DOLEO—i .“TE‘J' lit—'4“? F J r :1 ill" U r L I Kw K L x L ‘1' 3‘ [[3,14l . ' l widowhood’s defense, She told me “ Christ was all.” spirit passed away, He whispered “ Christ is all.” Christ is all, all in umphantly to heav’n, And answered “Christ is all.” perilspwned no fear, He felt that “ Christ is all.” o—‘-o» __ +— O m_____l,..__+_.___ _; - Q.) i - L.’_ 9:—»t+,+,—,_-:s——F . u L 14 o. J l n i I; V VI ‘7 l '7 V m D D r r l l l J l o J / all, Yes, Christ is all in all: Yes, Christ is all in all. U 5 I dreamed that hoary time had fled, (S Then come to Christ, oh, come to—day, And earth and sea gave up their dead, The Father, Son and Spirit say; A fire dissolved this ball, The Bride repeats the call; I saw the church’s ransomed throng, For He will cleanse your guilty stains, I heard the burden of their song, His love will soothe your weary pains, ’Twas “Christ is all in all.” For “Christ is all in all.” From “ Song Jewels,” a seven-cent S. 5. song book by W. A. Williams, Warnock, 0. NO. ‘ 9o “ I am the way, the truth, and the life.' Not too slow. THE TRUE AND LIVING WAY. '-—J0hn1-1:6. Rev. L. L. PICKETT. 31%; 1—- _L. M :I 1 4. L1 1, s— 9" : —:—-¢¥t= z—fl—fiite—Aa _'_ ° 1. Poor sin- ners far from Je - sus are sick and faint and sore, They His It 2. There 18 no 0th - er Sav — iour for sin- 11ers lost and vile, 3. He is theroot of Da - Vid, thebrightandmorningstar, The 4. His gos-pel now is spreadingthro’ nations far and wide, 1-. 11. A ,,_ , .12. in» 11 4 p. ’7 7 .114 I 1 f l h; F..__~1. ._ $311.: 1- [=1 =eeflr4‘j 1'1 7) 1 '1 J L ‘71 1 r1 :ZJQ F ;_ /___ v wan- -der on in L’darkness which pall< their pathway 0:101; And as the grace a- -lone redeeins us and cheer rs us with (uod’s smile; But He is Lord of earth and heaven— His praises sound a - far; His name shall sweeps away all barriers, a ris — ing, roll— —111g tide; And when 111 A 1 1 g. p. 7 n p. — v q 1 ‘ 1 P" P‘T _ 9:373; ‘wsfirr 1 ,— cfc—s— o—‘ _ 'fi ,1 v ,1 L g-____‘giF‘§ “‘n— “—:i: JA__! all - suf- 11- cent, Eli—”‘JEflm :1; years roll onward they far- ther go a - stray, our fears He doth a1 - lay, be called “Je— sus,’ ’our strength from day to day, princely grandeu