xt78930nsv92 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nsv92/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390801  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, August  1, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, August  1, 1939 1939 2013 true xt78930nsv92 section xt78930nsv92 -

The Kentucky Kernel









Farquhar To Speak




G. Karsner, instructor in the
Jhysical education department and
specialist in Kentucky folk danc-nlast night directed a
program at the YWCA Camp

Will Cancel


Classes will be dismissed for



Saturday, August S, to enable
students to vote in the state
primary, it was announced by
Dr. Adams, director of the



Exercises To Be Held
Friday, August 18,
On Stoll Field


Summer Session.
Dr. Adams expressed the
hope that students would avail
themselves of this opportunity to go to their homes in
order to cast their votes for
their chosen candidates.

In Welfare Training
Of Students

Harry Collins Spillman To Talk
At Semester's Second Assembly
Convocation Is Slated
In Memorial Hall
At 11:15A.M.

Brawn With Brains





Harry Collins Spillman of the
National Association of Manufactonka.
turers will address the second convocation of the second semester of
Prob-ftnthe Summer Session at 11:15 this
j "Current
was the topic of an address
morning in Memorial hall. His subielivered by Prof. Henry B. Moore
ject will be "Fortifying Democracy
announced by Dr. Vivien
Just been
at the Base."
the University of Kentucky
M. Palmer, head of the
All fourth hour classes will be
of Commerce during a guest
department of social work.
ppearance before the Cynthiana
dismissed to enable students to atArrangements were completed by
totary Club Thursday at Cynthiana.
Prof. Edward F. Farquhar, (above)
tend Dr. Spillmans talk, it was
profeuor of literature at the Uni- Dr. McVey, and Judge Joe S. Lind
Dr. Spillman was born in Kenversity, will make the graduating say, representing the fiscal
Clark county. The training center
tucky where he spent his youth.
address at the summer school comvari-u- s
Baldwin-Wallac- e
next year of
offices of
He began his career as a reporter
at Morehead State will be located in the new the Winphases in the field of educa-iondepartment In
on the Louisville Courier-JournTeachers College at 7:30 p. m. the welfare
work for adul.i, handicapped
Shively, University athletic
Thursday, August 17. His subject chester courthouse.
under the editorship of Henry
children of nursery-rhohiidren and
The new center will provide the director, last week announced the
Later he went to Rockford,
will be "Patriotism."
rehabili-atio- n
age, with vocational
University social work students with signing of a football contract with
I1U Butte, Mont, and Milwaukee,
training and vocational guid-ncCollege, thus com
field experience, designed to meet Baldwin-Wallac- e
Wis., where he directed commercial
was considered at a meeting
pleting the Wildcat grid schedule
the needs of small town and rural
education in the public schools. He
f the Special Education Associa-io- n
1940 season.
communities. For some time these for the
has served as educational director
of the State Department of
The coming fall the Wildcat
students have received field train
for the Remington Typewriter Comyesterday at the Phoenix
ing with various Lexington agencies. sridders face a schedule of nine
pany. The Bowling Green Business
University granted Dr. Spillman the
State and federal authorities have games, but the addition of Baldwin
Presiding officer of. the session
degree of MSC.
agreed to assist in the work of the Wallace gives Kentucky a
Seay, of the
.as Dr. Maurice F.
Dr. Spillman has addressed more
new arrangement. University stu- card for the following season.
Iniversity of Kentucky College of
than 3.000 audiences in all sections
dents will handle cases of unem
The Yellow Jackets, meeting a
kJucation. president of the associa-ioof the United States.
ployed, aged, physically
handi- Kentucky team for the first time,
VOther members of the group
Plans for another convocation
capped, juvenile probation, and de are to oppose the Wildcats on Sept.
resent mere Mrs. Shelby Clayr
program this semester have not yet
21, 1940, on Stoll field in the openThe third in the series of concerts linquent and neglected children.
representing nursery
been announced.
A member of the faculty of the ing game for that season. The conoffered by the Summer Session
Roy O. Chumbler, Louis- Dr. Spillman will addrss the first
expected to be far from a
Philharmonic orchestra under the University department of socal work, test is
ille, vocational rehabilitation; Hochapel exercise of the second term
supervised by Dr. Palmer, will be in pushover for the local eleven inas
direction of Alexander Capurso will
tter W. Nichols, Frankfort, of the
Baldwin-Wallac- e
is regu
Pictured above (top, left to right) are Bernie Bierman, head football of the Transylvania summer session
be presented at 7 p. m., Thursday charge of the center, and graduate much as
Department of Education,
students who elect to do their field larly rated as one of the strongest coach at the University of Minnesota, Ab Kirwan, head football coach of at 9:30 a. m.. Wednesday. He will
in Memorial hall.
ecrctary-treasure- r;
Madison J. Lee,
be introduced by
work in Clark county will be under teams in the Ohio Athletic Confer
The program follows:
the University, and (bottom, left to right) Adolph Rupp, the 1' Diversity' mond F. McLain, President
Janville; Miss Catherine T. Moriar-competent supervision. Miss Ethel ence.
champion training basketball coach and Burt Ingweraen. line coach for
Louisville; Louis Clifton, direct
Terrill, Clark county welfare work
Last fall the Jackets in their the Northwestern University football team. These men compose the staff
Alma Mater Lam pert.
r of the University Extension
er, will represent the county.
final game of the year dropped i of
The Barber of Seville (overture)
and Charles A. Walters,
the 1939 school for football and basketball coaches which will open
decision to Xavier of Cincin
Clark county was characterized by
'rankfort, of the State Department
Monday for a week's term.
Dr. Palmer as being a leader in the nati after the Musketeers had upII
if Education.
Where Dreams are Made (Lulla welfare field in Kentucky. A com- set Kentucky by a 26-- 7 score earlier
by) Johnston.
mittee of five representative citi in the season.
Baldwin-WallacCome to the Fair Martin. tVer zens will be appointed by Judge
located at Be- Summer residents of the women's
na Von Gruenigen, mezzo soprano) Lindsay to act in an advisory capa
rea, Ohio, near Cleveland, is
jails were Quests of honor at a
graduating recital.
city to the center.
Sunday morning coffee which Mrs.
Commenting on the new addition with an enrollment of slightly more
Sarah B. Holmes and Mrs. Eda Giles
to her department's work, Doctor than 700, about equally divided be
American Fantasie Herbert.
;ave in the Patterson hall reception
Palmer yesterday said:
tween men and women. Athletic
After pointing to the growth of
"We are very happy about the ar director and head football coach at
Chorus of Bells, Gavotte, from
Wednesday night students of the
the University for the past several
opera Pagliacci Lecccavalio.
rangement. The University has for the school is Ray E. Watts, a Bald
esiaence hails entertained with a
years, an editorial in the Herald- Marche alia Turca Mozart. Ar- some years placed its social work
alumnus, who took
Dutch picnic on the roof of the
Leader of last Sunday said that
ranged and conducted by William students with agencies in large cities charge there in 1928 after having
lew women's dormitory and
the school "should have a very much
for their field work training. But coached high school teams and at
the building.
greater enrollment which would re
with rapidly expanding public wel Otterbein College.
70 students were present at
quire far more generous treatment
Community singir.g led by Lela fare programs in Kentucky we have
With a staff of nationally recogOther members of the Ohio Con
ach of these affairs.
by the legislature in order to In- ,,
nized athletic coaches. Bernie Bier
icil iur some ume mat we also f erence include Akron, Western
All members of the advanced
cease Its facilities and its classroom
must have training facilities de Reserve, John Carroll, Toledo and
man. Adolph Rupp. Burt Ingwersen
course. ROTC. who will be in
signed to meet the needs of small Case.
and Ab Korwadi. the University and dormitory space."
Lexington August 18 are reThe editorial expressed a hope
The general catalog for the Unicuy ana rural communities. For, . The complete 1940 schedule for
Coac rung school till open
quested to serve as ushers at
carrying anversity for
Monday. August 7, and will con that "the people of the state will
like the country doctor, the county Kentucky follows:
at University summer session
nouncements for
has been
tinue through Saturday. August 1Z more keenly realize the vital imwelfare worker must be prepared
portance of education and technical
Sept. 21 Baldwin-Wallac- e,
eleased from the office of the regis-ra- r.
The program, designed for foot
Mr. and Kirs. J. P. Boiling of for generalized practice, often en
which will be held at 7 p. m.
Sept. 28 Xavier, Cincinnati.
The bulletin contains a map
ball and basketball coaches, will con training, their actual money value,
Danville announce the engagement gaged in under trying conditions,
on that date.
their worth as economic factors,
Wash, and Lee, here.
f the University and of the
sist of lectures and demonstration
of their daughter, Sara Catherine, and with few resources upon which
Uniforms will be worn. Men
Oct 12 Vanderbilt, Nashville.
Station farm, general
ork by the staff and numerous their necessity if the great resources
to Mr. Carleton M. Davis of Lex- to draw.
who will be able to act as
of the commonwealth
are to be
Oct. 19 Geo. Washington, here.
descriptions of educa-lon"extras" such as a golf tournament adequately
ington. Miss Boiling, who was grad"We believe that Clark county will
ushers at that time are redeveloped, and if KenOct. 26 Georgia, Athens.
opportunities and courses
and movies of various sports. The
uated with distinction from the offer our students an opportunity
quested to notify Lt. Col.
2 Alabama, here.
and a list of the administra-iv- e
program is so arranged that either tucky is to profit by the talents of
University of Kentucky, is employed for this type of training through
Howard Donnelly,
9 Georgia Tech, here.
and instructional personnel. A
the afternoon or evening of each its children."
as secretary of University School. under conditions that are especially
department. University
The editorial foiolws:
Nov. 16 West Virginia, Morgan-tow- n.
tatistical summary of the Univer-it- y
day will be devoted to recreational
Mr. Davis, the son of Mrs. Fred favorable. For Clark county under
Kentucky, before August 15.
"In 1937-3there were enrolled
and a list of faculty commuactivities or moving pictures.
G. Clark of Chicago, is manager Judge Lindsay's understanding guidat the University of Kentucky
Nov. 28 Tennessee, Knoxville.
tes are also included.
of the budget department of Bayn-ham- 's ance has been a leader in the welProf. M. E. Potter, head of the campus students to
the number of
Baldwin-Wallawill be the only
Shoe Company. He also at- fare field in Kentucky.
department of physical education. 5.741. Total enrollment of the four
First to
tended the University of Kentucky establish a Child Welfare Board, newcomer on the Wildcats' 1940
stated that indications point to an state teachers' colleges was 6.711.
and the University of New Mexico. it has gone far in developing its card, but two of the other nine will
enrollment of nearly 100 coaches. making an enrollment in
the five
appear for the first time on a KenHe is a member of Sigma Phi
He also said that the school seems
welfare program. It is one of the tucky
institutions of 12.452. In addition
schedule the coming fall.
social fraternity.
seven counties in Kentucky that has
A horticulural field meeting of to be gaining national reknown the total enrollment of the UniverMajor Austin Triplett, for the
These are Georgia and West Virjudging from the sections of the
may insure the UniA plan
provided mothers' aid and it has
sity of Louisville was 1.S43. and the
special interest to fruit growers of country
est five years assistant professor versity of that
from which coaches will
also been interested in conducting
central Kentucky will be held at come. Maine, Connecticut. Pennsyl students enrolled in the private
ji military tactics at the University material in the future will be inThis year's schedule:
a modern county farm. The Fedfour-yecolleges of the state numas received retirement orders
the Experiment Station at 1 o'clock vania, Iowa. Missouri and Minneaugurated August 21 when a boys'
Sept. 30 V. M. I., here.
Capt. Ernest H. Lawson, native of eral Children's Bureau is at present
October 31.
sota are among the states which bered 1.857. This gives a student
Friday afternoon. The growers will
football course will be held on Stoll Lexington and a graduate of the sponsoring a child welfare demons-traditio- n
3 Vanderbilt, Nashville.
bodj for all of the institutions of
j Wiih members of his family, infield.
Oct. 14 Oglethorpe, here.
inspect peach trees and have dis- will be represented.
University of Kentucky, has been
unit there, and several dis
higher learning in Kentucky of
cluding his wife and three sons.
Heading the teaching list will be appointed commanding officer of the trict offices of the state welfare
Bernie Bierman. head coach. UniOct. 21 Georgia, Louisville.
cussions of soil management, handAustin Jr., Pete and Joseph, he will Ab Kirwan. head Wildcat football
versity of Minnesota, has an envi
Oct. 28 Xavier, Cincinnati.
73rd attack squadron at March agencies are located at Winchester.
"But the University of Kentucky
nove next month from his Lexing-r- coach,
ling of apples and sprays, and wll able coaching record. Beginning
and Bernie Shively, director
4 Alabama, Birmingham.
home. 108 Desha road, to San cf athletics. They will be assisted Field,. Calif. A son of Mr. and Mrs. State and federal authorities have
take a trip over the horticultural his career in 1923. he has developed in addition to its campus enrollNov. 11 Georgia Tech, Atlanta.
J. F. Lawson, Captain Lawson was agreed also to assist with the trainment carried additional students in
Francisco, Calif., to await the
by Coaches Joe Rupert, Frank Mose-legrounds, W. W. Magill, fruit spe- championship teams both at Tu its
Nov. 18 West Virginia, here.
graduated from the University in ing program. Students will carry
extension classes and corresdate of retirement. He is
lane and Minnesota. In 1934. Min
Gene Myers and others.
Nov. 30 Tennessee, here.
cialist at the University, announced.
(Continued on Page Two)
pondence courses to the number of
to the infantry division of
nesota won the Western ConferThe course will be offered free
1.015. and an additional 973 in
pie United States Army. Following to junior high and elementary school
ence Championship and tied with
campus schools or short courses, so
jetirement, the Tripletts will reside boys over eight years of age and
Ohio State for the conference title
that including all of these student
n the West Coast.
will last from August 21 through
in 1935.
the University had
August 26.
At Tulane, Coach Bierman de 7.734 enrolled last year.
Instruction will be given in the
veloped such stars as Bill Banker,
"This is a large institution, one
Jerry Dalrymple. Don Zimmerman that has had a steady growth, but
1 fundamentals of the game, includ
ing punting,
passing, placement
and Lowell Dawson. At Minnesota, one which should have a very much
kicking, tackling, blocking, charg"Pug" Lund. "Butch" Larson. Bill
greater enrollment which would reLeonard Power, consultant and ing, ball carrying, and pass catchBevan. Stan Kostka. Dick Smith.
One hundred and one University single, has one large window, a sures privacy and ample play space. according to the time of application. Ed Widseth, and Sheldon Beise have quire far more generous treatment
assistant to the chairman of the ing. There will be no scrimmage.
by the legislature in order to inwill take residence this Sept built in washbasin, from six to nine
All women students will be re
federal radio education committee,
The main entrance to the new
The course is being offered by
crease its facilities and its classill arrive in Lexington, August 7. the athletic department in conjunc- ember in the new women's dormiwall outlets, provision for a ground dormitory is on Euclid avenue from quired to live in one of the three while playing under Bierman.
room and dormitory space. It is to
fter inspecting the newly equipped tion with the Lexington Herald-Leade- r. tory on Euclid avenue where every aerial if students have their own which one immediately enters a halls, Shelby house, a sorority house
Bierman uses a single wing back be hoped that as time passes the
thing for their comfort and pleas- radios and a steam radiator. At- large lounge which will be the main or with some friend or relative.
radio studios on the top floor of Mcwith variations and features an people of
Vey hall, he and Elmer G. Sulzer,
the state will more keenly
ure has been provided in the four tractive drapes will be provided and reception room for the hall. Here Individual permission, in writing for
unbalanced line. He teaches his realize
the vital importance of edustory, red brick, fireproof building furniture will Include two single amid tasteful surroundings residents residence in a sorority house or wjth
of the publicity bureau, will
men to play sound, hard, and incation and technical training, their
which was completed this summer beds, a double desk, two dressers may eriertain ijieir friends and relatives or friends will be required telligent football
Jnake a tour to several of the listenand to forget emoat a cost of $200,000 for construc- and chairs, all of maple, in the receptions and parties will be given. from the student's parents or guar- tionalism, Minnesota teams under actual money value, their worth as
ing centers in the Kentucky mouneconomic factors, their necessity if
tains. '
tion and furnishings.
double rooms, end one each of these The office controlling this hall is dian.
Bierman do very little scrimmaging,
1 During
their stay at the centers, Members Of Phi Delta Kappa
Miss Jeanette Scudder will be in usually abandoning it altogether the great resources of the comThe building is connected with articles, also maple, in the single at the right as one enters. Further
monwealth are to be adequately
Miss Carsia Whitaker, listening cento the right is a game room and charge of the three halls and will after the first week of practice.
Patterson and Boyd halls by the rooms.
Will Hear Superintendent
developed, and if Kentucky is to
ter supervisor, will present a demThere are two floors of bed rooms smaller lounge. At the extreme left live in the new dormitory and Miss
main dining rooms. Adequate servAdolph Rupp is in his ninth year
Of Paris Schoolsonstration of a listening center for
ing and dish washing facilities are teach with a lounge and adequate of the lounge is the director's suite Adele Gensemer will be in charge as head basketball coach at the profit by the talents of its children."
guest rooms and of Patterson hall.
heir observation.
Hostesses for University of Kenetucky. His work
Prof. Lee Kirkpatrick, superinten provided in smaller adjoining rooms. showers and tubs). On the first of and a suite of two
upon later. has been highly successful and his
dent of Paris schools and instructor The kitchens for the three halls are these is the infirmary for the three bath. These walls as those for the Boyd hall will be decided
building are
Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, assistant Wildcats
have held undisputed
in educational administration dur in the basement directly below. halls consisting of one large room lounges throughout the
ing the Summer Session, will speak Food will travel to the serving where five patients can be accom plaster in pastel shades. This floor dean of women, expressed satisfac- championships of the Southeastern
reservaConference four years, in 1933. 1935.
D"an and Mrs. William S. Taylor at a luncheon meeting of Phi Delta rooms by dumb waiters and will be modated. Dam, orace, the nurses is equipped throughout with Vene tion at the rate at which
tions are being made for the fall 1937. 1939. The Wildcats' record for
kept hot on steam tables. Pastel room and bath, linen and medicine tian blinds.
jvill entertain with a tea from 4 Kappa, national honorary fraterni
An elevator and stairways con semcstr. She said that they were the entire period of nine years injintil 6 o'clock, Wednesday after- ty in education for men. to be held plaster walls add light and cheer- closets, and an isolation room and
Ample storage being made on an average of four cludes 142 wins against 31 lasses.
nect the floors.
noon, at their home 112 Cherokee at 12:30 p. m., Wednesday, in the fulness to the dining rooms.
of the comA meeting
Perhaps the most attractive fea- space is provided where trunks may or five a day and that indications This record is remarkable, since
From the dining rooms one reachFaculty room of the Unoin build
mencement activities commit..
es the first floor bedrooms by a ture of the building is its roof which be safely kept and easily reached. show that students will come to the many of the opponents were of
,u yai- lj ing.
r ..... . ,.f iiuiiui.. f
iuj luc
tee will be held at 3 p. m.,
uuraia ui
The price per quarter in this University from scattered sections national ranking. Besides a host
slight incline. This floor is pro- will provide space for game courts,
Mr. Maurice Seay,
will be visiting faculty of the Sum-kotoday in room 131. Education
players. Rupp
vided with a lounge, bedrooms, sun baths and informal outdoor building will be the same as in the of the country. Reservations have of
Session, members of Dean Tay- of the group, will preside and is in
Dr. Adams
two halls, $70 for room and been made by students as far east has developed two
Covering the entire other
lor's class in comparative education charge of arrangements in the ab fhowers. and laundry tubs where
single rooms ar as Maine and as far west as
basketball players at
md members of the coaching school sence of the president, Mr. W. Gayle the residents may do light laundry. building and surrounded by a wall board. Double and
(Continued on Page Three)
Each bedroom, whether double or five feet In height, the "deck" en the same price. Rooms are assigned










County Will Cooperate



State Primary



The Campus



1939-194- C


Dr. Edwin Holt Hughes of Wash- Ington, D. C, senior bishop in the
r.piscupai ciiurun, wit
deliver the address for the 10th conSession comsecutive Summer
mencement which will beTield at 7
August 18. on Stoll
Degrees from the University
will be granted at this time to ap
proximately 240 students. Dr. Jesse
E. Adams, director of the Summer
Session, will preside over the exer
Dr. Hughes was formerly president of DePauw University, Green-castl- e.
Ind., having served in that
capacity from 1903 to 1908. He has
been president of the board of temperance of the Methodist Episcopal
Church since 1932. From April to
September, 1923, Dr. Hughes was
acting president of Boston University, and in 1933 he was acting
chancellor of American University.
Activities Planned
The commencement activities
committee announces that graduat
ing seniors will be entertained at
dinner at 7 p. m., Thursday, Aug
ust 17, in the ballroom of the Lafayette hotel and that a reception
will be held from 3 to 4:30 p. m
Friday, August 18, for seniors, fac
ulty and friends.
Important Announcement
All students expecting to receive
degrees are requested to meet at
3 p. m., Thursday, August 17, in
room 111, McVey hall for marching and seating instructions.
University faculty, whether teaching in the Summer Session or not,
are requested to take part in the
exercises. Dr.
Adams announced.
The commencement committee is
composed of Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
chairman. Dr. Adams, program. Dr.
Alexander Capurso assisted by Dr.
D. E.- - South,- - music. Miss Billle
Whitlow, publicity, Mr. Maury
Crutcher, seating, lighting, etc., and
Dr. George K. Brady.
committee is composed of the following students from the designated
colleges: Virginia Batterton and
John Waters, education; Miss Iva
Dagley and Mr. Ford Messamore,
graduate school; Mildred Brown and
Lyle Harmon, agriculture; Socrates
Peter Bourbaki and Paul Brown,
engineering; Harold Arnold, commerce; Loren OUell; law; Arjie
Wyatt, arts and sciences.


training center in public wel
fare, to be conducted cooperatively
by the University and the Ciarx
county welfare department, is now
being set up in Winchester for operation in the near future, it has








Cat Eleven Will Play








Eckols, Von Gruenigen
To Be Featured








Coaching School To Open
Editorial Recommends
One Week Increased Facilities
August 7 For
Military Men
Asked To Usher

Are Visitors


On Staff


University School


Secretary To Wed






Retirement Orders
Course May Help UK
Come To Triplett Get Better Players

Horticulture Meeting
Planned For Friday


Squadron Head

top-gra- de





New Women's Dormitory, Built For Accommodation
Of 101 Students, Is Scheduled To Open In September

kadio Consultant

To Visit Centers


co-e- ds

Kirkpatrick Billed

To Talk At Lunch

Taylors Plan Tea

Adams Calls
Activities Meet
For Today







Page 1 wo

Fashion Fancies

Tuesdav, August I,

Problem Of Railroads Treated
In Sensible Manner By Autho)



Kernel Fashion Editor)


Augusta, Ga., July 31 (Special to the Kernel) A leaf
blew up on my porch this morning not just an ordinary leaf
orange one (probably a result of
hut an
the drouth we've been having). But anyway, it reminded
me that cold weather is just around the corner. Cold weather
brings to mind outdoors and in the fall a young fern's fancy
slowly turns to thoughts of furs. August is just the time
to buy them.
Never before have the forecasts been quite so filled with


young ideas in fur. Suggestions S
are being made for every age. every occasion and most important,
every pcoketbook.
This is one time you can afford to
for hoods are so new
and so warm. You college women
will find nothing smarter than a
brown beaver with hood, all lined
in soft plaid wool and which ties
on like a bonnet. While you are
still looking for that coat for the
campus or sports wear you should
consider a wolverine, a member of
the weasel family. His thick yellow
and brown coat makes for perfect
weather conditioning and will stand
up under all sorts of stress.
The racoon is out this year, being
replaced by a more suave half brother, the Missouri coon, worked in
narrow stripes like mink.
Or maybe you want something for
you will choose something that has
everything and does everything for
you. Certain species will. One of
these is fisher. YouH pay dearly
for that but it wears like iron and
flatters tweeds as well as satins.
Skunk is another aristocrat from
which you can expect all. There
are also many less expensive furs
that will fill a double bill and even
a triple one. Lynx, fox, broadtail
or muskrat are

Famed Architects
Planned Ashland,
Home Of Clay





spring fashion

Bazaar i this white felt hat shaped
like a bowl, with a spanking big
MhiU Anne Hoekaday
bow of bright red moire in the
iBtartras Editor)
Standing well back from the road
in its isolated setting of great trees, Collegians





Blood Tests
Student Opinion Surveys

Austin, Texas A blood test to
detect veneral disease before marriage should be required by law. By
an emphatic majority of 93.1 percent, the nearly one million and a
half college students of the nation
believe in this, according to a poll
taken by the Student Opinion Surveys of America.
The significance of the survey is
seen in bold relief when it is considered that college youth forms a
group on the eve of marriage, an
important part of the population
that is vitally concerned with its
Bertrand. Lafayette. Harriet
Abraham Lincoln and other own immediate future.
notables knew well the hospitality
On a subject that up to recent
that was' the keynote at Ashland.
times has been taboo in "respectlurs.
"I am in one respect better off able" conversation, the menace of
Perhaps you have a fur coat. But than Moses." Mr. Clay wrote of his syphilis, Survey interviewers for the
you want a change. That's where home. "He died in sight of and Kernel and other cooperating camthat extra jacket comes in. If you without reaching the Promised Land. pus newspapers, found students
are slightly on the giddy side you I occupy as good a farm as any he quite ready to express their opinwill introduce yourself to the jacket would have found had he reached ions. Collegians of all geographical
it, and Ashland has been acquired sections, economic standings, ages,
of mole, dyed deep Burgundy.
Or possibly a jacket of leopard to rot by hereditary descent but by and sexes were asked, "Do you believe a blood test before marriage
put a little zest into your outfit. my own labor."
Leopard is showing its spots everyThe estate then consisted of al- to detect venereal disease should be
k required by law?" The results':
most 600 acres, and included a
where these days.
93.1 percent
and stables. Ashland's stud
And if you freeze, even in October,
6.9 percent
try a kangaroo fur outfit that you was famous, and many thoroughStudent opinion is almost in comwill find it warm but as light as the breds today trace their lines back
to Imp, Yorkshire. Magnolia and plete agreement with national pubproverbial thistle.
Margaret Wood. Recently the Ken- - lic opinion, for other polls of the
As Vogue says, even if you need
Association general citizenry have shown simiu c k y Improvement
fur, want fur, feel like a Mexican t
erected a tablet to Mr. Clay as a lar numbers approving. And stuhairless without it in winter, you pioneer breeder of Hereford and
dents in all sections of the country
may not want to spend much for a
Shorthorn cattle, thoroughbred believe by almost identical majorifur coat)
horses and jack stock.
ties that blood tests should be comDon't give up hope; there are sevOnly 20 acres of the original
eral furs that you'll warm up (or estate have remained intact. On pulsory to aid in eliminating as far
as possible this hazard to health
warm you up to immediately. Kid-skthese have been preserved many of j and marriage. Men and co - eds
is one of the sleekest ones, this
the trees which Mr. Clay planted, showed no appreciable differences
is particularly good in grey.
and the old slave cabins, bath house, in their responses.
carriage house and ice houses. Mr.
New Hampshire legislators have
Clay's "favorite walk" remains been the first to vote for compul'
changed and Mrs. Clay's gar- sory Wassermann tests for all seek'
den at the rear of the house is ing marriage licenses. The question
planted as originally laid out.
ha been brought into front-pag- e
The house itself is a replica of focus under the leadership of Dr.
the original, for after the dea