xt78930nvw1z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nvw1z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1972 1972 1972-11-03 2020 true xt78930nvw1z section xt78930nvw1z . ‘ ' p
C y Friday, November 3, I972 an independent student newspaper .
ern Vol. LXIV No. 47 Universny of Kentucky
Eight pages chmgton. Kentucky 40506
44$}.- ’, , C d g .
McGovern b I a m es GO P ' -- ° '3 ’ewsmns
. d w ry r l
for new demonstrations if .i " . ‘ r" "e '" e '
discourage these Nixon supporters here. I . , . campus response
“3' V. LYNN MARTIN think that this is about as close as they‘re . . . . _
Managing Editor going to get to the presidential campaign.“ ”be " . __ “'3 PM "4‘ l R “1‘3
CINCINNATI-Sen. George MCGOVCFH‘ McGovern told the crowd that the Nixon f M‘mol Na” “m"
~ Democratic presidential candidate. made supporters have a candidate “who‘s been i? 5 ”m" eight WOW-‘3" “(W changes m the
a campaign stop Thursday afternoon at hiding in the White House all through . i _ . _ Smdmt (“"9 “1W9 hem received by tho
the University of Cincinnati and this campaign.“ The President has been r" President's Advisory (‘ommittee on '
denounced Wednesday’s demonstration in sitting on his Gallup p0“ while he, .. Student (‘ode Revisions.
San Diego against Vice President Spiro McGovern. has been out campaigning and .r ~ . . } ROM)“ (; zun‘mnkkl' “C“ president mr ..
Agnew as “a put up deal.“ talking to the people, he said. .é 5 student affairs and chairman of the
Itwas another one of those phony efforts "I THINK THE 0”) Nixon political A . 5-: «safe; committee. circulated a memorandum to '
to disrupt the Democratic party, to make sabotage squad was atwork in San Diego ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . student organizations. residence halls.
them look bad and make the President yesterday, I think the hecklers were SEEN- G'“()R('l" _ “('0‘)"th faculty members. and administrative
look like a hero.“ McGovern told a crowd planted, I think the guy that swung the «kernel photo by Mike- \Orkl staff, inviting them to submit speCific
Of “1000 students. punch was planted. I think the way Mr. stitutional freedoms." McGovern said, moms?!“ for T‘Wismns 0f the (“’d" '
AT THE BEGINNING of his speech, Agnew answered the situation was all "I”. II.“ P. received proposals irom
McGovern.hoarsefrom campaigning,was planned in advance, McGovern said. He cited several questions he said he felt “"0 “Id"ldual “Udt'nts- three “Udell!
interupted by shouts from the gallery of This is the kind of tactics. he said. that allpeoplemustask themselves about what organizations. ”,m) faculty member and
“four more years." Sevéi‘al peOPIe were make it impossible to carry on a normal kind of a president they wanted Among [“0 “dn‘mmmm'” "”‘COrS-H h" 53"" . '
Wig’l'ngt'lei): battlinetrss. f H t t" d politicaldialogue. “I'm 19"“le “1359t with those he} merriItioned 1‘35, preSidential Zumyyinkle would not comment on most
.. Uie‘in‘g e s ou 0 go on an the trends that have been set into motion respect or t e. constitution and the ofthe proposals 'l‘hey Wt’rt’subnlliit’djllsi
boos from McGovern supporters. he these last four years by the Nixon and priVileges It prov1des. prior to the deadline on November I at .3
tom the crowd, I don t thmk we ought to Agnew leadership when it comes to con- (‘ontinued on page 1- (‘0l- 3 pm . he said. and there hasn't been suf
Meets With Ford ficient time to examine them
. . Based on cursory inspection. all the
McGovern cam ai ns in Kenfuc i.
said. "For example. Student Government
By BILL STRAl'B days.“ the governor said. “Thatl'm voting (‘ontinuallv refering to Nunn as “super has me059d revisions in 10 or 12 areas H
Kernel Staff Writer 3 straight Democratic ticket. I'VE never taxer." Fordaccused him of living “by the
. . v . s y . . _ . ‘ V ) ‘ ) ~ . . '
FLUKE!“ P“ Ky .+Sen. George deViated from that one 10‘3' (:eorge rule that the public was ignorant." Ford “”51 I H” l'h “ho submitted
Mpovern. Democratic. candidate for McGovern is the Democratic nominee. rm predicted Nunn-s 1055 m the upcoming emposals have asked to meet With the
pres‘ident. ventured into Kentucky supporting him in the only way I know election. tommittee to discuss their suggestions.
Thursday seeking the support of Governor how. I‘m giving him the best vote in the [umwinkle ““d‘ These md'V'du‘“
Wendell Ford. state of Kentucky." meetings have been scheduled for
McGovern was in the area to give a thggizvfihrd EPOkteh Thaw (‘30:?h‘911mg1 November 810. he said.
: eech at the Universit of Cincinnatti. . . . . ‘ ' 0 'm a e nee 9 em. ”
:‘rbllowing the speech h: made a brief' “HILL "[8 ‘0") Spam 3 101 Of Umfé care enough about you and your concerns At the conclusion of the meetings. the ,
campaign stop at the Greater Cincinnati attacking PreSIdent Nixon, he. turned his and your aspirations to come out and see proposals \iill be published “verbatim" on
' Airport where he was greeted by Ford and attack ‘0 the Kentucky senatorial race and you. which is more than I can say for my November 15. Zumwinkle said. and a g
a number of other high officials in the {“9593 g“ “”1291: Republicfan governor 0pp0nent."he saidThe crowd broke intoa public hearing Will be scheduled '
ouie . unnw Oisrunnin ort at seat. . m , , t . . -.- -~
Democratic structure of Kentucky. 1 g cheer. *"m‘l'm‘ hem” Thanksgiving.
BEFORE ANY speech-making was
made. however, McGovern met privately 200 stdenfs surveyed
with Ford. No one knows what they talked . .
, about, but when Ford came out to in- N I d M G ll
troduce McGovern, he attacked the I x0 n ea 5 c ove rn In c a m p U s p o
. Republican administration as
vehemently as the man he was to in- ByMIKE TIERNEY
torduce had done. He also introduced (‘ampus Editor Below are "1e resu"s Of fhe
‘ s . - , . . ' _ ‘ o o
McGovern as the next preSIdent of the A Kernel telephone sun ey may indicate that a youth for pres'denhal preference pad of a
United States. McGovern vote Will be overcome by strong support for
Ford talked of dishonesty, taxes and PreSident Nixon on the UK campus. ' recenf Kernel p0".
Nixon s ‘careless vetoes of The survey predicts that Nixon Will receive 54 percent of
congressional bills. He called the the students‘ votes in the presidential election next Tuesday.
presidential campaign “the McGovern as opposed to 38 percent for Sen. George McGovern. Total PCt-Of
cause between good and evil. That's THE MARGIN is less than that predicted by the Votes Total Votes Dem. Rep. Ind ,
McGovern against Nixon." He praised the nationally conducted Harris and Gallup polls, which give Nixon 94 54 37 44 13
presidential candidate up and down and Nixon a 20 percent lead. McGovern 67 38 51 8 8
attacked the Republicans with a vigor. 0f the 200 students contacted in the poll. 94 indicated they Don‘t Know 13 5 10 2 I
In a short interview later, Ford was willcast their presidential vote for Nixon. compared to 67 for lanegistered 19
asked if he actually did endorse McGovern. Thirteen students said they hadn't decided. 19 Not voting 7 3 2 ’2
McGovern. “I‘ve always said and I were not registered and seven registered students said they Total 200 100 101 56 24
' , ‘ ‘ d not lan to vote.
reiterate my statement from earlier 0 p \ (‘ontinued on Page 5' Col. 1
UK'S public radio station.WBKY. will broadcast “’1'" ‘lhos‘f (If you-who turn to this column
. extensive coverage and analysis of Kentucky's o rcgu a‘r x“: :1" 5"”? ’50“ “ break There '5 a
'"S'de: election returns. The station will also provide OUtS'de: “m pirun ‘ anu 0 rain for today However
national election results. For more on how to find 50“ “I“ have '0 put up mm a cloudy Sky and mm
out about Nov. 7's outcome see page 3. temperatures The high WI” be in the low
and the low in the 30's.

 The t 'i1ii ntiv ii ‘89; Asustmit ’V‘JtluQIl‘q E ititm Kd'lt‘ MLLmthy . .
t i' ii in,” My. W...” A‘\I taut Managing Editor Nc-iit Minoan

Kentucky ‘.‘. Miami (610' Lylili \‘Jitm AKsialdnl Mniiaqiriq iditoi (Nap tiawtoin Ed I torla IS

in ' -i .ii timo. Gieq Hartman" Assistant MIII‘JQII‘Q t (Moi Minn at no

Kernel "ii: lit '0! Mtll‘ Iteir‘ty Editoiials rcpt-sent 'hi opmmii. m the l”!'fll\ mil tin Univii i'y

Wig». t...‘ a“. :4.
Ford ch an es mind ° Hea program
endorses McGovern - ~ ”we“ " “P e
Kentucky‘s Gov. Wendell Ford has McGovern won and sought a united ’V 3::-
fiiially announced that he prefers his party The party regulars. believing as
pa rty‘s nominee. Sen. George anybody preferable to Nixon. en— t V g ~‘ , We are pleased to note the success
McGovern. to incumbent President dorsed their candidate. t .. . which the voluntary ”931th fee
-. . . . . . . :3 ' i; z.‘ ' * ieved. The r0 hets
ltithat (1 Nikon . .. But not our (xov. P ord. Disgruntled. pt‘tztgl 1m lihis aehdicted the ttgiluh‘e of
\\ liile the final primary fights were he came home from Miami to predict '. 3‘] 00m “ 0 pren now cease d '
.. - . . '- , . , . . . , . ' , e ro ram i a ‘ . an
ldglht’v dhtt th‘ Vt” 1d hdd been a Mctioverii diaster in Kentucky. N0 . s 9 I v w de‘i'tt f'fom such (hype redictions !
narrowed to Mctxovern and hen, one. the governor said. could be more M ~ '5 5 ° p - i
llubei‘t Humphrey Ford stubbornly ~ . .9 .
~~ - out of step with the people of Ken- . . 1 _ H t . , , , 9 i
pinned his hopes on a deadlocked. tuckv Vt ednesday in LouiSVille and _thf P'Htt’ub mandatory plan JUSt j
_ .. . , , . , .- . “i' . - Fl , . F d l' ‘h d didn t work out. Alter all, the
t()l1\(lltlt)lt and a nomination for ytsttitay in ON. nce. or as e ' . _ _
Sen. Ed Muskie. Asked if he would campaign with l . h'm lffirml behind (‘eor e thtVet'Stt." must hth‘ better things to
i . i . 1 ° i s’ ' . - ., . i .
When a McGovern victory in Miami McGovern in the state. r ord replied. hf Tim?) ‘n t ‘V I g (to than thh“ students to. prepare
“us almost certain. Kentucky's "I‘ll greet him. but I won‘t welcome . t‘ “Wt .' , .-. .. themselves fora financial disaster as i
. . . , . ,. him .. ( omparing the prtmdchildt tdh' a result of illness. Most students are
goyunoi still held out. eagci to . didates Ford said \‘ixon has . , _
Pledge the state‘s delegation to Now it appears the governor as “c'im aigned under a shroud ap capable 0t looking dttt‘l‘ themselves.
anyone who might stop McGovern. changed his mlhd- )ehrihg only briefly” while ('tahted 50th“ t’t them don t~ bUt
Now all this was understandable t\1cGovern has “made himself that 5 “h“ "t the” alternatives.
and possiblv defendable. But then the NOW It appears the governor has ‘ . .. i H , .
. _ , . . . available. [be new plan s success is the result
break came. (hanged his mind. _ .
of the student being very well aware
He said McGovern is a man with of his needs and preparing for
. _ \ "deep conviction for a cause." and possible disaster. Seventy percent of
' I‘ , 1m ‘, ; at“ America would identify with that the student body paid the fee. An
' » ~ _ . 1 ”iv it . . . . ..
, , , , 17 \ - 1 ‘ '. t with type of fortitude. outstanding figure.
, '- ‘ 1/1,. j ‘Nn: ‘ , , . . . ,~ i . , . . ,'
~ \ -\\ . .. ,i if, t u‘\'. . i339? (.ioytinoiewt I‘( happy and grateful
\‘- ‘ ~ “ ‘ i 3“" hirshii‘ " 1 j m have you m there pitching; we only l'K‘s program is the first of its kind
/ , J . 1 ., i 1 3) tot“ thit It N” 100 1‘1“ m th‘ ball in the nation. Now we understand
‘~ 6 . ,9 "91 _ I; it . .
”wit, ~ _. "i, _ ' I, § MGM . l .. d F d l d other campuses are conSidering
‘: 1 _» “g; .\ “ . ‘ ‘1”) 9209 L gush“) d or id initiating similar plans. UK rightfully
it x "; ./\ ~ ~:‘ I i ‘5 ‘ ’ ' "
. . ow <®9931;.\:. ‘m/AVAV” \ 'm t‘g“ ” impen mg . oom .Or should savor its position as a pace-
; .~ ~\ 9 ,.._..;;~,;Ԥ' .5 J Mctmvei'n and the possibility of a setter in the field
5:1 9 i i- i. 5“» V ‘ 1 gigs. Senate race in 1976 in mind when he '
S ="-. ” gt Lox i J a?" first gave his candidate the cold
$3“ "i; _= }.: ~ C ii' shoulder. We commend [K for dropping the
he. - . i~s~.'. i . , . . . . ,

‘5‘ 2L , .13 l x "w l .' h . Vie wei‘ent sure of his motives. mandatory plan and havmg the
VIM, if *fl .-~. ‘ it ‘t ’ i “49$ Nm—mmwm W We're just glad he changed his mind courage to proceed with the new one
mighty - __‘»\\:\: i 57“ it til i it lr~ .- and we hope he has changed it in time and we hope it is a sign that UK has

,, 4"." . . t . i. . ‘ - . . _ .
9%. ., t to make a difference for Mchoern in the intestinal fortitude to explore
Kentucky. other uncharted areas.
S McGovern failing to call for national unity given to the issues via the media, journals apathetic voter who. just because he or she
a ys MCGOV6 rn behind him is not one that strikes fear into and newspapers. 1 give you my disgust and is too lazy to read what is happening to our
the President‘s heart. it is indicative of the pity. government and to our nation, votes for
. . McGovern mentality. I say this because the latter have for- the incumbent. 1 can only say that our
InconSISfent At the Democratic convention. felted their priviledge of being educated government is failing and will continue to
.\lc(}overn threatened to bolt the party if and informed voters 7a characteristic fail in its responsibility to represent the
It has been said that “the only consistent he was not the nominee. That coupled with "ttitt t0 th“ values ofa democracy. in doing aged. the racially oppressed and the 23
thing about George McGovern is his his latest pronouncement leaves one with this. these people inject their fatal biases million poor people of the United States.
consistent inconsistency." Another facet the impression of the spoiled little brat ”it” the mainstreams of America's heart; Mark Pritchett
of the senators incredible inconsistency in “h“ PtCRCd UP htS marbles and went home thtt‘ destroying the precious beat 0t Social Work Sophomore
this campiagn w as pointed up by the becausetheotherkids wouldn't play by his freedom and equality.
Sunday issue of the Heraldlieader. rules. Well (ieroge goodby and good 't‘ht‘ "it?” issues Of this campiagn. SUCh
In a campaign in which McGovern riddance. “5 t‘httthg national defense spending, P In I ff
claims he wants to unite America by trimming welfare payments and O Icy 0" 9 ers
‘jcalhng America home." he stated in the 3t‘-_t13"t‘ttar”‘.‘ (tit'tlllsrit'ttg the nipirality in government are In order that everyone may have
bunda) :tt'rald'IA'ddt‘l thaltl he could not Firstii-ai La“ fhtttl‘midl: ”it“: “Tho"T‘Lhd "fear?“ h; equalaccess to this forum, letters to
~. - u' i ‘icai' . :3, -
iii gooi tonstitnu (i for nitional . . . ‘ voer' '5 sereo ype the editor should not exceed 250
unity behind a reelected Richard Nixon fereOf e ‘htt't ththk“ and replies from the gut. dS - -
, . - __ . . y j . . . .. . , . . . wor . Issues reqiiiring more ex~
'lhe tiist question that pops into mind is ‘mhttthg his smelly. SCIhSh dhd Uh' tended discussi n h 11 be
when did McGovern ever do anything justified prejudices over the virtues of “C t H (:1 S a run as
"good conscience‘” iWas comparing the Vofers truth and equality in government. 0mmen S an shotlld not exceed
President of the t'nited States to Hitler or 750 words. A“ SUhmlSSlonS should
the Republican party to the KKK in “good . Please don‘t misunderstand me Nixon be tyhed and triple-spaced, and
conscience'.’"Was his 1000 percent support t0" those ”t 5'0“ il)emocrats. supporters. Some ht you believe the mUSt. inelhde the writer‘s name’
of Senator Eagleton'.’i ttt‘i)Uht't'3h5~ thdt‘Pt‘hdt’htS‘ Ct?” Wh“ American way is the Nixon wav~ claSSification and an address and
The larger question. though, is the have consistently kept up with the current Watergate. lT'l‘. milk scandal. wheat telephone number where she or he
blatant contradiction between the periodicals and newspapers regarding the scandal. secret campaign funding‘ can be reached. Material to length
"theme" iif there is one» of the McGovern issues of the 1972 election. I give you my destruction of the Bangledesh democracy. Will not be edited except for
campaign and the statement of the can. warmest congratulations And for those 4.3 million refugees in Southeast AsiaA grammar, Spelling and “belt
ammo While I'm surethat the prospect of who have merely shunned the attention and that is your choice. But to any

 H I l .
. I . . Tlll‘l KENTl'('KY KI'IRNl-IL Friday. November 3. I972—3
Nixon s first political telecast
Election won't f t°°““°“”’°”1 A
WASHINGTON (AP)— Areturn ofall prisoners of war. cease fire. Rather. it says “24 . SCUba PrQ'Neerd .
President Nixon said Thursday “a ceasefire throughout ln~ hours after the signing of the “ U-S- DlVers
night “we are ready to conclude“ dochina" and the right of the agreement. a cease tire shall be . .
a Vietnam peace settlement but South Vietnamese to determine observed throughout South Sales Rentals Service Instruction
”we are not going to allow an their own future "without having Vietnam.“ . Lexington‘s Only Pro Diver Shop .
election deadline or any other a communist government or a The nine point draft agreement . See Us For Quality, Price, Service . 7 ,
. kind of deadline to force us into coalition government imposed on disclosed by llanoi also says that
an agreement which would be them against their will.“ all foreign troops would be with— . PHONE 266-4703 829 EUCLID AVE .
only a temporary truce and not a Without giving details. Nixon drawn from (‘ambodia and Laos . National Association of Skin Diving Schools .
lasting Peace.“ said ”there are still some issues and that military activities in ‘ ‘ .0
In his first nationally televised to be resolved. . those two countries would end. - - - - O - - - - - O - O - -
political broadcast of the cam- Nixon said he has insisted that 7 ' 7" "' , ' . . .' ' ‘
paign. Nixon declared “we are these issues be settled before the / \. . _ ‘_ ‘-
going tosign the agreement when agreement is signed, adding . _ g ~ ;
the agreement is right. not one “that is why we refused to be ’ I - .-‘ I I - - ' - - - ., I ' '
day beforehand when the stampeded into meeting the
agreement is right. .we are going arbitrary deadline of October
' to sign. without one day‘s delay.“ 31st." Ff. MON“! 5 =
l ays
l “We have reached a sub- This was a reference to Hanoi‘s I ‘ T d 8.
l stantial agreement on most of the contention that the United States Saturdays 8' /y‘ ‘X "95 0Y5
i terms of the settlement, Nixon had agreed to Sign a Vietnam Sundays i . . \\ _ ) Wednesdays
5 said. “The settlement we are settlement pact by that date.
ready to conclude would ac- The nine—point agreement
complishthebasicobjectives"he disclosed by Hanoi makes no HOMEMADE .. BEAN SOUP &
presented on May 8: reference to an Indochina—wide '
WBKY to broadcast election .. . §, it ,47 .
results to 30 station network 75 ‘ 60‘
' 1 l ' FAMILY ill 1 ‘ rice —
WBKYFM. UK‘s public radio presidential elections." he said, refills a 7'2 Prlce RESTAURANTS re I s a 2 p
stationwill originatea 30 station In 1960. there was an anti- OPEN SUNDAYS -
state-wide radio network Catholic vote in the state. in 1964 OPEN SUNDAY
Tuesday night which will provide Republicans experienced a 4_9 Located 0" Southland Drive 4.9
election returns and analysis. severe beating. and in 1968 the
The analysis will be done by Dr. presidential election featured 2012 Regency Road-
Malcolm Jewell. chairman of the three strong candidates.
political science department. and 7-
Pete Manchikes. from UKVS Jewell said the 1972 election is $1
Information SerVice. more normal. since there are ‘ ‘J§
. ' . . .' '\‘ ' ‘
"Wedon'treallytry to compete find-(:2? major preSidential J“ A A
with the national networks." said can I d 9' . "f' G g?
Jewell. “What we can do is WBKY 5 coverage “"11 also '\ ,
provide better coverage of feature remote broadcasts from ‘-_ x ‘8
Kentucky. Quite often local Democratic state headquarters E. g V.
stations aren’t prepared." in Louisville and Republican l m i , 3 .. ,,.
state headquarters here. The ~ r; ‘ .,. 7'17») ,4
Recentpresidential elections in network will use a computer to is” g r] ‘§_ - 7“
Kentucky haven‘t been “normal tabulate and provide calucations. if .. ; . . V. »\ /
as. *' ' a; .141
3“: l ";’ ‘9‘ .9 t.‘ its! ,
. ’l' it?“ a I'l'l.l.l“.lc-.K ‘1 57¢ “T
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EVA.» if ' kill/Kl ’7 l a t} ‘ . Ts
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 , . t t . '
tm'l'llrl KI‘IN'I‘l'f'KY KENNEL, Friday. \oycmbcr It, 1972
Ziegler blames McGovern forces Ni
‘ i
o A o o
rfl P l for hec mg gnew In a I .
‘ . I- ' ' V I \ ~ v . ll‘he
, Student 0.5coum phone 254 8083 183 N. Upper My onionnsnm chit-ago. 'l‘ttlstt. oklu . and “um thdnd lust” hldlmd "my”
Write or bone _ . . . “MW-“m,“ pm.“ “rm... l’I'oyidencc. lt.l {\lctiovern supporters for the ,
- , p Specuahzmg In Contact Lenses . ., , p . ,. , ' . . . ‘ hwkhng n,» “a. president Spiro l\l‘(0nt
é” \\‘\ t ll \\ \slll\t.ltl\ t\l l I‘M lht Oklahoma and lthodt _ ‘ llemoc
. \\ Let Us_ 8 YOU \thiie House blamed Sen (Jeoi'ge Island visits are intended to help Agnew In San Diego Wednesday “a;
N t Of our Conditional Guaranfee McGovern's lol‘t‘t's 'l'hursday for Republican nominees in close and m" ”‘9’ demonstration m l)emoc
/' _\ New Bausch and Lomb Sotlens disrupting Republican political Senate races. Boston outside a Republican votes
c’ Park free across street events and \illtl ‘lie Democratic “I“ administration's director Kl:'t(t‘l:l5'ltg dinner attended h." ltepulil
[m 1 v . . . ' ‘L
‘ at Featherstons ltl‘t‘oldmth” ""”“”“" ““0““ ol comIItlinIcatIons. Herbert H. ‘ '5 ,l on _ _ ‘ . _ The
“WWW, such “my” , r .. . ,. .. .. liulN SUI) Illa thinksthls
_ _ ___., 7_ . l\ltln. said {\Ixon s hutst of "l't l 'k f ,_ I b h campal
A\> “‘1’ 1“t”‘”“-"“"”'_”“ campaigning should bolster GOP Md: 0'”!er 03.1.09": gt ( suppor‘
C ’ spokesmen assailed campaign chances of picking up the five t" ""Uh peopc “1 1mg lacker'
disruptions. President Nixon was seats necessary to gain control of Nixon more votes and added: J "d.
A.‘ ~ ' putting the final touches on his ”R. Senate ' “What Sen. McGovern should do (ODS! (
“”. . ~— ‘ first nationally televised political KI I‘IV ’l'ttl l) \ng‘u“. l is publicly denounce this type of Ten
U address Aides said the Thursday l 'l' )1“ f V ‘ "ll ‘ " . “l . {9 demonstration." primar
. mtIht Wyeth centered on ’f "“5‘ “in “(‘1 carriy “t ”j“ Ziegler said the “substantial listed‘
' I America's future and Included .L) it‘l‘é‘éli‘h‘ ”(5. ad's ( cction 1.? ‘llSt‘UPtthH or Republican said "t
( references to Vietnam peace ‘1 an 5”“ man (”C for his political events “obviously were ”T”
u' (itl'orts domt 51“ "“d “"“g‘ 9011095 staged by McGovern people porter:
.. ‘ H ‘ ., . A! a 5093““) briefing later. Democrats have charged that ' crediib
llll» l’ltl-AIDEAF “I'M, was presidential WT” secretary Nixon‘s reelection forces have “peace
ill‘epal‘lng !\\>O 9101.9 In hls SONGS l<0nald IA. Zlegler said that NlXOI‘l COnduCted a "lassive campaign In t}
, TONIGHT _ 8 P.m. ”t 11"““’Lt‘ Nd“) ”Milt“: anlc: ”'5 ”0t taking any state for of political sabotage aimed at the substai
A1- ““5 “m mg 0“ speecits C “1 granted and certainly is not Democratic preSIdential can— Huddlc
make Friday at airport rallies in taking this election for granted," didates. Huddle
Encounter House . "tip?!
. vo e o
. an s. Limestone (Next to Jerry's) McGovern attacks republicans C
- . - . ()xt: INSTANCE of this. the other major party then they recent press conference on the
From Western Univ., Eas'er" UmV. 8‘ LOU'SV'He McGovern said. is the Watergate are notgoing to hesitateto do it to peace talks in Paris. as
Free refreshments (‘aperh‘lt's notacaper at all.it’s anyone ifitserves their purposes. “I want to emphazize that
. . ‘ _ ' h said McGovern. ‘ ‘ -
For More Information Call avdeadly serious busmess t at while none of us can be saw
252 5393 et ery person In this auditorium T()l'(‘|ll!\' ()N the Vietnam exactly what the PreSIdent is up
' \voulddowelltoponder,"he said. issue he said. “We have been to, it does seem strange to me In 2
If the political agents of the listening in recent days to that he has waited until the coordi
President and his re—election presidential words spoken closing .hOUT Of this 1972 Reput
NOW' adm- * 68 committee will not hesitate to through other people about peace PWS'dehtlat campaign to ‘dh' )"eStel
. “'50 *Sout , I d "4,1? \vire tap. eavesdrop. and in Vietnam." He was speaking in nounce to US a peace settlement is senatt
RMINIH 0w tI-hl'nnuttuu - uni—um» hurgularize the headquarters of reference to Henry Kissinger's “ear-H “Dee“
HAnooo<.nuRo an the Stt
c 0 I
o o o crease
A White BI at Head franSplanfed UY A d d
9 9 ,7— startmg program to prom e m The
said ‘
Onto a Soul Brothers Body “til I . f K k
. . rm... ' to ow Income areas 0 entuc y team
the fimntesf Medical ' ‘ legisle
""". " ~ . , ~ The purpose of the program. sociology psychology ar- major
Tl emf the '/ . Y , By JOHN MANN ' . _ . .. _ . ‘
EXpe m Of age Sttugyfxgfignffim” Kernel gm” \triter for both graduate and un- chitecture, education and (rover
7f:: The University Year for Action dcrgraduate students. is to english. year t
"‘9,“ W tL'YAt Program is accepting provide public and private anti- There were about 50 UYA As a
.Au—PVS’IT‘C‘LE Mil'and applications this month for poverty agencies serving 10“" volunteers during the past year, called
and student volunteers interested in income groups With UK student the majority of which were un- tuition
. I” . *RWGfier receiving college credit while volunteers. dergraduates, said Jan Haley. for in
; . .' ~.‘ 05... providing aid to low—income \‘(HIL'NTEERS SIGN L'P fora public relations manager for $75 th
4 ‘2 5 ’ j. populations m Kentucky. one year period and are awarded UYA. 'inotht
$3: :. a «r We up to thirty hours undergraduate The two big agencies which ‘ Will
,3; :2 I“ . h credit. usually in their field of take the most volunteers, she claimt
.;- .. gr - W ~ WANTED concentration, for their work. said, are the Louisville School count
V ng’zl‘zgafiusl Wyomwhoil'rmgg In addition to the credit. UYA System (Focus-Impact) and the
V8“ 7‘ ‘ ,-\ "‘D'fWQntatw» for .mdmg provides a minimum support and Kentucky (Ihild Advocacy
”'7': 7 8n 72:12:.23'332‘35:;:2..2:¢::'.: WP allowance Council «