xt78930nvx3p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nvx3p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1983 1983 1983-02-02 2020 true xt78930nvx3p section xt78930nvx3p g _l J v. I“ ' i . . ,. _. 1.... . ._,.’ ‘- --I-‘.'§‘—"I
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Cleats-l craziness .
“ '- . Composer Peter Schickele and his pre- 1
KerQe “ fl /‘ sontotion ot the works of [0.0. loch l
4 have reminded some people of just how
3‘, much tun classical music can be. He will
/ be portorming tonight and tomorrow at
"""" "‘ ‘ the Center for the Arts See "'57- .—_'—‘-*~_
NIGHTII. page 5.
Vol. LXXXV, No. 105 Wednesday, February 2. I983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
4,. i - 1 ‘ 1 “ . I
x , I ~ . .1 " Le islative committee seeks
.. fvé'zfitwviy. x f“ ...-5 59!“ 51“"-{z:"““%* w éfl' ’/ 5’ , g
' e.- . . 1." ' .. 9-; 4443213,:
* h Id 0 h If d t'
It , , 1 . . . 3 0 l1 SC 00 Gun a IOI‘IS
5 .. .. 5 .- . 5‘ g.)
l 5 ,. s . AP and staffdispatches ('lapp also said I'K already deals with its non-affil»
I he" , v 1 . iated corporations. llk" the Kentucky Medical Services
~ W" ,5 g _ _ . . _ . 1 11A .. 1 1, WWW 1. , 1 Foundation and the Kernel Press Inc. under contrac-
“1-15 . t ' , tual arrangement. as was proposed
i...“ 5 WW .. . . a?) 1 W, .. ... , FRANKFURT ~» A legislative committee accepted a Northern Kentucky University President A I) A]-
-2: . “W1 1m~11~1~t~ .. g 5 '. 5.4 Q“ package of recommendations yesterday from public bright presented the proposals to the Program Review
,4» " " 1% ’ university presidents for ways to provide state over» and Investigations (Tommittee on behalf of the presi—
= ' , sight of private university foundations. dents of the eight state-supported universities
.; . » The proposals were merged with parts of a staff rec- lfnder the presidents‘ plan. money deposued with the
5 , . ommendation that would have placed greater control foundations would not be subject to review by the Legis-
1fi ... _ ~ over the foundations. which are private corporations lature during the budget-making process
.5 '15 _"'_'.-: «(K I” that aid various programs at universities. largely The staff recommendation. prepared by Tanya Gntz.
-. it; i -. 4. through grants and donations. would have required prior review of the expenditure of
"fire I“. Donald Clapp. vice president for administration at public money by university foundations. The reViews
’ We V. . UK, said he doesn't think the recommendations will would have been made by the Finance and Administra-
' . '1“ ‘“ 1 ‘ I. " - have much effect on the way the administration handles tion Cabinet and the Legislative (‘ommittee on Appro-
. ‘ ' \l . , the University‘s affiliated corporations. priations and Revenue
t ‘5 ,1 ‘ Among the corporations Clapp said are involved in Gritz. who now works in the Finance Cabinet. said
‘1' ha. yesterday's proposals are the UK Research Foundation. yesterday that the timing of the reviews was the major
t E , :3". ya '- the UK Athletics Association and the Fund for Advance difference between her suggestions and those made by
‘ ‘* ‘55 2' merit and Research. the practice plan to which all phy» the preSIdents
": v - sicians employed at UK contribute a percentage of their She said her recommendations dealt only with public
' »- {I W, S h a r i n clinical incomes. money that may be used by the foundations and not
- : “ w . ‘ ‘ h . g Clapp said a university~affiliated corporation is one with private grants and donations. and she said her pro»
1-“ V3} 5 . the university maintains effective control over through posals primarily were for informational purposes. Since
. f h I mself appointments to its board of directors. The university the Legislature would not have veto authority.
1 also supplies the corporation with substantial aid. he The preSidents' recommendations call for all private
:1 ' ~ said. corporations affiliated with public universities to file an-
, J” Bennett Becvc" Hell) Commenting on the proposal that universities supply nual financtal statements in accordance with guidelines
5 _ l j ‘ a dental lab freshman the legislature with budget information about their affil- established by the Come” on Higher Education
1 ..‘i 5; .. 1» at Lexington Technical iated corporations. he said. “We've been doing that for The legislative committee included the presidents
; ,nsmme took “me re_ all the17 vearsl‘ve been here." See ’OUNDAV'ONS'WQQ"
,; 1 “g cently to donate blood
1 when a collection unit a I I
. Economy a factor in dorm reSIdency decline
tucky Blood Center
. come to LTI. CKBC Wlll Costs increased 17 05 percent ~ $150 ~ from $880 to $1.-
: be on campus again By LISA FEE 030 between 1980—81 and 1981-82
' f: \ Feb 9 at Jewell Hall Reporter "We always try and talk to people wher. they're leayu
, ing PK. and qune a few have told me the reason they're
-' QQ ’ ° “""°°" ‘* . . - , . ._ .. .... ”.--... -.- A , . leaving is due to lack of money." (‘lay said “A commu»
a nity college is simply cheaper for them. where they can
a A bad economy could be to blame for the 3 t0 4 per» liveat home "
,n“ . 1 cent decline in resident hall occupancy thlS semester. Jim Smith. south campus coordmator. shares Clay's
" ‘ but Jean Lindley. director of homing. said she doesn‘t view ofthe decrease in occupancy
— 5 . . 5‘ view the situation as critical. “We do have more openings then what you could call
" wwwwwewww “We do have a few more vacancies than has been 1normal.‘ and Id have to say it is due largely to the
g ‘ “ true in the past.“ she said. “and certainly the state of economv"he said
t» L ..1..-:l ’19:.“ 1 1 1 .~ . the economy (10% play a big part m the housmg situa- "People are finding it harder each year to attend col-
111~u l s: "“"ff 1 tion lege." Smith said “Parents are unable to this day and
“ “mm”... min ' ‘ t , \5 E ,3 Bob Clay. north campus area coordinator. said he age to completely finance a college education. and fi-
. I“ 1" ,, 'v' 1 11 "~11”. . .... ‘ .5 * views the situation as "not in terribly bad shape. but nancialaid is not as easy to get i as it once was "
......»- 3" t . “WNW ‘4 somewhat worse than previous Spring semesters " .
y . ... 3. A. * Economic conditions could be the reason for high I‘E‘SIA
'1 t - 1 _ He said he believes the poor condition of the economy dent adviser turnover. as well According to Rosemary
, . x \ has played a key role in the decline in occupancy. and Pond. associate dean of students for reSidence~hall life.
“ 1 __ \‘s b: . has talked to a number of students on the subject a record 12 R A s had to be replaced this semester
5 . _ : \\ University housing costs increased 8.54 percent —~ $88 "It's a hard .th and a demanding one and now it s
‘ L _ from $1.030 to $1.118 between 1981-82 and 1982-83 Simply hardertostay iii schoiil.”Pondsaid
‘ Im ro m t k k' on WEDNESDAY
p V9 en 8 mar new 8 I 8838 F A . Mm”,
H) ( 11:15 min.“ gausfiof spew! prices and smaller Sk' Club gears Up for competition Salvador fighting advance by rebels
portcr (row 5
Like Paoli Peaks. Snowshoe has
also been making additions. said Because of the lack of facilities BERLIN, 5' Salvador - AbOUt l 500 government "0095
Marleen (‘hituni. director of public By-(‘().\'(‘I-IP(‘I().\'l.I-Il)EZ.\M and poor skiing weather. Renner were reported advancing yesterday to try to roll back
The skiing season is here and ski relations The addition 0f two ““5. Reporter said the racers must stay In good the biggest rebel victory so for in the 39-month»old civil
n.5,,” personnel at pan“ Peaks. Ski 600 condominiums and a golf course shape by running. weightlifting and war.
”P‘l“r~ Ski Starlight and Snowshoe. are just a few. She added that 1 "1 1 1 "dreamingaboutskilng ~~ , . . About 500 guerrillas of the leftist Forobundo Marti
Vi \ . say they are equipped to han— Snowshoe s goal IS to move toward a The club also water skis when it _ _ 5 .
(llt' tht‘ situation four~season resort With skiing being Kentucky is not considered a can "As far as snow skiing. the in N°t'°"°l Liberation Front t°°k over Berl'” 0" OQV'CUI'V
. Improvements were made at Paoli the major attraction. major snow skiing region. and Billy terest is Just to compete in races . ral center 0t 30-000 people in 500the°5t El SOlVOdOP
Peaks during the summer months. Chitum said that during the five- Bob Renner knows it. but he says. when they start jumping and racmg Monday evening otter rebel snipers prevented re- l
HOCUdeE t” h Mar'YI‘h (Tull d3 mtdmtllastetzlisgrsmgllflsstuzftfwids“2:3: :Skkllng '5 "33”." Eftcmnf-‘i a: Kdl‘n‘ (It‘wnhill. thhzgyshg'bhegegl gaiihgfifi inlorcements from reaching the less than 100 national l
s ikes ‘rson t ere. ev incu e an uc v1. more are . innm o 15* nner. w 1 1 ..
”F5: cotlztruction of a 1.400.100! triple in Marchand April. cover thesport." g g three years. “Skiing is unlimited _ guardsmen notional police and local militiamen defend-
chairlift. the purchase of a new Snowshoe offers a package called Renner. a third-year law student. when you have mastered something ”‘9 the tow” .
sn()“'gr()()n]er and 500 new sets of a “fun pass" that covers lodging. is president 0f the twoyear—old I'K there are always other skills to imA About 1,200 government troops with artillery were
bootsbindingsandskis. Skiing. Md most the resort activ- Ski ('Iub. The club, so far. has been prove H 5 reported advancing by foot on a mountain road trom
"The perpple are eager to slltlbland pie; Regular daily rates are also 0““ l" a ”I‘wtsmge' parélCIpagngkin ‘5’"? m5n§klt‘i:“sttbn?dctlt firu€h$:;ed:e$ie Mercedes Umono seven miles north of Berlin while
we try to ave e s o avai a c." er 5 event as vcar at aoi ea s. iu seas S ‘ -
(‘ruz “331d Paoli's siftesseason n()r- Ski Butler 1' located in (‘arrollt0n. has nearlvtdoubled 115 member-sh”) Va, Feb 4 (In Feb 18.1l Wlll travel army sources sad about 300 more had been sent from
mallv lasts about 70 days. but. “we Ky '5 General Butler State Park _ since then“ to Beech Mountain. N c . to compete Usulutan the provincial capital 20 miles to the north-
are always willing to work longer." hopes to encourage beginner and in “It was new and I had a great in the Beech Mountain west.
she said The ski resort closed last termediate skiers to come. whllje time." said club member Dawn thaglplwshlpn I 5 th ‘
vcaron March :3. possibly adding more slopes for a - Sandefur. a chemistry sophomore T e c u W1 a so compete in e . . . . . . .
‘ (‘ruz said she is optimistic con- vanced skiers. said Marcia Nevin. a and (‘alifornia native "It got me ex- Kentuckiana Ski Challenge at Paoli SOCIDI secunty commission Opt'm'St'c
cerning the rest of the season. and resort spokesperson cited to get into it more this year Peaks Feb 27 The event. a stop on
she encouraged weekday skiing be mu'tm'mgfl ”In Mammoth «(‘aliforniai. the the National Collegiate Skiing Asso— WASHINGTON — A bipartisan commission 5 $168 bil»
FT" '“ __.__,___.____.._... ”#7“- .— races were "I‘m; rfit'retztmnfll thitm film"d“'::;‘;h:1:ln?:e:ls’fitso;::1: lion rescue plan should keep Socml Security sate
com i we n am. 0 com I- an i
tion pEras more serious than \Eehat from Ohio. Indiana and Kentucky through the 19805 prov'ded congressman“ '“ '5'” °
_‘ I've been involved in before I 5“” areexpectedtocompete. loose agreement that can be renegotiated the panels
..o look at it from the fun aspect " “I‘m really excited about our first chairman testified yesterday
l Renner credits newspaper adver- race IN! year." said Tom COlllnS. 8 Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski
‘ .1 ‘\ . , l tising and support from Phillip (tall third-you- Iaw student from Lexing- praised ”,9 commission for demsum a number of at,“
l \a “0‘.“ i and Son. 3 Ilexmgton skiing goods m M “he club 3 Vtce Walden“ last natives lon considered too ex los:ve to handle
1 ‘ store, with the good student re- year. ”We recently went toColorado 9 p
l g < \ ‘ sponse to the club His only other for a weekend and I got my
l // ‘ ' wish is to "boost more sponsorship ‘t'hythm'back.
- ‘4 W for expenses." "We don‘t expect to clean up. but
l '— - \ l Nine of the 15 racers are from out we have a very enthustastic group
‘ “ w ‘ side Kentucky. “Most of our skiers andwe'llhaveaSOOd t|m9~" \
\ ... are from the skiing areas in the Although the Club will be THC"!!! in
\ M“ \ north and west." said Renner. a a more competitive level this 5931 WEATHER
l ‘~.\ “\ . Somerset native “I have to admit son. its main objective is Simply for
l ‘ ~-\ \ t that our best racers are from out of everyone to enjoy it
\ / ' thestate." “We proVide the opportunity for
/ Outof-state members include anyone who wagts to race :10 belable
\ skiers from New Jersey. Illinms. to compete.“ enner sai . “ is
\ \ 1‘ Virginia. California. Tennessee. and Simply in, fun No one is discour- today, cloudy wlth a 60 percent chance of rain and
‘.\ - ‘6‘ \ threefrom West Germany aged from taming ‘ 5 . a Mgn In the low to rnld ‘0'.
_ {1-, - 0‘ , “We don't get to ski very often ex- “\ou may not like it at first be» tonight, cloudy wlth . 30 percent “...“. of
3" 5 \ 4 cept in General Butler inear (arrol cause of the cold. falling down. and "3M rain changing '0 snow and a low In "5. upper
, . \ -.‘ < ~ ltonl and Paoli Peaks We can prac getting wet Once you learn the 20'
0 '- ~ “a I . tice the gates there." said Renner basm skills. you ll fall in love With it '
AN "-‘~‘.‘l.-‘.'.~ a g 1, “As you can see. the weather we‘ve just like 1 did Injuriu only occur Tomorrow. ‘thY *"t' ' “'0'“. °t "It" "WW
“3” ‘ 1 " t 4, been haying hasn't exactly been when you do something you have no and a Mob In the low 30:.
—"'—°"’—‘—_—_“—”"‘ ";j;j.;;,".;m.,..m..s..,.. suitable for snow skiing " business domg "
. .55 ,._.__...... ._
. I 1 ‘ . U

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Illl hollow Audion: 0pm"- John Odflln "It!” W. Loam llul S. Ind-h. J... Vac-No.00 Don Clluovd .
Ediiov m (ti-of anl Ediioi Au; (diva: Sports Editor Swlol'rtnk'l Edna: Photo Editor Graph-u idiioi
. )mu ldwln mm. “'50" "in $0".- IIII I. Widow Jr. Mltlioy eon-non mm. mm... .00 Van Nook cum mi
Managing lduoi Idvtuwottafitor AuinoniAm Editoi AumnmSpons Editor Sou-ethane“ Autumn (hi-I'Miogiuphor (up. (lt's-t' .1 i
i i
____ ___,_ -————————————————————-——————————————————-————————-——— l &
Regulations on purchases ‘ 1
u , ~ ' i
' NUMBER 7 WE ’ i
. FORTYTHREE.’ ,. __ :33 _ I
- , . . . . . “1.- "’9’ Jaifgmr , 3 . _

What do Richmond. Versailles legitimate industrial and research uses. and . . - . 3 _. ‘ "l. 37:36; —, : i E
Salyersville. Greenup and Woodford County all are readily available to institutional buy- ,/—,..:If “ \é-é‘é’ w [Vi J i ' .
have in common, aside from the fact all are ers. For instance. the UK chemistry depart- Tax»: 030...? -. r—i’? -- g g “ e 2'
Kentucky localities? ment commonly orders several of them from ’ ‘ ‘ "1‘ _,. f ‘ g 5% _ E'm-E: f ‘

Each received an anonymous phone call chemical supply companies with nothing . ..’ ‘1. fig"— 5% fifugié , .

~ 2 r 3 -’1' f‘ -— 'A'
last week to the effect that cyanide had been more thanaphone call. Y (:73 41:63" ‘1: EVc‘g ‘13,”; ”—4,—
- ' . . .. . . . . . .. ' o 32/ “Jag; ._ --._:.. .
dumped m “5 water SUPPLY And‘all suffered They Just ship it to the UmverSity. Law- "WW“ ‘ -——._ ;- :__.. ,
atheW and "100m emence Vlhlle EXPCI'IS» rence Scheurich. the chemistry department‘s 4735772593,: ,,;4: m ‘ §_ 3 : I
after testing the water supplies. wrote off laboratory manager, says. “That seems to £5; 3:.gv e“ K“ L ?;.:_:~ ,, -
the pOisoning threats 35.39h001b0.‘ hoaxes. be the only authorization they need." .15“; .. , 35$ 5 i 37‘ "i i

But, the reSidents of these areas must be of course he oints out a re utable su ~ . owl” “*5,” 7 ,, ::;_‘Z 3;- 7‘ E
asking. what if it had been true‘.’ What if N house Won‘tpsell deadi' igons to 'ugt §,!W/'-'3i-Effz1:.fl;f 2.524 1": L C ‘.
some madman had succeeded in tuning a p- . 3 9° J 3 « , ' MW .

. . , .- . anvbodv. Buyers like Scheurich have dealt ti . g .,' - .~ - . ,

substantial portion of a town s population .~ ' . . i «I... . . ht ml .7}; ,.
through its tapwater" With the companies for years. They know his I. 5‘23! We, :ég'; 2/ * \ .
. ‘ ' . . ' w ' ' “.l 9.53%"; i, 71-35:. ‘ . . . .

It s likely these questions Will lead the gov- Sgltrtisqnanldarhttistvreasons for buy ing chemical K _ 7:; ‘7 ‘2 12,4- . "‘ p - .
ernments of the four cities and one county. 'q‘ " _ 1%: i " _ " ' ® ‘I
as we“ as other municipalities to take mea- But It IS the nature 0f the busmess WOI‘id 32;}.3‘7 I,” i: l@ . ( ( .I ‘ !
sures to assure the threats never recur. that not all busmesses are reputable. as one ._,’~‘."'}' .. f :3." .5- /' ///// I, K‘"\ \ .

Armed guards will be posted at waterworks reporter pointed 0“! ”3‘39"th He went to .’ ’:".'"-‘. +135} I?” ‘33,; ////// ”filiy/ " ‘3 x77, ”Wt/D
entrances. reservoirs fenced with barbed several supply houses and tried to buy a {CS-iirgiit; ' - Altit" .////¢ I, // ? /////é////DV//, ,; 7 543%
wire and surveillance cameras installed. all large quantity of POIaSSIUm cyanide. Only ‘, .,/ ?/,,,a " “i" V‘ ,” [Me / / 1%5'”/// ’/ a, ‘
at great expense. L'rban America‘s state of one WOUId 59“ him the POISON 0“ a cash Wt, %/ .3 4-.“ i‘ “(W ‘l/ ' , ”/7 // gm '
. . . ‘ ’ ‘ m" ’ / ’l L. “1“,?! 1 ' ' i r ’ '
Siege Will have established another toehold bas1s.noquestions asked. girliagglrx-if .15 6// .,,’.",-‘.-_.-'.-.-'.~,-'_. 'i='|‘ii,‘ ’ , “’ ,,Q~ 9: {/77 '/ fll ‘
in the rural heartland. But his point was well made. That one. Eff-{3323135373} 3. ./%’7 5? . l I, , ')" V y I) ‘
- . - . ,. I. . a/ . ,. .. l/ s. a . , / . , .
But there is a far more effective way to even though it later got the "gudts and re- ii g.'-.{.;_!.;§:;,f{;i_¢.". T ' j. i 1 . r’ .k *WV" ‘ l" . ‘4 .//’ ’
deal with this problem. The key rests with ported the sale to the police.was enough. ‘5 j~,iéiz';~il'.{!{-zii.:".f‘;. _‘ ‘ ,‘i .~.'.,5 u v’ fl Q\ afféé’h .--_:;_‘ti, .. ‘ ~' -3
. . . . . .,l.*' :0: -'.u.-'-.,- _-, . , . "‘" l ' IL ,.,. A,
establishing rules speCifying how large quan- And that amply demonstrates that the Sim- l 2' :e'zfi" "h";, :4; ‘ , ‘ . .I'. - , \ Q‘- ‘° .Q‘ h,’ ‘ — “m”! t .2
tities of pOisonous water-soluble salts. such ple good faith of chemical suppliers isn‘t it ‘7‘" '3;-,5;¢;=.-a;;‘- illi ' 1W, illill‘ll‘ (a ~/‘ (I ’ ’4 .i“ .liil‘iiq l i
. . . I y, ..,.i '1 /" I "' i:i\ '
as potass1um cyanide. are sold. enough. Government regulation may be an 9-" ': (f; /,_ , .3,” villi“. Ivyz‘tii‘g '\ M "33"“! l l 1 {'qt '

Each of these chemicals _ and there IS a anathema in this era of recession. but con- . ‘ “#151211; ‘Eééééa! . . Ill ‘1 "Wi ‘ ;
list as long as Kenny Walker's arm — has sider the alternative.
% 2
Fantasy entertainment offers more than 'arring real '1‘ ' '

[was outraged .\ police captain‘s daughter has the chances of someone successfully rested. for illegal possesmn of fire- Even “Hill Street Blues." for all Cially after a day lull of realm in 1'

After putting in a busy 12—hour day been raped and beaten. and her re- accomplishing such a miSSion were arms its attempted realism. is still riddled my own life. When that fantasv is iii .
on campus, I got home around 9 to \engebent father demands details slim to none Wonderful. I thought. During the midway commerCial with unlikely coinCIdence and too- terrupted. I feel robbed I. never :

I ran reconnaissance. admitted de from a rightfully resistant Furillo as I quickly raised my VHF antenna break. another news bulletin in» tidy irony. thought I'd quote Blanche Dubois. .
feat and opted for a couple of grilled Tension mounts as Furillo refuses to in hopes of picking up “Hill Street“ formed me the Versailles water was (‘ase m p01,": The father of the but “I don‘t want realism. I want : .‘I
cheese sandwiches Somewhere in divulge information he knows Will off the Lomsville NBC affiliate clean ‘blg surprisel. and though the Hill Street‘s rape victim walks into magic." .
ASia there 5 a potbellied wait who d lead to dI1()lilCI:£lL‘l of violence when. From the looks of things this cant announcement sliced into 60 seconds the cell block where the captured If I can feel a twinge of guilt over .3;
make me feel some major guilt for suddenly. \\1.l-..\~T\ has the unmiti- be true. yet news-hungry local T\ or :70 OI my tayorite program. I rapist cowers. The wrathful father com Iaining about my rilled home i-
grumblings. I tell myself Such are gated gall to cut to a news bulletin I reporters swarm around the spot breathed a Slflh 0f relief that there pulls a gun from his sock and fires sandfi'iches while a. Shili Sun“ 1
the consolations of the ugly Ameri- howled and hurled the last of my Meanwhile. God knows what grip- would be no more interruptions. In a TV-classm case of mistaken halfway across the world (I «L ‘ (f. T
can dlnhf‘ril'lht’wrf‘f‘“ ping drama 5 Uhfhldlhfl 0" theHilI Th“ mayor on “Hi“ Street” do“ identity. he kills the misgmded sur- I should feel some remorse Sam) :5: 7" I

With those modest sandwiches lyiercifully. the news bulletin not fare so well. the rat J.D. blcw vivalis‘tlronv in theextreme. reaction to this new" formr I:
guiltily melting away in the pan I ended. promising details when the away was rabid. and the mayor Th V T” *b ‘ ff ed trusion But I do not $2,! h} IV '
checked the TV Guide. searching for \ lab report on a sample of Versailles must take time out from his busy ‘he ersai letsd usinfiss 0 er l' no child ma , arrest m 1 ,"d Hung; 7
some entertainment I try to make Gary w water was completed. Back on "Hill schedule for painful rabies shots. SUL irony. ony own- ome rea ism. . 'V .‘ 7‘. d er.“ n n

_ . V , , s .W' ' ., , ‘ ‘ . , . . The scare was a hoax. and all 5 well late-night public service ani'munt'tL ‘
at least one futileetfort gesture . PIERCE Street. JI) searches the sewers Delightful th'tend' w ll Th “H“ St t" ments While I stuff m' If k
each day. Just to keep myself hum; :7 ’., for a potentially rabid rat that bit But for the remainder of the show. isgde “:q ef. e l ‘ tree ep- food and t're‘ t Old-‘59 .9". Jufi‘
ble I This time I was in luck After a ' l the mayor. Shouldn‘t be too hard to my mind kept wandering back to Fame mit'o 3:} 'mtore inleresting. looks la :rdth : l’f m‘éuten tl ‘_ j
Winter‘s worth of reruns. there was ‘ ' find. smce the mayor plugged him in Versailles What if the threat had lin of th lei]: )d“ "“35; tn mapg- more tr mic {0 at Blithm ,d, “f .
a new episode of “Hill Street Blues the hindquarters With a .38 (‘rafty been real“ ()r to bring matters clos- HOE w , fr, fife} is ime '0 Versaillzz 100‘: '60 u ( mayor 0
on Through a dripping cheese—beard. J D finds another rat. blasts a but er to home. what if the location had . ass anger an ‘8‘ son~however reslhf‘“ffl'l‘f°m§d” 3'

Had Mick gotten over the death of a local newshound informed me that let into its rear. thus ending one dise been IA-xmgton‘.‘ Would I still have Lnfortunately. the fact '5 “0‘ al- ' a ”p ‘ icamen "
the bizarre .‘aptain Freedom and an unidentified caller claimed to gusting assignment been as angry to see my favorite TV ways 50 benign Th9 cyanide scare I knowthe difference between fati-
found grubby love with the new lady have dropped cyanide into the Ver- (‘ut to a quintessential "Hill show interrupted" will" ha“? been real. The Tylenol tasy and reality But if reality .
cop on the beat“ Had Furillos ex sailles reservmr Stiflmg a loud Street" segment about a crazed sur- 1 don't watch televiston for reav p0isonings WW”- and we seem doesn't look good on television and '

Wife forgiven him for accidentally "Who cares"” I force myself to Iis~ vivalist. convmced "society is dying lism. I watch it for the escapist fan- caught In th“ middle Of a “11”." 0f doesn‘t affect me personally. I’d '

letting their son catch him and ten Seems some malcontent heard in its own poison " He has built his tasy and for mindless entertain- SUChfrlghlS rather see fantasy It helps me 1}];

Joyce Davenport in .1 moment of about a similar scare in Richmond urban apartment into an arsenal, re- ment As I write these words in fact. ()n the 11:00 news after “Hill nore my guilt.

sexual abandon" And what about and thought he she could cash in on plete with the Encyclopedia Britan “1”] one eye. I'm watching one of Street." a local psychologist as

Andy Rento's cowboy accent" I the publicity nica "‘w'ith yearbooks} and a re- the most exciting Super Bowls in serted that those who called to com- Gary W Pierce is a shallow.

slapped m' Chcesy dinner on a plas f‘rigerator full of his own sperm years When neWs from the real plain about the show‘s interruption thouahflé’sslv selffl’ntc'cd WWII!” '

tic plate and plopped in front of the Even the less-than-articulatc awaiting 50 good women who can World. like that bland Versailles were confusing fantasy \nth reality. 0f the video generation This week V

tube to await the answers to these mayor of that fair City had to admit. help him propogate the postholo story. creeps into the TV fairyland. I don‘t think I am I simply prefer He may also be u Kernel mlmnmst '“

andotherquestions right there on live televiSion. that caust race He is. of course. ar theeffectisalwaysyarrin-z fantasy to reality on the tube; espe- ifhe eversnaps out otit

NO. d t 'l d

In a most In "mane way I _ ees. stand up and clap to the fight the city With the largest municipal practicmg your instruments [)on‘l

ncreOSIn e songor cheer "(in Big Blue " morgue in the world. We don‘t mean get us wrong? we don‘t harbor any

Dog may well be man . ”.5; the\ spent “me at W. Humane N» g p p We also promise to follow the ex- to be so hostile toward the alumni. illfeelingstowardthe band .
friend but 'the rmgrge 15. certainlx mm" as puppies ample of our alumni and "remain but because of the “dull atmo— In fact. it is pretty muclia consen~ _
not true ’ I‘ve got a great idea: let's in- dormant throughout the entire forty sphere" they we realize that this is sus that the band should he placed _

. crease UK basketball pep by remov~ minutes “ not incluswe of all alumni or season in the lower arena. for example Sece .
. ing the most enthusiastic fans in If most of you who are reading ticket holderst create during the tion 33. as has been done in the past. ’
There is one thing that I under Rupp Arena. And at the same time. this are now saying that we are a ballgames we are having to pay for or even Section 32 full time Don't l

Take as evidence 9h? “‘9 of stand even less than the Humane So let's put the band with their backs to bunch of spoued babies crying be- it you think that placing the band Ill ' ‘
Karen Fvarts a anémn I‘i‘Sltlt'nt ('H‘ty Why does our society have 6.000 people. cause we lost our tickets. you might The logic behind moving the band Section 32 canbejust as effective ‘
who recently had her mo mg; ”(,0 such! a penchant for multilating For those of you who have never be right The students of Section 31 into Section 31 is totally unfounded. All we want 15 the right to go . 7 i
barked" This h d euphemistic “av dogs‘ had the chance to know how little are spOiIed. spoiled on that special Athletic Director Cliff Hagan said stand in line for a chance at the best , l
Of saving that 5h? had her (1”25‘ — you. hear of a band from mhlnd. ”dull atmmphere“ that exists in the move “'85 Initiated to Change the Seats In Rupp Arena Thls “'ay- lht' ~ f
vocalcords SUI‘Elt‘aiiV w, you ll probably get the chance to that small section of blue seats to “dull atmosphere in Rupp Arena to people who really want them will .

The mun Is my (Wm dub mm Staff find out in the next two home cated on the midcourt stripe. . more of a college atmo get them. We think in our ow ii
no defensive bark and a W ”t war OPINION games And ask not for whom the We have to admit. once we all sat sphere." "highheadednass" that lh“ (W‘s “'h“
tissue that 18 already (mmng WW band playsit snot for you? in those seats. for the first time. we However. the group of students brave the elements on those cold
ral 0f the (1025 m gag and choke tre- ""‘— ‘The only ones in front of the band were booked. All of us were incon- being moved IS. among the most Sunday mornings should have that :'
quently When I was in high school I used will be on the other Side of the trollably compelled to stand tor vocal and PhthSIaShC at any 0' the right.

It a. ars nei hbors h'd t to baby-Sit for some fairly rich pone arena. so far away that they won't sleep) in the cold and wet for five or ballgames. Besides. one day we Wt” all grad
edl mpg" F‘y'ansgto co taThrepea ' ple tlne new”); obese family had a be able to hear That leaves the peo six Sundays during the Winter. so Perhaps the band Will be able to uate from here and only a select few .

Y ‘ ur 9 "ms" pathetically thin German Shepherd ple on the floor that we could be bored to tears with create a lot of excitement before the of us Will ever get to sit that close to
ordinance does not allow dogs to ,, ., . . .. . - . - v~
bark at any “m? d'y or n ht keptinthe backyard It seems that if (Iiff Hagan had all those rowdy people dunng the LL game. after the game, during aWildcatsgameagain -

. , . - d. It! To m.‘ hormr. I (150,“.er that the band play in Memorial (‘oliseum 15 basketball games held at home timeouts and during the game as the We hope that this farce will blow
This means of course that your dog , ‘ . , , . . . . . , , . .
ma not bark at ra mg or other it the dog had no toenails and rotting he could eliminate the possmility of eachyear fans in 31 have traditionally done. aSIde qmckly. If it doesn t. then tho‘
t yl rm p. ‘ l ' teeth After a neutering operation their hearing either ()ne thing‘s for We must admit that placmg the They may actually be capable of students of Section :11 have one glim
" failed to keep the dog sum-Kenny sure Hagan's not sticking around to band in Section 31 is the lesser of the jarring some fans out of hibernation mer of hope ..,, we can all go buy ka
cowecl, daddy fatso had the dog's hear them He's fled the area and two evils. You could just do away forashowofenthusiasm zoos and try and 30inthe pep band ‘
“final“ removed and her teethflled won‘t be back until Feb 14. with the student ticket allotment and Of course you band members _' ,,
. Yes. this has been a sad week for give ”all those tickets" tslightly must be tickled pink tor blue) over Itick LUN'I‘I l
. t.'I\' sports fans. our Winningest foot- over one-fourth the arena's capaci- this strategic move because you are Engineering sophomore ‘ ‘
. . . q _ . ball coach has left us forever. and tyi to the alumni and make it an en- getting the best seats in the house .-
co’Irii‘rsieiifflrrimff‘T £_u:_7"§2‘l:$;ft3; kiwi”... ”Elma? I “:5” (I m ‘1‘“) (‘liff Hagan hasn‘t tire sticialgathering for free. We don‘t really mind this This letter was Signed by five other
.. a a db - . W - M” U.‘ a m "I‘d” ”1“?“ But give (‘Iiff credit. it took a lot Lexington could then be known as because you've earned them by students.
barking is neither humane nor a they re in style And. of course. III of planning to find the place for the
gooduway to solve the tnOlset prob- have to get his ears trimmed and his band where the fewest posSible p90. BLNM COUNTY by Berke Breath“!
lem tail cut so hell look fierce Then I plewillhear them

Where was the Humane Society can have him neutered so he won‘t AH€M IPi'JKi T, vor/u 6% THQPE HOW I
when Evam was pleading her case have any of‘those nasty drives David I" Banks :00an 2:;ng gbm‘fgvamofltiuge (til/«mm How‘s 4 mm 0 TO A Foam 0.
against the neighbors complaints” And then. if he still has some en- ~ t 4 ‘ in; IERTE ammo AM ’A a a, V ”my. C’OWRNMENT'

Where were they when she paid $180 ergy left. I can have his teeth filed. “QC ncalengineering sophomore ’5 \ wgflimgum MOTHER EM: flag; mites I mxea I "A",
in fines” What gives them the right his toenails removed and his vocal . ‘ -‘- . 70M” ’00" W350” 0” I \ i \ s '
to say what is humane when their cords cut Maybe then I can use him Fans Of Secflon 3] .... ‘ ,\£AmH ‘ . “3, <2! 3.,“ . 3

' establishment is a model of inhu- as a pillow or a paperweight By this - .1 (’{Vi - ’1} ‘ f—f‘ 1' u
manitytoammals" point I might have to stop After all We the fans of Section 31 want to VI ‘ g, ‘1‘ 'r f. a 2, t

_ What's more inhumane than to I wouldn't want the veterinarian to apologize for creating such a dull at- /. as; .1353, . fi’ . - ‘ u— \ g g, ' l
overcrowd dogs in unsheltered cages get richer than me mosphere atthebasketball games. \a' .‘ I ; .WW ’ J mm d -4 4
full of t