xt78930nvx8m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nvx8m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-10-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1988 1988 1988-10-25 2020 true xt78930nvx8m section xt78930nvx8m  

Vol. XCll. No. 54


Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

independent Since 1 97 t



Tuesday, October 25, 1988

Students say new alcohol programs have changed attitudes

(‘ontrihut ing Writer

Several students under the age of 21 said
they are more likely not to drink and drive
hecause ol stricter penalties for underage
drinking and programs like last week's
Alcohol .‘\\\'areness Week

Several underage students said the
crackdown on illegal drinking and stricter
penalties already have resulted in people
drinking less.

"We are drinking less because we' can't
go to hars any more or huy at liquor

Acting GM
is appointed

ll) Ill‘lllll I’RtillS'l'
Senior Stall Writer

WBKY F\I. I'K's public radio station,
has named l’liilip (ireasley acting general
manager tircasley succeeds Donald E.
Wheeiti a. ho was station manager since

tiit‘tislt'f» is not a radio protessional. but
management skills. said Don
thaiicelloi‘ tor academic air

has good

tiieasley has .1 good record ot day-to
vlay management Sands said

tii‘easic). is director oi I'K's Fort Knox
t'eiiter and is an associate prolessor of En—
glish .\.iiids said it was easier to give the
positioii to a person already employed by
WBKY FM funds

't lt't'

the li!“"‘\l'\ lit-cause

tat (islt I\ this ltt‘t‘li working at the station
toi 'tw wicks atcording to l)il\'ld Dick.
4li.:iiiii.ili oi WBKY FM's hoard of advis
(is and Flzi't‘t‘ltti oi l K s School of .tournar

(iii-aslei. s postioii as acting general
iiiaiiagei did not tiecome elfec»
‘ite iiiitil gestetilay. \Vlieelei’said

“llt‘t‘li‘! will stay at the station With a
He declined to comment on the
positioe change hut Wheeler said he will
lit iiIl'tH'iI‘lt't'lliL‘. a power increase. hand?
c .a tt-lct‘til grant and prmlucing some

\tldfl recent-ll (lititl‘ith’ll mm the Fed-
i'oriiiiiis'sioii to ”1'
tlt‘Jst its iiiiyiei’ iroiii moon to itttttttiti
watts t'tlt't'lt‘t' .hiiie itttt‘t .\ new antenna
iitiiceii at \HiK\ 'i‘\‘ in tiari‘iird


yaw rail,


eiat ioiiiiniiiiiciitions

Alli tie

\kt‘ ham- to design a package of eqiiip-
iiieiit oi :aiious components that we may
pint hasi- to increase the power, Wheeler
said it ieiiiiii‘es coiriplicated hid s'pecii'i

I" addition to the power itlt rease WBKY
make some other changes
iaeaslei said the s‘tlittttll will give more
t-oierage to campus eieiits while teaching
students radio news tii'eas'ley said he sup
ports ltick s proposal to lii\'il\'t‘ more stii
dents at the i‘.‘idiostation

.some how some way, iournalism stii
deiits should have an opportunity to he in
\'ol\ed iii the preparation and airing oi
ltick said

watt?» to

local newscasts,

ltick said students were heayily iiivolyed
in \\'ltl\'\ until Wheeler hegan working
there ‘1'. \ears ago Since then some s‘tll
dents haye worked there in connection
with class work. hut proiessionals have as
sinned most responsihilities. ltick said

l'K President “and Roselle agreed that
student inyolyement at WBKY is iiec

"l think its absolutely the right thing to
do_ ‘ he said "l think internships and stii
dents working at the station is the right

Ruling will

FRANKFURT. Ky The states at
ready hleak hiidget outlook will face an in
creased hurden. some believe. because ot‘
a recent court ruling that Kentucky's puh-
lie school imaiicing method is unconstitu

in his (tel 13 order. Franklin (‘ireuit
Judge Itay ('orns said the only way to rem
edy the prohlem oi‘ underfunded rural
schools was to raise taxes

"My estimate ot responding to the (‘orns
case is $300 million a year.” said Sen Mi
chael R Moloney. chairman of the Senate
i-\ppropriatioiis and Revenue ('ommittee

Rut last week. (toy Wallace Wilkinson

stores." said lteiiee


Ztltt';ii*til(l tumor

The underage drinking prohieiii in lie\
ington has been given increased attention
since an alcohol-related accident killed one
UK student and critically iiiiiired ziiiotliei’
last month

Bradley .J Shipmaii. the t'K jllllltii‘ tll'l\
ing the car who was not injured in the at
cidcnt. was indicted last week h_\ a
Fayette (‘ounty grand Jury on one count oi
manslaughter. one count oi assault and
drunken driving

Shipman appears in a pretrial hearing

this morning at (ll't'ttlt toiii‘l i'he t.tst' is
scheduledtogototrial l)t‘t' ltt

The students inyolied til the accident
were underage and one was cairying a
take ll) Alter the accident the lit'\liltfltiii
Fayette l i'liaii t‘oiiiiti. police liiiitlt'liit'iiti‘tl
a program called opt-moon tilt.\l'. iii
.ihicli tliitll‘l‘t'li‘.t‘i agents posed as dooi
men and cashiers iii liars and liquor .slttlt‘s
to catth llillltiis. lt".~tit‘ fit ttti‘»
pass ttikt‘ llls

" The: issue oi diiiikiiig and di‘iiiiig is
not iii-mg stressed in. the current (.l’c\l’-
program. ' said .lt‘lilillt‘t Let: a 'oyeai old
licaltli .ttlllillit\l"itltttit iiiziioi'

tili‘iilott ui

llii". t"


C. W

R) .H HIC lflNSl’l \l \\
Special l’i‘iiiect‘ ‘i,\ t' my

-\ large crowd 'tll'i’t‘ll out iiis'
protest Republican '« Ice
candidate liaii i)ii;i\ies iiiistl'iii‘s
sues and to dispute his tithiltl «got,
‘ ice ill‘t‘sltlt'til


ltiit Quayle‘s supporter 'i
that their candidate is
would help keep 'lti‘ trim-o sum- ,3

the upswing oi the Reagait i-i'i

illiiti'tt‘tt iiii‘

\lore than lotto people shout-«l itt‘
Qiiayles speech at li'iipp \tt'tii 'oii
course Supporters oi ‘he iiiiiioi' iiidiaiia
senator chanted liight more J'Jit"
and ‘\‘o more llltt‘t‘.tl\ \\lillt' vim pro
testers countered ‘,\llli \‘o 'Htil't' tine

tine ot

Issues Isstlt‘s

the mam minis til tiiieieiiie


ewe-vita»? v ,, «

a s .1

.2 «a, ”New 4x. r" g,
A} imuawsr .

4w" , .3 «man, ,

Republican vice presidential V‘élfl’hdfi?“ 0'!" "21:2le sneak? ‘ z ' iii: tis’ '
at Rupp Arena textriritrw was "in ’ r at it? “ " ‘t‘t' "‘ "

n44. , .

lli'it‘t‘ '*
‘tlit r‘ltl‘ti i,.

llama-i hiiiie-

gyi' .\ 14.04! 9 ’il\ ii-i
iioiii-vit 'h-t'titt‘t i' t
iiiiiflltv- t, ti

Lit ‘l it"iaii w


again said he still is opposed 'o i ‘a\ ti
crease \n improving i't‘liiitttti‘.
should mean healthy reieniie growth ’tttit!
eXisting taxes. the governor said

Moloney, however told the t'oiiriei
Journal. “Any scenario i can draw has as
hundreds oi~ millions oi dollars slittl" ii 'hi-
199092 biennium And that s not itt‘t'ttllitt
ing for the Corns decision "

”Anyone upset “tilt the current hudget
Will like the next one t’H'lt less, unless we
raise taxes." added Rep .loe ('lai‘ke \loio
ney's Rouse counterpart \\'e exhausted
every trick in balancing this tiiiilget i
don't see how we can do it again ”

State Budget Director Kt'Viti llahle said
that Without higher tayes h\ two-til 'he


tote i'llltl ,>.ii li‘.1"t'll“ :ii

wineraeiii-iis ’11)? \e trivial
fiit‘iit ii :iiaii\ :i‘eas hid it ‘:i'»
\t‘ ion‘ lliHi' Viiiticieiit

Here is ‘1 took
‘o 4. ieport ,I: i'lie i'oiiiier liilll‘ti.il

Iii-\eniie ”11* current tit‘itt‘i’dl l'iiiid
iiiidget which ‘,'ti\t'l\ illll\ t‘tttti ~‘iii‘oiigli
.ltitit' tit, two, e\pects ’it‘.|l’l‘. st ittilllttii 'Et
revenue ill Itttt‘t ‘ttt

l’resiiiniiig t't‘\t'llllt' grows it .. iicaltliy
t'illt‘ oi 5 percent the state would time ‘34:!
iiiillioii in new E't'\t‘tttlt' -ii ititio‘ti it one
.idds 'hc $1» million in e\i)ecte K < h r »
rappers capitalizmg on the sexual— \ s f3 _ s N ,1 y , , r, t‘ 7, é N," f; *
innuendo bettervthanthou attitude ' 7 " 7 l ' l h} \ a if










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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday.0ctobor25.1988


UK-Soviet debate
good chance for
cultural exchange

The United States represented by some UK students

will face off against the Soviet Union at 7 tonight at the
Student (‘enter Grand Ballroom, It won't be on the battle
field or ( )lympic track. but in a debate

A group of former and current UK debate team mem
bers will debate a Soviet team on the topic of the
relationship between the public media and the government
in a modern society

The Soviet debate team is debating on eight campuses
during its twosweek visit to the [Tinted States.

A debate between lflb‘. and Soviet contingeiits on a sen
sitive topic such as the medias relationship to the govern
inent should be interesting enough to draw anyone,

t'nder the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev. the Soviet
l‘lllttll seemingly" has made several advances in human
rights. Examining the relationship the media has with the
government in a debate will put those advances on display

The media‘s relationship with the government is not e\
actly‘ a lukewarm issue in the t'nited States t‘llllt‘t‘,

The media. either through lawsuit or an occasional bot
press conference. runs into the government on a daily
basis in the t.‘nited States

Whether this sort of adversarial relationship between
the media and the government is healthy is worth cxaiiiie
ing and discussing

Besides the opportunity to hear skilled debaters argue
about a topic which draws as much controversy in the
tinted States as it undoubtedly does in the Soviet l'ngezv
Hi tt'ull’tllléu or not. the debate also can give students in
slglll into two vastly different cultures

After hearing almost eight years ot Reagan rhetoric
about the evil empire 'Ullltl the president decided it would
be politically advantageous to cool the (‘old \‘l'ar =3
wouldn't be surprising if there were a lot oi misconception-
about Soviet life and culture

Likewise. the Soviet propaganda machine probably has
not always represented the l‘nited States in the truest oi

A debate between two countries that have not always
had the best of relations probably won‘t resolve am
longstanding conflicts or disputes That‘s not its purpose

The debate does. however. offer a chance to two coun
tries that don't always get along the chance to talk

Even if it‘s not our world leaders hammering out an
arms deal. talking can‘t be bad



suited to something \tltl‘ as

PlCt’ure was \tllttilldl Enquirer or
’ , othersensationlistiiputihi
offensnve m. .. , . . .

attitle atioiiipanyine 'i'i.
picture was detinitely newswor'i

tll]l‘ if


l was appalled and deeply 'l'.~

tressed by the photograph on the

iront page of the (let 2o Kernel
The photograph showed a student
who had just been hit by an auto
mobile laying on the ground in olt
vious pain

llow anyone can so blatantly dis
regard another‘s right to privacy lit
a moment such as this is oblivious
to me For years this has been a

considering the current problcii.
pedestrians crossing the streets
and around canmpus but the pit
ture was totally ttttnt't'essai‘\

\(i ’l\ \lorris Hosli'.
sistti'tt it Hit (oi'li. Mr M Mull _y,

Debate tonight

:s «i s!:"

Does the media in this coiiiitrx
have much power“ lines tti.
media in the Soviet tiiioi: lt.i\
enough power“ Exactly how nuiw
power should the media lt.t‘.i

The answers to tliosi question
among others, will be presenti-«i 't
night when the t'K Student tam-i»
inent .Xssix'iation hosts a dust-
tlatioii troiii the Soy iet t ltlHti

'l‘liree debaters from t l\ .it‘n‘,
three from universities across it»
.\o\iet [limit will tiieet
the role of the media toward or:
eriiiiieiit in the modern state its
iiidi\idual values at each t‘iitltzll.
should lead to .in interesting

The Niyiets have agreed to no
\wei' any questions iron. the and:
encc alter the debate

The debate will begin at 7 pin lit
the Student (‘enler iirand Ball
room Admission is tree

Riiliyll “ttlli"s is (I
supliimio'e and
AMA hpeuhevs Hiiieiiu

pet peeve of mine

Journalists all over the woild do
this. but it seems to me that an ill
dividual should be given some
amount of privacy in such a per
sonal moment of their pain and


\ll those in professional proies
sions usually have ethics they are
bound by l ieel that the picture on
the front ot the Net to kernel
stepped over that line and down 'o
the glitter in printing such

to dist ii~~
it till
sieve Nude-rs, the pliotograpliei
who took the picture. reminded m:
oi itli .iinbulanee-chasing lawyer
there- to prey on those Ill theii
\\t‘.lkt'sl moments He deiiioii
sti‘ated that he and the stall ot the
kernel are definitely not bound by
any' ethics whatsm-ver regarding
their prolession

.\ picture such as this tlt‘llllllt‘l\
does not belong on the trout page of
a iiluversity newspaper

l‘llt’ ’titir "
(llill' min: -t 1'

it is [More


Letters Policy
1% W are encouraged to sohmit letter: and opinions
tor. .chky Kernel 03$ Journalism Buildins. Lexington
y M
mahdlhclso'ordsmleu. Allnteriul must be
mmthanm-y publish
tum anagrams-1M
W” on W their flute. “has, telephone
Warm with UK on
* -uwm tau an: by mint tele-
, . am with: Milo-don of the
lie m ”I” he published




CA. Dunno limiter
Editorial Editor

Jay Danton
Editor in Chiet

Mlchnol Brennan
Editorial Cartoonist

Jlni Whit.
Associate Editor

Thomas J. Sullivan
Executive, Editor

Julio EsuImnn
SpeCIat Protects Writei




ml-lEREé Aéoob one...

WHAT \F You SiiDizttL‘t 555cm»?


t___ . ._ .

Tough decisions

Pressure proves to be too much for Kernel columnist

lln It ‘.lt",\\
tt‘ittri ,tlt Ii\i't'
l’ogir that
flit ltltNh
'-.'- tits tiiodesty

were ptlltl‘tliL’ in
.Xiiierica, and Tim
irreverent new kid on
hot He tried to
l-ut It was



lli takes
llimli lit tl>
.itttl llii'lt turns it
ll. iisiglits are


satire and straps it
barest elements
inside out
nothing slltilt

\ssm'ialed l’i "\N

Ite\ lleed
l -. i-t ' the column every
hula i “tot things that challenge
'3» onto im- think and laugh

on -i.- 1

.liinniv ( :irler

\llco w'tl‘
\lurpliy' without
Like letteriiiaii
\ bright shiiiiiit‘.

Slskel and Ebert


until .1. ”it t’
"‘r \til'- it!
'Itt :io' so polite

s‘ai lilit‘i't

Hod. tat

ittai'ks everyone
. lioiiiosc\ii.ils_
seiiii iespecteil ltlt'tllltt‘t‘s ot l'l\~-
stat: but ottends no one
\l:.i"'ll’l.. good teelings ms!
t ll“i‘" ’v"\"i"\lttl(l\ llmeii
llai'hai‘a \\ alters

this em is white hot tuiiiiv H t


had half his talent I wouldn‘t be
doing cheesy late night TV. I'd be a
real star Forget Leno. Fogle is the
iiinniest man alive "

David Letterman

"Tim Fogle is Ravy's favorite
columnist [)amn hc‘sfunny “
David Dick

at his lroiit door. bidding to be the
first to bring this hip. happening
kind of columnist to the world
Fogle chose Geraldo because he
was really impressed with the way
Rivera handled himself during the
Manson interview He hoped be de
served as much respect

The Geraldo interview went well
(‘arson called Not for an inter
view. but with an offer to join his
writing staff. Fogle boarded him
self up and considered his options

He could keep his job at the
small but progresstvc college
paper that had given him his start
He could go with the (‘arson job
and try to get his column sy'ndi


The pressure was getting to Fogle. The weekly
strain of putting out something irrelevant,
disrespectful and so damn to the point was

eating him away.

The new hot columnist hit his tip
as he read these things He told
himself that he couldn't be that
good But it seemed he was

Robin Givens called Lisa Bonet
and supermodel Paulina Porizkova
came to his door. ready to submit
\ot the kind of guy to disappoint
the ladies. he did his best to give
everyone her fair share

(teraldo. Phil and Oprah lined up

cated into more and more papers
and make a bundle (tr he could
move to Rio and live Wllll Paulina
in her beachside hideout The deci
sion was tough

While he was thinking he contiii
ued to crank out geniu.s With his
zany asides. biting opinions and
Joyce-like grasp on the flow-oH-on
sciousness style. he had no limits
More reviews poured in


'l‘llt iilt‘sslili
l‘lriL‘li l'lh
pecttui .t'lti
illt.’ tz:

startiiic t. w m *
lilttt llt'ifii‘t' 1‘“ ’


l’aiilina ltwlt

l’ogli lie!

l‘aiilin.-, it
shallow llli'\-"'si

Fouli- How

l’aiilina it":

Sti lti pt‘t‘tmti“
iiiiiii Hi didi"
didn‘t apology.
he liasliei: .~.r :.
t'llltllt‘tl llittt
and distinguishe-

on tlii
drinks air:
ot his
butt llt‘Uii‘sllitllk

.‘,t‘t st

was “a?


\l’tl ill

3K l't tl‘

\tltl it a is mi:

llt'\i.t t," t. .
lieai't -“ '>-"..
woi—t :; t"


sto" \i' w

Quayle does not deserve to be elected


Iiiii'iiie presidential cani
poem 1 frequently been
aina/eu at the lack of political
.ivvaieness iii many of the opinions
expressed ill the media. and to
date have remained publicly qiiiet

ltowevei. attei reading the iiitel
ll'l tuat iiiusti proposed by licc
liaii-n -o the Sunday lA‘XlliLlltiii
llt‘liiltllJ'JIlVT I feel l tilltsl re

\lr l‘laton says that poor Danny
Quayle gets his vote because ”11'
big, bad liberal press «namely ltaii
ltatlii-i and Sam Donaldsoni are bi
.ised against him

lte turther states that during the
recent debate "the bias of the pan
all members of the media-
against Quayle was the most bla
tant violation of (il)_]t‘('ll\’t‘ and tan
questioning the has ever wit
nessed ”

Let me address a few of the this
conceptions I see in this attitude

The pres