xt78930nw00j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nw00j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 25, 1997 1997 1997-11-25 2020 true xt78930nw00j section xt78930nw00j  







[SIAM ISltl 0 1894


against Michigan State. See Sports, Page 2.


mm Partly sunny
today, high in the 605. Cool
tonight, low of} 5. Partly sunny
again tomorrow, high of6t).

m I SW The UK women}

basketball team shoots/or itxfirst win






iN’ove/itlier 2 5, 1997

o (.l/l/[illi 6 l)/.:/ pm 3

Z (LIN/tit ll\ 5 \I’to/[i 2

t woman! 5 l in; pun/i 4




. Another
to live

By Jennifer Fleming
Senior Stafl‘ lli'riter

First, it was the miracle birth of
the septuplets in Iowa. N ow, a med—
ical miracle has hit closer to home.

On Oct. 30, UK surgeons per-
formed a rare operation on a Lan-
caster, Ky., infant whose heart
defect was discovered in utero.

Cardiothoracic surgeon Dr.
Simon Abraham, an assistant pro-
fessor of surgery at the UK Col—
lege of Medicine, executed the
procedure of the biventricular








”IVE FOR A CHILI) Kristin (iii/lett and l)erek_7ol.in.toii (above) look (lou'n at their 30]]. Austin (ill/left, (luring a I/t'IJ'A ioitfi'ri'iire \‘t‘.\'7i’/'ilil\' ii/‘om tl-i lira/1 am g: M that .i. til
.411.\‘ti11‘.tlife. Dr. Robin? A lent-sel: j'r. (top left) spot/int aliout the iiirrirariex rifl-llla‘tiit‘x heart procedure. Austin :z'm‘ lwrii Ill hit cw], crow" of lit/mi

repair of the aortic atresia on +
day—old Austin Gullett.

The defect, located by a sono—
gram 33 weeks into the pregnan—
cy, was first detected by a
Danville, Kyu, ultrasonographcr.

At 36 weeks. Lexington perina—
tologist Dr. John ()‘Brien per—
formed an additional sonogram on
the mother, Kristin (lullett, which
confirmed the heart defect.

At that time, (illllctt was
referred to UK llospital to work
with Dr. Francis .\lc(3affrcy,
director of fetal echocardiography'

at [K Children's Hospital and an
assistant professor of pediatrics.

.\lc(I-affrey agreed with the
other doctors that the fetus did
have the diagnosis of aortic atresia
and ventricular septal defect.

“This is a life—threatening type
of heart disease," McCaffrey said.
“Some families would have liked
not to pursue any type of correc-
tion after birth.

“Kristin, Derek (infant's father)
and their families very bravely
decided to push on and we outlined
for them the difficulties with the

surgery and the potential mortality
and the morbidity involved with the
surgery. \Ve then coordinated with
Dr. Abraham to make everything to
go as smoothly and as well as possi-
)lL‘ after the baby was bom.”

Austin was in his 30th week
after induced labor. Doctors said
they held off any type of surgery
on the infant until he was strong
enough to endure the procedure.

The 6-poundI l—ounce boy was
placed in UK Children‘s Hospi—
tal's neonatal intensive care unit
until the surgery.

.\lc(iaflrcy said \usiin
born with no signs of any L'tnllplr
cations, “which is a typical sign of
congenital heart disease.‘~

The doctors agreed the prenatal
detection of the heart defect was
detrimental to the infant‘s stit'\'1\.il.

“It may have been a couple of
days before the problem may hay c
been picked up." O'Brien said. “By
that time, \ustin would have been
critically ill .iiid that may hayc made
the surgery much more risky."

The si.\4hour surgery included
the doctors enlarging the aorta. thc

\\ ,l\

iiiaiai .li'it'l'i ‘s tilt.“ i'1i heart.
,\bi‘ahaiii said tlic 3111.0th .ioita
looked llkc a jtlt.‘tt‘ of spaghetti,
rather than tlic normal silt-d aorta.
which is closer to tlic \l/t ofa linger.

“ llic reason that ttlic aorta't is
so small is that Insulc thcrc is a
\‘.ll\c\\l11clt normally .illous blood
to bc pushed out ofthc heart into
it." Abraham said. “There is no
\al\c ltc't‘t‘. st) lit‘caitsc there Is \cry
littlc flow during development it
just doesn‘t grow at all,

”He could not ha\c stir\i\'cd
\'.'l!l‘tttl! this."


A5 holiday
nears, UK

clearing out

By Matthew May
Staff 14 'riter

Planes, trains and automobiles.

Well, maybe not trains, but
definitely planes and automobiles.

The last two words signify the
forms of transportation that UK
students eager to leave campus
will be taking advantage of over
the next several days as the rush to

et home for Thanksgiving hits
ll swing.

As we speak, most UK students
are packing their bags and plotting
their trips to every corner of the
Blue 55 and beyond for a weekend
of re axing and stuffing their faces.

To most, the Thanksgiving
holiday weekend allows families a
chance to spend time together and
catch up on their busy ives while
chowing down on pounds upon
pounds of turkey, stuffing, cran—
berries and pumpkin pie.

While this holds true for many
UK students as well, itiost said they
are also looking forward to rekin-
dling their relationships with friends
who chose to attend other schools.

Broadcast journalism freshman
Shaun Knox, who hails from May-
field, Ky., said he can't wait to
catch up on old times with friends
from back home.

“I’m leaving \Vednesday at
noon, but 1 still wish I could leave
earlier," Knox said. “1 Tan to spend
a lot of time with family and friends
who I haven’t seen in a while."

Despite Mayfield's relative

roxiniity to UK, Knox hasn’t
liecn able to get home often, so
like many others on campus, this
is his first real opportunity to visit

his hotnetown. For others, such as
Kristen Gedney, the wait to go
home has been even longer.

“Being frotn Boston, it is not
easy to get home often," said Ged-
ney, a mechanical engineering
freshman who will fly out of Lex-
ington's Bluegrass Airport
tonight. “I’ve only seen my family
once since coming down here last
August, so I'm really looking for-
ward to it."

Still, for other students, such as
athletes like freshman diver Carrie
Knoeber, the break is a welcome
opportunity to relax and get away
frotn the rigors of Division l—A
athletics and the demands it places
on them.

“I can’t wait to get home and
just rest and reflect back on every—
thing that has happened to me
thus far this semester," said Knoc-
ber, an English major who lives in
Raleigh, NC. “I plan to eat, sleep,
shop and hang out with friends.
It‘s just a great chance to get away

MATT BARTON Kn‘nel riafl

students and farulty will be going to
Lexington Airport (ahot'e) en route
to their ho-mexfiir the holiday.

frotn the everyday rind."

For those stut ents who live
around the state, Thanksgiving
break will be more of an extended
weekend where they can get away




By Jill Erwin
Senior Sufi W’riter

Last night in the Martin Luther
Kin ,Jr., Cultural Center, Nashid
Fa rid-Deen spoke of the spiritu-
al troubles plaguing African-Amer-
ican relationships today.

Fakhrid-Deen, the coordinator
of Minority Affairs of the UK
community colle c system, led a
discussion title , “Male and

Female Relations: A Black Per-

! I

spective on the Social and Politi-
cal Implications.”

“Male-female relationships,
particularly African—American
relationships, from a cultural
standpoint, are very rich,”
Fakhrid-Deen said. “I'm trying to
get individuals to look at the rich—
ness of it and get into the spiritual
aspect of it as opposed to this
physical attraction.”

He started out the gathering by
pouring libations and saying

thanks to the African, European
and Native American ancestors of
all present, as well as to God.

“Prayer is when you s eak to
God,” Fakhrid-Deen sai , “and
meditation is when God speaks to


Fakhrid-Deen went on to sa it
is through cultural heritage t at
black eople must re ain the
strengt that has been ta en from
them. He quoted Amos Wilson in
The Faltification of Afi'ikd'l Con-


:cioumm, whose basic argument
was that those who have little
knowledge of history are “more
gullible, more easily manipulated
and more easily adapted to the
capitalist machine.”
Fakhrid—Deen reiterated this
point by sharing an anecdote. He
said the largest budget in any
company is in advertising. How-
ever, designers ut their names on
basic items, sel them for a large



KPA to honor
Ky. journalists ,

By Dave Gorman
Staff” 'riter

Diane Sawyer, Toni llain~
mond and (lawood licdford.

Most people know these leg>
entlary names from watching tele—
\ision or listening to the radio.

Sawyer was a former
Louisville meteorologist before
she became the host of \li(I's

Hammond, a L'K graduate, has
been covering the Olympics and

the NBA for NBC.

Ledfnrtl was the radio voice of

the “'ildcats.

\Vhat do they all have iii com-
mon? They've all been inducted
into the Kentucky Journalism
Hall of liaine.

The titnc has come for people
to' make nominations for the
annual induction ofoutstanding
journalists into the Kentucky
Journalism Hall of Fame. The
hall recognizes those people who
have made significant contribu—
tions to journalism, and mem—
bers have to be Kentucky natives
or must have spent a substantial
part of their journalism careers
in Kentuckv.

The hall was established in
1980, and since then, W) journal—
ists have been inducted. In the
(irehan Journalism Building‘s
conference room, affectionately
called the “Maggie Room," hang
pla ues honoring the members.

he inductions will not be
made until April 6, 1998, but the
deadline for nominations isJ an. In.
1998. The announcement of the


inductees will be in mid-Fcbniary.

The Kentucky l’rcss \ssocia
tion “ill hold its annual selection
committee meeting during Iltc
third week of_lanu.iry.

livery year. bctwct-n one and
six members are inducted .it a
reception, follow cd by the Crea-
son Lecture. l..ist year Michael
(iartncr. last year‘s l‘ulitvcr
l’ri/c winner. gay c the (Ii'casoii
l.cctiirc. llis lt'L'itll'L‘ tonsisted of
denouncing public/con ]t)llrli;ll'

“\Ve really get lucky with our
speakers," said Jack (iiithrie,
president of L'K Alumni Associ—
ation, who sponsors the lecture.
and member of the board of
trustees. “\\'c bring prominent
journalists to campus to rcflcct
on issues in the news."

The (Treason lecture is fund—
ed by the (ittlll‘lt'l“_lttlll‘lldl cvcry'
year. The paper gave $0,000 to
get it started.

The Hall of liame and (Irea-
sun Lecture are sponsored by the
School of Journalism and

This year's (Ire-ason lecturer
will be llodding (Zartcr lll. lie
was the state department's
spokesperson during the lran
Hostage (Irisis. and a professor of
journalism at Maryland. It will be
the 21st annual (reason Lecture.

“I think each year the (firea-
s‘tm tries to bring individuals to
discuss journalism issues and
make students think about their
careers," (iuthric said. “It also
challenges the community as a
whole. The crson giving the
speech We aways want to be
news maker."

0 O


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7 Kristie"? sigma-t -






Game “1






r. V n. l
5.1. r’ltiLL





Boston College

Game #2
, ,


. _‘

Game #3
Pi ~. "4

q n m



George Washington



Game #5 Loser

7th Place #9 Nov. 26

2 pm

Game #4
Nov 24
9 30 p m


Game #7 Loser


Game #6 Loser

All games Eastern Standard Time. Game times sub]




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liditorlnChief” ...t..............................JenniferSmith

Managing Editor ................................... Chris Campbell
Associate Editor ...................................... Brett Dawson
News liditor ......................................... . Tomes Ritchie
(Lampus Editor ............................. Flat Ilcrron

Assnstant News Editor . . .

lhliturial Editor ............................. .. . . . . .Todd Hash
Sports Editor ................................. ay G. Tate. Rob lit-rim
Entertainment Editor ....................... 0.}. Stapleton, Dan O'Neill
Assistant Entertainment Editor ........................... Luke Saladin
Online Editor ................................... Andreas (instafsson
Photo Editor .......................................... Matt Barton
Design Editor ............................................... Sheri Phalsaphie
Graphics Editor ................................ . . .(Lhris Romuhal

The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
Founded in 1894 ............................. Independent since 1971
026 Grehan Journaiism Bldg. University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506—0042
Kmrfirst copy oft)» Kentucky Kernel is free.
Erma copies are $1.00 cad).

Game #8 Loser


#11 November 26
7 30 p m


act to change due to televrsron coverage. Games 1, 4. 7. 8. 12 will appear on ESPN. Game 3 will be on ESPN2.


15'1“”! COBOL! Ktwrilmiff

111’ 31110106 U K ‘r flimrml Mag/oi” it one ofmzeral Cats who have emerged
as a pom‘rfill defensive pretence. But the team's schedule could include a 5191:
of top I 0 o ponem.»~ over the next fé'zc weeks. “M"e know we have a tau 1)
.trhedltle a _ Md. “ point guard 14 'uyne Turner said. “l‘Vben we go to xlfiui, we
need to but? everyone step up —- "we‘re not going for a free vacation. "




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1 *4

118181188 1188111111119 11K priority

Efi‘itient ‘0’
keeps Cats’

.fu ture brig/7t

By Price Atkinson
Stir/or \tirlf'll 'I‘Im'

1t‘s safe to say the \\'ildcats
sa\cdthc1rbcst for last in the 1‘)”—
curtain call during Saturday's 59A
i1 loss to 'l'cnnesscc.

Senior Kio Sanford tallicd a
career-high 1-1- yards rctciving on


nine catches while freshman Derek
llomcr rushed for 137 yards on 18

llomer‘s ()3 —yard tote in the sec-
ond quarter was the longest run
from scrimmage this year for the

Punter jimmy (latter kicked the
pigskin twicc. including a 64—yard
boomer for a personal best 55~yard
punting average.

Sanford and quarterback Tim
(Iouch teamed for an 87-yard
touchdown pass and catch. the sec
(ind—longest pass play frotn scrim—
magc in school history.

\Vide receiver “X" Craig Yeast
is now L‘K‘s all—time leading



MUMME Ill MW” Despite 11 rough 117111)"-(’)Itllllg [on to rim] Tennessee ot'er
lllt' :t't'cl‘t'ntl. fl’l’ (.‘rlttfinixln'tl rltt’ mlmn breaking or tying 6." rt’rordt am! pm—
:"Itlcrlfum 1/ time oftbe surveys .Wmmm' (ultot't') promised upon his (11772711.

receiver with 1.588 receiving yards.
breaking Felix \Vilson‘s career
mark of 1.508 set from 1977-79.
Yeast can build on the record when
he returns for his senior season
next fall.

Directing the show. Couch
passed for 476 yards to break
Danny \Vucrffel's Southeastern
Conference record for most pass—
ing yards in a season with 3.884
yards (\Vtierffel's old mark was

(Iouch. who ended his sopho—
more campaign with 3.75‘) total
yards. also cclipscd the SEC record
for total offense in a season.

The old mark was 5.525.


The “:\ir Raid ")7" offense
amassed 634 yards of total offense
Saturday. the second—highest sin-
gle—game total in school history
((5-16 yards versus 'l‘cnncsscc chh
in 1951).

The 476 yards passing by (louch
broke the single-garlic school
record of 460 he set on Oct. 18
against Northeast Louisiana. and
the 83 offensive snaps against UT
gave the (lats 876 on the year to
break the old mark offlfil.

The Cats and \'ols combined
for 1.33‘) total oftcnsivc yards on
the day. which rL‘llCLIL‘tl L'T head
coach Phillip l’nlmcr‘s knack for
pointing out the obvious.

“l didn't see anybody contained
out on that field today." liulmer

Tho Alter-math

.-\ Vol offensive unit that gath-



VTlm Couch 08:

Single season. SEC passing
yardage. 3,884; SEC most
ottensive plays, 613: SEC total
offense, 3,759 yards: SEC pm
£39m. 547; SEC Motions.

Single game: UK TD passes.
seven; UK pass yards. 476; UK
oonseout'wecowtetions 3.

vat-Ion Johann, K:

Single season: UK extra-point
conversion percentage. 100(15-
15). ‘ .

Careen UK extrapoint comer-
ston percentage, 100 (4040).

wow tout, we: .1
1 .331” UK mm WW1

cred 695 yards of offense prompted
UK head coach Hal .Vlummc to
reiterate his recruiting emphasis
for the offseason.

“\Vc‘ve got to recruit 17 great
defensive players this year so we
can have more bodies over there
and we can be able to battle a little
harder on defense for a little longer
like you have to do in this con-
ference." Mummc said.


W8|118|1 8881(1119 181 victory

Early-season jitters providing
little worry to confident Mattox

By Aaron Yelton
Sniff ll 'rlm

The women‘s basketball team is
looking to get in the win column
tomorrow night as it takes on
Michigan State. This marks the
third straight road game for thc
(Iats. and they are hoping it proves
to bc more fruitful than the first

Last Tuesday night. the Indiana
Hoosiers nipped thc (Eats 84-71
behind a lopsided gamc at thc frcc~
throw linc. Indiana notched 15
more attempts than Big Blue.
Senior ccntcr Kim 1)cnkins lcd
l'K's scoring effort with 21 points.
including an 8—for-11 performance
from the field. Freshman Laura
Meadows continued to establish her
presence by adding 20 {)ints.

Despite the loss. L’ ' did have a
high note the return of senior

guard Nikki llay. who played her

first game of the 1997 season after
rccovcring from a knee injury. llay
played 13 minutes and scored two

The (Eats thcn traveled to
Springfield. .\lo.. and took a 20-
point loss at the hands of Southwest
Missouri State. L'K shot only 37
percent from the field. and yielded
to the Lady Bears' defense. cough-
ing up a whopping 30 turnovers.

junior guard Tiffany Wait was
the high scorcr for UK with 18
points. llay made her first start and
played 17 minutes. scoring four
points and grabbing three

Head coach Bernadette Mattox
says it's good to have [lay back with
the team. and is satisfied with her
team's maturation.

“It’s going to take some time."
Mattox said. “(llay) is wanting to

lay all the time and wanting to go
liard. 1 feel good about where it is







right now."

llay‘s rcturn gives the (Eats a
scoring boost on the court and now
that nearly all of UK’s wounds are
hcalcd. the (lats can finally play
with a full deck. Mattox hasn‘t been
upset with the team's play in the
two losses. pointing out the season
is just starting.

“I'm not disap iointcd. it's just
the beginning of the season,” Mat-
tox said. “Our players now under-
stand what thcy’vc ot to do in
order for the team mic successful.
\\'c've got some weaknesses that we
have to turn into strength."

The road stretch doesn't give
UK much time to strengthen. The
\Vildcats travel to East Lansing.
Mich. to face last year’s Big Ten
champions Michi an State tonight.
The Spartans dru bed UK last year
76-50 at Memorial Coliseum. Even
though MSU doesn't return all five
starters from last year. it still has a
champion mentality.

“A champions ip team is a
championship team. and you’re
goin to have some carry—over from
that.‘ Mattox said. “They're a


Fill [Data
not In HE UK guard Nikki
Hay (above) has returned to the Catt‘
line-up after a knee injury. She aver-
aged 8. 3 point: per game last season.

defending champion, that’s what
the ’re made of. A very good has-
ket all program.”

After taking on the Spartans,
UK makes a weekend getaway to
Nebraska to play in the Huskers’
two day tournament.




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‘L...:¢.;L..n— Vim-slut a. n _







INT My BITCH (From left to right) Lars Li'lrirlt. jam" Scanned. _7ilme.\‘ Heiffie/d and Kirk Hammett ”mire up the mem/ [tin/d of I 6 yemiv'.

.Weta/Iira. The band plans afull US. tour iii the XIII/llllt'l' (4.1998.

. ”LUW9‘waw .. . .

Ari/link) [\t‘I'Ilt'f llltttfill \UZtI'l/N'I .‘t, [Wit 3




By Dan O’Neill

Iimenuinment [‘idltttl'

cessful follow-up.


more lyrically conscience

After a year of touring iii
stipport ofthe album, .\let.illt~
ca now releases its decidedl‘.
darker seventh studio ill.
aptly-titled Rt'rlfltlll, .t cotit
panion piece to [aim].

lt is not, however. a i‘cgut gt
tation of old iiiatertal oi h
sides, but rather a lirtraek

In the age of sequels and remakes. the
art of following success with equal sttt'tt‘ss
is a rare cotiimodity. .\let.illie.i. \\lttt
attempts to tiiatch last year's prosperiti
with another album of similar si/e .llltl
sound, supports this idea with .i less stlt‘

The metal mavens .tnd t)\\net‘s of hard
rock's tnost distinct sound have again set
out to set new standards of t reativ e \ lslt ill
and longevity. Metallica's career reached
its pinnacle with [.0111], the band's iiiost
musically adept accomplishment. a t‘tlllltl
nation of the band‘s iiiatiirattoii imo

EL 0A Dad

M emllim ’5 ‘Re-Load ’falls Short

()pening w tilt the uptempo "fuel," an
embodiment of its title .iiid the best true
tam song on the album. \Vithlaiiics llct-




field‘s \(tltt' ripping the lyrics
itiel /' (iniiiiie l'ii'e / (itllllltt‘ that which I
desire" .ind .t subsequent mean guitar riff.
\letalliea seetiis well on its way to repeat»
mg the adrenaline lc\ el of Load.

\ext comes the first single. "The
. Remains."
elegy to decadent stardom contains the
chorus “ \sli to ash / dust to dust / fade to
black / the iiteiiiory i‘eiiiaiiis." \Vitli stitv
ring \ocal contributions from \lartanne
l‘.ItlllllIll. “The .\leiiiory Remains" tomes
tlosest to repeating the epic iiietal south
that li.i\ e detineil albums of past


llie near operatic

'llie .llltllllt also
t‘tttll.l||t\ .i seqtiel song \\llll
” l he liilorgnen H.“ .i less
siittessitil attempt to capital
we on the popularity of the
[flat/c alhtitit hit.
L'iit'orttiiiatcly alter the
first loiir tempo
e\eiis out. guitar tilts betotiie
eerily retiiiniseetit oi the pre-
vious song and tiiotiotott) scls


stings tltt

[’ftrtttt fitt'ilttl'iii

allmiii release last siitiittier and due to
headlining Lollapalooxa .ind httriiotit lat
tors, the hand decided to split the .illittms
into “equal strength siblings."

The result, as with most sequels. tar
ries some equal weight but on the whole
hicks the ingenuity oftlie original.

album of all-new. all-original *‘k‘k iii. \ text ti't‘.|ll\t' tltsst‘itlt‘t‘s
material. (out office) do e\ist. ltti\\e\L‘t‘. at “\Vhere
lf the two albums bear cog ‘R ll. ad’ the \\ lltl 'l hings Roam" .iiid
nate sounds, that is. in part. by e- ‘0 the se\ L'Itediitlrlt halt titinitte
design. .\lueh oftlie similarity .Wctzt/Iial ballad “lam \laii‘s l \ric"
cotties from the story behind (File/ctr“) gne .i tiioiiieiitai'v break to
its tnaking. .\letallica originally the hit idm. ‘
scheduled a 27*5011g double \t _f)' minutes. Rafa/ml

Mitre .tflaltt goes .t little too far \Hllt .i
length. tlioosiiig tepetitive
Iltytlti! st't limits it) tittht‘tt'\‘s.ttll\ c\tcllil

drawn out


l'.itis oi I‘ll/.i. lioue\ er. \Hll undoubtedly
\altie Rt [iii/J is .inothei .ltlllL‘\t‘lllL‘ltt in .i
stellar Heyear career. but “ill hold ll iii a


A3 preaches musical Illllk

By 0. Jason Stapleton

Entertainment Editor

Look out Billy Graham, The
Very Reverend Dr. I). \Vayne
Love is building a brand-new reli—

It’s based on his very popular
and fun lZ-step plan with a gener-
ous helping of the King in heaven
the King being Elvis, of course.

The good Reverend recruited
various music lovers and itinerants
and put together a band of sorts; he
looked at it and saw it was good and
he called it The First I’resleyterian
(Ihurch of Elvis the Divine (L'.K.).

Like any self—respecting reli—
gion they put together a hyninal
of sorts, as well as a complete

The choir took on the name
Alabama 3,. later shortened to .U
during its exhaustive trip across the

The hytnnal somehow (perhaps
by divine providence) fell into the

hands of various higher—ups at
(icl‘l‘elt Ret‘ot‘tls.

\e\ei' one to worry about the
evils til earthly possessions. lltC
Very Rc\etentl l). \\'aytic Love
decided to sign oti
with (it‘lilt‘ll in order
to help spread his
l’i‘eslcytci‘ian beliefs.

He does it by way
of ,\3‘\ l‘tlllls'rllllt'tl. trip
hop music. The tunes
on lit‘I/t' UH (.u/t/lwii'ltr/IH'
lame. the band‘s first
album, detiionstratc

Imagine the likes of (out offiw) guitar, Little Boy l)ope
john Coltrane. _lohn ‘ , beats the drums and
l’rine and. of course. Eflk 0” the keyboards .ire stip-
Elvis Presley playing COWW plied byThe Spirit.
alongside the likes of Lane [ivile (III (.‘n/zlltilrlwm'
Prodigy and the (lrvs— :43 Lime kicks off with
tal Method. Now (Gefl‘en) “Converted,“ a
throw iii some tribal straight-up old—fash-
rhytlniis and you can ioned gospel hymn

come tip with some general idea of

.~\3’s soulful harmonies.



The Reverend and his trusty
right—hand. Larry Love, supply
the vocals and are backed by a
consortium of able-bodied .itid
quick-wittcd musicians.

Love lays down har'
nioniea tracks reminis»
cent of the early days
of (ircg “Fingers"
'l'aylor. Sir Real "(ion‘
gain-an" Love takes
care of the acoustic
guitar and perciissioiis,
.\lissi.s.sippi (iuitar .\l-.in
plays a mean electric





rewired with a heavy techno core
to make it infinitely danceable.

Mountain of

Hank \\'illiams‘, 8L, would be
doing the two-step ifonly he were
still around to hear it.

“L' Don‘t Dans Z Tekno Any—
more“ departs from any sort of
electric instrumentation A3 uses
and inst uses acoustic guitars.
drums and harmonicas to produce
a saucy country swing.

The l’resleyterian socialist
beliefs are highlighted in “Bour-
geosie Blues." The Very Reverend
shoots straight from the hip when
he sings. “\Vhat a society we're liv-
ing in selling Third World Drugs
.it First \Vorld prices/'l‘hey say
Lenin was wrong. \Vho saySP/lt’s
enough to give me the fucking

The song has a pretty standard
techno heat with a cool electronic
voice warning about the evils of
temptation in the background.

Exile on (fold/11171101” Lane con-
tains a bonus disc which contains
dance remixes of sortie songs from
the album.


aStWOOII talks
on life, career

.-i_t_wriuted Prt’tx

NEW YORK — The nanny
pushes a stroller into Clint East—
wood’s hotel suite, and the toddler
lights up. “Daddy's little girl," the
tough—guy screen legend says,

Little Morgan, barely 1]
months, is loving it. So is be.

This is not your father’s Clint
Eastwood. This is Clint East-
wood, father. (Actually, he's a
father seven times by five different
women, but more on that later).

This is not your father’s Clint
Eastwood in other ways, too:
Dirty Harry and the Man \Nith
No Name ~— lonely, violent, enig-
matic, retributive, scary macho
men — have long been supplanted
by the director of films rife with
intelligence and nuance.

That’s why the 67-year-old
director-actor dismisses the
notion that many critics who once
dismissed him have pulled a “180”
by fawning over much of his
recent work.

“Maybe I pulled a 180, and
they saw that.” he says in that
quiet rats that sounds hoarse after
talkin a I da .“Or else, maybe -—
I’ve a ways t ought it was proba-

. \

bly 'causc they just grew up with
me. ()r I can answer it by say—
ing I've just outlived everyone, or
we've all inst changed; we've all
mellowed with the times.“

It‘s a little like what the central
character in his latest directorial

effort, Midnight in the Garden of

Good and Evil, sa 's: “Truth, like
art, is in the eye ofthe beholder."
“There‘s certainly been a lot of
different views expressed on my
work," he says.
And much ofit has entailed mis—
conceptions about him, he says.
“In the early '70s, it was: he feels
like a rogue cop. Or a cynical cow—
boy (in the '60s)," he says. “\Vho
knows? And because I’ve always
had a little touch of ambiguity in
some of the films, even dating back
to the Fixltjill of Dollarx characters,
there’s a ways been that thing
where people have been drawn in
by their own interpretation."
\Vhilc his action—adventure
image seems long ago and far
away, Eastwood doesn't preclude
a modified return to such a role.
“Nowadays there are so many
younger uys doin that sort of
stuff. And] kind 0 drifted away
from it in m own quest to diver-
sify a little it over the years. I



FEl NICKY PM? Clint lidrtti'ood gin-x directions on the rat ofbix net."


Phllftt htritliiwd

film ‘.’l1idnigbt in the Garden offload and Ez'il.‘

wouldn't say that I wouldn't drift
back to that sort of thing, to
something that had an action—
adventure feel about it, but the
story would have to mean some-
thin ," he says.

i e cites LM/brgiccii and In the
Line 0 Fire as examples, saying
they ad action sequences but
were more about men with a lot of
miles on them, sotne damage, a
little vulnerability — and a desire
for redemption.

Those characters were more
interesting to play than some of
his younger characters who “might
have been seeking some redemp—
tion but not a lot. He lau hs.

Both characters, too, find they
have to make some concessions to
advancing years — something that
Eastwood seems to be thinking

about when he uses the words
“maturity" and “age" in talking
about his sustained success in

Eastwood doesn't see his work
as having “a considered progress,
tarticularly thou ht-out. It just
kind of happenetfi I think it just
happened with life, with maturity
it seems like at this sta c right
now there's quite a few 6 ements
you can throw into it to make the
characters more interesting."

As for his longevity, he takes a
long pause.

“I can’t put my fin er on it,“ he
says, pausing again. “fuck, maybe.
Maybe I’ve chosen the right things.
Maybe I’ve matured ahead and just
done some roiccts that have
worked — and stayed up with the
aging process. It‘s all a crapshoot."


Pf‘ltt ’tt/‘It.»iu./
80" OF R PREACHER MA" The l in Reverend 1)): I). ll intm' lm'e and
bit [’10)de 3 make their NON/fit, mit/ttr Iii/tel i/e/tm Ii‘lf/t ‘Iixi/e tin (,'Ii/i/}.tiii'/t0/ti'
Lane, ' mi ( .1172." Ream/x.



is seeking applicants for the
following positions:

Spotlight Jazz

Performing Arts

Family Weekend

Contemporary Affairs

Applications may be picked up in
room 203 of the Student Center.
Deadline is Thursday,
December 4 at 4::30.

, .




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e ration was a er t e na one .4
A” 41919704554171? championship in 1996. d ll .... 3]
UK was re resente we in
3 presence would “school spirit,”':oo. If I recall Co'r‘é d
, Improve relatwns rectly, a con le of things got __I
’ stolen. A coup e of things got brO’—‘ 101
he headline read “Presi- ken like a TV truck. Hey,'a __l
dent’s house stormed.” I cou le of people got naked, toot: "I
first thought of a struggling Granted, UK’s winning .5
Third-World democracy. NCAA tourney was more 5 eci'aI , I,“
As it turns out, I wasn’t too far than Michigan’s beating P Uln ,:
‘ off, because Michi an has some- football. But I have to say that. —
i, times been described that way. Michigan students’ celebration “l
; But what happened in Ann Arbor expe