xt78cz322m1w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78cz322m1w/data/mets.xml Holmes, Mead. 1864  books b02-000000024 English American tract society [1864] : Boston Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection.  A soldier of the Cumberland: memoir of Mead Holmes Jr., sergeant of Company K, 21st Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers. By his father. With an introduction by John S. Hart. text A soldier of the Cumberland: memoir of Mead Holmes Jr., sergeant of Company K, 21st Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers. By his father. With an introduction by John S. Hart. 1864 2002 true xt78cz322m1w section xt78cz322m1w 






      BY HIS FA


     28 CORNHILL, Bosrox

pro atrista, pro 'Patrim.


    Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by the


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts.

                GaO. C. RAND  AVERY,


    )N   preparing the following narrative, the
    author has found it very difficult to avoid
4   a crowded recital of facts, without plunging
T     into the greater fault of prolix detail; but
     the work is not intended for the eye of crit-
icism. Many a page has been written in tears,
many a sentence is the vibration of a stricken
heart; but I have aimed to execute my task with
impartiality, fidelity, and accuracy. It is the
simple story of a dear and only son, -my first-
born, - who, in the true martyr spirit, under-
standingly and deliberately laid down his life for
his country. His army correspondence, extracts
from which have already met the public eye, ex-
citing a deep and wide interest, is here given quite
at length, and the preceding record of his child-
hood and progress will be found no less precious
and fragrant. Here are scenes of beautiful quie-


tude, melting pathos, inspiring heroism, and heav-
enly devotion. Although the young hero, with
all his longings to be useful, was unassuming and
retiring, - specially averse to publicity, - I can
not restrain the conviction that, on this anniver-
sary of his death, and also of Sumter's fall, a me-
morial of his life will be a suitable tribute of a
father's love, and, with the more imposing works
of Stearns, Thompson, Bacon, Taylor, and others,
by the divine blessing, do something to extend
that spirit of Christian patriotism which is the
hope of our beloved land.
                            MEAD HOLMES.
 MANITOWOC, Wis., April 12, 1864.



(tN- compliance with the wish of a stricken and
     sorrowing father, most willingly do I write
4 J this present Introduction, though sure that
     the reader, on finishing the book, will feel,
     as I do, that few books ever less needed to
     be introduced. The story of MEAD HOLMES,
Jr., the noble young Christian soldier of the Army
of the Cumberland, is one that needs no extrane-
ous help in winning its way to favor. I pity the
man who can read it with dry eyes, or who rises
from its perusal without a higher estimate of what
Christianity can do to ennoble character, or with-
out a deeper impression of the costliness of the
sacrifice which the nation is now laying upon the
  The character of this young soldier, as it is de.
veloped in the ensuing pages, is peculiarly attract-
ive. He was by nature generous and unselfish,
almost to a fault. This trait showed itself in
early childhood, and it continued to mark his
course to the very last. The domestic affections,


also, were strong within him, beyond the experi-
ence of mos t men.. Trri tie between hinm and his
another particularly was touchingly beautiful. It
was like that be'tween a mother and an only
daughter; and it might, perhaps, have argued
effeminacy on his part, but for the masculine
strength and vigor which were every where bound
up with it. He seems to hlave been naturally
tender-hearted and gentle, with an instinctive
love of truth, and a corresponding shrinking from
every thing mean and disingenuous; and these
natural impulses were fostered and strengthened
by the genial influences of a Christian home, in
which love and confidence reigned supreme among
all the members. His parents, one ail educated
clergyman, the other a professional educator, did
not withhold from their first-born the lights of
knowledge. Every page in the following letters
from their boy shows early and careful culture.
His mind, indeed, was ripe beyond his years.
While he bad a love for every liberal pursuit, his
chosen studies were those connected with the
natural sciences and mechanics, and he gave some
remarkable evidences of true inventive genius.
Method reigned supreme in every thing he under-
took, and the sturdy courage with which he faced
difficulties shone only the more conspicuous for
the extreme delicacy of his natural organization.
It is quite in keeping with the other traits of his
character, that he was passionately fond of music,



and that he had acquired no little musical skill.
His temperament, withal; was bright and joyous,
and he was quick to look -on the sunny side of-
every thing. I may not omit the crowning grace
in this beautiful character. Love for Jesus was the
key-note that brought into harmony every other
principle and affection. His Christianity, moreover,
was no passive negation. It was his life. It per-
meated, controlled, purified, and sweetened the
whole current of his thoughts, and gave to his
daily walk among his fellows a beautiful and har-
monious consistency. I do not mean to say that
he had attained perfection. But his character as
a Christian gentleman was one of rare loveliness.
It is eminently worthy to be held up for study
and imitation.
  If ever there is pure patriotism, it is when such
a youth offers himself freely to his country for the
stern and distasteful service of war. By his edu-
cation, his talents, and his social position, young
Holmes was fairly entitled to a command, and
through his friends he might easily have procured
one. But he deliberately preferred entering the
ranks i and the special value of this noble record
of his service is, that it gives us, in vivid colors, a
minute portrayal of the life of the common soldier.
If any one wishes to know exactly how the com-
mon soldier, in this present war, has to live, the
trials and hardships to which he is exposed,-
above all, if one wishes to see what a glory the


X             INTR OD UCTION.

love of country and the love of Christ may throw
over even so hard and rude a lot as this,-let him
read the life of this brave young Christian patriot,
MEAD HOLMES, Jr., Soldier of the noble Army
of the Cumberland.
                             JOHN S. HART.
 Office of The Sunday-School Times,
    Philadelphia, March, 1864.



                CHAPTER I.

Birth - Aflectionate disposition - Love of music - Conscientious-
  ness - Generosity - Love of nature - At school - Not ashamed
  to pray - His violin - Philosophical instruments - Mechanical
  genius -Miniature ship - Sympathy for the poor -A teacher in
  the Sabbath school - Sickness - The pleasure boat . . . . . 15

               CHAPTER II.

Mead's conversion - Profession of religion - Becomes a school-
  teacher- Revival in the school - Horticulture -Love of home-
  Delicate health -Projects of travel - Narrow escape from drown-
  ing - Interest in public affairs - Anti-slavery sentiments . . 30

               CHAPTER III.

Plans a journey to the Eastern States - Delayed bysickness - The
  family prepare to accompany him - The Sabbath-keeping steam-
  boat - The lake voyage - Visit to his grandfather - Tender care
  for his mother - Visits New York and Philadelphia - Returns to
  Ohio - Thence to Milwaukee and home - Appointed superintend-
  ent of the Sabbath school - Mode of instruction - Conscientious-
  ness in discharge of duty -Efforts to do good - Commences study
  of law...    .    . . . .. . .. .   .....       .  . ... 0



               CHAPTER IV.


Outbreak of the great rebellion - Mead desires to enlist in the army
  - A father's struggles - Final consent - Joins his company -
  Parting address to his Sabbath school - The departure - Address
  to the company - Letter from Rev. Mr. Camp .. . . . . . . . 55

                CHAPTER V.


Journey of the regiment to Milwaukee - To Oshkosh - Alarming
  news - Ordered to Cincinnati - Parting from his mother - The
  "good-by -Arrival at Cincinnati - Cross into Kentucky - Pois.
  oned wells - Lack of water - Extreme thirst - Army rations -
  Scenery - Railroad travel - Hardships - Near Louisville . . . 71

               CHAPTER VI.

                 THE FIRST BATTLE.

The patriot soldier - Severe marching - Scanty food - Excessive
  fatigue - Battle of Perryville - Fearful scenes - Cold - Salt
  River - Comments on officers - Birthday -Illness- Army lux.
  uries-Trust in God. . . ... .. . .... . ..  ..     89

              CHAPTER VII.

              MARCH TO NASHVILLE.

Indebtedness to the soldier - Thanksgiving at home -" The happi-
est man in camp "-Captain Walker's testimony-Sickness
among the troops -Thanksgiving in camp -How to make a
pudding -Ignorance of the people - Scenes on leaving camp -
  Arrives at Nashville.... . .. . 0. . ... . . . . .1O9



             CHAPTER VIII.


Letter to the "Manitowoc Tribune "-The camp - Use of tobacco
-Alarm-Slavery-Attacked by the rebels-Victory-Com-
posure in danger-Christian courage-Second letter to the
  "Tribune 2"... .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 123

               CHAPTER IX.

                 WINTER CAMPAIGN.

Confidence in God-A chaplain's position in the army described-On
  promotions-A novel bed-Army cooking-Intervention by
  England and France - Effects of shot - Foraging expedition - Pa-
  triotic sentiments - Sabbath in camp - More foraging - Compli-
  ment to officers .................... . .. . 140

                CHAPTER X.


Letter to the Sabbath school - Chief of court martial - Keepsakes
  sent to friends-A scouting party-Preparation for death-
  Lights on the battle-field - Character developed in the army -
  Desires to have his father a chaplain......... .   . .. 159

                CHAPTER XI.

                CAMP-LIFE CONTINUED.

A soldier's influence upon his comrades-Indignation at Northern
  traitors-Punishment of a deserter-Morals of the army-Ar-
  my of the Cumberland-Attack by Morgan's cavalry-Guer-
  rilla warfare - Letters and papers from home -" Dog-tents "-
  A cavalry funeral-Last letter-Hospital burying-ground-
  Crackers..... . .                                   171



              CHAPTER XII.


The unfinished letter - Sympathy between Mead and his, mother -
  The author's visit to the army - The departure - The mother's
  prayer - The journey - Announcement of his son's death - Pa-
  rental grief- Testimony of comrades - Circumstances of his
  death..                                           186

             CHAPTER XIII.

                   THE FUNERAL.

Christian lives a precious seed - The author's journey home - Ar-
  rival of the intelligence - Notice in the " Manitowoc Tribune "-
  The funeral - Resolve of the "' Loyal Union League "- Letter
  fromn Col. Sweet, of the 21st Wisconsin Volunteers - Testimonial
  of the officers of the regiment - The funeral sermon. . . . . 200


             CHAPTER I.


Birth - Affectionate disposition - Love of music - Conscientious-
ness - Generosity - Love of nature - At school - Not ashamed
to pray - His violin - Philosophical instruments - Mechanical
genius -Miniature ship -Sympathy for the poor -A teacher in
the Sabbath school - Sickness - The pleasure boat.

()EAD HOLMES, JR., the only son of
        Rev. Mead Holmes and Mary D. A.
I    ,  Holmes, of Manitowoc, Wis., was born
        in Ellicottville, N. Y., October 29, 1841,
        and fell at Murfreesboro', Tenn., April
12, 1863, at the age of twenty-one years and
five months.
  His early childhood was most affectionate,
unselfish, and truthful.   Attachment to his
mother, who did not often delegate her care
and authority to nurses and servants, but was
his constant companion -and counselor, formed
a prominent trait of his dcaracter,; and his
sprightly inquiry, when 'easially -looking up


from his play, "' Don't we love each other,
mother  " became a sportive household phrase.
Of a pleasant, loving disposition, yet too sensi-
tive to battle even with the roughnesses of a
tender child's life, he was never so happy as
when, with her, he sat reading, studying, and
drawing. In the latter, especially, he excelled ;
nor was he satisfied till every picture in his
books of study was nicely painted, and he could
draw a ship or sketch a landscape. He was
very fond of music, and most sensitive to its
pathetic tones. When but four or five years
old, he could not hear the Jewish captives'
moan, in the plaintive strains of " MNelton,"
without weeping. Before he could speak plainly,
he was heard singing "' Do, do," in a room by
himself. A friend looking in, found him play-
ing earnestly, with a knife for a bow, and a
board for a violin; " Moosic, moosic," exclaimed
the little fellow, while his eyes glistened with
the pleasure of his solo.
  At the age of three years he was the subject
of many serious thoughts, and often, when he
had done wrong, he earnestly asked God's for-
giveness ; and the prayer of his parents was,
that his heart might then be renewed. Why
could not regenerating grace be imparted to the
child in comparative innocence as well as to
the man onfirmed ill depravity  His mother


CHILDHOOD.               17

was specially impressed with the importance of
his immediate conversion, and there has always
been ground of hope that a radical change ii
hime then took place. From this time he seemed
to feel that Jesus was his friend, to whom he
could go with all his trials, and who would
fiimally receive him to Heaven.
  Great care had been taken that his young
mind should not be clouded by gloomy repre-
sentations of death and the future state. Hence,
during a severe illness, when I remarked in his
presence that I feared lhe would not live long,
1iI said, " Then, father, I shall go up to be with
thle holy angels and the blessed Jesus."  All
was light beyond the grave. In these skeptical
times, who does not covet a child's faith 
  From early childhood he was eminently con-
scientious, often reporting his misdeeds, and
saying, " Mamma, I ought to be punished."
When left to choose his own punishmient he
never chose the lighliter, and such self-reproach
did he manifest, that it was difficult for a parent
to inflict even this. Often, when feeling wrong,
he would retire of his own accord, and, in his
childish way, ask God to help him master his
own spirit. This, no doubt, was the secret of
the self-control so manifest in his future life.
  He required but little sleep, and often at the
midnight hour would his whisper awakell lis



mother: I II can't sleep; please tell me a story."
And thus he learned the Bible stories and Ten
Commandments so thoroughly and accurately
that, if misquoted, he instantly noticed it.
Before he could read he was perfectly familiar
with " Todd's Lectures to Children," and they
exerted a powerful influence upon his life. He
was generous to a fault. Having purchased a
beautiful set of books for him, I found half of
them scattered among his little friends the first
day. He had no idea of keeping so many when
" the others had none."  Often did he weep for
others' sorrows. Oiice, when asked what was
the matter, " Oh," said he, " Willie is in trou-
ble, and I can not help him."   He was an
ardent admirer of nature. The grove, the run-
ning brook, where he had a variety of miniature
wheels, the delicate flower, the rocky summit,
the crashing thunder-storm, were his delight,
the beautiful, the grand, the sublime. His
walks and rambles were full of sport, and lhe
was ever on the alert for curiosities. A herba-
rium of fair size, collections of curious stones,
forsaken birds'-nests, skeletons of small animals,
and preserved insects decorated his room.
  In his sixth year he began to attend school,
but his health would not bear the confinement,
and he soon returned home to mingle study
with recreation. Here his education was well



conducted, and his progress satisfactory.  At
the age of ten he visited New York city, New
Jersey, and Massachusetts. The trip he enjoyed
much, and his health was greatly improved.
Soon after, he commenced attending a select
school superintended by his mother, where be-
gan a new course of discipline. The youngest
of fifty pupils, one-half of whom were lads,
who, thouiglh gentlemanly and obedient in school
hours, were inclined to be wild and noisy at
other times, surprised at the small distinction
they made between right and wrong, hearing
now the profane word, now the vulgar jest and
coarse laugh, his moral sensibilities were shock-
ed. While the pet of some, for others he was
a target. " Do you pray, Mead  " said one of
nearly twice his age. " Oh, a praying little
Christian! Did you pray this morning, my
little saint "  " I am not ashamed to pray,"
said the brave boy, " and I did pray this morn-
  As a clergyman's son, he was closely watched;
but his modesty and kindness won upon all.
The first piece he spoke was " Casabianca," -a
character which he greatly admired, -but enter-
ing too deeply into the scene described, he burst
into tears, and rushed to his seat.  Recovering
himself, he returned to the rostrum, and spoke
with distinctness and the pathos of reality. One



fresh from the "1 burning deck " could hardly
have related the facts with more stirring
  Fond of instrumental music, he determined
to obtain a violin, and for this purpose the
accumulations of his savings bank-mmuch of
them the fruit of self-denial - were at length
found sufficient, and the long-coveted instru-
ment was his.  He loved its sweet tones, espe-
cially in the family and social circle.
  No life is without its trials.  So the shades
often followed the sunlight in his path. The
loss of pets - canaries, robins, rabbits, a favor-
ite squirrel, more than all, a family horse,
into whose attentive ear he had, when a small
child, more than. once poured some tale of
sorrow -cost him tears not a few. For dumb
animals he had great sympathy, and to abuse
them was to forfeit his respect and confidence.
  When twelve years old, his father accepted a
call to settle in Wisconsin. No child was ever
more delighted than young Mead with a new
country. He loved the romantic scenery, beau-
tiful rivers, extensive prairies, and deep forests,
and soon the West was the home of his affec-
  For two years his mother had charge of a
female seminary, and he was allowed to recite
with some of the classes.  In natural philoso-



plhy, chemistry, and all departments of nattural
science, hie was specially interested, and often
surprised his teachers by his apt explanations
and beautiful experilienlts. Extravagantly fond
of philosophical apparatus, he soon construct-
ed instruments for his own use, - air-pumps,
magnets, batteries, etc. These occupied many
hours usually spent by boys in the streets.
Long before this he had tried the power of
steam oil miniature wheels, and now he built
a train of cars, with locomotive and tender
attached.  Every day and evening was fully
occupied, study and amusement being happily
blended. Traversing the streets of Milwaukee
and Chicago, lhe examined with eager eye every
piece of machinery lie could find. I1n mechanics
lhe seemed to master every known principle.
The analysis of a melodeon, piano, or sewing-
machine was only pastime.   Noting carefully
the uso of various tools, from. time to time lie
purchased a choice selection, which were placed
and kept in perfect order. His books were
selected and preserved with the same care.
Indeed, order was one of the first laws of his
nature. He had a "L place for every thing and
every thing in its place." He often combined
usefulness with recreation. In mapping and
draughting he took great delight.  Every piece
of mechanism was first neatly drawn, then he



carefully worked to his plan. His inventive
genius was always ready to meet the little
demands of domestic life.  If a skein of cotton
was to be transferred to a spool, a small wheel
and reel were soon produced. Christmas, New
Year's, and other anniversaries, always brought
some unthought-of token of mechanical skill
from his hands.
  Swimming, skating, and coasting, no lad
enjoyed more than he, and from these amuse-
ments he would return with new zest to his
studies and with the glow of health upon his
cheek. Although scrupulous in saving every
moment, lhe always had on hand something for
  In the wiqter of 1855, while pursuing zeal-
ously his studies, he built and rigged a man-of-
war, with guns of his own casting, manned by
paper men, complete in all its appointments,
the admiration of all who appreciate ingenuity
and industry.  Then came a veritable cannon,
mounted and fit for service. Next followed a
steam-engine, for which he received a diploma
at the County Agricultural Fair. Not entirely
pleased with this, he soon constructed a beautiful
stationary engine, on a more expensive scale, a
work of no little study and perplexity.  It ran
beautifully, making one thousand revolutions per
minute. This was a present to his mother; and



though no son returns again to superintend it,
its workmanship and perfection still speak of
the genius and skill of its youthful maker.
  While thus engaged in his studies and inven-
tions, scientific lectures were his delight, and
much of life and strength did he owe to a course
on physiology. Of slender form, he determined
to try various gymnastic exercises for the fuller
development of the chest and increase of
muscular strength ; and at length lie gained
a form which few surpass.
  For the poor and ignorant, Mead felt a deep
interest.  Often of a stormy evening he would
fear the poor might be suffering, and could
hardly rest. He would brave any storm to visit
the sick. One occasion, when he was fourteen,
is well remembered. A colored family, who for
several weeks had been sustained by the hand
of private charity, lived in the suburbs of the
town. The mother was lying upon a miserable
pallet in the last -stages of consumption. The
wind was driving the snow in furious blasts, and
scarcely a person was in the streets. How was
the dying woman    " Mother," said he, " this
is a terrible night in that miserable shanty, -let
us go to their relief. I will see you safely
there." On reaching the open room, a sight
met the eye which one could scarcely endure.
The snow was sifting in upon thll bed and face



of the dying woman. Two feet from the bed
was a stove at nearly a red heat, which indeed
melted the snow, but left the poor woman ill a
most comfortless state. " I am dying," said
she; "is there hope for one so vile   Pray for
me."   " I will bring my father," said the sym-
pathetic boy; and soon be returned with his
father, both cominig loaded with quilts, which
were hung around the bed, to protect it from the
storm on two sides, and from the heated stove
on the other. Thus the dying woman was made
comparatively comfortable, and pointed to the
sinner's Friend, able to save, even at the elev-
enth hour.  Long before the morning's dawdl,
the spirit had taken its flight.
  Self-denial and self-sacrifice were an impulse
of his nature. Toil and watching among the
sick were no trial. He loved to do good. To
instruct others less favored than himself was
his delight ; and for years his custom was to
teach a circle of foreign-born lads two or three
evenings a week. With a very happy tact at
explanation and illustration, he readily woii the
attention of all around him.   Nor were his
teachings in these evening-lessons confined to
books of science.  With the intellectual he
connected moral counsels.  No evening passed
without some moral lesson.    Whatever he
undertook was faithfully done. From earliest



childhood a member of the Sunday school, he
was appointed librarian at the age of thirteen ;
and of one hundred and fifty volumes, he lost
bitt one in a year, that one being carried away
by the family leaving town.
  At this time, he commenced taking lessons on
the melodeon. This became his favorite instru-
ment, and no day passed without a song.
Perhaps no investment made for children ever
paid better than that instrument ; it was a
fountain of rational enjoyment which he did
not fail to improve. Next to the pleasures of
religion are the pleasures of song.
  At fifteen, he picked up a class of Norwegian
and German boys, and for many a successive
Sabbath he was obliged to call from house to
house to secure their attendance.   But at
length they became deeply interested, prompt,
and attentive, and teacher and pupils were
devotedly attached to each other. Several of
these lads bid fair to be ornaments to society.
Who can tell the influence they may exert
among their own people, in behalf of true relig-
ion, and the cause of free government Mead
was always deferential; - his obedience to his
parents, respect for authority, and condescen-
sion to inferiors were remarkable.  He had his
own judgment about matters, but did not
express it obtrusively.



  In his sixteenth year, a severe illness brought
him to the border of the grave. For several
days nearly all hopes of life were extinguished.
But his patience, cheerfulness, and fear of adding
to the care of his attendants, made it a pleasure
to watch by his bedside, and perform for the
sufferer every office of kindness.  His parents
did not feel fully satisfied that he had yet chosen
" that good part," and were deeply anxious for
his spiritual welfare, - almost forgetting to ask
his recovery, if so be he might be ready for the
stern summons that seemed to await him. His
father was almost overwhelmed with the possi-
bility of his dying unprepared, and prayed for
him  day and night. But Providence smiled;
the terrible disease yielded, and health began
slowly to return. Thus were his friends saved
from the fearful suspense of a death-bed repent-
ance. For, though his conduct had been irre-
proachable, yet morality and amiability are a
poor anchor to which to trust for salvation.
Many thanks to the kind friends who so ten-
derly watched by his bedside during this severe
illness. Previously to this he had planned a long
tour for pleasure and general improvemoent.
But now his designs were frustrated.  He ac-
quiesced cheerfully, though somewhat mourn-
fully, feeling that it is well to become inured to
the pressure of di;tppointment in one's youth.



Surrounded by the tendernesses of home, why
should he complain  He felt the need of self-
control. Excessively sensitive, he must gain a
manly independence.  H How else could he en-
counter the stern realities of life  Hence his
constant aim was to understand the right, and
discipline himself quietly and yet firmly to
maintain it. He would not be greatly elated
by prosperity, nor dejected by adversity.
  About this time, he united with others in
organizing a lodge of Good Templars, which
proved a bond of union socially, and the most
effective temperance movement ever made in
the town.
  In the spring preceding this illness, he had
laid the keel of a family pleasure-boat, fourteen
feet long, four feet wide, and two feet deep.
This seemed quite an undertaking likely, too,
to prove a temptation to neglect his studies, or
gardening, to which he was now devoting his
spare hours. In reply to a remonstrance from me,
he said, " I shall show you, father, that not an
hour will I take for this boat to the neglect
of any duty." He would be true to his pledge;
but had he the necessary skill and persever-
ance  Preparing the ribs and knees were slow
business. But as they began to be shaped and
placed, and the graceful form was developed, the
pleasure-boat became a fixed fact. At length, in



complete trim, neatly painted and ready for
service, the "1 Mary E. Mead " was launched at
sunset, June 18, 1858, " a charming after-
noon," he says, " and she sat upon the water as
graceful as a swan." Would so light a craft be
able to stand the winds and waves  It was not
long before, by weathering a sudden squall, she
demonstrated her strength and. safety, as well
as beauty and convenience.  Many a morning
and evening hour did he spend taking a sail
with his friends.  Speaking of one escape from
foundering, he says, "1 We went out with a fair
wind and light sea, but when about four miles
out the wind freshened, and the waves began
to heave. We turned for the shore. But two
miles out, a huge wave (huge for our craft)
came dashing up. In a moment we must be
swamped. But, thanks to God, the wave broke
almost within hand's reach, and we were saved!
We came in on a bound, thankful to reach
terra firma." Often in the twilight or moon-
light the soft strains of " IRow the boat lightly,"
or "' Glide we o'er the bright blue sea," would
come floating down the smooth river, or over
the peaceful bay. It was from the little boat
with its happy inmates, and none more happy
than he.  In the spring and summer, family
picnics were not uncommon with us. On these
occasions the boat was unmoored, and with



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baskets well filled, we would take a sail to some
romantic retreat, where all joined in the amuse-
ments of the hour. Sometimes two or three
families would unite in these excursions. Troll-
ing, too, was a favorite pastime.  Of this he
says, "1 we once caught five pickerel in twenty
minutes.  Sometimes, of an evening, I went
with the boys to fish with a spear; but, for me,
this sport never paid."
  Every season, at the ripening of wild fruits,
he arranged one or more trips into the country.
These abounded in social cheer, which he en-
joyed greatly, and always returned with a light
heart and improved health, ready for garden or




Mead's conversion - Profession of religion - Becomes a school-
teacher - Revival in the school - Horticulture - Love of home-
Delicate health - Projects of travel - Narrow escape from drown-
ing - Interest in public affairs -Anti-slavery sentiments.

     HE   winter succeeding his sixteenth birth-
 W      day, he took a public stand for Jesus.
        Without regard to the smiles or frowns
        of those around him, the question now
        was one of _personal duty.   What was
right  Certainly it was right to serve God,
to love and honor him who gave himself a ran-
som for sinners. He must, he would, obey the
gospel call. So, on that memorable Sabbath
morning, when his father requested any who
sincerely desired the prayers of Christians, that
they might be brought to that repentance which
is unto life, and that faith which is unto salva-
tion, notwithstanding his natural diffidence, un-
expectedly to all, he was the first to rise. A
gentleman of intelligence and position, the clerk
of the county, followed, and thus began a pre-
cious revival, which, however, was limited by


the weakness and unbelief of those bearing the
Christian name. The change in his outward
conduct was not very perceptible. Hi