xt78cz323298 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78cz323298/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19330210  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1933 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 1933 1933 2013 true xt78cz323298 section xt78cz323298 Best Copy Available





8 P.M.







HEAR W. 1LREES Sunday Vespers
Justice of Kentucky Court
Witherspoon Singers, Under
of Appeals Speaks at
Direction of Maestro, To
10 a. m. Thursday
Begin at 4 p.m.

Wants Graduating Law Students of Kentucky Colleges Selected

"The law students of the University were extremely fortunate In
having the Hon. William H. Rees,
Justice of the Court of Appeals of
Kentucky, for their speaker In the
Law convocation held at 10 a. m.,
Thursday," declared
Moreland of the College of Law
yesterday. The speaker was Introduced by Dean Alvln K. Evans.
Justice Rees, who lias recently
been elected as Chief Justice of the
Court of Appeals of Kentucky and
who will take off it e this spring,
gave one of the most forceful and
Interesting speeches on law ever
heard at Uie University. The text
of his speech was on the "Preparation of Cases for Presentation before the Court of Appeals."
Some of the points Justice Rees
touched upon were: the arrangement of material, the selection of
cases, and the citation of authority
in presenting cases before the
He discussed at great length his
suggestion that law clerks, perhaps
four in number, should be added to
the working personnel of the Court
of Appeals. He further suggested
that these law clerks be selected
from the members of the graduating classes of the law schools of the
state that are members of the
American Law association.
would include two graduates from
the University of Kentucky and two
from the University of Louisville.
The work of these clerks would
be to assist the court in cases that
would come up before the court, by
examining facts, running down authorities, etc. This system, if used,
would assist greatly the court in
their labors and would permit them
to catch up in their docket. Furthermore it would prove very Instructive and beneficial for those
students selected.
This system is used in part by
the United States Supreme court
and Is used in practkally the same
form in several state courts. The
system is working particularly well
in Massachusetts where the highest graduates of the Harvard Law
school and the Boston University
School or Law are selected. Chief
Justice Rugg of the Massachusetts
court recommends
These suggestions by Justice Rees
met with the full approval and
commendation of the Law faculty
of the University.
During the course of his speech
Justice Rees gave especial praise
to Justice Cardozo of the United
States Supreme court. He dwelt at
great length and gave much commendation to the writing and decisions of Justice Cardozo, who has
written several books on law which
are accepted as valuable and permanent additions In the Judicial
and court procedure of the law
processions of the United States.



to Dean T. T. Jones
of the Graduate school, registration
in that department has now mounted to 173 students and the numbers
are increasing daily.

chorThe Witherspoon Singers,
al group of 24 vokes made up from

artist students attending the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, under the direction of Herbert Witherspoon, director of the Conservatory, will present the Sunday afternoon muslcale at 4 p. m. on Febru-

ary 12, in Memorial auditorium.
This program Is being sponsored by
Phi Ikta, honorary and professional
music and dramatic fraternity for
This chorus was formed for
concert and radio purposes. It is
heard twice a month over station
WLW at Cincinnati and has appeared on numerous concert programs. The young men and women
who make up the chorus have been
personally selected and trained by
Mr. Witherspoon.
Herbert Witherspoon has been a
leading figure in music circles in
America since 1895. He was a leading bass at the Metropolitan opera
in Ne wYork from 1903 to 1917,
winning great praise for his interpretation of Wagnerian roles. He
headed his own studios in New York
fro ml91 to 1925. In 1925 he became
head of the Chicago Musical college which position he held until
he resigned in 1929. In 1931 he
became Artistic Director and
of the Chicago Civic
opera. With the fall of the House
of Insull. the Chicago Opera ceased
to function and what was Chicago's
loss was Cincinnati's gain as Mr.
Witherspoon became director of the
city's famous conservatory. Famous
singers who have studied with Mr.
Witherspoon include Louise Homer,
Louise Homer
Mabel Garrison,
Stires, Florence Hinkle, Lambert
Murphy and Merle Alcock. Mr.
Witherspoon holds the Important
position of Chairman of the Music
committee of the World's Fair to
be held in Chicago this year.
The program is as follows:
I. A. Chorale from the Cantata
"Sleepers Wake," Bach
B. Adoramus Te, Palestrina
C. In Thy Loving Arms, Franck
D. See the Conquering Hero
Comez, (Juda Maccabaeus) Handel
E. Victoria, (Der Frelschutz)
II. A. Bv Babylon's Wave, Gounod
B. Listen to the Lambs, Dett;
Incidental solo bv Mary E. Woods.
III. A. Morgen, Strauss
B. Zueignung, Strauss; David
IV. A. Chanson, Let Us All Flee
Love's Desires, Dl Lassus
B. In These Delightful Pleasant Groves, Purcell
C. Now Is the Month of Maying, Morley
D. Our Market Day, arranged
by Gray.
V. A. Air from "Gianni Schicchl."
B. Valnka's Song, von Stutz-maViolet Summer.
VI. A. The North Wind, Burton
B. When a Maid Comes
from "The Firefly,"
C. Sympathy
Firefly," Friml
D. Sweet and Low, Barnby
E. Old King Cole (A Paraphrase) Forsyth.



W. A. A. Meeting

Set for March


Program Will Include Survey
of Feminine Sports at

A mass meeting of members of
W. A. A. and girls of the University who are Interested in sports
will be conducted
March 1, in the Women's gym;
according to an announcement of
the plans of the W. A. A. Council
at a meeting Monday, February 6.
Plans for the program which will
Include a survey of sports at the
University, will be arranged by PolIn a recent examination given ly Lee, member of the W. A. A.
to a class of students at Crelghton Council.
college, one of the questions was:
which will
A new constitution,
One bright stuWhat is a
to members of W. A.
Just a con- be submittedadoption, was approved
dent answered: "Co-e- d
A. for final
traction of the word
by the council at the meeting on
now applied to females aspiring to Monday. Other plans of the council
compete for an education with the Include arrangements for the furnhigher type of human.
ishing of a room for W. A. A. in
Omkron Delta Kappa will meet the new women's building which
at 5 p. m., Monday, In the Com- will be open to students during the
merce room, White hall. Important. present semester.


Mau"The Circle," Somerset
Mongham's society comedy, op-nday evening at the Gulgnol theater
with a cast composed of former
little thrater stars and now players who bring to the campus playhouse a wealth of experience and
talent. Dirrc'.or Frank C. Frml r
h is chosen his cast with rare discrimination and expectations arc
thnt the production will play to a
crowded house each nlftht oi the
weok's presentation.
Mrs. Bess Wilklrson. Cincinnati,
who has recently come to Lexington
for an Indefinite visit, will carry
ths starring femlnlns role of Lady
Kitty Champion-Cheneand her
experience as a player for three
years with the College of Murlc
stock company In Cincinnati, combined with h?r gifts as a public
reader and a dramatic teacher, have
won for her this important part.
Prof. L. L. Dantzler will make his

first Gulgnol appearance In one of
the masculine leads In "The C'rcle,"
while Cass Robinson returns to the
little theater to do another remarkable bit of characterization. Other
members of the cast Include Mrs.
Minna Bloomfiold who will be recalled by recrnt Gulgnol patrons
as the very naive Miss Lelghton of
"Once in a Lifetime," a GuiRnol
presentation of last fall; Wlldan
Thomas; Margaret Furr; Marjorle
Powell and Littleton Daniels, another newcomer to the little theater.
G. L. Crutcher is in charge of the
stage set for this production, and
an interesting English country
home interior has been devised, in
the Oeorgian style, with pals green
panelled walls and wine damask
Miss Virginia Boyd, In
charge of properties, has acquired
authentic antiques of the Oeorgian
period for the furnishings.


Modern Artists



And Wednesday in Farh Section Meeting on Those
Two Days: ElecMon
Rules Released


In U.K. Exhibit
Show Will Begin About February 27, and Continue
Until March 11

adjutant of
the military department, announced
yesterday that the election of military sponsors will take place in
each section room on Tuesday and
ExWednesday, February
amination of the records In the
registrar's office disclosed that all
of the nominees previously announced are eligible for election.
The following rules will govern
the election:
a. Each Instructor will be Issued
mimeographed ballots bearing the
names of candidates eligible for
Ballots will be prepared by companies and for regimental and battalion sponsors.
Sophomore students will vote for
company sponsors .only.
b. Instructors will Issue to each
student one ballot showing candidates for sponsor. Students will
indicate their choice by check-mar- k
opposite the name of the candidate
whom they favor. Ballots will not
be signed.
c. Ballots will be placed in a
sealed envelope and delivered to
Captain Grady, Room 201, Armory,
where they will be counted in the
presence of Captain Grady and
four cadet officers.
d. In the tabulation of votes, an
envelope containing more ballots
than the number of men present in
the section at that time will be
thrown out, and also aM ballots not
marked correctly.
e. In case of a tie vote, the two
candidates will be voted upon at the
next regular class of the company
and the one receiving the highest
number of votes will be declared
f. A student absent from class
will not be permitted to vote.
Capt. Clyde Grady,

14-1- 5.

Adcock Is Selected
Stroller Director;
Curtis Is Assistant


The art department of the University announced that an exhibit
will be held at the Art Center beginning about February 27 and continuing through March 11. The
show will be made possible by a
special loan exhibit from the mem.
bers and teachers of the Art Students of New York.'
The work of well known artists,
painters, and possibly sculptors will
be on display, according to Prof.
Edward Rannells who will be In
charge of the exhibit. Among the
better known painters to be represented are: Kenneth Hayes Miller,
who is known in art circles as a
teacher of many famous current arand
tists; H. E. Schnakenberg;
Luigi Lucione. The works of Robert Laurant, and William Zorach,
sculptors, probably will be on display.
The names of George Grosz, Ger-

man draftsman and illustrator, and

George Bridgeman,- - draftsman,
whose drawing will be represented,
are familiar to students of art all
over the world. Walter Pach, whose
work will also be on exhibit, is not
only known as an outstanding artist but also as a writer upon the
The galleries, according to Professor Rannells, will be open each
week day during the erhibit from
8 a.m. till 5 p.m. It is probable
that they will also be open several
evenings; if so, the dates will' be
announced lul.i.


Approximately 10 0 County,
City Teachers Attend Meet
at Lafayette Hotel Tuesday Night

Approximaely 100 county and city
school executives heard Pres. Frank
Director of Strollers for the spring L. McVey in an address at a meetrevue is Hugh Adcock who was ing Tuesday night at the Lafayette
hotel. The meeting also featured
elected at a meeting of the organization, Tuesday, February 7. Other addresses by prominent school offiofficers who were elected that same cials of the state.
afternoon are assistant director,
President McVey stressed econoJames Curtis, and secretary, Eliza- my In this address. In doing this he
beth Jones.
presented outstanding facts regardPlans for the spring production ing the educational situation of
are as yet incomplete, but tentative Kentucky: the average dally cost
arrangements provide for the pres- of education per person in Kentucentation of a revue which will be ky now being 26 cents as compared
composed by members of Strollers.
to the former national average of
Hugh Adcock, who has been se- 44 cents, and that Kentucky ranks
lected this semester as the director, seventh In size of school populahas served in that capacity several tion.
times previously. His assistant, who
In regard to the recent measures
Is a sophomore, was made a member to reduce the wages of instructors
of Strollers during his freshman as is urged by some at the present
year and served on the advertising time. President McVey said that
staff for the musical comedy, "Good cheaper teachers and cheaper stanNews," which was presented last dards would be certain to result in
lower standard of attitude and lowElizabeth Jones, secretary, was er type of citizenship in oncoming
elected to fill the office made va- generations.
cant by the graduation of Anne
The speaker further urged that
Thomas Denton, who was elected the public become acquainted with
secretary at the spring election of the facts because, with facts in
mind, people of the state will hesiofficers, last year.
tate before making any serious
modifications In the educational

U. K. Spanish Club
Campus Notables'
To Elect President

There will be a called meeting
of Chi Delta Phi at 3 p. m., Sunday
El Ateneo Castellano will have its
at the Canary cottage. Member
and pledges are urged to be present first meeting of this semester at 3
a important business will be dis- p. m. Tuesday, February 14, at Boyd
Evelyn Grubbs,
cussed at this time.
will preside at the meeting.
H. F. Normant, president of the
Hugh Adcock, Strollers director, cjub, was graduated at mid-yerequests all girls trying out for the commencement.
There will be an
chorus to meet with him at 7 p. m. election for this office to fill this
vacancy at the meeting.
Tuesday at the Women's gym.
The program for the meeting will
James Fahey, Strollers' stage be relative to Mexico, and is as folmanager, requests boys Interested lows:
"Mexico as a Geographical Unit,"
in trying out for the stage crew
Elolse Neal.
and boys and girls trying out for
"Social Class ea and Living Condithe properties crew to meet with
him at 7 p. m. Tuesday in the tions in Mexico" Mary Asher.
"Mexican Customs and Holidays"
Women's gym.
Mrs. Lela Watson.
of Mexico"
"The University
The "Dutch Lunch" club will
13 o'clock Friday, February Patty Floyd.
meet at
Mrs. J. W. Server will show pho10 at the University Commons. Mrs.
Frank L. McVey will be the guest tographs of Mexico, and will tell
something about each one.
of honor at the luncheon.

To Be Featured

Photos in

On display In the wall case at
the Library this week Is a group
photoof interesting Wellington
graphs of President Frank L. McVey; Dean Edward Wlest, of the
Commerce college; Dean Paul Anderson, of the College of Engineering; Prof. F. F. Farquhar, associate
professor of English. The Wellington pictures are handsomely framed In black and gold.
According to Miss Margaret I.
King, librarian, a display of the
books of Elizabeth Maddox Rob-

erts, noted Kentucky writer, will be
made In the near future. Anyone
who has material for this display
and wishes to use it in the Maddox
exhibition Is asked to get In touch
with Miss King. Another display
being planned by the library staff
is a collection of Kentucky history


Much Ado
And howda do!



turn to the editorial page, you
will find The Kernel a bit

dressed up.
The heads are new and
bright and shiny as a school
morninf face.
really they don't look quite
no patchy aa they luted to.
Along with all this (Iocs
and glamor come
Pinkie's our new coluiniiUt.
he didn't have
much to do but now he's with
us to stay.
Don't you think that you

had better turn to ths ed
pace and say hello?





Dual Contests With Vander-bilf- ,
Georgia Tech. Brrea,
Tennessee Scheduled


Broadbmt, Lynch, Coffman,
and Ewing Appointed





Favors Ruving Rings
from Ra'four Dcspile Action
of Ring Committee


Kernel Student Council
At a meeting Tuesday afternoon
in the Administration
mtmb-rof the Men's Student
Council voted to revise the constitution under which thry now are
working and to submit the new
articles for ratification by the student body at a general convocation.
The action came in the wake of a
dispute between The Kernel and the
Council over the legality of the
present constitution which has never been presented to the student
body for aproval, contrary to Senate
Pres. John Ewing appointed a
special committee to draw up the
needed revisions and to bring them
before a meeting of the Council in
the near future. Those on th? committee are Ralph Edwards, Smith
Rrondbent, Thomas Lynch, O. B.
Coffman, and the president, John
Voting unanimously, the Council
set aside Friday, April 7 as "Melch-e- r
day" on which the dean of men is
to be honored.
Unofficially, it is
understood that C. R. Me'cher is to
be retired at the close of the current semester as a result of the
University Senate rule: that an Instructor shall be retired when he
reaches the academic age of retirement.
The committee
Ewtnu to draw up a Droeram on the
birthdav of Dein Melcher consists
of Howard Smathers, Harry Lair,
Thomai Lynch, and the president.
From the discussion entered upon
bv members of the Council, plans
will be laid for a testimonial dinner.
By a vote of 4 to 3. the Men's
Student council went on record as
favoring a motion to allow certain
fraternities and sororities to purchase senior rings from L. G. Balfour. This action was taken despite the fact that the senior ring
committee, appointed by Russell
Gray, president of the senior class
and member of the Council, had
already accepted Peters and Company's low competitive bid. Those
who favored the breach of contract
stated that Balfour was the official
Jeweler for some campus organizations and purchases could be made
from no other firm.



SuKy Banquet in
Honor ot Athletes

Will Be on Friday

SuKy circle will give a dinner
dance in honor of members of the
football and basketball squads, Friday night, March 3, according to
plans which were approved at a
meeting of the pep group Tuesday
Only members of the two teams
and SuKy members and their dates
will be invited to attend. Plans
for the dance will be completed by
a committee appointed by the president, I. C. Evans.
An enforcement of the rules of
attendance, qualifying students as
active members of SuKy will be
made this semester, according to
measures aproved by the organization. Plans also were discussed
for a pep rally for the basketball
team Just preceding their trip to
the conference.

Funkhousers Are

Expected at Burma

According to the Itinerary of Dean
Funkhouser, who is touring the
world in the Interests of research,
he arrived In Penang at 6:41 a.m.,
February 8. Accompanied by Mrs.
Funkhouser, Dean Funkhouser rode
by private auto to the Chinese Temple and the Snake Temple. They
arrived at the gardens between 5
and 5:30 p.m., in time to see the
monkeys come in from the woods.
The Dean then left for a two-da- y
collection tour In the forest,
while Mrs. Funkhouser went sightseeing in the city and the surrounding villages, visiting ba7aars and
On February 11th they will sail
from Penang on a British steamer
for Burma which they will reach
February 14. There they will spend
several days visiting some of the
most picturesque spots in the entire East.
Copies of The Kernel are forwarded to the Dean at the different stops and probably are furnishing him with intimate interest to
read about what the "folks back
home" are doing.


t LI


Le Circle Francals met at 3:30 p.
m. Tuesday at Boyd hall. Professor Zembrod talked about the advantages
of knowing something
about history and art before going
to Europe. Lillian Holmes was the
chairman for the meeting, and had
charge of the program.




MarJorie Sydney Wi?st, sophomore In the College of Arts and
Sciences, was elected chairman of
the "Dutch Lunch" club at the first
meeting of the club this semester,
held at 12 o'clock, Friday, Febru
ary 3 in the University Commons.
The "Dutch Lunch" club, formerly
known as the Luncheon club, Is
sponsored by the Y. W. C. A.
Marlorle Wlest, daughter of Dean
Edward Wiest. is a member of Chi
Omega sorority, president of the
French club, a member of Cwens,
honorary sophomore women sorority
and a member of the sophomore
commission of the Y. W. C. A.

"Social Imagination" Is Topic
Of Address Which
Opens Emphasis
The Right Reverend Francis J.
McConnell, of New York, bishop of
the Methodist Episcopal church, was
the speaker at general convocation
at 10 a. m. Tuesday in Memorial
hall. Bishop McConnell, introduc
ed by President McVey, spoke on
the "Social Imagination." Dr. T.
C. Ecton gave the invocation and
"Social Imagination" was the first
of a series of addresses given by
Bishop McConnell during the second annual Religious Emphasis
week, sponsored by the Y. W. C. A.
and Y. M. C. A. He delivered an
address at 8p. m. Tuesday in Me
morial hall at the College ot Engineering convocation at 10 a. in.
Wednesday, and at 8 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday. The public was
invited to hear Bishop McConnell
and the hall was crowded each time
he spoke.
At general convocation Tuesday,
President McVey introduced Bishop
McConnell and praised him for his
work wth tne Federated Churchu
of Christ 01 Anvrica uad for .
books on religion and problems oi
the day.
The speaker in his address on
"Social Imagination," said that
everyone should try to learn to look
at things as other people do. He
said the people of today grow impatient and want everything done
with great speed. The Socialist
of the country feel that they need
a leader who will give Immediate
results. The Conservatlsts feel that
they need something of a dictator
such as Italy has, so as to get quicker results.
"To see things as other people
see them you must put yourself in
the position of the other persons,"
he said.
Bishop McConnell related numerous experiences in South America
and in Mexico. He said that Mexican traditions give cause for the
belief that all products and minerals under the land they owned belonged to that nation. The. Americans were unable to understand
this. Because of this difference in
custom, war has almost resulted.
Bishop McConnell gave this as an
example of a reason for nations

understanding each other.


College Plans
Used for Buildings

Farm Buildings Built
or Remodled During Year
from Specifications


A total of 3.525 farm buildings
were constructed or remodeled at
an estimated cost of $558,148 in
Kentucky last year from plans furnished by the College of Agriculture, according to a report of Prof.
J. B. Kelley. head of the agricultural engineering department.
Plans were sent, upon request,
into 78 Kentucky counties, 21 other
states, and three foreign countries.
County agricultural agents in
Kentucky reported these plans used
to remodel or build 485 dairy barns.
253 other barns. 467 milk houses. 40
silos, 503 brooder houses, 408 laying
houses, 410 brick brooders, 52 hogs
houses, 185 storage cellars, 498 storage mounds, 108 dwellings, and 116
other buildings.
In the Louisville mllkshed, where
health authorities required improved equipment during the year, plans
were furnished to farmers in 11
Kentucky counties as follows: 45
new dulry barns or milksheds, 927
dairy barns or mllksheds remodeled, 270 milk houses remodeled and
795 milk houses built.


Prospects Despite IOsses Are
Comparatively Bright,
Intimates Shivc

Dual meet.s with Vanderbtlt.
Grorgia Tech. Berra. and Tennessee
hove been scheduled for the 1933
Wildcat track by Coach Bernle
The schedule, released today for
the Art time, includes three meets
on Stoll field, all against Conference foes and one meet away
against the Berea Mountaineers at
Another meet i.i pending
with the Georgetown Tigers, the
plnce to be determined later.
Prosp?cts for a successful season
are very brlcht although the los of
such stars as Heber, Kelly, Andrews.
Mllliken. Mains and Hocker is bound
to be felt. The first three were
lost by graduation, Milliken failed
to return to school and Mains and
Hocker were lost through scholastic
It will be extremely
hard to find another capable
thoueh Frank Scale, rotund
center on the football team may
helD fill the bill. He won a letter
in 1931, putting the shot and seems
lmnroved by his year's layoff.
The runners have been working
out for the pist three weeks whenever the weather permitted, and
were getting Into fairlv good shaoe
before the present cold wave hit the
city. The field events are still the
weakest spot on the entire card with
the discus and shot put and perhaps the pole vault weakest of the
lot. The prospects for good broad
.tumpsrs, high Jumpers, and Javelin
throwers are pretty good.
In the sprints the coach has Carroll Ball, a letterman, Foster, a
letterman In 1931, Ellis Johnson and
Stanley Bach, two fast football
players, "Red" Harvey and if it is
necessary Doug Parrish can run in
the 220 or 100.
Prospects for the middle distance
events, the 440 and 880 yard runs,
are the best since the graduation
of Bill Gess. Three lettermen are
in this group along with several
talented sophomores.

Carter and Thorn are the letter-ma- n
and Gates and Mahan. members of last year's frosh arrrreea-tiowill give the veterans a stiff
battle for 'heir plaors. Tom
who won the intramural last
year with the time of .64 for the 440
is another good man In this event
and Burns and Coffman are also
good prospects.
From this erouo
of candidates a good relay team is
(Continued on Page Four)


Bishop McConnell Relates
Anecdotes of Life in Other
Countries: Freer Life and
Individualism Stressed
Bishop Francis McConnell was
the speaker at the Engineering
sembly which was held at 10 am

Wednesday in Memorial hall.
Bishop McConnell said one has
to look on every profession with '
the impression that it leaves on a
He told of Bertrand
Russell's experiences in China, and
said that China lacked scientific
methods, that is, they used too
much "rule of the thumb" method.
If a thing is not eact they say "it
will do" and let it go at that, the
speaker declared.
The speaker told of a man at
Purdue university who was distressed about the ways of the farmer: the boys were leaving the farm
and were going to the towns to
work, and the farmer's wife was
leading an existence of drudgery.
The reason was simply that the
farmer worked too long hours. This
man went to the Farmers" institute
and suggested that the farmer
should work shorter hours there
was, of course,
no response they
said that he was on the wrong
track. Seeing that they took no
notice of him he started out again
but this time used as an illustration that it was hard on the nervous system of the horse and the
cow to bother them in the wee
hours of the morning with a lantern. They listened to this and
soon a reform was started to the
effect that no one could go about
the stables with a lantern before
He also told the group of his
trip to China, and of his visit to
one of the factories where child
labor was used. The children would
work all day over a steaming vat
of water and then go out Into the
cold. The death rate from this
was enormous, and ultimate Injury
almost without exception.
He said that the aim of Christianity was to make a freer, better
life for the world. People say various things about the church, that
Is. they delve into the past and recall long buried things. Then like
the doctor of old, they bleed people
when possibly they need blood the
worst. Every profession has a skeleton In its closet, he said. In closing his address, he declared thai
we need scientific spirit to keep us
together during this time.

* Best Copy

rage Two


-Wnrn the

The Kentucky Kernel
on Tuesdays and


tlme came for the

Christ allow- to the sum
mit of Calvary where He dlrd the
iRnonimlotn death of the ross.
Thry crucified Him while the words,
"Fathrr, forgive thrm. for thry
know not what thry do," wrre still


National College Press Assrxiaiion
Kentucky Inlrrmllriaie I'irss
Awk iatinn
Lexington floanl of Cowmen e


A prediction Is like a particularly
d.vcush tnowtlaKe: At hrst It Isn t
tli.ie; turn it crystanzes beautifully and llutters toward you. As you
viaicii, It beiomcs more and more
intriguing and more beautiful. 80
you continue to look at It. Its clev- -

er flulllncss becom.s more positive,
men, umui
mine aisimci.
looking silly, with
a amp of water on your nose. And
that's the reason for no military
rpnn&or predictions this time.




Art F.ilitor
Dramatic Editor


Incidentally, the Alfaslgs soon are
to acquire a new pup. It is black,
was born Sunday, measures three
and a halt vanilla wafers from nose
to tall, and has been named "Jane."


In keeping with the movement
for the appreciation of music, Omi-cro- n
Howard I.. Cleveland
Delta Kappa, and Cwens, honRolK-r- t
II. Mc(;auhcy . . . Sews Editor orary organizations, are sponsoring
a vocal contest in which all fraASSISTANT NEWS EDITORS
T). Palnu-- r
Man Carolyn Terrell
ternities and sororities are eligible
Ren T. Taylor
to participate.
sing is
While an
Ann Hornsliy
Maijoric Wicst
not an innovation on the campus,
Sara DcLong
Mary A. trend
the event is held in collaboration
Mary Mastcrson
Allies Savage
for the first time by Cwens and
Arthur Mutli
ack May

And if you have noticed Dean
Boyd's Rebel lately you'll agree that
with these campus drafts wisping
his tail between his legs and ruf
fling his shaggy coat. Rebel Is looking l:ss doggy and more like a
snowbound hay stack.


inter-fraterni- ty

1 ,1


Judith Chadwkk
E. Shannon

no Hamillon


Raliih E. Johnson
Deliiiar Adams . .



ni warn


Believing that there hadn't been
any real good poetry published for
a long time, someone slushed in
with the following:
Omlcron Delta Kappa.
Why can't I be free as the snow
sings are indl- flakes
cations of wholesoms competition
And dance away life in a whirl
among fraternities and sororities,
Because I am of the earth
feet of
With the
and those organizations which are
a churl.
represented in the sing next Thurs- Now, for goodness sakes, Algi?,
dny nlght witi be characterized as do wipe your feet before you come
progressive orders, and recognizers in the house. Why don't you try
of the value of participating in all to save your poor old mother a few
Inter-fraterni- ty

Sports Editor
Sports Editor

Joe Quinn
llcnn C. MrCown
Cciie l utes
A. Stanley Tricked

Coleman R. Smith


Of course. It is rather understood
that one of tha ladies nominated
will be named "Jane." Along with
the rost of the University, I've no- ticed that there are four of these
mounters on me program: inio
(JHll? sjiveua, iuute uuiie nun mm- thews, Alfagam Jane Dyer and Chto
Jans Corbett.


oliiiiiie Craddotk
uan (ariiran



warm upon His lips. But He roe
the Students of the third day, fulMlinR the Word
(MnpaM-l krnliiik), Lexington
I imrrsity
in ordrr that man might save himscar. Fntrrrd al self. When the tlm ha