xt78cz32332q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78cz32332q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19560427 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1956 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 27, 1956 1956 2013 true xt78cz32332q section xt78cz32332q Philadelphia Orchestra Appears Here f The Philadelphia Orchestra, under the direction of Eusene will be at Memorial Coliseum Monday. April 30. at 8:15 p.m. Thpy will b? presented by the Central Kentucky Community Concert and Lecture Association. 'I he growth of the Philadelphia Orchestra rather closely parallels Ibv development of the phonograph record. It was the first symphony ovclv sfra to record under its own name with its own permanent conductor. They also have the largest recorded repertoire of any similar group in the world. C Titles Rive credit for the present success of the orchestra to the conductor, Kugene Ormandy, who took the leadership in 19.1G. Before tliis he had been a concert artist, teacher, radio orchestra conductor, and director of the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, The orchestra will play Handel's "Concerto for Orchestra"; "Symphony No. 7 in C Major, opus' 105" by Sibelius; "Cantus Animae et Cordis' for string orchestra by Yardumian; Van Einam's "Concerto for Orchestra"; and the Polka and Fugue from "Schwanda" by Or-man- " dy, in ii II ll . I - inn j Ph iladelph la Orch estra The Philadelphia Orchestra, one of the top orchestras in the nation, will perform in Memorial Coliseum Monday night. The orchestra, under the direction of Eugene Ormandy, is being ym-pho- iSIEI&MlEIL ' i University of Kentucky, Number 24 Lexington, Ky., Friday April 27, 1936 Vol. XLVII Welcome Visitors PR Drill Meet Scheduled Here Students from 13 schools in Ohio, West Virginia, and Kcn- tticky arrived on UK's campus y esterday for the Pershing Hifles First Regimental Drill Meet w Inch will continue through to- morrow night. be representing are Ohio University, University of Akron, University of Dayton, University of Cincinnati, Ohio University, West Virginia State College, University of Toledo, John Carroll University, Marshall College, Ycungstown College, Bowling Green State College, Kent University, Eastern- - Kentucky State College, and the University of Kentucky. The meet will get underway with an exhibition platoon drill at 8 p.m. on Stoll Field tonight. This will be will State followed at 9:10 p.m. by the Civil War between the Confederate Squad from UK and the Union Squad from Ohio State University. Tomorrow a platoon and individual drill competition will be held at 9 a.m. and a regimental review at 2:30 p.m. on Stoll Field. Us t In case of rain, the events to which the public is invited will be held in Memorial Coliseum. Poppa John Gordy will furnish the music for the dance to be given for the PR men and their dates in Donovan Hall tomorrow night from 9 p.m. to 12 midnight. Gov. A. B. Chandler will be present at the dance and will present the trophies. Coming with the groups will be approximately 28 coed sponsors. The sponsors will be housed in Keeneland Hall. During their visit they will be taken on a tour of the Blue Grass. The boys will live in Memorial Coliseum during their visit on the campus. - f - W x. ; KJ A x brought to Lexington by the Central Kentucky Community Concert and Lecture Association. Ormandy is considered by many critics as one of tho finest conductors today. SGA ponsors Political Rally ' ' ny $ i i I - j By ELIZABETH BKLL The Student Government Association will sponsor a political rally May S, the night before the spring SGA election, the SC General Assembly decided at a Monday night meeting. t I I EUGENE ORMANDY New Time Schedule UK will move its schedule ahead one hour beginning Mon-dayT-Ap- iil 30. The change will come as a result "of Daylight Saving Time, which the University will observe this year along with the city of Lexington, in order to avoid confusion in planning events to which the public is Other issues discussed at the meeting were the continuation of the Friday afternoon jam sessions, posting of SGA minutes on the campus, and opening the Margaret I. King Library on Sunday even- ings instead of Friday evenings. The purpose of the political rally will be to introduce the candidates of all three parties to the student body. Short speeches by each nominee for president will be given. The Assembly has planned to hold the rally at Memorial Hall. A Jam session will not be held today due to the lack of funds. The Assembly, however, has decided to continue the jam sessions and one has been scheduled for 9 p.m. During the open house there will be' demonstrations and exhibits presented by all of the engineering departments, the Highway Research Laboratory, and the Aero nautical Research Laboratory. Fu-- j ture Engineer Clubs, sponsored by the University, and other high school groups have been invited to -- newly formed committee for screening presidential candidates last Thursday: (1) He should be chosen for his capacities and merits. He should be superior to factionalism and independent of social and political groups and Interests, and thus capable of independent and impartial judgments. (2) He should have broad learning and understanding In the basla fields of the arts, sciences, languages, and philosophy . . . preferably one who holds the Ph.D. degree. (3) He should be especially adept at leading the faculty and elicitlni? their pood will and cooperation In the management of the affairs of the institution. (4) He should be a man of mora! courage and integrity, free from prejudice a capable defender of the freedom of teaching unci research. 5) He should be preferably between 40 and 53 years of age, of wide experience and of good health. He should be chosen without regard to place of birth or present residence. (6) He should be a personable) and tactful gentleman, an effective Speaker who will be able to represent the University ably before the public, before governmental bodies, and before scholars and representatives of other universities, both foreign and American. 7) He should be able to explain with clarity and enthusiasm the work of the University, to the people and governing bodies of the state. The Committee of Fifteen Is an advisory board created in September, 1954 by the Board of Trustees with the immediate objective of studying UK and Its program and the long range goal of finding out) what kind of a university Kentucky ... Kernel participate. Among the exhibits that will ap- This week's Kernel Kutie is a pert young lassie peal to the casual visitor are an from the Alpha Gamma Delta House. Joan Ulevins. electronic organ, a remote con- Joan is a junior enrolled in Arts and Sciences. She trolled car, a model elevator, a also has been enrolled on the Kernel if mighty model train, and a model steamboat. Most of these exhibits are built by students. . The women thould be interested in the induction heating oven, similar to those now on the market. For the futurists there will be a.tuibine operating by steam produced from the heat of the sun. As in the past years there will be free gifts given to visitors. A set of bookeruis, poured In the engineering foundry will be awarded as a doer prize. A guest may pick up an ash tray as a souvenir, and if he desires his name will be engraved on it. The tray will be made before the guest's eyes in the mechanical laboratory. For those who will not want to miss anything by going out to eat, sandwiches and drinks (soft, that Is) will be served in the main study hall. j What sort of man should UK's new president be? The Committee of Fifteen submitted the following recommendations to the first meeting of the Engineers' Day, one of the biggest events of the semester for engineers, has been set for next Friday, May 4. Engineers' Day, actually an open house, will be in two sessions. The first session will run from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and the second from to i President's Qualifications Listed By Committee Engineers To Hold Day Next Friday 7 p.m. j Friday, May 4. if enough money is appropriated by other campus organizations. The Assembly voted to plaeo copies of the SGA minutes on campus bulletin boards. Tins is to inform the students of all issues discussed by the Assembly. The possibility of opening the main library on Sunday evenings instead of Friday evenings was pre srnted by Rarbaranelle Faxton. Dr. Lawrence S. Thompson, director of libraries, said there was chance of trying this next year to see how the students responded. SGA voted to present a petition to library officials requesting that this be tried next year. Kit tie fine looking young ladies. We hope she will enjoy the beautiful orchid which is waiting for her at the Lexington Flower Shop just opposite the Good Samaritan Hospital. Students Protest Rent A committee from Shawneetown will protest to Gov. Chandler aboilt proposed rent hikes for the new Cooperstown apartments. A six member delegation was elected Tuesday night at a married stu- dents' meeting in the Shawneetown recreation hall. Arthur Brooks Jr.. chairman of the protest group, said that the rates for the new apartments had been unofficially set at $60 a month for one bedroom apartments and $70 a month for two bedroom apartments. This is approximately twice as much as the present prices. The vote to send a delegation to protest personally to Gov. Chandler was unanimous. Those chosen to see the governor were Brooks. Gordon It. Demerson. James A. Moore, W. C. Beggs, Gail A. Beggs, and James Belcher. Brooks said the grpup had no definite plan to sub mit to the governor, but would explain their situation to him. The chairman said the new prices were "unacceptable" to the Shawneetown residents, and if they were enforced some students would have to drop out of school. One veteran commented that "somebody should be reminded that the married veteran makes $135 a month and with a kid, only $160." Dean of Men Leslie L. Martin said Wednesday that the University had no other choice but to charge higher rents. The Dean explained that state and federal building codes had upped the construction costs to a point where the University had to charge higher prices to meet repayments on the loan floated to finance the project. Dean Martin also said that the Shawneetown buildings had been condemned by the state fire will be In marshal and must be razt-d- . 1 1905. * TIIK KENTUCKY KERNE!.. Friday. April 27. fi Ifl.-.- Clark Named Prexy Of Historical Society Dr. Thomas. I). Clark, head of tlio Department of History, lias lx'cn elected president of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association. This association is generally authorities on the South and the recognized as the top historical so- frontier. His new book. "Frontier ciety in America. America," is scheduled for publicaDr. Clark was elected at a weektion this summer by Charles Scrib-ner- 's end meeting of the association in Sons. Pittsburgh. He succeeds Dr. EdAmong ward C. Kirkland of Bowdion Col- books are: Dr. Clark's best known "The Rampaging Fronlege. tier;" "The Kentucky," one In the Dr. Clark, who holds the rank of "Pills, "Distinguished Professor of His- livers of America series; history Petticoats and Plows," a tory," served In numerous rapaci- of the Southern country store; ties in the society. Among other "The Southern Country Editor," a positions, he was study of the rural weekly newsand councilman. paper in the South from the Civil On May 9, Dr. Clark will travel War period; "A History of Kento the University of Oklahoma for tucky;" and "The Rural Press and the observance of the first two the New South." volumes of the "Southern Tribal A native Mississippian, Dr. Clark Series," of which he is the general holds a A.B. degree from the Unieditor. The historical writings of Dr. versity of Mississippi, an M.A. from Clark have won him recognition as here at UK, and a Ph.D. degree one of the nation's outstanding from Duke University. vice-preside- nt Sigma ChVs Announce Ad Contest Winners Sigma Chls "Rcad-the-Adcontest, held in conjunction with the Best Dressed Contest and Style Show, was won by Mildred Lewis, 218 Arlington Avenue. The first prize was a free wash Job, grease Job, oil change, and ten gallons of gas at Fucci's Standard Service, and an orchid from Foushee's Florist. Second prize of a cuff link and tie clasp set from Kessler Jeelers was won by D. L. Rlcknell, 101.1 East Cooper Drive. The five third priies of a free Five-Min- it Car Wash by Jimmy Butts went to Nancy Boggs, 428 Kingsway Drive; Diana Gray, 620 Mitchell. Avenue; Judy Stoothoff, 129 East Maxwell; Bob Monarch, 340 South Broadway; and Jo Ann Axton, Keene-lan- d Hall, University of Kentucky. FOR THE FINEST IN REFRESHMENT TRY s" Kappas Purchase Lots For House 1 Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority has purchased two pieces of property, lots 43 and 44, on Rose St. opposite the UK tennis courts for the location of a new house. The property has been approved by University officials. The new house, which will be designed in modified colonial style, has been estimated to cost $125,000. will house from 40 to Vice President Frank 1). Peterson was recently honored by 48 girls. It Peterson Honored For Outstanding Work J fee cream Block from University 820 S. Limcstono St. High St. and Cochran 944 Winchester Rd. 7 the Southern Association of College and University Business John T.Gillig andAssociatesx PetOfficers in recognition of his outstanding work in management architect, met with Frank D. plans erson this week to discuss md finance. for the new house. Peterson was presented with a plaque by the association during its annual three day meeting at Memphis, Tcnn. on April 12, 13, and 14. The award, the first of its kind given, read, "The Southern Association of College and University Business Officers wish to place on record their esteem for Mr. Peterson. As past president and outstanding leader in this association, as the chief business officer of a jjreat university, as a director of the National Federation of College and University Business Officers' Association, and as organ-i7e- r of a meritorious program in management and finance, lie continues to serve the South and the Attention Students, Faculty and Graduates! DO TEXT BOOKS Oj ON ALL P fr'- - V Vation. 'Imagination, straight thinking, perseverance, loyalty, unselfishness all these qualities characterize this distinguished gentleman and jreat friend." The Southern Association of College and University Business Officers is one of four such regional organizations in the country. T- SUBJECTS! JJ ' v.--- ! Education V English Commerce a I or-- h Vt . lv' '- rig -:"" ' " If yv 5 ' " ' t n Lj 5 Economics x w Excellent Reference Books - Rf $.' What a Ag riculfurc f Government Chemistry BRIDE Candlelight gleaming on satin . . . a mist of tulle soft as starry eyes . . . your Wedding Portrait is the only way to catch and hold the loveli ness of your Wedding. Day. Plan your Portrait as Carefully as your wedding. Visit our Studio now, ee what a beautiful bride YOU will be . . . in your Wedding Portrait, too! Your Portrait Deserves The Very Best! Adorn Pcpiot Studio Wellington Arams PHONE 2-74- 66 THESE ARE DISCONTINUED BOOKS AND OLD EDITIONS BUILD YOUR LIBRARY AT THESE BARGAIN PRICES! .... History Thousands To Choose From! J Q Q BO EC 405 SOUTH LIME ACROSS FROM SUB * TIIK KKNTl'CKY KKItNKI.. Krid.iv. April 27. Ifl.Vi Music Festival Scheduled Here Today And Tomorrow If .. l i . ... . i i iii&n lihmi miku'ius rrotn a II over the state will compete foi honors today and tomorrow in the 32nd annual Kentucky Stati High School Music Festival. About 700 students are expected to take part in the vocal, piano, and organ sections of the festival. All ' participants must have achieved a rating of Division I in regional festivals in order to enter the state contest. have been played. Arnold Blackburn, professor of organ at the University, will discuss organ techniques with the participants. The University Choristers will act as the demonstration group for those students entered in the Choral Student Conducting section of the festival. This event will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, in the Fine Arts Building. Choruses from fiO high schools will perform Saturday. They are scheduled to be heard in the University School Auditorium. Alumni Gymnasium, and the Bluegrass Room of the Student Union Build- The schedule of events call for ptarto solos in Memorial Hall on Friday morning-- . Piano duet and duo events will be heard in the University School Auditorium Friday afternoon. The organ event Is being held for the first time this year. Students entered in this event will perform at 7:30 p.m. Friday, in Memorial, Hall. After all selections ing;. Shopping Around for A Fine Dry arvara Froiessor Discusses Future The Ouisnnl Theater will present "nip InnocentV, a psychological mwtrry thriller. Mav The play Is bv WlUlnm Archllmld and is based on Hmry James' short story "The Turn of thf 2. By MARNKY BKAKD S( mv"- ln' an - 1? v,or" place about 18JH old cmintrv house in Kng- land which is haunted bv the spirit of evil. The cast will Include Pace Williams as Miss Olddens. Janet Lambert as Mrs. Grose, Nancy Nile last Wednesday night. school level. This counseling should in the role of Flora, and Freil Dr. Stouffer's lecture, entitled be directed more at the parents Sliter as Miles, her brother. Mary "Social. Science and the World of than the chffH, Dr. Stouffcr stated. Ann Stevenson and Charles GalTomorrow," was one of the lecloway will also be in the cast. tures in a scries sponsored by Paul G. Blazer. Social science is still undevelS,V"Ti TS oped in comparison to the physical sciences, Dr. Stouffer said, because of the difficulty of gaining proof in experiments. In order for a theory to be proved, controlled experi(Author of "Darttot Boy IVitl Chttk," tte.) ments are necessary. It is much harder to control experiments involving social phenomena than physical, he added. PHI BETA KAPPA, I LOVE YOU ! There is a great need for social scientists in the world today, Dr. Once there was a Chi Omega named Alfreda Pectate who Stouffer said. He listed four major d was beautiful and areas where the need is particuand wore clothes of the most larly great. They are in the fields tasteful cut and smoked the gentlest of all cigarettes Philip of industry, where sociological Morris, of corns! and had, in addition to these admirable concepts are being applied more qualities, a brain so massive and retentive that she used to read and more to advertising and personnel work; in government, where the Britannka just for kicks. economists and statisticians are Alfrcda had one great ambition: to be elected to Phi Beta needed; in publi chealth; and in Kappa. Consequently she was all when she heard a education, where the major probrumor one night that a man from the Phi Beta Kappa selection lem is the vast number of people of eligible age who do not go to board was coming over to the Chi Omega house to interview college. her. Being all Alfrcda sat down and lit a Philip Morris, as she always did when she was all for gentle Philip Morris, as wise Alfrcda knew, is comfort to the troubled, balm to the beset, and a haven to the vexed. Rut gentle Philip Morris, as Alfreda, with her mighty intellect, was well aware, is not only a cigarette for times of stress and strain, but also the ' In - n. - Service? Audubon Film Scheduled Here "Great Smokey Skyland" will be the theme for the Audubon Screen Tour series, to be given at 8 p.m. tomorrow night in Memorial Hall. Dr. G. Harrison Orians, distinguished National Audubon Society speaker, will show color motion pictures of the Great Somkies. These southern highlands are one of the greatest wilderness areas remaining in the United States. The Audubon Screen Tour series are presented by the Audubon Society 6f Kentucky, the National Audubon Society, and the UK Department of Zoology, and features natural history lecturers. This is the third and final program for the 1955-5- 6 series. Dr. Orians attended North Central Illinois University and the University of Illinois. He was a ranger naturalist at Yosemite National Park and served on the faculty of the University of Idaho and the University of Illinois. In World War II he taught p:e-- f light training for the 'Army Air Corps. He is .now a professor of English and director of the summer session at the University of Toledo. UK students presenting ID cards will be" admitted free. hv.il Window shopping's a time- - proven way to test before you try. Wo think it works for dry cleaning services, too! Pick th smartest looking women, the most dapper chilmen, even the dren. Ask them how they got that way. Chances are, they don't wear new clothes every day. Chances are, they use a dry cleaner. Chances are, they use us! Why not join in? The prices are fine! ed top-draw- 15 nm,,,' H-- well-forme- Cleaning best-dress- Guignol Presents l "If nunkiiul survives the atomic holocaust, tin world of to morrow will he a. wonderful place if our understanding of in in ' and his institutions continues to develop. These words highlighted the talk Tn mrrt tM ,irnhiti tV- Qff. by Dr. Samuel A. Stouffer. profes- Silkli coun.sf.linR of .student., sor of sociology at Harvard Uni- - frr snould brpul not in hif!h schoo, or vcrsity. given at Memorial Hall lnninP uUJh hut. nt tho crnrt .1 er perfect accompaniment to happiness and light. For gentle Philip Morris is sunny and cheery and jolly and merry and yummy! All this Alfreda, with her giant cerebellum, knew. By and by there came a loud, masculine knock on the door, and Alfreda, composing herself, went to answer it. "Won't you come in?" she said to the man outside. "I am Alfreda Pectate." "And I am Ed Fester," said the man, entering with a friendly smile. Ed had found that a friendly smile was a great asset in the. Venetian blind game, which happened to be Ed's game. He had nothing to do with Phi Beta Kappa; he had come over to see about a new blind for the house mother's bedroom. But, of course, Alfreda knew nothing of this. "Do sit down," said Alfreda. "Thanks, hey," said Ed. "But I can't stay long." "Of course," said Alfreda and proceeded without delay to demonstrate how wide and comprehensive was her learning. "Deer," she said, "have no gall bladders." Farm experts estimate that improved pasture can produce about 100 pounds of stock feed at a cost of about 60c. Discount On Cash And Carry The Famous SKIMMER - y by . . . 1A Now In 15 Different Ways 5 bu Capexicr "Is that so?" said Ed, who until this moment had believed deer had gall bladders. "Ben Jonson," said Alfreda, "was buried in n sitting position." "Hfiim," said Ed. , ' 'Fortnight' is a contraction of "fourteen nights " said Alfreda. "What do you know !" said Ed. "Many people think it is forbidden to wash an American flag," said Alfrcda. "That is not true. It is perfectly proper to wash an American flag." "Learn something every day," said Ed. "The smallest fish in the World " said Alfreda, "is the Tan-daPygmea, which is under a half Inch when full grown." "How come they buried that Jonson sitting up?" said Ed. "It's terribly crowded in Westminster Abbey," said Alfreda. "Oh," said Ed. "Ann Boleyn had six fingers on her left hand," said Alfreda. "Heavens to Betsy!" said Ed. ka "Are there any questions you'd care to ask me?" said Alfreda one," said Ed. "How big is your house mother's "Just window?" A tear ran down Alfreda's cheek. "Well, that's the way it goes," she sighed. "You work and slave and study and then they catch you on a trick question! . . . Oh, well, that's life, I guess." Forlorn and bereft, she rose and shambled to her bed anil fell upon it and wept for several days. But finally she pulled herself together, and today she is with Byrd in the Antarctic. Zk Black Kid Brown Kid Navy Kid Red Kid Whit Kid -- Whit Satin Black Sued Navy Sued Camel 'Kalapo Wedgewood Katalop Red Kafalop Natural Peruvian' Linen Yellow Peruvian Linen Multi-Checke- d rVr Sporti Car Print Straw (thulium, n: You don't hate to be a Phibate to kntnc that Philip Morrii, muJe by the tpontort of lhi$ column, it the grntleil, tattieti cigarette that money can buy. * 4 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. Aoril 27. IP.Ifi Hark Talk Student Protest Tlic married students living at Shawnee-tow- n arc justifiably upset about the rent that will be charged for the new Cooperstown apartments. Unofficial figures place the amount at between $G0 and $70 a month. This is approximately twice as much as the students are npw paying at Shawneetown. The higher Tent will drastically affect many of the 184 families living in Shawneetown. Most of them have at least one child, some of them two or three. An added expense of $30 or $35 a month would strain their already thin budgets to the breaking point. Several of them would have to drop out of school. This is extremely bad, but the story is not altogether one sided. When the old Cooperstown project and Shawneetown were condemned by the State Fire Marshall the University was faced with the problem of either providing housing for the majority of the married students or none of them. Out of the 1,200 married students attending UK only 200 live in Shawneetown. The University made the logical choice and the new project will greatly benefit the 1,000 students who are at present paying high rent out in town. Because of state and federal building codes the University had to abide by certain minimum standards when they built the apartments. Even if the University wanted to they couldn't build apartments similar to the ones npw at Shawneetown. The added construction cost is part of the reason the rent will be higher. Also state law prohibits using state funds to erect housing for a special group such as University students. The money for the project had to be raised through a bond issue. A set amount must be paid regularly to the bonding company until the debt is rcsired. This is the other reason why the rent will be higher. However, the University will charge the students, the lowest possible rate. The rent will barely cover the loan payments. The University will definitely not make a profit on the new apartments. But the University has made one serious mistake. It has done nothing for the Shawneetown residents who cannot allord the higher rent. Legally the University is not responsible for the financial problems or its students, but morallv it should see that these financially injured students are cared for. It seems reasonable to believe that there is some University or state fund that can help these students. It is absolutely unfair and undemocratic that .they should be punished for something they had no control over. After all, trying to wprk their way through college has been their onlv mistake. Term Papers Two weeks ago The Kernel printed an editorial entitled "Idiot Profs." Thus started a long series of protests. As it was hoped its very title would suggest, the editorial was written as a mildly humorous satire. Hut it appears that many readers thought the editorial neither humorous nor satiristic. Letters, one of which is printed in this issue, have poured in. Professors have attacked the editorial in their class rooms. Among other things, The Kernel has been accused of "bad taste." Whether or not professors assign term papers to their students, The Kernel certainly does not believe them to be idiots. Humorists and cartoonists of late have pictured the college professor as a demented menace, after a fashion of the stereotyped picture of the "dumb, green freshman." But many persons obviously did not understand that The Kernel was simply using a broad, humorous stereotype of the college professor in the editorial. While The Kernel apologizes for any misrepresentation or harm done to UK professors, it can not and will not deny that term papers are being over-rateTerm papers at UK have been misused to the degree that they are indeed a legitimate topic of editorial contention. While some professors assign these tasks in good faitl, it has become apparent that many term papers are required for questionable academic reasons. ' One can not argue that in some courses a term paper is a beneficial way of "conceiving, evaluating, organizing, and presenting ideas." But one can contend that a term paper should never be assigned if the professor does not tell his students what is expected and what will be accomplished. No student should be condemned because lie doubts the value of the work hi' is undertaking. Free thought should never be subjected to the ritual of "do or die." And so it is unfortunate that too many professors at UK require term papers, but never bother to tie in this important work with the education at hand. A term paper in some courses seems incongruous with what what is being taught; possibly this would not be so if the professor outlined his reasons for assigning them. d. Then, too, some professors use term papers for their own use. Fortunately tin's situation is rare, but there should never be the doubt that a student's work is being prostitutecHor personal gain of the professor. One instructor this year told a student that' he was assigning term papers for the express purpose of getting material for future class lectures. Far too many term papers which in the full sense of the word should represent research and work done throughout the semesterare never critiqued by the professor. That is why many UK students "put off. term papers to the last minute. If more professors critiqued term papers students would not only benefit educationally, but would also lose their skepticism of the value of the papers themselves. Because term papers at UK are being required, in many cases, without thorough instruction beforehand, without being married to the subject taught, and without The Kernel believes that they are being over-rateAnd so "Idiot Profs," though a misunderstood editorial, was one that deserved being oil an editorial page. The topic was not brought to The Kernels attention by "persons not interested in becoming educated," but through talk of those who dare to doubt unexplained ddgma. As long as this type of students exist, then The Kernel will voice their opinions. post-critiqu- e, d. The Kentucky Kernel University ok Kentucky Entered at the Post Office at Leximrton, Kentucky, at second class matter under the Act ot March 3, 1879 1'ublished weekly during school except holiday! and exami SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1.00 per emester Jim Ciawford Bill Billiter Ray Hornback Yvonne Eaton Tommy Preston Ellis Easterly Christie Vandergrift Ann Abernathy Ted Simmons Bill Hughes Dave Nakdimen - : Editor Blasts Workshop Dear Sir, After having read the product of "The Workshop" in last week's Kernel, and realizing through experience the steps that one must take to reach both greek and Independent students through Kernel publications, I deem it necessary that I write this letter. In defense of the newly formed Students Party, I wish to reiterate and refute some comments presented by the "Old Propieter" and present the real reasons for the formation of the Students Party. It is an accepted student agreement that the present student government of the UK campus is not what it should be, or could be, and it was this agreement that stimulated the movement and formation of the Students Party. Something must be done to improve our government and we believe the answer can be found in the p'atform of the newly formed Students Party. Such a platform could not be presented without t: student interest and student two factors that are not present in the Constitionalist or United Student Party, as evident when only 1800 votes are cast in an SOA. e'ectinn from a student bodv of 0T1OO. It is our belief that bv forming the third partv student interest can be increased. With this stimulation of interest, and not until then, can an improvement of our student government be made with hopes of facultv support. It is the primary purpose of the Students Partv to better SGA! and after contacting interested facu'ty members, they too realize the something should be done and can be done for improvement. The answer lies in the musty pages of the present student . government constitution which was written 18 years ago by a faculty committee appointed bv former, president Frank L. lcVey. This