xt78cz325226 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78cz325226/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1941 v, 81 p. :ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.25 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Brown County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, No. 25, Brown County, Nov. 19, 1878 - Nov. 7, 1938 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, No. 25, Brown County, Nov. 19, 1878 - Nov. 7, 1938 1941 1941 2019 true xt78cz325226 section xt78cz325226 €3757 “memmil - 11111le111 3 i5 7 INDEX f ' V T0 _ "' ; PROBATE CASES _ 5 V FILED IN ,- , , , »°“E 574» .9 No. 25 . BROWN COUNTY ‘ _ ' TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT , ' E3:;W:EF’W‘-'l‘?QFt-‘v-" _ , 1fi} ‘ Area (A) in Travis County from 3/20/18t8 (3) to 8/27/1856 51: H Brown County H 8/27/1856 (A) " date f‘; Area (8) in Travis County from 3/20/1888 (3) to 8/27/1858 3;) H Brown County " 8/27/1856 (a) " 3/15/1887 1‘ " Mills County " 3/15/1887 (5) H date ' E Area (:) in Travis County from 3/20/1888 (3) to 8/27/1856 .1 H Brown County " 8/27/1856 (t) n 2/1/1858 ?5; " Coleman County " 2/1/1858 (6), (7) to date ,t; Area (fi) in Travis County from 3/20/18A8 (3) to 2/5/1858 1) . " Brown County " 2/5/1858 (7) " date Th1 Area (:) in Bell County from 1/22/1850 (8) to 2/A/185A ;t‘ " Coryell County " 2/1/1851 (9) H 8/27/1856 yfi H Brown County H 8/27/1856 (8) " date N! Area (:) in Bell County from 1/22/1850 (8) to 2/1/185A l; H Coryell County " 2/A/185A (9) " 2/5/1858 1) " Brown County " 2/5/1858 (7) " date \ Ml h ME Area (:> in Travis County from. 3/20/1848 (3) to 2/1/1856 iy " lampasas County " 2/1/1856 (10) " 8/27/1856 )j n Brown County n 8/27/1856 (a) " 3/15/1887 t1 " Mills County H 3/15/1887 (5) " date 1? * Originally called Viesca; named changed to Milam in 1835, honoring 1) Benjamin Rush Milam, Texas patriot. H. P. N. Gammel, Laws oi Texas, i) I, 1002. ‘ ;fi (1) The assumption is made that Bexar had all the territory of the pre— .0 ii Vious Department of Bexar west of Milam,-Travis, and Fannin. For a 1) description of the Department of Bexar, gee Gam. Lawe, I, 355; for Z: Milam, EEE footnote 2, below; for Travis, EEE footnote 3, below; 21 for Fannin, £22 Gem. Laws, II, 368. g; (2). gee Texas Historical Records Survey, lgyentory 9i £33 Qounty EEEEEKEE :1 9: Texas, No. 166, Milam County, p. 6, and map preceding p. 1. 11 (3) Cam. Laws, III, 218. 11 (A) Gam. Laws, IV, 486. . “1 (5) Gam. Laws, TX, 823. 1; (6) Gam. LaWS, IV, 959. l! (7) Gem. Laws, IV, 998. ll (8) Gam. Laws, 111, 501. ‘1 (9) 8am. Laws, 111, 1A89. ' t) (10) Gam. Laws, IV, 221. H ~iv— , 0 1 £30:ij51§___1_Pe_g<21;1y9_ eAaILENE 1 1 1 1 0 1 oclsco e I 1 TAYLOR1 JBSALLAHAN 1 EASTLAND ,JEERATH batik; may I onmuou I g 1 UN 1 ,/ /\ 1 1 1 // °" \ z 1 \ f ”Ema / \ £2 1 . // . 1 // \\\ 0mm 1 (2‘ , nszouo 1 - -—1—-,—-—-—*“"* ”Ii/,3. , j 1 I Q; 1 l \\ ’ \ 1 09 1 101M1°® W\ \\/' / 1 111, COMANCH ; l 1 E 11 :— V ‘ ocommcne ”Iv E 1 JELV—* Q ,a " ' 1 1 L‘“ :r—fi 0+“ 1 c o 1. E M A1\ *’1’“*B:R:"o:w:N:1~ & ,/ 2 (9 Whig—mm /-/—< // fif; 212111111011 L 01" BROOKEs‘MTN ’0— fi"" 1 1 \\ -_— \ m1? \ ‘ kg 25““ § a I 100 1 1 ® L Q o‘;\ ‘— , 5 - 1 \ “WM ' 4" ’ ‘ ‘2 ‘ ' ‘11 '/ , so /§re-rqy/ - 2‘! L 5,1 \ 1 rd {0%, ,8} W1 \ \‘WI IIIIIIIIIIIWIE \ ~ 2,.\_. , ‘1’ — r ‘ ’ ‘ 1 1 2 1 2 / 1 . . s A N s A B A ,1 / .CONCHO. McCULLOCH 1 ,1 , 1 1 osmm ‘1 \LAMPASAS 2 1 mt!” 0,7.“ ' /!$\ 8 2 \ MAP OF ~-’ _ BROWN COUNTY 1 : SHOWING THE SEVEQAL PROBATE AREAS _— _———_—_ ‘ I —— PRESENT BOUNDARIES 0F BROWN COUNTY 0‘ B U R N E T *__ COUNTY LINES OTHER THAN BROWN COUNTY lf‘ (FOR EXPLANATION AND REFERENCES SEE I THE PRECEDING PAGE.) L L A N 0 K 1 ( I ”M'sfiwlfl , ,, .,,i,vl,v, 1,19 L¢L , __.—..._1 Explanation of the Map Areas Area . (no papers) Nov. 13,1928 1933 Aubrey, Thelma and Vernet . Byron, minors Oct. 18,1918 1201 Austin, J. A., deceased July 3,1920 1330 Autry, C. W., NCM May 28,1910 813 \ 1 ‘ Name of Deceased,flinor or Lunatic Filgd__fi_m__mjléfig_EgL ,, ,1 Avant, Mrs. Delula, NCM Mar. 17,1908 _ 728 11 Avant, Dora Estelle, Georgie _ f and Nora, minors” June 29,1928 . 1891 1K Avants, Martha, deceased Jan. 4,1911 856 13 Avinger, Mrs. Victoria J., 1 RUM, (no papers) . . Apr. 14,1915 ' 1007 I” 1 Aynes, G., deceased 'Mar. 28,1958 2755 1 1: ‘ — B — . I: ‘1. I V ‘ ' 11"‘ Bagley, Bertha, tubercular, g 1 (no papers) ' May 28,1952 ‘ 2257 1 ‘ Bagley, Jimmie Lee and R. ' 1 , Delia, minors Jan. 22,1927 1765 11% Bagley, Marvin, deceased Apr. 6,1928 1869 . 11. Bagley, Mike, minor Apr. 11,1955 2485, 111, Bagwell, Hareld,_miner Aug. 25,1954 2424., _ h,. _ Bagwell, Lawrence, minor May 25,1955 , 2522, 11;1 Bailey, Ada, minor Dec. 15,1888 _ 195 1 Bailey, Ada and Mary, miners Oct. 20,1884 062 ,1‘1 Bailey, Carrie 0., deceased Jan. 25,1954 2579) 1 ; Bailey, J. 11., deceased Aug. 14,1951 2196, 1111, Bailey,J.W.,NCM, (no papers) July 27,1889 211 11 3 Bailey, J. W., ROM , Sept.28,1892, . 299 1.;11 Bailey, J. 111., 1101': Dec. 20,1901 519 11 1 Bailey, Jim, NCM - Oct. 15,1904 596 2111 31 Bailey, Mrs. s. 11., 1113;, July 22,1951 2187 111; Bair, Leonidas, deceased, . _ 1 1g1f (no papers) Jan. 9,1912 ,- , ~874 11" ' Baker, Clyde, epileptic, ' ' 5 ,_ M3 (no papers) , ‘ Jan. 14,1928 1859 W , Baker, Ldlth Verder and Gladys 11‘ Effie, mlnors Sept.20,1922 1474 M*‘ 8aker, George, deceased May 28,1955 2496 11y _ baker, George, deceased, ' 1“ (no papers) Jane ‘5,1955 2498 1k = Baker, Harry, Paul, Ruby and 1N Warren, miners Feb. 9,1904 569 10 Baker, Mrs. M. 0., deceased Mar. 7,1891 252 11‘ . Baker, Mrs. M. J., deceased . Mar. 22,1885 022 13 Baker, Mandy Louise and Robert ‘ ' 1W Alpha, minors ' May 2,1928 . 1875 3",» Baker, Mary, 1191:. Aug. 51,1995 652 11 Baker, R. E., deceased, 11 (no papers) Sept.29,1905 659 ' 11 ‘ Baker, Mrs. Tennie, deceased ' Mar. 8,1920 1504 ,13‘ Ballard, Merinda E., deceased mar. 10,1926 1660 EU Ballard, R. A., deceased ' Dec. 15,1897 420 1‘ Ballard, Thomas L., deceased Apr. 8,1952 2247 1“ Barber, Bertie, NC; Oct. 6,1957 2711 11f, Barber, Wm. (Buck), deceased, , H 11‘ (no papers) June 1,1912 _ 892 1 x 1,1 M _ 11 ‘ 11 , ,1, ‘ 5 JO. Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. ' Bardin, A. J., deceased, , (no papers) _ Feb. 24,1922 1450 Bardin, John, deceased ,Sept.19,1925 . y 1650 Barker, Emily, NCM Dec. 51,1955 2547 Barnard, Bonnie and fiarvey, ‘ . ' minors _ Jan. 7,1908 721 Barnard, Harvey et a1, minors, . (no papers) _ ‘ Mar. 18,1909 688 Barnes,n.,dcceased,(no papers) June 4,1886 095 Barnes, Mrs. A. 0., BCK, (no papers) ; Aug. 6,1889 1 212 Barnes, Annie Eliza, deceased Mar. 12,1929 71961 Barnes, Arick, deceased, , . , . . (no papers) July 9,1886 155 _ Barnes, E. M., deceased Nov. 50,1926 1748 , Barnes, FranK, NCM Aug. 8,1951 , 2197 Barnes, J. M., deceased, ' ' (no papers) , June 11,1919 1254 Barnett,Wm.Theodore,deceased, . (no papers) Sept.15,1915. 1050 ; Barnum, JaSper Daniel, minor May 5,1956 . 2578 , Barr, Alice, Annie and James,. .1 minors, (no papers) Sept.20,1880 12 A Barr, Alice, Annie and James , . 5., minors, (no papers) Oct. 20,1895 558 Barr, Alice, Annie M, and James - 5., minors , , June 20,1888 189 Bartlett, Linnie Grace; . . , , 0'Conner,Joseph,minors Apr. 50,1900 476 Bartlett, W. H., deceased Dec. 8,1898 442 Bartlett, W. 3., deceased Dec. 7,1898 ' 445 Bartlett,William H.,deeeased Dec. 2,1898 441 Barton, Taylor, NCM , Mar. 26,1928. 1865’ Barton, Taylor, NCH Oct. 15,1928 1925 - Batte, Mrs. Fannie, deceased Aug. 27,1919 1268 Batten, h. E., deceased Dec. 19,1889 250 Batten, Sarah F., deceased Apr. 6,1925 , 1505 Baugh, Alma, Carla Mae, Jenn .- . William, Levin, Muriel and . Ruby, minors ,Sept. 5,1924 1558 Baugh, Mrs. C. 8., deceased Jan. 28,1955 2465 Baugh, Carla Mae, Johnnie and Levin, minors Sept. 5,1914 . 979 Baugh, Eliza 8., deceased, . . . - (no papers) 5ept.15,1920' 1557 Baugh,J.W.,minor,(no papers) Oct. 5,1885 080 Baugh, Jessie and Eargaret, minors June 28,1919 1262 Baugh, Jessie and Karguerite, . . minors , Sept.12,1915 945 H Baugh, L. P., deceased June 14,1915 957 7 6 WW 7 , Baugh, Nettie, deceased, ..' . th (no papers) 80pt.12,19l3v 944 1 Beaird, E. A., deceased, . W ' (no papers) . June 17,1918 1185 {; Beaird, J. E., deceaSed ‘ Mar. 28,1938 2754 ; Beaird, Susan A., deceased Mar. 8,1923 1499 : Bean, Emma Zella, deceased, ‘ _ ”: (no pagers) Dec. 20,1917 - 1145 5~ Beard, Thomas et a1, minors, . 1,}j‘ (no papers) Dec. 16,1921 , 1409 311‘ Beard, Thomas J., deceased Mar. 11,1922 1432 “ Beard, Tom, minor , Feb. 17,1927 . 1772 , Beavers, Amanda J., deceased, - , ‘ (no papers) Jan. 19,1888 169 ,1 Beavers, Myrtle, minor Aug. 28,1891. 261 {1‘ Beazley, Douglas and Willie, . 1! minors, (no papers) Feb. 9,1900, . 472 :1, seaziey, J. 9. Jr., minor Sept. 1,1909 .779 flLW Beck, Mary,NCM, (no papers) Oct. 3,1916.7 1089 Mfij Beck, Mary 9., NCM,(n0 papers) June 3,1913 934 “1‘ Beeman, J. E., deceased Nov. 2,1926 1738 j) Beezley, C. 8., Camille and 1h, Leta, minors May 10,1913. 928 111‘ Behrend, F. C., deceased ‘Dec. 9,1953 .2239 1k Belcher, Alta,.MacK and . . 11¢ Violet, minors ‘ Jan. 12,1920 .1296 113 Belcher, Hack, NCM Dec. 16,1930 ,12129 115 Bell, John C., deceased Nov. 9,1921 , 1400 117 Bell, Lawrence, minor Jan. 12,1924 1536 ,1, Bell, Ora Pearl, NCM Feb. 16,1932 2235 11‘ Bell, Robert Daniel, NOE Sept.19,l911 V 857 11 Bell, Robert Daniel, N09, ,1 (no papers) Apr. 29,1916 1068 39‘ Bellan, Alva 6., Maggie 9., 1 Mary Lena and Sarah A., H minors, (no papers) Dec. 22,1908" 4 , 751 p ‘ Bendcrf, Henry, deceased Jan. 15,1906 649 p Bendorf, w. A., NCM .reb. 19,1886 185 3: Benham, Clark, Gay Nell, Howton gjl C. and Newton,.min0rs, i, (no papers) , Jan. 10,1910 797 g: 8ennett,0har1es,NCM,(no papers) Nov. 3,1913 950 1, Bennett, 1. E., deceased Jan. 22,1906 650 , 1” , Bennett, Jas, W. and John C., 1‘ minors, (no papers) Mar. __J1880 3 ,1 Bennett, Melton, tubercular Apr. 6,1926 T 1678 g}. Bennett, Robert H., deceased Sept.1l,1924 1559 ‘ at ‘. Bennie, J. W., deceased Mar. 10,1890 242,250 A 11 Bentley, G. T. Jr. and . ,1 ,‘ Josephine, minors Apr. 7,1928 1870 31‘ 8ernay, Camp L., minor , Ear. 27,1901 A 501 11" ‘ sernay, Camp L., deceased Mar. 13,1929 1963 11 ' 123 W1. . "i 7 ‘ Name of Deceased,Minor 0r Lunatic Filed Gage No. : Bernay, John 0., deceased, . (no papers), . Apr. 7,1926 1679 1 Barney, John 0., deceased Apr. 22,1926 2 1686 : Bernay, Josephine E., deceased May 12,1899 458 > Bernbaum, Horace Adair, minor 1 Jan. 15,1922 - 1414 \ Best, Minnie, minor Jan. (6,1898 419 i ' Best, T. A., deceased Dec. 5,1892 505 Bettis,Elizabeth and Virginia; - 1 Hatlock, Jane and Nancy, 1 minors Nov. 5,1926 ' ‘ 1741 L Bettie, J. R., deceased Mar. 14,1908 ~726 - Bettie, Mary L..and Z. H., ‘ deceased Oct. 19,1925 «1655 Bettie, N. 0., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 26,1915 1027 : Bevans, Grace Lucile, James Mann and Luella Adelene, ' minors Mar. 8,1921 1566 . Bevans, James, NON _ Oct. 29,1950 ‘ 1545 L Bevans, James A., NCH Mar. 8,1921 1567 Bies, John, deceased Mar. 4,1889 ' 200 7 Bishop, Mrs. A. 8., tunercular, ' ’ (no papers) Aug. 19,1956 ' 2609 Bishop, Hubert H., NCM Apr. '1,l925 ' 1601 , Bishop, Laveda, tubercular, , ‘” ‘ i (no papers) July 11,1954 2410 Bissett,Mrs.0.0.,tubercular, 7 _ (no papers) ‘ Oct. 22,1955 2554 1 Black, Mrs. Francis P., N02, - (no papers) Dec. 25,1887 171 Blackburn, Grace, Jesse and Raymond, minors Oct. 17,1919 1282 Blacklock, H. D., NON Mar. 4,1911 859 Blackwell, J., deceased _ Mar. 21,1928 1859 Blackwell, Louisa, deceased Nov. 24,1888 195 Blackwood, Hrs. Gladys Ray, ‘ ' tubercular, (no papers) Aug. 21,1929 2000 Blair, Glen, Mildred.and ‘ Wayne, minors. Feb. 20,1926 1657 , Blair, R. A., deceased =Ju1y 11,1951 2180 Blair, Mrs. Rachel, NCM, (no papers) ' Apr. 26,1886 094 ' Blair, Rosa, NON . Dec. 7,1908' 749 Blakeley, J. A.and Nancy L., deceased, (no papers) 'Mar. 21,1912' 884 Blakley, John, deceased Nov. 20,1924 3 1575(8) A ‘ Bland, Dollie Esther, minor Jan. 24,1950 2046 , Blasingame, Goldie, tubercular, . (no papers) 3' . Dec.'16,l929 2028 Bledsoe, Maud J., deceased Jan. 15,1929 1948 Blinn, Ira 8., NOE June 1,1956 2588 Blount, Ella 8., minor Jan. 25,1902 207 : 8 ' / , a Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic ' Filed , . .Case No; i , M Bloxam, Bertie Lilly, Eva Lee,, : ‘ ih‘ Francis M., Jessie and 1 Wiley, minors , Jan. 26,1905 ' 605 1 “ Bloxom, Birdie L. and , 13 Wylie, minors . Julyv 7,1919 1265 i Bloxom, Hrs. Dera, deceased Dec. 24,1904 601 ‘ Boenicke, Herman, minor Sept.25,1951 - 2206 1‘ BoenicKe, Laura, Liddy and 3;, p . Oswald, minors Sept.18,l917 ‘ 1129 ,%§‘ ‘ Boenicke, Sallie 3., deceased July 25,1950 2087 H11, Boland, E. N., deceaSed, - ‘ (no papers) Aug. 27,1919 ' 1269 1‘ Roland, Hilton, New, May ‘9,1929 1970 1, Solar, Loretta, tubercular, (i (no papers) Feb. 1,1928 1844 1; Boler, John M., deceased, 3;, (no papers) Feb. 5,1958 2740 M1, Bond, Brendon A. and Robert $1 3., minors ' June 5,1926 , 1696 ,h,: ‘ Bonney, Mrs. M. E., deceased, '2 " fill (no papers)1 Mar. 10,1919 :,1232 11‘ Bourn, Tucker 6., deceased May . 7,1920 , 1517 33“ Bowden, Allen 6., deceased Dec. 7,1926 1751 1Q Bowden, Charles D., NCM June.16,1952 - 2265 13‘ Bowden, Charles D., NGM July ’5,1952 2266 51‘ 1 Bowden, Milton 3., tubercular, ._3 13} 1 (no papers) ' Mar. 51,1957 ~ . 2660 . lflfi Bowden, Opie, NCM Apr. 1,1956 2571 11f Bowden, Mrs. Stella, NOE June 25,1905 625 111 3 Bower, Amanda R., deceased, gi? : (no papers) , Mar. 25,1916 , 1060 j; ‘ Box, Roland, minor Oct. 51,1924 1566 3,; , Box, Roland, nor July 11,1935 2506 1;, 5 Box, Virginia Mary, minor, fii ”(no papers) Feb. 17,1927 1775 W‘: Box, Virginia Mary, minor May 25,1997 1794 y Boyd, Charley 0., deceased Aug. 5,1956 2604 fl‘w Boyd, J. E., N0m,(no papers) May 25,1918 1177 m, Boyd, J. E.,NCM Nov. 17,1925 1658 3 . Boyd, James J., deceased Mar. 9,1911 841 :1 Boyd, Joe H., tubercular, , §* (no papers) Jan. 1,1927 1759 g, ‘ Boyd, 3. A., deceased May 10,1909 ‘ 765 1. , Boyer, 1. M., deceased . Feb. 24,1951 2145 g‘ Boyer,Harry and Virginia,minors Dec. 7,1916 . 1207 g; Boyson, Mrs. M. 0., deceased May 17,1937 2680 3;. ' Brachen, Sarah E.,'NCM Nov. 25,1894 569(A) £1 ‘ Brack, Daisie D., deceased June 5,1956 2589 31 1 Bradford, Chapman, deceased June 15,1918 1185 11 Bradford, Mrs. M. 0., deceased Mar. 16,1898 425 §y_ Bradford, Mary and Sammie, Eij ,tubcrcular, (no papers) June 5,1919 T 1251(A) H 1 . 9 1 ~59L- Name of Deoeased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No; , Bradford, Virginia Ruth, ' tubercular, (no papers) Sept.21,1955 2526 5 7 Bradley, H. D., deceased July 14,1895 554,529 Brady, Lora Alley, minor Nov. 28,1914 990 5 Brady, W. F., deceased, ‘ : (no papers) NOV. 11,1909 787 3 Branch, James 3., Olive May ' and William H.; Jones,Emma 9 i 8., minors June 19,1886 .154 7 Brandon, G. T., deceased, ~' ‘ (no papers) - Jan. 21,1921 _ 1559 9 Brandon, Geo. 5., epileptic, . ) (no papers) . May 27,1958 ‘ 2774 Branum, Lela Ethel, tuberoular, , 1 (no papers) June 50,1957 2689 Brasher, A. D., tubercular, 3 (no papers) Oct. 3,1935 25:50 “ _ Bratton, Ethel Mae,'minor , June 11,1920 1525 > Bratton, Villiam, deceased, , , (no papers) Sept. 7,1917 1128 5 Brautsoum, Albert, Dempsey, ‘ _ _ ’ George, John and Thos. B., ; minors Oct. 15,1885 V 085 { Breed, W. N., deceased Nov. 19,1908 748 > Brewer, E. 0., deceased Mar. 24,1898 426 Brewer, F. Williams, NCM Feb. 17,1927 1771 ’ ' Brewer, R. E., deceased May 29,1896 594 » Brewster,.A. E., NOE Apr. 5,1929 1966 3 Brick; J. E., deceased 8ept.28,1922 1475 Bridges, Mrs. Alice 8., > tubercular, (no papers) Apr. 25,1950 2071 3 Bright,Mrs.Elizabeth,deeeased Apr. 20,1929 1967 » Briley, Harry, NCE , Jan. 10,1951 2156 Erin, Hattie, minor Aug. 25,1902 557 , Brin,Hattie and Rache1,minors Nov. 15,1899 464 ; Brin, Samuel, deceased June 5,1920 1522,1525 : Brinkley, John F., NCM May 25,1928 ' 1880 Broad, Harry, deceased Aug. 26,1924, 1556 1 Brock, Marceline and Eexine, _ , minors Mar. 29,1950 2066 , Brooke, Mattie and Rufus Irvin, minors > June 21,1921 1581 Brooks, Elzie et a1, minors, 7 , 1 (no papers) - Oct. 25,1911 , ,862 Brooks, Georgia, deceased, ' (no papers) ' _ June 27,1884 051 (A) Brooks, R. L., deceased Sept.29,1955 2552 Brooks,Richard Earl, deceased Oct. 7,1950 2105 Brooks,Willis,NCM,(no papers) Sept. 6,1918 1196 Brooks, Willis N., NCM Sept. 1,1928 1910 Browder, Mrs. Jeannette (A) 0., deceased ‘ Aug. 27,1929 2002 I I 10 S '1 Name of Deceased,Ming£mor Lunatic Filed Case No. ; ,,,J ‘ _ Brown, A. E., 805 Dec. 28,1906 676 i 1 Brown, Mrs. Addie, tubercular, ' ' ‘ { (no papers) ' July 14,1928 '1901 , Brown,Alice and J.D.,deceased Oct. 18,1937 2715 , Brown, Frank L., debeased Jan. 31,1927 =1764 ‘ j, Brown,Geo.,deceased,(no papers) Dec. 9,1915 ‘ '1042 ? Brown, James C.,deceased, , ’ (no papers) June 24,1889 208 :‘}: Brown, Lucy Mae, Nancy A. and ‘ *6! Russell 9., minors June 21,1927 ‘1801 E), Brown, M. L., deceased Jan, 27,1926‘ ' 1654 ( Brown, Mattie, deceased, I (no papers) , Sept. 6,1921' 1 1384 t' Brown, Mrs. Myrtle E., " |(1 tubercular, (no papers) Mar. 1,1927 1777 11‘ 8r0wn,Mrs.8allie,tubercular, (fl 1 (no papers) Nov. 5,1935 2536 1) Brown, William E., deceased Feb. 19,1919 1227 1). Bruce, Dalton, tubercular, fl‘ (no papers) , ‘ July 19,1929 1987 1“ Bruce, J. T., deceased, QM 1 (no papers) Sept. 4,1885 078 1 ‘ Bruce, Mrs. Eary, tubercular, ' i: ‘ (no papers) Sept. 5,1938 2816 My Bruce, Mary Jane, tubercular, ' 1) (no papers) ' Jan. 30,1882‘ ' 12(8) jhi' Brumfield,Albert E.,deceased Feb. 3,1938 2738 6N 8rut0n, Duane, tubercular, ’ 11‘ (no papers)’ ‘ Aug. 3,1934 2415‘ }‘ Bruton, Needham Tnomas, ' ‘ 1} deceased, (no papers) Mar. 2,1929 1955 y' Bryant, Mrs. Clarence, 2“ tubercular, (no papers) Aug. 1,1936 2603 ’ }» Buchanan, M. E., NCM Jan. 19,1900 470 E) Buchanan, Mamie, NOE 8cpt.17,1908 744 )1 Buckley, Mrs. Annie, deceased June 23,1931 ‘2175 1; Buckley, J. F., NCM Jan. 7,1931 2135 3‘ Buckley, J. F., NCM June 25,1931 2176 f) Buford, Roy Carl, deceased Jan. 3,1921 1354 13 - duford, Roy Carl, deceased Apr. 6,1926 1678 E Bullard, Albert, NOE June 15,1931 2171 j» Bullion, T. C., minor Jan. 19,1928 1838 ;; Burke, Chas. Curtis, Eugene, ' ' y J. B. and Max, minors, j (no papers) Dec. 6,1912 917 t Burke, Frank A., deceased Apr. 4,1927 1785 H', Burkncad, David E., NCH Oct. 23,1916 . 1090 5 Burknead, Josephene, deceased Sept.24,1920‘ 1340 ' l Burks, Charles Lee, tubercular, i (no papers) Mar. 14,1916 . ' 1059 2 Burleson, James, deceased Aug. 3,1895' 1 377 ,: Burnett, Joanna, deceased Jan. 26,1923 1494 ,l‘ " ,1 i, r 1 VI"? A__e___; g 11 g No § Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic Filed Case No. 4 Burnett, John 8., NCM Aug. 7,1954 2417 ‘ 6 ‘ Burns,Mrs.Denman J.,tubercular, . 1 (no papers) ' Apr. 14,1958 2784 g ‘Burns, Essie Lee, tubercular, 4 (no papers) Sept. 4,1928 1725 2 1 Burns, James Denman, tubercular, (no papers) June 25,1926 1702 3 Burns, Mrs. Pearl, tubercular, - j 8 - (no papers) . Aug. 24,1954 2425 : ‘ Burns, 8am T., deceased Dec. 1,1957 2724 j 1 Burns, w. N., deceased - Nov. 17,1954 2449 ; 4 Burns, W. N., deceased, (no papers) June 9,1955 2499 J 4 Burton, Edna, Estelle, Hubert, 1 Mary B. and Phelix 9., 7 minors, (no papers) Jan. 10,1894 520 7 P Burton,Mrs.Muriel,tubercular, n o (no papers) July 5,1928 1895 ? 7 Butler , Duke, Earl and Worth, , minors, (no papers) Nov. 28,1904 599 5 7 Butler, J. 0., deceased June 5,1895 372 Butts, G. W., deceased Dec. 5,1906 672 ‘ 3 Byars, Marlon, deceased July 15,1895 528 ‘ , Byers, Marion, deceased Sept.12,1895 555 : 9 Byars, Rev. N. T., deceased Aug. 7,1888 190 , 3(3) Byers, John 0., deceased July 18,1909 775 3 r ‘ , Bynum, Asa, deceased, 3 _ (no papers) - Mar. 15,1890 229 _\ Bynum,uaxine Ellzabeth,mlnor Oct. 2,1928 1920 3 3 Bynum, Ruth, tubercular, v _ (no papers) . , Aug. 4,1928 1902 ‘ ‘ 3 Byrd, Anna Justa, deceased, , , (no papers) Mar. 15,1919 1259 i D . Byrd,Chas.Coleman,epileptic May 3,1904 581 I J Byrd, Charlie, deceased Aug. 1,1895 s75 % Byrd, Charlottie, deceased June 8,1901 505 , ? Byrd,Courtney Dale,tubercu1ar 3 (no papers) Mar. 25,1958 2755 3 Byrd, E. 0., deceased, . . E (no papers) Feb. 8,1882 55 5 Byrd, Elden, tubercular, , ‘ (no papers) ‘ Feb. 10,1954 2584 h 5 . Byrd, Eliza 9., deceased Sept. 8,1925 1517 Byrd,Faye Alexander,tubcrcular, ' : , (no papers) May 9,1927 1789 Byrd, J. 3., deceased May 25,1925 1808 ’ Byrd, John, NCM,(no papers) Apr. 28,1920 1514 ‘ ’ , Byrd, M., deceased,(no papers) Sept.20,1880 5 ' Byrd, Mary, tubercular, (no papers) Aug. 2,1928 1715 Byrd, W. J., deceased Ear. 29,1928 1866 , ,V 1 , l f i '12 ' ' - 3 . i Name of Deceased,minor or Lunatip_____£il§g__fi______gg§§_flg; / v' , I g, ‘“ Cabler, Ida E., deceased June 19,1909 ”' 771 ‘ 1 Cabler, Thad 1“,, deceased June 19,1909 77o ' 1‘ 3ady,Jimmie A11en,tubercu1ar, ~ , (no papers) July 19,1915 1018 } Cady,Randolph,minor,(no paperS) Jan. 5,1917 1098 ‘ , Cain, Jack 0., tubercular, 3‘ (no papers) - Feb. 28,1956 2561 : 1, Caldwell, Mrs. Willie, NCM Nov. 50,1954 2452 fl,h Calhoun, W. h.,NCM,(no papers) Aug. 7,1915 1020 f‘ - Calhoun, ‘."-/illiam, NCM Nov. 5,19os 542 V‘( Calk, Gerald Leamon, tubercular, \ . (no papers) Mar. 25,1958 2752 - i; Calogero, Edgar Roy, Frank, , ilfl Irene, James and~Josephine, d13 minors June 19,1909 .772 91* Calvert, C. H., deceased Mar. 14,1927 1780 j Calvert, Martha v, Feb. 15,1896 587 N1 ‘ Calvert, Martha Mar. 16,1896 589 Mi_“ Calvert, R. 9., deceased June 20,1895 526 1‘13“ Calvert, R. 13., deceased Sept.15,1895 335 ?§‘ Calvert, Mrs. Ruth, deceased Mar. 19,1950 2062 1‘ Calvin, Henry, minor Jan. 5,1951 2154 11 3 Calvin, Henry Jr., minor - Apr. 15,1952 2250 it ‘ Camp, Francis Oleta,tuberoular, ' wit (no papers) Mar. 11,1927 1778 1(a) Camp, Francis 01eta,tubercu1ar, $1” (no papers) spr. 18,1951 2158 ;p: Campbell, Arlie, deceased may 5,1928 1876 3:1; Canady, Fortine, 1101;; July 25,1899 462 j, Cannon, Dannie; Gore, Marion ifi 1 and Ora, minors Feb. 4,1918 1155 11‘ Cannon, Jessie D., deceased Sept.19,l927 1815 1&9 Cannon, Roy, tubercular, ffii‘ (no papers) July 2,1958 2791 A jg Canon, Carl, tabercular, 1“ (no papers) June 21,1926 1700 gm Canon, Claudie, Earl, Flossie, 11“ Ora and Willie, minors Dec. 17,1917 1145 it , Canterberry, C. 3., deceased Sept.25,l89l 264 1” Canterberry, C. 2., deceased, }( (no papers) Apr. 27,1892 276 E, Caraway, Jas. M., tubercular, 1; (no papers) Sept.17,1928 1914 1; Cardenas, Antonio, tubercular, V :1 (no papers) Apr. 19,1957 2671 1; Garlisle, Arthur F., tuberoular, gj“ (no papers) Mar. 1,1950 2061, $1,, Carlson, Jack Lee, minor Sept. 9,1927 1815 if Carlson, Vertna 8., deceased, 1; (no papers) ' Mar. 8,1919 1255 3% Carmichael, G. 0., 50M Dec. 15,1957 2726 ,1 Carmichael, G. 5., deceased Mar. 22,1926 1667 .1, t“ I " l f 15 g e N9, 1 ’ —*— _ Name of Deceased,Minor or Lunatic . gilod Case N9; i 71 ' , 7o ' Carmichael,Mrs,M.A.,deceased Aug. 5,1929 1994 Carpenter, T. B.,,deceased ‘ Oct. 19,1951 " 2210 1 15 Carpenter, W. L.,_deceased July 18,1889 505 , 98 Carr, Craig 8., Fred 9., James 1 - T. and Jean W., minors ‘ , May 5,1919' 1251 1 61 Carr, John D., Mgsetta and 5 52 ‘ Wanda, minors , Jan. 51,1918 1152 1 120 Carr, Xanna, minor July 51,1918 1190 § ,42 Carroll, Fannie, deceased Nov. 18,1950 2114 , Carroll, J. W., tubercular, , ‘52 - (no papers) Mar. 2,1957 2656 , Carruth, Myrtle, tubercular, Y z 1 (no papers) ' Nov.'22,1955- 2565 1 '72 Carson, William, minor Sept.50,l929' 2012 1 '80 Carter, M