l . ¥ ' " , ."7 _ a. ~ “,.———-_I _“—‘"~_.II_— "‘ M 2 Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol. 1, No.38 - April 30, 1940 U. 3. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator M ' I . Strausa Keysel‘hflg W hole Community Takes Part In , Speak 111 New York C Ch - to P - t O . LaGuardia Lays Cornerstones For orpus r18 1 r0] ec penlng South Jamaica and Vladeck Homes Local merchants, one day early this Featuring “open house” rather than the Nathan Straus, USHA Administrator month, served cake and coffee to 7,500 vis- actual moving in of first tenants, the Cor- and Leon H. Keyserling, Deputy Adminis: itors inspecting three model apartments at pus Christi authority sent out letters of in- trator and General Counsel, spoke at recent Kinney_Place, USHA—aided 'low—rent hous- Vitation to local ministers, pi'eSidents of ' cornerstone laying ceremonies in New York ing proiect in Corpus Christi, Ten. . parent—teacher associations, men’s luncheon City, with Gerard Swope, new Chairman of Scheduled to open late in April, Kinney clubs, federated women’s 'clubs, all civ1c the New York City Housing Authority pre- Place. is a. well-planned community of l34 clubs, leading Latin-American and Negro siding on both occasions. dwellings in 27 one-story row houses With ciVic organizations, labor unions, the Amer- " Mayor LaGuardia laid the cornerstone dashed stucco exteriors. The prOJect is ican Legion, and Veterans of Foreign for South Jamaica Houses, new Negro proi— located on'a 121/3-acre tract, 5 acres of Wars. The local broadcasting company ect scheduled for occupancy by June 15,with which are. included in a public park. The gave three periods. for addresses the week a speech emphasizing the rapid progress 134 families that make up the-community before the ceremonies. The addresses were made during construction. Work was not Will pay shelter rentals averaging $9.59 a given by the City—County Sanitary Engi- . started until September 1939’ yet the first month, nearly 30 percent below the average neer, a member of the local school board, . of 448 tenant families will begin moving in monthly shelter rent of $13.47 they would and a member of the authority: within a few weeks. pay for substandard shelter anywhere in The average net construction cost of Mr. Straus cautioned against “rejoicing the City. The average family llVlnAg‘ in sub- $2,257 at Kinney Place is one of the lowest too much over past accomplishments” in standard houSing in Corpus Christi pays for comparable faCilities in the history of . public housing, but stated his belief that 15 more for Amere shelter than the $13.25 'a American reSidential building. Over—all years of spending at the present rate month which tenants in Kinney Place Will cost of new housing averages $3,542.. “would see most of the slums in the Nation pay for shelter plus all utilities. The Housing Authority of: the City of gone the way of the dinosaur.” The demonstration units were completely Corpus Christi includes: CeCII E: Burney, Other speakers at the South Jamaica furnished by local busmess institutions in Chairman; John K. Wright, Vice—Chair- Houses ceremony were Hon. William B. “00176177770071 with members 0f the Corpus man; Henry Coutret, R‘. 0' 077777177717’ and Barry, member of the House of Representa- Christi authority staff'and the homemaking G'. 0. Garrett. Finley Vmson is Executive tives, and Dr. Walter White, Executive— superVisor of the public schools. Director. Slecretary of the Naéional Association for , ‘3' AA . 3! .[ WW7 7.4345. ”“55 . 2,, W35? , A '1 'A,‘ t e Advancement of olored People. 7: ._73§:§»j 3». ‘7 2’ insists r" ' 4,5, “3'7 Ag 7'2 7"! A,“ f ,MH‘ ! ' 2 At the Vladeck Houses ceremony the Ag. 77 «gig @wgffiw fa 3377'7‘9 V $fflrf‘éflgs‘t7t‘7yfl, speeches were mainly devoted to the late 7'? r.» 77;“ ahégfléfl” $5,???" ‘K gji‘is“:.$ 3312333575- 35‘7““7'1" ‘3 33 B. Charney Vladeck, famous New York 5‘7; 7:» w§7€¥773' 731,27; géfi'flkfit 7&7}? @ aQfith‘mfil 5759’ “7 7’- housing pioneer, for whom the project was 7%, .“fiwgéfvé‘Ai 2:2. '7‘ ‘3" 'n 2&1}: 7’9, 3:7“Vy'f! its". 2;, named. 737777? riMM-‘a . use a; \s “\‘yAQuunr ' Praising Vladeck’s life-long struggle for 8. ;A§fi;"grggx“ ,2? “VJ \ - v,%!é, \ better housing, Mr. Keyserling said, “He 1,, ’7 £2 7 " ”\3’" ”3"";1 ~~,-_ ,2" saw in housing a way for the cities to help ,3“ 7&2]! f/‘dgf? 1&3?" . ){QfiinA 377% { fihwfi“ solve their tax problems and their financial A1: j; A. gafiwfil,é 7‘ 777743339. 77 ‘oflfl‘ l7" problems . . . He saw in housing a 2‘2" if; maydw Ta?- ‘43:. 7% 7‘77""; i way for the country to help solve its unem— é @ggz_b’gg,7% \ $7777.77: ployment problem . . . But most of all he is, a, j' fl was»?! fia‘w mm ' 7 saw in housing a way to help people, to help ’ 2 '2 We 2- 'Ww 2,!“ Kyan‘ ‘ a: ' 2r ’ 7.77:2) mothers and fathers and children lead hap— a“ .2 ~ . 2 , ,2, § 3 ’ 3 pier and more useful lives . . . for, above 7:? I I 3 3377 H I' ,12 A“) \ 7% all, Mr. Vladeck was a great practical hu- ,9 7: I “‘ I] I; '3 3‘ *‘u 73,14,153“? 7‘ 2;; manitarian.” n ’ 7 . , ,, _ , , \ vig'fi ' Built on a slum site in New York’s East ’5? mama ,. 2., : . ‘ 2» .. ‘ ‘ Side, Vladeck Houses will be open for occu— ‘29‘A2;u7 ., ' A , parlor by July 1- “WfdewM a. 7 Mr. Keyserling‘ praised the New York . pfiwaawateflm ”3?”;4, u, ’ - City housing program, but added, “All the u? “7 r‘fo';52_:*’*‘{ .72777777777773; 47A,,» public housing projects completed or now A _ I A 1 7:337:7/37’733 777 7 , under way in New York City will house only " uuy7277jjfl " . about 16,000 families—a substantial imm— ' /,”?2§.. .: her, it is true, but a mere drop in the bucket 7;; MCW" {flfifflay 7« ' 77171727117712? goggleligxefrgifiligglif afiesdcfiynzffig Stucco-finish administration building at Kinney Place, where 134 families are ill—housed.” will pay $13.25 a month for shelter and utilities. f l :2 ,UK LIBRARIES ’ - - ». ._,., ..