xt78cz32541q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78cz32541q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1979 1979 1979-02-15 2020 true xt78cz32541q section xt78cz32541q if.
Value 0 f taking test prep co urses question ed
By STEVE MASSEY a company executive. said the who have takett admission tests. lhe the exam.“ Kaplan said there waseven more criticismol the and untttht-‘r PIC-"16d admitt- find It
t COP) Fdllor company‘s program is designed to company then .tnaly/es thosc Some people-aren‘t convinced about WWItthmPJnit‘shkc Kaplanclatmto "“N I": With/Cd ”It“ IN “'9'“ 3”“
significantly increase the scores of interviews. using the restrlts to the effectiveness of the Kaplanelasscs. tit't "ultra-important - lht‘ determining
Professional and graduate school students who take admission tests. construct a “parallel test;“ a practice Herbert l)rennon. assistant deanol Rose pointed out that officials at Iat‘tt’tt“ “h't'h thc‘tUdt‘ht‘tlt'tlhmt'd
admission tests are often the pivotal And he provides statistical data test that stresses the concepts used iii the ('ollegeol Arts and Sciences and .i US (who administer the Scholastic “Chm” 9' "9t"
point in a student‘s struggle toward a (compiled bythe company)tosupport the actual exam. pre~med advisor. said the high costs Aptitude lest and (iraduate Record "'th and “WWW" Witt It '5
profession. his claims. "If the student understands the usually limit the program toa selective lixams) say the coaching exercises because ”I ”I" importance Ihttt many
Becausethe scores aresoimportant. The national test score average concepts involved with the test. then group and noted that there are Iree rarely intprove results dramaticallv. “”99"“ Mt!" “P It" tht‘ Ct’mmt‘tt'NtI ‘
many aspiring students search for ltelp for students who took the April I978 the student should be able to preparatory programs available on “They think tht‘ t'ttttt‘hlhtl programs PWPWUIW)‘ Chm“ "Iht‘.\ dt’h‘t want
through test preparation courses Of Medical College Admission Test was understand the test ll the concepts campus. are a rip off." she said. t0 It'itW it“) htt’nt‘ UhttII'ht‘d~" -
the companies that offer this help. the 7.98 on a IS-point scale. ()it the other are the same. the questions will be the Some of these programsareavailble VitnBooven said it is true that the l)Wnnttn snid—
Stanley Kaplan Companyisthe oldest hand. the L670 students who took the saute." Kaplan said. at the (‘ounseling and lesting (‘enter KHPIM program can Improve test BIHCI" Wit. "'Iht'} (Kaplan) can‘t
and best established. Kaplan preparatory course and However. thecompany goes beyottd in the Mathews Building. l)r. Harriet WW5. hUt ht‘ said this can be done pour knowledge ”“0 .WUT ht‘fld But
Many of the people who deal with responded to the Kaplansurvey(4.557 constructinga sample test. It uses what Rose. director of the center. said “‘ithOUt ths‘ program its well. llethinks they‘canteach WU ht‘“ ttttttltt‘tht‘tt‘\t-
the tests and the students who take took the course) averaged 9.38. Kaplan calls a “lull approach" by “Although we don't have courses that It IS UP I” tht‘ student to make the ”‘9 It'tt I‘ It pressured SItUilhOh"
them. however. have mixed opinions The nationalaverage seoreonthe teaching techniques of taking a test deal specifically with the test material. CIIUFI. VtInHt’t’Wh tiddt‘d: "SONIC PCUPIC
about the value of the commercial Law School Admissions lest in July. and dealing with test anxiety. we do have courses which 'can help “l here is no evidence that l5 IS is ht‘t‘d W P“) It) 1:“ mOtIWth“
preparatory courses. They generally I978 was 5J5. lhe average score ofthc But the program is not without students learn how to take tests and able to perceive that people who take “9h ITIIIt’ts ditt‘t'tt" 0t IhIt’tmflttt‘h _
think thecoursesaretoocostlyand are 35.8 percent of the Kaplan students work and cost. lhere is a separate deal with test anxiety" this course receive any advantagethat ‘CI‘ICC‘ III Iht‘ Amt‘m‘m (”“98“
skeptical ofthe claims ofsuccess many who responded to the survey was 624 program for each of the tests(M(‘A l. l’aul VanBooven. assistant dean of cannot hC Obtained simply by ICSttntl I” I‘m“ (”3- IN“! \iIItI- "WC
make It" programs. "(Scores from) students applying ISAl. Dental Admissions lest. the l’K (‘oilcge of law. was more conscientious review of the basic “I“ “(It I" ““F'WI) connectedwiththe
The Stanley Kaplan Co. began as a who took our program are much more (iraduate Record ham and the critical of the high costs. materials that are prov ided tree by the KUPIII" (9- t" it") t’tht‘t firm ”I that '
tutotorial service in l938 when Stanley impressive we attribute this to our National Medical Board lests.aniong “ l he various companies which offer law School Admissions Council and nature.“
Kaplan. the founder. opened shop in program." Kaplan said. “We firmly others). Each course involves about l.SAl reviews are charging an HS. ”9 added thilt Mil dcosn‘t dde‘L‘
‘ Brooklyn. It is nowa $6 million a year believe that ifthe student has potential eight lessons. totaling l00 hours of exorbitant amount of tnortey for “Nothing is ntore frustrating to me ““99“” I“ “II” commercial
business with 85 permanent locations and does all the work. then the class work plus l()() more hottrs of tape services that are availble without a then talking to an applicant whose preparatory “mm” ”I“ company '
in North America with plans for increase can be unlimited. But we supplements and homework material. charge to all students either through dont‘ poorly on the lSAl and hear ”9”“ ‘I PICP‘IWI‘") manual I” MU“
more expansion. don‘t claimto helpevery student the The average cost of the courses is free material given out by the that candidate say 'I didn‘t do applicants It” It’“ than SI“-
ln I978. the company served an potential must be there." $300. ranging from $250 to $750. “ lhe liducational lesting Service (Fl 5) or anything to prepare for the test I Currently. Iht'tt' 1”“ PItIIl‘ I0 httId it
estimated 35.000 people. The Kaplan ('0. gets material for its costs vary according to the amount of liK's Counseling and Testing Center." simply went in and took it.‘ " he said. Kaplan mm“ It“ tht‘ MCA I
Paul Kaplan.son ofthefounderand programs by interviewing students material needed and theimportance of Van Booven said. Ben Black. Arts and Sciences dean (‘ontinued on page 4
. Vol. l..\'.\'l. No. [06 Ker e] [hiversity of Kentucky .
Thursday. February '5' '979 an independent student newspaper Lettington. Kentucky ‘ i
V I ' t; 1;. : i mass 2: I - -
0 unteer .. » Hazards to students
M t: . -" 1.. .y . i. ..-=--1i--=1**'=1'-1-. . . i
. . ~ . A; > i K : ,5 a .r
By DALE MORTON - . g 1 g .' s M . tfi . ‘
. > t *1 are on the decline -
_ i The University hasa new volunteer ' ' ‘é - i. 5.. ‘2’; i a t .-
committeethatwillattempttoinvolve ., fi w in». " ‘51-‘- 1-. By KEN MAIN WCI‘ its I’m/9M ha“: 0t”) recently
more students in community service «s:- i. i .. «Mi ‘ . ., >2 g :5 "" , g... Stair whit-i become an OhJCCt 0f much Concern. .
projects. ‘1» ii . ' 1 iii-'1'. ta 1:.» ‘ 1st i i. i i MT " Smith explained. .
Separate from existingagencies.the I a; $.(w l s ”i " i .11: UK students who l'b h v "Formerlv. 0t” main IObICm “'88 i
. . ~. .1 - ._ ..":::-;:»..1-==1.. .«w 1. 1 .: a. 1 l,- .. .3. ‘ d or t rough , ¥ . HP .
new group will work as a liason :E g. . ' '1 " 3:1,“ ;§: ‘ y " t ' 3 .. .1 chemistry: laboratory courses face no the danger of Inhalation of these ,
between students and volunteer ' f" ' 1 i - .5 _"‘ 3Q 1' '1... it . . _ y ‘ Kt. greater health hazard from exposure chemicals Or contact With the skin."he '
agencies. with financial support it ”five; 1}. y. M. . 3;". $9" ‘1 3‘; ~ ‘- ’ if... t “' to chemicals used inthose coursesthan said. “Now. with all the cancer .
coming from the Human Relations ‘i 4‘33“... 3;...» vhf; §+ a V ...s; _._1-. . from driving .0 school in their cars. research being done. we are finding
Center located in Bradley Hall. ~' «M \ s g " s... was g. " Q. 1‘? s. s; 't' according to Dr. Stanford Smith ”I“ "“3 day about some Itmg'tt‘tm
. The new committee. called the W. “is: ' w ‘ Mfg" . l 3&3 T At least it'sthat way noszhanksin “dWI-‘C t‘tICCt Of One chemical or .
Volunteer Advisory Council. was . 4" ' i . H W “N. - g... ‘1“ no ‘ part to the efforts of the federal another.“ i
started last semester by Jan Allen. ik w. government. lab courses are growing ()b‘I0“5l)1 faculty members.
architecturejunior. and Mark Pfeifer. Qis i . ‘ . w s... i _' safer for students. working WIth the Chemicals every day
biology senior. .. 4" st“ " .. i if $1 " in their research. receive considerably '
“Wejust work through (the present *le " ' .g 'i . ' «New Smith. supervising professor in "‘0“: “DOWN t0 the various .
’ . volunteer. program). but we are : - » x .. UK‘s organic chemistry: lab and a SUhStahCES than any student COUId in '-
separate.“ Allen said. " M seat “I... member of the Campus Safety I01" years (”Chemistry lab courses.
Until the new committee was ' {r . . "“"’. .1 Council. said the only accidents now Ed Nicholas. a chemistry graduate .
established. volunteer services were ”N .' ’- ’1. - l fi§ig‘.fVi;-- encountered I" the Iabfi are thUSC studentand rescarchassistantwhowill
clustered with other offices of special 5' 1......_ "Mu“ . _ ..._? i ..A .1 . resulting from students‘ carelessness. 500" rCCt‘II‘C his PhD” has been -
interests. including the International . V I 1 “wt“ adding. “Anyone Who WOUId bc a involved I" research ‘1‘ UK for about
' Student Offices. Recording for the o m 3 i. l ".. ” nitwit in the lab would be a nitwit three~and-a-half years. He is aware of . -
Blind. Continuing Education for so“ i . K i ‘ttg . ”1'... _ V behind the wheel of a car." the potential dangers 0t some 0f the .1
Women and Handicapped Student % saw .! tfigtwfig .1 .- All of the laboratories in the chemicals he uses, but said he doesn’t ‘ 1
Services. £3; .8 at?“ v§\ i . . “ Chemistry-Physics Building. where lie awake at night worrying about '
Pfeifer said the idea for the group g H \=1__ ”9. 3&«tfi _; i . students work with chemicalsthat give them. _
originated last August. when Allen _ 0.. 43'3“ -’ 3; off potentially harmful vapors. are
tried to volunteer her services and '1 l" - . as“. ’ to” equipped with fume hoods. The hoods “There are some simple safety - ‘ -
found there “'35 “0 student program - $4.. ' k. {:V“ $3 ' W i i} i“: draw up large volumes of gases. and precautions that are observed by ' ’
readily available. Dean of Students é “It i “tR.”- “' ..._... kg the l7-year-old building itself has a everybody in research. The (fume) ‘
Joe Burch referred It" to Charles S I" 1 W?“ ‘Qts 1~ ventilation system that provides what hoods. for example. are there for . 1 .
Hodges. then the Director of Student g . Ki t 2* § Smith called "l00 percent air working with chemicals that give off ' ‘ ~
" Volunteer Services. > 2‘ was 35f; ' l exchange." toxic fumes." he said. ' i '
A council of eight students. % a“ *3 : “so“. . ._ is “This system can displace a volume Nicholas thinks laboratory safety is
I '- . responsible for organization and u s. i ’ W ‘ ‘ i .. :1 of air roughlythe sire of the buildingin a matter of the students knowing .1 .
‘ public relations forthe new group. was ‘1‘: . _. he? Q A. 1 :Qh '1 about three minutes.“ he said. about such safety precautions and 1
/ then formed. ' ’1 at“ 'zfi5e'1 " fix thinking about what they are doing. - " .
r . u . . . . .
, Continued on page 4 Michael Franks,athird year chemistry graduate student, takes special care in measuring his solution. The Campus Safety Councilandthe _The fac'l'ltlisarCthele'bUI lsglwal: ' A .
, chemistry department receive periodic ”"0 the a s sometimes all, 3mg ‘ ' '
correspondence from the OCCUpation~ something l shouldn‘t smell. . . .
. o 3 al Safety and Health Administration The curriculum ofthe lab courses. ~ .
. informing them of the latest findings WhICh. consrst largely 0f series .0f I
on commonly used chemicals. many of experiments. have I’m? ”Shi‘t’ed With
1 world which are believed to be cancer- safety ”1 mind. chemistry instructrs ‘
state causing. Use of these substances is said. 'i 1
‘ STA": POLICE QUESTION“) FOUR THE CARTER ADMINISTRATION PLANS t0 1 restricted or eliminated altogether. ’ - . .
“WELL INFORMED FEDERAL SOURCES“ PERSONS YESTERDAY in connection with the resume evacuation of Americans from Iran this peter Kalom. the organic In addition. teaching assistants in 1 '
’. say Gov. Julian Carroll was not supposed to tell beating deaths of an elderly Storekeeper. his wife and “’Cekcnd Withthe UIttmat€808I0tatrIIttIntt 5-000tf0m laborator su ervisor explained the the labs are required to take a short . 1 i
-. anyonc abouta I975 FBI investigation ofan attempt brothtt-in-law. the embattled country. it was learned yesterday. - - y. p - ' - course durin the summer in i
i' to secure anearlyparoleforan inmate the Frankfort Officers reported that two of the persons U-S- OIhCItIIS said I700 0t thC nearly 7000 Umversrtys alternatives In one such 8 ~ - 1 ‘
. ‘ . . ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ - laboratory safety and firefighting. , ..
1 “ State Journal said yesterday. questioned were given polygraph tests. butaddedthat Americans 5"" I" lran 3“ prepared to I93” case. «w k h 'd ndb ‘ldh
A The Associated Press reported last month that the no charges have been filed in the investigation thus immediately. The Tehran airport. I“=Pt ShUt by the i i We recently found out that one Of e ta H em outsr ea ur uge
.‘_, FBI was conducting a new investigation of the I975 far. new regime ofthe Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as it our favorite chemicals. benzene. firesnand show-them how to put them .
incident which did not result in parole forthe inmate. ' "I“ t° SOII‘IIIY its COMFOI. iSCXPCCth tobcrc-opcned PIOMI’IY causes something akin to 011.“. Smith said. . .i t
‘ jg: Carroll acknowledged to the AP duringthe interview natlon Saturday after Observances of religous holidays. cancer of the liver. We had the choice Perhaps the "105' important
. t‘t that he did tell his campaign trcasurer.amember of THE UNITED STATES HAS RECEIVED The goal of the evacuation is to reducclthc of removing it from the labs or measure taken-to protect the students. .- . . _
f; the law firm involved in the lnCldcnl. that an INFORMAL wono that the ncw government in American community "I It“ “ U-S °IIICIIISi installing over SI million worth of he said. '5 a simple laboratory safety .
$5 Invastlgation was under way at that time. . lran will] increase oil producction by enough to busmessmcn. teachers and others 171 to no morcthan equipment to monitor the level of lecture. Much ofthe ftrSt lecturelnthe
. were;;:;.§'::'::‘;::.."z::r:r.:.:221‘s:2; 2'°°°' .. . '1.” it""ih°i£‘3:l‘:..."°::“1:: . -1
. . i anyone but the FBI planto check into negotiations by ye:g;.fl:%f2:g 0:51:12:er(iiffmismllislfilidiil Weather Though the use Of benzene in the haitrglisnryof chemicals and glassware '
_ ‘ attorneys 1~ I plan The State Journal said was ~ 8y h h y d ry f gl 1 i undergraduate labs was limited." was 3 - h l b . f i '-
7 ' ' approved by the U.S. Justice Department. c?:u:?:dl;::::evt;: tc::)itn:tfigiclcaircthrcofmrcarnizn CONTINUED CLOUDY WIT" OCCASIONAL readily available. AS a result 0f the Ihe- IOFaIIon OI t C a S d ”C
i i "WIMPer quoted the unnamed sources yestcrday oovilmmcm of A atolah Ruhollah Khomeini g g SHOWERS this morning and a chance of showers OSHA "P0". however. It was extingutshers. safety showers an eye- 1. i . '
. ~. . . as saying that within minutes of learning about the g In informal ycontacts within h... ham this afternoon. Highs in the upper 50!. Continued removed from the undergraduate labs was“ “lu't’m?” “d "“0“ """0' ‘. ‘ ' ; . . 1 .
g . g - ) FBl'probc. the governor relayed the information to overnment he said u S OIIICIaIs have been advised chance of showers tonight. turning to snow after and is now only used by graduate safety precautions. ‘ _ ' 1 . 1 1 ,
- . . William Cultrli'n.a Frankfort lawyer who at that time 5h“... murhm production willbepossible sometime midnight and turning sharply colder. Lows in the students and faculty members in their Despite this. Smith said. the most ‘ . . ‘.
. 1. . ' . .1 was his campaign treasurer in I979." upper teens. research. And they use it sparingly. frequent accidents result from broken ' ‘. . ' _ 1.
.' ' .. . 1 The long-term effects of substances EItISS and 5PIN“ aetd. " ' ' f- . "
-~ «1 --._... --.-...-W ”W 1 i

 o V“ 7 "‘ , .s .. . , .; . n . . . . . . . .. . -. .. t I «t - .0 ,. v. I ~ ;. .,-. . _ . . .. . .i ~~ 4" ‘W‘T’M‘w"w ”T " ‘ Vi?“ ‘- w W- . - t. - “
I . .-
i KEN Steve lollngcr Thomas (lurk Ruth Mentally Walt" Tunis Jade VI“ TI. Moll. ' f
I lat/Hm in ( hie! rill/midi Lilli." Dabble MeDInkl Adk‘ lit/um Spam Editor Drum» 0] Moitmraphi '
‘ F. me Toto (‘ory Wlllk
' t: Holds Juli w-imiout . . .
. Richard McDonald 1.2:; Wchnes (“Pl ”1mm Aniiium Ad}. htliiur Johl Ch! I‘ Cm
‘4 Managing [alum {vim lult' till/tin . It. ”at“ Hum» Manager
. dit . & I “Assistant Spam Minn .
Big prob/ems, little exposure
‘ I I I I
2-0 VS UK In basket all manl U 3110" ..
I .
The basketballteam has brought its season record game was played on national television. no matter ('arolina making a hot streak for the NCAA title. tournament in which they could conceivably be
on the court above the _50() mark and has made how late. But UK‘s latest experience with the Lord But Indiana State. replete with everybody‘s All- forced to play four games In four days.
, impressive showings in its last two games. However, God Network has simply been a case of deception. America candidate Larry Bird. is. And. blasphemy UK Coach Joe 8. Hall seems to agree. He told ‘
. ' there is another arena where the Wildcats have Prior to the beginning of the season. NB( ol blasphemles. they have not been scheduled for Courier-Journal columnist Billy Reed on Monday
, ' registered a dismal 0-3 record. again waving a chance at national exposure national exposure. that he“would not havejcop‘ardized ourconference
That arena is the offices of the National aPPFOQCth h" and Soulhhi‘mi'm “m“‘ming‘h" The solution? Simple. NBC broke its promise to schedule and our conference tournament for that
Broadcasting Companv. The gameis fairtreatment. POSS'bihyI 0i “‘50thth the” non-conference llK-South Carolina. moving that game to regional little exposure.“
' In two instances NBC has manipulated UK's conte'sIt ”.0"; Lhc original Deumbu d‘m to status. Eighty ii“? percent Of the nation '5 ‘0 see What is needed is some system of control. One
"‘ ‘ .. some me in e ruarv. -. . x. . - -. x. . , - . , .
schedule by waving a national televmon date before Three changes evolved from the NBC overture: thdldhd SItdthI hldhwlihnh State. dlld thdbiy Win pIos5ible method would requirea legalcontract to be
its face. Both times the schedule change has made I) UK and South Carolina agmd to reschedule 1 di gdmt y d H ICU 0m mdlgln- Signed by the network and the two schools who
things difficult for the players or their fans. Both the am for Feb 25 In 7 p In What is most evident in this pattern of changes would be playing. The-document would put In print
' . timesthe switch has been made purelyintheinterest 2f UK the” ‘moved’n; ummdav Feb 24 and broken promiscsisthatthe collegcteamsarethe all the detailsIconccrning the broadcast (teams.
f \‘BC » ~ - i l 3 f‘ -' pawns of NBC. Whatever whim the network WanlS' location. starting lime. delayed or live status.
0 ' conference game in Lexington with Vanderbilt up . . , , . l . lb .- . .
The first was of course. NBC “asking" UK and one day to prevent playing two games in two days to force on college athletics is qUickly honored for regiona or nationa . asis, monetary compensation.
\oire Dame to delay the starting time from8 pm. 1) UK and Southt‘arolina then moved the the sake of national exposure. and its resulting etc), while also serwngasa bondingforeeto prevent
to 9 pm. on their Dec. 3! contest in Louisville‘s starting time back one hourto accommodate N505 prestige. recruiting value and monetary gains. the nethlfrlt‘h from IziiBiiciINS viii last Irtnlnute ratings
Freedom Hall. The network’s reasoning was broadcast of the University of Louisville vs. the Bill regardless hi how good nationalexposureis, games I e e one p" e .0“ enItucky. I".
since the game wouldn‘t reach the airwaves until Soviet Union exhibition game. (NBCalso requested it is doubtful that UK will gain anything from this The networks will not be anxious to Sign such an
Ilz30 pm. the hour delay would increase the this change since it felt U of l. was owed national experience. Playing South Carolina atthe end ofthe agreement. but if the mdwtdual teams in
"immediacy“ of the event. exposure after allowing the network to switch the season has not only cost the UK players a day of cooperation with the NCAAI" maketheiIrdcmands
Not to mention the fact that the delay would site of this weekend‘s ll of L-Duke game from practice i0l the Southeastern Conference 353 5mg" “""JMN “1W WWW" for the
mean the game wouldn‘t be over soon enough to Louisville to Charlotte. NC.) tournament. bi” has also PUt them onthc road three teams and the networks can be brought to bear.
make the sports report of the ll p.m. news. Now NBC has decided UK is no longer the days before the tournament and forced them into Untilsuchatime. college athletics willcontinue to
One could almost excuse that episode since the national power it was last year. Nor is South playing two games In three days Just Prior to a dance to_ strings pulled by NBC.
C I 'st up close mum—W
“”10 IS John COO/(9 7 We" ““3 ’
' hush
By JOHN (‘OOKE images of Southern aristocracy. KK: Well. some people say that you lb 6%
KK: lt‘s spelled with a ““.K are pretty paranoid. m . I
"Rumors have always played an JC: A neo-Nazi rag? JC: WHO SAYS THAT? I
important dinner role in the golf KKzThe student newspaper of UK. KK: 0h. some people. . .I N
course of hysteria." So said Count JC: Never heard of it. .lC: Well. uh. well. you tell them it ‘
Darin de Jarr shortly before he KK: Oh. come on! You‘ve been isn't true! I‘m just fine. Fine. you l“ \_
suffered a tragic heart attack after publiShed in it every week for some hear‘?!‘.’l Don‘t point that thing at me. . II . .t
accidentally fallingout ofthetowcrof time. Hold ill... Did you hear somebody _ u. - ’ h -l
outside? I /" / -\\‘ . . "
7 7 - KK: So you deny that? , \ fl. . t ‘ t i .-
JC: [1 is obviously false. [)0 you / , Iff‘f'f‘. “t \\ . l l
I. . . hear someone? Listen! There it is t . I A I i \' I .- i L I lyflfl
ohn cooke , , ---~. in ' - in
- / KK: You can gctdown now. ’l here's ’— 1 ‘g- - _ +- Ii ‘ will i I
no one there. Other people claim that ‘2 ._, ~{;. " ' N ‘ '-,I~.:-:== ~ . .t “I I l I I
you distort the facts fromtimetotime. i “' I’ t , ’ - “ - -I )
W‘fi JC: That‘s a load of humus. I never ’ii \' ,5. /l I . l IMI \ .F‘ L '.
. '. ~ 12;... s_--_x—~ _ ~ -.
- his chateau onto eleven spears JC: So that‘s where my diary went! heKllithteih): Eshieinihsthldlththe ri ht i — I . - - . . h‘ / W [I -
. abscntmindedly leftthere byhisloving KK: Oh. this is absurd! . ‘ . I Ip‘I . ‘I g WW” " I i "prop-r You!
f' ‘l' ld T ' JC' No kiddin Kaiser When a word. “‘6" say you exaggerate. A" ”R K i g ‘ ‘ I ~
dm' "L or so we are to ' i) put " ' . . g . .' , . .lC: That has to be without a doubt POWER “m .2 ,‘ LOCAL SAVAK ‘ . 5!
another way. rumors are like sex man loses his private privacy. what . , . . .I K. V ,@.I, e.’
. it the most ridiculous piece of rubbish l I - -7 —- . . ti] «.1 /
changes they are not real. but they does he have left. h' I . I h d , I” . d l h I ”I , o '. _ .I; h ,
. ' " KK: lmean you knowall aboutthe aye every car m m" .K can opt W M . e~’;a‘.\ _ ‘ ’
are quite convinCing. Kc I - that the maniacs harboringthetWisted - ' MAL. ~ ~‘ .
Consider how many great me. thought in their twisted little minds ‘ /
. . . . . _ ' . JC: Never met the man. Have eaten .- . . -, \o-
, institutions in these great United h' h' k th h b tldo ‘t bel eve meet a painful death. I wont be WK \‘ j
Steaks are based on rumor. In our Isc 1c en .OUg ‘ u n I. satisfied with anything short of ’ “‘59.; ——
,r . . _ . that constitutes a bona fide . MW
daily liyes. we make incessant . . stoning.
. _ . introduction. _ . . .
references to many rumors handed KK' Jesus can we et alon with KK. Perhaps you encouraged it .
down through history and they have this? ' ‘ g g when you claimed to base written 77w
greatly enriched our cultural heritage. . Picture of Dorian Gray? etters 0 e I or
. . JC. Hey look, I may have some ego . . . . . , .
Here are only a few examples; Adam . . , JC. I dont see why. That s the best
. .. , . problems. but it arm that bad. I . . . .
and Eve.\erospyrofetish.the Middle , . . thing lve done. with the pOSSlbiC .
. . . wouldnttry feeding the 5000 Without . . . , , W—
Ages. Peter the (treats sexuality. . . . exception of Finnegans Walt-e.
Catherine the (ireat‘s sexualitv the ”00d catering service. Kid.whatever KK‘ How do you explain the fact E l't d H b t b th C ' J [
. . ‘ ‘ '1 the 're a in ou, it a'n‘t enou h. ' . . . "3 | ur e agan u y e our!” ouma,
EmanCipatIlon Proclamation. Whyy do‘il‘ty yfuywritc a gtory on ighe that OscarI)Wllde signed his name'to q y g meekly confessed that She “had snow med?
psychttleInalyfils. Aryéin superlzritémh: suicide of our Iranian ambassador. thel nIoinlla. . II . . . The University has recently joined problems with theIHEW regulations, ..
“:0th Ieth (690' IetentIe. [ e eat KK: They don‘t pay me. bl C Ihe swish was obViously a an alliance ofcolleges and universities too.‘ IUKs womcns basketball coach, In Lexington we operate our lives I
0h au - C Militia Swell) ngSIdlh JC: What did I tell ya? Let‘s make 3'82in“ thamCiKI‘BS? Pizgifar'SLhI . in an attempt to fight federal HEW Debbi: YOW pcrpetuatesthe myththnt withina belief system which says that .
(Ct Chm? guIm an. c ona 5 this snappy. O.K.‘.’ I‘ve got O.T. soon. iblhnhfiubeip airIlgtogItactt at" guidelines that require equal per- awoman athlete “3“" below: ml wearcatthemercyofthcwcathcr. The ‘
Olldllonb to d 8813th cult. I‘m making a Humprey Bogart waJstuoi: CI 8;)er b. h athlete spendingon menand womenin male athleteI by stereotym” the actions which result from this belief
Recently. another bit of scuttlebutt memorial ashtrav. W ll. h' ‘. I)?“ cai'h him" lIIaiu- intercollegiate sports. The truth- women as “gtrls who cry a IOt and system cause us to modify our plans
has _ surfaced. capturing the KK: Fine. Could you tell us a little te ' t '5 15 t e toug part. so isten seeking public should demand a full “cry together 35 ' team. Coach Yow when it snows; school and non-
imagination of the public. We are bit about your past? C 056')“ . , . disclosure of the “alleged" donors of recently commented in a Lexmgron essential appointments are cancelled.
referring to the speculation about the JC: What kind of trash is that? No . KKfl 00'” YOUI mcah " S ”if the $5000 gift from the University to Herald-Leader article that she would .
existence of John Cooke. There are wonder they don‘t pay you Don‘t you impossible part. Let sface '1‘ you cant the alliance. Further. the “innocent“ iii“? ‘0 play more basketball limes in . These Iactions are frequently
many theories circulating. The most have any scandalous questions? keep ”Ff this game. . motives for joining that alliance.“in Rupp Arena. “but that's up to Coach i"PPf??"“¢ for “5 81“" our
uniqueIclaims that Cooke's column is Something about sex or death? . JC: Sure I can. It 5 my game and I order to get more information on the Hall and Mh Hagan." . ”bum” and ablcness as human
not written by one twisted individual KK: Sure. You have been quoted as “kc "'I HEW reghulations as they are BIOI‘h 0f ”3°” women are m beings.
alone. but represents thelomteffort of saying “The best things in life are KKI‘ Mr. Cootehplease. developed. and to have a spokesman posmons Ito 83'" for women "hi?“ To operate our livesand the lives of
the 3rd floor of the Med Center. carcinogenic.“ JC-INO- No. . 0~ on the Washington scene,“ must be what is rightfully and legally theirs... M M at the whim of the
lhe Kernel feels that the Pcople of JC: Yessir. Give usthisdayourdaily KK_' Come on now . regarded With skepticism. but they choose to oppress“ mm. mm" i‘ dim-sins to 3" our “"5“"
the 3rd floor have enough problems drugs and forgive our overdoses as we JC' 0K" “m dont Fe“ anyone. Through UK‘s affiliation with the "i a fashion lh“ should make their ofourselves. While the immediate loss
’ without hearing the responsibility for forgive those who give a dose to us. That was a complete fabrication. , alliance, the University’s attitude can male counterparts proud. , 0‘ continuity 0‘ education WhiCh
Cooke. Acting in their interest. we KK: Meaning what? WKKItAndthatpartaboutanegans be read between the lines. as they have The botom line is that HEIWs results from canceled school IdIays is
make availablethis interView with this JC: Can you tell me anythingthat‘s fight h ld ld' . no intention of alleviating the dollar-forI-dollar funding WNW“ Mable. the risk of raising a
I prominent purveyor of pap. fun that‘s not carcinogenic? f h. ‘ ow 0 on. Id writea part disparities between men's and w'“ rcqmre either a cutback m the will”. “iPPH byItherellef that
KK: Mr. Cooke. are you ready? KK; You‘ve got me. What do you 0 I at. . women‘s athletics. Herctofore, UKhas grossly F‘imjhflm sxpendttum 0' they must operate their lives at the
JC: What are you carrying there? plan to do after college? Kg: Yeah? Wthh part? provided only the financial resources ‘lllg biiISiliCSSI “NW“"Y sports ("x mercy of the weather is deplorable.
Got a hygiene problem? JC: Oh, I su se I‘ll finish m J 1 The part they left 0i"- to the women which are necessory to a 063m“ 0 "‘0" "i0”! ‘0 - . . . . .
‘, KK: It‘s a tape recorder. book. ppo y KK: Well. we don’t have room for avoid legal confrontation. women‘s program so that Do". men ”Hwy W mmoztt'hir‘mhtiiiiitgii’e'll
f. JC: They let you in with that? KK: Do you have a title as yet? much more Of this dribble. so as a it has become clear in this most and women can equally b.“ m a” Ito invmyhe other! to share theirviews
.3 Where‘s security? I hope they‘re not in JC: The Borhoygmie Tradition in parting shot. what adVlce do you have recent episode 0i UK'S resistance ‘0“) splendorI of Iexorbitant m'. A b ‘m- - I to the media and elected
i the Thoraline again. Let me see your America. Should cause quitea rumble for "file”? . , . the equal treatment or men and prudent de-ldu‘!‘ clearly Wm” ozficials
belt. in some circles. JC: ldsay hitanyoneaskingadwce. women that Cliff Hagan and Otis that big business male sports must .
. '7 KK: But they took it. KK: The subject? Hey. who '5 lh‘“ behind YO“? Singlctary need not denigrate and h‘ castrated "0‘ only to allevme lh‘ There is really an alternative. We .
, ' ; JC. Thank God. Who are you. JC: Got any ideas? I‘m open to “‘1 5° 0“." “9% W" ”W- oppress women athletes since they d""‘.""""“‘f'“""‘°”"°"hm"? .-.-Wlie 0'" “V" "‘0"
A anyway',l mions. The interVicw is concluded here. have two women who have risen (or '0 "miw‘mhfir W not be It the
j KK: Mick Mentir of the Kernel, KK: Not really. After the book? Mil Mentir‘s 5“" 333m“ Ml- Cookcis rather fallen to the occasion. Prof" M 'h h . “M. l
.. . . i JC. The what? 1C; 0}]. [don't know_ Isuppou n] Stl pending. Sue Fcamster, Women‘s Athletic scum"
‘ . KK: The Kenrurk v Kernel. just wander around like everyone else Director at UK. although unaware of W.- N" m
. JC: Oh God. not another cffcte trying not to look too foolish. Haven‘t John Cooke Is In English senior. His UK's alliance to oppose HEW 10‘! um Ml!“
. . . publication exhuming the exhausted you got any embarrassing questions? column appears every Thursday. regulations until informed, not by Mr. WI 5“. “0' H. m M"
“ uni Q
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