xt78cz325566 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78cz325566/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1992 1992 1992-11-30 2020 true xt78cz325566 section xt78cz325566  




; -, independent since 1971

Monday, November 30. 1992



Walking Tall

Born without arms, Donna Rock ‘

"Hierc 5‘ i1 "tutor difli’ri'irri‘ [Ii'tri'i'i'ir tier/ti] horn Ulla any and Imam,- aii tiri'arzi .so'ra't/zinii,
ffor me this Ls‘ir 't any diffi'rerrt than it riIr1.~'_/iir tot/rein ‘. :‘i‘lt [Indian/ti [lair t iI‘riserirtIr' the

thing] you pie/{ed up with your hands. I don 'I remember" teirririin/ to rise ”III II [‘1

takes unique challenges in stride



By Tia Silverthorne
Stall Writer

Donna Rock flips
tip the door han-
dle of her Oldsmobile
Cutlass Ciera and
slides behind the steer-
ing wheel fora short —
il' unusual — (Irise
around eampus.

llte unusual be-
eattse aeeottntrng


\ll l\‘e‘ ls
Roels. an

senior. steers the ear In ith her

le‘ll lI‘IIl \\llllt‘ Sllk‘ \\\il'l\.\ the

her right toot a
litil'll Ill lle‘k‘e‘\_\ll_\'.
lx’oek \\as born utthout arms
handreap that
elrtldliood to \te\\

lttle‘r‘tl li'e‘t

ers learn to rise their

gas and brake pedals with

[he Iaorltl and
its ehallenges III a rnueh dilterent
\\.r\ \he gradtrall} learned to use
her Ieet tn the same \\a_\ that othr
arms and


"I or rtre this isn't an) drtlerent
[hart rt Ipeople \trth
arrnsve" Roels said ol grourng tip
\\r[h her handreape “You probably
don‘t remember the first thmg _\otr
pteketl up With )Irnr hands ldon't
remember learning to use in} t'eet.

\i.as lot

Now 28. Rock ean do Virtually
e\er\thing with her l'eet t'r'om
t_\prng to eating to eleanrng house
~\he also has learned to ride horses.
a slsrll she pieked up ulrrle attend~





Accountlng senior Donna
Rock types a paper on cam-
pus yesterday.

rrrg elasses at Midixrn (‘ollege

Alter working In the equine llI
dustry following her stint at \lrd
\\.’|_\. Roek deeided she named to
attend l'K to get an aeeoirritrng de

\\ lreti she got here. she \\as
tlrrrlled \\[th the \\a_\ the students
.[ee'epletl her,

”I was pleasantl} surprised eom
trig baek to eollege“ she said
"( Ie‘llk‘l'dll). people .llk‘
three in a \rhtle. _\ou meet that rdi
ot that has to tome up and make .I
\ori [list ll.l'\t


tool [It themsebes
to [I‘It‘Iltl them i uoiildn I \llrllljft .l
llllllje'tll‘l‘lll [is tltoiit'li’

( ottrtttr‘ to l l\ also Iilox‘ued bet
to ||l.llee ant tlIIr .irtportant st l‘
tr'I rnI' on her on II

'Ii\lri\t|t"t II..Is lllt

\lll rtle st

[tune lie e'IIet tirade} \ite satIt
"I'm eettariib a lot lllttle lllrlei‘el
Iterrt llratt \\lle|t t has llIIIIII' .a
home l‘\e learned to do .r [oi oi
[tIrans lliadtit trI'IirI-I I at box

ottea stir

llel e\perrrnetitatttvir
prises those around her llit
time her roortirnatt sau ll\l \llllll‘
mg on top or tlte eotiritei to I'el lier
lood. lte \\;Is startled
"llre lttsl Ilax IaI '.‘~\lt' [here to
gethet he said '\\ hat are \on do
mg tip there " in bad

shoeked at seeing tire on top ot the
krtehen tablet" she said
llre biggest problem lx’oek has

roommates uho

taeed beeause ot her liarrdteap is
dealing \\rtlt tlirrst Iltrrmj.‘ long ear
tttles sttlee slte eati't lll‘ltl .i Iltttik
arid dine .it the saint Irrire

But most obstaeles, she said eatr
be meteorite

“it there‘s sortietlirng i Ian I trg
[II \lIi Illltl lllt‘lt is [III
lltlsl don't do it,”

trre otrt lro\\
\xa) around ll
she \llltl

Ix't-els “I‘ll-etl rtr

Ilus summer





\VihlllllL’ltIll lit
the liepartrrrerit o: \"l [I ntnrre

.ts .Iti rntetti lot

"l :Iot prelerr ltlt.ll III .llllltlll and
It .\as north [I III Ira l' II’ll liaxt a

problem with lsi‘.‘ tI.I'iIlit.rppI-d

jftt II\_'[ [I bee [III-e -Il li'.‘l| I -'o

L .r
.I lr‘t

ItI" ll‘ t lt.ItI"_ tl



lo other strr~lI llls no rnirst [ on

lrotit \lllllt‘ll';\ ls’oelI oltetetl
stilllt' .lIlI.III lti Itl‘.rllll.l"\ til
1"»I_l‘»llllll" wi taiI -'_t it with
one Harris [I IpIiI III IlIII‘l lit
tlrIriI [Intro I- [III Illslli‘fle about
.‘-ll.li stIli\.tl‘I IItIlI III l

In I ”Iii Ill‘ [IIIHtl

ABOVE: Donna Rock drives
her car around campus yes»
terday. Rock. who was born
without arms. steers with her
left foot and operates the
pedals With her tight.

LEFT: Rock uses her left tool
to unlock her car near the
Grllis Building yesterday

\ltrr I'lit..I II' lllIIlI’I [it she
Ilteltlrrl I’ltI‘ "It {Itl ItI III [III
lartruIt to e .I i. IIIIlr III IiIiiIIrs
lII‘llllslI’ltlI"~ .‘II I' '.I III

/r’ I .

/ [VI

/4 i



Cards designed by pediatric patients benefit children’s telethon


By Tamara Caskey
Contributing Writer


\lthough the hohda} season is
inst beginning the pediatrte pa»
Items at [he l'lx' llosprtal time been
l‘tl\:~ [or months designing holrtla}
\tllll\ that benetrt the I'K (‘lirl-
«lreti‘s Hospital | [Hill

llrrs is the [rttlr eonseeutrxe )eai
that patients lra\e designed the lltillr
Ila) eards to sell to [he ptrblte

l he eatds are one ol the ma_\' pro~
[eets to raise money [or the (‘lril-
dren‘s Mrraele Network telethon.
\thieh benetits the pediatrie pro-

Golden Key

Staff reports



(iolden Ke) National Honor So-
erety. [YK's aeademie honors organ-
t/atron. wrll hold its annual indire-
trorr eeremony 'l'hursday.

llrough membership is by invita-
tion only. some eligible students get
overlooked. said .leiurit‘er liieh. ta-
eult) lltl\l\CT tor the orgiurilatiorr.
I'K rumors and seniors with a
grade-point average ot’ $4 or higher
are muted to itllll (iolden Kc).

llre honor soeiety otters various
seholarships [or its rrrembers.

the lifetime membership tee is
\45 and entitles initiates to career
assistanee This fee is not required,

Irrdrretrorr proceedings will begin
at 7:10 pm. in 'l‘aylor Auditorium
in the laylor lidueation Building.

Mien/dc rim/mitt who did not te-
(l’ll'l’ Ittl'lltlllllfl let/err \‘Illttl/ll emi-
[at I I I( II (II 357-178“.

gram at the 1K Hospital the l'ls'
llosprtal lormed a partnership will
the ('hildr‘en‘s Nettrorls leletltorr m
WXX to help raise moire} [or the pe
dratrre program

Marian lilaneharIt t trrldren’s
Mrraele Netuoit
at the hospital. said the llttlltlrl_\ \Illll

le‘lt,lllIIll tlllr‘t ltd

program has been \eo \ll\'\e\\llll
l‘Hl the past trxe
paekages ot eartls lia\e beer. soltt
and \“Jtlttt has been l.ll\e\l [or [be
(‘lllltll'e‘lbs Ilospttal l mid

seasons I we

Blarrelranl said she thinks the pro
grant has been siieeesslirl l‘LxIlll\t
the original Ilrtaxrtrgs ol the its PK

tlratrte patrerits are used on the


Wildcats receive berth in NCAA
Women's Volleyball Tournament.
Story. Page 4.

Voice 01 Roger Rabbit to perform
in town. Story. Page 3.


Partly sunny this morning. then
becoming mostly cloudy in the
afternoon; high in the mid-40$.
Cloudy with a few tlurries
possrble tonight; low between 25
and 30. Cloudy tomorrow: high in
the lower 405.


Because of a writer's error. an
article In Tuesday's Kentucky
Kernel contained incorrect
inlormation about the Children‘s
Miracle Network lund-raising
campaigns The telethon is June


Diversrons .................................. 3
Sports Monday .......................... 4
Classifieds ....................... . .......... 5





"llie eards .ite attttalb designed
b_\ our patients not a prolessrotial
lliete Is a

artist or a design studio
eertam seernent oi the

tilireh that appeals ll‘ " she said

llit ‘ltI"l.tl|l is IIII sII 'll.tl ,lll‘x
| ,

ptIlratrtt patient .llI‘ zarshI- to
Ill.l\\ a lrolnla; seen I .III do so lll\
\llllrll\ll bi “art .‘ Iiit in" I‘ll IlI str'ri»

ill \Il“lt*l

\latt‘I elrtlIlttti ll.tr\ lll\ optsatri
lll|_\ to get their tll.l‘.\ll|L' elrosen In
l.l\l [the '\\III llle \.ll\l \l‘l|\l‘slIe'|l HI
.I eollagt «It holiIla} Ili.iI.\iri~Is de
signed l‘,‘ min drllererit pantrits

lilatreharIl s.tlIl that Iiht ll thoos

lll' the desr-Itr I llltl.ll~ alaa


IsttttI; llt‘lltle

hit .I lllll-ei .d
\‘etllt littItllst l'l‘i l\ [l.[t“t Illll‘wl
\ll» [ll tlr'l‘llt" IIIIIII gnoplt ‘I‘Illlt
Hollis tllllrl.ll: l‘.l|el

.lte iwiI rain s In .IIIIII raisin“
\‘II lte III-I lllI I’ 'Iitai- iII strttat

llr I:I It I II he
\ II l \ l l I
‘s I’l‘tIIIilltltll III II Itrett [III
[III ;II I.' it i I I ‘tllttr lI'
IlrIIII ' Is III ll tIIIIi‘IIerII ll -_t
llbll pitt'n. IrterteI;

liliitrtltIttIl rlstr .leIeIl liiat ll“
Iviq‘i III. t‘III- Ides II , I {or llII
Illlltii_lIlIIl. .Il‘.IZ‘ l 1t 15.1lttrlr

llllll\\ltllliir III'Ii‘tdlrlt toIIiIlrtri
[or at I l\ ltIIsiiir I: said she think
the lltIlltl.lI I [III- .llt lllll‘t‘lltllll III
lltt tlttltlt ti
ill ”I e\ Itit rttls .r I'II.ii III II\
IIIllIl‘IlI-l I il 5* 'I t’t" llItliI .l
i'Il III :itIl T: i It." \iit
It IItIl
‘III I air I
1 III l‘t \
I i' [liit‘
I l l I
\\ lrt I i til ' I
i [I I l e’ lI I
.iI II \I'Illlltllllllt [Inlt llrlu‘

li .‘V II I I l\ I itlltl

I'Vtel Il lIIl
\[IIII I , ,
ll‘le \I I
lk II’I It ‘ ,t I

I e I III lt
lll\ e‘ I I II tin
III ii 'I
I'Ii I

“ ib I

ii i I I
IlII ll.‘.l l I I.II ’K
l ‘lk, l l
I I I‘,

Neo-Nazi violence in Germany claims center


By Larry Thomson
Assocraterl Press


lillx’l l.\’ .\ retugee eenter m
\Iesterti (rerrrran) was trieborrrbed
on _\e'ster'tl:i_\ as Violenee against
[orergners eontinued despite a po
lree eraekdoun on rreo»Na/1s arid
('haneellor llelrtttit Kohl's eall tor

hr lurke}. (ierman llil_L'\ “ere
burned arrrrd eries ol "llown “th

Cost causes

Asssociated Press



ALBANY. K): Rural Ken»
tirekians like Rte and Kimberly
\‘toekton ol (‘lmton (bunt) worry
about the eost ol health eare and
health [n.suranee inst like their en}
llut Ilre Stoektons also laee a
searerty ot primaI‘} -eare Iloelor's. es
peeralb those “be in” ilelnet ba

skinheads" and "l lettlt to murder

ers'" at \esttitlaf» s lntieral lot [lritI

e\tremrst \rolenee [It I It rmarn

\retrrns ot the ruin \klll"

lri lernsalern. the lsraelr ( abmet
derronneed (ier‘rnan rattst and anti
\ernrtre attaeks and demanded (at
man olttetals tight llelll~\\llIL' L s
trernrsrn \.ith "the lllll totet oi thI
|.r\\ ”

.v\t least In people hate died this
seat llt some l..\"IIi e\trenie rr«'liti~.I
attaeks throughout ( ieririarr} against

\o \a/ts

slj‘lln Ill

lt'ltl"l[\l\ and t
lr.t'\‘ IIllelI
those sIrllrtttif'
partretrlarl; Ill IIItrriei last (iIrrrra

ltItttiIt IllltIIl|"

[IotiIIIntI liaitlslirp

the go\errrrnetrt has [ate it rrrtas
tires to tllll‘ the \rotcriet
banntn” a tadttal ll"lll

-'twrp lIII
has been \lllhl/Ill [or not IlIItII

llI .ttt .tll.tek \.lll‘. ’Istertlax tit
lma'en. near the liIrtItI Int lIi

[inbombs \tete [him i. .tl l~rrr|drn

many in rural areas to go

bies a problem eotnpormded l\\
isolation and bad roads

"It _\ou hare to dim (In miles to
see a doctor. )ou‘re talking about a
real barrier to an) kind ot health
(are. whether It‘s allordable or
not.” said llarlan (‘otrntx lrrIlLIe
l \eeutn'e Del/innit lleleher

Dr. Joe I‘lorenee ot I'K's ( enter
tor Rural Health in lla/ard \iho
Itas praetreed itr eastern Ketrtneh

[or nearly Ill )I'i'" a.” pain llls

oltetr put oll rneIlrt ll llt'.ll|lltl|l llll
rrl diseases are [non Iltl‘~.lll\k|l

“You ha\e PL'UPlk Iornrtie Itt I.\rth
earreer llittl‘s I It: \e.tt\ old." he

bllltllL‘\ slum that \\ll|l\ people rrr
rural areas reeeru l\\\ health tare
than eItres. the [trial poptrlatron is
older and more likel} to bt lll \
national stud} b_\ thI Robert \\ooIl
lohnson | otindatiori [wind that .‘i J

pereent ot all rural l[\lIl\l|l\ liaIl

liotisin-I t‘l'l i., a In" I'lli'lltt‘
‘Iltlt [Ilutll vl llt‘l 'IIIII ‘Ill
tI-t lllll\lIll* I1 I I‘i I II it
llllll‘l\lllI i [1‘2 I III r'ests
II! lltt tillatlI I

lllll‘kl-‘sslltl “III‘ IIIItl .isl
IIl litlitlt .l it: I' ItIt I ‘I 'til
‘sattirtlax III -II I .I I' .I I: Iis

IIII.‘ (III It lll"

\ .IaItlitIIiII .Itt.i~‘ ‘il'le III
ltitl.lllI~lI .‘|t.. .et[ [‘1 "

lllt \tttlw III lite ‘It

without care


IIitIItrie or \I‘iIII’l‘ -Is IIIrri

[rated '.‘\lllt l\ in rel III III [host [It

an all IlispiopoitrtItiatel}

titrts Iltl.rtiI Ind maternal

lll"ll rtI ttrr ii an as

lllk Kentrrth IoniIItts I.\rI|t the
highest rrrlarit ||II italiI. [an s are all

“all a ltf.‘l\lrlll\t spetial session
on health \.lll t\peeled earb he t

See HEALTH llIiel-I Page


111.1 « 11111111» I “.4111.”«mu-.111.mint-Mirna.” edition of the Kentucky Kernel All orgnnilalmns wtshtng to publish meetings let lures

upw 1.11 t-vrtil‘t .Illtl upumnq own!» Illubl have all mlormalton to SAU I" too") 20) ot the Student Center 1 week leU! to pub/warm”






Monday 11/30

for Spotlight Jazz 1nd1v1dual
shows are on sale at TicketMas-
ter. genera! pubnc. students, ta-
culty and adrnmtstration; call 257-

for the Next Stage Series are on
sale at T1cketMaster; general pub»
l1c.students,ta:u1’ty and adm1n1s-
trat1on. ca11257-8427

- Exhrbrt Pederrc Thursz. A Trib»
ute, UK Arthluseurn;thru12120

- Exh1b‘1 ..exmgton Creatwe
Car11e1a C .111. Ciasdall Gallery





"Jove 1‘_.‘_‘; ” "1e! 52. Student
Cer‘er W; 511.1111Theater
71305111 :3 257-4130

Tuesday 12/1
- SAB 111:. H 7.1rprorjpgu. tree.

Wednedsay 12/2

- SAB 110v 19 Dent h Be r11Hts
:1; E3111de1t Center W015 am

“15(1me 11 call 257- 8867

- 1’1: 1 1111: 1:9 McCracken W11

ntet. ‘TE'E. SCFA Rec1talHalt.

41.1111. c111? 257-4929


December 1, 6: 00- 10 30p. m.
RM. 230 Student Center

Thursday 12/3
. 21181111.. 1- 213111 Becgr133§
tCenter. Worsharn
:L111 call 257 8867
Artist Series The
Wes'H111 lt’nc317-genera1pub
111: S‘CZ1~5'.1.1‘etns and seniors.
SCEA C1:1ncertHall.8pml715pn1
391.1151 11 the Rec1talHall1 can


1~,; .1'181'

. ,. .E'S".


Friday 12/4

0 SAS1n3v1e:D_eath Becomes
13;. Student Center. Worsham
The.1te1 8on1: call 257-8867
Wmter Revels r1ea 3-
.eyr‘v‘Jl‘wnev Museum. thru 2 28
- Ga: erv SEHES. Concord T115.
wnn Margaret Bashkm-Karp \
1115‘ Wee 1131K King Library Pen
Gailen. ‘211oon

‘ EX .1"


Arlly Hwaunwsh






Saturday 12/5 .3 3121111111 ca11255~856€

Monday 11/30

- SAB rnov1e: Death Become; . ..ect..1e. ;1.11:1r1 3101554. NU... v Veetmg' Mont‘11‘1,1’.‘»;=»3t1‘; ' H
Her. Student Center. Worsham ‘3 ; F‘sirrty and Community 1n ..ex1ngton (”3935’ J A"'

can Chermcas S: 1 CW1"





'heate1 Ecm 1231125788167 N123" Amencac Curd-1r: tree.
- 8A5 ”>131. >51 mohlande' tree 1’ “"6 ‘"‘>:.‘1'e1.‘();: 9.11.1511“. 3’ r " "d n." Q
0 v(
Q ,;1 3, ; 4 VJ: 1': .. ’1’ 1‘.
. ’1 >1 ‘1‘. .1 \r A L434)“, .. Tuesday 12/1 4 1»; ' '1
813“" 1:1 { 7 492 0.1-“ '» * 1 .‘i‘_‘./i’\'<:3 >53'3.’1 ,H ‘5 1H.
15:1,}. ...1._. t.._‘r‘.,;1~~1;,-_1~§;1 . \ 5:; ., T . f; 3: , A i
1; ..-.- .11 H.. 131. 1* 1111.11. .21
Sunday 12/6 1.. .: 1.1.11... 1;... . ,e .5“; 1:1111111111;
cSAF. 11cm 3 D_ea_t§ Be 5§;;1§§ 777-11813? a“; 335 ur fix: 3 V
31.9..(11611Cente W1 e 5111‘ ' “31:14”! W 2’11 "1'“ 13‘“ 11 :H1-1p11u-r..c ;
T'1eate1 5cm. cal; 257 E5867 1 '1'“ :1 "1'9““ '1’ "“39“ 1gfresbr11etxrb
. Lexmgton Singers .H-Oi day C01 1133 ET- S‘Jrien‘ Cente . pane D 5&5). or W? 1...“;
11:81: $121regular. S1 1.1. sen 31115. "7 -.» ‘3” 39113131; 1111;— 13:11 ;‘ 1'1:- M1111.
SFchudren ‘12 an': under SCEA ' 5 '"1 951'” :3 ‘- " (9 .1111. 1‘5 H .(J .1: .. ' (33111.11 1'31
(311111911 r1511 3:111 13.1111 35,7 :«9167 ““1 .11.»: 1'- S. 2*. .‘vax "‘eet- .
- PW" ~11115111ce B11c’1:1'.‘.:11‘1 ' ; ‘1
;.t' -K Cncrale New Vorces .ex 11 111 .91 .
11.‘. 11 C't11‘3ren's Crow; 85 4.": ' 11 “‘l ‘l W 1 l M FSr‘LdrtarYH12/{f17 1 c1
- . 11.1 ~ 9.33., .. 6
52 K .CVA Concert Ht‘ 8911.1 11.11 ‘.'1/'1..1>\u" ‘1; 1i) 1 1 :»=“‘ 121211‘H1 ' _
f7 8;,” q, . .3 5; Harrison. career 111 3.11 Wrote Ha!-
CC‘ c."/ ‘ _‘\)_l_. . \ ’
_ j - “DEMO" AHA 11...:1 Classroom Roon‘ ‘ ‘18 '21
. - ‘ a V l 'J 12:50pm
-, bacussmr tXI1'1’1j1’“ 1 fer ,3 ,_
PUlltzer Nom'nee’ 111- [31cm 1_ .1 1 H ' Classes A1k1110 we 1 11.11.31 1355
p '1 L1 Cll‘ 1. .
CLIFTON Afinzoverme'f £2 -; I $11111 3 1111 8516 30pm; A 3.11111 “‘1'” - ‘- H :5“
111311311951 . ".1. " ‘ ‘ 269-4305
T1 k L LE {T Saturday 12/5
Wednesda 12/2
TO Speak ()n Casse A Y} a .. . (t 1“ - Mass Catno c Mass 32’31R0Se
- s -« :‘H z .31
~ . < - . , Lane Newman: (Tente' Etnn 1:11.“
1 - 1 r :3 t‘ 51%" A 1",. 1.
Mutt/1mg Etlllllll/ 771‘ 1:11-11:11 : 2558566
and L nmmtmztu m 1 ‘ " '- g 7 _
_ _ ’- °\1‘?‘Ef‘rlg r", .."‘1' 111- 4 .1:
.l/rn‘im-xlnrcrtcan Sfujept (/3111... .1- .» .51 7. Sunday 12/6
(llllllll't’ 13a ; 27612365 ' Classes Alkldi 9.9923?! (4685
es. 1pm:A|ur11n-1Gy111 31:“. call
\londay, November 30, Thursday 12,3 269-4305
- - 1 .- - 2‘ *
.1 :30 P-m. . “.‘eehng: (:Ng ( 1 1 Ne”. fMassNCdti1ol1c(\.1 «1S3 to “Hue
C , l) Th t 1' 111.111 Cen‘e1 N13“? Net-111.1111 cane. ewman ’8”: ’ an
t. n tr 83 e Centm 12‘) Rose 1111': . 1 y 11 30am 5 000m 8 lop-111 can
()ld Student Center 255-8566









G live music e art sale G live musice

Monday 11/30

'{t‘”l..- ...H,\,-
H .


Reynolds Buildingl

open studio
Dec.,4, 6- 9p.m.

Wednesday 12/2
"1.1K Eiasxe‘ca11 W111. 1'1. \.
Wright State Rupp Arena
7 3Op111ca11257-1818

I Q alas ua

Saturday 12/5

- UK Basketba‘: W 1.: 11-: 1.1<
GeorgIa Tech ‘21.:151 A1911...
730pm call2571818


Q Jisnw 3A!

art sale 9 live music 3 art sale








' ”(AIDS teleconference to be held tomorrow

Quantum (initial and the American Rod Cross are launching a major AIDS education im- ‘
‘ w atwwnforcnco that will be transmitted to this UK Studatt Center Theater.
talent)an Will describe a new program “Business Responds to AIDS ” and participants will be
on orvlcw of local resources for AIDS education
remarks begin at 10 ant. and the teleconference broadcast will start 31.1030 Lunch will

, .nochar fortho program or the luncheon. but registration is limited To register for the event,
8160 is sponsored by UK’S Small Business Development Center and the Center for Prevention re-
call the Rod Cross at 253-1331

UK, LCC receive federal education grants

UK and London: Cmmmnlty College received $152,000 in Metal grams this month to may teaching
(«Wand scienoeodncadoo inpn'mary and secondzyschools. .

one awaxdodhlov 20 by the state Council on Higher Bdrxation Write Dwight D Enron
’...andScien_ceEducatlon Act. $3 lettion was allocated toxenmcky bytlto act, with 75
1 forthc statoDopartmont of Education and local school districts. .

matey was distributed to UK, LCC and t4 other Kentucky mivorsitim and collegm to.
. marchers in grttdm kindergarten dooagh 12
ohm project into 111an mtdctstandhig and pertoonanoe

Wagonschools get funds for community action project-

I l E' made up of UK; Transylvania Univomity. and loxington Comnttmity College 1
_ . . grant Wedwsday refund 3 community action western '
named Project CAUSE, directly introlvcs college students to Retoucky‘ 3 education reform-

11' Students, supervised by university and college faculty.- will organize primary and-1
‘ partmsorvwopmjoctsdwsnedtomoaaspoctfiososlofdwKontnckyEduca-T 1

nicer Cotter will coordinate the process. and students will be placed tn the various service

the Vohrntoor Center of the Bluegrass.

. another award Wednesday. UK received a Si 000 grant to support its smdcncdm‘tgned and directed
.‘W‘o‘ “Chock Full of Culture: African American Songs Literaturc and Drama on Tour.’

Beth grants were awarded in a contpclltivc process by the stale (ouncil on Higher Education










Nov. 13:

-Sattcrwhitc. Ira; 35; 1113 Ward
Drive; possession of marijuana;
possession of drug paraphernalia:
possession of schedule one. two and
three. narcotics.

Nov. 15:

-Finlcy, Nancy: 37; 167 N. Upper
St.; alcohol intoxication.

~Thomas. Michael L.; 20: 225
Kirwan Towcr; driving under the
influence of intoxicants.

Nov. 19:
-Bolton, Mason (1.; 5-1; 317-1 S.
Third 51.; alcohol intoxication.

-Sargcant Gary; ~13; 7-11 Libcrty
St.; Newport Ky.; warrantnxsrxt.

Nov. Zl:

°Latham, Jackie R.: 48: 560 C0—
lumbia Aver. wanton endanger»
mcnt, leaving the scene of an acci-
dcnt; driving without insurance.
driving under the influence of in-


Nov. 18:

-Burglary; third degree: 355 Law
Building; items not listed removed;
Robcna Harding, complainant.

Nov. 20:

~Thcft by unlawful taking, loss
than $300 (misdemeanor): 200 E.
Euclid Ave; backpack containing
books and a calculator removed
from UK Bookstore: Andre M.
Tribblc, complainant.

oThcft of a motor vehicle registra-
tion plate; Clifton Circle: Stephanie
J. Blumc. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, undc-
tcrmincd amount; 820 S. Limcstonc
St.: itcms not listed removed: Bren-
da F. SmiLs'on. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 419 Agricultural Engi-
nccring Building; cash removed
from wallet: Johnnie Thomas. com-

-Thcfl by unlawful taking. more
than $300 (felony): 106 Mchy
Hall; items not listed removed: Su-
sun L. Michael. complainant,

-Thcfl by unlawful taking, more
than $300: Commonwealth Stadi—
um parking lot; items not listed rc~
moved from vehicle; Stcphcn D.
Richardson. complainant.

~Thcft by unlawful taking; loss
than S301); Margaret 1. King Li-
brary South; books removed: Shan—
nan L. Grief, complainant.

-Thcfl by unlawful taking, loss
than S300: Greg Page Apartments
parking lot; items not listed rc-
movcd from vchiclc: Lcisa Potts.

Nov. 21:

-Thcft by unlawful taking; less
than $300; UK Hospital neonatal
unit; items not listed removed: Lisa
M. Glassncr. complainant.

Nov. 24:

-Arson; third degree: 310 Funk-
houscr Building; Eugcnc DcAdwyl-
cr. complainant.

Nov. 25:

~Arson, first degree: Kirwan
Towcr; 22nd floor elevator bay;
John Robcrt Kctron, complainant.

Jones optimistic about prospects
for ethics and health-care reform


Associated Press


FRANKFURT, Ky. 3.. Gov.
Brcrcton Joncs is taking pritlc in thc
things he has accomplishcd during
his initial year in office and remains
upbeat about prospects for ethics
and health-care reform in the year

“If you‘ll recall, in the campaign
I said I wanted to change the way
state govcmmcnt operated and
change the expectations people
have for govemmcnt,” Jones said.
“The state has made many changes.
I feel exceptionally good about suc-
cess in that area."

But there have been rough spots
during Joncs’ first year as Kcn—
tucky’s chief executive, including:

-Efforts to retire at $1.6 million
campaign dcbt left over from his
successful 1987 campaign for licu-
tenant govcmor after assuming the

-Thc appointment of his chief
fund-raiser; Jack Hall. to a govcm-
mcnt post in October.

-An effort to award his top cabi-
ncl appointees a 5 percent salary in-
crease during a time of fiscal crisis
after rank-and—filc employees were
denied a raise. That move was rc~

-Thc Transportation Cabinet‘s
hiring of a man who worked for
Jones at his Woodford County thorH
oughbrcd farm. The farm workcr rc-
ccived a 833,000-pcr-ycar position
even though a hiring freeze IS sup-
posed to be in place. Another Jones
farm worker was also hired as a
maintenance man and then promot-
ed to foreman on a highway depart-

-Ant1ng(1ing tcdcrul Investigation
that lt‘tl to lllt' 1111:1ctmcnt 11! present
and tormcr lawmakers. No one in
.l(lllt‘\‘ administration is bclicvcd to
bc :1 target in thc probe. ll(t\\L‘\‘Cf.

-A near-fatal hcliCOptcr crash in

~Tcnxion with news organizations
that Jones says crcatc conflicts
whcrc none cxist.

In fact, Jones: blames many per-
t‘cption problems about his admin—
is‘trntinn on the ncws media; who
“create news.“

”l‘vc quit worrying about it."
Jones said. “I wasted a lot of time
worrying about the first six

The administration is also trying
to put its own spin on things before
reporters intcrvcnc. He has begun
regular radio interviews. will ap-
pear monthly on Kentucky Educa-
tional Tclcvision starting in Dcccm-
her and the administration is
producing a year-end report on
Joncs‘ accomplishments.

Jones believes he can change the
way stale govcmmcnt operates. dc-
spitc sometimes depressing money
problems. And he‘s committed to
overhauling the state’s health-care
system, perhaps during a special
legislative session in January.

“Kentucky is much farther ad-
vanccd on this issue than the federal
government is." Jones said during a
recent interview with The Kentucky
Post. “We need to develop a bluc~
print to give to President Clinton."

Among the progressive accom-
plishments Jones hopes to leave as
a legacy are changes in the state’s
campaign finance laws and the new
selection process for members of

university governing lxutrtlx‘.

Jones has strcsscd cthics in gov-
crnmcnl. cvcn though critics Illillll<
tum hc ()llc‘n \‘uys (inc thing and
docs anothcr.

He cited a campaign plcdgc.
which he subsequently carried out;
to sign a new ethics code for the ex-
ccutivc brunch within a minute of
taking the oath. He also claimed
credit for a widCHranging campaign
reform law adopted by the 1992
General Assembly.

What cmcrgcd was a law that
provides partial public financing
for gubcmutorial-licutcnant govcm-
or campaigns. That change became
possible. Jones said. only after he
persuaded House Speaker Don
Blandford tD-Philpot) to “change
his mind" and support the legisla-

Jones originally hoped the I992
General Assembly would produce
ethics reform for the executive and
legislative branches, but “it didn’t
work out that way." Now. he said.
the federal probe of govcmmcnt
corruption is affecting action on the
task force proposal, and he urges
lawmakers to “get in and get it

Jones said he will convene a spe-
cial legislative session to adopt cth-
ics reform measures as soon as
House and Senate leaders indicate
they are prepared to do so, perhaps
as early as this coming month.

The Jones administration also is
concentrating on formulating a
comprehensive health-care package
after what Jones admits was a false


.. .... emu-x






Kentucky Kernel. Monday, November 30, 1992 - 3

Comedian Charles Fleischer’s




5km?) Ailey by om ‘\ '

Yoa're the .W. row... .i'
phone Doom, W,» tr (wt or ,-
are ya. wun ".1 r .~ k.




Everm, I JLDL proo‘rcaa we
mac bore you wrote tor the
Kmartan Cnccvc fouric. it
'6.) I». no! to me. amigo ‘ ou
Wade colvy come a we 3'" ovum ’.l, n
Bar mere ' . ,

vrovav‘i w.» ”M ~24: or .




wort. abide ‘rort‘ 100‘»? 1”,,” ._ .





stand—up act more than voices

By Lance Williams
Stalt Writer


Comedian Charles Fleischer
wasn't bom a comic. As he points
out, it takes ntore practice than nat-
ural ability.

“Like most art forms. the more
you do it, the better you get." said
Fleischer, who got an early start on
the road to comedy stardom.

“Originally, I wanted to be a doc-
tor. but I always knew that (come-
dyi would be it. Even when l was a
little kid, I used to do routines when
I was 9 years old at camp in the
summer," he said tn a telephone in-

When going before an audience,
Fleischer said, he doesn‘t bring
with him a profound message or so-
lution for the problems of life.

“Basically, I just try to make
them laugh,“ he said. “Actually.
you try to inspire people and make
them feel like they’re a pan of
some grand scheme."

He described his comedy as im-
provrsational, surrealistic and theat-

When on stage. Fleischer switch.
es modes and never knows where
the audience may lead him during
the act. Fleischer said that on any
given tiight about ”(I percent of his
act is improvisation.

He said he enjoys getting in-
voIved with his audience during his

“It‘s a lot more fun for tne and

for the audience. as well, because
you never know what‘s going to
happen. Plus. it you come back a
second time you see a different
Although he has riiade numerous
appearances in television and film.
it was not until “Who Framed Rog-
er Rabbit?" Ill WHX that he made
his breakthrough.

Fleischer, who has acted in sever»
al movies, including “Dick Tracy,"
and tnost recently “Straight Talk,"
started his acting career iii Chicago
at the Goodman Theatre and
worked on the original “Laugh-In."

Fleischer said that anyone who
watches him on stage comes away
with a different attitude about his





Lucien I wrote tor the
urcater 5:1 or
'eieenorie 9 re. tc'y












at; man,





What' 3 Going
on Here?

Check it out
in the Kernel







Charles Fleischer, welt-known actor and comedian, is perform-
ing tonight and tomorrow at 8 pm. at Comedy on Broadway.

abilities than someone who only
knows his Roger Rabbit persona.
He said that most people are more
impressed with his stage act than
with the cartoon voice, though he
still gives Roger Rabbit top billing.

Recently, Fleischer finished a
film in England called “Carry On.
Columbus." which serves as a paro~
dy to all the Columbus movies that
have been released in the United
States. The comedian did not know
it the trim is to be released in the
states or not.

Fleischer said he tries to hit the
road met) two weeks to do shows
all across the country.

Asked about lai'oriie protects.
Fleischer said he has one policy

“Basicalh. if I‘m working. it‘s




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Kennedy Bookstore . Joseph-Beth . Regis Hairstylists ~ McAlpin'sHair
Salon - Liberty National Bank - LeRoy‘s Jewelers

° Christmas Shoppe ~ Nevada Bob's - Rock-A-Billy . Data Lex .

Hooters . Software Solutions - Ashland Coal . Tracks Records -
McAIpin's ° UK Bookstore - Lexington Diners CLub - Loews Cinemas
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