xt78cz32587f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78cz32587f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1937-01-18 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 18, 1937 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 18, 1937 1937 1937-01-18 2020 true xt78cz32587f section xt78cz32587f « , ', r‘-. “-.-. r in x. , ‘C‘TC‘ {363116.363 ~ u-Jntlelllc‘rfi- Dec C;;.DL:’£‘ 1'1, .1. gJKJ .. . .,.I. r . "‘1‘. ' v ".4 an .5. ,_. « mm: :9 ‘1 J. q‘ xv m.‘ g .L .. , - leHUiUbu as Ln&lrmu¢ u; UJJ 50min 0; ylrSCuOlS. ne nmmcx tug uazsonnui of t a Boar; any outline& the nlan of pr00¢durua Reports on educatluaal meetlnfig were wage of Dean Boy. and P“oiossor 1 ngon, wuo at ended th Heating of tne Southern Association of Colleges . ,7 ,..,_ 2. ,1, ~ A ,_ . . , : ', -- ..,. ~_fi . ,, fi‘ . . I? , and SGCqudij SChOwLS. 1M ;;cyuanv, VATblNld. DduanOJd xuyfiflted 49x true Calmnisgion on Hi" Camm18510n on S Gouda“y 8033015. _7 _: _ . JL; PTULdSS r L1 Announcer. O 0: ti» nn”t I L 3 Clara n' ,‘ I ,- . a ‘ " . D . J L "l 1 , . - _‘ ‘ ." ‘ at 11:14.0; PL‘wSl (.6 Q; Jag; ,1; 133. NC Jr. :gF‘C‘Ld'JJ \. C’ ll ‘ T 0‘ J L be +fl. ‘,-. ultc S')€(ln Jr. Secretary MINUTES OF TEL UHIVEHSITY SENATE m JAHTARY 18, 1937 ‘nc Unlve381ty Senate not in the Lecture Room of LCVGV Hall, Londav, V In‘ iuent they grcsiding. L ‘e ‘-i"‘”+ ':-c« QTn DOC 710.311 1 742‘“ vrh-n: ‘13’1 ‘; w n 5 r - ‘V‘Y‘ «7“,: , -- A. 1-x...uL/k, __ b..- VA .. , --\'u 3 "(($61 .LvQC. C‘ :1- ‘ (L'J'JA- O \Ibkl. The Committee on “upliCatior oi Kori preSbflted the following new course, WhiCm W35 agprovcd: ,, .'. ‘ “:0”. . College of Arts ahu SpAGiCBS . “a, f)” T ‘ . --. - v » Goolobv ~Ja,b. mlneralogg. Turee CgeleS a semevter y Presigent McVey announced that the University had begun the developa of a fiuidancc nlan for strfle t enth decile and for trans~ erred stuflcnts {twittfld tn grobati n by the Resistrar, He outlined the that has been done during tge iirst semestcr and tne DropOSed plan 1 "'xx C'w‘ v 1 #— ~a "J. . 1~ - B“; Que J“; s .stei. Aiuer sage QlSCLSS W”: ‘1 rr lsifiient a-vaoint a committee to work: out tC) I 3301 t :xt t.;c 11e::t AGEVCiIL; < f tile 7 *‘fiii Q t connittp- ango 7 tr utlinu the duties of amvisers t ,4 :5 C! I» C (_I (J ‘1 " ‘ A - ‘ n 1 - , v I COJOEUL dT€W0T prwseLuc; tne "Oilowlgo resort 01 tne suac;rl ' 0 student 0 orfnnizmtitns: J m s 5 +1“ . q , _ . pm ~, 1 , u¢e naae Amall¢s, nage y, unfit JG snould at'enu lnfis of fine group and Tenwwn with tynr fie t best course of actign in txc Cénduct of tLElI e“falrs and 1n the exgcndituru of their funts (if 1ny), placing th e v:eli;::.re gf the stmlent 135. *st and "0:”.6.‘ trai;;i:;; can; {Levv‘lov— 4 . 1 . ‘ udnt 01 t3; SEUgents seagnu. i I _ __._...__-—.~_l.,_ l L1FUtQ; c: the Universitv Sen t: — a. Tn:t all funls COllgCtzd by student organw lzatic1“ CU tucnwo lfl t; th; Enslbcss Agant of tn~ Unierriiv 5 as Suan as Possible aft 4 the; are collectc¢‘ ax: Ldgt tlty 0e disbursed by tlmt oil'iugzr in. suc.; :;1e;zm.:c as 3:513" be dire—act L, Dr. Latimer reported tgo m,eting oz v Signed ~ T. T. Jones the report brourht out the f io ed 0y tne hen‘s Student Council, but c ' ' on the retort was D Societ”, Ht Durham and Chapel gill Lortn Dr. Tendenbos:h told of the meeting SCienCe ssociation in ChiCagoc AnnounCumeI Union W a soard C 0 11V 0 C {‘2, 75,5 11;“ Dean mvans outli;ed t’e program of t‘ Jaw Sch. n c n Was maie OJ. ,J r‘ O ’3 C- P. . ,1 f. a meeting of J a. I- gm SLHHC t“ til :1 anu >uvsu0 a Course ”lie 1 .4 L f 1.1 \ : l it": 0. um: URLV‘ l'sltw, U 4'C,J—,,.£ V. , 'x 3‘ . . '- J. r. :7) )1 lenx- uu ’lL'J J; .1. (2-31 301: u .14 or S flail (Ct—‘3] 011 £15 £3117 , .L (10 O t l] , . 0. until. she Cifllld tyj uU with the Women's Self Government Ats001ation. made by the following membCTS' ,. OI ‘1‘ .1flp * r, G ,L -. P . eaaegadj, uanwuly MO, an 4 p. m,, 101 o J‘ 1'. ‘.4V , 7‘ . C" 01 ulfccu rs iur lué . Announcvment was made of the annual tion to be held Tuesda', January 19 SI) ('3 (‘1..7. I3 I . ”Between Us Day” u": . .-,:,‘.v. 1» ~~ ‘ , mltn Pfefilubhu mtVtJ » [at it 21:16; nut be women students. At the reguest of the Dean of the National Political w p U) {A the University Credit {.11 A .,,‘ ”A. 4‘ 31'3-457‘; ”in, QUJ 30“» Ol Clubqln.‘ danuary 1;, 337 ‘ .53, F: .- 4.1 lg. LulC t‘t-kLVTlLC 0.14 was :10 thinks mixtrim‘nxtzil the 1'; {its will be 10.5;ij 0 (”1‘63 to H; H. D. H. S. G. B. B. E. Brewer, Shairman Dawning u r'\ f. 1r \, L... x. h“: landing s that it had been '1 ociation of American mm _ » .m‘ < ~—.. _.__' ~3rw _ m --:.., . .l 5 l . ! , , 1i Secretary