xt78gt5fbv5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5fbv5x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19481518 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-15-dec18. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-15-dec18. 1948 2011 true xt78gt5fbv5x section xt78gt5fbv5x Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Universi- ty of Kentucky, December 18, 1948. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, December 18, 1948, pur- suant to adjournment on December 14, 1948. The following members were present: Governor Earle C. Clements, Chairman; Judge R. C. Stoll, Vice Chairman; John C. Everett, Judge Harry F. Walters, Judge Edward C. OIRear, Guy A. Huguelet, Harper Gatton, R. P. Hiobson, J. N. Smith, and Boswell B. Hodglkn.. Absent were; E.E. Adams, Robert Tway, T. H. Cutler, Grover Creech and IIrs. Paul G. Blazer. Presi- dent Donovan and Secretary Peterson were present, A, Minutes Approved. The minutes of the Board of Trustees of September 25, 1948, and the minutes of the Executive Committee of November 6, 1948, were ap- proved as published. B. Report of the Comptroller. The Comptroller made the following report: UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXI NGTON Office of the Comptroller December 15, 1948 President HE L. Donovan University of Kentucky Lexington, IKentucky lMIy dear President Donovan: I am subriitting herewith a balance sheet of the University fuvnds as of November 30, 1948, together with supporting statement of fund and budget operations for the current year period then ended. An analysis of general and plant fund sented in the following statement: budget ooerations is pre- Current Year Budget Ooerations Estimat'ed Ticome Realized Income Unrealized Income Per Cent Realized Aporol~riations Chazrges the;leto A-, 'Da~o'--riation Balances Per Cent Charged General Funds ,R6) 941, 056.73 379qqq.21.25 Plant PIunds (1P Total 73,620.00 7,p014,676.73 73. 520.00 3.872.911.25 '?ODa141, 765.48 G .~765.48 54. ___ .100o 0% 55.2: o7 368, 626.73 '.3, 935,746.13 ,l 304,372.86 2. 49 5. 746. 29 32597.017.19 6.092,763.48 p4. 872, 880.44 . 338,728.94 Q 5,211, 60C.38 33.9% 91.4% Decrease in Sur, olus Funds due to Bud~ret 0')erations Excess of A,?propriation Balances over Unrealized Incormle '1PV,731, 114.96 ' Excess of Charges over Realized Income _3349 338, 728.94 ($ 2,069,843.90 3, 523, 397.19 2,219,852.23 Net decrease (excess of Appro.priations over Estimated Income) 6 4257C000 3,862 126.13. 4,2893.96.13 *Negative number, President Ho L. Donovan December 15, 1948 Page Two The combined general and plant fund surplus at the beginning of the fiscal year amounted to 12)933,019.04. Non-budget increases to the surplus since July 1, 1948, amounted to $1,805,179,86. After add- ing the non-budget increases and after deducting the net decrease due to budget operations, the combined surplus on November 30, 1948, amounted to $448,502,77, of which $6185 510.89 was credited to the Division of Colleges General Fund and t262,991,88 was credited to the Agricultural Experiment Station General Fund. Restricted fund balances on the date of the report amounted to $1,337,371.32, of which $608,744.55 was invested in securities, The status of other funds is outlined in the balance sheet with supporting statement located on pages 27 and 30 of the report, Respectfully submitted, Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller University of Kentucky DALANCB SHEET As of November 30, 1948 A S S E T S Agricultural Exineriraent Station Agricultural Extension Division Current Funds: General: Cash in banl Petty cash cadvc State Allotmenl Current Year Prior Year Revolvr. Funds Inventories Deferred Chg6s. Unreal. Income Receivables Total Gen. Restricted: Cash in baaln Petty cash advs Investments Total Re- striced Total Cur- rent Plant Funds: Unexrended: Revolv. Funds Total Un- exioended 99,328.34 765.00 841,923.47 18, 532.90 923, 410, 65 4'196,154.45 87,892.15 1,919,,163.21 15,954.19 95, 632.74 '$.27, 000.37 47, 464. 87 7.25 290, 019.03 33,940.00 8,675.50 467, 837.71 882.81 754-764.56 V 31s96145l5 735.00 839, s5a8 34 19,422996 1, 213,s4 29, 68 530)094,145 96,567,65 3,141,765,48 13. 954k 19 'i 4a4101 ,124.36 'i 945,577.10 '82 647.74 S 62739.20' ( 555,429,75 (: 110,707.33 $ 62.,466.43 $ 7280603149 ,725. 00 200.00 '4 925. 00 593,744,05 15-O 000.00 608 744.t 05 04, 1,153,898.78 7'j 12$5 907.35 $ 62 466.43 1 34-2 272.54 -., 555, 02 23. 14 '1 0.069,434 . 43 $945,114.17 7, 6;4621,74 t'L. 5t.551092243 ' ' . ; $ 3957 86,t 18 3,531, 092.43 47,893.75 t _; 3.577,986,18 Construction authorized Investment In Plant Total-Inlvest- I 800,000.00 (Q 4 300, 0000 14_,902,835.73 2 256,161.90 ment 157702.835.73 Total Plant ,^10, 256X161 90 a 2,66304,055.6 17, 158. 997. 63 4'17 958997. 63 '2l. 537. 9B3. 81 Other Funds: Cash in ban1; Notes Receiv, Inve stment s Total other Funds Total Assets Loan Endowment a, 142t 08 1,745,00 Agency 2,,478,19'j 42, 011,27'? 48 6311,54 1, 745.00 Divi sion of Collepces Total b 3,U6.00* 198,081.96 15,000.00 2l0196 41-73.)B7.O8 C', 900,560.15 $57.011,27 31~585 129.479.064,05 ,.Da_ . . _ - e., 3, - S. 10 110 University of Kentucl:y BALANCE SHEET As of November 30,1948 L I A B I L I T I E S Agricultural Experiment Station Agricultural Extension Division Current Funds: General: Reesfor encumnb; Current Yeear Q Prior Year Rerfor inven- tories 186,162,70 C 66, 872, 60 496.,154.45 Other liabilities 78,979.00 Unapprop, surplus 185, 510,89 Approp. bals. Total General Restricted. Outstand, cks. Restr bals. Total Restr, Total Current 39 573.17 $ 2,008,38 33,940.00 262,991.88 882.81 1,392.88 C 225,735987 69*763.79 530 094,45 s0 ,371,80a 440,502.77 3,387,444.72 60506;3.67 880 372.05 4, 87288 044 L 4,401, 124 3 6 943. 7710 647.74 $ 6. 227 j 349 20 4,901.22 4$ 4901,22 1,148,997U56 125,907.33 62,466.43 1,337.371.32 90~~~78 3 $ 1 2,46 2 72,54 '1 1538987 12590733 6 43 11342272 ', .555,023 _4 l,69.484 43 0p945,114,17 7,569,621.74 Plant Funds: Unexplended; Resfor encumb: Current Year 0 3,162,449.00 Prior Year 34,078.54 Appropbals. ,334. 564.89 Total Unex- pended ',;; 43,729.70 $ tj 3,206,178,70 34, 078. 54 4..164.05 338 72A-.94 _ _.,1-9-43- _, 7,8*7_- __ _,5 7 - * 8 a.3 X 31 O92i,43 ("' 47r 893, 75 ( % 3) 578,a986.18 Investment in Plant: Bonds Payable 931,O93, OO. Net invested 131771,835.73 Total Invest- ed , 702.835.73 Total Plant Other Funds! Bal.as to principal Bal, as to income Total other Funds C., 2,256, 161.90 ,"12.256.161-90 2 @ 1,931,000.00 16,027.997.63 19.2o33,928.i6 a.i 304.055,65 ,37 983,31 Loan Endowment Agency $ 56,297t,61 198,428.18 $ ' 254,725t79 1,7. 589, 47 2 131.97 57.011,27 2763271 5 73.8708 2. 0 57,011,27 $ 31 458,50 Total~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .i.i~te .2 4..640 Division of College s Total ... . . . . . . 9 _==_ 29,439,0641405 Al I Y7 - Qs, A - n a 17 _- AIN Total LiabIlities Statement of Changes in Una-propriated Surplus and Surplus Plant Funds For the Period Ended N17ovember 30, 1948 Colloea Division General Plant To tal Balances, July 1, 1948 1Q,38 670.Z81.68 $1.961 065eB7 P2,631,447.55 Additions: Proceeds of Bond Issue Net gain on encumbrance liquidation Transfers from other funds Estimated Income (net) 4.5472 Deductions: Decrease due to encumbrance liquidations Transfers to other funds Dept.and Plant Approps. Balances, November 30, 1948 692.37 -4.4547, 692. 37 %p 802,083.36 895,751.75 98,915.16 73,620.00 . 870.370.27 $ 802,03 3S6 895, 751975 98 ,95, 16 4,021.312.37 t6. 418. 062.64 '5.28,1074.05 831:436.).4 $9,049,510,19 '.i 5,5439.57 $ 5, 439 57 97, 628.98 97, 62s,9t 4.929,494.61 3.83l,436.14 j5,032, 563.16 '3.,831,436.14 $8, 863,999.30 $ 185, 510. 89 ' 185 510. 9 Exlreriment Station Division General Plant Total Balances, July 1, 1948 Additions: Net gain on encumbrance liquidation Transfers from other funds Estimated Income Deductions: Transfers to other funds Dept.and Plant A;o)rops. 0291,084.46 , 9,219.27 O 303 73 . 25,005.42 S 86,492.72 $ 11i0498314 8, 598.00 3, 593,00 929,135.43 929,135.48 F 140.90 95,090.72 01049,231.62 "I 245,225.36 304.309.99 13 535,35 k. 3,598.00 to $8,5%00 973.635,48 104 309 99 1,077,945.47 3,_ .48 $ 104,309.99 1,086,543.47 Balances, November 30,1948; 26,91.ss NOTE: The AL~ricultural Extension Surplus on July 1, 194$ of $'1,267.76 was aoiropriated in current year budget, - - M- - --it - - -- - - .'I, 22 D.8 Statement of Unrealized Income For the Period Ended November 30, 1940 College Division Budget Estimate EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL: State Approa!riatlons General Approlriation College of Agriculture Summer School Re-oairs to Buildings Library Ecqui.oment Scientific Lab.Ecuipment Engineerino Eaui-pment Ky. Geological Survey College of Pharmacy University Research Vocational Education Subtotal Federal Funds Smith-Hlughes - aeorge Dean Act Bankhead-Jone s Act Morrill-Nelson Tch.Act Subtotal Student Fees All Colleges except Law College of Law Auditors Late Registration Special E&N-Minations Transcriots Applied Muusio Training School: Elementary High School University Ex.^tension Subtotal Less Amt*Allotted to Plant Net Student Yees ,;2J2 100 000. 00 60, 000.00 16, 5-00.00 60, 000. 00 12, 500. 00 50,000.00 27, 500.00 25, 000. 00 50,000.00 60, 000. 00 Realized to Date $1, 660,000.00 30,000.00 16, 500,00 4 5, 000. 00 12, 500.00 500,00.00 27,500.00 12,500.00 25, 000.00 40,000.00 Unrealized Balance '? 440,000.00 30, 000,00 15 000. 00 12, 500, 00 25, 000. 00 20,000.00 34,000.00 _ _34 4000 00 -2 495. 500.0 1,t919000.00 57100.00 ' , 000. 00 3 54,000.00 44, 867.87 44,867.87 42,750.00 42,750.00 U 121 617. 87 ' 87;617.87 34000 $531,558 073,75 () 422 885.47 %,1 115,183,28 25, 821.2.65 13,415.75 12,405,50 300,00 109.050 190,50 2,100.00 749.00 1,351,00 180.00 90.00 90,00 2,200.00 1,327.73 872.27 12,000.00 8,567.50 3,432,50 10,000.00 4 850.00 5 150,00 16,500.00 7,785.50 8,714,50 15,C00 0Q 16,563.94 1 55.94 6,222, 17 5. 00 , 476,344.39 ;1, 66 620.00 66.620,00 U.s.lco555j~ 9Ft 7 2 4 39 -Oil14-5130,61 *Realized in excess of estimate Statement of Unrealized income For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 Collerge Division Budget Estimat e Realized to Date Unreali zed Balance Endowments Peabody Fund Int. on Land Grant Bonds Subtotal Sales, Services and Rentals Locker ' Privile&;e Fees iisc.Iaint. & Operations Miiscellaneous - General Ky.Geological Survey Rent of Insti.Pro o)erty 2ent of Residences Subtotal Total Educa,& General Aux.Enter=ises & Activities Residence Halls: hien Wlomen Subtotal Less Amount Allotted to Plant Subtotal Post Office Total Au:xiliary Enter-. prises & Activities Total General General Income Assigned Total Plant Total General a Plant '; 1, 000.00 $ 8 644.50 8) - 9.644.50 O7 500.00 4, 32 225 4,822.25 9 500,00 -432.25 4,. 82. 25 2 2,800.00 2, 112.50 687,50 600.00 56,30 543,70 8,000.00 2,000.76 5,999#24 354.95 654,95it 5, 000.00 2,760.00 2 4-0.00 3. 000, 00 1,O4.00 1-3o6 00 ,,19,,400.00 9,24B.51 10.15 '43,l201,717.37 2 4L302 17l104.35 t' 64, 975.00 40 238.54 24.,736*46 81 000.00 159,956.26 121?043.74 345. 975.00 200, 194.80 145,*780..20 7,000.00 7,000.00 ', 338, 975.00 ( 193,194.80 $ 145T 7ao,20 7,000.00 4,921.34 20L66 ',545,975.00 19811614 147,85 . 86 jL4,G547, 692. 37 '?2. 628 529.16 L1,919,163. 21 Plant Fund Z73,6g2000 70.00 73 62000 9 73 620.Q0 I - - - _ _ V 4*Realized in e:cess of estimate, Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 Colleze Division Allotted to Date State Allotments General Akppropriation: Personal Svs.l, ,620, 000 00 Other current Expenses 40,000,00 Subtotal 0 cy., Geological Survey: Personal Svs., 7,250,00 Non-Pers, vs,4 3,750,00 Liaterials & Su'pJDlies 600.00 Other Cu.rrExDs. 900,00 Subtotal :'. 12,500,00 Colloof Au,. 30,000,00 Summer School 16,500.00 Reps.to Bldc's, 45,000,00 Libr. Equip. 12 5001.00 Sci. Lab. Equi.p. 50,000.00 Engr.Equip, 27, 500.00 Univ.Research 40,000,00 Coll.of Pharmacy 25,000.00 Subtotal ; 246.500.00 Eo,)endi- Encum- tures brances I$' 981,851.68 $ 3. 252.90 $ 985,104.58 5,759,87 10 34. 88 529. 82 106.41 7.430,,98 $ 25, 000,00 16,500.00 45, 000.00 10, 296.18 83 925.25 8) 489.90 5, 733, 46 19 182.34 .N 139. 132. 13 727.50 8 7727. 50 1,029.95 22,J388.19 2,732.98 265, 65 26,416.77 $ Free Balance V 638, 148, 32 3,74;7. 10 $ 674, &95. A2 P 1} V '.0. 13 a, 987.62 70.183 793.59 111 4 361,o52 e? 5 000.00 1,173,87 18, 683,56 16, 277, 12 33 995, 89 5.817.66 80.951.10 Federal Allotments Inton Land Grant Bonds, ', 4,322.25 Bankhead-Jones Act44, 867,87 Morrill-Nelson Tch.Act Subtotal Total Allot- ments ('I' 16 356. 58 $ 4, 322,25 28, 511 29 42 750, 00 20,992.38 21,757.6 2 S 9140,2 37,348.96 , 5 5591n61 '2, 010,940.12 @1,169,016.65 _ 27,144.27 : 814,779,20 State Revolving Fund Balance Receiots Exrendi- Encum- Free to Date tures brances Balance CollRevolv, l,1384,628.22 1' 201 050,91 $ 214,935.38 $ 968,641.93 I"yGeolSurv. 7,145.57 33.72 7,111.35 War Mem.Field- house 2,554,507,59 133,160.15 2,415,416.65 930.39 Fine Arts Bld;, Constr. 852,230.,9 155,981,38 686,739.63 9,509.48 Dairy Ctr. Construction 21,330.09 17,697.35 4,375.87 743t13* Bldg. Rederapt ion Funds 62,435.00 11,743.75 50,691.25 Dorm.Interest 21,685.00 4?252,50 173432.5Q Total RevFd. j"4903,961.96 5989196 ,321 467.43 53,574.77 *Expenditure & encumbrance in excess of allotments. Statement of Approp.riations For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 Col1eze Division Depart. kopro ., Exrendi- ture s Encum- brances Administration & General General Ad finOfices Bd. of Trustees President's Ofc, Offc.of Vice Pres. Comptroller s Ofec Acot. Division Purchase & Stor.Div. Off.of Dean of Univ. Off. of Dean of Iehn Off. of Dean of Women Registrar's Of c, Personnel Office Subtotal Student Welfare Lectures, Convoca- tions, etc. Y1!iCA-'YWCA Subtotal 1, 400,00 $ 34.48 17 580,00 7, 217.97 11,975.00 4, 796.37 13 698.00 5, 129.31 27,485.00 9, 661.39 20,120.00 7,975.52 12,945.00 4,723.09 12, 240,00 42742.82 15,550,00 6,199.45 56,930,00 19, 414t20 _35 59413 12,905.87 225 517,13 , 82 800.47 2,300,00 $ 600.00 6.398.00 2.49O.80 8,698.00 3 0090.80 $ 1,365#52 22.97 10 339.06 7,17(3.63 8,G568.69 240.00 17,503,61 23.92 12,120,56 8,221t91 7,497,18 21.46 9,329,09 9,323.60 28,192,20 480.09 22 208.17 10,112.04 .3 2 6 0,62 1, 700,00 3907.20 ; ________ Q 5g607.20 Public Relations & General Erxense Public Relations Alumni Assn. Alumni Publications CatalogsAnnounce- ments, Party, etc. General Exzpense (N.O.C.) Stenographic Bureau Out-of-State Travel Univ.Radib., Station Subtotal Total Admin,& General 15 050.00 $, 6,920.00 2 000.00 12, 500.00 5, 181.06 , 2,708.38 847.12 2,040.78 236.39 $ 9,632, 55 4 211. 62 162.20 990, 68 39.00 10 420,.22 12,500.00 1,363.91 371.00 10,3750O0 6,464.32 377.50 7,000,00 1,72e.15 1, 550.75 14.553.00 5.717.91 429.00 80903200 26051.63 IL 3,135.4 10, 765, 09 3 533, 18 3 721.10 8.411.09 . 51, 635. 53 Epn 315 .1 , 942 9,0 b 13. 277, 88 l89. E97.35 Free 3alance Expense Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ended November 30, 1943 College Division Depart. A-!Mrop, Exprend.- Encum- tures brances Instruction Col1ege of A .& S Adzii.& DivE E,!.e Anatomy & ?hysio. Ancient Languages Anthropology Art Bacteriology Botany Chemistry Eng.Lang.& Lit. Geology Ky. Geol. Survey Germaan Lang. History Journalism Library Sci. Hath, & Astronomy Military Soience music Philosophy Physical Ed. Physios Political Science Psychology Pub.Health & Hyg. Romance Langs. Social Woriz Sociology Zoology Radio Arts Geography Total-Arts & Sci. q$ 22,760.00 ; 30,475t00 10,284,00 20,200,00 28,790,00 59,500,00 242,240,00 130, 228, 00 145, 702,00 45,270,00 25, 000,O 27, 655,00 65, 331.00 27, 870, 00 19,720,00 91,790,00 5,165,00 50,281,00 16, 760,00 66, 182, 89 103,395.00 50, 600,00 59,320.00 9: 520,00 45,274.94 12, 895,00 28, 542.00 58,4 400 00 4s,4462.00 21. 410.00 10,190.02, 12, 078. 19 4,489.43 8,249.16 10, 304.99 20,867.46 8,437,02 43, 763.,3 48,997,88 13, 622.46 7 508.25 10 500.78 25,836.84 10,069.87 7,977,21 32,435.10 1,901.71 16,718.44 6,862,71 24,916,63 30,836.21 18, 519.29 21,874.19 3,758.25 15,788.25 4,437.07 9,831.77 9,946.61 1 712.58 8.492.33 17028 45174.2 T 12.70 $ 12,557,028 983.37 17, 'a3o44 5,794,57 12.09 11,9383,75 24.00 183,461,t01 735.02 37,397.52 514.27 15,288.71 9J 477.07 76,937,40 96,704,12 1, 812.21 29, 835,33 17, 491,75 17, 1549,22 39,494,16 16, 900, 13 80.55 11,662,24 59, 304,90 48.42 3,214,87 87.45 33,475,11 9,897,29 970.42 40,295,84 1,957.83 70, 600,96 .32O80,71 482.55 36,963,26 5,761,75 6.95 29,479,74 7,50 8,4A0.43 la,7i0,23 2,345.13 26,148,.26 2, 729,42 162.01 12,755,66 19.71.954 Q 8l5,439.t Free Balance Statement of Appro-Driations For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 College Division De-coart. ATpro :. Expe ndi- Encum- tures brances College of Engineering Administration ; 44,414.00 $ 16,186.30 Civil Engineering 50,160,00 17,078.34 Electrical Engineer. 57,360.00 22,739.77 Mechanical 2ngineer. 49,710,00 16, 647.97 M4ining & iMetallurgi. cal Engineering 46,200000 18,533.25 Applied. Mechanics 23, 381, 00 7,397.35 EngineerDrawing 24- 650.00 8,878.58 Engineer,1a-chine Shop 19, 050.00 6,510.90 EngineerAdmini s, 8,940,00 360.00 Engineer.Exp. Station 30 000.00 6,012.34 Total-Coll, of Engineer. ~Z54, 965,00 120 344 30 C; i;' 5,940.46 1,205,30 1, 192.37 242.56 .) 22,28-7,24 31,387603 33,4-27, 6 32 819 ,47 942.09 27,324,-66 16,483,p 65 25.00 15,746,42 837,57 11 701,53 8,580,00 46.15 23,941.51 i 10,431.50 2224,188,70 College of Commerce Administration Instruction Bur.of Buso.Research Total-Coll, of Commerce U1 13,087 00 127,386,16 22,900 00 $:163, 373. 16 $, 4, 632.72 46, 033.93 6, 945 63 jqj L7,61?.28 IA' 984.23 916,97 8,71 9 1,909.91 7,4709,05 30 430 26 15,945.36 .,l05, 345.97 College of Agriculture & Home Econo~mics Admin,& Gen.E, $ 17,355,00 Agronomy 29, 019,00 Animal Industry 49,026,00 Ent.a Botany 5,950,00 Farm Economics 15,270,00 Home Economics 54,055.00 Horticulture 15,970,00 Mkts. & Rural Fin. 16,450,00 Short Course 1,200, 00 Animal Pathology 5 290,00 Rural Sociology. 4,)260.00 Dairy Center Equip. 3.63 Dairy Prod.BldgEquipe 53,693.20 Total-Coll,of Ag-rie 9268.94683 College of Law Administration Instruction Total-College of Law 9 9,559,40 60,. 659,55 i70, 218.95 C; '( 5 235.30 11, 679.80 15 631.11 2,342,61 5, 712.55 16,400.99 7, 062.71 4, 578,85 50.00 2,027.50 2, 082.00 3.63 $,p 415.50 497.72 539,07 124.43 13.60 7,7.05 1590.32 $ 3 319.59 s 448,80 22,735,99 304.20 ,; 26 055,58 (_ 753.00 $ 12,204,20 16, 841,48 32,855,82 3,507,39 9, 557,45 37, 529,58 9,907,29 11,857,55 1,150C,00 3, 262, 50 2 178.00 53 698,20 ~194, 549_.46 , 5$ 791,01 37,.619.36 74 43,410.37 Free Balance Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 Coll Division De-part. A-oro +. Expendi- Encum- Free tures brances Balance ollejg of Education Admini stration Agricultural Ed, Div.oof School Sv. Dsitributive Occura, School Adminis, Div~of Instruction & 0 18,033,11 35,400.00 26 847.00 51 co. 00 14, 020.00 el Placement 135,071.55 Foundations of Ed. 28,100.00 Home Ec. Education 14,125.00 Industrial Ed. 12,830.00 Summer School 2,00 000 Total-Coll.of' EducationG292,326.66 5. 311.99 11,234.20 9,389.58 2 204. 28 5,963,81 125.35 102.80 1, 678.87 79,45 12,595.77 24I,,06300 15,787.55 3 G16. 27 3,056.19 47,990.48 2, 785.40 84,295.67 9 501,97 18, 598.03 4, 859.02 9 ,265.98 4,889.73 172.90 7,767,37 2 0 0000 $101345.06 4 9 77 '86,03S.S3 Collepe of Pharmacy AdIn& GentEXO Instruction Total-Coil. of' Pharmacy $ 31,196.00 63. 285.00 F 948l.00 $ 10,083.51 $ 197.40 $ 20,915,09 13,993.02 7,706.08 41.535 90 24*,,076,53 $ 7,903.48 62 500.99 Graduate School Universlty Research $ 72290,00 $ 2,,869.06 $ 46.02 $ j7492 $ 30,000.00 4500 $ 250.00 R 29,705.00 Org.Activities, Univ. Ext.& Libraries Greenhouses Botanical Gardens Educa Conferences University Press Univ.Extension Adm. Univ. Ext. Instr. Northern Ext.Center Libraries Burof Source Miats, Audio-Visual Aids Ky. State College Total-Org.Activities 350.QO0 3,800,00 1,000.00 1,250.00 14,285.00 731.47 57,734.89 24,274.56 11,650.00 1, 690.94 20 085,00 6,839.25 252, 970.00 66, 869.44 4 650.00 2 163.25 5,900.00 101000..00 199.91 ~362p 421. 89 S$l4 013OTS. 8 2 $ 350.00 ,3 00, 00 250,00* 28.00 13,525,53 466.85 32 99 3.4,8 9,959,06 30.00 13,215,75 8,679.30 157,421,26 2 A,6.75 3.,827.90 2 072.10 9,3000,09 Q 13 3 2.Q5 k2453374.02 Total-Instruction & Related Activities/$2,95 059.32 n961.053.41 $ 60.,580.59 31. 909.425.32 *Expenditure & encumbrance in excess of approp. or negative figure. Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 Collere Division Depot. Ar)-oro o, Expendi- Encum- ture s bran ce s Maintenance & Operations Maint.& Opera. of Physical Plant Special Aopro., Norwood Hall Loss Total-iaiint.& Opera. , Work in Progress Revolv- ing General Stores Stores Revolv, $ Excess & SuWrplus Govt.Property Total-Stores Auxiliary Ente-prises Men s 8es.Ralls ' Ments Res. Halle- Annex Wlomen's Res4Halls Sayre College Hall Athletics Equip f'or various Bldgs. Post Office Total-Auxiliary Enterprises Combined Total U4.929 390,475.84 $163,600.79 ' 7,317.77 $419 557.28 a36 039.32 21 388.26 48, 062.24 166, 588. 82 ____A527.43 _527.43* 326,515,16 1825,516.48U 85,336.08.67 55,000.00 $ 2,214.784$ 6.641.06 , 50,573.72 50,000.00 $ 22,603.63 $ 26,461.15 6p 935,22 50 -000,00 6100 255,97 A 4.4 LOO,00,00 9; 29-104.52 26 717.12 5 44,178.36 64,935.00 $ 18,733.13 , 4,285.50 $? 41,916.37 235 260, 00 28, 277,00 6B,250.00 156,56 49, 222. 47 3,704.00 2, 604.15 156, 56* 7, 953.09 179J 084-.44 2,368.45 22, 204, 55 3 645,85 356,50, 00 12 08.46 45.85 355,245.69 9,580.00 3,769.04 . _ 5,810.96 ?01, 802.00 G 279,3971 $ 14,652,89 .06071751130 g94.l ~l.364 800-4 o 1772249. 55 03.387,444.72 *Ecpenditures & encumbrances in excess of approp. or negative figure. Free Balance Statement of Appropriations For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 Plant Punds Dent. A&Mro-o. Expendi- tures Encum- brances P.W.A.D'irst Bon Issue V 35,935,00 $ 4,032.75 $ ' 31 902.25 P.W.ASecond Bond Issue Dorm.Rev.Dond Issue2l 685.00 Fieldhouse Bond Issue Dicker House Annuity Fieldhouse Service Bldg. Constr, 2,575,5391.45 138 515.89 2,415,416.55 218, 540.40 21, 459.01 213, 540.40 Fine Arts Bldg, Constr. Dairy Center 852, 230.49 21, 330,09 155, 981.33 17, 697.35 686,739.63 4,375.87 Men's Res.Hall Constr. 1 Telephone Exchange Installation Activating FW.A. Facilities Underground Steam Lines Surveys & Soundings - Journalism Surveys & Soundings- Add.to Collof Educa. 67.25 Add.to Dairy Products Bldg. 13,829.15 McLean Stad.Imxr'ov. 2 784.42 Sprinkler System 60 000 00 Total-Plant FundG3. 831.436.14 , 67.25 3, 691.45 10 137.70 43.98 14 93 45. 317175 _______42____2 `~3 162. 449.O 2 740,44 14. 667.32 334. 564.89 *Expenditure & encumbrance in excess of approy)o or negative f igure. Free Balance 15,500.00 7,788.96 4, 252.50 11,000,00 500,00 7 7:1,*04 17, 432.50 188.48 11,000.00 168.00 143 52 9, 509,48 743.13* 1, 286.18 34.03 886.36 . 286 18 34.03 886.36 346.75 89,57 8.01 293.50 45^ 24 89. 57 - w - - _. Statement of Unrealized Income For the Peyiod Ended November 30, 1948 Experiment Station Division Budget Realized Unrealized Estimate to date Balance State A-opro)Driations General Service Laboratories Nursery Ins oection, Princeton Sub-Stat.ion Quicksand Sub-Station Hort iculture Strawberry etkg,& Lab, Dairy Cattle Imrprov. Hope-Flannagan Subtotal $ 75,000.00 $ 38,025.00 .$' 36,975.00 27,V500.00 14 530.00 13 97 0, 00 5, 000,00 2 500.00 2, 500.00 22,400G00 12,960,00 94 40.00 122 400. 00 11, 64 0.00 10,760.00 11, 500000 .7,550.00 3, 950, 00 1, 500.00 1 500,00 15,000.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 90,600.00 45,300.00 45,300.00 ip270,900.00 4a ao 5 00 $E1301395.00 Federal Funds. Hatch Adams Purnell Bankhead-Jones Hol*e-Flannagan Subtotal $ 15:000e00 $ 7 500.00 J5;000,00 7,500.00 60 000.00 30 000.00 95, 122,25 47, 561.12 81, 913. 23 44,406.62 ',:267035 4 136 . 6l967.74 Sales & Services Serum Sales Seed Inspection Fees Fertilizer TaGs Feed Inspection Tags License Fees Farm Sales Nursery Ins pection Fees W. Ky. Miscellaneous Public Analysis li'isc, Subtotal Combined Total ($ 500,00 130 67 40, 000.00 9, 544,09 148 000, 00 78, 029, 83 120, 000.00 50, 213.19 9,000.00 7,586.61 56, 000.00 23, 554.21 500.00 760.00 16, 400,00 13, 615.18 300.00 891l.2,5 -391,200,00 4,lA 325.03 _'.929 135,48 l.,,461 297.,77 $ 7 500.00 7 500.00 30, 000.00 47, 561.13 37. 50.S, 61 O130? 067. 74 369.33 30, 455.91 69, 970,17 69, 736,81 1.,413.39 3"2 ,45.79 230. 00* 2, 784,82 91.25*k ..206, 874'.97 1$A67 837.71 *Realized in, e::cess o-l estir''.te, Statement of State and Federal Allotments For the Period Ended November 30, 1948 Ex'oeriment Station Division Allotted to Date Ex,-endi- Encum- ture9 brance8 Free Balance State Ap12ronriations General Aprop. Service Laboratory Nursery Inspection Princeton Sub-Station Quickfsand Sub-Station Horticulture Dairy Cattle Im-prov, Hope-Flannagan Subtotal Federal Funds Hatch Adams Purnell Bankhead-Jone s Hope-Flannagan Subtotal Combined Total $ 38,025,00 14, 530, 00 2,500.00 12,960,00 11G,640.00 7,550,00 7 500.00 _45 300.00 x.140, 005.00 7,500, 00 7,500,00 30, 000.00 47 561*12 44,406.62 U276.972.74 $9 2 993.13 $ t 8 031,87 10,604?64 371.43 3,553,93 1,583.30 916,70 8,149.10 4,810,90 9,151015 2,438,85 4 551.59 12.00 2, 986, 41 4, 290,57 10,00 3,199,43 24!216.65 11042t05 20.0'-1 30 .9'2'540.13 1 435048 $ 462029t39 5,462.81 $ $ 2,037.19 4,791.65 2,708,35 23, 225,72 6,774,28 35,904?29 11.,655,83 29.367,88 15.038,74 98. 752 35 _ 38,215.39 "919,20.48 ; 1, 435.48 4 244 78 Hooe-Flannagan - Prior Year , 20,950. 35 g -- ' 20,950,35 i 4 _ ,,,; IK- ; I State RevolvinU, Fund Balances Receio t s to Date txpendi- tures Encum- brance s Free Balance Experiment Station Animal Pathology Repairs & New Eciuio. Total $442,651.33 $154,979.66 $ 38,137 69 '.'249,533.98 86, 57512 47,818,24 34, 592.83 4, 154.05 9.136.87 __________ 9,136.87 39 ________ $538 3-632 U-202 79'~~ 81,67,39 7253, 698.03 Statement of Appropriations Fo:' the Pe7riod Ended November 30, 1943 E.xperiment Stc.tion Division De-ot. A, mroxD, 'xoendi- Encum- tures brances Hat ch Fund Admin,& General Agronomy Publ.& Libra;.ry Subtotal 38,00.00 $ 3,129.49 $ $ 5,270. 51 2,800.00 1, 166. 66 1, G633.5 3. 00.00 1,166. 66 2_________ ,15000.00 8 5, 462.81 s ' - 9,537.19 Adams Fund Animal Husbandcr Animal Patholojyr Subtotal Purnell Fund Farm Economics Wts. & Rural Fin. Home Econoai.cs Publ, & Library Subtotal $ 3:,200.00 _ 815000Q00 ,~ 15,000.00 ,i2, 583c.33. , 3, 316. 67 2.203.32 6--591 6o3 3 4 7 1.6 5I'll _ _ _ _ _;l 0 2 0 3 Sp 272 s385.00 0,11:4^11.90 22315.00 .3, 690.56 6,500.00 2,597.26 , - 3! L 6. 00 -60, 000, .00 ' 23 25 72 V $ 16,273,10 14,124.4M- 3 902.74 -442,47.00 'i .) S6 ~~77,z . 28 BaS8tieadJones Rural Sociology Agronomy Animal Husbandry Animal Pathology Entomology & Botany Horticulture Dairy Publ.& Library Poultry Subtotal 56, 140.00 4,j 100. 00 11, 45CY, 00 6.,930.0