xt78gt5fbw9t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5fbw9t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19280504 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 4, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 4, 1928 1928 2012 true xt78gt5fbw9t section xt78gt5fbw9t THE KENTUCKY KERNEL SUKY DANCE WILL BE GIVEN IN MEN'S GYM TONIGHT UNIVERSITY LEXINGTON, VOLUME XVIII TRACK MEET WITH SEWANEE ON STOLL FIELD SATURDAY, 1:30 KENTUCKY OF KY. MAY 4, 1928 NUMBER 2S U. K. CELEBRATES CROWNING OF MAY QUEEN 'CAT TRACKMEN TO Welcome MEET SEWANEE'S President McVey Sends Greet- STARS SATURDAY Record Crowd Expected To See Kentucky Team In Last Appearance on Stoll Field This Year CAPTAIN GESS, ROOT WILL DISPLAY WARES Opponents Favored To Cop Victory; U. K. Strong In Distance Events ings to Women's Clubs To the Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs, greetings: The University of Kentucky, her faculty and her students, welcome you most heartily to your University. May you, in your all too brief sojourn with us, catch the ideal of intellectual enlightenment, of heightened interest and of enrichment of life which, as Alma Mater, the University would give to all her children. FRANK L. McVEY, President. Soloists for "Messiah," May 9, Announced by Professor Lampert NOTED WOMEN ON PROGRAM AT CO-E- D CONFERENCE Zona Gale and Miss Isabel Speak to Large Audiences of Girls Be-vi- DR. McVEY SPEAKS AT FIRST SESSION MONDAY (By Wayman Thomasson) The largest crowd ever to witness a track meet in Kentucky is expected Says Women Must Qualify for to assemble at Stoll field tomorrow ON MAY Jobs on Basis of Knowlafternoon when the public will be edge and Interest given an opportunity to see the best track team Kentucky ever had in com- Collection of Works of William This is the petition with Sewanee. Rothenstein, Noted Painter, The first annual d conference, last dual meet and the only meet to to Be Shown at University which supplants the former vocationbe held on the home track this seaal guidance convention, was held at Art Center for Two Weeks. son. the University this week with three For weeks Captain Bill Gess' name well attended meeting in the Men's The Rothenstein collection of por gymnasium. has glowed with increasing lustre in The conference, which Breaking traits, embracing over 180 likenesses will be made an annual affair, brought the southern sportlight. by a determined of famous persons, and reported to two prominent women to the Univer into the hall of fame effort in the Illinois relays, where he be the most comprehensive and com- sity, Miss Zona Gale, noted author, clipped three seconds off the record plete collection of the works of the and Miss Isabel Bevier, former head d run, Gess has es- artist ever yet assembled in one exhi of the home economics department of for the tablished his position as an outstand- bition, will be shown at the Art Cen the University of Illinois. ing candidate for the Olympic team ter for two weeks beginning May 10. Dr. Frank L. McVey addressed the William Rothenstein is acknowledg in races at the Georgia Tech relays, at the first session of the conat Vanderbilt, at Tennessee, and at ed to be the most outstanding por ference last Monday afternoon. "Wo Centre. Tomorrow he will participate trait painter of his day by the critics men must learn to known the job and e runs of many nations. Joseph Conrad once be interested in it," said Doctor Mcin the quarter- - and said of his paintings, "Everyone is a and the mile relay. especially, of course, Vey. "Competition now being set up revelation Root Is Star those of the people one knows. One women must qualify on the basis of With his ability somewhat obscured of looking at a final their knowledge and interest. An atby the brilliant performances of his has all the sense expression in art and psychology." tempt to substitute charm for these team mate, another star of the cinder Max Beerbohm once remarked, "With essentials will not work today." track, Lewis Root, placidly has gone Doctor McVey explained that if the to photographers and about his hurdles, peacefully playing all deference him University fails to stir the imagina to must be artists who attempt one vie with second fiddle. However, it may take it tion of a greater number olf the stuon his own ground, noted that this former record holder to be through the eyes of Mr. dents, it has really failed in its pur from Louisville Male High school is rather Rothenstein that posterity pose. "The special test of education one of the best hurdlers in the South, William sages of our day." and it must be known further that he will view the (Continued on Page Eight) is being given under remains undefeated in Kentucky's theThe exhibitionthe art department of auspices of three dual meets this season. He will Art Institute high hurdles and the University and the portraits have run the of Chicago, where the d low hurdles tomorrow. the attracting unusual interest dur Other outstanding performers for been ing the past six weeks that they have Kentucky are Dohrman in the been shown. Many of the pictures to ll run, Owens in the mile run, famous museums the world over, and d in the and Mr. Rothenstein's portraits have long West in the broad jump, dashes, considered essential to the comand Roberts in the pole vault, been collection. and Kavanaugh in the weight events. pletion of a museum's The May issue of "Letters," the Prof. John Rothenstein, of the Uni Much is expected of the mile relay department, is the son of literary magazine of the University, team after its easy victories over versity art recog just off the press, maintains the stan and Tennessee and Centre. The team is the renowned painter, author isof merit dard it set for itself in the first two composed of Owens, Akin, Gess, and nized as an artist and issues of the publication. himself. Thomasson. In "Pyrrhic Victory," a short story Sewanee Ys Favorite by Ruth Melcher, the author takes as Always sewanee has been promiher theme a mother who has a pasnent in southern track circles. Winsion for managing the affairs of her Will ning places in three events in the family, especially of her children. The Southern conference meet in New Orplot is centered around the mother leans last year the high jump, the Kentucky Section of National and her daughter, Kay, who marries d dash, and the hurdles SeOrganization to Be Guest despite the mother's subtle opposition wanee reigns as favorite on the eve of University to the plan. An excellent knowledge of the battle. One star, Martino, has of psychology as applied to the fem cleared the bar at six feet in the high A meeting of the Kentucky section inine mind makes Miss Melcher s jump. His team's weakest point, of the Society for the Promotion of story an interesting one. from past records, seems to be the Engineering Education will be held In "The Dummy," another short distance events, in which Kentucky at the University cafeteria Saturday story by Charles Wert, the author is strong. afternoon at 12:15 o'clock. After the completes the story suggested in luncheon, an inspection of the engi Sherwood Andereon s novel, "Dark neering shops and laboratories will be Laughter." Mr. Wert does not make Will Hold held from 1 to 2 o'clock and a meet his story but quite convincing, ing will be held in the faculty room then, one doubts if "Bernice," herself at Mechanical hall from 2 to 4 o'clock. could have done any better. The meeting will be the second A. C. Willard and Thorton Lewis Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, in his arti held by the Kentucky section of the cle "Kentucky Archaeology," gives Are Brought Here by society since its organization, Decem- one an idea of the paleontological Engineers ber 19, 1927. The Kentucky section wealth of the state and cites some of A. C. Willard professor of mechan- is composed of the University of Ken the interesting discoveries he has ical engineering at the University of tucky, Evansville College, Evansville, made in his explorations. Other articles of outstanding merit Illinois, will be the speaker at the Ind., and the University of Louisville. The piogram will include an ad are "Shires of Blue Grass," by Franconvocation of engineering students, Wednesday, May 9, at 10 o'clock dress by Dean B. M. Brigham of the ces Smith, in which the author traces next Speed Scientific School, University of the history of the English sport of in Dicker hall. Professor Willard is president of Louisville, on "Some Phases of En foxhunting in Kentucky, and "Amerithe American Society of Heating and gineering Education." Dean F. Paul can Literature in France," by Sidney Ventilating Engineers, and has re- Anderson will speak on "Engineering L. McGee. "The Correlation "The Battle," a short story by Kencently been awarded a commemora- for Engineers." tive medal for his work in connection Between Mental and Mathematics neth Reeves; "World Without End," Tests and First Semester Grades," an article by Arthur Miller, and "Pity with the Hudson river tunnel, the construction of which is recognized as will be discussed by Miss Lydia the Poor Actor," by Tom Powers, combined with an unusually good se the greatest engineering feat of the Fremd. Officers of the Kentucky section lection of poems make this issue one 'last decade. Professor Willard's sub"Outstanding Tendencies are: Chairman, W. B. Wenat, profes- of the most attractive of the school ject will be sor of civil engineering at the Uni- year. in Heating and Ventilating Engineerversity of Louisville; vice chairman, ing." Another well known figure in the W. E. Freeman, professor of electrical engineering world wno will also be engineering at the University of KenProf. M. present at the assembly is Thorton tucky; secretary-treasurer, 5 Lewis, vice president of the same so- B. Robinson, director of engineering, ciety of which Professor Willard is Evansville College. About forty reppresident, and a prominent graduate resentatives of the three schools are expected to be present for the meetof the University of Kentucky. Dean F. P. Anderson, head of the ing. (By Ollie M. James) College of Engineering, has extended a cordial invitation to students of In the little town of Portage, somecolleges on the campus and the other seven Music where in Wisconsin, seventy-fou- rthousand, Of townspeople to attend the address, peoseven hundred, and which promises to be of interest to An "All American" concert, made ple live. At times there are seven everyone. seventy-fiv- e up of numbers written by American thousand, seven hundred, and inhabitants that is, when Zona composers only, will be presented by Costume the University concert band in the Gale, novelist, playwright, columnist, Men's gymnasium, Sunday May 6, at and newspaper woman par excellence, Ball public goes home. Then they're happy, are 3:30 p. m. The these Portagians, and when you walk By is cordially invited to attend, according to Elmer G. Sulzer, director of down the quiet, shadowy Main street at dusk, when everyone has had supThe annual mask and costume ball the organization. "Collegiate Dixie," an original com- per and the fathers "want to walk which is given by the College of Enyou hear them for gineering, will be held from 9 to 1 position by Director Sulzer, will be downtown and a spell," call back forth, "Zona's back." o'clock, May 18, in the Men's gymnas- played for the first time in public as Then they wait until the dishes are Two orchestras will furnish one of the numbers of the program. ium. music for the occasion, which is one The concert is the last one of the washed, and Miss Gale has had a chance to tell her father all the news of the gala social events of the year. season to be given by the band. of the "world," and ihen they begin to The piogram follows: Preparations are being made to drift in in families, and soon the "Chicago Tribune" March make the affair the best ball that has Chambers Gale's picturesque house is overflowever been given, according to Prof. J. " Princess of India" Overture, King ing with old friends of the days when B. Dicker, of the engineering faculty. "The Red Mill" Selection Herbert a rather slight little girl would lie A costumer from Cincinnati will be Sousa underneath an enormous old chestnut "El Capitan" March .. secured to furnish costumes for those "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Medley Lampe tree, and dream of "doing things." who want them. Boy, she's done them. This little "Message of the Chimes" Tone Every one is invited to attend the Colby woman, little in stature only, made Poem ball, and tickets may be secured in Dicker Hall on May 13. The price of- i "Royal Scotch Highlanders" March up her mind to go to college. This WvKjng was in the times when girls didn't " admission will be fl.60. FAMED PORTRAITS 10 EXHIBIT co-e- 1,000-yar- co-e- r If 9 i half-mil- 120-ya- Third Issue of "Letters" Maintains Former Standard 220-yar- two-mi- le Kirk-enda- 100-ya- 220-yar- Rode-mey- I i Engineer Educators Meet Saturday 440-yar- r Engineers Meeting Wednesday Dan Beddoe Will Sing Tenor Arias; Huge Crowd to Hear Oratorio on May 9 ANNUAL WOMAN'S The soloists for the presentation of "The Messiah," to be given in the Men's gymnasium Wednesday evening, May 9, at 8:15 o'clock, were announced yesterday by Prof. Carl A. WILL BE MAY 8-- 10 Kentucky Federation to Observe Wednesday As University Lampert, director of the production. Day; to Tour Campus Dan Beddoe, "the grand old man of oratorio," will sing the tenor arias. Olive June Lacey, soprano, Edna Swanson Ver Haar, contralto, and Stanley Deacon, baritone, complete the soloist personnel. Mr. Beddoe has been recognized by the press of the world as the premier oratorio tenor of his day. The New York Times calls him "the unrivalled veteran among oratorio singers." Many leading papers contain paragraphs stating that at times spontaneous cheers rose into ovations which interrupted his singing. Mr. Beddoe is more thoroughly versed in oratorio traditions than any living soloist, Director Lampert stated. The other soloists are not without their laudatory press comment, since clippings from papers from one coast to another reveal the fact that wherever they have gone, they have been most enthusiastically received, and practically each of them seems predestined to such fame as Mr. Beddoe basks in today. The gymnasium is to be decorated florally, and will accommodate the chorus" of 300 picked singers and the University Philharmonic of 75 pieces in the stands orchestra at one end. TEA TO BE SERVED AT HOME OF DR. McVEY Two National Officers Will Be Present for Lexington Conclave All is in readiness for the thirty-fourt- h annual convention of the Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs to be held in Lexington, May 8, 9, 10. More than 500 women from all over the state are expected to attend the Two national officers of convention. the federation will be on the program during the sessions, Mrs. Plummer, parlimentarian, and Mrs. John P. Sherman, national president. Wednesday will be University day, and it will feature the history of the institution and drives through the campus with stops at each building. A tea will be given in honor of the delegate in the afternoon at the home of Dr. McVey. The convention will have a dinner that night at Boyd hall, which will be followed by a reception in the Men's gymnasium. The entire convention will review "The Messiah" later in the evening. Five Past Presidents Five Lexington women have been presidents of the Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs. They are The seating plan provides a double row of boxes directly in front of the chorus, with the remainder of the seats extending the full length of the building into the bleachers at the op(Continued on Page Eight) posite end. The admission will be 75 cents and $1.00, with box seats available at 2.50. These seats are to Company. be on sale at Graves-Co- x Students are admitted free if they exchange a coupon of their athletic book for a ticket to the oratorio. It has been proposed that uniformed officers of the R O. T. C. act as ushers, on aiding by their military efficiency and dispatch the prompt seating of the "Scarcely one week and one day capacity crowd which is promised by the widespread interest in the attrac- from the present remains until ye knights and ladyes of the Koaster tion. conKlub strap on their veyors, gird on their armor of courage and determination, and set forth on a quest for rich prizes and favor Will in the eyes of King Public." All translated into Lexington Morning Paper Will modern of which, when simply means vernacular, Turn Over Entire Plant that a week from tomorrow, Saturon May 14 day, May 12, will see the second renewal of the annual Roller Skating Students of the departments of Derby promoted by the journalism from Georgetown College, department of the University. This Transylvania University, Kentucky feature event of all athletic competiWesleyan, Centre College, Murray tion is the only affair sponsored by State Normal School, Eastern State the men's physical education departNormal School and the University of ment in which both men and women Kentucky will join to edit the Lexing- may compete. ton Herald issue of. May 15, it was anAll entries must be in the hands nounced this week. ofof Mr. Potter in the Tom Underwood, managing editor fice by next Wednesday, May 9. of the Herald, stated that the publi- Every student registered in the. Unication is ready to turn over the entire versity is eligible to compete for the plant of The Herald to journalism silver loving cups to be presented to students for one issue. the winners of each event, including The event, an annual one, has been the two relays. The only restrictions sponsored by The Herald for the past on the starters is that the winners of four years for the purpose of giving last year's races will not be permitto students of journalism practical ted to enter the same event this year, experience in the writing and editing exclusive of relay teams. of a daily newspaper. The race course, as before, will be One of the features of this activity laid out on Euclid avenue. Three is the midnight lunch given by Prof. races for the men at distances of 100, Enoch Grehan, of the department of 200, and 400 yards have been arrangjournalism of the University. Ham- ed. The will test their skill burgers, ginger ale, and stamina on 50, 100, and 200 divers sandwiches and assorted straightaways. The Sigma Nu's, vicslices of cake combined with the tors in the fraternity relay last year, of certain brands of pickles and Alpha Gamma Delta, who copped serve to make this one of the enjoy- the sorority relay, have indicated able features of the evening. that they will enter teams in an efAppointments to the staff have not fort to repeat. Four individuals, each been decided on but will be announced skating a hundred yards, will make in a later issue of The Kernel. up the relay team. Roller Skating Derby Will Be Held May 12 Journalism Students Edit The Herald intra-mur- PLAN University Plans Entertainment for Women's Clubs The Woman's Club of the Uni versity of Kentucky cordially welcomes the Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs to the campus and hopes that they will enjoy their visit here on Wednesday afternoon and evening, May 9. The program is as follows: 4 to 6 p. m., President and Mrs. McVey at home to members of Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs Maxwell Place. 4 to 6 p. m., drive and inspection of campus. 6 p. m., dinner at Boyd hall, follower by informal reception. 8 p. m., 'The Messiah," presented by the Central Kentucky Choral Society, under direction of Prof. Carl A. Lampert Men's gymna- - STUDENTS LAW WIN SCHOLARSHIPS George Ragland, Jr., Receives Columbia Law School Award; Roy Robert Ray Gets Scholarship to Chicago University. George Ragland, Jr., senior in the College of Law and a member of the Kentucky Law Journal staff, was awarded a scholarship by the Columbia University Law School for the year 1928-2it was announced Wednesday by Dean Alvin E. Evans of the Law College. The early part of young Ragland's college work was done at Georgetown College. In 1922 he came to the University where he" received the degree of bacehlor of arts in 1925. He will receive his bachelor of laws degree in June. Mr. Ragland is a member of Alpha Tau Omega social fraternity. Roy Robert Ray, senior in the College of Law, has been awarded a' scholarship at the University of Chicago Law School for the coming year, it was announced yesterday. Mr. Ray is the winner of the Corpus Juris prize given by the American Law Book Company for research work. He received the degree of bachelor of arts from the University in 1924. His law degree will be conferred upon him in June. He is a member of the Phi Delta Phi law fraternity and the Square and Compass Masonic fraternity. He will leave in September to continue his studies at the University of Chicago. 9, Freshman Week Program Completed Dean Melcher Announces Frosh Must Attend Event Next Fall AH Freshman Week at the University, will be from for the. year 1928-2Thursday, September 13 to 18 inclusive, according to C. R. Melcher, dean of men. All freshmen are required to report Thursday, September 13 at 9 o'clock in the morning to be assigned to sections for the week's work. Upper classmen will not report until Monday, September 17, and only those upper classmen who .are assisting in the work with the freshmen are to be on the campus. The splendid cooperation of the upper classmen last year contributed greatly to the success of the week. Within this week the freshmen are given a phjsical examination, mental test, and tests in English and mathematics for the purpose of aiding in the sectioning of classes. Talks on such subjects as: How to Study; the Organization and History of the University; Rules and Customs; Honors and Honor Societies, etc., are giver, the students, and quizzes follow. Knowledge of the campus, location of the buildings and the close personal contact with the professors and instructors start the freshman off on the right foot. "Students who miss the work of the week begin their University career under a handicap," says Dean Melcher, therefore a late registration fee is charged those who do nbt report with but one child, a little girl. The promptly. doctors told him he had tuberculosis and six months to live. He was Six afraid to tell his little girl, and adby vertised for a home for her. After he made suitable provisions, the new Phi Beta Kappa, national honorary guardians came to get the child. The scholastic fraternity, initiated six outn father was forced to standing students at its annual banprepare his little girl for her depart- quet last Friday night at 6:30 o'clock ure and reconcile her to the fact that in the ballroom of the Lafayette hotel. he could not kiss her goodbye, a famDr. J. B. Minor, of the University, ily custom which he and his wife be- who is president of the Alpha chapfore him had ingrained into the child. ter of Kentucky, delivered the openSad, yes, mighty sad, but the way ing address. Prof. Lane Cooper, Zona told it! Tears come to my eyes head of the department of English at every time I think of it. That's the Cornell, was principal speaker for the way Miss Gale can write, and that's occasion. Those initiated into Phi Beta Kappa the way she can talk. When I heard her address in the gymnasium I told were: Miss Janet Lalley, Miss Ann her it was so good I was going to let Whitney Smith, Mrs. Dorothy Penny-bake-r, James Franceway, Guy Stone her off with an interview, but she She talked and Darrell Hughes. wouldn't hear of it. and I listened, yet I had all the feeling that I was being interviewed inBANQUET TONIGHT stead of she, and I'm not so sure yet d The Society banquet will that this wasn't the case. I asked her how it felt to win the be held at the University cafeteria Pulitzer prize, and she smiled and Friday, May 11, at 6:30 o'clock. All asked me how it felt to be intervieware expected to attend. Ticking herj then I knew J ets will be sold at the door. intra-mur- al co-e- near-bee- r, Coca-Col- a, piq-an- Zona Back" To People -- CLUB CONVENTION Program in Portage, Wisconsin, Famous Novelist Is Just One of the Home Folks Band Plans Program American Annual 1 Is Planned Engineers music-lovin- . g You know, it didn't go to college. exactly seem right. Well, Zona went. She went to the University of Wisconsin. She was so glad to be there and was doing so much that she did not have time to worry about what people thought. At least that is what she said. But I don't know, she seems to stress "reading between the lines," and her human sympathy is unrivalled by anyone of my acquaintance, so I believe she had her trials and tribulations the same as the rest of us. She didn't want to talk about that though, so we didn't. As I again gaze into my clairvoyant crystal I see this .remarkable girl braving that citadel of masculinity, the newspaper. She confided to me that for quite a while after she joined the staff of the New York Evening World she was the only woman working there. They looked askance at her for a while, but soon melted. Anyone would. I did, too, but that's irrelevant. Zona once saw an ad in her paper which interested her. She went to work, and that human interest masterpiece of her's, "Bill," was the re- suit. The story was one pf a widower Are Initiated Phi Beta Kappa heart-broke- PRE-ME- Pre-Me- ELABORATE PROGRAM FOR MAY FESTIVAL Observance Will Begin at 10:15 With General Convocation in Gymnasium SENIORS WILL PARADE IN CAPS AND GOWNS Floats Will Gather in Front of Administration and Law Buildings at 1:30 Today is the day! The end of school approaches, final examinations loom up, and graduation, with all its solemnity, awaits the senior. But who'll think of any such things today? May day is no time for cares or woe. With laughter and dancing, frolic and fun the University heralds summer's, approach and, with all the festivity of centuries ago, bows down to the queen of the May. Dismissal of all classes at 10 o'clock today and a general convocation in the Men's gymnasium at 10:15 o'clock will open the celebration this morning. Members of the senior class, arrayed in caps- and gowns, will assemble at the Administration from there, escorted by the blue and white clad members of the Wildcat band, will march to the gymnasium to take their seats of honor. Gayle Mohney, senior class president, will preside at the assembly and will introduce Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of the University, who will deliver the.address. Glee club members will sing several selections. After the address is concluded. Mortar Board, honorary senior sorority, will hold its annual pledging exercises. When the young women who receive this highest honor which can be given to a junior have each been pinned with the red rose of membership, President McVey will present Algernon Sidney Sullivan medallions to those, who, in the judgment of the committee, have contributed most to the welfare of the University. Miss Helen Skinner, of the Women's Athletic Association, will award a K ring to the girl who has been selected by members of that organization as being the mont outstanding woman in athletics, leadership, scholarship and school spirit. Seniors Plant Tree Then, while the band plays the rousing notes of "On, On, U". of K.," and while undergraduates stand to do them homage, the seniors will march from the building to the campus grounds. Somewhere on the grounds, they will plant a tree, the symbol of eternal esteem of the graduating class for its Alma Mater. The solemnity of the morning services will give way to more joyous activity at 1:30 o'clock, this afternoon. Floats of all kind, comic floats, beautiful floats, large floats, and small floats will gather in front of the Administration and Law buildings to take part in a gigantic parade. The floats, preceded by the University band, will parade to Maxwell street, turn left at Maxwell- to Broadway, turn right, down Broadway to Main street; traverse the business section of town; then turn right at Rose street, down Rose street to Euclid avenue; then right again to Limestone, and back to the campus. Queen Leads Parade At the head of the line will ride her majesty, the queen, and her attendants. Like her of the middle ages, the queen will ride in a wagon drawn by four horses and surrounded by gay and laughing peasants, who hail with glee the triumphal march of their sovereign. Miss Charlsey Smith, the queen; Miss Virginia Whayne, maid of honor, and Misses Sarah Warwick, Mabel Graham, Lucy Davis, and Alice Spaulding attendants, will grace the royal float, while members of the women's gym classes at the University, dressed in flowered jackets of skirts and bright-hue- d olden days, will play the role of subjects. Behind the queenly float will be the floats of each sorority and fraternity on the campus, each class, ami each organization which desires to compete in the float contests. The parade will end in the glen between the Law building and Dicker hall. Here, the queen, surrounded by her attendants, and watched admiringly by her faithful subjects and curious spectators, will receive her When the queen has been crown. seated on her throne and the last antic of the royal jeste Las been played, the silver loving cups awarded for the most beautiful float, tie most amusing float, and the most humorously arrayed individual, will be given. Judges will be Prof. E. F. Farquhar, Miss Anne Callihan, and Mr. Fesk. Girls Do May Dances Following the awards, the peasant folk will stage their May day dances. In and out, forward and back, around the May pole they will dance, in honor Picturesque dairy of their queen. lads, maids and scarlet-cla- d farm girls ami stalwart young men will play their games and dance their best to celebrate the crowning. All during the day, two motion picture men will follow the procession, taking "shots" of the whole atTair. The regular Pathe News man will be build-ing,a- co-e- d, - rs rosy-cheek- pre-me- (Continued on Page Eight) * THE KENTUCKY KERNEL PAGE TWO ALUMNI PAGE Subscribe for THE KERNEL Published By And For University Alumni And Help the Association ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ALUMNI HIRE TEAM ANNOUNCEMENTS of THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY FOR GAME IN 1904 University of Kentucky Club of Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at noon on first Saturday in each month at Industrial Club, Pike Madison avenue, Covington, Ky. Note Will the officers of other Alumni Clubs please send us the dates and places of their regular meetings. University of Kentucky Club of Chicago: Luncheon third Monday of each month at 12:30 p. m., in the grill room of Marshall Field's Men's Store. The Louisville Alumni Club of the University: Luncheon first Saturday in each month at the Brown James Park, PRESIDENT Eastern Stars Brought to Lexington for Annual Thanksgiving Game With Kentucky 15 University. Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21 T Raymond SECRETARY-TREASURE- R 1 L. Kirk, '24 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dr. George H. Wilson, '04 Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02 Win. H. Townsend, 12 Walter HHIenmeyer, '11 Wayland Rhodes, '15 W. C. Wilsen, '13 Fall of 1903 The same Faculty Athletic Com mittee was reappointed by the president. It employed as coach C. A. Wright, of Columbia University. The varsity men for most of the games were as follows: Saunders, right end; Cravens, right tackle; Pride, right hotel, 12:30 p. m. guard; Maddox, center and captain; Coons, left guard; Menefee, left tac kle; St. Johnj left end; Guyn, full back. Other players: Montgomery, A. Wilmore, '12, Wood, Anderson, Thomas, Goodwin and Grady. Office The schedule played by these men resulted as follows: Graduate Seeks Post of County September 25 K. S. C. vs. Attorney for Fayette James Candidate for ALUMNI DAY PROGRAM May 28, 1928 a, 39-- October GRADUATION EXERCISES- - 10:30 A. M. ALUMNI LUNCHEON Immediately Following. ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING 3:30 P. M. K. S. C. vs. 10 Berea, 17- - 0. October 17 K. S. C. vs. K. M. I., 18- - 0. October K. S. C. vs. Miami 24 at v Lexington, 47-November 3 K. S. C. vs. Georgetown at Lexington, 52-November 7 K. S. C. vs. Marietta at Lexington, 11-arose Considerable controversy with Kentucky University over the Thanksgiving game. The K. S. C. management felt that the violations of the bona fide student rule by Kentucky University were growing more flagrant each year. An attempt was made to get the latter institution to agree to submit along with