xt78gt5fcm3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5fcm3d/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1939 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XV, No. 2, Autumn 1939 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. XV, No. 2, Autumn 1939 1939 2014 true xt78gt5fcm3d section xt78gt5fcm3d The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ,/··· ~ <" I@§"‘ °??.">`·\ ' . i ` * fu; r `Q·`1‘.`l&?$•`Y I ;» fbi 5* ; /° \l _ T n s ? in ·¤$+i*\,"~ V···it`Y;”,Pjr"T V " W2? ? ;i.v»*"< T- ,2 -- T \,·» · .- .¢Qi· i %~*€*$ ‘?> gl? ii? %"<=·#%§ v .&&‘.·.§-`·* ° ii if i"§d}?$' !¥$#’¤n.?¥&`i•`i ’i$'i§§l ; * 5 |lli¤E•®!§$H * £`*·' I 4~4 gg gg e jg ` U} .A‘;·l 4 · ·‘ ¥%'5 $¤g y» ¤=m;z· T ’ *@§#· r.oN*rm1>. NURSING SERVICE 3 i LEGEND OF S. CHRISTOPHER V li . `3 NOTE: This story is one of the oldest Christian legends, so old that its origin is unknown but probably dates not long after the death of Christ. The j form in which we have given it is taken from the Legenda Aurea,—a book _; compiled and put into form about the year 1275 A. D. by Jacobus de 4 Voragine. The English translation used is that of William Caxton, the ,f fifteenth century English printer. The modern edition is the one edited 4 by F. S. Ellis and printed by J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd. of London. We have inserted punctuation marks and divided the story into paragraphs. Christopher said to the king: "Tofore or I was baptized I was named Reprobus, and after, I am Christopher" .... To whom the king said; "’I`}10u hast a foolish name, that _' is to wit of Christ crucified" . . . . Christopher was of the lineage of the Canaanites, and he was of right great stature, and had a terrible and fearful cheer and countenance. And he was twelve cubits of length, and as it is read in some histories that, when he served and dwelled with the king of Canaan, it came in his mind that he would —g seek the greatest prince that was in the world, and him would he serve and obey. And so far he went that he came to a right great king, of whom the renomee generally was that he f was the greatest in the world. And when the king saw him, ;? he received him into his service, and made him to dwell in his i court. Q; Upon a time a minstrel sang tofore him a song in which F he named oft the devil, and the king, which was a christian man, I when he heard him name the devil, made anon the sign of the lj cross in his visage. And when Christopher saw that, he had S great marvel what sign it was, and wherefore the king made ° it, and he demanded of him. And because the king would not Y say, he said: "If thou tell me not, I shall no longer dwell with thee," and then the king told to him, saying: "Always when I hear the devil named, I fear that he should have power over it me, and I garnish me with this sign that he grieve not ne " annoy me." Then Christopher said to him: "Doubtest thou the devil that l he hurt thee not? Then is the devil more mighty and greater than thou art. I am then deceived of my hope and purpose, for I i had supposed I had found the most mighty and the most great- est Lord of the world, but I commend thee to God, for I will go { 4 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN seek him for to.be my Lord, and I his servant." And then de- l parted from this king, and hasted him for to seek the devil. » And as he went by a great desert, he saw a great company l of knights, of which a knight cruel and horrible came to him it and demanded whither he went, and Christopher answered to ,’ him and said: "I go to seek the devil for to be my master." And he said: "I am he that thou seekest." And then Christo- - pher was glad, and bound him to be his servant perpetual, and , took him for his master and Lord. l And as they went together by a common way, they found there a cross, erect and standing. And anon as the devil saw the cross he was afeard and fled, and left the right way, and i brought Christopher about by a sharp desert. And after, when they were past the cross, he brought him to the highway that 3* they had left. And when Christopher saw that, he marvelled, it and demanded whereof he doubted, and had left the high and fair way, and had gone so far about by so aspre (rude) a desert. And the devil would not tell him in no wise. I; Then Christopher said to him: "If thou wilt not tell me, 2 I shall anon depart from thee, and shall serve thee no more." i Wherefor the devil was constrained to tell him, and said: "There l was a man called Christ which was hanged on the cross, and when I see his sign I am sore afraid, and flee from it whereso- ever I see it." To whom Christopher said: "Then he isgreater, I ' and more mightier than thou, when thou art afraid of his sign, { and I see well that I have laboured in vain, when I have not , founden the greatest Lord of the world. And I will serve thee no longer, go thy way then, for I will go seek Christ." gi And when he had long sought and demanded where he should find Christ, at last he came into a great desert, to an hermit that dwelt there, and this hermit preached to him of Jesu Christ and informed him in the faith diligently, and said . i to him: "This king whom thou desirest to serve, requireth the ` service that thou must oft fast." And Christopher said to him: "Require of me some other thing, and I shall do it, for that ·° which thou requirest I may not do." And the hermit said: "Thou must then wake and make many prayers." And Christo- pher said to him: "I wot not what it is; I may do no such thing." . And then the hermit said to him: "Knowest thou such a n FRoN·r1E1>. Nunsmo snnvicm s 1 river, in which many be perished and lost ‘?" To whom Christo- ii pher said: "I know it well." Then said the hermit, "Because , i thou art noble and high of stature and strong in thy members, li thou shalt be resident by that river, and thou shalt bear over l all them that shall pass there, which shall be a thing right con- venable to our Lord Jesu Christ whom thou desirest to serve, - and I hope he shall show himself to thee." Then said Christo- , pher: "Certes, this service may I well do, and I promise to him 3 for to do it." 5 Then went Christopher to this river, and made there his habitacle for him, and bare a great pole in his hand instead of E a staff, by which he sustained him in the water, and bare over §_ all manner of people without ceasing. And there he abode, 3* thus doing, many days. And in a time, as he slept in his lodge, 5. he heard the voice of a child which called him and said: "Chris- a' topher, come out and bear me over." it Then he awoke and went out, but he found no man. And I; when he was again in his house, he heard the same voice and Q he ran out and found nobody. i The third time he was called and came thither, and found } a child beside the rivage of the river, which prayed him goodly to bear him over the water. And then Christopher lift up the g _ child on his shoulders, and took his staff, and entered into the river for to pass. And the water of the river arose and swelled { more and more; and the child was heavy as lead, and alway as , he went farther the water increased and grew more, and the g child more and more waxed heavy, insomuch that Christopher had great anguish and was afeard to be drowned. And when he was escaped with great pain, and passed the water, and set it the child aground, he said to the child: "Child, thou hast put me in great peril: thou weighest almost as I had all the world V upon me, I might bear no greater burden." And the child ` answered: , "Christopher, marvel thee nothing, for thou hast not only ` borne all the world upon thee, but thou hast borne him that created and made all the World, upon thy shoulders. I am Jesu Christ the king, to whom thou servest in this work. And be- - cause that thou know that I say to be the truth, set thy staff Q in the earth by thy house, and thou shalt see to-morn that it 6 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN I shall bear flowers and fruit," and anon he vanished from his i eyes. And then Christopher set his staff in the earth, and when he arose on the morn, he found his staff like a palmier bearing jg flowers, leaves and dates. l THE DEATH OF ST. CHRISTOPHER Q By LAWRENCE HOUSMAN Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd. , A Christopher, who bore our Lord On his shoulder through the ford, After years (his great reward) 4 One glad day lay down to die. From his body, limb by limb, E » Labour he put off from him, Till he heard a passer-by Stand before the ford and cry. _ `p When he heard the summons sound,. Christopher rose up from ground; if Forth he went on duty bound, ‘ Murmuring; "Lest I work amiss, l Christ must give me strength for this: This my latest labour is!" 3 When he reached the ford at length, Spake the Voice of all his bliss, _ Saying, "Christ shall give thee strength!’” L Humble, bowed, and very faint, At His Feet fell down the Saint, At His Feet fell down to pray, "Lord, I have not strength to-day, I Thou must go some other way! T'! These old limbs can lift no more I That dread weight which once they bore." li I In his face the Holy Child A I Looked and smiled; ET * a I |‘ i l FRoN·r1E1>. NURSING smnvicm 7 ‘ And His Voice grew full and wide, _ Many waters multiplied, ij Saying: "Christopher, let be! . i Since thou once didst carry Me, I am come to carry thee." Q 3 Very gently from his knees , Lifted him the Prince of Peace; i Wonderful and Counsellor, I In His Hands the Saint He bore; , He, the everlasting Lord, Carried him across the ford. Underneath, a level road All the trodden waters flowed; g Not a wave was dispossessed That the Heavenly Bearer pressed, With the Saint upon His Breast. ,§ "When," said He, "My weight did hurt, Thou My beast of burden wert. It Now for thee, My child and lamb, E? I the Beast of burden am." 5 ;»——-— T ST. CHRISTOPHER’S CHAPEL For years we have read aloud the Legend of St. Christopher and Housman’s poem on Christmas Eve at Wendover and at the Hospital at Hyden on Christmas Day. More than any other legendary character he has seemed peculiarly ours because of C the dangerous ford in the river over which he carried travelers. Innumerable times in our recollection has a mountaineer, a courier, a nurse reminded us of him. Only those who have to I] cross angry, rushing rivers on foot or on horseback can appre- I ciate fully how deeply this legend has imprinted itself on our hearts. Sometimes the ford is so treacherous that a mountain friend goes in advance of us to try it out first. Many times , { have nurses and couriers carried little children on the pommels of their saddles. - 2 L l l I a l 8 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN { For years we have wanted a small stone chapel for prayer at our headquarters and to give it St. Christopher’s name. We have bided our time knowing that some indication would come to us when the chapel could be built. A few months ago Dr. ’ Preston Satterwhite of New York, who knew how we felt about Christopher, sent us as a gift a beautiful iifteenth century , French stained glass window that he had in his possession. A picture of it forms the cover for this Bulletin but it cannot even , suggest the beauty of the coloring in the glass. Dr. Satterwhite 5 said that when the chapel was built he would pay for having · experts set up the window. 7 We will know if we are to build the chapel this summer by pledges of money that come to help us to do it. Of course, we Q of the Frontier Nursing Service will give money and we know that our mountain friends will give a few of the days in which they are employed on the building of the chapel, and that will be a generous gift from their small incomes. Will those of you who want to have a part in St. Christo- l li pher’s Chapel please write and tell us that you can make a gift between June and October of 1940, or fill in and send to us the pledge on page 50 of this Bulletin? Small gifts will be as wel- * come as large ones because people who can only give a dollar or two will have a part in the prayer. Do not send any money i ; whatever as we are not setting up a special account for the E, chapel until we know that it can be built. Send us your Qt pledge only. This chapel will be a love offering to God and a place where i. we can withdraw from our busy lives for quiet communion with Him. YQ THINGS T0 KNOW If your child is a phthisic asthmatic, then bore a hole in a house log l . that is just his height, put a piece of his hair in it, and when he outgrows i . it he is cured. If you are, yourself, rheumatic, cut a double slit in your skin; place l a horse's hair through the slit. This is a sure cure. ll If you have night-sweats, put a pail of water under the bed. If you have a "rising," then a cross of black soot will bring it to ` a head. _ _ " T 1 3i ; g z s Q I · FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE ‘ 9 TWO APOLOGIES t The editor of the Quarterly Bulletin assumes full responsibility for ,, two serious mistakes in the Summer number for 1939. We apologized in l advance for the imperfections in that Bulletin because it was thrown to- . gether hurriedly at the beginning of the war and did not get its usual care- · ful revision. When these mistakes appeared in print they were glaringly { apparent, but it was too late to prevent the circulation of the Bulletin. z Earlier in the summer two women whom the editor knew and admired g deeply were very seriously ill. Miss Grace Abbott did die, and every move- `I ment for social betterment in the United States for years to come will , miss her. Miss Lillian D. Wald is recuperating, to the joy of all who know j her. The editor of the Quarterly Bulletin begs the pardon of all our readers for having given a wrong notice of Miss Wald’s death and for V having omitted a notice of the death of Miss Abbott. The second mistake is less serious because from the context it is obvious to whom the memorial notice refers. We paid our final tribute 1 to our dear friend, one of the loveliest women who ever lived, Mrs. Hiram W. Sibley of Rochester, New York. In the names listed under In Me- V. moriam, by a mistake not caught until the Bulletin was in circulation, N the name of Mrs. Harper Sibley, her daughter-in-law, was given. Every § one who read the In Memoriam notices will have known from the context . Qi that we were writing of Mrs. Hiram W. Sibley. For this, too, we tender —‘` , our deep apologies. In the future we will try to take time for careful revision, no matter , under what pressure the Bulletin has to be issued. In the future we will C group our In Memoriam notices in the Spring number, at the close of the Q, Bulletin year. é; TRAVELOGUE OF A PRESIDENT OF AOII it When I `speak about being a homebody I really mean that I need to Q be. In two years time as president of AOII I traveled 45,000 miles, granted " more than 500 interviews with active chapter otiicers, 43 housemothers is ‘ and 43 Deans of Women, not to mention all alumnae officers, and outside iS speaking engagements on topics relative to the fraternity world. The 1 aggregate time that I was away from home in two years was nine months. 4 It staggered me when I counted up the months, weeks and days. My % family is happy to have me home, or so it seems anyway. I was tired as Q a dog when the Convention was over in Pasadena. Since then I have 5 played golf and won some nice snazzy prizes. Q Mary Dee Drummond, in a letter of October 18, 1939. 1 5 a ‘ a 10 THE QUARTERLY BULLETIN ’· { \ "\ "-J, Q V - /4 //\ ’\ » / I \ Z f , · ”/\ { V V A /,· if VU" . ." JV ' ’/V/Q iw Q /\ ’V“ . _ Jl/)¢V\ 4. Jl ( T ` \ °' {7 u.' , V . //` il ‘ V, . D '~ .2 _ -,;,g·‘·""»'*b' .¤, /\ V pl l QTWW`; ,.,. .¤=‘*" 7 .»r ))/ ’“/I ” e`, ` -}g<:: ’ " 7 Vg i A VA, "4 V ~—»_~ {My i %’.e _ wg g _ '_ l ‘ ’· _;'· I- - ··3; '/ j ,.¤ - , T } *T_` "€ : lx 52}%, `-I·:·`!;%%%