xt78gt5ff95n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5ff95n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 15, 1971 1971 1971-10-15 2020 true xt78gt5ff95n section xt78gt5ff95n Y ’ th ' l ° t '
\ o o o o I’ '
Selling addresses is big hus1ness . -~ ~ .
and chances are yours has been sold 5 .. - -
V - a
By GREG HARTMANN have bit?“ mad.“ and llsts have gotten loose. Some ”We‘ve had the bookstores and Newsweek ask tor lists , 1
Assistant Managing Editor enterpnsmg busmIessmen have bought student directories 0er a cafeteria Chum wanted 3., ”If... a 3“.de . I'
Ever world” how all that lUUK mail finds its way to and compiled the” own. One "led a bribe. discount. Another year there was a company that. . 1
your mailbox? Registrar controls lists wanted to mail to students‘ parents uttering to provide . -I. '
Compiling lists of names and addresses for PUSH!l Associate Registrar Ray Cumberledge is the man who a birthday cake on the student's birthday “c turre‘. . . 7
come-ons is a big business. In 1970 there were 863 has the authority over lists. lle releases mailing lists to them all down." " ’
companies specializing in selling mailing lists. Chances University departments. but opposes releasing them to UK uses lists
_ are that yOU, as a member ofa college community, have any outside agency. (‘uinberledge said student mailing lists are pit \rded t , :
your name on quite a few lists. “We’ve always been pretty tight about it." University departments Willi a legitimate need lm' thin.
Every year UK receives dozens of requests from Cumberledge said. “Once the door is opened to one These include the Post ()lllcc. llcaltli Serxiee. lilllli!t’.\
outside agencies trying to get lists of students' names company, you feel obligated to help everyone. I don‘t and Collections. and the Dean of Students ()it‘iee. .
and addresses. The potential for businessmen is great. I think you should use state money to help outside private Dean of Students lack Hall .silld he handles all reign-est- ‘,’. '
For about $200 the Computer Center can produce businesses.” from student organi/ations tor mailing lists r1”... ,I
gummed address labels, ready to go on an envelope, Cumberledge said he got requests for mailing lists from summer‘s mailings included the fraternities. sH.’/tl‘lllL'\
covering the entire student body. all sorts of people. “We’ll get a lot of politicians who and the freshman edition ol the Kernel, He too gets "
Most attempts to obtain UK mailing lists for want the names of students from certain counties. for requests from businessmen "_,
commercial purposes are rejected. However, exceptions instance.” (‘ontinued on Page 8. (.03 t
P lot 0 o o l d ‘
ll'IG 9
l ' l t ° d " 2 ’
8818 a “78 PTOCB UTBS
By JANICE FRANCIS McCann. from the 7Kth District. which inelades ’. l. 'V . ~_
Kernel Staff Writer [’K. stressed the needs lot better cducatiortai " X "
Revision of the Kentucky criminal code and filtllillt‘S. ' 5 ‘ ; . .-
ineffectiveness of legislative procedures were ”Thc (QUINN 01 High” lzducation needs to he I— ;
discussed Thursday night by four state legislative strengthened.” said McCann. “It needs power to 5,73
candidates and candidates’ representatives. control its OWn budget. poWer to carry on its out; ’. 5
erne Speaking at the Temple Adath lsrael vestry on studies. and power to control construction.“ '. ~-
North Ashland Avenue, A_ B_ Rouse. Democratic McCann also favors riiore special and vocatior‘ial II
LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 candidate from the 79th congressional district educationalfaciliticsm Kentucky. ~.' .'
called for a refinement of the Kentucky criminal BO“) McCann Md ROUSC mdis‘dlt’sl lllt’} Wltllld "
Friday, Oct. 15, 1971 Vol LXI“ No .54, code and better methods of training law filVOT postponing moves h)‘ Whis‘ll Ls'Xlntll‘m
—__—_+;__‘___": enforcement offjc1'313_ would become a first class city until the possiblity " ‘.
“It is ridiculous that we have constables who Ollllt‘ CRY-COW”! merger was lUll)‘ L‘\l‘l'-)rs‘ ._ __ .: ,IZII. Is ' 2- =-, “It is unfortunate that the legislature meets only I) i l ‘ i) ' .'
:3? '1: M, A“? “ 0‘ . .fi {_'_- for 60 days every two years." said McCann. “What 8(‘ 1810]] ( ll ( ’ '. I
j...;"' I 4;; -«£5f2$'vf;‘aj. : I *4 i; '5‘ g h,‘ this means is that an elected representative serves 0 1‘ I l i I
I W. 2% AA... .IIIIIII i ., fiflflwse: for 60 days almost immediately after he is elected 01] VOtlllg ( (IS( .I . I .
.3333 A ”531 . ; ’ I if“? A and then he is through until after the next c - .
jg, 3% .‘s . '. ”I: _' election." A ruling should come today on the .- 4.
“Mair”; Im‘ * i 3% 11;; “1 response ‘0 4‘ question about why the state strident voting rights case whith seeks t~ I
->.» g ”3‘ «as. _ . ,3"- government is so ineffective. McCann said. “Many reopen \oter ”git-1mm,“ imp... A, 1113...... II .- . .
- .4 $2 -" .- of our representatives have been in the legislature (‘ounty _ it was learned Thursday .1
W art a. “ . for a long time. Many are poorly educated The ..I\....L»IL..1 ruling] 1.4.3:...“ pin-.3. 51.: ‘eld I
I 5 s. 1.3 3, Vi ’ A If , 5 I}; " Twenty to twenty-live are severely limited in Thursday l'l (‘rneitinati b; .-_ in. : ' . ’.
' “ . ’ -' comprehending large issues. They are completely ernpanclcd ”penalty g x; in EI '; .
. 3.,» subject to Party decision and \ote with the part). ['8 Sisth ('trr nit (Mari! \">p=_ i~ i Mi." . _ .3..-
f ' ' ‘ 4 :- . lines." lustre- llai‘iy i’l.:i.:r'\ lust. .- l". l.»;; s I .: .i
" e i ‘ g Would issue newsletter unit-no. the tines ':.-.§:'\ . l\ - i 76 1 -,
3; 5:. E Marty Barth. speaking on behalt ot absent .loe t'jtip‘inclgd \Vednewlat. _y:.~ ‘1I_;'j"\_ '- .-
- 'I '33; ‘3 : M ,. is, ‘ Gray-es. republican candidate tor stale .llflllillt"‘il\ twin ('ollcce it i..:“~ .I I f
. l” : l a? §‘ 1 representative told an audience oi .ippi'o\;iri.Iitcl\I Ken (itiido. ' 1
-'. £7; -, ‘9' . 40 People that (iraves would use the 33W) It the panel rules .ipainst ifte .rr ;‘:.:' 3‘ '9 '
4° .k “at. at monthly IK‘XPs‘nSC alloWaitcc tor :: \ldlk‘ ne\t step is the Supreme (‘ourt (itiIido said - -
,3 l, * "’- representative t0 155‘” 3 ncwslcttcrIgt‘itng 1“ preparations have been made to submit an . -,
' “I '" -:-A .. ¢ constituents summarizing major news items. and dpppul to Supreme (‘ourt .liistiec l’otter
.3 I . ‘ i . 3’ noting his position on bills. Stewart. I _
A a 7‘. 4%.}? ' ea?” In addition. a card would be included in the The UK case would be the lust ot its kind 1‘-
§s~ g?‘ newsletter on Wthh a citizen “WM ”ON and to be considered by the high court and could
.,.. ‘ f return his OWn position on proposed bills. evoke a landmark decision, I : ..
35‘ i ' . .4 ' -- ., : - 5 . . -
I x mistress-WE c ATHERIVC
_ . Pros teach the young Journalists .
. . ’ " (it [\PNIIH‘A‘V High School I ’rvss (.Imu-
méasm 0 if? Several hundred high school Journalists Student (‘enter Theatre at |230 pm. today, .
the m. 4, i? will get a heavy dose of advice from college Ja ck Westwood. president of the
*w,se%wflj‘m ~ among? .; and professional journalists today as the Kentucky ('ouncil to; ltducation in
1‘" r. W” . $3.” . iii; Department of Journalism hosts its annual Journalism. conducted a session for ' -
t9" , , H.352} 3A , « .3- Kentucky High SChool Press Clinic. newspaper advisors from " 30 ant. to l l 30 .' . .
i- if =4. 4:.. ’ _4 :20 m » “‘3‘: I. The high point 0f tht‘ dill“ ilk‘llVlllk'“ W413 ll .i.in In addition. iournalts‘rri department . . ' ' . ‘ > -‘
7W: Arggvfi 4:... “is: I"! ~Z¢e§flg 5039C" by LOUlSVlllC ('ourier-Journal city chairman l’rof. Bruce Westley and Director '- . ‘ ,'
””m«*0&§* " 'i' 1!“ :s’fix‘fik '- editor Paul Janensch, Wh“ ilddH‘SSCd ll ol Student Publications \anc} (irecn lcd "i i ' I '
A-W’*‘I “,4 a; ;II,:”’I‘°““" .5... ”as I " . luncheon at noon in the Student (‘enter morning workshops, . I_ -
" ' “'4; w» .m'“. . .. .‘ . 2* i A.“ "‘3" ' fit” ' Grand Ballroom. ()ther ("otirier-lournal and lllticgtassarca lush school It'llrllilllsl‘s “ltt‘ ‘. y. .'
W“'ngi‘I¢:A.-st .I'g’-‘7«£ ' -;‘»II. ‘52", , “aria 3“” Louisville Times writers spent the day in are ictrvels llt\’t‘l\t‘tl Ell thc sessions include . ', -
'e'. . .:-- ,.- ‘3, , .. ' ‘ . \ _ . ‘ . . ' , ‘) '
. AM at" #35,“ mkv 3:" II v». I III ., workshops wrth editors and ltl‘Ullt rs tron. \.in.I\ [\in oi lltnry (lay llltll sonnet I . . .
*III A‘s... a?» :"“I .85. ‘° the school press. \ndy \lanchikes or l.it.i\e~tte High Sslll‘t‘l. . . .
f 9 In ilddlllUll. \lillll tllt'llllk‘l’S til l‘llt‘ .llltl (‘llTlS )(ihiisiin .llltl lb‘l‘l‘lt‘ l.llt'} l‘t‘ll‘t ’: l . .-I
LP a tree. Kentucky Kernel are leading several sessions or (morgetown High. _ , .5
with the high schoolJournalists. llie clinic is \ttttrtlltrd't‘tl by l‘rol .l \. I‘ ‘.
We realized just what the University planners meant when they _ Associate editor Jerry W. Lewis addressed \1c('.iiiley of the Department or Journalism. '~
said the“ was no immediate need to build classrooms when we ‘I a workshop on “Taking Coverage and High school newspaper st.itt members and . I' '
saw that UK student Donna Kersey had found Plenty of study COMP"! Out of a Rut“ at 10:30 .I.lll. this their advisors are lnHlt‘tl to the Kernel - ' . .
space. If you feel up a tree when you start looking fora place to 5 morning. Kernel editor-in—chief Mike Wines otticeIs. l l 1 Journalism Building. when the . _‘
study. take heart. there are plenty all over campus. (Staff Photo will lead an editor's rap session in the tlllllc s litml \t“s\lt:ll\ ~"'l\lll(lt‘ .tt 3 30 PJIY. -.
by Ken Wilson) ...-.;-.:.:..:; , . . , _ . f . ‘

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday, Oct. I5. [971 ___—________________________.___———————.—
U ° 't h d 'th d ° ° ination
. ‘ . 1/ 0‘ y 9 o ‘ I (I ‘
Health Education and Vi eltare probably wont antlelrdte
' . . . . - ' ' sti ation b
By KAREN BECKWITH During these informal requesting help in getting salary he was advrsed by legal .COUHSCl 313355}, based mve 8 y
. Kernel Staff Writer meetings, the University, if information for. University to wrthhold the information. . Darsie added, “If we present
. What happens to a university found discriminatory, will personnel. This information, Of closmg of the files, Darsre HEW with certain facts and they
. when a sex discrimination present HEW with an affirmative Wendelsdorf said, IS needed to said “There’s n01mef‘”°"¥‘,° 0 around the corner to
complaint against it is filed With action plan. This plan is an complete a report on women at frustrate the Women s Councrl s Eomebody else who has different
. the Department of Health, agreement specifically outlining UK. Although Zumwrnkle research. Its Simply an attempt facts and they find out our data
. Education and welfare? what action the University will agreed to assrst the Council, last to avoid a piece-miatl isn’t’right then we’re in more .
'. , take to remedy discriminatory week Wendelsdorf received an accumulation of data in w a ’ . ,,
. ‘ ‘ ' SUCh a complaint has been conditions A committee of the letter from him informing her will probably be a rather trOUble than we started wrth. ‘
. ' pressed against UK by the C 'l f ' W , C .
g . - Women’s Equity Action League CUE,“ or orlnen Sf incernSis .
. -. .' (WEAL), which charges the WE? llngth? ahgpi: $0 tsuillncitwals, .
. Universit with sex WIC y . WPC 11 t d t t
- - . - y recommendation to HEW. I 1 W]. S u ower S rue “re
discnmrnation at all levels. “ . f ,
. ' . Although the University has not (1 l’ft the; ”rnDormal $623155
. - - - on wor , arsre sai , n _ , . . .. - r
= . been off1c1ally informed 0f af‘y HEW has several options.” These The Lexmgton Women 3 Political We need to be broad-based if we re
, fl , l such complaint, John Darsre, include withdrawing federal Caucus organized itself Thursday night going to have any kind of political clout.
. legal counsel for UK‘ says two grants and funds for the and decided to initiate a study of the And to be broad-based we have to appeal
. ‘ , ' measures have already been University and refusing to give Lexington power structure. to all kinds .of women, said Ms. Nancy
. - . taken. . any in the future. The Lexington Caucus stems from the Ray who is also a member of the
. .1, A u n i v e r s i t y - w i de “HEW may also force Kentucky Women’s Political Caucus temporary organizrng committee.
. . . _ ~ . self-investigation committee IS in compliance through state or which met_ in, Louisville Sept. 18-19. The Caucus voted to interview
. . . » the process of compiling certain local law or sue through the Thursday nights meeting was called by d'd _ th in cit and state
' . - data in response to the J . ,D ., D . the temporary organizing committee. can 1. ates in e upcom g y
. . . . . ustice epartment, arsre . - elections but to endorse no one
. . ~- , ~ complamt. Accordmg t0 Dame. said Although Dame did not The Caucus wrll deal Wlth hard-core _ d t d d t' n . th
= - > . '- if HEW finds that the statistics know the amount of federal problems—welfare rights, discrimination, candidate, an tto s u Xhe “fa low mt g
_, . , ’ included in the complaint money UK receives he said “In and politics on all levels. “We want to be Lexrngton area olsef Thow 01w els at:
. ‘ , indicate a violation of federal regard to federal ,grants being relevant to our community as well as to on the totem pale. h fy ka sfo garl- o
_ . ; contract in regard to 86X terminated it would affect the the state and nation,” explained Ms. take action regardingt e ac 0 a or 1°“
" ' ' . 1 discrimination, they will send a University significantly 99 Oteria O’Rear. laws, Ms. Ray sai ‘
. . comphance revrew team to UK. Personnel files closed Togilijxigiinigédc‘l‘aduolgg’tMrizioLeilig-ttzmn The Caucus will combine their efforts
, = , Once here. HEW will conduct All personnel files at UK are , . g with other women’s group—Women’s
. .v . . . . . . . alone and he doesnt represent himself. _ , . .
~ . , its own investigation in the areas n o w c l o s e d . M a rga ret W , t t f' t who runs Equlty Action League (WEAL which is
. ' . - A, where alleged discrimination has Wendelsdorf, chairwoman 0f the Le ve tgo doh igutre out th is she involved in the UK-HEW suit) and
. ‘ ' T . occurred and will ask the W o m e n ’ s C o u n c i1 , had egmg on an ow o ge o em, Women’s Lib,
1' U ‘ ', 1 University for certain approached Vice President 581 '
- . . ' information. HEW would then Zumwinkle late this summer, ,
l _' ' . V ‘ meet with university officials M .~ _ _ ,7 . . - _ -.., _ ._- v ._....___ fl _“
- : , ' { informally to resolve any sex READ THE KERNEL /
. .f , I ‘ discrimination violations. CLASSIFIED COLUMN DAILY C l a S S i f i e d l
. . l
f I. V I ' ’ - - l 7-, I
. . ' ‘ ' _ ‘ Clan-tiled advertising will be accepted W W
, _ - on ogre-paid but: only. Ads my be '03 [ALI JOB OPPORTUNITIES
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l , ’ '1 0' 7 m - ”rm"! "16 0"'i- 1969 ORANGE CAMARO. 20,000 i1 ; YOUNG ‘ d t least 20 a d
. .1 , lill'rl'lfu 353.2123}; KERNEL. Room 8good cgngition sl'loo'ACifui 273:2;21 stiitll geilTiangleto 3:21:13 it“? 71133 ‘
« , . _ - . . . ' ‘ . . . . . . n on any
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' ' . ‘ * V.W. — BMC Motors — Mercedes Benz same If: :gn'zacuwovrih,m:;d°:ao‘:l p2: 1966 THUNDERBIRD convertible. Dark es uran on 13019
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. ~. , 1- Phone 269-9046 800 East MOI" Street The ‘11:"; pr: 11 e: 1:1 the a”, windows.r133es(t ombSrc. 252133;. r£050§9 Tcggler clpenlngfi. gttaixgesltfigg-Ofig;
. . , . - ———____ ' ca i ur a
» , ._ . . . 1- Cm" 0* Mom and Ashland m2“: maize.“:zidfxra'tziaat 19711H36§D9t4150fcrambler mg)?!"- 33‘54’936052'? 150w
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L ; . 10% Discount on Pa rts and Labor 35°55 5', .3.‘:'.';,.‘.‘,‘;‘:.‘.‘::.,'°' mm" Sié’é’pfié‘nsié’i‘plzyvsdi‘ifie‘ “M “T5305? W“
-' ' 1 ‘ . ' 1 1 ““9"" “"d 5”" "M W 3%: 9% °°°d 00.; 6.322%vsslsriaossettmai Si;
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. ‘- h ._ , WW”. , _ . - _______________
g i _ ‘ _ SCOTT sixty watt stereo receiver. N513 SM§W§Ye§E§né°2§¥f§§6 Eféileé BLUE high school 1'an. 3rd floor
e_ - f , . ‘ Garrard turntable. Pickering cart- ' classroom bld . Reward. No questions
' . ._ D. . c D f Sh ridgebNodspeakers. $200 firm. 258-2468 p'm' weekends anynme' 15°19 asked. Phonegzsa-szaz. 13015
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A‘ " . . .‘ . > p 1963Hsimllrca; (ti—bang] ratdio. Wantecl— W
-. l . , ' ss ‘ ta . ' .
‘ . .‘ . " V. ‘ . ' ‘ * N EW LOCATION * 3153-0093.e“SstezireiiDAnyetimoe,eggsntorztiftexin senior tors ga:aed$‘zel $53131: Eggfe;
. l . ' 1.. '- ‘ . ‘ f 10 p.m. 13015 montlfi It‘leleplhoirae 255-5704 after 6 STEREO
' 7- ' 4 ' ' .' NOW OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY CYCLE—'68 Bonneville Triumph 650cc, w
t- . j . ' , .. £0.0(lw rznillfs. New tirgs. reéeiiilt aver- A BtAfiJO ELAYflR tlo lead sing-a-long AM-FM Stereo Stereo
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. . . .’ 393 Waller Ave.—|mperlal Plaza Shopping Center 278-4406 or 252-66% 3 1;!ng nni figicann “aniias’fmfmi‘stsn‘éit’. changer and jocks for
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a. .‘ . .4 .- I Valld thru October 18 :I: Ashland Florists ‘5‘ 5' MM” 57-; k~ ‘3 ‘
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. ‘ ' f“ ' Th p 'l , 'M. 557 WIWSSF .
~ I ' " e ertWI Iaby Papers ( Pronounced: Per-tn'illilln') by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg 00”; (f
." ‘1 ~ V l \ . .. \.\ «\- . I l r N‘ _ Sfi~ "
, ' ‘ .- .. ‘f‘ :1: e 1 7 Wm .— -.. .r x e " «wt am 1iv, M ADP/Mn we «24/, Mo mr
l, j . . f . ,3, ‘2 f: j E 17.1%: Inner Wear in 34> MAY wag/27 6‘0," '0 p'rrusa Moe/Q) M540 3 Jay “——————-———-—
. . f ' . , *1. Y z‘ , . .. V; K, - I; if ,3: IV ‘ 7w ; 9,! --T fr ~ v c r. ; ‘
.‘ , . ' ' ,- , .. " r—j ' 7 in, . , ,. .7 M g," ., ”f. h ‘ é . 7,171”; T W 3) The Kentucky Kernel
. . .. I 4 L" I: 1' a ’ :l | I ‘ “ _ f, ’, . I.’ ,1 'V, ‘v HI: I 11/in 'r‘ ‘11 \ ‘r'l'v 7 It} 5) l, “”17, 7 "A l “ Th . K k v " . .
. I . . 6 . ’ 3 “ " l i A, "ORPHOUSE ’m.‘ ‘ . ‘. _ » , f ' 'p .._w'* ' '~ .4.th .7 l 7 '. w, . ~. 1,‘ Ive/1?}: ‘> e‘ Mil». ‘y..’..‘ :‘tn‘tlfinignittxuecriltygggsfigitugsge$§z
. . , 1 n ,. ‘, , t ,, , l , v ‘_ . , . 7V 3 m _ 1, '. \y y , )1 on. on . . l l S
.. _‘ . - .- . . . l . . a: ‘ 2 ll. ,: vrfi‘: ll l .1 ' \ / ‘ , x . . .f. D/ l . t/-. .,I ~ » ., w r ,r e , . . m tmstnfl’.‘ paiilurft ‘lsoxintzton.m}‘g:ntucc;:'.
. , . , . I ‘ _. . l “I"; ,l . ‘. . I \ 1 .. l, . N l/ ; . l, I, W1. . ,1 U 7, m Mailed hw- timos weekly during the
’ .- . I: , ». l : ti-._m....___il l r .. , l . - ~ 5 -- ,» ‘ J . ‘ “ ' l W hI-m .-‘..ir except holidays and exam
I. . .' -. _ . { 'l l .‘ - ‘t, A ,‘j .' - ”.11. ‘, NM A / (.3! tiff/Tush zn‘d Ol‘CO during the summer
" .l - ‘ Fl ., . l.“'v 'i.. ;1 ,kL‘.. l . -' Ql “Lilli! Kl‘db‘
U ' - . , a .' \i'v at 1 l « f ‘ in. .( . I» the Board of Studim
. . , . , , . r . .,\ . , Al : r 7‘.in l ‘ , 1 lul'w-‘ilimk. UK P s c l . fi.
'. . ‘ ,‘ ‘ - . ‘ l - ' a ' I, ’1‘ l g I .m l, 1/}. A} h ‘ ‘ ' " f l ‘ 5 , . F ”‘__ _ ‘fi “vain. as tho (glflignilnc 23(9): 42?;
‘ . 1 1 m . lyy l I 6'. j ,rly’:y . \ M . / Mp \ n k C \ J} 2 t)!il)|l765 ‘ '- bright enough to be brand new. “handsel III“ are UK students, ”Airianucnsis” l’all issue is scheduled . .
319 ,; , further definitions including “IO taste. Co-editor Coy Holstein emphasized for FClt'dSC in approximately three . . -.
M ' to celebrate," probably capture the that the magazine is not connected WCCkS. and ”hand-8‘91" Plan-9 1! fourth V b.
.N impact of the magazine more aptly. with UK. but is open to material from edition later this Winter. .'
5%} . f
315 = . ' -
a . .
ons _ ° ,' .. .
Strong Anne, weak W I” ,
6 P] a _ . .- ... .
a ers as su erstar man satellites
o y 9 y . f 4‘ I
r f, ‘ . .- 1. .
5 By MIKE NALL which has in its cast a star which competent. merely competent. car. It works beautifully and the turns in a performance that l.\ ‘ . .
A Kernel Staff Writer makes every one else seem dull. which makes Ms. Beasley‘s audience is treated to a character both awkard and amateurish. ' ' . _. .
1 When an actor completely This person is Julie‘anne Beasley. accomplishment seem even more with many dimensions. , MINOR ROLES OVERPLAYED ’
5 outdistances the rest of the cast and in her role as Anne dazzling. The play centers on young Tl . 'ol )f S' Thomas‘ .
l“ a production, it makes the -z:312:5s3:2}:Ez55'iI9:3535:33525$233313;:23322Es332533353555232123522:3's32523:5I3'5..:is2siiir:s?s:?EsizE:?;E:Es%;::isf=?:32322;52 1 h 1 . A . he is W I l l 1 am 5 h a 1‘ esp e a re 5 1: . If.” ( . , If , . ,l d . l
e entire effort difficult to judge. . n. er roe as nnc. 5‘ , . up-and-down {Clatlonh‘hll‘ “'1‘“ 1a ‘ l‘ ‘ 3 ‘ R I ‘ h d r“ 5‘ d n ,‘ ' , '
:l Either the one actor has so much I)r"nl(l rpl‘lpll- afraid to be ‘3 shrew and 5h" ls his wife. which is complicated Shakespeare 5 NOW”: POPC~ " | —=;'
e talent that the company suffers afraid 'not be one. Thls “112-13, by his love for the stage. and portrayed by Benjamin-l ord and f _
by comparison, or else the cast is s32:22:22:tare-z:22:a:;:::22.:e:::;:e:s:s:a:3=z:s:.~:2:2:::s:z:s:z:z:s:25:22:5:-:::-:::.s:5:;:s:2::.29:32::2:..;:::;:::s:::z:;.::; precarious, and could very easilyf egged on by a Visiting band m J 0h“ Dans on. respectively. an, . l, : .
unbelievably bad. The success of Hathaway she pumps life into develop into a long‘ night) 0 players headed 13$th legendary 315‘} “Why“?- . p . _ .
the show often hangs on the this story of young Will indecismn as to which one to Wlll Kemp. ll? 15 fitted with Edd Lml?“ d‘rCCt‘O” hi“ - _~
5 balance ofthis question. Shakespeare. follow. choosing between the ‘llfa‘ that some conSiderable “3W9- . ' '.
“A Cry of Players,” which CAST IS“COMPETENT” Beasley, however, uses her he loves. and the hie. as. :1 Length} in??? ling/dun) gtxnc)‘ : , -
opened 1351 night at the This is not to say that the rest talents to hover in between and schoolmaster, Wthh his Wife the agony Oh Oh ld‘m "P12“ ' . '
Canterbury HOUSC- is a show of the cast is inept; they are to play her dealings with Will by WOUld have hlm take. only slow t e S ow own. .. L
DIRECTION FLAWED cast waddles through the first '-
‘ E':13?3155513555513351315133}133153f?31353733555?l5?:13?§7§3f?§'f"3§1§-:73-5‘393313-fI.'I3:::3::$:?:3:1:5:3:i:i1?:3:1:313-1235:3:L:'13:55::'1‘111:5.I:1:?:3:1:1:5:3;1:?:‘:3:1:3:3:7:1:'1:1:i:1:3'3:3:1:5:1:i:3:3:?:?:5:i21513:1:313'-;3:i:313‘?:3:1:3:3:§:§:§:§:E'3'Q:f135:32311315?'1???33j.f325339;}?333$555}?35535if}?3333E353:}:13}5j3533535;51:5£553355333:IEf1;35ff5}};513:5EQE351323{35ft}Iif3?;I3531325;:333395335533333i1}: 3C1 ~ PleS up SPCCd ln lllC SCCOl‘id ‘I if
. . CW 0f Players. He was 3150 quite—makes it to lift off during ‘ _-' I;
Comln AttraCtlonS forced to take the leading role the third. That the play seems so 5‘ . '.
only one week before Opening long is not the fault of the major ’ . .
when casting troubles CTOPPCd characters; it is the small parts _ - ,
Student Centerfilms ATL features Cummings UP- Little's Shakespeare 15 3 ”1355 that confuse the show and dull ' ~ ' .
- The Student Center cinema series will show “A Man On Monday, OCI- 18. and the two following Of indecicweness~he knows Its effectiveness. ' ‘ ~

' For All Seasons” at 630 pm. and 9:15 pm. today Mondays at 1 pm. and 8 p.m., the Adventure Theatre What ,he wants to do b1” he FIRST ACT CONFUSION . p
3| and tomorrow. The horror series film for those nights Company of Louisville will present “An Evening of F1095“ t know “10 best way to do g ‘-
iity‘ will be “Werewolf of London,“ which shows at 12 e.e. cummings.“ The Adventure Theatre Company is lt- The cast does manage to - '. .
F’" midnight. Sunday, “Metropolis” will be shown at 6:30 part of the Actors Theatre of Louisville. :2“ His finest moments come handle the mechanics of the r. , .
if? pm. and 9115 P-m- Monday at"! TUCSdaY “Dead ,. when he spars With Anne. The script. although many lines are . ‘ ‘ _I
:33 Birds" will be shown at 6:30 pm. and 9:15 pm. All Rafferty speaks 7? end of the second act. when he lost in first act confusion. The ‘. ’\
ner if: 0f the-90 films Will be shown 3‘ ”1° Student Center Dr. Max Rafferty, conservative educator, will speak ;. is about to be punished for play. by William Gibson. docs ‘ . I “ --
ml' theatre. in the Student Center Ballroom Tuesday, Oct. 19 at 8 glandcring Sir Thomas, pim‘ides not seem to he an owro \. fl _ 7
2:2, § S.(‘. Art Gallery P-m- RfiffCTUH “fl-“C 0f ““le militants. claims '> one of the ”UN! Iimwrml difficult one. It is. however. full . V '
"91 . An exhibit of photographs by Conrad J, Prissma will 2:33;;5t5‘1‘15t‘rg:g:‘t“m h‘” ”mm“! people “I“ “m moments of the .playllic inaior of lllt‘dtlllllttgs .l‘lhl ratings .iin: , .
in- -. be showing front ll am. until 7 pm. daily tliru next , . _ . sore llmml‘ ”1 ( r} "l ”"3 ‘r‘ 1“ ”‘1 u ”"h “ h“ h Iful“ l .
:33 1:; Friday in the Student (‘entcr Art Gallery. Belgians a: (xii (.alloryi- . provided b) Rpm Bush .,5 S”- sometimes seem meter} a gI‘ctl .

5 Beginning on October 20 and continuing through , Thomas. the oicrsecr of that lung CWYCNN ll 1‘ ”ls” lull ”1 '

"Pla_i'crs"cndsSunday November 10 the exhibit “Selection of New Belgian ;- section of England. ln a role that enough “0“”! l‘ldll'lldl“ ‘0 ' ‘

1': “A Cry of Players,” produced by the Canterbury Painters“ will be displayed in the UK Art Gallery in calls for a disciplinarian who is p