xt78kp7tn31s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78kp7tn31s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19470828 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-08-aug28-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1947-08-aug28-ec. 1947 2011 true xt78kp7tn31s section xt78kp7tn31s Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, August 28, 1947. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Univer- sity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m., Thurs- day, August 28, 1947. The following members were present: Judge Richard C. Stoll, Chairman; H. D. Palmore, J. C. Everett, Thomas Cutler and R. P. Hobson. President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank b. Peterson, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, were also present. A. Minutes Approved. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Executive Committee of July 18, 1947, were approved as published. B. Full Occupancy Memorandum for "H"I Type Dormitories Approved The Comptroller submitted Full Occupancy Memorandum on the East and West Dormitories (2 11H"1 type buildings, 326 units), located on Scott Street. It was explained that Partial Occupancy Memorandum Agreements had been signed previously and that these memorandums referred to punch lists of items not completed. He further stated that work required by punch lists attached to memorandums heretofore signed had been completed and that the Federal Government desired to have executed this memorandum to supersede several Partial Occupancy Memorandums heretofore signed. It was reported that the Comptroller had a signed statement from the Federal Public Housing Authority exempting the University from responsibility for any work performed on the project by Shapiro Con- struction Company or any other agency of the Federal Public Housing Authority after the date of December 27, 1946. The members of the Committee examined the Statement of Comple- tion by Contractor and, being fully advised of its content, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, authorized the Comptroller to execute the Full Occupancy Memorandum on behalf of the University, and to date same 1I4:00 pm., 27 December, 1946", sane being the date appearing on the last Partial Occupancy Memorandum, with punch list attached thereto, The contract was ordered filed with the Comptroller$ 2 C. Report of the Comptroller. The Comptroller made financial report for the year ended June 30, 1947, and read the following summarized statement: August 27, 1947 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky My dear President Donovan: I am submitting herewith the University Financial Report for the year ended June 50, 1947. The report was prepared before closing the books for the year and does not reflect final clearance of encumbrances, receivables, inter-departmental credits and other necessary adjustments. Current General Fund The total income realized amounted to $6,424,518.90 which is 104.6% of the budget estimate of $6,147,352.13. Charges for expenditures and encumbrances totalled $4,676,982.30 not including transfers to Plant funds. The charges were 89.8% of departmental appropriations amounting to $5,205,867.19. Current Restricted Funds Restricted fund balances on June 30, 1947, aggregated $1,098,281.59 of which $573,129.25 was invested in securities. Loan and Endowment Funds Loan and Endowment fund balances were as follows: Loan Edow Balance as to Principal 45l,292,88 $194,257.76 Balance as to income 15,146.27 1. 622954 Totals 6 s7 0 Principal Invested 451-.---50-0000 $189208069Q 3 Plant Funds Plant fund expenditures and encumbrances totalled $779,191.00. Unexpended Plant funds on June 30, 1947, amounted to $909,377.82. Agency Funds The balance of Agency funds was $17,06l,34, of which i15,000.00 was invested in securities. Final financial statements will be included in the Comptroller's Annual Report. Respectfully submitted (Signed) Frank D. Peterson Compt roll er The financial report was examined in some detail by members of the Committee, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, was ordered accepted and filed. D, Appropriation for Alumni Maga2zine and Budget Bulletin APE proved. President Donovan reported that the University had compiled, under the supervision of Professor Ezra L Gillis, a list of Uni- versity of Kentucky alumni who made the supreme sacrifice In World War II, and that the August edition of the Kentuck Alumnus was issued as a Memorial Edition to those honored dead. The appropriation heretofore made for the Kentucky Alumnus is not sufficient to meet this additional expenditure, and the President recommended an appropriation from the Haggin Fund to pay expenses of the Memorial Edition* He also reported that he was having prepared a bulletin on the budget request of the University of Kentucky for the biennium 1948- 5Onand recomnended appropriation from the Haggin Fund to pay the cost of printing the bulletin on the budget request. He recommended ap- propriation of $3,700600, Members of the Committee heard the recommendation, discussed the merits of the I1i4eraorial Edition, and the desirability of publishing a bulletin on budget requests of the University for the biennium 1948- 1950, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sum of O3700*30 was ordered appropriated from the Haggin Fund, and the Comptroller was directed to make the necessary transferse 4 E. Candidates for Degees Approved. President Donovan presented a list of candidates recommended by the University Faculty to receive the degrees indicated. CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS James Edward Abell Flora Baker Edna Floyd Ball Prentiss C. Beatty, Jr. Mary Margaret Berry William Olive Brown Lillie Catherine Bush Paul Eugene Cheap Louis Gordon Christian Theodore Wilford Clark Paul Combs Helen Blakomore Crews Frank Fowler Davis Patricia Evans Albert Harry Frey Dabney Garrett George Richard Randolph Griffith Shirley Nelson Hardin William Dudley Hatfield Robert Coblin Hume Clara Elizabeth Jacobs Jean Margaret Johnston Paul Thomas King Delbert Lambert Lee Allan Byron Leedy Edward Orlet Linville Richard Earl Lowe Elbert Lewis McOClung Margaret Harrison McDowell Nilliam Gavin Noffsinger Betty Woollum Ogden Harry Meade Palmer Ida May Parr John Tandy Pryor Harry Clement Reagan Barbara Rose Rice Harold James Rucker Warren Dickens Schweder Charles Arthur Scott Hugh Ross Shannon Pauline Margaret Spillis Lucy Jane Thomas Roger Sullivan Thornton Sue Annette Turley Raymond Richey Vincent Wendell Witten CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Glennis Albert Amburgey Brownie B. Bolton Joseph Richardson Bolton Margaret Lee Bolton Margaret Kaleher Carwell Lillian Ruth Damron Herschel Allen Fouts William Brownfield Fowler Stephen Polly Hogg James Howard Junkins Cheater Robertson Lewis Peter Panzera Nell Grigsby Rico John Will Shackleford Frebert Virgil Thompson Jewell Bryce Walker Lois Kathryn White CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF S CIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Charlotte Ann Ferguson Bonaventure Claire Gormley Juanita Harris Frances Alberta Pritohett 5 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN JOURNALISM Samuel Van Buren Brent s, Jr. John Seston Hutcheson, Jr* Donald Francis Orwin William Clark Spragens CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN LIBRARY SCIENCE Nell Kinnalrd Hart Carrie Marie Landrum Margaret Cobb Meadow Virginia Kathleen Morgan Isabel Olga Lamadrid Pruna Sarah Margaret Van Deren COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Robert Cecil Buckner Harlon Isaac Grenshaw Martha Ann Deutsch Mike Duff Wayne C, Easterling Ralph Lindon Estes Frank Edwin Guthrie William Stuart Haggard, Jr. Paul Marvin Hanna Ralph G. Hays Thomas Johnson Hill, Jr. William Thomas Hockensmith Merle Meredith Johnson Edsel Leland Karrick Robert Stanislaus Koch Ben Haw Lowry Noel Delmere McDonald Charles Harris Michler Orville Ray Miller, Jr* James Edward Parker III Thomas Newland Pettus Ralph Ray Royster Carl Cook Shearer Isaac Bruce Tuttle Herbert Jackson Webb, James Alexander Welch Rosa Wunsch Payne Randolph York George Alexander Young CANDIDATES FORT HE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOM1E ECONOMICS Anne Kathryn Biggerstaff Vella Dane Strona Christine Wilson Wallace Emma Sue Warren Virginia Alberta Wilson 6 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING John Peter Krug, Jr. William Willis Wichman Ballard Jay Yeltons Jr. CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Seth Talbott Botts, Jr. James Robert Burdsal Claude Victor Chandler Robert Foster Clark John Joseph David, Jr. Graham Stewart Higgins Jessie Marie Kemper Joseph Thurmond Maupin Richard Ocko Betty Caroline Peters Rufus Haynes Ritchie Ratliff Cecll Rogers Theodore Carl Rutmayer Austin Linn Shelley Harold Oline Story Ray Stevens Taylor Luke Cox Wooldridge CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN IECHANICAL ENGINEERING James Dale Crabtree Pierce Vincent Keating Frank Clay Leach, Jp. Fred Milton Wells Charles Edwin Youngblood CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MINING ENGINEERING Robert Brice Boies COLLEGE OF LAW CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF LAWS Armand Paul Angelucai Harry Haden Bohannon James David Francis Frank Cecil Henry Nelson Hoskins Paul William Kelley John Gideon Prather Stanley Martin $aunier,Jr, 7 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHEELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Gloria Mae Allender Mary Frances Bach Joe Donald Botto Gladys Marie Bowling Mae Brown Briown Harold West'C;:lins Nancy Lilliral Comer Henry George Davidsrn, Jr. Juanita Margaret Elkins Ruth Josephine Fowler Kathryn Ann Franz Della Mae Goins Elizabeth Frey Grief Randall Floyd Hammer Emmett Layton Htirdy Ada Henson Hedland Leola June Horton Lou Avah Pevior Johnson Louis William McDonald Laura Smith May Billie Virginia Moore Thelbert Ross M4oore Lucian Yann M11oreman William Graham Moseley Gladys Peyton Martha Burdette Rich Alma Elizabeth Rouse Roselynne Routt Esther Bernice Herman Sandus Bradley Sexton Scott Sebastian Smith Beverly Marie Steffe Lowell Mast erson Stephens Sybil Baker Stern Nell Johnson Stooke Edith Mar'orie Tucker Jesse Allen Tunstill, Jr. Louise Wells Vosburgh Edythe Ravenscrafbt Waits Nicholas Wanchic Lyle Louise Brooks Watson Elizabeth Corder West Harriet Franklyn Wolf e Edna Col eman Wo odhead Clarence 'Woods COLLEGE OF COBMERCE CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CODIIERCE Henry Ward Bailey George Edwin Barker Mary Ellen Butler Kenneth Edward Cameron James Patrick Conley Roy Montgomery Coons, Jr. Cassius bMarcellus Cooper Clayton Pay Cox John William Cox Louis Chastain Craig Charles Allen Cropper John Harrison Dixon Ralph Hampton Farmer houanna Hammons LeAghton Leroy Hine Alice Patrioia Howard James Paul Jackson Willie Barton Jones Martin Roy Kirchhoff Charles Thompson Lang Hnrold Richart Letton Mildred Leveridge Lowry IMrion Stuart Mahurin Iverson Dillard Martin Robert Bruce Ogden Archie Leviticus Robertsq Jr. Morris Rozen Marion Mayo Salisbury Marion Dailey Snell Jeremiah Thornton Clyde Morgan Watson, Jr. Russell Edwin White Robert Browder Worthington Milarianna Young 8 COLLEGE OF PHARMACY CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHARMLACY Howard Lander Ahell Leslie Robert Berman Mary Nicholas Brand Louis Walker Daniel John Robert Henry Ruth Dunbar Jackson Edward Kahn William Adrian Lucas Frances Elizabeth McKnight Vincent Joseph Rizzo George Albert Roessler# Jr. GRADUATE SCHOOL CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Hager Vilgis Bach Mary Evelyn Blagg Byron Jackson Bolin Jean Wallace Branson Lella Annette Calhoun Ralph Palmer Carter John Edward Casey Miller Davis, Jr Richard Marion Griffith George Collins Herndon Jean Morford Howard Clarence Whitman Hume Elizabeth Skillman Hunt Robert Korsgaard Joe Love Lawson, Jr. Alva Marian Matherly Hubert Powers Robinson Elizabeth Randolph Shreve Doris Ewing Spillman Doster Cecil Vincent CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MESTER OF SCIENCE Ruth Audrey Ball Ralph Leon Belcher Constance Larsen Cole CANDIDATES FOR John M. Adams, Jr. Charles Edwin Bishop Jack Willard Buchanan John Thomas Buck James William Crowley William Harris Hale CANDIDATES FOR Phillip Sherwood Landis Champ Ligon Robert William Willmott THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Kenneth Littrell Moss Pitman Mills Paul Reuben Robbins Moulton Oscar Thomas Walter Earl Thomas THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Helen Donovan Ligon Marie Shipley Young 9 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Hal Wharton Maynor, Jr. Frank Lewis Orrell, Jr. Chester Frazier Robards CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF IN EDUCATION MASTER OF ARTS Charles Franklin Ambrose Jackson Herbert Blaisdell Anna Bruce Boone Lola Alma Bowmer George Albert Bradley Mark Collis Butler, Jr. Kemneth Lee Castle Ralph William Clarke William Edward Collins R. Ronald Connelly David Hurley Cunagin Fred William Dial Donald McChord Doyle Fithian Smith Faries Harry Garland Fritz Helen Kathryn Graham Lucile Grissom Kenneth Edward Harper Herbert Lee Hatfield Robert Henry Herbert Bernard Leo Hickman Howard Virgil Hill Herbert Holbrook Jones Margaret Elizabeth Keaton CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF IN EDUCATION Leonard Burton Burns Miriam Alice Hare Martha Townsend Koppius David Cornelius McMurtry Charles Franklin Martin Isaiah Kessler llller Rexal Jess Miller Mary Virginia Moore Jesse Eugene Mullins William Casey Organ Charles Walker Prewitt Ernestine Marie Price Zula Ruby Rowland Willard Neale Shropshire William Durham Smart Robert Ellsworth Stephens Harry Swango Stephenson Hazel Julia Taylor Robert Bruce Taylor Sam B. Taylor Hettie Leathers Triplett Herbert John Van Vorce Victor Beverly Varney Margaret Lawson Wiley Ella Bond Wilson Roger Lee Wilson MASTER OF SCIENCE Taft 0. Thompson Maurice Stanley Wall CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Frcank Graves Dickey Lee Sprowles CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY William Clarence Wesley 10 CERTIFICATES IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Under the Southern Regional Training Program Granted Jointly with the University of Alabama and the University of Tennessee Mabra Glenn Abernathy James Joshua Mott, Jr. Peter John Bersano Anna Louise Quillen Sara Catherine Brennan Carolyn Ruth Renfro Helen Bridgman Joseph M. Robertson George Craft Howard, Jr, Clara Beatrice Weaver After due consideration of the recommendation of the President, the University Faculty concurring, and upon motion duly made, second- ed and carried, the President of the University was authorized and directed to confer upon each of the candidates named above the de- gree or bortificate indicated. F, Appropriation for Purchasing of Furniture for Ments Dormi tory. President Donovan reported that it was necessary to purchase furniture to equip lobby, basement recreation room, and bedrooms, in the John B. Bowman dormitory. He mentioned in detail some of the furniture that was necessary and stated that he had requested Dir. Peterson to take the necessary steps, in conference with Dr. Chamber- lain and Mrs, Kirwan, to purchase furniture needed. He recommended that an appropriation of $30,000 from the Revolving Fund be made for this purpose. The members of the Executive Committee heard the recommendation, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, approved the appro- priation of $30,000 from unappropriated surplus of the general Uni- versity budget, and the Comptroller was directed to make the necessa- ry transfers. Go Fee for Proficiency Examination Authized. President Donovan read the following letter from Dean M. MI Whito and recommended approval of the request. 11 27 August 1947 President H. L. Donovan Administration Building University of Kentucky My dear President Donovan: The College of Arts and Sciences recommends that the Board of Trustees authorize a fee of $J..0 for each proficiency examination in foreign languages after the first examination. The College requires the suc- cessful completion of this examination for the A.B. and B.S. Degrees. Most students succeed in passing the test the first time, and no charge is contemplated for these people. There are some students, however, that use the test as a technique of learning the foreign language. It costs the College approximately thirty-seven cents to purchase and score each of these tests. Respectfully yours, (Signed) M1. M. 1fhite Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, a fee of $1,00 was authorized for each proficiency examination in foreign languages after the first examination, same to be collected and accounted for through the Comptroller's Office, H. Office of Information Establishede President Donovan read a recommendation made by Griffenhagen and Associates intaeir report on the University, The recommendation read: That a system be established for properly locate ing students for emergency calls at all times." He stated that for a long time he had felt the University should have an Office of Information located prominently where a stranger visiting the University might obtain information without having to wander about over the campus requesting those he might chance to meet for the information he desired to receive. He recommended the estab- lishment of the Office of Information as an auxiliary to the Presi. dent's Office, and recommended that Miss Jane J. Nichols be placed in charge of the office as Secretary. He stated that Miss Nichols had been connected with the University for 23 years, and was well 12 acquainted with the personnel, program and and activities of the Uni- versity, because of her long association with the institution as Secretary to the President. The President stated that definite duties and responsibilities had been outlined and assigned to the Secretary of the Office of Information. The Committee heard the recommendation and discussed the tree mendous increase in enrollment, the volume of mail received in the office, and the increased number of conferences which necessarily follows, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Office of Information as an auxiliary to the President's Office was author- Ized established, and the placing of Miss Jane J. Nichols in charge of the office as Secretary was approved. I. Purchases Made by Comptroller AFproved. President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller listing purchases made by the Comptroller's Office between March 1, 1947, and June 30, 1947. July 22, 1947 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky My dear President Donovan: I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of emergen- cy purchases, special purchase orders, food contracts and de- partmental purchase orders which have been made by the Comptrol- lerts Office between March 1, 1947 and June 30, 1947, incluin sive. These purchases have not been approved by the Exeou- tive Committee of the Board of Trustees. The listing below gives the numbers of the documents requesting the purchases or actually issued as purchase orders, which documents are made a part of this record and are held In the Office of the Comptroller subject to inspection. The purchases have been made on properly drawn documents at the requests of the va- rious departments and have been charged against available funds. The list follows: State requisitions 925 to 1354 inclusive Emergency orders 3544 to 5515 Special orders 4634 to 6789 Contracts 24 to 30 University departmental orders 6266 to 6376 9501 Library departmental orders 7088 to 7200 inclusive 7208 to 7300 0 t 6401 to 6500 " 4704 to 4778 " The above record of purchases is respectfully submitted with the request that they be approved by the 4xecutive Com- mittee, thereby ratifying the action of the Comptroller in making such purchases, Sincerely yours, (Signed) Frank De Peterson Comptroller. The Committee heard the reading of the letter and discussed the disbursements concerned, and upon motion duly made, seconded and car- ried, the state requisitions, emergency orders, special orders, con- tracts, University departmental orders and Library departmental or- ders as listed were ratified and approved. J. Bond for Campus Policemen. President Donovan reported a letter from the Comptroller raising the question of the University securing a bond on six full-time campus policemen that would protect the policemen and the University against false arrests. The question was discussed at some length by members of the Committee. The Comptroller was asked to secure additional information regarding the cost of such bond and to report same to the Board of Trustees at its regular quarterly meeting in September* yK Hargett Construction Company to Do Work on Tpgorary Build. ings. President Donovan reported that the University had under con- struction, through approval by the Federal Works Agency six or seven temporary buildings, and the University was required to pay for part of the work incident to back filling around the buildings and laying concrete floors, It was stated that the Division of Maintenance and Operations could not do the work without adding additional men to the payroll. He recommended that the flargett Construction Company be employed to back-fill around the buildings and to fill the inside spaces where necessary, for concrete floors, The contract price with the Hargett 13 14 Construction Company was on a cost plus 15% for overhead and profit basis. He stated that this arrangement had the approval of the Director of Purchases and Public Property of the State Department of Finance, and recommended approval by the Committeeo Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller was authorized to make necessary arrangements with Hargett Construc- tion Company to get work needed on temporary buildings done as speedily as possible, and to reimburse the Hargett Construction Com- pany on a cost plus 15% for overhead and profit basis. L. Contracts for Flight Training. President Donovan submitted contracts for flight training be- tween Bohmer Flying Service, Inc.; Lexington Flying Service, Inc.; and the Thomas Aviation Company, Inc., and the University of Kentucky. He stated that the contracts provide that the flying services shall furnish to approved enrollees of the University flight training de- signed to qualify the students for private pilotis certificates. The cost to the University for the flight training provided in the uontracts would be reimbursed by the Veterans Administration. He stated that the program had been carefully worked out by a committee of the College of Engineering, recommended by the faculty of the College of Engineering, and had received his approval under the condi- tions outlined. He recommended approval of the contracts. The Contract Agreement between the University and the services was read, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, contracts with Bohmer Flying Service, Inc.; Lexington Flying Service, Inc,; and the Thomas Aviation Company, Inc., were authorized executed by the Chairman on behalf of the University of Kentucky. M. Recess for Luncheon. The Committee recensed at 12:10 p.m. for luncheon, which was served in the President's office, and after luncheon, continued dis- cussion of the business on the agenda, No Permission to Miss Myrtle Weldon to Go to Holland Granted. President Donovan stated that Dean Cooper had recommended that Miss Myrtle Weldon be permitted to accompany, assist and guide the Kentucky Homemakers delegates from Kentucky to the meeting of the Associated Country Women of the World to be held at Amsterdam, Hollanq September 8-l3. He stated that he aaw no reason for not approving the request and recommended favorable action by the Committee, 15 The Committee heard the recommendation, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Miss WEldon was given permission to ac- company, assist and guide tile Homemakers delegates from Kentucky to the World Conferonce in Amsterdam, the leave of absence to be for a period of approximately 21 days. 0Q. Leave of Absence for J. H. Hayes. President Donovan reported that J. H. Hayes, former county agent for the past 25 years, now employed on a per diem basis to meet emergency needs in the county agent program, had requested a year' s leave of absence from extension part-time work. He stated that Dean Cooper had recommended the request and that he wished to approve same and recommend favorable action by the Committee. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Committee con- curred in the recommendation of President Donovan, and a year' s leave of absence from extension part-time work was granted to Mr. J. H. Hayes, Qounty Agent, effective September 1, 1947, to August 31, 1948. P. In~Lu to Elbert Kirkland. President Donovan read the following letter from ir. Peterson reporting an injury to Mr. Elbert Kirkland and recommending that the account be paid without establishing a precedent as to what the Board night do in regard to claims arising from other or similar accidents, August 12, 1947 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky My deaer President Donovan: I attach hereto bills from the Good Samaritan Hospital In the amount of $25.75 and from Dr. John S. 1,11cGinnis in the amount of 414.00 for services rendered to Mr. Elbert Kirkland, It appears that on June 13th at 10:20 area., }Mr. Kirkland was caught between Truck No. 115 and the No. 3 Women's Bar- rack on the campus. The accident seems to have occurred through the release of the emergency brake of the truck. Upon noticing the truck moving, the driver attempted to get back into the truck to stop same, Before he could get in, he was pinned between the truck and the barrack, He was taken immediately to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where an X-ray was taken and medical attention given. It was report- ed that no bones were broken, only strained muscles resulted. 16 I recommend that the accounts be paid without estab- lishing a precedent as to what the Board may do in regard to claims arising from other or similar accidents. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Frank D. Peterson Comptrollers The Committee discussed the recommendation and examined the claim, Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller was authorized to pay the medical expenses from the College Collec- tion Fund with the expressed understanding that the action on the case was without commitment as to future action of the Executive Committee and that It does not establish a precedent and does not admit negligence or liability In paying this bill. QO Gifts: From the Sears-Roebuck Foundation, President Donovan reported receipt of a check for $1 987.00, contributed by The Sears-Roebuck Foundation. He stated that this gift would be credited to the account of The Senrs-Roebuck Scholar- ship Fund, and, added to the balance already in this Fund, would provide $2,000*00 for freshman scholarships and $200.00 for one sophomore scholarship, these awards to be made by the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, the contribution to be regarded as a trust fund. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the check was or- dered accepted, and President Donovan was requested to write a letter to the donor. From Mrs. a. c. ROSSO President Donovan read the following letter: 17 July 29, 1947 Dr. H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Dear Dr. Donovan: The professional library of Dr. Clay C. Ross has been donated to the College of Education of the University of Kentucky by Mrs. Ross as a memorial to her husband. I am enclosing a label which will be placed in each of the books donated. The net worth of these books is probably in the neighborhood of $300 and represents a useful and valuable addition to the Division of Foundations of Education. The collection will be known as the C. C. Ross Educational Psychology Library. Very sincerely yours, (Signed) William S. Taylor. The Committee expressed its appreciation of this gift, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the gift by Mrs, C. C. Ross of her husband's professional library was ordered accepted, the col- lection to be known as the C. C. Ross Educational Psychology Library, and the President was requested to write a letter of appreciation to the donor. From Mr. E. S. Dabney, President Donovan reported that Mr. E. S. Dabney, Lexington, Ken- tucky, had given to the University the sum of $75.00 to be used to cover the cost of certain books from the law library of the late Ir. Field McLeod. He stated that he considered these books to be a valuable addition to the law library of the University of Kentucky, The Committee expressed appreciation of this gifts and upon mo- tion duly made seconded and carried, the sum of 675.00 was ordered accepted, and kresident Donovan was requested to write a letter of appreciation to Air. Dabneyq 18 From Mrs. Peter Lee Athdrton, Brown Hotel, Louisville, Ken- tucky,. President Donovan reported receipt of a check for 450.o0 from Mr