Honoring God for two years with no luck. We
took it |off thehma‘rket and plaayedd.
- Severa mont s ave passe an
By Karen Taylor and [-53 we once again sense God telling
JEfireY us to put it back up for sale. So
our prayer is God, we desire to be
How is it that we honor God? The set free of this debt that ties us
dictionary tells us that to honor down but never the less not our
someone or something is to show will but yours be done.
respect for them or it. What does
the bible say about how I should When we love our neighbors we
show respect for God? “Listen, honor God. Matt 5:43—44 “You
Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord have heard that it was said, Love
is One. Love the Lord your God your neighbor and hate your en—
with all your heart, with all your emy. But I tell you, love your
soul, with all your mind, and with enemies and pray for those who
all your strength. The second is: persecute you". No easy com—
Love your neighbor as yourself.” mand here but it is possible as we
Mark 12:29—31 In my walk with learn to live by His spirit and not
God He has shown me thatI dem- our own. I recall many years ago
onstrate my love for Him with all when God showed me this prin—
my heart when I reach out to the ciple. I had a co—worker that was
homeless or needy, when I lend a thorn in my flesh. Due to her
a helping hand to a widow. I be- accusations we went to media-
lieve I show my love to God with tion with our principal. He under~
all my mind or intellect, when I stood the situation perfectly and
study His word. Whenever I read attempted to point out her error
the Bible I ask God to guide me in thinking to no avail. The Lord
into His truth, to show me what lay on my heart to pray that God
it is He wants me to understand. would show me how He sees her.
Lastly I show my love to God with Wow, what an eye opener.
all my strength because that is
when I use my will to choose to As I gradually changed my think—
love God. ing toward her; more and more
each day I was able to treat her
Can we practice our respect for with His loving kindness. No we
God in our day to day lives? John never became friends but we did
12:26 “If anyone serves Me, he eventually develop a working re-
must follow Me. Where I am, lationship and it changed how I
there My servant also Wiii be. If view others dramatically,
anyone serves Me, the Father
will honor him.”' A disciple or fol- Honoring God is walked out in our
lower of Christ is one who moves daily lives by loving Him, loving
in with Christ, takes up residence others, and loving ourselves. In
with Him following everything He the words of Martin Luther King Jr.
does, d0lng everything He asks of “I decided early to give my life to
them to do. TO look to Christ as something eternal and absolute.
the One I want to be like. In Mat— Not to these little gods that is here
thew we are told to take up our today and gone tomorrow, but to
cross daily and follow Christ. The God who is the same yesterday,
cross represents death to the flesh today, and forever.” 1 too have
or to our will. A follower of Christ decided to give my life to some-
wili put the desires and wishes of thing eternal and absolute and so
his Lord above his own. Lisa and can you. For more information on
I have a home we SO much want how to honor God contact me at
to sell. We had it on the market ktaylor@fewpb.net