xt78kp7tqk0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78kp7tqk0z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 14, 1983 1983 1983-10-14 2020 true xt78kp7tqk0z section xt78kp7tqk0z KKENTUCKY l
. Vol. “XX“.M“ r~= = » = : 55W lm Unimityot Kentucky. Lexington. Kontucky lndopondom SIM. l97l Friday 0:”. M, NO.)
' I HE praises UK-UL plan for dental SChOOlS ‘
By-AVDREWOPPMANN a consultant's recommendation that take the two schools and bring them to carry out a speciality progiani not Mlhltk'lflifi 'ltt M. '. i: .i . t w -. . a . -
Editor-in-Chief the Council consider merging the together as much as possible with» hesaid institution 1\ 19.. ill. . '.‘ Ag 3. . i. . _.

- . schoolstosavemoney. outamerger."hesaid Singletary. in his presentation tooth-it l\ t'\.lti‘.lt1.'ig .. “s \ i . _. . . . .
FRANKFURT _ The Council on “The Council welcomes and com- The base of the proposal. Swain said the t'K dental school has re the t‘lll-j ruiiiisiik-i i-;.i- 'l.i"? c it nu w .i . - .. . ....l l =.
Higher Education yesterday com- mend; the spirit of cooperation that said. calls for establishing a core ceived recognition as one oi the oi Kentucky ~ 'tiiw ....i ,. _ . i. .
mended the proposal introduced by Dr. Singletary and Dr Swain have curriculum for both schools and hav- country s top dental programs and a well _. . ,. .i .. . a . . .- ..i
the presidentsof UK and the Univer~ exhibited." Holbrook said “If. we mg each institution take the lead in merger would eliminate the school i ' - . . i. W.
sity of Louisville aimed at keeping can pull this off. we can av0id a certain individual areas of spec-iality completely The coming a I'm 1...; 1 . g ;~ -=.‘ , .. . . . =. .= _. . = .- =
the state‘s [wodenta] schoolsopen' great deal of fratnclde ‘" anlot 0f lralnlng "The “(ll'll lllerge [5 ii 50“” “tlrll iii: \{ddQ-[nu' if“ v.2. j”. ‘. i. '.' i ‘ ;§i ' "i . , .

. . thingswewouldnotwanttodo Effimency and quality can be en- than the word eimo he Mud W" 1" “HT" ‘ ~'- ' ' M» , ' .

CHE Chairman Morton Holbrook Swain told the Council at their hanced because students and faculty "What you are talking about iii the ““1"“ ”“1 h"“l“‘l“' 3““: ‘ 11"“ ‘ f . ' ' ' ' '
requested that PreSident Otls A' Sin- quarterly meeting at Kentucky State can flow back and forth between the report of the consultant is the clos l‘f“ “MN" "“‘l "“4“ """" " " V ‘ ' “ "‘ .V
3'9”?” and UL President Donald University that the prOposal was in- two institutions. Swain said And al» on: of thel'Kdi-iital school "“"““"“”" "l l M“ l""‘ ‘ ' " f “" ' ' ' V ‘ i ‘ ' " ‘
Swain draft 3 report flashing out novative, stressing that it would pre- though each insitution has a "tradi- .. . . . ‘ ““‘M “" \”"”“""' l‘"""*‘ V l ' ""’ "
the Program by Jan. 15‘ 1984‘ The serve unity within the higher educa» tion of instruction” that could pose ll 3"? drt’ Kiting to look at say cm . ion \ 'z; . .‘ .= \i .
plan is deSigned to cut costs by .in- tion system as the 1984 General problems. a core training program ings only, if dollars only are what . j ‘w. t =. ~ . i. -,ii .3. ,. ~.
creastng cooperation and sharing Assemblyapproaches canbeestablished. you are talking about, then I think It 5: million .i \i‘dl mix ... ”hr w i. .. ,= ._ u ._ , t; .. .=' ,. i~
faculty between the two dental fa- ' _ any such decisions ought to be made important to you ii: 19.. liiu‘lu‘l "2.. ‘ : . 4 ~. ,, 'j _ ,1 w...“
cilities “What we proposed is in many “What we are trying to do here is on the context of iiniily'zing all possi cation budget in! {It i- z =.. . ,. J. t . g ‘ .q. ,.

ways innovative. I think it will focus on eliminating the unnecces» hle savings. not to single out one that the budget oi 'iii if...” l..l.\ In: ' ;.- . ; . _, =. -. .

The Singletary-Swain proposal break some new ground if we can sary duplication by assigning to one Singletary said school is 31 t llllll oi such-Lu. it . . . . . . . .i ..
was submitted as an effort to deter actually pull it off. The concept is to school or another lead responsibility He said it saying 3: million a year \illtl I in titit iiui'i- . .ll .ii . i. . >- - - , . . ., »

___.____.1 . ‘ ‘

Muckraker . l -. i Committee recommends A.

‘ it '1 - j o o o
. .. . - . t dt t hk‘
Anderson tells Investigative tales . ” . 3 S aggel‘e “I H)“ l CS
= E ,. , . ' in \\iiiti-:w (ll'l’\l\\\ w. =. ;= i ~
BSEUZABETH WOOD Anderson said the people's em- ; i: j , i ' g l Editor iii l‘hiet xiii-amine =-l "xii!!!“ \'ir ~...»i w.»
StaffWriter ployees include the president of the i l YiH‘tl ~;‘=!i‘.ltl ' i-i.‘ i» .’
United States his cabinet. members as :3 I . Flt-\NKFUR'I lliI i ohm . ..: cm in“ .1 Lot.-

Jack Anderson doesn't mind being of the Senate and House. generals ' K 1’ . Higher Education at»... .imwipi , ”My... by...» MW... . . I”
calledamucmaker' . . andadmiralswhorun thePentagon. l . j - } rectiiiittietidiiliiiii iii l.ilt'.i\t \ urn "tt'l',lll.' ‘iiiti: litk'ut m 1 'i l '
r Atmuckréikler is an invfitiglatitve “I have a network of informants ! g (A. s » . i-iiiitly tuition iltt‘ oi.‘ oi \l‘l't ' . i.- .ryi- ilii-ii- .wim i. .. ii .
hepor‘fir'an amt (lei 8;, y 1 who keep me up to date on what is l ‘ 5' ~ ‘ i ' ._ ti 1 ”to“ «iiit'ndmfl Mouth ‘ tit-iii“ ~ " '= out” i: .. .

e sat in a recen eep one in er- happening a people inside the CIA. ‘ . .. .3} c sttitiul schools tl\l‘I .i "i II 2: .ii ' it ‘till til -‘.i'i ‘lII'H‘xnh-LA ..r i...
View Anderson “1“ be on campus at the Defense Department and the l , "Q . '4‘ p . l 9”,”,r9”‘."”l””‘“" ".llil";" be. our 1‘ “ i’w *'
8 pm; Monday to glve a speech ‘ti— StateDepartment."hesaid. ‘ .- ’ ~ ‘. . , llit’ ( Hl‘, .\ l‘ttliitit‘inl \it.itt'\ i ii." 5w! 1.! i .i i 'ii' i.. 3m.” _,..r
tled ‘Washington: The Merry-Go- ‘ j . . l . .2 _ ‘ l f .‘ iiiitti-e iii .iii early llltlllilltL‘ tiimvliti ..-..

Round" at the Student Center Grand , Despite llls "39k record 1“ bring- i .. it- . ‘1. - _ , yesterday approu-il .i tit'iitunui i.... it. ”Hymn, ,.-.. .,.i. - .- , .
Ballroom, "‘8, “muck [0 hght‘ Anderson has i I ll . V 33‘ ' é. ing for .‘l oi percent lllt'l‘t‘JiM' 'IE ‘2; :u-ii-i-ii' "It"'if‘, llit 'V‘JV‘ Iiif -i-~-

Best known for his role in uncov- written some columns 50 controver- ‘ . h. I ‘3"... I‘ ._ Jr itioii for out of \luit‘ l.|'\\ s'lilii'!.'~ im.‘ um \lijiirr:' ,. .j- if! ,,. .H
ering part of the Pentagon Papers S‘a] that they {filled to make .11 to , . . ’ 3 l l and more than no perm-iii so: out o: ...._. (oi i.-. la'f‘ i. i - ..
and for obtaining grand jury testi- press or 9V6" W‘s'de the editors 0f' l v I ‘ ‘ ? WW mi-iiit'nl and dental dint-mt "lltll'lii"- ..=.il .. ; u. put a... i...
monies on the Watergate break-in fice,hesaid. ‘ _ ills, l staggering thi- hlkt'~. «her '.\It lill'l. ,k... ”who! own ..< "ltit"' .
that the Senate Watergate Commit- The wasmngm" P0“ (M “0‘ . V .9 . " ' mums .= 'i'il!i~‘,'.’.ti-L:i‘l ,iia.
tee could not get access to. he also want to use a column that ,I wrote 11%?- s§ The original I‘l‘t‘tllillill'llllalllttI or llil'lt'dxl'k o; .‘.t.v.i..,~ .5» m, ,...
writes a syndicated column that ap- about Ted Kennedy being involved 3’” ‘j a; ; . . veiled at .-i coniiiiiiim- moi-tine hm: 'tli'.'tl .i in. a...
pears in more than 900 newspapers as a purchaser 0f dFUgS‘ Thereis ’ 353“ ' '~.v_="' I . “ethic-Min} mllisi ittl llii ilit tum-L iui ~\~‘I‘IY. 104".» ..i 1 .- .
acrossthecountry. mum?“ bemre the House Ethics . ~°"" ‘: ' H, ‘ i to be instituted through Wilt Ito» .I'I\:l:i‘\ .iiiii llir moduli. “in...
r""—_"_——_—.——— gogglljfl'g 822$ mf?;folfen€::$rssl * A “'2‘ «r: f amended version “Ill ll' \l'll! li- llii ~kl’lt‘ Il'ttlli'illid'lnk'll In 1.4 ,i.=.1.'..'.~i:

/ r V V r w" l 'l ‘\ l'.‘t ';l| ' 2‘ .

l «Mia' a purchaser in that cocaine ring." / M « gallium ”n \m l- W ”H II ”litjkflufiy... .._ . .. ,,..,.. ..,. ,.,.

l ‘.~',"', Andersonsaid. «3' P \ as An =l' . ‘ . . , .,. , , , __ ‘ ‘
._ . . w t . . ~_ g gt .1 l‘tit‘d. tilt (HI‘.~ \.iitii.. . iii ‘Ullllli. .. .i ii... =i ..

i f_ _ . ‘It was pUbllShed everywhere else if \ Q \ rcpresentntnc ll‘tlll‘. \lllllll'lii l‘\t'l t.. Hi i l oi i i.i i at: ' i 't.. i Ill
1 j" #6 " eXSePl m The Washington P0“ The «if-.F‘T“: -» ‘ ~ i lucky l‘iiivi-rsity asked the ioii.iii.= i ’.l iIlIIIIL't 'hi hi iifih n. It Alll'i’
l :, ..- edltor (Of The P98“ lS-a gOOd friend r . ‘1'. l [99 it) support ”to slouch-(l iii Iftiiii .itiill; \,\\I\l.|fl('t' =\iitllutt'\ .l
i a ., . oftheKennedys. hesa'd‘ . I / _ 3* crease- txwausi- thi- hike woiiiit =l..ii= lllldllt i... .uti itlg.iflil‘l'llll: to
1 ’3’ ' °' ‘1. 2.3.. Anderson 531d he playeda major . fig? i _ - drastically affect the 200 to L2» Itut iiiiit'iilc .iti increased amour! ul \lll
k .’ .1 .* _ role in IVllatnga'L‘? Lbly' Obéalnglg the * . . a ' u. r of-state students enrolled Ill l\i-ii ili-ii' liii.iiii-i.il mil to t’tiln[l‘ll\.llr l”!
I V 1.x“ .. ranscrip S). W IC ma e Im a ~I sit \N\0l I) k- . t luvkl‘ Pr‘tlt‘sslonitl “"h““l\ llll‘ lllt i'iuiw tti Million
5 x ;.-., ,1. . leon target, After the hearings. Ankles away "I‘ve met with the \lutit'i'll lulu i HI; would entouragi 'lii- .. .- oi .

’ 1.? I g _ Woodward and} .Bgmswm admitted -. . . . presidents. and the students "Kill/V uniiilntioii ti- priixlili- 'hr tin ev-oi.

‘ .. .I' .. that acqutsition of the grand Bob l-igg. assistant dean of extension. Cllltt)\ a \lllglllg tclc- that “1. mm- to have some type oi wooing .iutlioiiix illi'l .iipioiiii i"*'I
-- jury testimony was the [“081 crucial gram dclitcrcd by an employee from I'axicrn ()nion. l'igg's 1,]..n.aM.-- Mud yum A WM“, 3...” MM. ,1” W, PM ,H m ...,,,h,h“_it,', ‘

i J, ft? .. part ofthe an9§tlgal10W he 531d secretary. Mary Anti Noble. arranged the birthday \terIhL‘. 1;,“ student “i \Kl' \ i luv.“- rd»... Minnie ., i. Lil.” mm .,i in“... i,

‘_ 5‘ ‘ "Nixon conSidered my role to be School I.“ “a“:

_ ‘ . ‘ , the biggest role. because he had all
=-_. it these federal agents investigating R d f o o '
' . me — and not Woodward and w t th t p k j '
. f/ .1' $ Bernstein.“hesaid. enO ne emlnls a“ or O S ea 'NS'DE
' r I Anderson said Nixon had the CIA. ‘
= . - ~ . . FBI. IRS. State Department and th d t l f
JA(|\AND£RSON Pentagon after him. "G Gordon on e gen er gap 3 aw con erence 2 HM tub lab im- «och own”; up

Anderson said he decided to bee Liddywas actually out to kill me,“ 1 ioocii- llli: Rmnhuu tuition ii...“
came a journalist because “I was Liddy and E, Howard Hunt had By Ll.\’lS.KAD.-\BA De (‘row was president of the Na iiieiit Assix-iotioii \i'illl \ll" think. i» i Honolulu tlii- tcalti imm the t hum.
probably too young to know any bet- devised several methods to “do Executive Editor tional Urganllahtln {or women from t‘rou \ i-omM-imn mil. \. in ”mi i it oi Haw.- it iaiiicu \o i in the in.
ter." away with the source." Anderson 1974 to 1977 She is now a practicing her interesting background \ll‘itlltl i W“ \‘i‘W‘letwvl

He has developed standards for said. The most imaginative. he said. Time magazine hailed Karen l)e attorney whose work concerns dis appeal to both worm-ii .iiiil tin-ii I ii. g
his PFOieSS'ton. however. “I do not being “aspirin roulette" ~ planting Crow as one of the 100 future leaders i-riminationcases sure there is a lot in lauirti iioii. : “MI?" I“ W3 "l'lrltn tit Pm
agree with those investigative re- a deadly pill in the medicine cabinet of the t’nited States Another poll “mm m thr w hm k“ A Y Karpnlkif‘rim i tamr" ”mm-d last night at the 0pm ,
porters who say that anything goes at Anderson's home and putting LSD cited the nationallyknown author wgm .‘ (. j lt I L4, t Slum“: Iiaviil Bradford st. \ tin-sirloin l limo: Mi 3 mm, «a, [tam-h
A reporter is a citizen of this coun- on the steering wheel of Anderson‘s and feminist as one of the so most J 1 M s, '3'”) U f: " ft"? 'y'l’tlh agreed "I think .IIHUIII‘ would ll‘llt' l
”3’. jUSl like anyone else.“ Anderson car. influential women in the nation. RISK” d." ' m L "Hui“ 1m “,1 fit from going to lhh lei lllrl‘ she I

. .. . , ' . 1 . >. *rt Seitlenberg. Women Who L-_._ ._ ._._....,_,.._...mums...”
Said. I didnl. know about ll at the De LTOVl “ill be the keynote Harry Houses ”(IVIH‘UVId Protest m brings out 3 (“Haiti \rlrutmiiit not i

“I don‘t think that it is necessary. time. Their immediate supervisor. speakeron “Will There Always Be a ‘A on} hobi ' “v (.m“ ls known heard very often or \l'I". .‘ouiti:

. therefore. to violate the laws. steal Jeb Magruder. told me about it af— Gender Gap in the Law?" at a con- {05. herp )mlacalvvw ' around here ; WEATHER

documents or t to do) anything else terwards. They were doing all this fereiice on “Women and the Law” lx ‘d ‘ The more than :to $05510th (it ii..- i

that wouldbeimproper."hesaid. in violationofthelaw."he said. tomorrow at 1:30 pm. in the Student ”As a keynote at the end of a con Confer-en“. are mum”, i,, ”WM. .

“I think we can get the news with- He was a civilian war corrospon— Center Theater. ference. we wanted a wrapup and a the law to the public "mi iii tlw ind“ “in be “my woo) ma "mm
out doing that. We go to sources and dent during World War 11 before "Her name is not as widely known look into the future," (ireenwell said same mm. ”H” t K I“ ““4”“. A”; 3

. . , . . . .. . . .. . imtli .I ltiuti near H) Tonight will he

get information. What they tell other being drafted and asstgned to the in non-feminist ctrcls. said Karen about De (.row s topic I dont opportunity to learn hulllt‘ct; W l my mm a h" m m, k" and M

reporters. they tell us. but we tin- Shanghai edition of Stars And Greenwell. cochairwoman of the think it will just be limited to taught lnlntliltlpur'svs Kw: "mum“ m“ h: mm”, mm,

vestigative reporterst are not satis- Stripes. Anderson joined Drew Pear- Women‘s Law Caucus. which is one women as laywers but hold a wide "The forum prt)\i‘ldl'\ a lot of I\ in“, “mm mm a m h m im- 3m; ma

fied. I always ask for documenta- son's staff in 1947 and took over The of the sponsors of the event "But iaudience- " sues that don i get touched on in law 'md I“ ' '

tion."he said. Washington Merry-GoRound when among feminist Circles. she is Missy Hood. director of the Speak school Gri-enwi-ll \altl Thi- ioruii. '

"The role of the investigative re- Pearson died in 1969. Anderson was known," ers Bureau for the Student Govern , . m \IH it .. __
porter has always been to dig up the the Washington editor of Parade _______.._._____._.._.._____.-.._.__- . , ._...,__,..__ .,-. . s”- .
stories that the governrgeent doesnét Magazine and did a synglicated TV . . o . . . . i
want us to know " An rson sai . commentar until earlier isyear. ff 1 h t t t t ’
"The govemment belongs to the Tickets fgr the speech are $1 for O [Cla Opes 0 Increase mlnorl y Oppor unl leSl
people. As sovereigns. the people University students with a UK Men I
are 6“"le [0 know what their paid tification card and $3? for the general By ANGELO B. HENDERSON ———-——-————————- I * ~ .7 .. - , l
employees are domg. he said. “The public. The speech is co-sponsored Senior Staff Writer | ‘ l
rare exceptions being in cases by the Student ActiVities Board and John T SNIlIh if I , I
where national security is in- the Student Government Associa- UK‘s highest ranking black ad- ' ‘ ‘ i _ ‘

v- . “ ' ‘
volved. "0" ministrator has two goals * in- clearly the highest ' :~. I l
creasing the number of minorities - . - -
. o o o o 0 at the University and increasing ranking black ! ,, Q l
UnlverSlty receives $3 mllllon the Opportunities available for administrator at UK. " ' . ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ '
them. ’ 1/ I
John T. Smith. Vice chancellor . I; - i
for new horse research center «minority mats. said his om —— -. ~ ,
was atablished eight years ago to level. where I really have 3 mice t = t . - .. l
‘ promotethosegoals. in what happens here at the Uni, = 4 r

The University has received a do- University offiCials wtll recognize Smith was described by Nancy versity
nation 0f ‘3 million to so toward the the donor and ‘9" what “995 have Ray. coordinator of Affirmative "We were able to get a full-time
construction of a ss-million equine been taken to obtain the matching Action for the University. as recruiter." 5mm said ~we were , p ,
research center 0“ 03ml!”- The El“ dollais. “clearly the highest ranking black also able to get established the » ' ‘ 1‘
is one Of the largest individual gifts Many University and state Ofii- admmutrawr at UK." He gm lam-mm center and two “(grams . ’
in the historyoftheinstitution. cials have said UK has been long a salary of ”5.700 a year accord- over m the Medical Center. which b

Although the name of the donor is cmldmd 3“ ”PP'W'ia“? Place ‘0' ing to the Office of the Vice Chan- are the Health Careers ()pportum- .3- .
not available at this time details "ms“wm‘m‘“ cella'oleinasAl‘fatrs ty Program and the Professional 1;

- ' l“ I”. an equestrian education ‘th 'd be came to UK in Education Preparation Program " . J ’

Will be announced at a press confer- . . 5"“ 3" . _ , , . ,

ence at Keeneland race counc today program was cut "0th? Lniversr 1975 as vice president of minority Smmis title was later changed a

at n am ‘ an anonymom University tys chpartment of animal seienca affairs. “This was a new position {m “a president of mmonty :

source said yesterday. became W for “99'“ mm” which was organized for coordina- affairs to Vice chancellor of mi- \ .

ran “’0 “'3“- The myearold pro- tion and emphasis m minority in- nority affairs He said that before

The donation is a clnllenge gift, yam taudit riding instruction. The tests." be said. “Really. I think the reorganization he WW t”. ~ g 1. q
with the provision that the bone in- new center will Ml entirely with the ”mt m the Bum of may ‘0 mpg,“ Otis A 5m. .‘ . ‘
dustry andtheKentuckyalaodm-te researchtheaourcesaid. mm. uwaneedtoestablishl gwyhnmwmrepommm ‘ ‘ ”

”millionapiece. outta] office that was at cabinet SethflAlerau: JOH\ " SMITH I

At the press Mm may. JOHN vosxuli. __.___.__.._—____..--

4' ‘ ‘
‘ I

3’ estimates” . '2’ . Goals
3353?. e- r ' ' l Wm ‘
,.. Gallaher. who is chancellor for the main tant to go for help while they can still be and more students who go and me these
A1 campu. helped," he said. “Some wait until it’s too places. Black students are finally beginning .
THE bonito thé‘elnnge in'title, Smith still hiss monument!!!“ soaMseekheIp-" ‘0 W in" M W” m we, ‘0'
voice in campus matters, the said. “I’m doing “But first of all we encourage black stu- "16m and there IS "0 stlsma attached,’ he
LIBRARY i.- exactly the same things that I’ve always done dents to use campts-wide services. WNW“ “ld- “They want to help students in any way
' a. up here." is available to any student is available to mi- lheycanbehelped.”
- . ‘ ll His job is not just getting minority students "Wily Students he" at UK'” M “lid‘ And 133:; “53““? ("we”) have m 8°
HAPPY HOUR ' . w ux. he saw. b... tsp... mam ,.... mm mmam:r:::r..:; ”this: °“ 8° "
_ \ 5-8pflm theycangraduate. here." This is the second part of a series on the '
‘ « “Very often, minority students are reluc- “Luckily, this year we are getting more OfficeojMinorityAffairs.
‘//£‘;\‘>’l‘ ‘1 .00 DrEnk. 8'10Pem. '6 MI
3". \ J
- " {3" CPEVYCHME _
l, ",- ALL NIGHT fig" m Rebel. Rocker. ‘ \\ ‘ , 2 e
.52" I ~ l, Lover. ldol. Vanished. . .. g _ - y
n s‘. PCU" Girl ‘ ‘1‘ willie-rt '%\\\\Q“T V. Ill , :
am“ . $1.25 ..,’ {g5 STUDENTPRICE8175 E _ E 1“” MM ’ . 1' '{I'j Mflé/ "\ e. :v
- . . . ' r n P — "' 1- ‘ , » ~
-—‘—‘-;-__;——‘.r—-~ Other lmports SpeClally 93-"- QZESVGClnsAET ' 1' x % - ,...“ . ‘ I...
pricedtoo! " H r’ W x V o
—— ' ' a:
.._.____ ,. . M g1 , . . ._ .
l We'll be serving: " g, ‘ It I I~ '5 I! 5 Em, C A 5:.
Brats, Potato Salad, [:1] o W ”WNW“ ALF‘ALF
m Ch & P t l MKliAhlPAM. a
eese re 2e 5. me , he (Efren Em . 7
' They/liens. :3’“ SATURDAY BRUNCH ill-1:30
WAVE "' “
TONITE W W LEW" WWW..." - ,......m, ::
AT THE - - we fit: - “""”’°‘“‘ Classma' lChamberMusic 8-109.m. .'
.§& “‘2. CHEVY CHASE $1.50 Prior to6:00p.rn. Daily 557 S. ”momma 253-le Z
l u.— ’ ' m
b’ ...... w»
I ,m,”
Bud or October 14, 1983. 7:00-9:00p.m.-Marriott-Griffin Gate Resort 5
e Featuring: George Sheehan, M.D. and Allan Ryan, M.D.
MOOSEHEAD and the German A guest faculty includes outstanding professionals in the field of Sports Medi- g'
$3 .9 35 2 99 cine as well as two well known competitive runners from Lexington Mark
° 6 pk NR $2 . 6 pk 12 oz. cans ' '2 pk '2 °z' “"5 Nenow and John Sensenig.
80 Jim Beam $4 99750 | Sponsored by: Lexington Clinic's Fitness and Sports Medicine Center
I . . ' m and the American College of Sports Medicine
All interested persons are invited to attend-No registration is necessary.
80 Gilbey s GI" $4.99750ml (Being held in conjunction with ”Fitness and Rehabilitation in the Competive
56 Amaref‘lo di Sc ronno s 1 'I .99750ml and Recreational Athletic" Seminar, October 14 and 15.)
Lexington Clinic Lexington Clinic East
LlebfrCUMI'Ch eeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoo$2099750ml 1221 soufh Broadway Primary Care Center
' "nun"..“”“. . m Lexington, Ky. 40504 100N.EagIeCreek Dr.
Taylor Lake Coun ry Chablis $1 49750 i (606)255_““ Lumen)". Ky. “509
. _
7 ‘ Health ‘
Insurance) .
O ' .
\ ,A,~ O the
\\ a." 0 latest 3 UK sruoENr GROUP INSURANCE
"" 1|?
. 1 Due to the fact that the neu‘ insuranee company did not get the fall
. I l 3 semester information mailed prior to the start of the semester. the
‘,| "1,. s h enrollment and eontinuing payment deadline has been extended to
1 £12, "l ‘ y X ()etober I8. I983.
F To Enroll in the UK Student Insurance Plan:
3 \H‘; Pick up a packet form the "New Enrollment Packets" sec-
. ”I tion of the pamphlet rack to the left of the elevator at the
, . third floor of the Medical Center Annex 4 (the Health Serv-
' , ice Clinic). Follow the instructions on the packet. The rates
in) II are on the back of the application form which is part of
’4 / the brochure. Your application and payment must be
., l ’ mailed in as specified on the application and MUST BE
{ v \\ a POSTMARKED sv OCTOBER 18.1983.
1/ l / To Continue Your Participation in the UK Student Insurance ~
I ' ' ‘/ “we Plan (formerly Blue Cross/ Blue Shield):
J J i If you have not received information from the new insur-
ance company or if you have lost that information, pick up
, u . H . a packet from the "Continuing Payment Packets" section
Submit your picture of school pride and take a of the pamphlet rock to the left of the elevator at the third
chance on winning one Of three gill certificates floor of Medical Center Annex 4 (the Health Service Clin-
. ic). Follow the instuctions on the packet. The rates are on
valued Up to $99. Photos Will be accepted Novem- the back of the application form which is part of the bro-
b l' 1 T ' . - _ chure. Your application and payment must be mailed in as
e 5 November 4th' The Winners WI” be on specified on the application and MUST IE POSTMARKED
nounced on November iith. The contest ls open to IV ocrosslns. 1903.
all students, faculty, and staff who are not profes-
sionals. Entries must be in the form of prints - l mm,“ M, “A ,,
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black and white or color - and must be 8 by 10 or i L' Don'u-nh-Oo-dllmsnp-yl i
smaller. Photos can be taken with any type of -;
camera. For more details, a complete set of rules, .7 .
and an entry form, stop by room 203 in the SlU- zzte: Thial polir‘yhu‘ltlhKCréedj; Life Insuranr; Company of Springfield. .
to. rep ares t e ' .‘tu em Blue (Iron Blue Shield plan of last '1
dent Center or call 257-8867. m", , :2
f, I .

 TN! IEMUCKV KENNEL Fm, October N. mo 1
_________________________._._______.————-——-—-——-—._.___.___- .____ -._ w- -__,e__~..--_.. ow“. s “who” .
May ’00th
1“.“ ‘t l t '
. Don Mon..-
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H "t ° ht W ld tW
N, to Lady Kats face N o. I await omg 1 ca armup i
(anti k“ll\1\ll\i\ [atrium \u. r l .m- \.iin \1 . . - _.~ ._ “i,” , g - - ' i
Tonight‘s the big evening — the . : State: and we‘ve seen Marsha Bond nmzaamn Rouge, i. s . . . . . ' . ; - . . .
on the one the Lady Kats volleyball team ‘ play.“ Shoji said ”The players Melton: ‘ top to t iii l.‘ inic‘ , .»- .. t .. . . . ., . . , ., \ . . .
has been looking toward since they , aren't taking the game lightly We Rennie: l K4 iisi 2 I m s . x . i . . A4 \
upset San Diego State in the season Jason know Kentucky's Sixth-ranked " (uncles: l k ~ Iri'i t :i Mm ~ a - - . . -
opener. It will likely be the liggest Shoji said his team isn't necessan and H2 it‘ omeuii M ‘ pthtli! » ‘: .s [\l lutnln! lllrl‘emr ~ - , i .. .
night until postseason play, when _ WILLIAMS ly ready to repeat as champiom ist - lcrn simiii it :u i‘: H - .u - - hunt...“ it“... . m.» - . , .,. ..
UK hosts the Southeastern Confer- "Right now they're playing imt tcuaiIs‘L . to“ lk -» « . ii- - Mi \\
/ ence and NCAA Final Four tourna- named NCAA All-American the past good enough to win." he said “ (Hlm: t k \1n.‘.;‘t ..... M. ....m,
*‘ ments. tWO years and i5 8 superb leaper, Our offense Is not real good, but ist — Multiple . , ..
The 099006!“ is top-ranked Ha— capableddunkingavolleyball. other phases are Our servmg is ex- Detour: l'k “1dr lJtUc , ,‘ . y
3 waii, and the Kats will be putting ”I think "'5 a challenge. but l'm cellen[_ our defense IS very good I \|‘_[Sl 14 6 l. ' ‘ ~ . . . .
their NO- 5 ranking and a 29-2 record ready to accept it." Bond said, "We like our ability to scramble. and we Series History: lSl' min :4 ~ v c ‘ _ . . ‘ ~ ‘- .. ,
, on the line in Memorial Coliseum as heard about how good she is. but i don'tmake manymistakes " iii. intiutiing A H : 1 its.” 5 . . g ‘
part of the “Volleyball Fun — Cats thinklcan handle her," So that‘s all Hawaii can do" The lag? in Baum Rouge lhc i . . .. . . .
\ . on the Run," festivities beginning at Hawaii head coach Dave Shoji is Kats aren‘tretreating yet gm «mm, [k m, “w” l L . .. ‘. . . . ‘ ~
3330- The Chicken Will be 0“ hand 10 prepared {0" that. “It ShOUId be in- Kirby‘s injured shoulder is now in Lcunglon u in cnmuic llaliim Hilliard “ , _ _ , . ‘_ ;
help usher in the Wildcat basketball teresting. I really haven‘t seen just a little sore - a plus in the spik- the Orange Bowl , ,, , J , é
season at 12:01 following the volley- Marsha Bond play that much and ms department And. whatever jit- inium: ist Hike tiamhvcli in. c K . i -~ j
l ball match. neither has Deitre." he said. “There teis the Kats may have aSide. they antic. probable ""_' “' ‘ ”ft"? _

The Kats don't geta break though. really hasn't been one person who are playing their best volleyball of LK non: . , _
as they must face the Rainbow Wa- can stop Deitre. the year right now “tome: 1 st ti) inc l' . . . ;
hinee, 154), again tomorrow night at “Most teams put two blockers on No matter what, returning to pin", in "mi; [\l imitates in ll .. .; . - t . ‘
7:30inMemorialColiseum. her. But we understand physically earth after this weekend may be (Barri Jam“ and gummy” w. “ erhr. “W,“ K t .- . 1.. .A '. ‘

“Everyone’s neal excited and real Marsha is as good a player as she’ll hard. “an .miudc imcmnm Knit-ll \i.. .v «w. iI . . .. ,
fired up. We're all more together goupagainstthisseason,“ _ “it may take a while." Peppler brot- ‘ ..
than we've ever been‘" UK 8550' Hawaii doesn‘t jUSt stop With COI' said- ”It's hard [0 return [0 normal l‘K —— qtiaricthatk Randi leiilm~ 3.. tum «your v.4" " ‘ i i. ,
date head cone}! Mary Jo Peppler lins. The defending national own" after being m this kind 0f emotional dcl'ensisc guaid Keith Martin and tit'lt'rV-l rm W .l" \\ ' ' ~ " 4- l'“ - ' 7
said at yesterday’s practice in pions have all six starters returning high. ' hamx . . ’

Alumni Gym, “The players are all (five seniors and one junior i. lnCIUd- _____________._.____..__..--s_,_ mm ___. 7 ._.., , , .. g H. . _ , _. ,-
ready to haveagood experience," ing Kori Pulaski. a killer 5-8 senior ‘ {PM W
One of the goals of the team this outside hitter who also was named w .. ~ -+--:. -~
.. season has been to bring in large tomew-Americaieamiaswear Cats 0“ "‘9 "m .1; “Emmmnmmflmes PIZZA PARTY FOR FOUR!
crowds. So far the largest was Peppler and fellow coach Marilyn . Au W5 “,0" 6PM. $2.00
home loss to UCLA in five games. for a long time in the team huddle 9356350!) practice AJUS! after mld- .1; .~ TUIFl‘ID M‘llcxra'i'i“ . 9

“Hopefully this will start to bring following practice yesterday. More mght‘tonig‘ht With Its second con- 1 mm“ "mm m ‘ u. “m,
the people out more,“ senior middle than a few heads turned toward the secutiye Cats 0" the Run at Jun-nu. THE BIG
blocker Marsha Bond said. “. . . I've other side of the gym where the “(3- 12191- , _ 3 RETURN .. mu
been here four years and I‘d like to hines were warming up. Nobody on With tomorrow being ‘th ("‘5‘ 3 OF THE .. a 1‘ ' mm -m
see peoplestart to recognize us." UK's side is underestimating these day "‘3‘ teams canpracuce Finder JEDI 1 53577:. p , ‘ _ _ .

Bond will have to recognize a for- matches :iEAegrlyeis‘ptg'tmldgfi “31:28:: : 733.731" a“... {5 v ‘ l .,_,. in q. A. ..
mldab'e °Pp°“e"‘ in “walls 5'“ Bl" ”‘9 same 8095 “’r ”aw“ ' l s a i 1 2- 430700900 i 453 355 45 7 459 45 . , .7 . '..'f.' 7
middle blocker Deitre Collins. The Which schedules m05t of the top artifor the 19333459350” 90 ~ 9 L \ , .siw

f senior from Lancaster, Calif., won wfit coast teams. _ LK has been picked number one I. 11:11”; I; “'Er'! ”All ("UREA . O, ‘
the Broderick Award last year as “We‘ve played Karolyn Kirby and In F5635?" 90115 by numerous ' ’ m...” «minimum: 3mm " ' 1 , fl in , .;tv~s ,
- the nation’s most outstanding colle- we re played Tanya Diamond «when sports publications. 1 _ ‘ fl 1) s v .‘.‘.I i.~
" giate volleyball player. She has been the two UK players were at Utah l _ . l ‘ 5:53;” NATHWAL g. ' o a luv-.i . ,, : ,
rk i A i.::;’:;':.... LAMmN‘S ’ ‘ ‘ O ’ '
4' .:.':::‘;1:;'..’ o ‘ ’. . .1 . . . .‘ .. .
Board of Experts mm“ ‘w'c MW“ . "
'303‘30530730930 '40345545745049 --—---------- _
Y' ' iovo, 1942.14 Test oi the Humon 5pm: I PARTY FOR 4 — $9.99 I
e ‘ ic \ a ennn 3.. ¢ , w .IMHI i |Im\ Robbie Ills" rurf I If" Jo n .riffin
:I::.O?:::: ‘1‘; L‘pflk :‘potl‘sl'xlllzln rout; :l‘i‘ll- l Jim" :1 “that \\ M‘L“ lV-“H'l” "\“NM' :iidii:it'i’iil\hnauev \I.:'ii.i(it‘r\g l d H" DRVID mv mnlms' I ‘ ' '
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tieiirgia at an :1 ll icurgia tit-«Hgin (-1" '- n twin... “-W' id ‘i:"'lid : ‘ .‘ I . w“. ‘H.--N....‘-:v.i ‘
(inmsi at Illinois ("1|qu llliiiifldlt‘ m .\- ("i-w“ . hide“ .. ‘1?" .. i . , ‘ nwsv | l r.“ 3... ON...” - |
l’iilshuvgh at Loumillc Piiishuuh I’illklilli'ill'i i i. w i in hmin i ll shillyii l. \m it 1 I .1 . '
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