xt78kp7tqm13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78kp7tqm13/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 1992 1992 1992-02-19 2020 true xt78kp7tqm13 section xt78kp7tqm13  

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UK sororities,

Senior Staff Writer

er, sun and
where to

acation to
“Nigger. get our of my frat. " '5 to wear
Those words jumped off the page of the et there,

letter that William Summers received last t. 4 r" will

spring. -
Growing up in racially-integrated Louis- With a”

ville. Ky, Summers had

never seen or heard such

hate-filled words before.
But as a freshman at

UK. and a rushee in a

predominantly white fia-

ternity, he met racism

face to face for the first

“You read about it.

You hear about it. But

you really don't believe it SUMMERS

Kentucky Kerne

Bush ideas







until it happens to you." Summers said.

The incident strikes at the heart of a
greek community that is almost completely
segregated by race.

Of the 1.109 students who were members
of UK fraternities during the spring 1991
semester, only 29 were black. But of those,
only six belonged to traditionally white fra-
ternities. The rest were members of UK‘s
three, black. greek-letter fraternities.

The situation was more unbalanced
among UK‘s traditionally white sororities.
which had only one black member out of a
total of 1.555.

The figures were compiled by the Dean
of Students‘ Office. who relied on student
self-reports for ethnic classification.

For Summers, the shock he said he felt

well for him since rush had begun at Phi
Kappa Psi social fraternity. He had been
elected the president of his pledge class and
in another month would have been an ac-
tive member.

But the good times wouldn't last.

A second letter followed a week later that
contained similar language, only this time
the anonymous writer told him to “quit
kissing ass.“

The Dean of Students‘ Office. UK police
and the fraternity itself looked into the inci-
dent. but came up with no leads.

"To this day we don‘t know if it was
someone within the fraternity or it may
have just been someone I was rushing
with." Summers said.

but there is always a chance that it could

Phi Kappa Psi President Ted Supulski
said he was certain the letters came from
outside the fraternity.

“Definitely. Without a doubt." he said.

Associate Dean of Students Victor Haz-
ard said the case was examined. but no
charges were filed with the police.

“Whoever the source was. they were very
careful." Hazard said. “It was very unfortu-

After the first letter. Supulski and other
Phi Psi members visited Summers to assure
him the letters hadn‘t come from them.

“As soon as it happened. the guys came
to my dorm room and sincerely expressed

“To a certain extent 1 appreciated that.
But the kind of racism that goes on today
-— it really isii‘t the kind that comes out at
you. [is behind the scenes. People tell you
one thing and then act another way.“ Sum—
mers said.

Without knowing who his enemies were
or where they were coming from. William
decided to de-pledge Phi Psi. His lingering
doubts about the frateniity proved to be too
strong to forget.

“You iust can't feel comfortable in a
house where you feel there may be some-
one there who doesn't want you.“ he said.

Supulski said the frateniity held discus-
sions conceniing the matter “and the feel-
ing was that (the letters) were not from

for reform
won’t have
local effect

Staff Writer

While families may have

breathed a sigh of relief aftci "resi-
dent Bush's State of the Union Ads
dress. proposals intended to in-


how sorry they were that it had happened."
Supulski said.

“When you get something like that. you
want to think it was no one in the fratemity.

will not have
much of EU] im-
pact locally. a
UK administra-
tor said.

was greater because things had been going See FRATERNITIES Page 5


Kappa Alpha defends Confederate flag, ‘Old South’

Senior Staff Writer

Two Confederate flags hang in
the windows of the Kappa Alpha
social fratemity house. Another is
painted on the wall inside the
house. but with an inscription
written under it that simply states:

“Southem heritage. not hatred."

The words are simple. but the
debate about whether Southem
heritage can be separated from ra-
cial hatred is not. it‘s an issue vi-
tal to the KAs because of their es-
teem for the Old South.

“We cherish the Old South.“
said Dan Andersen. president of
KA. “We‘re a Southem fraternity.
founded in Virginia on the ideals
of Robert Edward Lee — a cele-
bration of Southern heritage.

“To me, all of the Southeni
symbols that we use bring up all
of the things that Robert Edward
Lee stood for —— which is chivalry
and a reverence for women. It
sounds corny. but it‘s really im-
ponant to a lot of guys in our fra-

ternity.“ Andersen said.

In addition to the prominence of
the Stars and Bars. KA also cele-
brates “Old South" week each
year. To kick off the week. the
KAs “secede" frotn the Universi-
ty. Andersen said.

At one point during “Old
South." members of the fraternity
dress up in Confederate soldier
costumes and march to sorority
houses to pick up their dates for a
fomial dance.

Their use of Southem symbols
has canted the KAs a reputation
for being racist — one that Ander-
sen says they do not deserve.

“1 think it is totally false. [don't
want to say that i can't blame peo-
ple for looking at it that way. Btit
1 can see how it can happen be-
cause of the symbols that we use."

Chester Grundy. UK‘s director
of minority affairs. doesn‘t see the
fun in glamorizing the Old South.
which. he said, “was built on the
backs of slaves."

“I think you'd have to be schiz-
ophrenic to separate it." Grundy

> Irena-



Story, Page 5




said. “That's a very romantic no‘
tion of the South —— that it existed
separate and apart from slavery.
The fundamental economic zuid
social systems were constructed
on slavery."

"It puts black people out there
as part of the scenery. while these
confederate officers and their
darnsels dance around on the ve-
randa." Grundy said. “if you use
Gone With the Wind as your histo-
ry book. you might be able to
come up with this memorable pic-
ture of the South. But my history

tells inc it was constructed on the
backs of slaves. So. yes. it is of-

Andersen said most
don't undcrstzmd what the
see in the flag.

“1 really believe that iii our
minds that (racism) is not what it
stzuids for. When will all that be
laid to rest and when can we cele-
brate Southern heritage and South-
ei'n tradition mid chivalry arid
everything that went with the
beauty of the Old South without
having to attach a stigma to it.’

"it‘s just a celebration of South-
ern heritage and it‘s not iii any
way tied to what other things that
the Confederate Army stood for . .
like slavery." Andersen said.

The KAs made headlines across
the state in 1988 when LeRon l'il-
lis —- a UK basketball player at
the time — accepted a bid from
the frateniity. Ellis was the first
black student ever to become a
member of KA.

Ellis transferred in 1989 to Sy-
racuse University in wake of the


N(‘AA penalties levied against
the men‘s basketball program.
The KAs have had no black mem-
bers since then.

"He‘s probably. iii the last four
years. the only black person who
has cotne by during rush and
stayed.“ Andersen said. “We al-
ways have a mix of people who
come by. it's _]USl that they Come
by for a while. leave and never
come back "

Although the Km say they
hate been open to minority stu-
dents. Grundy said that it would
be hard for a black student to take
their gestures of openness serious-
l_\ when the (‘oiifederate flag is
hanging in the window.

“It's a stratige contradiction. If
you‘re really sincere about that.
theti you project a different unage
that is an open insult to black peo
ple." Grundy said.

“it‘s a foot in both worlds."

Bush‘s plans

are a “positive
step.“ but will
not make a huge
director of Student Financial Aid.

said BUSH


in his Jim. 28 address. Bush rec-

orruncrtded. among other economic
reforms. that (‘ongress allow fruiti-
lies to deduct interest on student
loans from their federal taxes zuid to
withdraw early frorn individual rc«
tirement accounts


(IRA) without

“1 reaily didn‘t get all excited

about it." Halsey said of the plans
“It‘s just a small gesture. but I

you have to start some

In one scenario presented by the

Bush Administration. a family takes
student loans and withdraws early
from its retirement account to pay
for its two children in college. l'n-
der Bush‘s pltut. this family could
save more thzui Sl.()()() on its feder-
al income taxes

Halsey. who has one child in col

See BUSH. Page 5

Buchanan pushes Bush, Tsongas edges Clinton in New Hampshire

Auoclated Preu

dent Bush gained a grudging victo-
ry last night in the New Hampshire
presidential primary. with challeng-
er Patrick J. Buchanan claiming
more than 40 percent of the Repub-
lican vote to fuel his conservative

Former Sen. Paul E. Tsongas of
Massachusetts won the five-way
Democratic race. ratifying the
front-runner status even he called
improbable. Arkansas Gov. Bill
Clinton ran second and pronounced
himself “the comeback kid.“

New Hampshire's blighted econ-
omy was the consuming issue in


Daron Feldhaus wll

both parties' campaigns, and Bush
said he got the message of discon-

He vowed to “take my case to the
voters in the next 8 1/2 months“
and said he was confident of beats
ing Buchanan to win the GOP nom-
ination. “Now." Bush said, “on to
the South.“

Angela Bay Buchanan. manager
of the challenger. claimed a major
victory on her brother‘s behalf.
“This is a victory. Protest votes
don‘t rtin this high. We‘re going
against a president in his own party
in the state that put him in office.“

“New Hampshire is Pat Bucha-
nan‘s best shot.“ said (iov. Judd
Gregg. a Bush partisan. like the rest

of the Republican establishment.
Yet the results were sobering to the
Bush camp, coming in the state
where primary victory saved the
president‘s 1988 nomination.

The Republican vote. with 51
percent of the precincts counted.

'Bush 34,767 (57 percent). He
led with 14 of New Hampshire‘s 2.1
convention delegates.

-Buchanan 25,384 (42 percent)
and () delegates.

Buchanan campaigned to the end.
declaring at one point Tuesday.
“We‘re going into Georgia attd Su~
per Tuesday with cnonnous steam."
Those Southeni primaries are on
March 3 and it). respectively.

William Bennett. the former ad-
ministration official. said in a (‘NN
interview that the New Hampshire
verdict was “serious trouble" for
Bush. He said the president would
have to get tough with Buchzuian
now; “kinder and gentler is over.“

In the Democratic primary. with
38 percent of the precincts report-
ing. Tsongas and Clinton botli were
splitting New Hampshire's 18 con-
vention delegates. The vote was:

'Tsongas‘ 19.634 (33 percent).

-(‘.linton 16,440 or (28 percent).

For Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska
zmd Tom llarkin of Iowa. the Chill-
lenge for each was to defeat the oth-
er and emerge as the more liberal
altemativc to 'l‘songas or (‘lintoit

Kerrey had 12 percent: llarkin, ll:
fortner (‘alit‘oniia (iov. Jen'y
Brown, 0 percent.

Democratic National (‘hainnan
Ronald H. Brown said the New
Hampshire results put Bush “in in-
credible peril."

“(ieorge Bush is a one-term pres-
ident." he said.

(‘lintoii told his supporters iii
Merrimack that he “just can‘t wait
to take this campaign across the
country and I know in Novem-
ber we are going to win a great vic-
tory —— against Pat Buchanan."

Partial reiums showed Buchanan
running at about the pace Sen. l-Zu-
gcuc J. McCarthy polled in 1968.
when he captured 42 percent of the


rt onlght

- , “is, .


The Panhellenic Council will present a


it i‘

1 t

Nitty Gritty Dirt

Democratic primary vote against
President Lyndon B Johnson. who
announced about three weeks later
that he would not seek reelection.

.“1 want a new Democratic Par-

ty." ’l‘soiigas said 111 Manchester be-
fore the polls closed. “Washington
is going to watch this tonight and

Brown reflected doubts that

Tsongas could replicate his show-
ing outside his home region of New
England. “1 don‘t think he‘s going
to get the nomination." he told

The Democratic field will narrow

soon: there‘s neither enough money
nor enough support to go around

Diversions ..................... 2

Sports ............................. 4
Viewpoint ....................... 6
Classifieds ..................... 7

at .

as the Wildcats take on Mississippi State in mum-cultural awareness workshop at 5
Starkville, Miss. Story, page 4. pm. in room 205 of the Student Center. For Mchen goes 30.0,
information call 258-5436. Review, page 2.

r. 4» A

Band’s John




 f2 - Kontudry Kernel. Wedmedny, February is, m:





John Mchen
String Wizards
Vanguard Records

Staff Critic

John Mchen no longer feels
“like a hippie in an Elk‘s Lodge."

With the release of his first solo
album since leaving the Nitty Gritty
Dirt Band in the late 19803, the
multi-instrumentalist finally feels.
well, like an auto mechanic up to
his elbows in engines. wrenches
and grease — he feels at home.

in this so—called solo effon,
Mchen. who concentrates on ban-
jo during this session, surrounds
himself with perhaps the most tal-
ented musicians ever assembled for
a bluegrass album, The String Wiz-

The Orange County. Calif. na-
tive — who has kept busy since his
departure with the Din Band by
'producing albums. commercials and
concerts and by also doing NBC
.Tclevision Specrals f gathered to-
.gethcr five international Bluegrass


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Music Association Award winners
to enhance his Uncle Dave's 1927
Gibson Florentine banjo.

Mchen, whose music drifts in
and out of bluegrass, classical, tra-
ditional and rock. is fluent in the
musical languages of banjo, guitar,
lap-steel, pedal steel and fiddle.

On String Wizards, Mchen
leaves the instruments in rather am-
ple hands: Jerry Douglass on Do-
bro; Sam Bush on mandolin; Stuan
Duncan on fiddle; Roy Huskey. up-
right bass; and David Grier on gui-
Add to the list of guests banjo
guru, Earl Scruggs and weathered
veterans of Appalachian music.
Vassar Clements, Bobby Hicks,
Josh Graves, Bryon Berlinc, lrish
fiddler Al Garth. acoustic-friendly
percussionists Kenny Malone,
Steve Duncan and Merci Bregantc:

and Mchen has all the right ingre-
dients for an album of epic propor-

However. just getting together a
load of talent does not insure magic
— case in point The Highwaymen
(Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson,
Johnny Cash, and Kris Kristoffer-
son) or the Traveling Wilburys
without Roy Orbison.

But something magic stirred
through the studio during
Mchen’s sessions, and it is cap-
tured on tape in 13 of the freshest
and sometimes most bizarre record-
ings. done this side of Bela Fleck
(this ex-New Grass Revivalist plays
funk, fusion and jazz on banjo).

Not that Mchen is found finger-
tapping down the frets of Uncle
Dave's five-string a la Stanley Jor-
dan, but when is the last time you
heard John Phillip Sousa's “Stars
and Stripes Forever" done with Do-
bro. banjo and f iddle'?

String Wizards contains five
original Mchen tunes. three
Mchen arrangements and five
“souped-up" Bluegrass standards.

Sam Bush’s wickedly-paced
mandolin inuo emerges from the



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synthesized fog, kicking off Bill
Monroe‘s “Tall Timbers.“ The
song races along with the twin fid-
dles of Hicks and Clements blaz-
ing, who recorded the original in
1955 with Monroe.



$1.00 OFF

—at both locations——

Richmond Car Wash

Kat's Paw Car Wash


This tune could very well be an
instant classic for the mere speed of
it: Picture Eddie Van Halen doing
his chops on a Martin flat-top, and
you have an idea of the nearly un-
believably fast and clean breaks of
David Grier.

Strolling into “Carolina Travel-
er." Scruggs finger rolls while
Mchen fills in with the old-time
clawhammer styles. The hollow
thump of Roy Huskey's upright
bass lays down the rhythm for the
duo's two gems.

Their dueling banjos unite again
on the classic “Cripple Creek."
They use the same instruments they
did in 1971 on “Soldier's Joy." a
song that appeared on Will The Cir-
cle Be Unbroken.Volume I. the
landmark album that brought to-
gether a ragged young bunch of
pop musicians who loved tradition-
al music, (The Din Band) with
Nashville‘s ultra-conservative
country-music community.

While Mchcn may have felt out
of place in l97l, his ingenuity and
studio ease learned with age, mixs
well with his theatrical influences
in two of his originals: “Friday
Night at Maybelle's" and “John‘s
WSM Radio Blues."

“Friday Night“ is a tribute to
Mama Maybelle Caner, a country-
music pioneer, which begins with a
sound bite of the late Caner in the
studio, Maybelle's gentle voice,
fades into a soft-flowing guitar in-
tro by Mchen.

On “WSM." the static-ridden dial
tumings of AM radio emerge from
the white noise. A station is finally
found. From a distance, Mchen‘s
acoustic blues guitar, or perhaps it
is Roben Johnson’s, pervades
through the static.

Josh Grave's Dobro whisks the

----.--.-.-- .--.----.~-o



-. z. w " . '

John Mchen, formerly of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, combines his
talents with some top musicians on his new release, String Wizards.

listeners back to the future of
present—day Nashville, complete
with digital-stereo recording.
Mchen is a gracious master of
ceremonies that can hold a picking

The Kentucky Kernel
Your connection to the UK neighborhood!

pany without losing the tightness of
instrumentation and without the
sloppiness that can hinder such pro-









- Anchorman and Commentator for "Good Evening Moscow".

0 Former Russian interpreter for President Reagan and US.
Senator Edward Kennedy.

0 Professor of Rhetoric, University of Moscow.



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Pi Kappa Alpha &
Budweiser presents

"ltOon to then listivai

Red Mile, April 4
Keep watching for
details. All proceeds
go to UK library










Kentucky Kernel
needs editors for the summer god the 1992—93 school yeor

Requirements for 1992 summer Editor-ln-chlef
:1» Must be enrolled full time on the UK Lexington campus for the semester prior to and
following term as editor.

we Must be in good academic (2.0 GPA). disciplinary and financial standing With the

University of time of application and during term as editor.

:9 Must have publications experience and be familiar with the operation of O newspaper
w Persons applying for the position who have not worked on the Kernel must provide a
recommendation from previous employer , odviser, or both,

Requirements for 1992-93 Editor-in-chief

do Must be enrolled tull time on the

UK Lexington campus during the term as editor

w Must be in good ocodemic (2.0 GPA), disciplinary and financial standing with the

University at time of application and during term as editor.

"4» Must have a minimum of one year's publications experience and be fomilldr with the
operation of o dolly newspaper.
r» Persons applying for the position who have not worked on the Kernel must provide a

recommendation from previous employer, adviser. or both

Pick up on application in and return to Room 026 Journolism Building

Application Deadline: 3 p.m., March 13, 1992


The Kentuckion Yearbook
needs editors and staff for the 1992—93 school year.

a» The following paid positions are available: Editor-in—chiet: photographers; sports editor;
academics editor; campus editor: copy edltor: portraits editor, organizations editor; and

managing editor

7» Editor-in-chief submits proposal (in


d is chosen otter interviewing with UK Media Boord.

it Students must be in good academic. financial and disciplinary standing with the
University of time of application and during term as staff member.
w Applicants for Editor-in-Chief should have some previous publications experience.

Pick up application in and return to Room 026 J0urnolism Building

Application Deadline: 3 pm.

March 13, 1 ~



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Senior Stall Writer

Senate yesterday joined the call
for greater accountability within
the state's public universities,

. strongly passing a bill that
_* would require the institutions to
provide the state with more in-
formation on their performance.
The bill, sponsored by Sen. Ed

'_ Ford (D-Cynthiana), passed the

Senate 33-3.

HB 109 would monitor state
universities' success at fulfilling
their individual missions as well
. as the three major missions of
the institutions — instruction, re-
search and service.

The bill calls for the Kentucky
Council on Higher Education to
_ submit an implementation plan
; of the accountability program to
the governor and the Legislative
Research Commission by Oct. 1.

The plan would be gradually
implemented, taking full effect
by I995.

The CHE would work with
each university to develop goals,
« and then submit an annual report
on the success of each institution
in meeting those goals.


Senate passes bill
calling for check
of Ky. universities

The measure also would re-
quire each college to provide a
number of pieces of specific in-

~total number of contact hours
of instruction produced by fa-
culty members and by faculty

-total hours spent in instruc-
tion. course preparation, non-
instructional student contact, re-
search and public service.

enrollment, persistence, re-
tention and graduation rates by
discipline and by race, gender
and disability.

-quality assessment surveys
by alumni, parents, clients and

‘student course demand anal-

The bill allows flexibility by
letting each university to work
with the CHE to develop much
of its own evaluation criteria,
Ford said.

“This bill was not designed to
grade one university against an-
other," he said. “Each institution
will decide its own mission, set
its own goals and then report on
its performance in meeting
those goals and fulfilling the




MIAMI — President Bush's for-
take the stud in Manuel Noriega's
defense, possibly shedding light on
what the president knew and when
he knew it.

Retired Adm. Daniel Murphy
served as the then-vice president’s
topaide from 1981 to 1985. He also
headed Bush's South Florida Task
Force on drugs.

Murphy could testify as early as
yesterday, following two former

Drug Enforcement Adrniniatraion
agents who headed the agency's
Panama office in the mid-1980s. de-
fense lawyer Jon May said.

One of them, Thomas Telles. was
to be cross-examined by federal
prosecutors today.

Muphy testified before a Senate
committee in 1988 that Bush knew
about money-laundering allegations
against the former Panamanian dic-
tator as early as 1983.

Bush has maintained he [canted
about drug-related charges around
the time of Noriega’s February

Kantudry Kernel, Wednesday. February 10.10024

Ex-chief of staff to be called for Noriega

1988 indictment. As director of the
CIA in the mid-1970s, Bush had
Noriega on the agency’s payroll.

After leaving Bush's staff. Mur-
phy lad what the State Department
later called an unauthorized meet-
ing with Noriega in November
1987, a meeting Noriega reportedly
interpreted as support from the
White House.

May would not detail what ques-
tions Murphy will be asked, saying
only that they would show the ex—
tent of Panama's cooperation in al-
lowing the Coast Guard to board

Panamanian ships

U. S District Judge Willi-n Hoe-
veler repeatedly has wanted defense
lawyers to avoid politically chlged

The defense which has refused
to say ifNoriega will take the stud.
is expected to wrap up in ealy

Noriega, who surrendaed to U .S.
troops following the December
1989 invasion of Panama, could be
sentenced to 140 years in prison if
convicted of all 10 drug and racke-
teering counts.

Asian faculty hiring on rise, council says

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The propor-
tion of Asian faculty members at
US. colleges rose sharply over the
last decade while blacks. Hispanics
and American-Indians showed
smaller gains, according to the
American Council on Education.

The council's 10th Annual Status
Report on Minorities in Higher Ed-
ucation. released Sunday, said the
overall minority faculty percentage
rose from 17.7 percent in 1979 to
20.3 percent in 1989.

Asian representation rose from
2.9 percent to 4.7 percent, accord-
tng to the repon. and Asians n0w
outnumber blacks on college facul-

Many of the Asians are not us.
citizens. according to the study.
Only 2.8 percent of all college fa-
culty members are American-born
or naturalized Asian-Americans.

Blacks showed the least change
proportionately, according to the
study. About 4.5 percent of full-
time faculty members were black in
1989, compared with 4.3 percent in

However, 47.7 percent of all
black faculty members are em-
ployed at historically black colleg-
es, which in 1990 enrolled 248,697
of the nation’s l3.7 million college

Hispanic faculty representation
rose from 1.5 percent to 2 percent:
American Indians. from 0.2 percent
to (1.3 percent.

According to the study. mln0rll)

Insurance lawsuit claims constitutional Violations

Senior Staff Writer

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Lawyers
representing a group of college stu-
dents fired the first volley yesterday
in the legal battle over student
health insurance.

Legal briefs were filed in Frank-
lin Circuit Court by the students'
lawyers in the class action suit to
overturn a law requiring Kentucky
college students to carry health in-

part of an omnibus health reform
bill. The law requires full-time stu-
dents and students carrying 75 per-
cent of a courseload to have an in-
surance policy covering 14 days in
the hospital and half of related doe-
tor's fees.

Before the beginning of the 1991-
92 school year. the students ob-
tained an injunction against enforc-
ing the requirement until the law-
suit is settled.

The suit charges that the insu-
rance law violates two sections of
the Kentucky Constitution.

The document charges that the
law violates requirements for “-spe
cial acts for various specified sub-

Legal interpretation of the section
has found that special legislation
must "apply equally to all in a

The suit questions the exclusion
of other students —-— those taking
less the 75 percent of a workload —-
from having to carry health insu-
rance. It also points out that insu-
rance is not required of students at-
tending technical and vocational

“This statute fails to treat every-
one in the alleged target class equal-
ly and, more importantly. creates an
unnatural classification, which has
no basis in fact showing the persons
selected for mandatory insurance to
be any factor in rising health-care
costs." the suit charges.

The document also attacks the
1990 General Assembly for passing
a measure which violates a section
of the Kentucky Constitution pro-
tecting against the use of “absolute
and arbitrary power over the lives,
liberty and property of freemen.”

The suit charges that the health
insurance law is “an exercise of ar-
bitrary political power because
there is no reasonable or legitimate
interest of the state in requiring
only college students to maintain
cenain medical insurance."

The document questions the man-
dating of insurance for students
while not extending the requirement
to workers — who are higher insu-
rance risks.

Rep. Ernesto Scorsone (D-
Lexington) is sponsoring a bill to
repeal the health insurance law.
Scorsone’s bill passed the House.
but is currently in the Senate Health
and Welfare Committee where Sen.
Benny Ray Bailey (D-Hindman),
committee chairman, has vowed it

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will stay. Bailey wrote the manda-
tory health insurance law.

Scorsone said earlier this week he
will work with Bailey “to reach
some sort of agreement.“

David Holton, one of the stu-
dents‘ attorneys, was skeptical of
any compromise bill which may
come out of the committee.

“I can‘t imagine what kind of
compromise there could be," Hol-
ton said. “Either it's mandatory or
it’s not.”

Holton and the student plaintiffs
have vowed to continue with the
lawsuit even if the insurance law is


student enrollment increased 10
percent frorn 1988 to 1990, com-
pared with a 5.1 percent increase in
total enrollment.

But. according to the report. mi-
norities remain well below the pro-
portion of whites in college that a
deteriorating economy threatens to
reverse past minority gains.

Also according to the report, 77
percent of 18 to 24-year—old blacks
completed high school as of 1990,
up I percent from the previous year

and an increase of more titan 17
percent since 1970.

Whites had a high school comple-
tion rate of 82.5 percent for 1990,
little changed from 1989. Hispanics
dropped from 62.9 percent to 54.5
percent, their third decline in five

Estimates of high school comple-
tion were not available for Ameri-
can-Indians and Asian-Americans.





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.A xiii-(f.

Feldaus replaces
Pelphrey as Cats
face Miss. State

looking for
first win in

Assistant Sports Editor

The Southeastem Conference is
full of great backcourt tandems, but

But what Pian is most im-
pressed with regarding the duo goes
beyond the statistics. He called
State’s backcourt the quickest in the
SEC and is working to make sure
that Woods and Farmer can keep
the Bulldogs guards in front of

With UK (185 overall, 7-3 SEC)
almost assured of an NCAA Tour-
nament bid, the Cats are playing
simply to win the SEC Eastern Di-
vision. getting a bye in the first
round of the SEC Tournament and
eaming a decent seed in the NCAA

Regional to


UK coach Rick
Pitino is most
impressed with
the one his team
will face tonight
in Starkville.

State senior
guard Tony
Watts is averag-