xt78pk070n0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk070n0r/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1938 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Women's and Professional Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives and Louisiana State University, Cooperating Sponsors; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.), University of New Orleans; Mimeographed; iii, 6 leaves, 28 cm; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.10/no.23 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series X The Department of Commerce, Number 23 Mississippi text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series X The Department of Commerce, Number 23 Mississippi 1938 1938 2015 true xt78pk070n0r section xt78pk070n0r E E iN\/ENTCDRY OF Y , E FEDEK AL }\KCH] \/ ES F ‘ nm ms SE/WEB E Y i E R SERIES X R » g e me mwwmeww cw commune » rw 23 Musgnsseppn O SSEERLMENT¤»uBL¤cAm i ’ 1 R E E wsnsew ¤¤= mamucv E LIBRARIES _ E?] ` éi g E F SURVEY OF FEDERAL £RCHIVES I " WORKS PROGRESS ADI\Al|\IISTR#TION _ 5 · Dxvusxom or WOMENYS & PR0FEssmNA¤_ PROJECTS __ 1 Naw ORLEANS, LOUISIANA - »L~z» zE5Fxi"i PUBLICATI4, " _ ‘*FVEHS!`I":’ OF é{éf~;f"Ti.lCV V 2 LIBHAFHES INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives Division of ¤`Jomen’s z-md Professional Projects Works Progress Administration The National. Archlives and Louisiana State University Coopereting Sponsors SERIES X. THE DEPARTIVEKIT OF COMQERCE NO. 25. MISSISSIPPI I New Orleans, Louis iena The Survey of Federal Archives 1938 Ali, Y F? ;£? *i ' Q y The £.=r;¢2!¤.<>m:-.2f.E2;1s2.¢}.!»rl2$s2eel@.2¤l¤1¤2.e§JsJ.==e. is ¤¤¤ ¤>f the ¤f¤¤¤¤*¤5 y/ g_ of the work or the Survey oi Federal Archives, which operated as e nation- I if jv wide project of the Works Progress Admlnistretion from January l, 1956 to §y June 30, 1937, and has been continued in Mississippi since that date as s Qt state project of that Administration. { The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I 5 consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledgments, Q and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal * erohives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a seperate series y number being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the i Department of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. { Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organize- Q tion and records of the governmental egency concerned; the succeeding Q numbers contain the inventory proper, seperate nwubers being assigned to Q each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for ” Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. Q For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of Q related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive ; dates (”to date" indicating en open file st the tins the information was 1 secured), general description of informational content, description of the ” system of filing or indexing (if any), e statement of frequency and pur· = pose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, ? etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition E of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or Q other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA f on which this information was originally recorded by e Survey worker end d from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in 1 The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda t; sheets which has not been included in the mimsographed abstract, indica- i tion of this is given by use of the reference "See eddends.” r ° In Mississippi the work of the Survey was under the direction of hm.-Steu- 5 ley C. Arthur, regional director for Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi, —@ with FE. George E. Schilling as state supervisor, until June 50, 1937, Q Since that time Mr. Schilling has been in charge of the state project. § This inventory of the records of the Department of Commerce in Mississippi é was prepared in the New Orleans office of the Survey under the direction of 5 kms. Norris Fezekes, editor-1n·chief and assistant state supervisor, end jQ wes edited before final typing by Lk. A. R. Kooker of the Washington Office. i Stanley C. Arthure , State Supervisor , New Orleans, La. Survey of Federal Archives E August 5, 1938 1n Louisiana Q T Q 111 it ¤3. & ...¤¤¤¤@irs. l & Page AIR GOMJIEIRCE, BUREAU OF Jackson, Airway Maint cnsnce , District 2 I.-Isnager. ............. 1 Q Jackson, Airway Radio Station ............. . . . . . .............. 1 CENSUS, BUREAU OF THE Jackson, Old census records in the custody of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. ........... . .......... . 3 FISHERIES, BUREAU OF Tupelo , Fish-Cu.ltuz·al Station ..... . . . .... . ..... . ........... . 6 LIGHTHOUSES, BUREAU OF x 1064}|•|II•I|l¢|IIQQQIOUIOOOIIIIIOOIII 7 (NQ T {T2- - 1 . ( BUREAU OF.AIR COMMERCE ‘ mcasciv ) AIR NAVIGATION DIVISION AIRNAY MAINTENANCE, DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT‘lmNAGER Alexander Bldg., 227 S. Farish St. This office of the district manager was established in 1955 and was located in Shows' garage, Amite St., until 1954, when it moved to 127 _ North Farish St., where it remained until 1955, when it moved to its present location. This office is charged with the duties of maintain- 1_ ing airway lights, fields, radios, and other matters requiring attention z in aeronautics. All records have been retained; no records have been } lost, destroyed, or sent to Washington. ,) l. CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 to date. Between Washington and local off- ice, relative to beacon lights, supplies, finances, and other matters requiring attention of either office. Filed by subject. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1O in., in drawer of steel filing case. , I Office. (1059) 1 2. REPG TS, RECORDS, AN TELEGRAlB, 1955 to date. On airway lights ) » and parties in charge; repairs; and telegrams to and from Washington con- ` cerning matters handled. Filed by subject. (Frequently, official.) IO X 12 folders, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (1057) 5. SUPPLIES, BUILDINGS, AND GROUND REPORTS, 1955 to date. On fi- ‘nance, supplies, buildings and grounds leased or owned by the Bureau. f Filed by subjects. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 4 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Office. (1058) ) AIR NAVIGATION DIVISION AIRWAY RADIO STATION Administrative Bldg., Airport Road This agency was established August 22, 1951. It was originally under the supervision of the Bureau of Lighthouses. It occupied several tem- ( ` porary buildings prior to November 1956, when the present quarters were a obtained. A 4, CORRESPONDENCE, 1954 to date. In connection tdth inspection reports, g_ Bureau of Air Commerce, Jackson 2 transmittals, ;>I‘0pcrtY, 1>*1I‘<:}faSe orders, and equipment. Arranged by i subject. (Frequently, official.) 10 X 12 folders, 1 ft. 2 in., in g drawer of wooden filing case. Office. (1045) _ E, 5. INSTRUCTIONS AND BLUE PRINTS, 1954 to date. Special instructions Q pertaining to personnel, maintenance, equipment, weather conditions, , E and reports; and blue prints relative to fields or landings. Arranged g by dates. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in ( R drawer of wooden filing case. Office. (1044) ~ ( 6. PROPERTY FILE, 1934 to date. Records of propertr, cost, requi- f sitions, invoices, surveys, purchase orders, inventories, fuel and g lubricants, and other supplies expended. Arranged numerically by mirac- ? graph form key. (Frequentl7,,officia1.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 10 in., “ in drawer of wooden filing case. Office. (1045) 1 7. VACUUM TUBE RECORD, 1954 to date. Furnishing tvie of radio tube ( in use, manufacturer's name, serial number, station, district number, T date purchased, hours used, test record, and disposition. Arranged by Q type. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 6 in., in wooden and in steel Q desk card files. Office. (1047) Q B. PROPERTY RECORD CARDS, Nov. 1956 to date. Record and inventory ,‘Q cards of all government property at station showing receipts, expenditures, ;e§ and balance on hand. Arranged by class of property. (Frequently, offi- “jT cial.) 4 x 6 cards, 1 ft., on wooden filing case. Office. (1046) S A ip, QQQFAU OF TH QLNSUS . A ,sJ ( f g 1: QACKSON [ ,Q BUREAU OF THE CENSUS gn Hall of History § New State Capitol gl This office of the Director of the Department of Archives and History Q, for the State of Mississippi has been used as a depository for census ,§i records since 1927. The census records reported under this agency were ,§. transferred here from the Bureau of the Census in 1927, due to lack of § filing space in the Washington office of the bureau. $§, 9. CENSUS REPORTS OF PRODUCTS CF AGRICULTURE IN LHSSISSIPPI, 7th, 8th, )gV 9th FEDERAL CENSUSES, 1850; 1860; 1870. Complete record of each farm and py) its products, listed under about 50 headings such ss: name of owner, agent )§3 or manager, acres of land, inproved and unimproved, cash value of farm, yy¤ value of farming implements and machinery, livestock, value of livestock, yy, produce during census year, including separate farm products, dairy prod- lj; ucts, and homemade manufactu es; farms enumerated by districts within §T each county. See addenda for list of manuscript federal census reports yi for Nhssisaippi. Arranged alphabetically by counties. (Seldom, public, id for historical reference.) 14 x 18 vols. (6), l ft. 6 in., on 2 open ( ié wooden shelves. Dirty, damaged by careless handling. Hall of History. ( Ai (ioav) _ ·§ 10. FEDERAL CENSUS REPO TS OF SOCIAL STATISTICS, 1850; 1860; 1870. Q Show schedule number, name, county, state, date, and signature of enumera- § tor; valuation of real and personal property, annual taxes, colleges, acad- § amiss, and schools, season and crop, libraries, newspapers, and periodi- A yi cals, religions, pauperism, crime, and wages. (Seldorn public, for his- )% torical reference.) ld x 18 vols. (5), 3 in., on open wooden shelf. Dam- yy aged by careless handling, dirty, torn, bindings b oken. Hall of History. ·}. (1092) A i$ 11. REPORTS OF DEATHS IN MISSISSIPPI, FROM 7th, 8th, and 9th FEDERAL QQ CENSUSES, 1850; 1860; 1870. Cover deaths in state over period of twelve § months, showing name of person who died, age, sex, color, free or slave, {T marital status, place of birth, parentage, month of death, profession or § occupation, disease, cause of death, and number of days of illness. Ar- Q ranged alphabetically by counties. (Seldom, public, for historical ref- ( Q) erence.) 14 x 18 vols. (5), 4 in., on open wooden shelf. Damaged by care- , it less handling, dirty, bindings broken. Hall of History. (1094) , 3% ‘ ` ti 12. FEDERAL CENSUS REPORTS ON PRODUCTS OF INDUSTRY IN IESSISSIPPI, 1860; ` r E , xl ` L Bu1‘€*<"lu of the Census, Jeegsqm 4 L3 gig 1870. Record of products ef industry in Mississippi showing name of cor- _ ygi poration, company, cr inqividual producing articles to the value of $500.00 2-,; annually. ww <>f business, capital invested, motive power, mschmes, aver- {5; age number of hands employed, wages, materials used, and annual production. {gg Arranged by counties. (Seldom, public, for historical reference.) 14 x 18 »¥§ vols. (2), 2 in., ¤n cpen wooden shelf. Damaged by careless handling, ; EE ·V ’ dirty, torn, bindings broken. Hall of H1st0ry. (1090) QQ 15. REGAPITULATION OF 9TH FEDERAL AGRICULTURAL CENSUS REPORTS IN hISS- ey? issippi, 1870. Totals are given by beats, precincts, townships, or such , &§ other subdivisions as were used in enumerating the census. Arranged alpha- ,§@ beticully by counties. (Seldom, public, for historical reference.) 14 x igé 18 vol., 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Damaged by careless handling, dirty, {QQ bindings broken. Hall of History. (1089) ff§ 14. FEDERAL CENSUS REPORTS OF MANUFACTURING IN MISSISSIPPI, 1880. gjj Show name of corporation, kind of business, capital, average number of @@ hands employed, wages and hours of labor, months in operation during pre- §j§ ceding year, value of material used, value of production, kind of power gg used in manufacturing, and ten special schedules, including boot and shoe @;§ factories, cheese, butter, condensed milk factories, flour and grist mills, QQQ salt works, lumber mills, brick yards, time works, paper mills, coal mines, %y§ agricultural implement works, and quarries. Each schedule shows name of §f§ company, capital, average number employed, wages and hours of labor, months gg in operation during year, kind of power used, and detailed questions cover- '§@ ing particular type of manufacturing. Arranged alphabetically by counties. &·§ (Seldom, public, for historical reference.) 16 x 22 vol., 4 in., on open gf? wooden shelf. Dirty, bindings broken. Hall of History. (1091) ¥Fé 15. REPORTS OF DEATHE IN LHSSISSIPPI, FROM IOTH FEDERAL CENSUS, 1880. R {QQ Show name, personal description, marital status, place of birth, where ?Y$ father and mother were born, profession, occupation, or trade, month of QQ death, disease and cause of death, how long e resident of county, whether {Qi disease was contracted at place of death, name of statement of attending @3§ physician. (Seldom, public, for historical reference.) 16 x 22 vol., PDE 3 in., on open wooden shelf. Damaged by careless handling, dirty. Hell QE 0f History. (1095) {EQ 16. SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES FG FEDERAL CENSUS RIPG TS OF DEFEGTIVE, @§ DEPENDENT, ANB DELINQUENT CLASSES, 1880. Show supplemental schedule num- QRE bGTS, County superv1s0r's district number, enumeration district number, EE and signature of enumerator; schedules for insane inhabitants, idiots, $§$ deaf mutcs, blind, homeless children, inhabitants in prison, paupers and lndigvnt inhabitants in institutions, poor houses, asylums, 01* boarded at U*€ public expense in private homes. (Seldom, public, for historical reference.) {if 15 x 22 vol., 4 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty, bindings broken. Hall yjg of History. ·(1095) MT ! Q §£T$ 17. 10TH FEDERAL AGRICULTURAL CENSUS HEEURTS OF MISSISSIPPI, 1880. y Ei G¤mplBte record of each farm and its products; shows person who operates y $ § f¤rm, tenure, acres of land, improved and unmnproved; farm values, in- §g§ ¤lUd1ng land, fences, buildings, farm implements and machinery; value of x i ’ ,52 1 %i l Bureau of the Census, ,Tac1;son 5 pég u livestock; labor, time and amount paid; estimated value or all products . sold, consumed, or on hand; grass lands; livestock purchased, sold, slaughtered, or died; livestock products, poultry, cereals, fiber , sugar, {QQE FS garden products, orchard products, bees, and forest products, Arranged alphabetically by counties. (Seldom, public, for historical reference.) 16 x 22 vols. (8), 2 ft. 4. in., on 3 open wooden shelves. Damaged by i careless handling, dirty. Hall of History. (lO88) W 1 1 ifi k “ Y l Y ‘,·, ’ li/z i Y2 ; · 79 j l <-p df fi l l .~`“ l 4 l Lily ; ` if , l M3 - ii i% Mi . * YT? if ie. L- ·, 3 V3 , i Z I M . 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