xt78pk070q1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk070q1f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1944 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1944 Vol.16 No.2 text The Kentucky Press, December 1944 Vol.16 No.2 1944 2019 true xt78pk070q1f section xt78pk070q1f 2. . 7 2:2- 2” 2‘2
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I it is indeed a pleasure for me to attend other finantial statements With those 01 other at the state or local level, to present these ‘ViIIE‘ .22 I
. . . . . , . . . . . . _ 2. 2 . 2 , ' . 2h- ‘22 2- ‘ 2V
this annual conference ol the lxentuekv cities. Comparisons are impossible or con- tacts loi the primary purpose ol enliglrten- 2‘; 232 I 22.22
.. _ . .. ’ , . .. . . . . . 22} 12.2.
( Municipal League and it is a 1)]‘lVllCQ‘C to insure. however, 11 the records are not main- ment, riot [or mere compliance with a law. II; If 2 ‘ ,
2 ‘ ‘* ‘ . rEV. I“
I be invited to talk with you a little while this tarrred on a uniform basrs. Thus a system Judging from ellorts by the cities to strike . 2222 . . 2 .
morning. \our energetic and able execu- of uniform accounts is not only desirable, a more responsive chord at Frankfort, it is 22“ .2
I the secretary, Mi. “achs. has long held the It is a necessity belore officials can make a apparent that you oflicials Wish to “make 222' . .‘
2, . Vie“ that adequate financial reports are an satisfactory comparatixe analysis of the per lriends and influence people” up there each 2 22'1“ .
e 2 Important and necessary objective for all iormance of their muniCipal operations. 11 biennium. .1 IiI'vl2fi‘2"VI‘ .
Cities and . : IS (111 of The facts about '1 CItVVS finances slrou ( , . . , , ‘ .2 2221 2;»; 2: ,
I 2 t 21 he MLGd me to an“ S S) e 1 2 f 12‘. .21 (2. 2‘ 2 t 't 't' Again. it is my belief that one of the ways 2232:: :.I .
tie )ro .2 2' 2 _ \2 2 ~ 1 "s ‘ to a so )e mate I i) v (is) ayet 'o I s c1 izens ‘ , _ 22 22-2222 222, 2
- b ll' f) ems “1th 30” 11) renaik are 1 l g ? l l 1‘? t 21.1 1 to secure a more attentive audience would ‘2 22221322" 2.22 ‘
C 3n a .- ' ~ ( 2 . s r ' s '111( more rec uent v tian no )u) 15 rec , _2 .2; ;. .‘ 2
I‘d f 1 e (nbd I 81““ touch )1113 a [6“ a lect ‘ ll _ ’ 1 1 f 1 tr be to have available beforehand. such clear 222131 2222I .
0 He ‘ . statements are (esmnet )ure ' or rnee Ir“ , _ _ . 2 - .
\y— \ 1P10 lem 1 ‘1 1 ‘ . "’ Ti ) t he? facts about your Cities that the state admin- 29.: 22 I 2
t1 ' . 2 " "l 2 21 em re urremerrt. Iev 'er oo 0' I _ . . . 2 .‘2‘2‘2 22 I.
rn- I 1 t1 e outset, I “”h to “I qurte fr. 11k) ”f 1 q 1 ’ ('t' 1 e Istration aird the legislature yvill thoroughly 2‘ I .2
‘ tut . - A 2~ 2 .' ‘ eanrn ess to tre 'tvera 'e CI 11811 recaus ‘ 2 .2 I. .
I l ‘ am “01 here t0 “311 )0“ “h“ I" (10’ “11 ‘ g 1‘ g 1 l 1 ed understand your case. For purposes ol per- 2‘ . nI . :
)EC’IUS ' ' i ‘ ' ' 1 rev 'll‘C not no )61’ 2 )re )‘ll‘C( 211K 'Iira yz . , . 2 2 2, . , 2 ,
2' e 1 do not (built competence in tie t , 1 I 11 3 l is L f t , (1 spective. they need 20 see financml facts on 2 2 .
— mlIIllC1) ‘ 2 . 2 ' 2 tre one rant sonre re )or s 0o In o en - . _ 2 2 2 2 2
90V 1| Ial field m uhrch many 0f 50” have 0” l .1 .‘1 I lit f O . l 1 a uniform comparative basis. Mere asser- 22, 2 2 2jI 2 .
_ ‘ more .‘ ~ , 2 2 ‘ ~ .‘s < "L'll wit rout trou 'r or sInI r e ant , . . . . _ g2; y .
““3 ‘22 ( so long and 30 “611' but I come 16 L“ . E . ll 02. trons about financial conditions is not :2 2. .
_ iatrer " 2 - ~ . ’- ' ~ ‘ ' tor "lllCllL summaries 0 various c asses . ‘ _ 2,: 2;..2 2‘: 2
{em . 2 like a student who is interested in ( 22c 1 2 1‘ c 1 '[12 L enough. They must have the underlying 222. .2222 .2 . 2
rromot' r 2 . - .~ - - 2 \"nLlCS 'ln( ex rent Itures. ant “'1 Int . ? . . , , 2 r g
ID of . I mi: sound and eHIUUIt government 1'6 L ‘ 1 [acts covering an entire class 01 cities. 2.; 2322» 21.2 [‘32 2 '.
2 at the municipal level as well as at the state [acts of debt or surplus management. On 22 22 2 .22 12,22 2-
V ' ' 2‘ '- i ' - . . . . 22,: ;_.2'.2 ‘
level. Local government has always been the other hand many reports are published N)“ It Is one thing to say what the needs 22 2 22222 .2 . 2
’ a subject of much interest to me but since which are too simplified—they contain few, NFC, Illid it Is quite another to find ways of 2 '2 f. 3 . .L
. assuming the duties of Commissioner of ii any. breakdowns ol the data by function. meeting 111C111. “hdt (All be done to 1m 5222 .2: . . _
? RCVCirue and State-Local Finance Officer object and by organization. It is small won— ptOVC thC situation: i I: , I 2 I
‘2 many problems have suddenly become much der that citizens are hopelessly conlused First. let us note the present legal require— I III I2 I I ’
2 more real. One of: these problems is finan< when they look at the typical city report. nrents in Kentucky. 111 brief. the statutes IV '1? i .V 2
2 . . _ _ , . _ 2 . . , . 2;, ‘ 2 . 2 2
. C1211 reporting. and I share with your execu— C1L17ens’ interest in government problems hold that every public oilicer ol any county, 2 2 '2 25,:
.5 the secretary. the view that adequate firrarr- can be aroused by a more intelligent under- school district, or city whose duty is to col- 2211 :2: 3‘ .
. - . . 2.. V~. .
. Cial facts simply and intelligiblv presented standing of the-fundamental lacts. It seems lect. receive, have the custody. control or I 22f I
2 are one of the essentials to progress in a to me that we have an obligation, whether disbursement of public funds shall prepare .2" I222.- 2 '
" Vdelllocracv, It is a fundamental for all gov— __________—=———-——— and publish an itemized statement of the 2:: 2 ,2 2V}? .
é . ’ . . . -, .. , ~ . . , 2 2.22: ":E
2 eminent units. federal, state. city and county. (Note: This article was an address by Dr. financml transactions in the newspaper of «222232 2' 2.22:2
2.. Adequate financial statements are impor- W. J. Moore. Commissioner of Revenue, the largest lotal circulation. Furthermore, 2222225 .2 2
4V ~ - - . 22:21:! .'
l2 tant to City olTIcials themselves, to the citi< Frankfort, made belore the annual conter- a copy of such statement is required to be 2.222222 . 2:. 22 .
V. 7mg “Vuhm thCil‘ jurisdiction and t0 the ence of the I’xentucky Munrcrpal League, at filed “llil the auditor on or belore August . V‘ii‘i‘iiI ' I,
'-. . . . . . z . ‘ t . .2 . ‘ I .- ' - 532‘ i
I state legislature and State administration. Mammoth (rave, on September 20, and is 51. alter the close ol the fiscal year. (There I222 22,222
One of the ways officials and citizens too, reprinted, with permission, lrom The l\611- are certain exceptions to this rule depend- I22 2'2 2, .
i may measure the effectiveness of their nruni— Lucky City. \Ve believe it should be of in- mg on the class of City and form of govern ‘22. :22! 2 :2.) .
V' - - - . .. .. . . i 4,227: i“;
* . ClPdl government is to compare budgets and terest and Information to our Press readers.) merit.) 2a E; I ‘, ;
H‘ 22 *. 2. ,
I ' I4 V, ii ‘2‘ i 2: ‘
' ‘22; 2.227.; 2:. u
x1211] . " '5
‘- ‘ . 2 . 2222222 2'. l. .
¢ . in :2 2.2 .. J.
{xi 2922,31 . .. ,2. ';

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l III . Eli,” “’w: ~
EEE :jg Page Two . THE KENTUCKY PRESS December, l944 3- 3 Di
-' Ill EEE I
. EI El E E IKE. Another section ol? the law provides that P R O G R A M —
lE-I ill -3 ‘ II .t. the Delmmlém OI Rjej‘fnue may reqmre Fifty-seventh Annual Mid-winter Meeting E
. lI Ill ‘: E / annual financial reports. K k P A _ . }
. if EIEI ,, . EIH According to information received from entuc y ress SSOCIOfIOI‘I
II: ' E E the auditor’s office and from city officials, Brown Hotel, Louisville
I I I l I compliance is spotty. A number of cities do Friday and Saturday January l9-2O 1945
: I Ij l I I l prepare excellent statements and their offi- ’ ’
. :1. ‘. cials should be congratulated. In most in- —"—'_
EII I : IEIII stances however, I am informed that for all Friday Sessions E
‘ lI. 3 practical purposes the published and filed 8200 O. m. Registration, Mezzanine Floor ,‘
~I 3,,1 ll ' EI , reports are “IOI‘IIICSS' MOII‘IO‘ICI’ II ShI’UId 9:30 a. m. Meeting called to order by President Joe Richardson
I. Ii E not be overlooked that publication is costly. Invocation by the Rev. Alfred F. Horrigcin
E‘ I Therefore It would ”7"“ m Iie (IeSIrabIeI for Address of welcome, Hon. Wilson Wyatt, mayor of Louisville
E. :1 .I ‘3, ‘ several reasons, for City officials to re~e.\'am- j j
3 l3 3, , . . _ , _ , ., Response, Vice-preSIdent Chauncey Forgey, Ashland
1 l ; E .‘ me the law and if necessary propose legis- _ . E
E, ll I II E lation that will insure adequate and eco- Annual address by PreSIdent RIChardson ,
E. i E ,‘3 nomical financial reporting. Address ”Covering The War Front,” by Ralph Heizen, United Press
II E 'I E 1 'I I‘ As stated previously, the Department may WC” Correspondent I _ H
I :‘l i, require reports but it has not exercised this Address, Government RPQIJIOIIIOHS And Labor Problems, by Tom
, E II l ~ E. L‘ authority. Nevertheless it is- interested in Tanner, Labor Commisswner, Southern Newspaper Press Asso-
jI' EI I E I securing financial data on a comparative CIOl’Ion
iIu'JlI - I, . I3 basis from all cities. In so far as it is legally Address, ”Reminiscences," by B. F. Forgey, Ashland Independent, :
E, l: ,I III?» authorized, the department would be glad Dean of Kentucky Journalists E
' IIIIL El ,I I to Work With a committee from Your org?!“ Appointment of Convention committees
if E III .II :E ization toward the formulation of a. practical 12:30 P. m. Group luncheons and roundtables E
I’l, EII I E II‘, II pOhCy on finmmfll ”Pom“? Jon,” eff?” Daily Group, Parlors A-B—C, Vice-president Forgey, presiding ,
.I l, _ «l l, could thus be dlreaed to lmrjmdme .lm Topics: l. ”Labor Problems,” Tom Tanner, leader E
I E E II 3 movements find to the eIIeIIIIIIII esmthhI 2. ”Circulation Problems,” Ralph Hockenhull, editor, Cir- ‘
EII‘ ll ‘II%:III; Il E ment of uniform- accounting systems and culation Mana ement leader I
I El. streamlined publication of reports that H . ' I, g I
EII, ,‘ IE- I would be more intelligible to taxpayers, the 3- AdvertISIng, Lawrence Hagen Owensboro Messenger-
l E I I Il I‘ legislature and to yourselves. Inquirer, leader I I
, it“ E _: I 3 If In closing I wish to emphasize that you 4. Annual Associated Press meeting, President Joe LCI GOTE, l
III :QjEI I . I II: I” have the biggest stake in promoting effective presiding E
:III I I E EII l‘elmrtlfig- It IS PQSSIPIC that a number PI Weekly Group, Roof Garden, Virgil P. Sanders, executive committee- E
j“, I g 1 . IiIEII worthy items otlegislation have been lost in - man, Fifth District, presiding
,I IE f. l I the Past "md “II“. I“? 105‘ “I the ffmure I”? Topics: l. ”Circulation Building,” Ralph Hockenhull, leader l
Ill: l: III: ll :I" cause the full plume if you: Ijnanjces .15 2. IIWar-time Problems,” Tom Tanner, leader
I31I lI- lIII, Obicured fro?“ tjhchse III 10 “ea I: feedt' 3. ”Office Management,” Victor Portmann, leader
IEI I I‘ I III E It Is to IIOIII: “new“ IIIerefore I0 I? 6- (Imon 5:00 p. m. Cocktail Hour courtesy Lexington Herald-Leader and Louisville l
‘ _‘ - a E , IE: and not wait for the state to take it toi you. C . cl TI ,
II; ,3? I ll -E~ I repeat, the department will welcome the curler—Journal an Imes . j - l
33 . l 3; opportunity of working with you. Through 7:00 p. m. Banquet—Floor Show-Dance, courtesy Louiswlle Board of Trade
I, ', I E II 1 mutual interest and cooperation we can and Courier-Journal-Times—WHAS
,3 E ,:I 3 I I make progress in'city and state government Saturday Session .
I ll admImStratlon' 8:30 a. m. Breakfast meeting, South Room, Joe Richardson, presiding
I II, I _ . Secretary—Manager’s annual report l
I ‘ l I I umted Pies? To Open Address, I’National Advertising,” by Orrin Taylor, Archbold, Ohio, It
51;, New Louiswlle Bureau N. E. A. Direcmr
VII I’ III The United Press announces the Opening Address, I’Covering The National Front,” Arthur Krock, New York
I: j :III of a Louisville Bureau the first of the new Times Washington Correspondent
21E ‘ ’ . i: year with Miss Gay Pauley, experienced Unfinished business
E II , I newspaper woman and a .native of West New business l
IE IE: .I Virginia, in charge. This Will be the second Report of committees: Legislative ,; ,
,EI _- .I Il bureau to be opened in the state the past Memorial .
,IE , If' ,I year; the Frankfort office is now in opera— Special
'I. I ‘I‘ I tion under the direction of James C. Fetzer. Resolutions
i » E The Louisville oflice will be located at 695 Nominating l
IE- II Starks Building, and will cover Louisville Election of officers 5
' Il l and Jefferson county. Coverage of the cap- "Auld Lang Syne” ”l.
I , I l ‘I: itol and the state in general Will be con- (Note: If Ralph Heinzen has been returned to Europe, the United: Press will send another WeII' I
i ., E ‘ 3, tinued from the Frankfort office located in known correspondent. It is hoped that arrangements can be changed to permit Arthur KrOCk 1‘
‘ :I . E II; the capitol building. to arrive in time to speak at the banquet.) 2 ~
- IEIEI WI ' : .g

 L L ‘ LL L 7"2'.‘I'F.".'.v‘;.."i."‘:‘ "3:371:27,“‘J'.'j’..‘:‘.'.'i'r13' -L 1.1.3.”. ’ _L ~v: i ,, t 7 ,4 , . . ,. LV—H ,.,...g.- , _ s. , .. - 7 LLLL:LL . ,_
' ’ ' '3. {L
944 L i December, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS ' Page Three QEL «53,5 55 ‘
ted Press LL: L: IL ,
' L L .
by Tom L' L -
a A - in L ‘
SS 350 You may remember back to the time—not so long ago—when few . L L 7 L -
, endent families could afford the luxury of fresh poultry . . . when only those living L L '
,p ’ L near the seashore could enjoy salt water fish and other seafood . . . when Ll: L
year—round high _quality and uniformity of dairy products was merely a LLL XL:
hope . . . when fresh fruits and vegetables could be obtained only "in season." LL L‘
g L What has made them so widely available today? fit; ‘ Vi L
Li“; L
itor Cir- L Take the case of turkeys, for your answer. Up until 1928, turkeys were . LL; LLgLL L
’ a Thanksgiving and Christmas luxury. Growers raised turkeys for only this L
one peak season and butchers had to charge high prices for them. Li. L L 1-
essenger- L"; L , _
' ' In 1928, A&P introduced turkeys "out of season" at prices which paved ILL LEL- ‘ "1 LL . '
La Gore, L - the way for year-round consumption. The record shows that the American LL»? L L i ‘
L people were eating only 15 million turkeys in that year. LL 1:? L L
’mm'fiee L BY 1942, THEY WERE EATING 32'/2 MILLION TURKEYS A YEAR! i2 4 2
ler L The same kind of efficient, large-scale distribution that made this LL13}! :L , LL
possible has also played a major role in making possible the year-round L 7. LL ‘,
r availability of peas, string beans, lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, citrus fruits L? ' LL L_
Louisville L and juices, bacon, fresh ducks and chicken, and scores of other foods. ‘ L: 'v LL
f T de- { In the years ahead, this same kind of distribution will make possible LL L'LL /LL ‘L'
0 re newer, better, more economical foods. Every new efficiency in distribution 3i LL L i]
will contribute materially to this development. LL ‘i‘i LLJ‘L'LL
Siding ‘ That is one of the great reasons why the men and women of A&P today , , i L i
take such pride in doing the nation's most efficient job of food distribution. 3,": L L 1 L :1 ’
3|d, Ohio, L L, ' . L
L ; L1 3 l
_ * Lt“ 'i
4 L ti L ‘i .
l-I ;;
L Li: I
’ ‘ "L L 5
LL :1: L »
31:12 LL ,
L LLzurif “ J
= ' i If i ;
”i LIIL .
mother Well' ‘ LLL LL I L .
\rthur Krock ._ L LL 2?. L :'
‘4 _ I L '1‘ L: i 3 i; .
' "“ 3‘“

 E E ‘ EE‘EEEEEE‘ E E December, 1944 E
.- . = .29 E»: EEEiE‘ '
- E, E ‘ 1E '- , ESS E
EEEE “E ' 1' E ‘ us While admitting the right Ve’re
El .,:EE' 5'315 . o 1t1C1a - , ‘ E
EEEEEE E E E Page Four ' ’ll‘thlC continues the P "(1)613 t0 OPP"SC [he \A’age-Hour AcEl DIES
”EEEE' ‘E E‘E ”E E‘E 7E n ma Mme E ”f ”C‘EESPE - E be ended be)
E JEE EEE'E ‘EEE‘ _ 1he [1.1th tg “The natural area 0f 21 he suggCStS that [1113 should Roy
‘ j‘i' '1. . E; 1116113 E‘ . E.
. J: V J EE EJEJ “Elth [116 St lte H In )16 is the town .5 trade ("MISC it builds (llstrllsl- . . owner
t E EEEEE _.;; , J; J be newspaper, for 6N1. 1 EmtskEC the natural ‘ The E'ict that politlcmns or statesmen 26111]-
E EE E5? E’E E EEE‘E" 2i _ E ’ r g 38 tel‘rit<)1‘l'- CEECEEEaEEon llue t0 “d‘Eemsers 1 not 'l(lV0(‘21te(l repeal 0E Ehe \EVagekHQUJY cembe
E: :E E 3E: ». ' . - - \‘2 mve ‘ ’ - ~ win
I ‘ EE - I Es,“ .. : ':: 5:23: . «f llttIC 01 110 . r. 1 It does 110[ 1‘66
E Ei EE . ‘ EEE EE =-‘ :v:.. en 2; E; = . Es: -=- field 15 U . needless ex -_ , . ument {mt H9
E E - -E E r :E :-; Egg, ' ‘ . . - n56. 21 E 15 110 (11g ‘ . ~ -
' E EE EiE E‘E‘E - E E‘ - f the Kentucky and usually 15 all-91x1)? EEEEE (‘ts or that its 2i(ln11n15[1aElon1EE~aE (ElEIEEEE Mary
.‘ZEE E { E - icatlon , . ubllS 16T- ‘ - ( C e. . - .- H A(Il11tte ' _
' E EEEEE' ‘ ‘E E ‘EfEE‘E‘EEE - official PEligth Assocmtlon Pcnse. E0 EEEe E) . -. correct [or waltime b en arbitrary and capricious ,hEEESCEEOOE
'EE'E' E 2‘? If that statemem '5 .t can also be e m Imam have been more \ede- 5mm
E E“; E'E ‘ j‘ ——_—___ 'sher , . \E5 m )61‘5 1 . 7 news )a} ‘ - u ) in e- .
E E‘ E: . - t R Portmann, Ed'tor Pub“ distribution of lne‘. E thd distribution of mentE Lhan those of any Other g? E't VEerEE “ENE
. J: JJ J J . ,7 VIC or - 1. J to pr0( uctlml . v . 111s _ 1 'lCl’. because y 15 nrlfi
E J - - EEK ,E —-———~—- - n app 16( . - E The Wdl ‘ -, “on of He ‘ 5‘
E EJ. E . Press Lexingto - “ml timeS- nuncld , _ (3215011 to he]
E E. E‘E EE ‘ ‘EEE' E . The Kernel E v- '1)61‘S 1n no , ‘ ex- , have 115[ r The (
E J}, E: EJJJ prlnted On ne\\51)<11 (ed the value of newspapers ternlanlOgy they nit covered by JJJeE 0 OJ
E E - ‘ :E. '1 —"—"—' ' n ‘ e . , E '
4 E; SE Ev; , oclation Officers not en 1?! 1 t more people ar that newspdlfim are J t“
i It EJ‘EE ,E E x, E Kentucky Press Ass Times (3.1:;ngW cept t0 the extent t1a e re'ldiflg E \h.
JE EE E .1 fjJ 1; _._- ’ ar ‘ E' -' nS. ' _ ’ ‘
JEN EJE EE E E3; . Ichal‘dson-"”'”"""""""ident bland - \VS mpel's- Bl"; they . prOEESEO [ the aft can be COHSEEE C mu
, J ‘JJ v} ,5 En Joe R Pres Independent: AS reading “6 I . the qrea in W111Ch they If the language 0 l 11 it clearly e
-‘E' ' E ‘ :‘- ey” E . rs 1n ‘ an( '1 ) C . - .
EE EE‘ , E; J Chauncey Fug VICE-P’eSide’EEfU. of K, Lexingwn the 11651)“)6 - the natural area. There cred simPle and EEnderSE (IE to the 0P5“ PEEEE
3E E E _ E ‘i __________,_......»E---—-- . , ‘ . J- _ _ 1 .
E E" E E ., Vl°t°r R' PorEmaEsEerEcretary‘Manag” ~13 reSIdeE “huh ES r for neWSPaPe‘S HE not mtended ‘0 exm . O m 3mm“
J, - Ex !‘ . mittee. 1313"” m o reat Clam“ . . ~ ““‘ with llttle or ’1 Cit
E E E r; E-EE Executive ComL def Lexington (sggidu- has been I] g ’h now or 1n prE-“al Lions of 21 newspaper I. mmunity as
h 'E‘E EE 5: 3E hs Herald— 9‘1 ' mnemomt ' . J is area eit 61‘ . - E immemate C0 ' H
E; 1 E; Fred B. W30 1 LaGors, S“ . News, Bowl‘ outSIdC ”- . - outslde 1‘5 E. 9
E E .E E ‘E . “5c, Joe Park City _ a; (ulathn 1 hat a new
EE‘; E E E 5 chair-mam F _ Gaines, er-JW’E" . v , . . , S 1161( t
EEE‘EE‘ EE'E. E, ‘EE E’ ‘ :1 EE can: secof‘dhiifi‘fighn H. Hogvgfifirs‘dflcegggzgen Brag;- filme- 1 tiserfi have benefitted from But the admlnistrdtor ha 1e subscriber out” home‘
:J ‘ E :3» :_EE; EE.‘ {E me green, tti James m. - News-1397710“ , VVhethET a( ver . E . their _ even 21 5mg . meml)‘
SEE EEEE E E Loulsvillei F01“ '1, i] p. sanderSE bmon Herald. lqtion outSIde )1 er wlthout _ . ewspl‘lllL
EE‘ “E r, l E E1 / burg' FifthE V 3 Walker W- R° ‘ EMt. ster- E~ les )read cllcu ‘ . 1 d l ‘ p “me it recewes n I-Eion
l;' J EE-J J E '_ JEE. ‘ den ltdn: seventh. eddol’h Advocaten Wll' [he “ K 1 11 uest10n€( an is covered beC‘ ‘ _ oul- (‘1
‘Eg‘ EJ E-E. NE! E EE gglxigévllleihEEEIEtliEI‘EdldJ-AVEEEgownlggécfigpug/llfigghflgmv natural area has always bee. qu field for the EEEEkEePreSS dispatches and Supplfels fl‘OmOt in COUIH
' E: E H ‘ 337‘ .E ling; NW ’ m Mdnford, A 1’ dma'n, ’Entm” 35' - b en an expensn . - 1 m E ‘ - Elling whlcl 15 11 .-JJ
”E EEEEJE , En ‘; mmsburg: TSf Seymour B. G00 d‘ate Past Pres- thls has ‘3 -iod w111 like Y . le state. This 11 ’ J ta prew
- EEE E W ; EE; _ purge, , e. 1mm8 1 Emma. ost-Wfir pel . side U E- the one “a .
E E . E E E, E state a te-at-LB- g E E nag, Lou — The p . i1 . , . “E 1th .11 (
JEE E , EV Jl‘ ,E htowny Sta ”Her—Jaw eWS mpCIS. , 1 of 1115 r 11 a pdl \1 e
,-E E- rE E mtzabet ntrout, CO 11 l f the Va 116 1 11“ IS 0 . mlerce
E' En“ .E - "E ance A‘me en’s club ~ study 0 “C ‘ ’ - terstate con ~_ .
EEK JE JE E- E E E, J idem» V Press W07" Edent: ‘ a C10561 ' l d as 21 _ -. ed 111 In 116d .1
E. JE E tacky dsburg, pres bring , . . .estath 15: ~ tel‘ 15 engag fora
- E‘EEEEE EE' E E E Ken Herald, Hat“ 1 vex-port, . f re It is 16 _ p111] d envelopes E
i EE E E- EEE EE ton» News. 0° - 1 non be 0 . d the . heads an . H
i E E l E J ‘:E E miss Mary E' HUE Breckenl'mge a1 Dixon, Ceru 21 - 1~ yes OutSI e -. J )rmtS letter U nailed C
EE‘ is“; . ' w“ »1 . flared Babbage' 0 young, Journ ’ n . 'rculfltlon (11 . If 16 l for lettelfi 1
EJ E. E ;, E. M15: M t‘ Mrs. J. - d “on Powe E 1 E, for C1 965 them t Bl
EEE EE“E I E E E presiden , ry Hen 8 p016) . nmunltV. ‘ 1. who u. , V ent er
E J, E:EI E E E. J. First vice went; Mrs. M8 t- MIS- .1. R. . area of a (.01 I custome h re 15 the 16C
5 1‘ E ‘J ‘ E! J cond Vice Pres J (1 vice Preside“. ' secretary: atural trading E ‘t'lte- Th€n [ (3 Jr. SC
1* ‘ -.EEE1 f. E ‘ Se stearnSE Th ‘- Recordmg _ n t of thc 5 ‘ 1 ewspapel ‘v
EE g . E. Record, wall-Eon, . con-es 011 . evera n , ,
E E El ‘EEJ E E Wallace!”fidfifzfsenIndependint'BxgflngEEéhterprlseE .’_——— c'tse of the Claim filed by s t of which wasE (11111.11
‘2' E, E‘EE J Miss Ur ,2 MI‘S- JE ' W ‘ _ mime, par ,mi;
EE‘ ‘EE EE E EIEE ~ E E1 ‘EE Pondmg Secreta y —-————' d I Vl'l‘ed employCS £01 0V6] 'no golf and such 0UP: :6 If
:‘E‘ E.=E‘EE -“:E 7 EE E‘E E i'l'Ol' n 1 (1 at p 21W a de IlCl‘
1'3. E‘E‘E -E E: El: . EE "’—"—’—’— I Ver - accumll ate ’ . hr the
E EEEEEEE EEEE EEE EE NATIONAL GDETofi‘Er/EEON "El-o AE/Elld-Wlnter Meetmg landiSh claim was supported E ' Ind.;
ELEE‘EE-i‘EEEEEEE ‘1} ‘, ‘5 E3 ' - OCI 1 to ar- E E -
EEE “E‘IE 7‘ E _E E/ . ' . 1e1v0r€( J. lounl.
WEE E E E E E ‘ ”44—- W’ES-S I / ks the committee has ell‘. JE Einter meet- partment-11 J must M; the Wage-Hourldl E bus 0
EEEEE :‘EE E ; EéEi E‘ FEW ‘ - ~] e 11110“ E. rzl V 1 ' (1 £16" ’
‘EJ. EE 3: N E A - «4,2 . [01 11 . l\ [U] i , _ cease
' “E E E ‘EEE‘EEEEE E range :1 ngmm 1v possible mmute 0E ' "in that newspapers h‘EEEe HOE iness gen- herdsv
JJEEJ‘.J ‘ J _ L‘I‘ '. E ~ .i _ . '1(
‘EE ‘ '1'? E‘ ‘E ——d——_——— ing thilt “ 111 fill elm Eccler’tted Sessions, 0111 ‘11,: st of the act even though busl'ties due Brunst
E“: El‘ EE‘E E‘ .‘ ‘ lined ant RC " ‘ . . ( IS 1‘11 . EtS inequa 1
J: E J E E E: j, ,Em « the stream . sured 0E mte1~ , gut up with 1. . 101d [011,0
.EH E J JJEEE 115.“;5 _ rs “7111 be 35 er'lll)’ has 1 eslre t0 1 _
E E? 1‘ J r, E‘i‘EEEEEEEE‘ MEMBER EEJ‘JEfi’EEh attendlhg membe . e tofics as well as the E11b01‘ Conditions and the (11 “nude 0J1 (huge;
E E ENE" ‘ WEE E” E :5" - q instruct!" ‘ l‘le to 2 'E not [16 a
EE‘ ., EJ E.‘ E EEE E. JJEJEI E 1h“ estmg an . ' worth“’ 11 U (:OSL It 15 d The
EEE - “RE EE _ , nt 111 E ‘k sat any 1cm an
EEE ,. , take PE , E “01 61 , ., E both t1 ,
EE‘E‘ EEE E -E EE‘.‘ EE' EEJE E « TUCKY PRES OPPOIEEEEEEEY to- 'v editor should make ex el)’ newspapers whlch has caused 1a itself and of the
EEEE E E EE E E' EEE EEE K ION TounthEbEEESE LE 61E 1 )lete program, ._ be (listrustlul. The c inis- [ended
E‘ E ’ “ EE EE ASSOCIAT hon to be hresent- The WEE is pub- “’Ol‘ke” EEE . him it has been adm
1E1‘ Ej E‘: ' ‘ , 9 e . - ~ 1'111’ECE ~ . ~ 1n W . een -
E: E E ‘EE EE 5 EE EEEEE okcaN’Z” “WERE, EEEE subject to a 1)0$51ble EEEEEEOETCE ( Pgress 1101)€S the mEEEEElleEl t distrust in relations beEJE'Eher
E E “1.. . E . L15 E E- A . , 16 " - 1 '19 e( 0 ‘ E - Pub 15
E: J g; E M . - [her (.Olumn' teled 1" . Indmna
E’E E -E; ‘ "’1" '3" E'i ——'—'—~—— 11511ed 1“ 21110 J and lfll)01-_ . . .
11;; E E E E E sixteen, Numb” Two th'lt you will be present mnagemem WIHI
‘E E E J Volume ‘ . 0—; V More
:3 Eu»; ;3‘E.EE:E W —— ——_-— _ E
E‘ E E E EE‘E ‘EE ‘— - W.
E. ‘ E w} E‘ E $1 ' athn ' Makes
E": ‘ : «E Keep Your C'TCUE w-H Chief Suggests NEA Pres'denE intmen’rs Comm:
EEE ‘E . E E EE‘EE de Territory _ . Cril‘IClSm millee Appo -_ purcha
E E - “‘E ‘E E‘E-E En r0 ‘ l'ltion trade mag?! Editors EEOp ‘ I'd om - National Ed‘ . .
1‘ ‘E E E‘: Advice given in a Circu c f the best cir- l 1 (don went the way it (1 p-esident Verne McKinney; d virgil J). Willizn
3E '. EE EEE t “one 0 . since tie ‘3 e' discontinue 1 ‘ . . '1)})0inte E Grace
:E‘E .2 ': - tly was tha . .- lation E ~g should . E E lanon, has (1 H
E: ‘ E E E z1n€ recen ~ t all urcu ' 11 E newspapel- E _ tonal ASSOC oeratE 21
E- . E 4 E; v EE ° E to qul nauona ): . L bor Man N€w5.Dem . neww'
"J J J J. J 'E1E . nomles 15 Ed the 1 1"ll Fan“ a C rrollton . [[0118 . l ‘
.: E ,j E’ '3‘ culatlon eCO 1 . l 'ITC outsl e . - - -. of the F616 ‘ _ S'lndCTSE a Eclrcula E J
E' E ‘ E E‘E EJE‘ . . C1 ‘ ll Lrlthl5m . . ~ nd con i - reall O C l
E‘E‘E E E . EEE. EEE - n areds W 1‘ a - 1strat10n a h Audlt B“ a “1
_EEJ , EJ . H5 E, motlon l ,, (1 its admln ber of t C E _ ,mn as .
El E JEE pro . - field. dardS Act an , dqte from 1T1€m mr Poum‘ smce E
E ' E ‘iE‘E E:E 1 circulatlon - d what . _ 'ults as a 1mm c _ . and Sech < Y . 66. E
E E E Ev~E natura esuon an - 1 electlofl 195 . E [II CommltteeE J Committ
E’E =‘EE" ‘ E E- E g] . ed that the sugg , _ Slder tie . .J .E -tl thsfied “1 A Amos Awart had at
El E E ' E E It 15 assum d'reCted to the wartlme pro: the public that It 1-5 PCEECE' y E menlb61 Of the ‘ her hr
EEEEE‘E‘ ’EEEE ‘E’E' E *E lowed Was 1 3 er u ' . ———"‘
EE EJ . ‘. E2} £01 lmost every DCWSPP p . this law. . Mr L. Metca1f ——"——. entE her, 1E
‘EE ~ E E E: 16m faced by a ' trestrictions whlle E , 's the mnclusmn of 1 . . 't— be a compel
EEE ‘1 E ' :5: E] usher in meeting neWSP“n t However, 'lhdt 1 hour administrator, in 21 p05 It requires knowledge to E J The
E‘ ‘ , ‘ R - mun . 1' wag€~ - . He , . . J
EE 1 E. E - nnueS to n , W211 mg, 4 . p blishel. . d1“ romt
_ E E ,J . con . - hark ltor K u E 1 33‘
EEE E . Circlllatlon h 51285 a “31 - 1 tter to E“ - - aduser. . - .1 'n an( 1
E ., ‘ emP a - electlon e E f contlnulng 1 non is C 6“ 'BC- pendet
1: E E: E ment only _' snred .- - nerally or ur Lllcll a . . f r A
, , _ J JE J the state f the War In 1 . VS apcls g6 _ If yo 1 lble 0
E ~ :E, . my 0 , dudes 116“ P r Act be , fully 6 1% Rowan
EE E J tly that ma h wal . 1 XVage-Hou vou are
L . E heard rece“ - ued after t e . .- ._ of tie _ 1dvanCC: I
E JE . E ~ 11[1(.ISIT1 CC‘ < E)
E E 'E ‘ restridions WEEE be conli? )ublishers lessons thell Ft 1118 gone through two naE19nalfeEOm Eventually—why not now .
E E E.E EE E‘ E because they have taug 11 11 before the cause 1 E i ns with no Opposmon r .J
’ E ‘E EEE EEEE 1 should have learned 0 g tion campa g
, J E _> E 'JJ J'E Hey 3E -.
: J 'VEEE ‘J E E J EJE 7k",
1 -‘ " - E w
. EiiE E
J-: J
- E E E E
EJEJ: ’ ,i I:
, E, E; _ “' E

 1 I135 :. '
944 .‘ ' December, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five - 3‘l
l 31:33:. :l '; 1
"ill ll
.g the rlglitl Veteran Publisher 172 Community Newspapers Public Relations ~ ’ if» I ‘
ge-HourActl Dies At Scottsville Members Of Audit Bureau Better Understood . J3 7 ‘. '1
i ended be»; Roy R, Pitchford, Senior, 69 years old, A total of 172 community and suburban An interview by Frank LaClave with l l1
r Statesmen owner and publisher of the Scottsville Citi- weekly and semi-weekly newspapers are now Verne Burnett: public relations counsel, is j: - 5 .
VVage-Houi zen-Times for the last 34 years, died Dc- members 0f.the Audit Bureau of Circula- the basis of a story in the October 20 issue
.ot reek with cember 14 Of a heart attack. 5 1.1011,‘ according to an announcement from of lfrinters' Ink, telling how sales and. ad— ‘5: i13 l
ion has not He was a son of A. D. Pitclilord and Mrs. ABC headquarters in Chicago. Kentucky, vertising executives can use public relations. ll.“ _ [j I _
.-\(ln1ittedly5l'\lary A. Pitchford. He attended 'public with nine members, is tied With IllinOis and It pointed out that as the field of public i gj
more vehe.l5ChOOls of Allen and Vvarren Counties and New Jersey, and '18 exceeded only by New relations develops, it becomes evident that 5 l V,
group in de- started his apprenticeship as a printer at '17 YOTk-‘Vlth 18, Missouri, 13, Wisconsm, 1?), marketing specialists can be aided more and ll." '1 1,5:
by its very at The Allen County Reflector in 1893. He Michigan, 12. and Indiana: 10, respectively. more by competent analysis of public opin— $32; . >1
ison to feel started The Allen County 1 imes in 1890 and The value of certified Circulation is un- ion and by other public relations techniques . l“ll ill ‘55.
{red by the The Citizen in 1908 and consolidated the estimated and cannot now actually be mea- and knowledge. dill l
l two on October 10. 1918. , . sured in dollars and cents, but, by all indi- Public relations is gradually becoming l ‘l ‘1‘;
n be consid-“ Mr. Pitchford was 21.11161111)€1‘ of the Half cations, will become exceedingly valuable better understood: that many corporations l l l
1e it clearly Century Clubof America and the Kentucky in the post-war era, especially in selling and trade associations no longer confuse it i. .l‘ . .
) the opera- Press Assoaation. He 'served as clerk of the community newspaper coverage to the na— with press agentry is a heartening fact. In ll} l. 5
e or no cir- Scottsville City. Council for eight years and tional advertisers. Membership procedure its modern sense, public relations encom— l a.“ i
community, as City police Judge for four years. is comparatively simple and the cost is passes all approaches to human beings, in- i r51:
that a news-l He was a director in the Allen County negligible. cluding sales and advertising and other l 5
bscriber out. homecoming tonnnittee in 1915, a charter The Press looks forward to our member- publicity. . l :; l i
es newsprintl member of the Scottsville Industrial Foun- ship being trebled in ABC in 1945—not a Informed executives. according to the all-5" l
ies from out- (lation and vice-president of the Allen difficult undertaking to be consummated, public relations