xt78pk070r35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk070r35/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-01-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 24, 1972 1972 1972-01-24 2020 true xt78pk070r35 section xt78pk070r35 . ., . 1i
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1 he news m brief / compiled by dale matihews
Convict become: By the time 175 prospective budget cuts. and confusion in "1 f-{Ut’és ”WY JUSl 9.0! hun-
jurors enter the courtroom for stateandlocalgovernments have 81‘)" said [)0 BUI‘d- "Every-
POSll‘lant questioning. one year and 12 frustrated early hopes for a thing 5001118 “80k ‘0 normal
days Will have passed since the spending breakthrough [0 launch fit)“. but we'll IlllSt hth’ to wait
PHILAPELPHIIA (A?) _ A US. government handed down new transit systems. and see what they'll do .Mon-
man SIIervtangIIa life pr;sonItshenI; “5 {ll‘Sl indictment. But the most acute transit (“’5' . . 7
Lence 0; ‘ mg L5 W‘: w‘ The seven defendantS—an problem isthecontinuing cycle of "Paul! ("ll‘l’ illlllll’tl ,,
ow an arrow as een ac eighth was ordered tried sepa- red ink that leads tohigher fares. -, ‘ - ) _ —
- cepted as a candidate for the . . “AMHM'H’N "“I ’ 1"
_ _ rately—are charged With con- reduced serVIce, and fewer dications 'll‘t‘ ’rmin that the
Episcopal priesthood. . . t k'd e 'dential 'd . . . f . ‘d I . . . . t i, t g
. .. spirImg o l naIp Ipr SI ri ers as rustratt commuttrs major action taken by (‘ongress . .
- The” candidate, or BposI:- advtser Henry Kissmger. plottI- abandon buses for cars. on health mm, ””5. year will be
‘ ulant, ls IVaughan PL. 130‘; mg to raid East 9035‘ draft ot- . enactment of a e:.itastrophic~ill-
er, 29’ an Ilnmate atIGrater or (we? and conspiring to blow up Hunger Slr'kl’ "N (’5 ness plan to and families struck
State Prison outsnde Phlla' heating tunnels for Washington. . , , , .
. , .. , . , ‘ .. by stint. longttrm sickntssts.
. delphia. D.C., federa‘ buildings. 5A“ QL‘EAHN (81W ‘AP’ . . ~. . . , . ~ #
. Mitt h mote idl -l eat lung
‘ Twenty-two Inmates who had plans h'iyc been advanced to
n I C ‘ . o o b 4 . . . ‘. I. . I. x s I
Berrigan trial begins Mass transu hindered Gen on d hunger strike at San m up Mm“ m national
I WASHINGTON Ap W"th th Quentin prisons maxtmum se- hc'iltb c'ire but It may be im
_. I e . d . ‘ . . £ ( c _ ' ‘
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — government's landmark $10 curity a justment center Since possible for any final action to
.. . . last Monday have broken their .
The Rev. Philip Berrigan and b.1110“ program of transit aid fast‘ be taken on these
six others go on trial Monday. locked in low gear, the nation’s ' The House Ways and Means .
charged With antiwar con— bus and subway companies lost Officer Lee De Bord said the and Senate Finance (‘om-
spiracies that included an al- money and passengers in record last two holdouts accepted mittees both are going [0 be e " _
leged plot to kidnap a top White amounts last year. breakfast and lunch Sunday. busy with other matters which
House adviser. Bureaucratic red tape, federal The 20 others ate on Saturday. have been Rin‘n priority.
s , VOL. LXlll. No. 74 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY 40506 Monday. January 24. 1972 .
' St (1 t l 1313 ' t k t reforms '
ByI BONNI BROICKMAN of Awkward: you have to go to sponsored bills. “You introduce ”I‘d say lobbying is a little —A”0W SlUdenlS ‘0 599 all
[I‘SS'Slam Managing Editor Frankfort, introduce yourself to yourself and start talking. You awkward in the sense that KSA is L’niVC’l‘Sily-kepl records about
” It 5 awkward. Even Ernesto strangers who happen to be key have to be ready to be amiable at a new organization,“ Fetzer said. them and bar records from being
- Scorcone, Kentucky Student legislators, and start supporting all times." “We have to demonstrate the I’t‘least‘d to anyone without the -
AssoCIaItlon (KSA) chairman, your bill. Scorcone. a junior, and Mark competency of the students and student‘s consent (unless the
admits it. . “It was awkward at first and it Fetzer, asenior. are representing the competency of KSA. We have records are subpoenaed).
, You have to cut your ha"! wear Still is in a way.” said Scorcone KSA as lobbyists at the 1972 to build the base." M Prevent professors. with or
a tie,I and try t0 100kI (3011- Friday. after a hard week of General Assembly at Frankfort. Favored bills without tenure. from being fired
» servative. And then the Ultimate lobbying for four KSA— Both are political science majors. The two students are lobbying because they haven‘t met the
. . . for four bills concerning Ken- "publish or perish“requirement. .
l t l l b l tucky colleges and universities. ”This is mostly a two-man '
- enan nlon m0 1 lzes The first bill, tentatively effort." Scorcone said of the . c.
B . scheduled to be reviewed by the lobbying, However. he added that ,
yM:§F 336‘?) Tenants Union’s major thrust the use of legal remedies House Education Committee Ron Roby. a sophomore political _
Kerne a n er will be toward solving building available to us." said Rodney Thursday. would make the science major. has “helped “
Mobilization is underway for code violations and high rent LaFond, chief organizer of the student representative on the several “mesy
' the creation of a UK Tenants conditions created by unfair Union. . . Board of Trustees a voting Both lobbists said they need _
Union for students with off- landlords. The City Planning Commissmn member. mo”. help. “We want students
, campus housing problems. “Our first action is to try to estimates there are at least 3500 The other bills would: interested in going to Frankfort r— .. ..
., Organized by several UK bring buildings up to_Lexington’s housing units in Lexmgton over ——Put students on the Council a P 6 C l 3 I
Social Professions students, the minimum standard code through Continued on Pale 5. Col- 4 on Higher Education. C‘munue °" 3" ' °'
. . W’”‘”"’
,. -53.3§.}i_::?§52:"-,::'.":5:3§ .. . .,
~— comvs to stand-"g m “"9 '"r W \ ‘” “ . at we... . ,, g, ' -
hours before a game in Memorial w 1.". y ’3‘” 1a: . .. -._' :52?“ "f i 5”“
Coliseum. These students are . .V to :2ng iggITIijII I9 I ”Z” I...‘ Q .Q, 2‘7“" y,
., waiting for tickets to the l'K- . " 3 i . ' “Mi“: .. a? ' 23 °‘ '1 “it” .v ‘ , ' -
Tennessee game Saturday. l'|\' ”if "v'i'sighjeg ' J ’ _' r’ 'i‘a‘ 2" "“ ,p , ' ‘. 3 "V’i't. . gv.‘ ” i"
~ ‘ . . J]! .--"",:,II~ "..' I. - to» 1333?”?! ‘I,‘ _. exist)» .' ‘ , .fi‘r J ._ j; 0’I
won. 7240. (Staff photo by Jim g. . _ .. * , - I, *- t . m e . t)?“ ,, -
" 1" ”'3'. .y. L'V‘a " . ' ’f ,i“ r ‘ ' *0 3W,.“" ’ ' g? :9',v 1" "I"
“ 'ght-) t6°'_f\:,<-.,I ”7 ‘ '-'"'r;,;g,-" ‘ ,, :, I _ ’ ‘Vfi ‘J: ’ ": . . "W -.”‘ m ‘ '11“: 'Ea-vu ‘- I
«TA; n; tflII'tlL; I- ”III 43$ .II'II-IIIIIiIIk 4v} If}; .7" $2”? I i
I :i‘iggfi’k X‘.-\- W\ v3: ' . y- » at“; >*I«II, 5.‘ 7 .III
. =~-'-';-:;-. _I . '... . ..~.. ~s‘. "f '. i II' III:» A. g») . -. .
*2?“ ' I e . \ H " $331-$355?" '2" ‘“
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 Z—THE KENTUCKY KBRNEL. Monday. January 24. I972
\ _- m, 7 ,__ . M °
336 Southland Dr C It I S t
‘ 277 2020 OOPQJ‘ Wl eave ena 8
. ””3770“ N Broadway Senator John Sherman (‘oopei' Pwlil“ h“ might support if Nunn I
I: . “want“ M“ announced Friday he will not (lt't'llllt’d. _ . . . ,, ,5
thaw" 1425 Alexandria Dr. W‘k "WNW" “"‘m i” ”‘9 ”'5' ”I “3W“ ‘0 ma'ma'" my ‘"‘ --
254 3 Senate. The Pulaski (‘ounty terest lll Kentucky and national . g ‘
_ ' - 507 Itenublican said his age was WWW" C0099" sald- ‘ -' .
——-—— —-——— l't‘SpOllSlblt‘ ll()l' lllt‘ dt‘t'lSlOll. ll has been an honor and .. -‘3' Ii'.i..3.::.
—— ANING ————— Speaking before the Kentucky oportunity and a responsibility to fl
—-—- “— press Association convention at serve in the United States v '
the Phoenixllotel.(‘ooper said he Senate," he said. ,1 a“ ff” Q- . .
\i as not through with politics and Nunn. who is presently t g?
will not go into retirement. .. . . . . . . , .- . 3:” ti”; it
‘ .. . \acationing in P lorida, issued a \ s‘ fiemg
Mon. - Tues. - Wed. Jan. 24, 25 and 2b