xt78pk070t61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk070t61/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1992 1992 1992-10-12 2020 true xt78pk070t61 section xt78pk070t61 ”WM-A s~

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Vol. XCV No. 33

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Monday. October l2. 1992

Bush, Clinton clash on economy in 3-way debate

C ()lorflrl Perot
0 Hers qiiips,

call for change


By Tom Raum
Associated Press


S'l' lUl‘lS Bill (‘hritori and
President Bush elaslied oier eliar-
aeter and the eeorioriiy last rirglit in
a bristling three-way debate with
Ross Perot.

lr'orn ta\es to entire to .\l|).\ to
lor‘ergri polity. the three men grap-
pling tor the White House outlined
dillerrng \ rsroris in a ‘lll-ltlllllllk' do
bate In his lrr'st rriaior earrrpaigri




We can do much, much better, but
America is (not) a country that’s
coming apart at the seams.

—- President Bush

S tam/Q ' '(le/7ate/ai ’()I‘.\'
Democratic candidate


Business executives
teary of a Clinton presr-
dency Story Page 3


appearariee. l’erot was a tlariiboy-
ant partierpant. proiidirrg .i series
ol one lrriers and olleririg hintsell'
.is an outsider \\ ho can shake up the

('lrriton said he represents hope
tor “real eliarige." and turned to
ltrrsh to add: "l or II year's youae

See DEBATE. Back Page


We need a president who will bring
this country together. not divide it.

— Bill Clinton



the people .

This is a movement that came from
.. the way the framers
of the Constitution intended.

— Ross Perot


By Walter R. Mears
Assocraterl Pier-f;

.\l'. ltll’l\ lhe eoiilrorilatrori
eatne qurekly last night. the break
tliroriglis not at all in .i stariiloll th'
hate that ser\es ltrli l'lrritori‘s t'tlllI'
pargii shale-3y proteer the
strek to the int ssage arid .i\oiil sur-



l’r'esrderit ltirsli delixered no slll'
prises and no riiaror diselosiires

lwo riiore debates are to be held
iii the three pliis weeks reriiarrirrig
in the earripargri lot the \khrle

lloirse and .i he goes to the



By Christine Brumley
Contributing Writer


lhe Bluegrass ( ‘liapter ol llar‘-
le'} l).l\lslst‘ll \lt‘ll‘lhh

\l\‘\\ll l\)tt\k and into llIL
hearts ol «ll-xeris ol thildreri at

l'l\' llosprtal this weekend

the elirldreri
the hospital
tor the llll‘l‘ll\:s\ll\l‘.

all patients .it
.tll‘lltll\l\ ‘.‘..l|lr‘tl
who L'tl\ll
\ear gm carries slrrlled animals
and toys to young patients in lllk
pediatr‘res \\ard

More than (i5 llarley riders
parlreipated in Saturday's eyerit.
wlireh eyelrst Sharon lord de»
seribed as “great especially
when you don't haie kids of
your own to give to."

'l'lie service. provided on a
volunteer basis. was orgrmi/ed
live years ago by Jerry l’rewitt.
director ol the Bluegrass (‘hap-
ter ol' llarley' Motorists. and Bob
Banks. assistant director.


Motorcyclists drive
into children’s hearts

He and l’reiiilt ilrseussed the
plan \\llll hospital lltllllllllslltl'
tors who apprm’ed the Idea

Banks. a eonitriurirealioris
teehriieiaii lor the hospital. said
he belieses the young patients‘
spirits are lrlted by the ellorts ot
the motorcycle group

“lit-Hit: \lk‘L'lt‘. lllt‘llll‘xl til llls'
llarley triotorrsts. saril .ill sorts
ot bikers partrerpale ill the

"llriiers lroni all walks ol lite
partieipate lhe rriarri obieetri e
is to give.” Steele said

Most ot the children had to re-
main inside beeaiise ol poor
weather eoriditioris. howeser'.
they all crowded into the o\er-
pass connecting the hospital to
llttiVL‘rsit)‘ Medical l’la/a to see
the niotoreyelists roar into town.

they watched and waxed in
ariia/ernerit as eyelrsts pushed

See HARLEY. Back Page




Wayne Steel, of the Bluegrass Chapter of Harley Davidson Motorists. presents Aaron Rice
with a stuffed animal as part of an effort to lift the spirits of youngsters in UK Hospital.





Lexington worker released after capture by Iraqis


By Neil Mac Farquhar
Associated Press
KlW‘t'Al'l , .\ri
boriib-disposal expert. tree in Kir-
wart alter Iraqi police set/ed him in



a border dispute. blinked baek tears
yesterday as he described a terrily~
\ktts ttot

irig ordeal. but said he


('liad llall. released \ritur‘day al-
ter two days in Iraq. said his hopes
for a quick and peaeelrrl resolution
ol the conflict withered as he was
led away at gunpoint. then taken to
Baghdad and issued a prison urii»






Zachary Hiler. 6. of Lexington. watches the UK Coot Cats
Saturday night. Stories. Page 4.




Hall is :i eoritrzietor 'xlll}‘ll‘\til l‘\
a l.C\lllf_‘lttllrl\lsetl
\‘lLllltllp lirrri

llall‘s sei/rrre llllllsil.i‘s
noon in a disputed setiioii or rlit
li'aq»Kti\\arl border had raised It ll
sioris ahead ol the l'\ [lle'slilellll il
election in .\'o\enrber llrere had
been speerrlatiori tllat ltaglrilail was

ell‘. rroririre'ital


to Illtl‘st‘bk l‘rt \Itlklll l'iltsll.
'.\ho :~ ll.tlllll‘.' iii the polls to | terrior
l-zril l‘liritori but had blairied
llli, llltlllilll ori .tlt‘il‘.‘


kl ll
lllt irrirriarked lroritrer

[he I lrrteil \atrorrs tool. \ll\ll‘lls
ol llait llr ltagliilad on Saturday and
lied turn to their border headquar-
ters .il l in t).isr lor .I rrretirial ei

Tipper comes to town,
tries hands at building

It was a brisk \atirrdax lllt‘llllll“

as \\orkers strarrrbled about llit

newly eoristrritted llttll\t on “t
('liar'les ‘\\e .\l.t|l_\ iokeil .is this
\iorked. \\lirle others were sil.ril

\\Illl deterriiirratiori to .ieurrirplislr .is
much as possible belore the at ll‘.l
llL'\ \ltll'lL‘tl

l’raelreally .ill ol the workers
\\ere \olrrrireers. entire rip their
time. energy and \atrridas to help
brrrld liorries tor the less lortirriale

a rob the Habitat tor lllllll;tl||l\
organr/atroii has taken on gladly
and wholeheartedly by eoristriretrrig
stable homes wrtlirri the time span
ol about eight weekends

But this Saturday would be a lit
tle tliltererit.

Members ol‘ the riiedia began to
rain the lrorit yard as the morning
rolled on. eating the volunteers do-
nuts and drinking their eoll'e-e he
yard began to fill with e\eri more
people. most of whom weren't tlreie
to help. but to greet the arriial ol
the special guest.

A volunteer. dressed in painting
clothes and carrying paint brttshes.
pulled tip in tier ear and began talk
ing to ruiother member or Habitat
for Humanity

“Are they painting today '” she

“No." the member responded.
sounding disappointed. "they hate
to wait until litter 'l'ipper (iore gets






Brian Manley
Kernel Coltiirrriist

llrs-rriirilleil tlie \l‘lllllletl «hint


'i . s lrpptr (tore Ilrt |r lll'.’ l."
.it'. '.~.lii» harried her 1‘ riiriiiitts ol
li\ arlatltrrig lllll\lt

taint with llLl

lslo'td rariil desperatel'. rieeiltdi
|'.irerits .\lll\l\ ls’esoiirte (t‘llltl rs
baek in the public eye \rid. in her
quest to support her husband. :\I. III
his raee loi' tlte \iee presrderiey,
slie s building houses

(in to one side. a srxikeswoniari
tor the one ol the leririessee sena-
tor esplairied tol yle llanrrali. llllhl'
tat tor lliirnariity president. that
there would be no political state-
ments :llltl/or' posters present. espt‘
tially any thing proriiotiiig ltill
('lrritori or(iore

.\s the time neared. the eroxid III
the trout yard began to get anxious
Ropes were set irp. treating a path
tor (lore to walk through her ador-
ing l'aris. riiany or whom held tip
st'llvllttttle signs reading “(io lrpe
per." and “Kentucky lips lts llrit Io
lipper." Arid. ol eourse. at tlirs
non-political meeting. people held
tip strekers pi'orrioting (‘liiitori and

l-irially. the girest ol honor ar-

See TIPPER, Back Page

.lllllll.|llt‘|l .. stir la. is li-it tl.rri:'
him to Kira lll

Hall '»‘-.is Litilr to lie. \lilt'|\.lll
lllllht’ssf um I \ ollrtra: -‘~ll\‘
estorted llllll llrilll lr iii lllllttll liirri
met to \rriliassailoi lrl‘.-.tll \\
(iritlirri h at brinkart liii.r:i.irr-iri.il

Deciding on a major not impossr-
bio for undeclareds. Counselor's
Corner, Page 8.

Most sexually transmitted diseas»
es involve individuals younger
than 25. Some STDs have mini-
mal or no symptoms, yet can still
be transmitted. For the Health of
It. Page 8


Author ot redneck Jokes, Jett
Foxworthy to appear in Lexington
tonight and tomorrow Story,
Page 6.

Violinist Nadia Salerno»
Sonnenberg has a goal of attract-
ing a younger audience to classi~
cal music. She pertorms tonight
at the Otis A Singletary Center
for the Arts Prevrew, Page 6.


DePaul ruins Cool Cats return to
the Lexington lce Center Story.
Page 4.

Oklahoma State ends UK‘s domi-
natrons of the Lady Kat Irivrtatron-
al Tournament. Story and
column, Page 4,


Partly sunny and a little warmer
today; high between 65 and 70.
Clearing and very cool tonight,
low between 35 and 40. Sunny
and cool tomorrow; high near 60.





Sports. ...................................... 4

Diversions .................................. 6

Classifieds ................................. 9

lrorrt rirririer

lliat‘sl ltlllv ll

llre ilelirlts llt tlit 'irts: terri-
last litst opeirrrr' til than: rlit
\Nlll\ .lllil \le lll‘ lllt lttt lllt
\illl‘illsl.ll\'\ unit? liar. Iii tllillerls

to rlr.rleli the ‘i' llllllri'll or so all
”rated to \satt ll tlit l \ t1. l‘.llt"

lint lllk lr.tilirll rltliah \lkll‘selel
nothing to proiliret llit ~liakiirp Ilrt

lillsll lltlttl ll_\ll\ ll ‘-‘.t!\ .t ilr'l‘llt

. mugs .M .t .
Hunger walk
iicts‘ $35,000
for pantry


By Tyrone Beason
News» Eilrfir


\i r r t. 'i
plot" i tr; r rl r
"\\.r|l lr' Hot ‘.1 \rlinila. tiii’ r'
llltl llr‘- ridiiil' .l =li. rirrt» it at
i'll‘l’s llltl.""‘ .iil ' lurt‘r'H‘.
lal‘l ' i r

'll «l l .l t it ill
.~..iri. r r" llir \ ' ' .

.t liil i-l sriiiiwii ro ‘li: .‘m'r \\
eiristt riirirla tr». ti

\tltll'la. llr rl'rlll rliirrr. r
ori:ili.'rl ‘.~.l.il.tr :~. 1" it i
_'rllr'.lllr' m \ ilri ‘.l '7 r
ls‘l«l\‘lils r v.2; (w ‘.i‘.. r
slsloiiili’ .l'l I .i it"![ “i lit l‘ l
i/ilrori tlir‘ tle riilrir‘ t til l
llts'll's pi i , i. 'r l.i..‘l. -? «or:

lt'l.rl- lit Ill if t‘. iii i*llltlAi t-r
about V‘ ”Ni tlar l- or xxlirtti
\ias '..‘l‘seli oil a. lrr‘rl » l'.illll's ill
tt‘ttirl \la“. lt' \tiifltirl ‘«.rl-l

l.tsl s;.il *Utlt ‘.'-.~“1~“‘"

\iilriilia -..:.l l'.l'l _ .r :i rllliL tririts
lr.i\e toroil lwta. r. ~lilelrls I . trv'hr

\ll their ‘.'..i|lil~ .l |itl!e lllwh this
unit \trl! \«rli'il‘txtliltlzt 5r. .ii
.I \llkk\.\\

”(iron lllr. t 'llr‘llt- . : .. lit.

'»\ ilt ir l’l‘ ‘l-i ‘ii \\
l‘il lt r.‘ \‘ lllli'llal‘lt .:1lr ll‘\'lll
\ ‘ llt‘i

llii llltrllt‘» .irllttrtil {'oIr. \ilrrr
rlax s ‘.\.ilr. .'~.r|i trial err .il" iii 1‘

perterit or (its! s l'll.ir- rr‘iii.ir::ir‘
Iirriils tor l‘r‘i.‘

llIL «'l‘UlltlrJlli'lr at i
toiporatt sponsorship lir i' t . i.

txerrl- lllst “all. I or lira: .r
llt'tltl\ ilislrrlirrttil illlt'll"lll'iil ill
stat tolrte ilrrtttls lr«-tri rot il lir‘r
tli.ilrl~ 'lli l .iufr. rr lit‘l ls’ r'r
"li'\r.lr stort
(wrisitrrr.~ 'lit i“
'.‘-'ri ' r r
"eltelii‘l ..r t. :‘ with
the llllll'is \ 'r ,l'r at?
‘lr s
f'i\\ rriort ll.‘i: lll . '_‘. r
‘\\. :\ -. ’srr
tlrtli art put“ ‘ i' io‘

llr.rl llrts ll‘» it

our l iorlrrrit r _;i.


llr‘lll‘.t lltlllitl r , '1. ti
llr, . ill r r

:rr!r.rl. l . ilil "

'\l.r\l'. llli . t. lw: it!

.is rrirrtlr is lliix 's\i|lllil ll hi it i i
Ittr lt'xt‘sslillr l‘tll It ~t.‘ris ill il
rrirglit rri.il.t per-pit rriii.l lll.tl
tliere s peoplt ‘.\irt oll rlrar. ll:
\o thes lll|"l|l -‘rr.i lll r. ll.li.tlil

Her partner lll lllt ‘. iii lli‘trx
.\l.‘isterson. sarrl tart !li. srriiiinl
toritrrbrrlroris littorrrt .rlal .\li rr
l‘llk‘ er‘llshlt‘ls tlrt lat“. Iiir::il\i: rl
llllll}'l\ l.irrri|rts llt lt rrral ls. ‘l

'llrey _‘.Ii|\t \t‘lll.lilll" .iriil
eierstlirriel .ippretrattJ \llx said
”Its great that [\l‘l‘ls 'xr. llltll

tune and money "

(iod‘s l’aritry has betri llI i'|‘\I.t
troli stltt't‘ l‘lb‘, .lllil it rlrslrrbrrlts
about two million poiiirtls or mud
eath year. l’etro said

last month. the oigarir/atrori \i‘l
leeleil limit eariried _'('t‘\l\ .il lirrl
land Mall

l’etro said he espetts \ttllllll‘ll'
lions to reiiizriri strong in the lrrtrrre.
regardless ol eeorrorrirt toriilitioris

 “ .5 A; . .
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{W "6'9 " .
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1- _ AWL-‘ ,






Monday 10/12

Spotlight Jazz Individual shows
are on sale at
al public. students. taCutty and ad»
ministration; call 2578427


at TicketMaster. general DUDIlC
students. faculty and administra-
tion. Call 257-8427

' Exhibition. erggigrg Sghgtge.
Headiey-Wmtney Museum. thru
11 29. ca15255-6653

o Exhibt learning over Woods
and r1:t:_s. Kentucky Artists the


seurn. thru 11 1
Ante-Bellum Taste in the Blue.

call 257-5716
- Ex" tit a"; ..::;tt.'e 813.. Ll ' Eu
.. it)" ‘AVIVV‘76;’vvx
11 {9'35 ""u "Q j;
. "3'37; A”. s: Seres Nady]
5a e'“:‘j.1"r16"berg VOM'L S22
regu :1' 3‘2 53.. tests and sen ors
SCF-A Concert “3.. 8pm. can 257.

Tuesday 10/13
. SAB Move Wanassee Comer

"heater, 7 300m

Wednesday 10/14
- 8A8 movie ge‘tnal We. port 3. 52:

'v‘v’wscarr‘ “eater

Thursday 10/15

' 3A8 "‘nge ;_8’."af Weapon 3.
52 Wors'nam Theater 80m

- pedorrr‘artce SOC Vears Since
Scittude in Observance of Co
fumbus‘ Journey. u‘K Chorale and
New Vorces. free. SCFA Recrtat
Haw. 8pm.cal1257-4929

Friday 10/16

- SAB movie Lethal Weapon 3,
$2 Worsham Theater. 8pm

0 EXIletl. Sheldon rapiey Recent
Landscapes. The G.:1‘oreath Gal»
Iery. thru 1‘. 92

o Gallery Set es Concord Tno mth
Margaret Basnw“ (arc tree. uK
Peal Gallery 111125774929
Lexington ”minar-
mcmc Orcnestra. 524. $27. $18.

- Performance

and 5‘ 5 ‘ 5C ‘ree tscxets ‘or UK
students . SCEA Civnce" Hail. cat!







Saturday 10/17

. SAB mowe Lithiflflog;
$2. Worsham Theater 80'“

- SAB move The ie has; free.
Student Center. Ce“fer



Sunday 10/18
' 3A8 mOV'e Leibéfliea‘gii $2
WOVSham Theater 50m

toerft‘rrr‘ar‘tfe Centra KW” 1‘.
VCuT" Orchestra ‘ree SFFA ”‘3‘.
tat HaH. 3p“. .11 257 49.51

- EXhlbli Frederic Thurs; A
ute UK Art Museum. *1. '3 \


Wednesday 10/14
- Werner s Screw .K .-. N '
Dame at Notre Dame 4:"





Thursday 10/15

0 Men s S"’:;' 0 4. .1‘.‘V”'\'9’”
t(V m LEXCJ' ” -1t

Saturday 10/17

Cootball UK W‘ftji.‘1lfi‘.3.8~, at
LSU. 7:1ch

. Men's Soccer (K .s Nutre
Dame. .r‘. Lex'ngt' .. .tprr A .m‘r

- Women's Soccer .}K .8 David
sec» in Lexmgto" 4pm


Trckets for

TlcxetMaster. gener-

thkets tor
the Next Stage Series are on sale

Hurnpnreys Col‘ecton. UK Art Mu-

- EXthlllon with Joy and Wonder.

grass. UK Art Museum; thru 11 29:

ence 'ree Student Center. Center


& his

Memorial Coliseum

Wednesday October 14,1992

8:00 P.M.



m3. ; ..r-. . . 9.5.. 5::






Monday 10/12
' Lecture Ova/.3530.
UK. 'Al’l “or; 41V':§‘"/-rx '1”. (39”gract‘
33“ I‘Wfor‘n‘tf‘l. 'k \L‘y (5’91“; ‘ w»

Cooper 8 (1.: .7 .v “a 3;:

NM?! 9»?!th

Tuesday 10/13
-’.‘eetmg am e COMMON
GROUNDS Cutura nights Dax:

S .1' (“p-t“. " t:\ ‘:
- .‘ee"“1L.>= 'e U, ) .“.‘( 1‘»

CQOCNDS l...'.'~. '

.1 r (w urox


Wednesday 10/14

0 er $9 in? ‘6' :\W1"\r'1;-

’17“ Strider 1 Ce " ‘1

Thursday 10/15

-Deadune for Hr. . » ’j ‘t "'1 :3. v.1-

iVZ‘lC-DHCEINC" 985.1. 1' 11“"?

821? entry fee

- Deadltrtetcrram'1"
cat Rea appltc

9 W: id-

1" 18¢ en

try tee

'D‘ETJJ' 'Z‘Vi' I f 1
Nd 32’? e v ‘ee

- l i: Nev ( r
7,14 r,.r . .n“. J :,\
om . r\'
" 2:25. 25$ ‘9‘ ‘
0 W “19“.; ‘v'V'fe' ~ :: ,‘J... o .
Workshop 0.1 Stun?“ ii '
'31?“ ‘ "1 F, 70v?
- Seminar 3' Charles Dameron
()ept :9 El. '

Y , x 1
r‘i' ‘1"!

.1 creatitat: ' " E M v.1 "'1'
1'"rt “MW
9. UK rum: . .

him-<51 4:"

Wednesday 10/14

. Mee tng E'

Chrst . 7;."

riorr“ ’15?

-Ctasses Arm. {.5ch - c c-
es. 9 30p!r A t “

'Semtoar iI "‘
Blocberr‘ K '.....-...

the xte'feroc \ 1' 1 ‘ " .. ‘. .
us Through A1". 1'. " ' ‘71“
UK Med Center r' r“ '.‘Nf;t"l

Thursday 10/15
. Meeting CNR- (.5191 _, Nev.


"Mn Center Not”. veh’“

'er 320 Rose Lar‘e 7 3 5 Von.

catl 25578566

- Meeting SOA Asserr‘b y
6 .100th Student (.Le"te'
‘39. call 257-1099

Friday 10/16

Saturday 10/17

'HTSS 53th” “My: 1.? i1 se
(1“ N :r'w (,1-112' 1‘11

:5?“ V b

Sunday 10/18

0 Classes Atkrdo Begu‘ner Class-

““ \‘vv":~ (’1 V”

.' t

a: 1 4 .1;

. \‘pm “1, I}: gym. in ,7 :‘t‘s‘.

V1 e ‘w Army‘s ‘1 " ‘9'“ "

1:21 i t.'.;‘. "‘1."‘.‘:. 1 (,r'L ‘ 1

7 .1’” ’1. :4 i

use -iu




Tho :le Collage of. Law: ts sponsoring a 5, kilometcrfoot racoOct. 3t dorms. “Wing wockcod. All
Wm WWJMW wulbmcl‘tthoModm merof Kermrcky '5':

Registration curls re: the nice and a one-mile You walk are available at John‘s Bluegrass Running Shop
321 S Ashram Ave.

UK official accepts Washington post

Pats? Anderson dilator of technology exchange for UK 5 Transportation Center, has accepted a one~
year nssrgnrnent to work with the Federal Highway Administration in Washington D C.

Wbile. in. the natton’ 3 capital Anderson will analyzc and document nationwide benefits of FHWA’ s to
cal Technical Assistance Program .

During its lO—yea' history the assistance program has provided partial funding for technology transfer
centers in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. The centers provide technical assistance to local gowmments in
managing and maintaining roads

Anderson has been involved with Kentucky's technology transfer program since it was founded in 1984.
She also has been director since 1987 and serves on the excautive committee of the National Association of
Technology Transfor'Ccmcrs' ' '


Prestonsburg Community College wins award

A group of three modem. development organizations has given Prdluonsburg Community College a Na-
Medalhon Award in rocopition of the school s faculty- based orlcoration and advis»


. Hamburg-Wm one of only nine colleges or the country to receive the award, promoted at a seminar
' held Wednesday in drugs , .
”i‘m very proud of. the faculty participation that makes them programs muons hnd misleading.” said .
Deborah Floyd woodcut of the community college ' . .
The orientation and advising programs feature presentations to students by faculty monitors duoaghout .
the semester. Subjects covered during the presentations include test anxiety. sows Woman. alcohol-
and drug abuseprcvenoon, AIDS awareness, building self-esteem and proper use of ther library and calcula- : 


. Spanish Homage a non-profit sdrdont oxchangc organizntion dedicated to promotmg Hisparuc Culture in; '
North America, rs seeking .5101th to be local rcprmcutatives. - -


Smoking clinic to be held

The American _ ' Association of Kentucky rs offering ‘T-‘roedmn “from Smoking chilies. to be hold-43'
duough Deccrnhcr. '

The clinic sessions will be given at Chapel Hill Presbyteoan Church 3454 Tales Omit Road, from 7 to
8:30 pm. on Oct. 20 and 27; Nov. 3, lo. 12 17 and .36.; and Dec. t.

The cost of the- clinic is $55 per person, and the deadline for signing up is Thursday.

For more information, call 233-3401.

Legal directory expanding to include profiles

West's Legal Directory is expanding to include biographical profiles of law school students. the dirccto
ry 3 publisher announced earlier this month

A free listing in the on- -linc computer directory includes a student‘s
point average, class rank, and undergraduate backgrorind.

Fora $25 fee, the listing may be expanded to include a student‘s birth city and statc, foreign language ca~
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1.": Cert»





Oct. 8:

-Langfcls. chon L3. 47: ~16]
Potomac Rd; alcohol intmicution.



-Thcft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; Student Center; items
not listed removed from bicycle
rack; Peter Van Pcurscm, complai-

~Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; chcll Hall; items not
listed removed from bicycle; José
Luis Carvallo. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, loss

than $300; UK Hospital, second
floor intensive care unit: items not
listed: Sonia P. Mitchell. complai-

-Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than 5300; Commonwealth Stadium
parking lot; items not listed rc-
movcd from vehicle; chf P. Arm-
strong, complainant.


Sept. 29:

~Tbcft by unlawful taking, more
than $300 (felony); UK Hospital.
eighth floor; items not listed: Lean-
gcla Liltlcficld. complainant.

'Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300 (misdemeanor); UK Hos—
pital, sixth floor; items not listed rc~
moved from desk; Shcn'y L. Fish-
back. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, undo

Oct. 4:

oThcft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; 447 Columbia Ave:
items not listed removed from vehi-
cle; Jay Slowinski. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking. less
than $300: HD338 UK Hospital:

Oct. 1'.

-Assault. fourth degree; 310
chncland Hall; Jeffrey S. Nicclcy,

~Thcft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; Holmes Hall laundry
room; items not listed: Mark S. Un-

tcrmincd amount; Commonwealth dcrwood,complainant. items not listed; Lori Flynn, com-
Studium parking lot; items not list- ~Thcft by unlawful taking, less plainant.
cd removed from vehicle: Matthew than S300: Memorial Coliseum; bi-
.luson Purkcr. complainant. t‘yclc removed: Marvin A. Smith- Oct 5,
-Thcft by unlawful taking. IC\\ crs.complainant. ' '
-Burglary. second degree: 7()l

-Thcft by unlawful taking. less
than 3300: Commonwealth Stadium
parking lot: items not listed rc-
movcd from vehicle; Sandra L. Tur-
lcy, complainant.

~Thcft by unlawful taking. undc-

than $300: Donovan Hall; items not
listed: Amy L. Adriot. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking. loss
than $300; 800 Rose St.. Room
HASOS: check removed from check
btxtk. check later cashed; Laura
(‘nthcrinc Howlctt.complainant tcrmincd amount: H72 UK Hospi-

-Thcft by unlawful taking. It‘\\ tul: hand sander removed; chry
than $300; 1th Bradley Hull; llCllh Jacksonxomplainzint.
not listed: SOHJLI E. Mather. coni-

~Thcft by unlawful taking. loss
than 3300; College VICW parking
lot: items not listed removed from
vchtclc: Amy R. Hardy. complai-

Woodland Ave: Brcnt B. Williams.

-Thcft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; Hugculct Drive; items
not listed removed from vehicle:
Mary E. Clark, complainant.

Oct. 6:

-Assau|t. fourth dcgrcc; UK Hos-
pital. fourth floor; Kctnn M. Elling-
ton, complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, lcss
than $300: UK Hospital; seventh-
lloor waiting room; purse rcmovcd:
Louise Coleman, complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; 325 Columbia Terrace:
items not listed; Gina Nicole Poorc

-Thcft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; 325 Columbia Terrace:
items not listed; Heather L. Hcin~
lcn. complainant.

Oct. 2:

-Thcft by unlawful taking. more
than 5300; Holmes Hull; items not
listed: Cristophcr Smith, complai-

~Thcft by unlawful taking. more
than $300: Margaret 1. King Library
South; items not listed; Kurt Rein-
hardt. complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking. more
than 5300; Margaret l. King Library
South; items not listed; Robert
Kotzbaucr, complainant.

Sept. 30:

~Robbcry, first degree; Press and
Virginia avenues: Walter Ewing,

-Thcfl by unlawful taking. less
than $300; chncland Hall; bicycle
removed from rack: Jessica 0.

Home, complainant. Oct. 3














Executives uneasy about Clinton


By Dave Skidmoro
Associated Press

HOT SPRINGS. Va. — the es-
L'L'UIIVL‘s running the nation‘s
biggest compruues aren‘t yery opti-
rmstic about business new year and
the prospect of a Democrat sitting
iii the White House isn‘t making
them tee! any better.

llie 100 top corporate leaders
ys ho gathered this weekend tor the
tall meeting of 'l'lie Birsiiiess (‘oun-
crl are looking t'or anemic 2 percent
grouth m the economy during.' the
second halt ot this year and only a
modestly better 1 percent rate next
year That was the consensus. based
on iiit'onnal interviews or many oi
the executiyes.

'l‘hey don‘t expect the outcome ol
the election battle bctysecn l’rcst-
detit Bush turd Democrat Bill (‘lrn-
tori \HII at'tcct that torecast much
one way or another.

Brit most of the CXCCIIIH‘Cs hob-
nobbing on the tennis courts and
grill course ol' the secluded llotne-
stead resort believe (‘ltntoii's elec-
tron iii the long rtiti would mean
more trade barriers. tiiore goyci'n.
iiieiit spending and regulation. lead-
my.Y to higher ititerest rates and rnt'la-

“()ne candidate prol'esses more
government in all aspects ot our
liy'es and l‘\e seldotn seen :JIWt'l'll‘
tnent do more and do it well." said
Robert 1;. Allen. chairman ot
.-’\'l’t’c'l‘ ”l'lie other candidate says.
'I et‘s get the goyemnient out oi the

wtiy.' 'l‘liat's a more sound
course for this country "

'l‘he executives stud (‘linton‘s
stance oti the North American Iree
lrade Agreement led them to ques-
troti his commitment to tree trade.
llie l)emocrat has endorsed the
trade pact but he has called tor side
agreements on labor and enynon-
mental issues. a demand that the
business leaders said could politi-
cally derail the pact lll .\le\ico and

John 1-. Welch .lr. chairman oi
(ietiet‘al lzlectric ('o. yyoiidcied
\ylietlier Clinton. once in ottrce.
yyould become allied yyrih protecr
tronrst members of t‘oneress

“I‘m worried as hell that the Hat
liarth Society may come back
again." he said, “I knoyy \yliere
(‘ongress is (on trader and I'm cori-
cerned that the last triiie the tyyo oi
them it‘otigress and the president»
got together they all agreed on

But two prominent computer in-
diistry exectittyes lolin \etilley
ot Apple ('ompuler Inc and lolin
A Young oi ”CHICII'l'tlt’thtI t‘o

- defended (‘linton's business plii~
losopliy arid .said Ilt.‘ is may much in
lawn ol‘ tree trade.

'llic two were among a group ol
(IT is trom litngecli companies
that developed a plati lor ('linton
lot refocusing ledeial tescarcli arid
development programs lrorn de-
tense to commercial purposes

"We are transitioning: trorii .tll iii»
dtistrtal-bascd economy to .i kno\\ |-

edge~based economy and 1 think

Fla yin Frankfort!


Join student leaders
at a rally on the steps

of the capital and

voice your concern

over possible

further budget

CUtS .


12:30 p.m. and will
return by 4:30 p.m.


No Cost!

Buses leave the
Student Center at

(ioy (‘linton understands that bet
ter than President Bush." Sculley

“It‘s extremely important that the
president he articulate and able to
deal “all these issues iii a any the
American people can understand."
he said. "(ioy‘ t‘linton has a better
grasp ol the issues. has dotie a bet-
ter iob iii coming up \\llll a plan
and is doing a better rob ol cornrnu~
nicating "

lyen some Bush supporters con-
ceded (‘linton's skill as a politician
and said he would probably yy Ill

“l’eople blame Bush rtiore than
they should. but he hasn‘t respond-
ed in a way that‘s been tncantnettil
to the common Joe Si\«l’;ick
I'm a Republican turd I‘m going: to
mac tor hint btit I think he's going
to lose .. Bllsll is \anilla \\llt‘ll we
need pistachio in this country."
said Howard l’ Allen. chairman ol
the Southern ('alitornia l drson t‘o

Regardless ot their political
\teyys. the business leaders all
agreed on too llnnes \ll slitid
dered at the thought ol telloyy cor-
[Mltllc L‘\ct.‘lill\c Russ I’clol .is
president and all nere ta\orably
impressed \yrth .\le\rean l’resideiit
(‘ailos Salinas dc (ior'taii. who
spoke to the e\eeuti\ es .it a dinner

.\llll0ll:_‘ll tlie btistiiess leaders
nearly all how redricine tlie tedet»
All l‘lldgc‘l debt”. they said I'clrilis
plan would bring too rnrnli redtic
lion loo last

Kentucky Kernel. Monday. October 12. 1992 -




Election 19:2,!




“Israel‘s long-term security
and overall stability in the
l‘IIddIe East depends on the
successful resolution of an
Arab-Israeli peace
agreement from which all
parties benefit. “'e must
continue to work tirelessly
with all governments of the
reglon to reach a lasting

Should Israel be encouraged to give up some or all occupied
territories to the Arabs in return for recognition of Israel by its Arab
neighbors and guarantees of peace in the Mideast?



“The root cause ot‘ 45 years
ot'uncest in tin- .'\Iiddle East
has been the refusal of the

Arab nations to recogni/e

Israel‘s soy ereignty and her
right to e\ist. To build the
I'm-ling of security, I hau-
called for an end to the
illegal Arab boycott of Israel

and the establishment of

normal rclat ions bet \\ een


Israel and its neighbors.



“-\s thr- l niled States made
clear in .\Iadrid, all parties
need to focus on the thru-
key issues of the
negotiations: land, yx-au-
and security. The l'nited
Stair-s is prepared to accept
“hair-yer the parties
tlieliiselyes t'ind



The Kentucky Kernel will be presenting the three candidates'
vrews daily on various issues until the election.



Source: The Assocratod Press



BVI must“ «.4. .. ,


professional school expenses

Eligible students must

Be a junior pursuing a bachelor's degree on a lull trrnc


Have an averagi- otat lt-ast Ii and be in thr- Lippi-r fourth

of his or her class.

Be a IVS. citizen or a IRS. national.
Have selected a mayor that will permit admission to a
graduate program leading to a cart-er in public .scry'rcr-

Have demonstrated interest In a cart-er Ill government
and related public servrce at the federal. state. or local It‘\'t'l,
Be nominated by his or her college or unrycr'srty \rIl tln-

tiliicitil nominating materials provided by the Harry S

. Truman Scholarship Fund.

Applicants will not be considered is ho have not contacted
I)r. Langley by October 30. He is available to Illt‘t'i With

1 interested students,


I’rot‘. Ronald E. Langley ol‘thc political science-
department is interested in identifying promising yumors as
nominees for the Harry S. Truman Fellowship Program.

l'nder this program for 1993. the Harry S. Truman
Foundation will award 90 scholarships to jUIllUr> at
four-year institutions. Students to ho are enrolled at
four-year institutions will receive $3000 for thr- .st-nror yctit‘
r of undergraduate education and the balance for graduati- or









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