xt78pk070v9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk070v9b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 2004 2004 2004-10-11 2020 true xt78pk070v9b section xt78pk070v9b Monday

October 11, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue ltee Subsequent issues 25 cents.


Celebrating 33 years of independence


Roman times mesmerize
modern audiences

Page 2

Editorial: Debate absences

show cowardice
Page 4

SAB’s fate remains unresolved after meeting

56, SAB, legal cousel, administrators meet;
trustees could decide issue later this month

By Tricia McKenny


Leaders of Student Govern-
ment and Student Activities Board
met with UK administrators Fri-
day to discuss the ongoing debate
over Referendum One. but the par—
ties could not reach a solution.

The referendum asked student
voters in April if they would “sup-
port popular elections for execu-
tive officers of student organiza-
tions that receive the student ac-
tivities fee." The measure passed
by a 1.614 to 571 vote.

On Sept. 29. SG unanimously
approved a new “skeleton" consti~

lar election of SAB leaders. Cur:
rently. an internal board of direc-
tors selects SAB's president and
vice president.

Friday's meeting . which fea-
tured 80 President Rachel Watts,
SG Sen. Braphus Kaalund and
SAB President Lindsay Crelly
was meant to be “a chance to have
a discussion about the issue and
hopefully come to an agreement."
said Pat Terrell, vice president of
Student Affairs. UK President Lee
Todd asked Terrell to represent
the administration‘s opinion
about the issue.

Crelly expressed some frustra-
tion that the groups didn‘t resolve

“We have spent so mtich time
on the referendum and haven't
gotten anywhere." she said. “It is
taking away from our purpose as

Barbara Jones. UK's general le-
gal counsel. thought the meeting
was worthwhile.

“It was a good opportunity for
everyone involved to discuss the
issue." Jones said. "That hadn't
been done before."

Several other UK administra
tors. such as Dean of Students Vic-
tor Hazard. also attended the

The two sides “agreed to dis-
agree.“ Hazard said.

"I don‘t think a matter like this
can ever be resolved in a way that
makes everyone happy." he said.

Kaalund said he doesn't fore-
see a quick resolution to the issue.

“In a way, it seems we are at an

ttttion for SAB that requires popu-

Winter intersess

the issue and move on.


offers catch-up time

By Obbie Todd

in the 11 days of UK's new
winter intersession. students
can earn the same number of
credits per class as they would
in an entire semester.

The purpose of the winter
intersession , which offers 16
classes is for students to
concentrate on a single area of
study that interests them.

The intersession gives stu-
dents the chance to explore
other avenues. said Phil
Greasley. dean of university

These new classes are a
part of UK‘s new programs
committed to creating oppor-
tunities for a thorough and
speedy graduation. Greasley

But the real benefit is the
intense study involved in the
winter intersession class.
(lreasley said.

“These classes can provide
a very positive experience if
you let them." (ireasley said.

The program. copied from
schools like Centre (‘ollege in
Danville. is “short but stout."
Greasley said.

Roll out

T‘ia'r‘qasiiag‘sau Ult's win-
} ter intersession, go to ‘
; www.uky.edu/UExt/Winter.

! Students can sign up for the

,' winter intersession at the same

j time as they register for spring _
I semester classes. Registration be- i
i gins Nov. 1 and ends Nov. 24.

l l

rm ,V _, ~_._‘fi__¥,_‘m v- _..k WWJ

Daniel Frank. a philoso
phy professor. will be leading
a class called “Philosophy:
Morality and Society"

The course will consist of
two hours of class in the
morning followed by a lunch
break. followed by two more
hours of class.

"Teachers are also hu-
man.“ Frank said. "We'll take
a break to freshen up."

Frank said the class is
very student-oriented. with
maximum interaction among
the students and professor

English professor Arman-
do Prats is teaching "Holly-
wood at War: From Troy to
Black Hawk Down." which
will study Hollywrxxl‘s contri»
bution to history by depicting
wars in powerful ways.

See Winter on page 2


impasse." Kaaltind said. “They

don't want elected officials and we

”Unfortunately. I don't think I
am going to change to their side.
and they won't change to mine."
he said.

Kaalund expressed an interest
in taking the issue to the Student
Affairs committee of the Board of

"The question facing the board
isn‘t whether S(} has the authority
to decide" how SAB leaders are
elected. Watts said. “The board is
going to look at what they think
SAB should do. whether they
should have elections or not."

Russ Williams. a member of
the Board of Trustees' Student Af-
fairs committee. said he doesn't
think the board should take up the

“It‘s an administrative deci»
sion that Vice President Terrell res
ally needs to take care of."


Williams said. “Beyond that. it's
the provost's or president‘s deci.

Williams said the board would
take action on the issue if the ad-
ministration asked it to. btit he
said the group “wouldn't unilater-
ally act on it."

If the Board of Trustees asked
Terrell for a recommendation.
Terrell said she would make the
same recommendation that she
made to SC in late September.

“The president of the universie
ty should appoint a committee to
review internal structures and or-
ganizational effectiveness of SG.
SAB. WRFI. and any other organi-
zations that receive money from
student fees." Terrell said.

The next time the Board of
Trustees will meet is Oct. 26.

tmckennyu kykernelcom

mm pm | srm

Melanie Ouam (left) from Oxford, Ohio. and Lynn Kelley of Paris, Ky., cheer on their horse at Keeneland Race Course. The fall meet began
Friday and continues through Oct. 30. Many fans opted to wear 19305 garb to celebrate "Founders Day" on Friday.

UK 17

* Defeatist

frame of mind

continues to plague Cats

the blow out

Alabama capitalizes
on UK's second-half

mistakes with four

straight touchdowns

By Jeff Patterson

Mike Archer roamed UK‘s side-
line telling his defense what to ex-

Alabama was going to rtin the
ball at UK. Every play.

it didn't matter.

Yet again. the (‘ats couldn't tack-

Couldn‘t hold on to the football.

And couldn‘t get their defense off
the field.

The story was all too familiar in
the (‘ats' 45-17 loss to the Crimson
Title Saturday in front of 65.482 fans
at Commonwealth Stadium.

Alabama (4-2. 2-2 Southeastern
(‘onference) used four running backs
extensively to pound UK (1-4. 0-11
SE(‘) and Wear down the clock.

The (‘rimson Tide rushed 6:1
times for 304 yards and controlled the
ball for a whopping 41:05. Alabama
attempted it passes

"We knew that's what they were
going to do." said Archer. liK's defen-
sive coordinator.

Sophomore Kenneth Darby. who
rushed for 99 yards and tWo touch
downs. and senior Ray Hudson. who

maintains l sun

Andre Woodson, a red-shirt freshman, has the ball stripped away from him by Alabama
freshman defensive end Wallace Gilberry. Woodson fumbled three times.

rushed for 99 yards and one touch»
down. led the Alabama attack.

All day long. the Tide bounced off
missed tackles,

The Tide jumped oitt Isl-l) early in
the second quarter after starting
from inside their leyard line. Darby
and Hudson punished UK for more
than seven minutes on the drin‘

“When you‘re out on the field as
much as that. it's nobody's fault but
yours," said l’K senior defensive end
Vincent “Sweet Pea" Burns "You
have to make tackles You have to
make plays to get yourself off the

“That’s what has killed our do
fense all year."

But as always. liK found itself in

the game early in the second half

With ‘Biinia swarming in. senior
quarterback Shane Boyd threw a
screen pass to senior tight end .lere
iniali Drobiiey Drobncy had three
blockers and went untouched for the
38-yard score

“l was timing him." said I'K head
coach Rich Brooks “It took him a
long time for him to get there. but he
took It into the end zone "

All of a sudden. UK was back in
the game

Trailing 17-14. the (‘ats forced Al-
abama to pititt on its second drive

Freshman Dicky Lyons .lr re‘
turned it to the UK «Hard line But
wait there were flags down on the

See lama on page 2

Rich Brooks ripped off his
headset. The UK head coach
slumped forward and piit his
hands on his knees. He had
seen enough

He had
just watched
punter. Bo
turn a
botched play
into a big
play for the

Here We
go again
the thought
I~ it t' t‘ ll
through the
minds of every l'K fan. player
and coach.

Everyone was right.

That was just the begin
ning of lYK‘s
meltdown against the (‘rime
son Tide. as fumbles. missed
tackles and sptK‘llllrlt‘zlm blun-
ders combined to embarrass
the (‘ats and nearly empty
(‘ommonwealth Stadium by
the midpoint of the fourth

Here we go again. the
same sad end to another Sat
urday in the land of the Big

The 45-17 loss left Brooks
shaking his head.

“I wouldn't say I'm dis-
couraged; l‘m just very irri-
tated that we get chances in
games to do something spe-
cial." Brooks said. "We battle
anti we battle and then we do
the breakdown things. we
make the mistakes this
game has no business being
as lopsided as it is."


sponts tortoii'


Here we go again it‘s
the same story of l'K's losses
to Louisville. Florida and

[K hangs around until
making The Big Mistake. at
which point things begin to
get out of hand. .lust its luck.

"As an example on Thurs-
day. we practice an onside
kick and our kickoff guy
sprains his ankle. so that kind
of tells you where otir luck
has been this year." said UK
defensive coordinator Mike
Archer. “You know. so what"
You've got to deal With it.
That's life "

It the (‘ats are to turn this
(or any i season around. they
have to stop thinking. “Here
we go again "

"We were in the game 17»
l l." Archer said. "VV‘VC got a
chance if we make a play. btit
we didn't. so it becomes very
much a mental thing. and We
have to overcome that."

UK has not made such a
play in its last nine games.
eight of which have been loss-

Here we go again.

Something has to change
the ('ats' mentality: Playing
more of UK's talented fresh-
man class may spark some
changes; at least they have
not been here long enough to
expect the worst from every

Bmoks cannot seem to
make these Cats believe in
anything. but judging from
his slumped stance. he's hav-
ing a hard time believing in
much. too.



Oct. ll, 2004



Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone: 2574915
E-mail: clittIeOkyliernelcom

Millennia later, ‘The Trojan Women' still captivating

li_y Melissa Smith Mallery
mt kzkrucn mun '—

the rubble. they realize that
the events of yesterday were

not. in fact. nightmares,

Universality is very hard
to come across. but

Although it is
nice to include as


the ancient Greeks
seem to have cor-
nered the market.
Euripides wrote
The Trojan Women
nearly 2,500 years
ago. but the play is
entirely applicable
and important for
today's society

If you go...

The Trojan Women
by Euripides is be-
ing performed by
UK's Theatre De-
partment Oct. 14-
16 at 8 pm. and
In the soft light Oct. 17 at 2 pm. in
of the dawn, the the Guiqnol The-
women of Troy atre.
awake to their ru-
ined city and de-
stroyed lives.
Hecuba. played by
Christine Young.
laments their mis—
fortune. for she
was Troy's queen

Tickets are $8 for
students. $10 for
faculty and staff
and SIS for the
general public.


many people as
possible in an edu‘
cational theater
production. 10
women seems a
bit excessive.
None of the ac
tresses is given
the chance to
make an impres-
sion on the audi-
ence. try as they
might. due to the
sheer volume of
the Chorus.

Talthybius the
messenger (Chris
McIntyre) arrives
to inform the
Women that they




only the day be-
fore. As the other women
arise from their beds upon


ed to each serve a different
master. Their separation and

are being separat

subsequent servitude only
add to the mounting adversi-
ty these women are forced to

Although numerous. the
women did present a believ-
able sense of family who ful interpretation of the
sion. making the difficulty of
separation easier to under-

stand. Heciiba is sent to

played by Chris-
tine Young (left)
and Talthybius,

. played by Chris
McIntyre, lay
played by Will
Farish down on
his father's
shield in prepa-
ration to be
buried in The
Trojan Women.

um non]

Odysseus. who is the most
reviled of Troy's conquerors.

Her daughter Cassandra.
played by Lauran ()sborne.
is betrothed to Agamemnon.
()sborne presents a wonder-

priestess and prophet of
Apollo. Upon her entrance.
See Trojan on page 3

Homecoming 2004
Undeclared sophomore Curtis Lowe puts
the finishing touches on the painting on
Jersey Mike's window on Limestone
Street. His fraternity, Kappa Alpha, and
others painted several area businesses as
part of the “Paint the Town Blue" compe-
tition, kicking off homecoming week.
Upcoming homecoming activities include:
‘ Today: Judging for "Paint the Town
Blue," 9 am.
' Tomorrow. Movie night at South Cam-
pus Commons Area and North Campus
Courtyard, 8 pm. to midnight.
° Wednesday: Concert in Student Center
Grand Ballroom, 8 pm.
° Thursday: Patio parties at Patterson
Office Tower plaza and Mining and Mineral
Resources Building, ll am. to l p.m.
' Friday: Parade beginning at Common-
wealth Stadium, 7:30 p.m. Pep rally fol-
lowing parade at Stoll Field. Free concert
at the end of pep rally at Stoll Field.
' Saturday: Homecoming game against
the South Carolina Gamecocks, 7 pm.
no mm | sun


Continued from page 1

field against the Tide.

Make them kick it again. Brooks

"Our thought process was that
we thought we could make a big
play." Brooks said.

Well. they came close.

Senior Bo Freeland stood ready
to punt inside the Bil-yard line. Then
UK junior Andrew Hopewell made
his move to block it

But Freeland didn‘t kick it. He
took off with it for 31% yards and the
first down.

Had anyone made the tackle. l'K
would have been in prime position
to take the lead. or at least tie it up

The (‘ats' defense would force a
punt eight plays later.

”Then we do the breakdown
things." Brooks said. “Once it start-
ed. it was like a landslide.“

The ('ats‘ laundry list of melt
downs all happened within il\'i‘ min

First. Boyd fumbled after being
sacked by freshman end Wallace

Gilberry. The Tide rolled into the
end zone two plays later

Next possession, ‘Bama blocked
L’K senior Sevin Siiciiroyic‘s punt
and recovered it at the 12-yard line.
Two plays later. Darby strolled in
for the score.

Alabama :il. L'K H.

"(Those mistakes) turned a com-
petitive game into a rout." Brooks

'Bama sophomore 'l‘yrone l’ro-
thro added a lliU-yard kick return
touchdown. And on l'K's next pos»
session. redshirt freshman quarter
back Andri- Woodson fumbled the
ball to set up another quick score by
the Tide.

"We don't have a margin of m»
ror.” Brooks said

Four of 'Bama‘s touchdowns
Callie on possessions of two play s or

“Wi- it'll apart."
end l‘lllery Moore. "

Still. some players are optimistic
that the pieces can come together.

"We Alllsl need to put every trust
in each otlier.‘ Boyd said. "We can‘t
tuck tails and rim "

said l‘K senior
'l‘liat's what it

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Continued from page i

For students expecting to watch
movies all Christmas break. Prats
warned. “the course will be as demand-
ing as any other film criticism course I
have taught at the 300 level."

Some classes will be offering first-
hand learning. such as the Arts Study
Tour. which will travel to New York City.

The daily four-hour classes begin
Dec. 20 and finals will be held Jan. 11.

Students will get a Christmas vaca-
tion from Dec. 24 to Jan. 2.

As for tuition expenses. all students
will pay resident tuition regardless of
whether they are oiit~of~state

Students are divided about whether
to utilize these new classes.

“(‘bristmas is a time for relaxation."
said .leffrey Kellow. an electrical engi-
neering sophomore. “Santa doesn‘t
bring classes. He brings presents."

Others think the classes will be use-

"If i ever needed to get ahead in my
classes. it would be a great idea." said
Ryan Lilly. a mechanical engineering

[2‘ mail news u kykernelcom



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(lllllll (lllllllli

Week of October 11- October 17

The (onions ( dle‘ll(lrfl .\ [\l l I on: liv ill (Wu r '8' liluoi Al iwii es Registered Sit dent Or 5
mild UK Dents til" sot: it for i IT M 'm FREE: Ill ilNE WEEK PRIOR t )l'lr' MONDAY in or
'inilw" s llv .ipima- .e httpflwww uky odulCompu-Colondor (Al 257- 8867 to moir-

motion, Wooloy Foundotlon: m Columblo Avo.

'UK Swing Donoo Club. Donco Loooono. 6:309m. Alumni

Gym. .2! ontiro motor

‘Chrlotlon Studont Foliowohip prooorm "Shift" for Froohmon. 1:00pm, CS?
Building on tho oornor of Woodlond and Columblo

'Luthoron—Eplooopoi Compuo Mlnlotry' o Worohlp and Dinnor. 7:00pm it.
Auguotlno' o Chopoi on Moots

'UKAmorioonClvllUbortloo UnlonMooting. 72,30” CtudontCont-r. Room

'Cornpuo Mini-trio: lntornotlonol Mooting, 8:00pm. Studont Contor. Doom

1 1 ‘I -

'Vlooloy Foundotlon'o llblo Study ond FREE Dinnor. 1 1
Load Mon

anew. EVENTS
'UK Food Scion“ Club oomlnor on ”Canon in Food Soho-co," km. 5.8.
Goodborn Ildu. toorou from Commonwealth Stadium)

'Womon'o Studloo Poll 2004 Film Sodoo prooonto 'Iottlo of Aldon“,

7:00pm Golnoo Contor. Blnghom Dovlo Houoo
Tues 1 2

'Shnolin—Do Club Meeting, 5.00 6.30pm, Alumni Gym Loft, $60 por oomoo»
tor lea

'UK Fencing Club, 8:00pm10200pm. Buoll Armory on Adminiotrotlon Dr.
'UK Water Ski Club, 8:00pm OFF CAMPUS, Coll (859)9834123 for more


'Pronontol Society Meeting, 7:00pm, Dental School
'Boptiot Student Union‘o Englloh Convoroatlon Clan,
6:00pm, 429 Columbia Avonua

'Boptlot Student Union TNT. 7.30pm, 429 Columbia Ave.
' UK Students for Lilo Meeting, 8*00pm, Student Center,
Room 1 15


'Homocomlng Movie Night, 8:00pm ‘2'00om, South Compuo Commons
Aron, and North Cnmpuo Courtyard

'Comody Caravan presents Ron Shock. 8:009m, Student Cantor, Coto Don


'“Opon the Gates 0' Conlciouonooo: Art Nouveau Glooo and Pottory,"
Noon75pm. UK Art- Muoeum, $8.00 Admission

"'Doublo Ton Colabrotlon" by The Double Ten Art Portormonco Group.
7:30pm»9:30pm, Memorial Hall, 620 Limoutono St. Ticket: 35 ond S7. for
more info call 2244834

' Viroky Ukrainian Notional Dance Company, 730 pm, Singlotlry Contor for
tho Arto, Tickets are $27 tor UK StofflFoculty/Sonior Cltllono, and $15 for
Stud-nto, call 2574929 for tickets

'Trocy Former Canter tor the Environment present: a Documontory:
"Kilowott—Ouro," 7:30pm, William T Voung Library. Auditorium

'MCL. Fronch Dlviolon'o Tobie Prone-loo, Fronoh

Convorootlon Group, 390-423Opm, Studont Contor, Room
'L. ‘ ‘ . Mtg" 7 “r ‘ ‘ Cantor. ‘ wed


'Coto For Chrlot Mtg” 7:009m. Studont Connor. Room 130

‘UK Followohlp of Christian Athlotoo Mtg" 8100901. Upotolro M tho
Cunmo Morkot. South Compuo

'Tholm.‘ VM “.0!“ ““ ““‘r. S ‘

'Ioptlot Studont Union "Tho Bock”. moopm. £29 Columbio Avo., Oroolco
building o oolid opirituol foundotlon- ono otop ot o tlmo

'Flnoawloi Monooomont Org. Mtg. wl Guoot Spookor Chrbtophor
Connlohool. 3:00pm. DIE Building. Room 213



Comor. Room

“cut ms
'11? Woyno. o:oopm, Moi-nodal Collooum, Tlcluoto no .10. 015, ond $10 for

'Conaody Corovon prooonto Shannon McLoughlln. 8:00pm. stardom Contor
Coto Don


"OponmoOotoooiConoolos-onooormuouvoou GlouondPolltorvfl'
Noon-Gun. UK Arte Muoourn. 38.00 Admioolon

M Writing Connor, Izooprn-OM V4.1. Young lerory, Ming
'Chrloflon Studont Follow-hip prooonto ”Synergy",

8:009m. CSF Building on tho cornor of Woodland and

Thu rs 1 4

' Notional Student Elchongo Mating, 3 30pm, Miller Hall, Room 102

'Wooloy Foundotlon Focus Worship. 7.30pm, Studont
Contor, Como: Thootor


'UK Foncing Club. 8 009m 10 009m, Buoll Armory on Adminiotrotlon Dr
'Shoolln~Do Club Meeting, 5003 309m. Alumni Gym Loft, $60 por oomoo»
tor loo

'Droooogo Toom Moot-n9, 5009'“. Student Cantor. Room I ‘6


'Momocomlng Patio Portion, 'l I 00am i'OOpm, POT ploxo ond ocrooo tho
otroot lrorn Chomrl’hyo Building, Drooo up In 80’: goor and win prizoo

' UK Advlolng Notwork pro-onto ”Anowor Day." I0‘30om71 00pm. Whlto
Noll Cloooroom Bldg . lot Floor Noll


W 'orodo ond Poo lolly, rm.
Corrunonvrooith Mum

"Ooon tho Gotoo o! Conociouonooo An Nouvoou Glooo ond Pottory,”
.0 Pop My. .toll Hold

Noon Spin. UK Arto Muooum. $8 00 Admloolon
Fri 1 5


Moo-plan. UK Mo Mm. OI.” Adrnloolon
Sat 1 6

'“Opon tho Ootoo oi Cnnocloulnooo Art Nouvoou Olooo ond 'Mtorv.”

MM. UK Ano Muooum. so 00 Admioolon
Sun 1 7

'0! Footboll vo South Corollno Homocominqflomo.
7 00pm, Commonwoolth Stodium

'lntoflolth Iovlvol, ‘2 00pm 4 009m. Arbor Grovo
Houolng Proiocto





 Monday Oct 11 2094 l Pic: 3

Taiwanese festiwties come to Lexmqton

By Emily Dickerson
mt rtmucrv xrnnti

Brilliant tangerine and
fuchsia costumes, folk plays.
dancing. singing and bless-
ings from the Eight Gods and
the Goddess Ceiestials are
traditions and customs in cel—
ebrating Double Ten.

UK students and faculty.
along with the Lexington
community. will feel the ener-
gy from the traditional cos-
tume performances to the
modern dancing as they
share in the celebration of
the National Day of the Re-
public of China, Double Ten.
tomorrow from 7:30 pm. to
9:30 pm. in Memorial Hall.

Taiwan ROC Overseas
Chinese Affairs Commission,
the Taiwanese American As-
sociation of Central Ken-
tucky and the UK Taiwanese
Student Association are spon-
soring the Double Ten Art
Performing Group's first Lex-
ington appearance.

“The evening promises to
be a cultural feast of Tai-
wanese music and dance."
said TSA and TAA Secretary
Fred Li, a chemical engineer-
ing graduate student. “This is
a very special opportunity for
our community and we hope
that many people choose to
attend and experience the
beauty and culture of Tai-

The history of Double
Ten. the dedication of the
performers and the ambition
of the sponsors reflect the
customs of Taiwan.

Double Ten celebrates the
birth of the Republic of Chi-
na. which ended 5000 years of
monarchy and commemo-
rates the establishment of the

first democratic country in

"October tenth is the Na-
tional Day of the Republic of
China as the Fourth of July
is the independence Day of
the States." said Li.

According to history, after
10 tries. Dr. Sun Yat Sen led a
successful uprising against
the Monarch Ching Dynasty
on Oct. 10. 1911. Because of
this liberation. October is
now called Glorious October
in Taiwan.

Now. Double Ten is cele-
brated with fireworks. con-
certs and parades. Li said.
National groups from Taiwan
perform in the United States.
Canada and other countries
with strong Taiwanese com-
munities to celebrate the

“The TAA has been
around since 1996. helping to
make the Taiwan community
in central Kentucky even
stronger, with events like the
Double Ten celebration" said
TAA President lng-Shing
Pan. TAA president.

The Double Ten Art Per-
formance Group travels
worldwide to promote Tai-
wanese cultural understand-
ing and to celebrate this Na-
tional Day The 24-member
touring group will showcase
traditional Taiwanese folk
dance and music as well as
contemporary numbers.

“The group is presenting
a limited and exclusive lecity
tour in the eastern US. The
previous stop was in Mem-
phis and will be going to Dal-
las after Lexington." said Li.
“To be honest. this invitation
is a much larger event that
we (TSA) have done before."

Twenty-five years have


If you go...
What: Double ien Celebration

Where: Memorial Hall. 620 S.
Limestone St.

Mien: 7:30 pm. to 9:30 pm.

Tickets cost $5 to $7 depending
on seating and can be bought
at the door.

For more information, visit





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passed since entertainers

similar to the Double Ten Art
Performance Group pre-
formed in Lexington Pan
said the sponsors understand
this rare cultural and educa-
tional opportunity and have
been working since May to
bring this celebration perfor-
mance to Lexington.

"For the past 10 years,
performances were annually
held in Cincinnati which you
can imagine is not conve-
nient for us Taiwan students
to attend.“ Li said. “The TSA
expressed. asked, applied and
invited the performance
group to come to UK. With
the help of the TAA we final-
ly heard good news.

“TSA feels honored mak-
ing the invitation and views
it as a great opportunity for
UK folks and Lexington,"
said Li. “This performance is
a goodwill mission from Tai-
wan to celebrate the holiday
and we welcome everyone to




Continued from page 2

the dozen others on stage
were overshadowed by her
captivating presence.

As Talthybius's messages
become increasingly horri-
ble. Andromache (Jenny
Fitzpatrick) is forced to hand

over her young son
Astyanax. The Spartans are
wary of the only son left in
Troy and of what he may
grow up to do. The separa-
tion of mother and son is a
heart-wrenching scene into
which Fitzpatrick pours her
entire being.

While Talthybius acts as
the bearer of about the worst
news possible. he stands be-
hind the idea of “don‘t shoot
the messenger." McIntyre

stands firm in the role and
plays it with just the right
amount of detachment.

The best plays are those
that provoke thought and
provide a topic for discus-
sion. Go see The Trojan
Women. go out to dinner, and
then do something typical
Americans tend to avoid —
have an in-depth conversa-




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Emily Hagedorn, Editor in chief
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor

Ben Roberts. Asst. Opinions editor

Rehecca Neal, Asst. managing editor (or news

Steve Ivey, Managing editor
Josh Sullivan. Staff columnist
Sara Cunningham. Projects editor
Tim Wiseman, Sports editor



Chandler should embrace debate

In a time when political activism
seems to be at a peak. some political
candidates are shirking their public
duty. hiding in the shadows from voters
who want to know where they stand.

Case in point: Democratic Rep. Ben .

Chandler, incumbent in the 6th district
Congressional race. declines to answer
voters‘ calls to debate.

After numerous phone calls to
Chandler‘s press secretary and catn-
paign manager. the Kernel has received
no word that he would be attending the
KerneL”WRFL-FM 6th District Congres-
sional Debate this Wednesday.

While the other three candidates
have responded —- state Sen. Tom Bu-
ford. Constitution Party candidate Sta-
cy Abner and Libertarian candidate
Mark Galley Chandler seems to have
better things to do than answer voters‘

The Kernel WRFL debate wouldn't
be his first no-show.

Chandler was conspicuously absent

from the debate hosted by the League of
Women Voters Oct. 2 at the Central Li-
brary downtown.

Lexington residents deserve better.
Students deserve better.

This act by Chandler follows a long
line of other state candidate absences
at debates.

Democratic 3rd Congressional dis
trict candidate Tony Miller was miss-
ing at a Louisville Rotary (‘lub debate
against Republican incumbent Anne
Northup last month.

US. Sen. Jim Bunning. who turned
down Kentucky Educational Televi-
sion‘s debate invitation. finally came
out of hiding and debated Dan Mongia~
rdo Oct. 11. But this was only after
Mongiardo agreed to Bunning‘s terms

no studio audience and no use of de-
bate footage in campaign advertise-
ments. among others.

It's times like these that really show
voters where candidates‘ hearts and
wishes really lie.

These absences separate the brave
and eager candidates from the cowards.

Sure. debates are stressful and open
a candidate up to possible ridicule and
refutability. but that's the point. We're
electing these officials to a position
where they must take stances. confront
conflicts of opinion and. most impor-
tantly: answer to their constituents.

As President Bush said in the first
presidential debate. “It‘s hard work."
Where else are we going to see how
these candidates stack up before we
choose them? A sound byte? An attack
ad? A Web site?

But in all honesty. we‘ve seen how
they stack up. Silence is not a lack of a
stance; silence often speaks the loudest.
If the candidates won’t come to the call
of voters in a debate. how will we know
they will come to our call if they are

This repeated arrogance and weak-
ness is a message to voters. We just
hope voters won't forget this on Nov. 2.