xt78sf2m6h81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m6h81/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1945063 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-06-may3-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1945-06-may3-ec. 1945 2011 true xt78sf2m6h81 section xt78sf2m6h81 Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky, May 3, 1945. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni- versity of Kentucky met in the President's Office at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, May 3, 1945. The following members wcae present: Judge R. C. Stoll, Chairman; R. P. Hobson and J. C. Everett. President H. L. Donovan and Comptroller Frank D. Petersoon, Secretary of the Board, were also present, A, Report of Comptroller. The Comptroller made the fo3.lowing report: May 2, 1945 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky My dear President Donovan: There is hereto attached the financial report for tbe University for the period ending Miarch 31, 1945, The ft nan- cial report shows that actual income will equal or exceed estimated income shown in the budget adopted by the Board of Trustees at the beginning of the year. A summarized compara- tive statement of current general income for the periods July 1-March 31, 1944 and 1945, reveals that the amounts realized for the current year show various increases and, in one in- stance, a decrease, Decrease* 1943-44 1944-45 or Increase Income: Student Fees $ 184,139.91 $ 207,,259.18 $23,119.27 Endowment Income 500,00 3,972.34 3,472.34 State Appro. 1089,906.42**14116,608.87 26,702,45 Federal Funds 895,954.00 896,089.46 135,46 Sales and Services 286,218.97 291 442,12 5,223.15 Auxiliary Activ. l80.64 167,181.90 16.871.74* Total Inc.Realiz.ed $2,642,772.94 2,6(32 553.8? g39.7G0.93 By a comparison of expenditures, it is shown that there is a strong possibility that several budget arporopriations will be underspent. Any balance that may result at the close cf the current year will be used in making the bue.get for the ensuing year, The following is a summarized comparative statement of current general expenditures for the two oeriods being compared. **Does not include capital outlay appropriation of $199,999,75, 2 Decrease* 1943-44 1944-45 or XIncrease Expenditure s .Admin.& Gen.Exp. $ 1035726,86 $ 114 476.97 $10,750.11 Instruct.& Rel.Activ, 755,774.84 711,641.14 4-4.-133,7Q* Agr.Exp.Station 385,225.74 402,362,78 17,137.04 Agr.Exten. 608,707,72 607,724.88 84* Op.& Maint.Phys.Plant 153, 356.05 195s,715.10 42,359.05 Auxiliary Activ. 84,95871 92,498. 7 5Jb392Se6 Total. Charges 62,091,749.92 2,12E 1,669.to2 Plant Funds The budget for Plant Funds for the current year is 459,960.00. This amount wvas to be used to pay interest and maturing bonds on the first and second P.W.A. bonds issued under dates of January 1, 1936, and September 1, 1938, respective- ly. The sum of Five Hundred Dollars was appropriated for pay- ment on the Dicker house, purchased-on an amortization plan, and Eight Thousand Dollars for the purchase of the Harrison 0-ar- man property located at 638 South L.mestone Street and Garman Avenue. The original amount of the first P.%T.A. bond issue was $6534000.00. Of this issue, 1.34,000.00 has been retired as of March 31, 19.4, The second P.W.A. bond Issue was for $316,000.00. Of this issue, ^840,000,00 blaw been retired. as of March 31, 1945. The total amount of bonds outstanding of these bond issues is $776,000.00, March 31, 1945, and will be further reduced June 30, 1945; by the sum of $20,00O.00. These bond issues were for a period of thirty years and bear an interest rate of three Der cent, non-callable. The above represents the total indebtedness against University property, The income from the property against which the bonds were issued is sufficient to meet annually maturing bonds and to pay the interest, Aeronautical Research Laboratory The Aeronautical Research Laboratory has operated under University management since July 1, 1944, with Professor A.J, Meyer in cha rge. This Laboratory is a part of the general program of the Collecre of Engineering which is administered by D, V, Terrell, acting dean, Employees and monthly payrolls are approved by Dean Terrell. There are, at paresent, twenty-one. persons employed and assigned to work in the Laboratory,, with a monthly payroll of approximately Fifty-Five H1tundred Doll.t.rs, This number, Is sub- ject to change as work requires and employeds decide to change employment. It Ise not always oossible to keep all employees profitably engaged., It is necessary to carry an undistributed wage account. If the Laboratory is able to keep busy on all contracts, then the undistritbuted wages are negligible, but we have experienced delays in waiting for equipment from the government during the past eight months, At the present time, maximum efficiency is being secured from the Personnel in the Laboratory. The following contracts are in process: Pratt & Whitney #1, Pratt & Whitney #2, Wright Field Oil Test #3 'Wrighat Field Oil Test #4, Wright Field Oil Test #5, and. Wright Field Celtrac Modification Kits. The work being done on Pratt & Whitney contracts #1 and. #2 is billed monthly and kept up to date. The work on Wright Field contracts is billed upon com- pletion. Oil Test #3 is 95% comoleted, Oil Test #4 is 60% completed and Oil Test #5 is 25% completed; the Celtrnc Mod^- fication Kit contract is 90% completed. A monthly report is rendered by the Laboratory, a co-y of which is hereto attached. The Comrtroller has made recom- mendations for improvements in the monthly report which the Director of the Laboratory feels will increase the cost of operations. Further study is being given to the problem. A summary of ooerations, as of February 28, 1945, is given below; Total income July 1, 1944, to Feb.'unry 28, 1945.... S53,739.52 Receivable on work done to date, but not invoiced.. so 469, 158.32 Add; Inventory on hand. , . .......... ...... 2.000.00 Total income and inventory .1.., ..,, , .. $71,158.32 Less; Expenses July 1819440to February 28,1945.,... 63,568.26 Gross gain before depreciation .................... $ 7590.06 The above statement shows that the Laboratory is operat- ing at a small gain, notwithstanding the fact that operating cost was rather high during the period the Mawen Motor Cor- poration cancelled the operating lease agreement with the Uni- versity, and the University took over the management. A net gain has been realized on all contracts save the Wright Field Celtrac Modification Kit contract, which was for a total of Six Thousand Dolla.rs. The tot.a expenditures to date on this contract have been $6,.397,02, It was anticipated, at the time, that it was impossible to make a contract for this work with any degree of accuracy as to an estirnate of the final cost, The parts required for the mod.ification kits were handmade, and a number of iffercnt firms were contracted with for the various Darts needed, This was -n. rush order which private industry could not; handle under Army stipulations. The Laboratory took the Job rnd turned out the finished rroduct in the time specified. 4 Group Insurance It is thought that some facts about the group insurance plan carried by employees of' the University would be of in- terest to members of the Board, All regularly employed per- sons having six months' service or more belong to the group Insurance olan. T1'here are, at this time, nine hundred and sixty-eight insured persons working for the University, carry- Ing policy insurance amounting to $1,468, 500.00. During 1943-44 the rate was $1.02 per thousand dollars per month, or $12.24 per thousand per year. The Group received a div- idend for the year totalling 6.953.09, which enabled the Group Insurance Committee to declare a per capita dividend of five dollars per thousand, This equalled a net premiwn rate of $7.24 per thousand per year, which is a comparatively low ordinary life insurance premium. The premium on Group Insurance is paid by each individual insured, Hospitali zation Insurance Five hundred and sixty-three persons employed by the Uni- versity carry hospitalization insurance, Hospitalization in- surance is in effect in departments or divisions of the Uni- versity where seventy-five pcr cent of thle eligible oersonnel has joined-the Group, This insurance cost ninety-four cents per month, or $11.28 per year during 1943-4.4. The Group paid total premiums in 1943-44 of r7,054.42 and received a dividend of $1, 259.92, which onabled the Hospitalization In- surance Committee to declare a per capita dividend of H';2.01, which equalled a net annual premium of $,99.27 per person. The policy carried by each member of the hospitalization insurance group includes three dollars a day for thirty-one days for hospital service a maximurn of fifteen dollars for laboratory fees ant3 certain other specified charges, a maximum of a hundred and fifty dollars for surgical costs. The a.l- lowance for surgical fee depronds upon the character of the operation as set forth in a schedule accompanying each policy. The insured person has twenty-four hour insured protection. The premium on hospitalization insurance is paid by each individual receiving the protection. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Frank D. Peterson Comptroller. * * it it *it it * * 1. On motion duly made, seconded and enrried, the report of the Commtrolleiu is received, approved and filed, 4t it if * * i * it * * 5 B. Resignation of Judge P. C, Stoll from Council on Higher Ed- ucation. Judge R. C. Stoll submitted orally to the Executive Committee his resignation as a member of the Council on Higher Education, repre- senting the University of Kentucky, and a.sked thait same be acceoted, He explained that he would be unable to attend. all meetings and s-aid that he should prefer that there might be another mermbe.r of the Board appointed to this important Council, The members expressed re- gret that Judge Stoll had. offered his resip-nantion as a membcr of the Council, representing thee University, and reluctantly took the follow- ing action: ** it it it ****f *E 2. On motion duly made, seconded and carried., the resignation of Judgeo R. C. Stoll, as repre- sentative of the Univorsity of Kentucky on the Council on Higher Education, is accepted. * it I** * Iti * i C. Harper Gatton Anoint(ed to Council on i_.pEher Education. The President and the Executive Committee discussed the meember- ship of the Board of Trustees and, upon the recommendation of Presi- dent Donovan, took the following action: t **t * t i* it 3. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, Harper Gatton, member of t1he Board of Trus- tees and Superintendent of Schools at Madisonville, Ky,., is appointed. on the Council of Higher Education, to represent the University of Kentucky. *it it it *it it it it * - D. Purchases Mad.e Ad the Com troller's Offloe. President Donovan read the following letter from the Comptroller, with recommendation that the purchases made by the Comptroller be approved: 6 0 April 20, 1945 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky My dear President Donovan: I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food contracts and departmental purchase orders which have been made by the Comptroller's Office since October 14, 1944 to April 1, 1945. These purchases have not been approved by the Executive Com- mittee of the Board of Trustees, The listing below gives the numbers of the documents requesting the purchases, or actually issued as purchase orders, rhich documents are nude a part of this record and are held. in the Office of the Comptroller for record, subject to inspection, These pur- chases have been made on properly drawn documents at the recuests of the various departments and have been charged against available funds. The list follows: October 14, 1944 to April 1, 1945: State recquisitions #531 to #1393 Inclusive Advice of emergency purchases #761 to #1949 " Food contracts #1 to #12I Special purchase orders #1247 to #3507 Departmental purchase orders: Library #14265 to #14500 I #16001 to #16097 " University general #14651 to #14825 I #16125 to #16250 #15627 to #15631 o The record of the ab'.ove purcehav.ses is respectfully submit- ted with the recuest that they be n-p~ro vod by the Executive Committee of the Board of Tru!toes, thereby rratifying the action of the Comptroller in making such ourchaniee. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Frank D. P6tereon Comotroller. The Board took the following action: 7 4. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the followinslp ourcheases: October 14, 1944 to APril 1, 1945: State requisitions # 53.1 to #1393 inc. Advice of emergency purchtsots # 761 to #l9# 9 " Food contracts # 1 to # 12 H Special purchase orders #1247 to #3507 " Departmental purchase orders: Library #14265 to #14500 " #16001 to #16097 " University general #14651 to #14825 H #16125 to #16250 " #15627 to #15631 " as made and authorized by the Comptrollers are authorized and approved, E. Increase of Room and Board Fees in Women's Residence Halls. President Donovan submitted the following letter of recommenda-. tion concerning an increase in fees for residence halls for women. April 30, 1945 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky By dear President Donovan: Attached is a recommendat.ion from Dean Holmes relative to an increase in the fee for board and room at the women's residence halls, It seems necessary to make this increase in view of the mounting food costs and in order that we may be reasonably certain about the budget for 1945-46. There- fore, I am approving the recommendation and am requesting that it be submitted for approval zo the Board of Trustees. The change is to become effective with the fall quarter, 1945, Sincerely (Signed) Leo M. Chamberlain Dean of the University and Registrar. 8 * * * it * * * * * * 5. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, recommendation of President Donovan is con- curred in and fees for women's residence halls are set at $115 per quarter, effective September 1, 1945. * * v * vv* * lb *blb F. Remission of Fees for Instruction in Nursing Courses Given x U.S.Health Service. President Donovan submitted the following letters concerning courses in Nursing Education to be given by the U. S. Public Health Service, Washington, D.C., with t recommendation of approve.l, and the recommendation of Dean Paul P. Boyd., He stated that the Government would pay the salary of the instructor and that the University would not actually spend any money for instruction in giving the coursew, It was further explained that those registered to take the courses would be given credit for work done and that the courses would be taught by Miss Aray Frances Brown, State Director of Nursing Education! Facilities are to be provided by St, Jose j:h1 s 0Hos-pital, in Lexington, Ky. March Two 1945 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Dear President Donovan: Dr. Chambers has recommended two advanced courses, Hygiene and Public Health, 105 and 106, 3 quarter hours each, Ward Teaching for Nurses, and Advanced Medical Nursing, to be taught by Miss Amy Frances Brown, Strtte Director of Nursing Education. Miss Brown is to bo paid for the teaching by the U. S. Heelth Service, and the graduate nurses who take the courses are to pay regular Univerrsity fees. The courses are to be given at St. Joseph's Hospitnl, on account of the clin- ical facilities, and are to give residence credit. I recommend that Miss Brown be appointed Temporary Instructor of Hygiene and Public Health for the Spring Quarter, 1944-45, without salary from the University. Miss Brown is a register- ed nurse and has a bachelor's degree and a master's, and.has done work toward the doctor's degree. Sincerely yours, (Signed) Paul P. boyd Dean 9 March 5, 1945 Dean Paul P. Boyd University of Kentucky My dear Dean Boyd: I am Approving your recommendation regarding the em- ployment of Miss Amy Frances Brown, State Director of Nursing Education, temporsry instructor of Hygiene and Public Health for the Spring Quarter, without salary, I nsssume the courses will have to be approved by the Faculty. 'Cordially yours, (Signed) H. L. Donovan Presidents March 113 1945 Miss Amy Frances Brown Stato Director of Nursing Education 1620 S. Third St. Louisville, Ky. Dear Miss Brown: Arrangements are now complete for you to teach Hygiene 105 and 106, 3 quarter hours each, during the Spring Quarter. It is understood that your salary for thl.s work is to be paid by the U.S.Health Service and that nurses who register for the courses will pay the University fees, You should be here for classification day, Msarch 19, With best wishes, Sincerely yours, Paul P. Boyd (Signed) Dean 10 March 29 1945 President H. Lt Donovan University of Kentudky Dear President Donovani I enclose a telegram just rece-ved from, Mrs, Mary J. Dunne of the U.S. Public HIealth Service, IT~shingtonj stating thut the Government cannot pay Miss Brown a salary for the couirses in Nurse Education if we charge the nurses "regular tuition." It was our clear understanding from Miss Brown that. the Gov- ernment would pay her salary and t1;.t we might charge the regular fees. I am enclosing carbons of my letters to you and Miss Brown to this effect. I wvill write to Miss Brown as soon as I hear from you. The following courses seem possible: 1. We might pay Miss Brorn's sal;--ry (;G5350) and do the needed mimeogrash work for her in our steno- graphic bureau and. keop the fees, 2. We. might crell the o1'r~rs off' unless Miss Brown volunteers to teach th-o courses without so).5.ry. 3. We might wzaive the student fees and allow Miss Brown to collect the salary and. mimeographing expense from the Government. Since the te.chi-nois done at St. Josaoh's Hoepital and tha students are all graduate nurses in service, I would suggest th.at we do number 3, Cordially your8, (Signed) Paul Boyd Paul P. Boyd. TELEGRAM Paul Boyd,Dean,College of Arts & Science University of Kentucky REURLET MARCH 22 CANNOT APPROVE BOLTON ACT FUNDS FOR INSTRUCTOR'S SALARY WHEN REGULA.i TUITION CH.AIkQE .ALSO I4ADE. LETTER FOLLOWS. MARY J. DUNN 11 MXarch 3O, 1945 Dean Paul P. Boyd University of Kentucky My dear Dean Boyd: I am very much disappointed in this whole question of the employment of Miss Brown to teach courses in Nursing Education and then have the government change the arrcn..ge- ments she had stated as a condition of employment. Since these people are already enrolled, I believe the only thing we can do now is to waive the student fees and. to allow Miss Brown to collect her salary and expenses from the gov- ernment. Let us not take on any additional classes on this basis in the future unless we have an official understanding from the United States Public Health Service. Cordiall.y yours, (Signed) H.L. Donovan Prm ident. Dear Dr. Boyd: The following s-raduate nurses are eonrolled for the courses in nursing. Theyr aue rergistered for university credit. How- ever, accordg to our corresoondenco, Presid.ent Donovan has agreed to remit the fees, (Signed) Amy Frances Brown. Hayglene 105 - Ward Teaching Helen Grace Robinson Mrs. Virgil Speakes Marguerite Brown Josephine Rutledge Sister Doloretta Thelma Southworth Sister Williaih Mlery Sister James Alice Sister Michael Maria Sister Rose William Sister Charles Ambrose Betty Lucylle Ramsey H.J!4,ene 106 - Advanced Medical Nrsi np Marguerite Brown JosephineRutledg;e Thelmna Southworth Sister Doloretta Mrs. Lorene Brough Miss Nancy Palmer 12 April 18, 1945 Dean Paul P. Boyd University of Kentucky My dear Dean Boyd: This is to acknowledge receipt of the list of nurses who enrolled for the courses in nursing, and who are asking that their fees be refunded. I shall present this matter to the Executive Committee for its consideration at our next meeting. Cordiayll yoursj (Signed) H. L. Donovan President. The Doard discussed with the President the ouestion of waiving registration fee for the list %-.s submitted; and; after being advised that the Federal Government would Day the salary of the instructor and that the teaching of these courses 7ouo.ld not actually cost the University, took the following action: it * i * v * * * * 6. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Comptroller is authorized to remit the incidental fees for all persons taking the Nursing Courses given by the U. S. Public Health Service. it * * *t * * * * * * G, Payment of Architect Fees, President Donovan submitted invoice from John F. Wilson for architect fees amounting to 1% of "basic cost" for Rosidencel Halls for Men. He stated that this fee is In accordance with the -pro- visions of the contract made between the University of Kentucky sand John F. Wilson as architect, as authorized by. the Board January 17, 1945. 13 JOHN F. WILSON Architect Lexington, Kentucky April 20, 1945 Dr. H. L. Donovan, President University of Kentucky Lexington, Ky. Re: Residence Hall for Men University of Kentucky Dear President Donovani This is to acknowledge receint of letter from Mr. frank D, Peterson, dated April 19th, establishing the "Basic Cost" of the Residence Hall for Men at 4250,000,00. In compliande with the Architect's contract, Section III, Sub-section 2 (a), wa enclose herewrith invoice in the amount of ~S25004 00. Very truly yeors, (Signed) John F. Wilson Architect, * *t * * * * * * * * 7? On motion duly ma.de, seconded and carried, the Comptroller is authorized to pay the invoice of John F. Wilson, architect fees in the amount of $2500,00, same representing 1 of the "basic cost" heretofore established for the erection of a residence hall for men. The Comptroller is authorized to pay for same out of funds not otherwise aworopriated. * * * * I * t * * * H, Injury to Ben F Grays President Donovan read a letter from Dean CGoper concerning an accident to Mr. Ben F, Gra~yj )aiborer in the Department of Animal Pathology, 14 April 9, 1945 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Dear President Donovan: The enclosed accounts, amounting to 83=4i68i have been presented In connection with an injury sustained by Mr. Ben i - ray- a laborer in the Department of Animal Pathology4 Mr. Gray was severely injured on January 16 of this year, from being kicked in the face by a Worse. This accident occurred while he was in the line of duty, to bring a horse out from a stoll. The horse pulled back on the halter. Mr. Gray let go of' the shank and in attempting to again gain control of the shank, he was kicked by a horse which he had Previously turned loose, Inimedi- ately afterwards, hrJ was taken to Dr. Chambers, wrho, after a preliminary examination, recommended that he be taken to Dr. Yates for treatment, Dr. Yates expressed the opinion that the upper jaw was fractured, with severe injuries to the face, and. ordered him sent to St. Joseph's hospltnl. It was neceseary for him to remain in the hospitral for sixteen days rand to have treat- ment by Dr. Yates f-or some time following his discharge from the hospital. Does this represent an account which can be taken care of by the institution? If so, I shall be pleased to draw the necessary requisition, Sincerely yours, (Sig-ned) Thomas Cooper Dean and Director April 12, 1945 Dean Thomas Cooper University of Kentucky My dear Dean Cooper: I shall submit your letter regardirg Mr. Ben F. Gray, laborer in the Department of Animal Husbandry, who was re- cently injured, to the Executive Committee for its consid- eration, I never take any action on a problem like this until I have the advice of the members of the Board on the question of accidents of our employees while on duty. Cordially yours, (Signed) H. L. Donovan President. 15 The Board discussed at length the question of payirg for hospiAts]. expenses, and medical service of Dr. J. S. Dailey and Dr. E. C. Yates, and took the following action: * * * * * * * it * * 8. On motion duly made, seconded and passed, the Comptroller is authorized to pay to Dr-. J. S. Dailey $175.00 for nrofessional services ren- dered; to Christine Reynolds, anesthetist, $15.00, for services rendered; to Dr4 E. C. Yates, 8.30.00 for medical services rendered; and to St. Joseph's Hospital $1i4a88, for clinical laboratory, oporating room) surgical supplies, medicine, x-ray, room, maintenance and nurses' service, to Ben F. Grays It is the express understanding that action on this c.aim is without commitment as to future action of the Executive Committee on requests for payment of medical and other bills incurred in cases of injury to employees, and that the Committee does not establish a precedent and does not admit negligence or liability in paying these doctor's bills and tbis hospital bill. * * of* * * * * * * *s * I. Fellowshids-u Participants in Southern Regional Training Pro- gram, President Donovan recommended the granting ofr~ten fellowships for one quarter's work at the University of Kentucky in a training program in Public Administration, President Donovan further explain- ed that our Participation in the program had obvious advantages for the University, that it would enrich our graduate program, and would enable us to cooperate with the Tennessee Valley Authorit7 in a pro- gram involving a number ofSouthern universities. The members of the Committee discussed the proposed program and took the following action: 9. On motion duly made, seconded zand carried, it was directed thnet ten fellowships, for one auar- ter each, In Public Administra).tion be granted and that the Cornptroller be authorized to pay for same from the Haggin Fund, Each fellowship represents registration fees in the Universitys * * * * * * * * * it 16 J. Report of State Fire Marshalt The President reported that the Fire Prevention and Rate Section of the Division of Insurance, Frankfort, Ky., had made an inspection of the buildings of the University and had rendered a report. He read the report and explained the recommendations which orovided for various fire escapes and a number of fire extinguishers, togethc'r wii;h. various other recommended adjustments, The Committee discussed the report and the possibility of the University complying with recommend;;- tions, due to restrictions on material and equipment necessary to erect fire escapes and various types of fire extinguishers. The Com- mittee took the following action: * i* * * * * * * * * 10, On motion duly madej seconded and carried, the Comptroller is directed to request priority approval for materials necessary incident to erecting fire escapes and the -u)Lrchase of fire extinguishers as recommendeeij and to ascertain the cost of comoliance wiait' the report, and. so inform the Executive Committee as soon as pos- sible. K. Remodeling of Old Veterinary Science Building. President Donovan submitted request from Dean Cooper recommending the remodeling of the old veterinary science building. March 2, 1945 President H. L. Donovan University of Kentucky Dear President Donovan: In the general plans for the future of the Experi