xt78sf2m6z2p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m6z2p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19430122 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1943 1943 2013 true xt78sf2m6z2p section xt78sf2m6z2p The Kentucky Kernel ON PAGE TWO Stamps To Be liought; Students To Buv Them VOLUME XXXIV UNIVERSITY l.EXING TON. KENTUCKY. Z246 r ut The first program of its kind, a concert sponsored by members of Phi Mu Alpha, men's honorary music fraternity, and Phi Beta, women's fine arts honorary fraternity, will be presented at the regular Sunday afternoon musicale at 4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial hall. The students appearing on this program are members of Phi Beta and Phi Mu Alpha and have been selected on a try-obasis to represent the best performing talent within the two organizations. Soprano sings Trilby McKeehan. Lexington, senior, who was formerly soloist with Bill Cross' Blue and White orchestra, will give four soprano selections. She will sing "Invocazione by from "Euridice") Di Orfeo" Morire Jacobs Peri; "Lasciateml (Lamento di Arianna" by Monteverdi; "Depuis le Jour" by Charpen- ticr and "Bio-- , Blow Thou Winter Wind" by Ilyenfritz. Garland Young, Overland. Miss, freshman, who played two piano se lections at the first convocation of the winter quarter, will present "Scherzo in B flat Minor, Opus 31 by Chopin. Original Composition One of the highlights of the pro- pram mill be an original composi." by Helen tion. sophomore, Lipscomb. Lexington, played by Marie Louise McCown. Versailles, sophomore. "Prelude and Fugue in C Minor' by Bach mill be played by Betty Jean May, Prestonsburg. Junior. Mabel Cumm, Lexington, junior. and Ledford Gregory. Lexington. sophomore, will present violin solos, Miss Gumm, accompanied by Juan-it- a Creedle, Sioux City. Iowa, fresh man, play "La Folia" by Corelli. Garland Young will accompany mill present "Sym- Oreeorv phonie Espagnole. Opus 21, Allegro nrst moemem. o non troppo Lalo. I'shers Named Ushers for the program mill be Kathleen Anils n.ith Pi Hagan Perry Adams, Paul Nolte. and George LangsUff. The comDlete Droeram is as fol- - Collier One As Editor' Note: This report of the Student Government Association meeting of Jannarv 12 it being printed in full in response to the statement of the SGA president. Jim Collier, to the elect that "Onl eleven lines were given to one of the most important meetings of the SGA this school gear." Discussion of requirements for representatives and officers of the Student Government association formed the principal business of the meeting of the legislature Tuesday. IntroJanuary 12. The subject duced because the legislature is revising the SGA onstitullon. Jim Collier. SGA president, read the tentative constitution that he had written and explained that he favored having no requirements other than a one standing. He also stated that he would abolish entireare now ly the examinations required for candidates to membership in the legislature. Advocates Chance "There are many capable students who do not have high standings. Standing does not indicate ability. As an advocate of democracy' I feel that there should be no requirements other than a one standing for members." Collier stated. Lengthy debate of the matter fol lowed mith a majority of the repre sentatives opposing Collier. The primary objection to having only a one standing as the requirement was that a person who makes such a standing is either not capable of carrying on governmental affairs or does not have sufficient interest in student activities. 1.5 Now Required The present constitution requires that each representative shall have a standing of 1.5 and that each of ficer shall have a standing of 1.8. Many representatives favored some kind of qualifying examina tion. At present examinations are given candidates to test their knowledge of the University, knowledge of parliamentary law, and leadership ability. . . Exams A Joke Collier stated that the examinations now given are little more than a Joke and that they prove nothing No action was taken on the 31 Hop id-Win- ter Set Saturday Bill Cross and his orchestra play for the Hop to be held Saturday, January 30 In the Bluegrasg room of the Union building. Sponsored by the Union board, the dance will last from 9 until 12 will Mid-Wint- er p. m. Dress will be formal for girls boys. Tickets will be SI. and optional for Cross' NUMBER 1913 FRIDAY. JANUARY SGA j Wildcats And Notre Dame To Strujfifle In luisville OF KENTUCKY DISCUSSES Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Beta Clubs REVISIONS OF Will Present Student Program CONSTITUTION Urges Al Sunday. Afternoon Mnsicale Standing Requirement Musicians Chosen On Try-OBasis For Best Talent ON PAGE FOUR : Comptroller Clears Up Conditions Respecting SGA "Fraud" Incident Peterson Explains orchestra, featuring Ray Wetzel, Dave Mahanes, Jimmy Trevathan. and the glee club, is now backed by the General Amusement corporation. Michigan Women's Dean To Tell Next Graduates Matter Referred To By Jim Collier Comptroller Frank D. Peterson spoke yesterday in a special Kernel interview designed to clarify the "fraud" Incident referred to by James Collier. SGA president, in n the last his editorial printed J edition. "It is my personal belief that the SGA was in error in seeking to investigate the methods of the Uni29, 30 Promotions of first year advanced versity business office before checkmilitary students mere announced id ing their facts." Mr. Peterson Future "mhite collar" girls, the late Wednesday by Col. B. E. Brewer In referring to the incident. Collier women graduates of March and and Lt. Col. John E. Brannan, milihad been authorized by the legishave a chance to see tary science and tactics department. June, lature at its November 3 meeting To be master sergeants are C. exactly what opportunities will be to consult mith the comptroller conEdwin Barnes and Harry Miller; open to them in the war effort and cerning the amount of student fees technical sergeants. J. K. ThomP' other fields when Miss Alice Lloyd. which the association had rfceivd. dean of omen at ti,e University of son, Keith Vice. John C. Meyers, Followed Diaramion Michigan, comes to this campus to -nd rteniel M Van Sant: first ser- This authorization had followed a geants. Ben L. Kessinger. Richard S. hold personal interviews January 5 lengthy discussion in the SGA meet Webb, A. L. Davis, John H. .err. 29 and 30. ing regarding the budget for the " William Caywood. Coleman Cle-- 1 e, year. The association had been T. chairman of the conference. ment. Kenneth S. Bruce. Ben given S730 from student fees. Sine ol her committee are Mary and Richard T. Stofer. the SGA allottment is 33S cents per Staff sergeants, Bart N. Peak. Jr.. ratterson jvem. vvanaa Austin. student, and the total enrollment Edward L. John T. Jackson, Lois Ogden. and Sarah Anne Hall. Miss Adele Gensemer. head resident for the quarter was 2.755. the legisand William T. Prather; color ser- of Patterson hall. Miss Jane Hasel-delature questioned whether or not geants, Monroe Mink and John H. assistant dean of women, and this amount was correct. AccordSeay. Dr. Margaret Ratliff. of the psying to their figures, with this enReceived at press time yesterday chology department, are faculty rollment, they should have received were the announcements of promo of $918 64 or approximately S168 more. PATRICIA SNIOKR tions and assignment!! for students membersLloydthe committee. is also a member of Miss Consequently. Collier was apin the second year advanced ROTC the subdivision of the President's iliai fi'' f in range-- l pointed to look into the matter. course. TKILBV McKEEHAN tin nrviu'Br Cnmmi uciiiri gnii ic n. Cadet Colonel Ben H. Lowery. Jr. acquainted ;;. , I'lm e- Keriael Checks Facts mith the need of the na- - riirrti.y fri 111 . . . will appear as one of the soloists on the Sunday uflernoon mill be regimental commander. e to be held here ment i onferem Before printing an account of any tion for women workers. Members of the regimental staff musuale being sponsored bx t"lii Beta and Phi Mil Alpha. of these proceedings. The Kernel Interviews Miss Lloyd will be January 2' and are Cadet Lt. Col. Lee P. Witt, exattempted to verify the allegations ecutive; Cadet Major Robert H. held in the Music Room of the of the SGA with reference to the Hillenmeyer. adjutant; Cadet Major Union building every half hour Fri- amount of money they should have A 1101 Cadet Cap- day afternoon. January 29 and at Leonard B. Allen, received. In an interview mith Mr. 1 Cadet half hour intervals all day Satur- and tain Brooks Coons. Peterson. The Kernel learned that day. January 30. The interviews First Lt. Robert H. Humphreys. the basis of the SGA's discussion will be held In small groups of four First Battalion was inaccurate. The comptroller or five women with the same interBy THOMAS ROSE Officers of the first battalion are ests. Students are requested to explained that the SGA had relust something about a great public because he was the Col. W,Miam A. Wilson, bring There's Cadet Lt. ceived only S75ft due to tho fact written reports of tho courses nic wholesome murder in any of Commanding; Cadet Major Samuel that a large number of the 2.7o they have taken in college first of their kind. He got his news ttg gory variations that gets you "Continued on Page Three students enrolled were on scholarto the interview. space and ultimate fame because vou and all the other 129.999.999 ships or deferred payment lists. Senior women are being ques- CarI A Lampert. nead cogs in the great American public. he put a violent end to little broth turned by memberc of the committee of the music dep.rtnlellt. er Abel. And what do most school u hold The SGA receives no ahottment There's something repulsively at- paid by such stu- to find the various fields in which ithe first rter from the fees class of the tractive about a fellow brine who kids know about the mighty dents. the women are interested. Inter-- 1 a, m next . JanuitrT 29 meets a speedv demise with the aid Caesar? Can they tell you why he -Fir-aChech views will be scheduled according ,n room ,9 for regulating atThe of ,ne music cenf of a bullet, a knife or any of the j 'as ,he mifhty Caesar? No. but to the interests of the women so "II is wrong." Mr. Peterson stated, more refined instruments me run tney remember reading that Brut- - tendance at the meetings of the In connection with the course that Miss Llovd can cover as many us, the brute, stabbed and very legislature, introduced at the No"to Insinuate without first checking into in the better circles. loms: Veronica Mimosa. os nnssihle A nf rh titIed "Survey of Music Literature." facts upon which to base your put an end to vember 3. 1942 session, mas passed. melodramatically A murder is NEWS. It crowds I child prodigy, will present a piano interview, will be published In the Lscuf TTt claims. Cheeky our facts first, then rri ; Rommel Roosevelt, and even ra- - any further Latin lessons on the According to the law any member recital Sunday, February 21. in Me. i if they're accurate, shout your actiomng off the front page if it 8 subject. And the murder of Lin- mill be automatically expelled if he morial hall, under the sponsorship Kernel at a later date. Junior wo- -! Melodist, and how the world juanila Crcedlr. Accoinpauist 11 cusations from the housetops." big and bloodv enough. You love coln, coming Just when it did earnhas three unexcused absences dur- of Chi Omega social sorority. Uni- men and August graduates inter- Kards hu music todav' Suitable in learning the openings avail- it: your pore over the details. You ed for him an aura of respect and ing a quarter. Excuses must be versity students and townspeople After learning these facts. The are Invited to sit in on the in- - cordlngs of Schubert music will be Kernel printed only the following. Morire (Lamento di demand pictures of the grotesquely awe that he had not so universally given to the president of the asso- are invited to attend, according to Lkcitmi played to nt in witn me lecture. Monteverdi sprawled corpus Ariannaterviews. legislature authorized Jim Coldelecti. the guy enjoyed in life. We love murders; ciation before the next meeting, Martha Adams, Chi Omega Trilby McKeehan. Soprano Professor Lampert s original plans "The A dinner open to all University with the gun. his baby pictures, and me make martyrs out of the mur- and the president mill decide if the lier, president, to discuss distribu Juanita Creedle. Accompanist women, women faculty members. were to present a discussion on tion of student fees with Frank D. "1 hie' nnnr ntioolif iriorhw I'tifua lit- - dered. -excuses are valid. "B .j Bach The young artist, hailed as one of ...u .1.. w ..u.. Prelude and Fugue in C Minor -- You demand it in your fiction, ui ..tuiij ...emuers. nt nafVi Kut th ruiiunf.iiav ru--.rut tar. ppferson. comptroller tie Johnny mas such a good boy Beltv Jean May. Pianist Expellee May Appeal pian the most talented and artistic K. ...H.tv. vt oe ueiu ior miss ijuyn, rTiaay. jan- IV eager-to-p- k use authors oblige ""wi.o till he got to reading them yaller-back- s. and Lex"I feel that The Kernel acted Lai An expelled member, according to ists of our time, appeared in riiilMnie E&pagnole. Opua 21 uary 29. Jane Hayes is- - in charge of him to change the topic of the open "Macbeth" and "Dr. Jekyll Allcgio non troppo First movement commendably in the way they hanington last year under the auspices arrangements and reservations are class. the law, may appeal to the legislaLedford Gregory. Violinist It's not just a disease of the year, and Mr. Hyde" and "All This and ture if he feels that his expulsion of the McDowell club. Garland Younf. Accompanist to be made at the office of the Three other open classes have dled the situation." Mr. Peterson this generation, or even this cen- Heaven Too." not to mention "The Is unjust. He must appear at V commented. Now a pupil of Harold Bauer, the dean of women. the been announced for this quarter. Helen Lipscomb Murders" and other more tury; the human race has always meeting following his expul young pianist was first instructed View Collier Marie Louise McCown. Pianist Prof. Edward Newberry, of the psy-- I raced for the latest details on the obvious treatments of the same old first VI ion to present his appeal in per in music by her mother. She is a subject. In his editorial printed in the chology department, mill speak on le jour .ciiarpentier latest violent departure and there s Some accommodating bio- -. Bl1hM"AKl;nwd)ranrrll'rlu always been some villain to take young whiz even saw to it that the son. A majority vote or members graduate of the Manhattan School and Intelligence in last edition of The Kernel. Collier of Music and the New York Con- Twins." Dr. W. S. Webb, head of the stated that the Kernel SO A re- the leading role and keep the ball appetites of our younger sadists present at the appeal will rule. Juanita Creedle. Accompanist Eugene Goosen, conductor of the vn This law became effective at the physics department, will speak on porter "had written a story on which satiated to some degree by .. Cbopiu rolling. Cain the first man born ' servatory. be Iter so in B flat Minor. Opus quarter. beginning of the A certificate and pin will be pre"Parallel Currents." Prof. R. H. the headlines would in effect have n earth isn t important to the pianist 'Continued on Page Three. Garland Youu. Cincinnati Symphony orchestra, sented by the Lexington Office of Weaver, of the bacteriology depart- read 'SGA Charges Comptroller of The Student Board of Publica recall greater Civilian Defense to women students ment, will speak on "The Pasteuri- Fraud.'" Collier added. "Mr. Plum-mtions reported on the selection of states that he "cannot immediately stopped this story new staff members for The Kernel talent and artistry" than she has. have spent at least fifty hours zation of Milk." in mar effort activities on the camand for the Kentucklan. The re until it could be verified, which it pus, according to Mrs. Sarah B. port accepted unanimously. could not be." In Collier's opinion. Holmes, dean of women. The Kernel reporter "had let her The Student Loan Committee re desire for sensationalism get away Mortar Board, senior women's ported that it had made two loans honorary, will send questionnaires with her and had therefore taken since the beginning of the quarter. an innocent legislature discussion to all women students, tabulate the and had attempted to make juur- results, and keep a record of each naiistic history" thus almost plac- -' one's work. Ing the SOA in an embarrassing Lt. Col. B. H. Lowry. mho is now Times" will be the subject of the The activities in which women position. stationed in Oakland, Calif., is also first talk by Mrs. Grace Sloan Overmay participate to earn hours torFENCING . . . a University graduate. . ... mill be offered every WednesTook No AelMMi ton, specialist in marriage and famn ard the awards include classes in Mrs. Lomry's son, Ben Lowry. is a ily relations, at 11 a. m. January 27. An attempt to decrease the per- day afternoon from 4 to 5 p. m. in home nursing, first aid, sewing for p,.. Plummer. director of e of failures in the chem- - t I0ns dld not stop tne story jTwo letters of interest to mathe the Women's gymnasium for those the Red Cross, student war forums, Mrs. Ben H. Lowry. University senior in the engineering college. At 10:15 January 28. she will speak Mrs. Lowry expressed the feeling on "Family g majors women who have had fencing for dances for servicemen, and open istry department through altered Kernel operating within the rules and the ma tics and engineering graduate in home economics and , teaching and grading methods is of professional and ethical journal- have been received the last credit, or for those who are inter- houses for servicemen. has a very that it mas a "wonderful privilege Permanent Peace." wife of Lt. Col. being made, according to Dr. L. Ll tem does not nave to Roy Hendrickson, director of the week by Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, ested in advanced work. tensored. tale of air raids and evac- to live in Lexington for the duradiamatic tion." Truell. department head. During and te nm, The Kernel execu- Food Distribution BALLROOM DANCING administration. dean of women. uation to tell at the thirty-fir- st Another highlight of the conventhe past no student was passed in tiVM checked the facts, found the Washington. D. C, will discuss the The first, from the National Ad CLASSES . . . annual Farm and Home conven- tion program mhich will be of spec- world food situation in his speech visory Committee for Aeronautics . . . a chemistry course unless he met auctions incorrect, and acted to be held every Wednesday tion which mill meet In Memorial ial interest to students is the ap- entitled "America, the Pantry of at Langley Field. Hampton, Va., evening from 7:30 to 9 p. m. in the tuny me set requirements oi tne colUer and the SGA consid- hall January pearance of Sergeant Alvin York, Democracy" at 1:15 January 27. department. ballroom of the Union building for asks for men and women graduerable embarrassment. At the time of the outbreak of the speak at 11 a. m. January Although teaching methods mere ates trained for computing. Men beginners as well as students mho mar, Mrs. Lowry mas her hus- who The incident lit being fully exSpeakers Listed 28 in Memorial hall on "The changed this summer when Dr. plained at this time mith the ap must be draft exempt. Also men- mere enrolled last quarter. in Fort Shatter In Honolulu, band 1. University women must come Is America." speakers are: tioned are positions In typing, Other Quill became head of the depart- - proval of Mr. Peterson in order to which is the headquarters of the Strength That Ol'TING CLl'B . . . to the dances unescorted and W. W. Shoemaker, appren- . . . will hold a Bee line hike stenography, laboratory ment. 67 per cent of the freshman brulg , tnf stlKlent attention all Anne Sweeney of the WAAC, CoHawaiian military department. In al 2:30 must leave unescorted. chemistry class made D's and E's tn(- - facts her talk on "Living Through an Air lumbus. Ohio, has been promoted of Armour and company, Chicago, ticeship, duplicating machine op- p. m. Sunday. All persons Interested ' 2. You are urged to arrive at for the fall quarter. Raid and Traveling in a Convoy" from Third Officer to Second Offi- mho mill speak on "The Interde- eration, and telephone work for in attending should sign at the the dance early as the girls women. Application blanks and Union information desk before noon first put on the be given at 1:45 p. m. cer since she Consideration will be given to el- pendence of industry and Agricuare always hostesses and it January 28. she mill relate exper program for the convention. Her lture"; Frank J. Zink. of the Farm copies of the booklet "A Career In Saturday. fort and ability this quarter. Dr. is the courteous thing to do. Quill explained, while in the oast during and after the Japanese talk on "What It Means to be a Equipment institute. Chicago, who Aeronautical Research" were also iences I'.MOX NOTES 3. Always present some Uniactual accomplishment has deter- air raid on Honolulu and mill give WAAC" is scheduled for 1:45 p. m. will speak on "The Farm Equipment enclosed. Today versity of Kentucky student The Gi'umann Aircraft Engineermined all grades. details of how an air raid affects January 27. Pershing Ritles, military honorary. Carnegie Musicale, Music room. Robert A. Hicks. ODT. Situation"; identification at the door. corporation of Bethpage, Long 8 p. ' unprepared families. Miss Hilda Beal. mho mill speak It is the belief of the chemistry will make its selection of new mern- m. speak on "Traasportation ing 4. Students must remain in the Island, N. Y.. is interested in eminstructors, according to Dr. Quill, bers next week out of a group now Mrs. Lowry mas evacuated in Jan- on "Wartime Britain" at 1:45 p. m. Difficulties of Farm People." Phi Beta, room 205. 5 p. m. building during the entire ploying college women trained in uary, 1942 and spent nine days in a January 26, mas formerly a school that the average student could narrowed to 52 men. Earlier in the Sunday banThe annual dance. make a respectable grade if he selection. convoy to make the trip mhich us- mistress of geography in England quet mill be held at 6:30 p. m., Jan- engineering and planning departOpen house for service men. 3 to 20 military studet.U ments. Applicants mho have ma- 6 p. 5. The dances for servicemen mould spend only one hour daily competed ually takes four days. With her she and was an exchange teacher in the uary 28, in the Union building. m. jored in mathematics, physics, mas the founder are usually outside his class room work. brought her mother. Mrs. Jeannie United States. She pians are ,IUW for chemistry, architecture, or business Monday Special meetings of the rural comPlease do not hesitate to play Moore, mho mas so ill that she was of the Business and Professional Paiihellenic, room 204. 4 p. Engineering students had a lower dance for the pledges who will outsIn munity and the rural church, agri- administration are preferred. your part as a hostess. 04. 1 on a stretcher, and her Women's club in York. England, carried and Blade, room tanding than students from other ber about 42. Al this event, to be engineering section, poul- - addition, students m ho have not ma6. Dress according to the wishes p. m. daughter. Betsy, mho is now at- and did a treat deal of work in con - cultural colleges. Professors of enguieenng held in the near future, the school. nection with the Women's Volun- try section, dairying, animal hus jored in these specific fields, but sponsors each time of the tending Henry Clay high this as beuig caused by the spective members will be officially have fully completed the col GllGNOL . . . according teer service, particularly in the can- - bandry, and marketing section, dairy No slacks, sweaters, or ankFamilies were evacuaU-amount of work engineers are re- - pledged by Captain Lee Porter Witt, house manager. J. R Coffey. Jr.. service. She is now with the section, animal nusoaiuuy section lege course and maintained a high . lets will be permitted on The to need so it was possible for Mrs. iwn quired to carry Engineers must The initiation will take place at a agronomy section, horticulture sec- -, scholastic average are also desired. is calling for male ushers. Any men floor at any time. Lowry to get her mother home Rritish Information service in New carry 20 quarter hours while most camp, under the direcnou of Cadet beekeeping section m ill be Interested students should! see Mrs. Interested should report to the tion. and .she has recovered from her York citv. other students carry onlv about 17 Lt. Joe Bohnak Holmes for more complete details. Guignol alter 4 p m today. Living 111 Abnormal held on January 28 and 29 Normal illness. s ut WW 'down-to-ear- "Prelude-Reflections- ... Bloody Wholesome Murders Are Repulsively Attractive PROMOTIONS SET Of Job Opportunities j FOR ADVANCED Miss Alice Lloyd Will Confer Here ROTC STUDENTS January A Rn. ' by-la- w I 5W Mem-Whit- : Sm-if- n, j 1 j ! S-- 3; I ITDCDT LVllll Lit S-- 2; IlULlU S-- 4. OPEN COURSE Schubert Subject Of Discussion Set ...... -- 7. th p, CHILD PRODIGY , reu TO PLAY HERE ed le pi - " --- Stes Local OCD To Give Awards To Women j "Insanity . er On Islanding Speakers Here F r Fa rm - Home Con ven lion s Kampus Kernels Dean Holmes Gets Letters Offering Students Jobs Mrs. Hen Lowry To Tell Story Of Air Raids ATTEMPT MADE TO CUT FAILURES New Chemistry System Is Begun publica-centag- Well-Bein- Lom-ry- j i Rules Are Listed For UK Women Attending Dances 26-2- 9. nt s Pershing Kifles " Sa.le't Member 'r ! er "girl-break- ." -- in j d ' . . j * The Kernel Editorial Page THE KENTUCKY KERNEL OmCIAL PHhMSHED EXCEPT NEWSPAPER OP THE UNIVERSITY DtTHINO TH1 SCHOOL TEAR OR CTAMIWATTOW PERIODS KlD-IPm- it HOLIDAYS Entered at th Pout Offlc rci.nd claw matter under th pATiri C. ...,- OP KENTUCKY .. LtlltOT - 'fi BETTY PlT.H at Lextnftem, Kentucky. Art of March I, U7. Jav Wilson member Kentucky Intercollegiate Pruw Association Lexington Board of Com mere Kentucky pr Aori.tion National Editorial Aftftociatton ( 11 Kn.i rm 1 Managing Editor a BAXTER MELTON subscription rates hki One Bcmcwcr -km on Tear All atoned rflel and rolntmu ore to be considered the nnmfoat of th writer rhewiaelrea, and do not nfcftiartlm th, oomioa o me eniei. tnin-- t Sports Editor VINCENT SPAGNUOLO ALICE WATKINS JUNE WYATT FILLMORE BOWEN NORMA WEATHERS POON BETTY McCLANAHAN If ti hapcncd to Ih' in the I'nion iv miii anv dav eluiiiij; i lie week over would prohahlv miliar a woman stiidcm stationed opjKisiie the Inloi mat ion desk. II m ever M(iHl ii wonder whv she was there, ami i hen wem over to ask her. vou would receive a icplv thai would fro something like this: "I am selling defense stamps to i lie siudenis of the University. Mortar Hoard, senior women's honorary, is sponsoring the sales, ami Rcverlv f.iilliili is taking charge." lun she might add ihai the ImmhIi is k ii Trom II a.m. until 2 p.m. elailv. except Saiurdav. and that one ran buv both 10 ecni and ''. cent stamps for his loks. It is assumed lhal ou are in I lie haltil of billing stamps from vour post office or your hank, hut how about paironmug the local sales, which are ninth more convenient. Iieing in the I'liion building. Add the fact lhal it will help the girls working to feel lhal ihev are really aitotnpiishing something, and it is a good argument in favor of huving at the Moriar Board hooih. II is hard to ask students to sjiend anv inonev, or to contribute to funds, but in the case of it war siamps. it is an investment. doesn't take long lo buv enough stamps to make a bond, and a Ixmd brings vou S2. for SI 8.7.") in war stani)s. ii I A Talk about going Irom (he ridiculous lo the suliliiiu. thai is what the Wildtat basketball learn did Monday and Tuesday of this week. When ihev romp over the Bulldogs to the tune ol ! I!S and then battle the Ramblin'" Wrecks to a W M ic torv. il is a contrast worth hearing. Wouldn't we have given our right e'ves to have seen that game down at Tech? The fate ol a game sometimes rests on a single jxiint, just as it did a few veais ago when we up a good light against Notre Dame. The sioielxiard showed that the count was tied, so lxi'h teams I rive the ball and wailed for the outcome. Imagine the jov of Noire Dame and the chagrin of the 'dais when il was discovered that the scoieboard was wrong, and the oflieial stoic was None Dame bv one single count. All of which makes us think of I lie coming struggle Saiurdav night with the Irishmen in Louisville. That citv might lie considered a "home" court lor our plavers, but as far as their were-puitin- filter JSfc Advertising Manager Associate Editor Cartoons Circulation Manager Assistant News Editor Assistant Society Editor opMineiiis are concerned, il doesn't make anv difference. Can't ever remember when Notre Dame didn't lical us. cither ai Ixiuisville or at Souih Bend. But never sav die. is our motto, and this vear we are going to cross our fingers, say a magic word or i wo. wish I lie team good luc k, and liojie for i lie best. Alihough I could not profess to lie a can profess to have made a thorough siudv of niv subject, and have compiled below the best (mints of a large number of wide ami varied opinions. Clip out the following rules and pin them alxive vour desk lo note when supcr-siuden- i. I studiing: Study in a epiiel room ai a regular time. Reserve a desk in a corner for the puiosc of siudv ing onlv. and irv lo work at the same hours. Vou will find that immediately vou sit clown ai this "study desk" the surroundings suggest "studying" to your mind, and after a while vou will find' it easier to concentrate. 3. Never delav vour start. 4. Begin promptly, and with a definite plan, first review last lesson. The main ixiints should Ix' out the margin. 'Then skim ihe new les- son as a. whole. Dig out main points first, then siudv pans. .1. Study lo exeell in each lesson. Review the leson just before class to discover and siudv whatever vou have failed to remember. fi. When- - vou studv, siudv hard. Don't have little things on your desk or around you that call h vour attention. If vour mind wanders. si xrcl up and crowd out thought o other things. .. . . . Don t sixnd a lot of tune on uninixiriaiu lessons, or unimportant asixrts of the subjec t. 8. terms, dates, formulas, and outlines com- mil lo memory when understood. Write out 1. 'J. ollen. When vou stop smdving. have a cue as to where to Ix'gin next lime. 10. At examination time, sleep regularly and ,.,..lv LI., nm wnm- 4 Ivraeitiiw .. ,s " . will do will occur during trie hrst nail hour a ter siudv. II. Vmr onlv. Ipair of eves should be protect- eel With vour eves doing so muc h close-uwork, it helps to concentrate on some distant jxiini on the horizon for at least two minutes evirv dav. (iatewav. !). - . origins, ethics, and aims became a ing brand of democracy are also two decade international hobby, the convinced of its essential worthless-nesdecadence, majority of peace planners today and over - all are convinced that the isolationism anemia. Is it too much of a strain on your and Americanism of the "free enter pri.se" variety ithat is to say, delicate constitutions, dear readers, free of labor unions. New Dealers, for us to throw caution to the winds, abandon ourselves to th" and other radical and elements, fo as to make pos- judgment of posterity, and make sible the greatest exploitation with the reckless observation that this the least expenditure of energy) is assumption is, to understate our rase by now decomposing in the ideolog- by mountains of manuscript, highly unwarranted? For the sake of our ical graveyard of outworn metaphysics and are proceeding full reputation in a possible Utopian steam ahead on the assumption post war world, we sincerely hope that the proponents of this charm- - not. We do not suggest ,of course, that all of these liberals are in ignorance of the indigenous native in holy alliance, as always, with the traditional inertia of the masses of citizens, arrayed against them. Some few, of whom Henry A. Wallace is perhaps the standard bearer, have spoken in ope