xt78sf2m6z4v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m6z4v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19460215 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1946 1946 2013 true xt78sf2m6z4v section xt78sf2m6z4v The Kentucky ECernel PAGE ONE February 22nd Is Founders' Day PAGE TWO Two Vets Write Open Letters UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY VOLUME XXXVI LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY Z246 15. 1916 NUMBER 16 'Double Door' Opens Serini Elected Founders Day Men's Group Veterans Club Elects Bowles; fMosl Popular' Program Plan Sings Sunday Guignol This Time Is Announced Kezatto, Pennebaker, State Qroups Plan Combine Host Of Stars In Performance Beginning 23th Frb-rua- 1 ry under the direction of Lewis Henry Horton, will present the next Sunday afternoon musicale, in Memorial hall. The Glee club is making its first appearance after having been reactivated since the war. Its last concert was presented on Jan. 31, v Meet." "Oedipus Rex," "Taming of the Shrew," "Invitation to a Murder," "First Lady," "Susan and God," "Arms and the Man," "Old Acquaintance," "The Admirable CHchton," "The Thirteenth Chair." and "Lady Windermere's Fan." She is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and Is a registered nurse. Little Guignol Vet Lucille Little, who portrays Caroline Van Bret, Victoria's idealistic and hypersensitive sister, has appeared In "The Women." "Kind In Retirement," Lady," "Ladies "Young April." "Claudia." "Watch on the Rhine," and "Out of the Blue." Miss Little received degrees t Ohio State, Columbia, and Julli-ar- d School of Music. Director Briggs Hettle Knight Prater, after an absence of two seasons, returns to Guignol spotlights as Anne Van Bret, wire or young Rip Van Bret, Victoria's brother. A former UK student, Mrs. Prater has returned to Lexington with her husband d at the Uniwho is studying ," versity. "Ah! Wilderness." and "My Sister Eileen" are among the plays In which she has appeared. Rip Van Bret is portrayed by stud Robert Weiner, UK dent from Newport, who Is a newcomer to the Guignol stage. pre-me- "Lysi-strata- pre-me- Rle Doctor Jack Stcrrett, associate professor of English, will handle the role of Mr. Ncff, lawyer of the Van Bret family, as his first Guignol part. Doctor Sterrett. no stranger to the stage, is former director of dramatics at Western Kentucky Teachers college at Bowling Green and Centre college at uanviiie, Larry Snedeker Is cast as Lambert, the detective. Mr. Snedeker, a former vaudevillian, is undertaking his thirid role at Guignol following his successes in "Dark Eyes" and 1943. ur trast to the fascinating and amusing Madame Arcati she played In Guignol's last production, "Blithe Spirit." Her previous Guignol appearances Include "When Ladies I Women Voter League Hears Discussion On State Constitution Prof. J. E. Reeves, of the Bureau of Government Research, speke to the campus group of the League of Women Voters, Monday afternoon in the Union building. His subject was "The Kentucky Constitution." Professor Reeves strongly advocat ed the adoption of a new state con stitution, saying that although the present form of government may By Lury Thomas have been suitable in 1890, it is now QUESTION: WHAT IMPROVE. "outmoded, has outlined its useful MENTS IN YOUR ESTIMATION ness and, in part. Is undemocratic." WOULD BE MOST BENEFICIAL Professor Reeves then enumerated TO THE UNIVERSITY? jsome restrictions placed on the state riiuMfc T&tIot. AtS. senior: government by the constitutional 1890. The legislature Tear domn the psychology building convention ofonly for 60 days each can convene and build a new one. any Farnum Lewis, Engineering, fresh two years, which prohibits con and man; Schedules for old students thorough examination important issues, he should be made prior to end of sideration of said. quarter. Turning to the constitutional limiMildred Moore, A AS, senior: More on county government, the time between classes to get ac- tations can levy with this and that (mostly speaker said that counties quainted no more than 50 cents on the $100 that) ! for general purposes. Carl Schwab, A AS, freshman: of assessments 0 In as much as approximately Rooms for upperclassmen. annually Is required for proper Agriculture, Donahue, Kagenia average county Standardized system of administration of the Jonior: polishing. government, it has been estimated grading and abolish apple 22 counties of the state are Kenneth Wood IT, AS. fresh- that man: Step up business on the field unable to raise such a sum. In closing. Professor Reeves said house. A AS, sophomore: there is a "fairly good" chance for Betty Brady, adoption of a new constitution. More professors like "Doc" Wall. However, he stated that is the Cilea Barrow, Engineering senior: duty of University students, as well Tear It all down and rebuild it! as every to discuss the Jane Kelley, AAS, freshman: Better measure other citizen, work for it. widely and to (for your car)! perking facilities In a short business session folI Hugh Collelt, AS, junior: lowing talk, the think the University needs more liv- League Professor Reeves' of Women Voter made preing space for its students. With the liminary plans to discuss the "Compromise of a record enrollment next quarter an enrollment to surpass mittee For Kentucky" in their next several the present one where will we be will be meetings, the first of which held Feb. 28. Selection of able to house the students? Resithe speaker will be announced later. dence halls should be given an A- -l I ! $20,-00- priority! senior: Helen Rom, Education, Course on how to get along with ! men and then Kenneth Zehnder, Engineering, freshman: Math teachers! Mary Beth McFarlan, AAS, senior: Elevators in our buildings. Eugene Hartmann, Engineering, freshman: More mail in my mailbox. Betty Peters, Engineering, sophomore: We need a trolly car to run across the campus between classes. (Jerman Department To (Jive Exams Dr. A. E. Bigge. head of the Department of German, announces that language examinations for candidates for ad- vanced degrees will be given in that department on Wednesday, Feb. 27 at 2 p.m. in Room 303a of Miller HalL , A big n; mezzo-sop- rano; Spiritual-Barthlome- school. Because of the war, this will be the first regional field) trip made by the geology department since 1942, Professor McFarlan stated. Because of the rough country which will be covered by the party, no provisions have been made to take women students. Professor McFarland said. Expenses for the trip, exclusive of tuition, will be $60, the cost figur. ed on a basis of $35 for transporta tion and $25 for camp expenses. A payment of $25 is required by May 20, and the balance before leaving. Traveling will be done in the geology department field truck, and a short time will be spent in Ohio, Iowa, Wyoming, Nebraska and Kansas. Two hours credit will be given in each of the courses, which are Oeology 110 and 23. g name band among the University's social sororities began yesterday and will continue through Feb. 25, according to Dick Hundley or the Student Union Board, which is sponsoring the band. The sorority which sells the most tickets will have its sorority song played by the band and only the winning sorority members and their dates will be permitted to dance at that time, Hundley stated. Up to the present time only three tickets have been purchased by stu dents, and as a whole interest has oecn very poor in promoting a big name band for the student dance which will be held in the spring. Hundley said. Student Union Board members have decided not to sponsor an other big name band contest if student support docs not increase, Hundley said. ticket-sellin- contest Canterbury Club Holds Dinner Meeting A supper meeting of the Canter bury club was held Monday at the Christ Church parish house. Mr. Donald M. Wright, executive secretary of the Church Society for College Work, spoke to the group. Miss Huguctte Balzola, traveling secretary for the World Student Service Fund, also spoke. The following officers of the advisory council of the club have been elected: Anne Taylor, president; Sue Roy Maner, recording secretary; Lorraine Turck, correspondence secretary; Martha Lou Brydon, treasurer. Faculty Club To Entertain ine mommy dinner and open house of the University Faculty club will be held at the club house at 6:30 pjn. tonight. The duplicate bridge will be held next Thursday evening, February 21. A round-robi- n chess tournament will be held in the near future and entries are being received for the ping pong tournament, both doubles and singles. Prof. Roy Moreland is president of the club. Guest Sunday will be two University music majors, William K. Pciuiebaker, baritone, and Uarda Rice, mezzo-sopraand a visiting artist, Mr. John L. Razatto. As a captain in the Military Intelligence Service of the Army, Mr. Rezatto studied voice at tlie Conservatory Superiore, Paris, France, after German surrender. He has been re. leased recently from military service and is again actively engaged as a teacher and professor. Mr. Razatto formerly studied voice in this country under Madame Blackburn, in New York City, and also under John CJiarlcs Thomas. The program: e; Zlon, Hears the Watchman, Thanks Be to Thee, Handel; My Spirit. Be Joyful, Bach; Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones (17th Century), arranged by Davidson. E'dove tt'aggirl, Cestl; It is enough, from "Elijah," Mendelssohn; The Swan, Grieg, Mr. Rezatto. Chorus of Camel Drivers, from "Rebecca," Franck; Song of Ossian's Ftngal, Brahms, with Frank J. Prindl and Gene Whicker, Horns; Landsighting. with William K. Pennebaker, Baritone. O, High Barbary. Chantey-Hal- l; Miss "Liza Jane, Kentucky-HortoI wonder as I wander, Southern- Nilcs, with Miss Uarda Rice, Keep in the Middle of the Road, Accompanists will be Perry Parrl-gi- n, Joseph Young, and; Ford Montgomery. Bux-tehud- Appear Again Sororities To Sell 'Big Name Band' Tickets In Contest Representatives of all college vet erans' clubs in the state of Kentucky met yesterday morning In Frank fort to make plans for a coordination of the various clubs and the formation of a state association. according to Howard C. Bowles, soloists on the program president of the local Veterans' no ur "Out of the Blue." The part of Avery, the Van Bret housekeeper, is handled by Jane Ratchford, a graduate of Transylvania college. Miss Ratchford has appeared in six previous Guignol productions: "She Stoops to Conquer," "Once in a Lifetime," "Fran-cesc- a da Rimini," "Under the Gas Light," "The Distaff Side," and "The Women." Jewell Doyle Again Jewell Doyle steps before a Guignol audience in his sixth play as Telson, the butler. Other appearances include "My Sister Eileen," "Dark Eyes," "Candle Light," "Kiss and Tell." and "Out of the Blue." The beginning of a Guignol career for Sue Ann Turley, an Arts and Sciences junior from Madison, W. Va., is in the offing as she portrays Louise, the maid, in the forthcoming psychological mystery. Wallace N. Briggs. director of the production, is becoming a champion for young actors and actresses- - by casting students in three important parts of the forthcoming play. The ticket office will open on Wednesday, February 20. All seats are reserved. Admission will be sixty cents for University students and one dollar for all others. Sixteen Groups Meet In Frankfort The University Men's Olee club, te The doors of Guignol will open theater-goin- g public on 25, when the little theater presents "Double Door," the second production of the season. Mary Lyons, who enacts the part of Victoria Van Bret, is the meteor of "Double Door," She portrays a woman of indomitable will and dynamic personality, a direct con- Sterrett's First Miss Rice, Soloists ss By Hugh CcUrtt to the Washington Frank Srrmi. Wildcat football star, was voted the most popular mun on the campus at A convocation at 10 a.m., the the annual Student Union Board President's luncheon for guests, and dance held Saturday in the Blue-graa flftcen-minubroadcast to alumRoom of the Union building. ni, beginning at 7:15 p.m. will highGardner Second light the University's second annual Serini was elected from six can- observance of Founders' Day Febdidates put up by the two political ruary 22, according to Dean Leo M. parties on the campus. Independ- Chamberlain. ent candidates included Serini, Students will be excused from Tuckahoc, N. Y.; Jim Brock, Cooper-tow- n third-hoclasses on Friday morn(University housing unit); and ing for the convocation at which Howard Stewart, Hartford. Con- Governor Simeon S. Willis will be stitutionalist candidates were Char- principal speaker. His address is les Gardner, Phi Delta Theta from titled "Henry Stitcs Barker." Louisville, who came in second in Students will present music and the race; Cornell Clarke, Sigma Phi the audience will sing Kentucky's Epsilon, New Mexico, and Howard "Alma Mater" as part of the proStephenson, Pi Kappa Alpha, Mt gram. Sterling. President Donovan's luncheon at The last most popular man con- 12:30 p.m. will honor distinguished test was held in 1942 when Albert alumni and guests. The evening J. Spare. Triangle, Covington, Ky broadcast, from 7:15 to 7:30 p.m.. and Carl Stoker. Independent, Mays-vill- e, will originate in the studios of University station WBKY and will Ky., received the honors. through the faDecorations for the dance Included be broadcast also cilities of station WLW In Cinhuge hearts with the names of the candidates in each. One larger heart cinnati. The Founders' Day tradition was dominated the decorations and was two-ho"broken through" by Wash Serini inaugurated last year at a convocation with University and Kcntuckian Beauty Queen Syl. McVey via Mayer, who was presented at President Emeritus Frank L. as principal speaker and Miss Betty the recent Veterans' Club dance. Anne Ginocchio as student speaker. Not In Kcntuckian In recent years, the most poplar Trips man's picture appeared In the pages Geology Field of the Kcntuckian, but it will not Will appear this year, since the page make-u- p has already been sent to On Summer Schedule the engravers, according to Lillian Field trips in regional geology will Davis, Kcntuckian editor. be resumed this spring when two Chapcroncs for the affair includmen's classes, one for beginners and ed dean of women Mrs. Sarah B. one for advanced workers, leave Holmes, dean of men T. T. Jones. June 5th for the Black Hills of Dean and Mrs. M. M. White. Dr. South Dakota for a two and one- and Mrs. Adolph Bigge, Dr. and Mrs. half weeks trip, according to H. C. L L. Dantzler, and the housemoth- McFarland, head of the Department ers of the fraternities, sororities, of Geology. and residence houses of the Univer The party will return to the sity. University on June 23, in time to register for the first term of summer Fen-imor- e, To Receive Final Proceeds Of Cage Intramurals VVSSF With the World Student Service Fund benefiting, the finals in men's intramural basketball will be played next Thursday night in the men's gym, according to Charlie Gardner, chairman of the event. The games, featuring fraternity and independent league finals, are part of the series of campus events sponsored by the WSSF in addition to its personal solicitation. The World Student Service Fund will donate winner and runner-u- p club. Several Kentucky universities and colleges' representatives were in Lexington for a preliminary meeting Wednesday. Basic plans for the organization were drawn up and telegrams were sent to the veterans' organizations located in 16 colleges Jim Wood ... ... Weath-erspoo- n, Dean Hudson IFC Sponsors Dance Tonight er ur Pre-Dan- n; UK's Cooperstown To Have Mayor versity comptroller, was made an honorary member of Kappa Sigma A Kernel edisocial fraternity torial complained of the bad taste shown by members of the ASTP at 4. Alumn gym during a basketball JANUARY, 1944: 1,195 civilians game . . . The Wildcats beat Wright registered at the University for the Field . . . Four University professors. r, winter quarter . . . Military enroll- Dr. A. C. McFarlan, Dr. W. D. Dr. Thomas D. Clark, and ment was placed at 1.100 . . . SLx were elected to Phi Beta Kappa . . . Dr. Alexander Capurso, were chosen The Kentucky General Assembly to speak at the University's annual approved the annual University series of lectures . . . Certificates of budget, set for $3,551,000 that year Engineering were given to ASTP graduates . . . Several members of . . . The appropriations committee of the General Assembly ommitted the ASTP were indignant because of the request for field house building The Kernel editorial stating that funds . . . Approximately 180 for- they had shown bad taste at the mer University women students Alumni gym . . . February saw the were in the armed services . . . The presentation of "Candlelight" at Guignol . . . The University accepted Wildcats upset the Irish in a 4 thriller . . . The Student Government a gift of $5,530.35 from the Keen-lan- d A series Racing association Association opened its victory drive with a "Jeep a Week" slogan . . . The of pictures of University of Keninterior of Memorial hall was re- tucky students appeared in the painted . . . Frank D. Peterson, Uni Chicago Tribune. Choristers presented their annual Christmas program . .. . The University had six sets of twins . . . Christmas vacation for University students wa$ set for Dec. 16 to Jan. Y two-wee- X-r- ... Funk-house- 55-5- ... Boland Election of new officers, appointment of two new committees, report of the legislative committee, a live', discussion of the recent letter criticizing the University, and a musical program highlighted the Monday night meeting of the University Veterans' club. After a brief vocal and piano musical program by Jean and Phyllis Kessler, the meeting turned into an political convention with the business of electing new officers having priority for consideration. As the club's battery of "junior Philadelphia lawyers" began to fire away in glowing speeches of oratory for their respective candidates, th interest of the large number of members present hit an high. They explained the special qualifications of their nominees to assume office and the candidates themselves presented a brief statement concerning their plans for th club If they were elected. A few candidates "chose not to run" after they were nominated. Howard C. Bowles of Hazard, who formerly served in the aviation branch of the U. S. Navy, wi.i elected president of the club for the ensuing year, from a field of thre candidates. Upon assuming his duties of office, he announced the main and immediate objectives of his administration would be to "coordinate the activities of the club orand make it a smooth-runnin- g ganization directed toward the best Interests of all students of the campus and Kentucky citizens." "We realize the influence of thi veterans and we shall maintain th sense of responsibility commensurate with this influence." he added. Other officers of the new administration are: James C. Brock of William Harlan, Spragens of Lebanon, secretary: Edward Gabbard of Harrod.-bur- . treasurer: Vance Johns of Louisville, sergeant-at-arm- s; William Padon of Paducah, chaplain: anct Professor Bennett Wall, faculty advisor. Two new committees wr ap pointed during the hour meeting. The housing committee Is to gather data and make report on legislation now before Congress which will affect veeran housing and the other committee to formulate a special memorial program in cooperation with the Alumni Association's plan to erect a memorial plaque on the campus. Much discussion and time w3 given at the meeting over the recent letter that was circulated among members of the General Assembly criticizing the construction of University buildings. The report of a committee appointed last week to investigate the charges contained in the letter was postponed until next week. Byron E. Reed Jr., club publicity chairman.. said "the Veteranb' clu'a withholds comment or spon.jor.-hi- : of the letter pending further investigation." Jim Brock, legislative committee chairman, reported on the trip to Frankfort last Thursday by approximately thirty club members who went to the state capital in the interest of the bill in the legislature to increase subsistence aU.owanre.-to veterans attending school under Public Laws 16 and 346. The group was favorably received by Individual legislators. It was reported. Retiring Commander Joe C. Covington of Bowling Green, was givn rousing applause of approval for his work as the first chief executive of the organization duruig early and difficult days, as the change in the acimiuijtrj'ion were made. The next regular meeting of the club will be held Monday nmht at 7 p.m. in the Union building. All veterans attending the University are invited. all-ti- X-r- ' This is the sixth in a series of convocation . . . The University Com. munlty War Chest drive topped Its articles to acquaint the quota Dr. Donovan told a UniKenwith the University of versity convocation that the war tucky campus during the war. had offered American universities greatest opportunity to attack NOVEMBER, 1943: Photographs the their problems . . . Elizabeth Allen of the Kcntuckian beeauty queen Thomas was chosen "Daisy Mae" at candidates were sent to John Robert the annual Sadie Hawkins dance Powers, of the Powers Model Agency, . . . Adele Denman wrote a satire on New York, for final judging. . . The the women's gym classes. military student body was altered as DECEMBER, 1943: Norma Weath. 390 trainees were transferred here erspoon and Marjorle Palmer tied for study Miss Cleo Dawson for positions in the Student GovMrs. George Edwin Smith), former ernment Assembly . . . The Wildcats English teacher at the University, beat Fort Knox in their first basketreviewed her novel. She Came to ball game of the season . . . Twenty-si- x the Valley, In the Music room of sonnets were included In Dr. SuKy Grant C. Knight's new book . . the Union building . . launched another Sadie Hawkins' Students howled when the grill was painted In a modern color scheme week . . . SGA decided to hold elecLexington . . . Cella Bederman. Norma tions each quarter . . ' families were inviting soldiers staand Alice Watkins were ap' University to eat pointed editor, news editor, and tioned at the Thanksgiving dinner with them . . . managing editor of The Kernel reDr. Donovan addressed a University spectively . . . university r rV UK Submits Bid Machine On Catching Up With The Campus By y, Frankfort Trip By R. Clayton The Interfraternity council's activities will reach a climax tonight when the various men's Greek-lettgroups combine forces at the Interfraternity council dance. To be held in the Bluegrass room of the Union building, the dance will feature individual tables and sections for the fraternity members and their dates. Fifteen fraternities, the largest number to be on the campia since the war's end, will be represented and will be in charge of decorating their individual sec tions. X-R- ay Each fraternity has received tick ets for its members and dates, plus new postoffice boxes to a From an additional ten admittances for ay machine, the guests. mllllon-vo- lt University is negotiating constantly Dean Hudson and his orchestra. for new equipment or for improveenhaving completed a ments on present equipment, accord, gagement in Louisville, will furnish lng to Comptroller Frank D. Peter- the music. The first half-hoof son. the dance will be broadcast over The University has submitted its UK's radio station, WBKY. bid on a General Electric Activities machine widen has been declared Preceding the dance, the InterOriginal cost fraternity council surplus by the Army. members will enof the machine was over $35,000 tertain their dates with a dinner at and if the University is awarded the the Phoenix hotel. Also at that bid, the machine will probably be time, the Phi Delts and their dates Installed in the physics department. will be honored with a dinner which At the University's request, the will be given at the home of Tommy Lexington Signal Depot at Avon McKinney. The Delta Tau Delta has recommended to the chief signal members and pledges will entertain officer in .Washington that 17 Avon their dates with a cocktail party, buildings be declared surplus to prior to the dance. Avon't needs. If the Washington Chaperons office compiles, the buildings de Chaperons for the dance will be clared surplus will soon be moved Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan; Deans to the UK campus as quarters for Sarah B. Holmes and Jane Hasel-demen students, Peterson says. Miss Marguerite McLaughlin; A third move is the plan to expand Dean and Mrs. T. T. Jones; Dean the University postoffice by the ad and Mrs. Leo Chamberlain: Mrs. dition of 2,000 more boxes to ac Dorothy Evans; Mrs. Mackie Ras-de- ll, Tencomodate higher enrollment. and Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Sulzer. tative measurements of the office were made this week and the new boxes will probably be installed in trophies in the fraternity game and basketball for the independent finalists, Gardner said. Games will begin at 7 p.m. Tickets are being sold through fraternities, sororities and other campus organizations, as well as at the gate Thursday night. The cost Is 25 cents, and even each team member will buy a ticket. The World Student Service Fund drive for personal donations will open the first week in March. Ed Bary, YMCA president, heads the campus-wid- e canvass. WSSF, an international and student organization, has helped students in 13 war torn countries by providing text books, relief, rehabilitation during the years since 1937. In peacetime it makes education possible for students in Europe and Asia through the contributions of students in more June. fortunate countries. an On Veterans, especially those who have not received their certificate of eligibility, should watch the bulletin board in the basement of the Administration building for announcement of receipt of this certificate, according to personnel director Dean M. M. White. The Veterans Administration is mailing many of these certificates to the veterans In care of the University Personnel office. Veterans Branch. 204 Administration building. Dr. White said. and universities' throughout the state in preparation for the Frankfort meeting yesterday. Present for the meeting Wednes- day were Edward E. Ellis, Frankfort, a student at Western State Teachers college; Robert Ferguson, student at Bowling Green Business university, and officers of the UK club. Coordination of the clubs for the support of ' proposed legislation under which the state will be asked to supplement present federal al lotments under the GI Bill of to President according Rights, Bowles. The bill, which the student representatives said would be Introduced in the legislature late this week, would provide $10 a month for single veterans and $35 a month for married veterans, contingent in either case upon the veterans' going to school. Kentucky colleges and universities ! represented at the meeting include University of Kentucky. University of Louisville. Centre college, Georgetown college, Transylvania college, Bowling Green Business college. Western State Teachers college. Murray State Teachers college, Jefferson School of Law, Bethel college, Pikeville Junior college. Union college, Cumberland college, uerea college, Eastern State Teachers college, and Morehead State Teachers college. Club Hears Report Veterans, Notice Like any modern community, the University's Cooperstown will have its own mayor and council. President H. L. Donovan told The Kernel Wednesday. The Cooperstown project, when completely occupied, will have close to 1, 00 citizens larger than many Kentucky towns. For handling social problems, and community necessities like fire control, police protection and garbage disposal, the will need Cooperstown residents their own administrative setup. The government will probably be operative at the start of the spring quarter. Plummer Urges Better Than Best An article entitled "Best Is None Too Good," written by Dr. Niel Plummer. head of the Department of Journalism, appears hi the February edition of The School Executive. The article suggests methods of building strong and effective newspapers in secondary schools. six-m- it-- i otTi-ci- al Kampus Kernels Sweater swing . . . from 11. Hi to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday hi the Union. Mortar Board . . . will meet at 5 pjn. Friday hi room 5 of th9 Union. Dutch Lunch club . . . will meet at noon Friday in the Union. University for Life program . . . at S p.m. Sunday at Central Christian church. Dr. W. C. Bower will sptaic on "The Living Bible." * The Kernel Editorial Page THE KENTUCKY KERNEL OFFICIAL KEWSPAPIR OF TEE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY PUBLISHED WFFKLT DUFTNO THE SCHOOL TSAR Mildred Lons Mart Jank Dorset BETTY Trvis Dick Lows OR EXAMINATION PERIODS IICEPT Entrv4 at tha Pott Office at Lexington, Kentucky, M accord c)M matter nndcr the Art of March S, 187S. HOLIDAYS MEMBER Kentucky tntercollcpiate Prem Association Lexington Board of Commerce Kentucky Press Association National Editorial Association One Editor Manaiing Editor The Uarsihj Show. rtgnet artMet and eolrnimt (re (a be tonttderet the of the wrttm themtelrei, end to not neressarUi reflect the, opinion cf The Kernel. Att BtBfcme Sidey And Tf Other proposed by the veterans Because the bill for additional allowance for college iWmrni of World H'nf at the I'ninrrsily is receiving attention, the views both pro and ton are here presented. The bill, now before the legislature, would supplement federal allotments under the Gl Hill of Rights villi stale funds, rath single man would receive $10 and each married man, $'? per month, as lung as they qualify fnr educational benefits, and are attending some educational institulion in Kentucky. Faih man must have been a ieidenl of Kentucky when he entered the seri'icr. state-wid- mid-fie- Washington Frank Serini, recently voted most popular man at UK, is a native of Tuekahoe, New York. from high school He graduated there in June of 1942, and soon after entered the Marine Corps, in which he served for six months. Wash came to Kentucky in June. 1Q44 nnrl wnt nut. for fOOthflll ' ' " ''" " ' outstanding exhibitions of tackling and offensive playing brought him a berth on the Southeastern Con- ference first team in 1944. and a Place on the second am during the Past season. He also received hon- orable me,nUon on the Associated football team Press for the pass two years. Serini has put on a number of Mtra polinds since the end of last football season; ne attributes this 6ain to nis love for spaghetti and ht Wllllllllg PRO To all veterans on the rampus: First, if we are not agreed on one basic sumption, vi., that the people of the state want do something for the veterans, then there really will not be much reconciliation between the two views on this subject. me clarify the position of the veteran in regard to this bill andor any other piece of legislation tnat nas neen or wilt ne enacted tor the benefit of veterans or this war. The veterans that I know do not feel that the state or the "")- "'J""- - "'" federal government owes them a living or that 15 pounds. This undoubtedly will any monetary obligation is owed them that is put a cramp in the big boy's eating, Wash, understanding not owed to any other citizen or group of ci.i- bf of "Bear Brvant s the order, is sity 7ens regardless of the fact of military service. sacrificing his spaghetti and steaks, The present bill before the Kentucky Jegis- and has, to this date, lost seven lators is only a request. A request such as this pounds. Coach 's could be placed in the form of a bill by anv boundless. fa"h he expressed it, As . group of citizens that feels that it should be .Bryant and his coaching staff are entitled to some benefit that the state can be- - one of the finest groups of men If the general assembly does not feel that turky could have gotten to pull the . University off the bottom of the . . it is suitable to enact such a request into law SEC ,, , . r ,1 t t 11 tnen it snail oe so, ana me veterans cum wincn xhe big Wi!dcat tackle believes his is sponsoring the bill cannot feel that a wrong most embarrassing moment occurred Virginia has been done. We believe, and sincerely, that during tne Kentucky-Wegame of 1944 when his hip pads .r