xt78sf2m8q66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m8q66/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19680930  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1968 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 30, 1968 1968 2015 true xt78sf2m8q66 section xt78sf2m8q66 Presbyterians Scrutinize Dillard House

Associate Editor
Dillard House and its sponsor, the
United Campus Ministry, may come under fire tonight from a committee of the
Presbyterian Synod, the statewide governing body of the Presbyterian Church.
The committee will conduct an annual review of the programs of the United
Campus Ministry which is made up of
the Christian Church-Disciple- s
of Christ,
the United Church of Christ, Presbyterians, United Presbyterians and the
National Lutheran Campus Ministry.


One of those programs Dillard House,
a cooperative living experiment for UK
students has drawn opposition from local Presbyterians as well as members
of other denominations, on the grounds
that it is immoral to have male and
female students living in the same house.

The church sessions (the governing
bodies of the local churches) of four
Lexington churches First Presbyterian,
Second Presbyterian, Hunter Presbyterian
and Maxwell Presbyterian have expressed to the Synod their opposition to

programs of the United Campus Ministry.
Rev. Ed Miller, the Presbyterian minister of the United Campus Ministry
said the controversy was based on "a
lack of understanding." He said the problem was in dealing with communication
with the local churches.
Rev. Miller said he did not expect
any "fireworks" at the meeting. "It's
hard for me to visualize the Synod's
committee putting a stop to any of our
programs. But It's possible that the committee could suggest to our local govern


ing board that we proceed in different
Dillard House, which was founded
last January, is presently inhabited by
14 students nine girls and five boys
who live without supervision in
one room and bath apartments.
They share the hallways, dining room,
television room, kitchen and living room.
sexually-segregate- d

As the house manager, Thorn Pat
Juul puts it, "It's nothing more than a
friendly apartment house complex."
Continued on rage 3, Col. 4

K mmh

The South's Outstanding College Daily

Monday Evening, Sept. 30, 1968

Vol. LX, No. 24

Angelucci Is Confident
New Head Will Follow
In Dr. Oswald's Path


fv4' To


Kernel Staff Writer
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, chairman of the presidential selection
board, says all of the six or eight leading candidates for the UK
presidency would be likely to follow the policies and objectives
or ex-- r resident John Uswald.
Originally, Dr. Angelucci said.
President Oswald emphasized
140 persons were recommended
academic freedom, student parfor the University presidency.
ticipation in academic affairs,
and the community college sysMany of these were quickly eliminated, he said, because of "lack tem.
Kernel Photo by Howard Mason
of qualifications.
In a more critical opinion,
Panelists at the compulsory service symposium are, from left to right,
Two qualified presidential Dr.
Angelucci said he thinks UK
Colonel Taylor Davidson, state director of the Selective Service System,
prospects have asked not to be needs a president who will imProfessor Robert A. Sedler of the UK Law Department, John B. Breckinconsidered. They are Dr. Frank
ridge, state Attorney General, and Dcno Curris, Vice President of Rose, president of the University prove the University's "public
Midway Junior College, Sedler, speaking, referred to the draft as "the of Alabama, and Elvis Stahr, image.".
If the new president delegates
burden of dying." Davidson later said "I refer to it as a privilege." law professor at Indiana Univera great deal of authority to his
sity and former IU president.
and spends more
Dr. Angelucci, who said his time president, the
public of the
recommendation to the Board of
University's objectives, he could
Trustees might come within two
help the University achieve a
months, added that his commitbetter "public image," the comtee wants to recommend a person mittee chairman said.
who is regarded "both as a
scholar and as an administrator."
According to Dr. Angelucci,
all of the serious candidates
the country would give the war
Sedler said the present draft
would be likely to follow the
Kernel Staff Writer
in Vietnam "if their sons were
policies "create an unfavored
class" of lower economic groups doing the dying."
"The present Selective Serpath which UK took under the Are you an ESP pusher? Here's
administration of President John a chance to test your ability to
Besides college deferments,
since they cannot afford to attend
vice System is so unfair, so unsense the truth about the unOswald. It is hard to find a qualSedler cited agricultural, defense
so discriminatory, that
college and are therefore, drafted.
ified man "who disagrees with known: What's on page 3?
He said any college student, and marital deferments as being
it is contrary to the principles
"whether he studies science or unfair. "If you marry young these principles," he said.
of democracy in this country,"
basket weaving," can manage to enough, and are prolific, then
according to Robert A. Sedler,
Professor of Law at UK.
postpone deferment for four you are exempt."
Colonel Davidson saw selecProfessor Sedler was among
years. Sedler added, "It is conthe speakers at a symposium
trary to democratic principles to tive service as a necessary evil,
entitled "Compulsory Service base deferment on economic utistating "Our democracy has always had an enemy and it will
Systems." Other panelists were lity."
"Since the military prefers always have an enemy." Along
Colonel Taylor L. Davidson,
state director of the Selective young men of nineteen and these lines, he claimed, "SelecA law school mock election, sponsored by the Student Bar
Service System, John B. Breckintwenty to staff its combat units, tive service is the best system
Association, was won by a wide margin by Republican Presidential
Cen-era- l,
the burden of dying is born for the defense of our freedoms."
ridge, Kentucky Attorney
candidate Richard Nixon.
and Deno Curris,
disproportionately by lower inReplying to Sedler's remarks
He added, "The strength of
The balloting, in which about
come groups." Sedler said a colof Midway Junior Colon inequities in the draft, Davidhalf the law students particiJudge Cook among Democrats
lege graduate, being over this
son said "the only fair system is
pated, gave Nixon 118 votes, in the law school is an indicaThe symposium was held at preferred age, is not as likely to draft everyone when they reach
Humphrey 78 and Wallace 50. tion that he should win by a
the Springs Motel Saturday and to see combat.
a certain age, but this is not fair
as illustrated by
Republican Senatorial candilarge
He questioned how much supwas sponsored by the Kentucky
to the government since we no date Marlow Cook defeated his him majority, 71
percent of the
port the "influential people" in longer need the large number of
Speech Association.
Democratic opponent, Katherine
men we once needed. If we don't
Peden, 173 to 72.
need everybody, somebody must
John Meisburg, a first year
be excluded."
Gary Smith, a law student law student and member of UK
from Louisa and
He said that it was in the
Young Democrats, challenged the
Young Kentuckians for Nixon,
national interest to defer colUK Young Republicans to desaid, "We feel the law school fend
lege students. "We must not
presidential candidate
election is an accurate represenefforts between let the war of ignorance catch
Nixon in a debate.
Bill Kelly, A & S junior, was and
tation of voter sentiment throughup on us. We have to defer
elected president of the Kirwan tthe ten Complex Governments.
Speaking for himself and not
proposal, students so we will be prepared out the state because we have
Tower Student Government last
law students from almost every tor the organization, Meisburg
for the 70's, 80's and 90' s."
week. Larry Whaley, assistant for open dorms on alternate Sunsaid, "This debate would be held
Davidson said "there is not county."
head resident of the Tower, pre- day afternoons, has been vetoed
in conjunction with the Haggin
Nixon chairman Tom Handy,
in the past by the administration, enough patriotism" to support
sided over the meeting until Kelly
Hall Contemporary Issues Foa voluntary army. He facetiously
also a law student, said, "We
but Jim Staton, unsuccessful
was elected.
candidate, said he added, "If we can liire people, have heard a lot about the growElection procedures were laid
out by a committee appointed at discussed a similar proposal with why hire our fine American boys?
ing Wallace support in this state
"In issuing this challenge I
but since his main support comes
a previous meeting. The Tower the Dean of Housing, Dean Pond, Why not hire Filipinos or South
would take note in effect that
she had no obfrom Democrats, it should not
Covernment Constitution has no and was told
Nixon has refused to debate Huminterfere with the Republican
Again commenting on Sedprovisions for electing officers. jections to such a project.
ler's statements, Davidson said
Mueller was elected
ticket. Mr. Nixon," he said, phrey in the current campaign.
Kelly's platform included calls
and Tom Grimm was "I do not refer to it as a 'burden "seems to be assured of a com- It's clear that 'tricky' Dick wants
for open housing, more efficient
elected treasurer.
fortable majority."
Continued on Page 3, Col. 1
Continued on Page 3, CoL 5
student donnitory government.

Burden Or

Panel, State Draft Boss

Debate Merits Of System

ESP? Try It

Nixon, Cook Win Mock
Election In Law School


Kirwan I Picks Leader;
May Seek Open Dorms


* 2 --




Brown Theatre Functions As Kentucky Oasis

Kernel AE Editor
The knight of the woeful countenance found an oasis in Kentucky: the Brown Theatre in


Dale Wasserman's musical,
"Man of La Mancha," invaded
the windmills in Kentucky and
struck a professional but not fatal
blow. The musical provides entertainment, enchanting songs, an

interesting story and a professional presentation of the impossible dream.
Jose Ferrer, who also played
the role of Don Quixote on Broadway, brought theatre goers in

this area to a new level, a point
nearing Melville's Great White
Whale. Ferrer evoked tremendous
emotional feeling of a level that
is rarely, if ever, discussed on a
professional basis in Kentucky


Kentuckians usually go to the
theatre and expect to be entertained. But that's usually all
they want. If they are made to
think about something with such
impact as good and evil, they
cringe and feel uncomfortable.
As I was leaving, I heard
these comments:
"I liked the music, but didn't


understand the story."
"I didn't like it. It was too
idealistic. It just didn't make
sense that Don Quixote felt like
that. No, it Just isn't true to
"Oh, that was upsetting. Let's
go get a drink."

"I didn't think anything about
it. What did you think about it?"
The Brown Theatre has scheduled six Broadway hits with
Broadway stars after "Man of La
Mancha" closes this week. Maybe Kentucky will find out what's

Smithkin Will Come To CSC
Ilona Royce Smithkin, an
artist who gained recognition
for her portraits of Eugene O'Neill
and Senator Edward Kennedy's
children, will conduct portrait
classes at the Thor Gallery in
Louisville Oct.
An exhibit of her portraits
will be at Catherine Spalding
College gallery in the library
Oct. 6 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Ilona was born in Poland
but is now living in New York
where her oil portraits are noted
for their integration of the classic
past with the present search for

'Sancho, My Great White Whale Is

A Sty

In The Devil's Eye.9


Life Begins' Special
Oct. 14
Returns On ABC-T'HOW


The Kentucky




"How Life Begins," the


ABC News special on
birth and reproduction will be
in color over the
ABC-TNetwork, Oct. 14 (7:30-8:3- 0
p.m., EDT).
ABC's switchboards
flooded with calls, and 8,500
congratulatory letters and telegrams from ministers, priests,
doctors, nurses, students, children and parents, came through
the mail, swamping the offices
of the sponsor, the producer and
the network, following the initial
telecast last March.
The program, produced by
Jules Power International Productions and sponsored by the
3M Company, was one of the
season's highest rated documentaries throughout the country and
ranked seventh among the top
40 programs of the week it was
aired. It explores the mystery,
meaning and beauty of life and
is based upon Executive Producer





Jules Power's
"How Life Begins," and narrated by Eddie Albert.
"The reception has been most
enthusiastic, so much so that
'How Life Begins' will soon be
made available to school systems
all over the country through the
joint efforts of the McGraw-Hil- l
Company and the 3M Company,"
said Daniel Wilson, Producer of
the ABC News Special.
Two responses from viewers
sum up the reaction. A fifth
grade student in Nevada wrote:
"The story of reproducing entitled, 'How Life Begins' was
most interesting. We talked about
it in class and the children who
saw it were very impressed . . .
Please put more of these shows
on television because they are
very educational and they teach
young people respect of nature.
Thank you very much!"
And from Monsignor Christopher Kane, Director, Health and
Hospitals, Archdiocese of New



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The Kentucky Kernel



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The Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40J0tf. Second class
postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five times weekly during Uie
school year except holiday and exam
periods, and once during the summer
Published by the Board ol Student
Publication. UK Post Office Box iwtrf.
Begun as tiia Cadet in ltt4 and
as the Kernel
since lwiS. continuously
Advertising published herein Is Intended to help the reader buy. Any
falsa or misleading ad ver Using should
be reported to The Juliior.


Yearly, by mail
Per copy, from files


Editor, Managing Editor

Editorial Page Editor,
Associate Editors, Sport
News Lesk
Advertising. Business, Circulation




Occult Speaker Explains
Dreams, ESP At Transy
Managing Editor
About 25 persons gathered at
Transylvania College Saturday
night to hear Elsie Sechrist, national director of the Study Croup
Program for the Association for
Research and Enlightenment,
speak on "Dreams Your Magic


She explained
sensitivity makes real the things
found in the Bible. She said
many of the miracles occurring
in biblical accounts could be
explained through this area of
In fact, much of Mrs.
lecture consisted of adMost of those in attendance
monitions to live up to Christian
to be members of Lexappeared
moral codes. She said a great
ington's elite, with several of. deal of communication
the women wearing furs on the
the spiritual medium deals with
warm autumn night.
One could hear polite titters this sort of thing.
One of the more startling
as a matron made notice to her
made by Mrs. Sechrist
friend that a plant on stage "must
be alive." I somehow failed to was that the Atlantians (the inhabitants of "lost city of Atgrasp the humor.
lantis" who, as the story goes,
When Mrs. Sechrist arrived,
blew themselves out of existence
she also was wearing a fur. On
in ancient times) are coming up
taking it off, she managed to get
it hung on the back of her dress
Mrs. Sechrist said the Atlanand had to draw on the aid of
tians have been reincarnated and
an assistant to straighten things
out. As the fur was being re- are popping up now as our national leaders.
moved, Mrs. Sechrist smiled beAccording to the spiritual
nignly at her audience and reAtthese
"It's really not that kind grapevine,will be reincarnated
facing a crucial
of show."
test either this year or next. By
More titters.
that time the laser beam is to
Mrs. Sechrist explained how have been perfected to a weapon
she was drawn to the field of of awesome potential. That
means temptation for our
perception through
contact (earthly) with the now


From the Wire of the Associated

COVINGTON A Louisville
Archbishop said Sunday that
church-affiliate- d
colleges must
try to help stem a "horrifying
resurgence" of
in the nation today.
"Our Christian colleges are
the heirs of the universities which
helped to lead Europe out of
barbarism a thousand years ago,"
Archbishop Thomas McDonough

can devote less time to production and more time to public
service." He suggested that a
young man could serve with
Vista, the Peace Corps or the
beautification program rather

than the military.
He estimated this program
would cost the government about


John Breckinridge devoted
most of his attention to the
possibility of a program for


billion dollars a year.




Centurion West room of the Springs
Motel, at 10:30 am.
Professor Victor Lanue will address
the Goethe Gesellschaft in the Faculty Club lounge in the Student
at 8:00 pm. Faculty and
students are invited to attend.
"Katherine Peden for U. S. Senate"
supporters may pick up campaign
literature and materials from 9 a. m.
to S p. m. Friday in the basement of
the Student Center from Jim Fallln,
state youth director for Peden.
The deadline for paying student
registration fees is 4 not m. Monday.
paid by this
Any student who has
date will have his resignation cancelled without recourse.

The deadline for announcements lit
7:3(1 p.m. two days prior to the tint
publication of Itfmi in thin column.

Eta Sigma Phi, national classical
languages honorary, will hold its first
meeting today in room 109 of the
Student Center at 7:00 p.m.
Applications are being accepted
now through Oct. 10 for the
Appalachian Seminar in room
2j4 of the Student Center.
Societas Pro Legibus, Undergraduate pre-la- w
honorary, is accepting
applications for membership. Go to
Iiradley Hall Koom 104 for application.
Applications for absentee ballots are
available in the Student Government
Office, Student Center Room 102. A
notary public will be in the office
every Tuesday and Thursday of this
semester to notarize applications and
absentee ballots free.
Volunteer tutors are needed to work
with grade school children. Apply in
Student Center Room 204 through
Nov. 22.
Applications are available for memal
bership in Alpha Epsilon Delta,
honor society.
Membership is open to those who have
maintained a 3.0 G.P.S. after three
semesters of college work. Applications may be obtained in Iiradley
Hall Room 116.
A display of "Los Caprlchos" art by
Francisco Goya Is on exhibit in the
Student Center Art Gallery. The show
will run through Oct. 3.
Dr. Henery F. Dobyns will lecture
The Society for International DevelFaculty
opment at 8:00 pm in the on MonLounge, Commerce Building
30th. The public is
day. September
Lacey T. Smith will address an
open meeting of Societas Pro Legibus,
Monday, 7:00 pm In the law courtroom on the topic of "Youth
in the Law".
The symposium on compulsory service systems for debate coaches and
students will be held Saturday in the





Register Tuesday for an appointwith Texas
ment on Wednesday
Instruments, Inc. MBA; Chem. E,

EK'C E., Engr. Mechanics, Mech. E.
(US). Citizenship.
Register Tuesday for an appointment with E.I. Du Pont De Nemours
& Co.. Inc. Chem. E., Elec. E., Engr.
Mechanics, Mech. E., Chemistry (all
degrees). Will interview Juniors,
Seniors, and Graduate Students for
summer employment. Citizenship.
Register Tuesday for an appointment Wednesday with U.S. Naval Air
Center Elec. E., Engr.
Mechanics, Physics (all degrees).

pre-la- w


9-- 1





Mutt Be 21 To Enter

Putt-Pu- tt






ay.y A


Teen-ag- e


year not because of the criticism
but because the Student Center
started a coffee house series, according to Rev. Miller.
The Lexington Peace Council,
an ant
group, is currently "
working out of Koinonia I louse
formerly the Presbyterian House,
and it has also drawn unfavorable

Nixon Wins
Continued from rage One
to avoid speaking out on the big
issues facing America on the false
assumption that he has the race

'wrapped up.' "
The debate

is tentatively
scheduled for October 23 at 7
p.m. in the Haggin Hall Lounge.

Holc-ln-O- ne









Tucs., Wed., or Thurs.



825 Euclid


ers of guerrilla idol Ernesto Che

October 1, 2, or 3


tution and delinquency have
come to Havana, Prime Minister Fidel Castro lamented Saturday night.
He said girls were being sold
to "foreigners and sailors in the
very heart of the capital." Teenage boys, he added, have burned
Cuban flags and torn down post-


The Charmains



third-part- y

lace came in with 45.


Starts Wednesday!

riot. The funniest since the
Marx Brothers, mademoiseiu


10:30 until 3:00. Tickets are $2.00 and
all are invited to come and play
bridge or any card game preferred.
The University Symphony Orchestra will give a concert October 3 in

UK Placement Service



Coming Up
The Scholarship Fund Raising Card
by the UK
Woman's Club will be held October
3 at the Agricultural Science Center,
lower level rooms A 6 and A 7 from

Pryor Premedical Society will be
meeting October 1 in room MN 5t3 of
the Medical Center. Dr. Weiss will
speak after which tours of the Medical Center will be conducted.
Beta Alpha Psl, the accounting
honorary, will hold Its first meeting
in the student lounge on the first
floor of the Commerce Building at
7:00 p.m. All members and prosto attend.
pective members are urged for returnOctober 1 is the deadline
ing applications for Societas
honLegibus, undergraduate
orary, to Tim Futrell in room 104,
Bradley Hall.


Nexas was discontinued last

orals for Miss Connie
Lingus will be given October 1 in
EG J 102 at 10:00 a.m. Interested
parties may attend.




To Get Careful Review

"National Service."
"We are at a point where we

He also had a comment for any
draft dodgers in the audience.
"Go to Canada, we can do without you. We have good citizens
who want to take care of their

electoral votes by U. S. News
and World Report gives Republican Richard M . Nixon more than
enough votes to become president, the magazine reported Sunday.
The poll gave Nixon 315 votes,
45 more than necessary. Humphrey collected 46 in the poll

Dillard House Program

Selective Service System Debated




of Defense Clark Clifford said
Sunday, "I think it is a disservice to the American people
Mrs. Sechrist said dreams' and our allies to suggest any
utilities range from communica- specific date when we would
tion with the dead, to personal bring them back when there is
messages, to business advice-provi- ded no plan to do so."
He made the remark in answer
"you use it wisely."
She interpreted some dreams to a Republican political statefor the audience after items were ment that 90,000 U. S. troops
turned in to her on index cards. would be brought home from
A person who described a the war next year.
dream in which his mother died
was told that it did not mean
something was ailing his mother,
but that what his mother had
taught him was dying within him.
Another interpretation for a
person who saw pleasant patterns
of color in his dreams was that
he has been freaking out and Continued from Page One
the dream was a warning against
But criticism has been aimed
this kind of experience.
at the project by several ministers, including the Rev. Wayne
Smith of the Southland Christian
Church who summed ip the opposition by saying:
"Dillard House just gives
DenoCurris was assigned the
greater opportunity for natural
task of "synthesizing the pros
temptation to come about."
and cons of the debate proposHe added that it was bad "to
do this under the guise of religHe felt compulsory service,
without exemptions, had beneOther things besides Dillard
fits with regard to "morality and
House have drawn criticism to
equality." Curris questioned
Davidson and Sedler's use of the United Campus Ministry,
such as the Nexus Coffee House
terms, say ing "I do not see it as
which it ran for several years.
a burden or a privilege but rather
Some Lexingtonians considered
as an obligation."
it a hangout for "beatniks" and


Continued from Fagre One
of dying,' I refer to it as a



If they have learned enough
through their past experiences,
Mrs. Sechrist said, they will resist the temptation this time.
Another rather startling disclosure was that retarded children
are reincarnated
persons who
were brilliant in an earlier life
but who used their intelligence
to crush other people.
The retardation period is intended as a learning experience
so the person may finally prove
himself worthy of advancing
on to heaven.

late renowned spiritualist, Edgar



Chevy Chase
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* Free You
The decision by a group of
University students to organize a
Free University of Central Kentucky is another hopeful sign that
students on this campus are becoming more aware of the problems
of educational rclevency and freedom of inquiry.
The first class, titled
Knowing," is apparently
aimed at integrating the students'
knowledge of their own sensory
perceptions with regard to the world
around them. This realm of knowledge is one which, of course, is
neglected in the present structure
of the University as are many others.

rclevcnt or responsive to the student." The student receives minimal education about himself, his
senses and his emotions and their
effects on the world around him.
The system of education which dicretates that the student-teache- r
lationship is one
is a system which removes the
humanity from both the student
and the teacher.
This is the type of
against which the Free University seems to be directed. If this
group of students can bring humanity back into the classroom, or even
into a few meetings off the campus,
then the Free University of Central
This is the kind of thing that Kentucky may indeed be
Meg Tassie, one of the organizers with the larger, if less free, Wildof the Free U., means when she cat Country in which we now
says that the University is "not study and live.



Arms Threshold

The United States now can only injure its own interests if it delays
ratification of the nonproliferation treaty and the opening of talks on
Republican obstruction may make it impossible to rescue the
treaty. But the opening of working level talks with the
Soviet Union to limit offensive and defensive strategic missiles is a decision that lies entirely in the President's hands.
All indications are that Moscow now is as anxious as the United
States to call off the missile race both for security and economic reasons. But that race has entered a critical phase. Deployment at vast
cost of antimissile missiles and revolutionary independently targeted
offensive warheads could take the two superpowers past the point of
no return. "If both sides acquired these systems," warned scientists
at the eighteenth Pugwash Conference held in Nice last week, "step-by-ste-p
disarmament would be extremely difficult, since neither side
could move from its position without passing through a phase of extreme instability."
The United States and the Soviet Union now are at a threshold in
the arms race. There is a stable balance of mutual deterrents. Disarmament measures are practicable. The world can only lose if the
opportunity that now exists to halt the missile race is permitted to
The New York Times


Somewhere In Vietnam

The Kentucky



The South's Outstanding College Daily

University of Kentucky

Editorials represent the opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
Lee B. Becker,

30, 1968


Darrell Rice, Managing Editor
Tom Derr, Business Manager

David Ilolwerk, Editorial Page Editor
Guy M. Mendes,
, Associate Editor
Howard Mason, Photography Editor
Jim Miller, Sports Editor
Joe Hinds, Arts and Entertainment Editor
Chuck Koehler,
Dana Ewell,
Terry Dunham,
Larry Dale Keeling,
Janice Barber
Assistant Managing Editors

Kernel Forum: the readers write
To the Editor of the Kernel:
lieve no one would be so naive as to
True sports, not just brutal ones,
not be aware that questionable deals
have no role in the "academic commun- - are made, huge appropriations are spent
ity" as the term connotated in a recent and lots of strings are pulled in collegiate
football. But please don't tell us that the
editorial; strictly according to the dictionary in which academic is defined' academic community is pure and unas "very learned but inexperienced in touched by such base manipulations. One
the world of practical reality." Getting program gets more money because its
tackle is unmistakhit by a
director has friends or a professor is dismissed because he disagrees with adably a real experience. But how many
ministration policy. Because the learning
years has the freshman at that
is on a high level certainly the people
and stimulating freshman orientation been informed that the University who formulate it and relay it are not
(what the editorialist would like to shrink' automatically a level higher on some
to an "academic community") exists not
sort of morality ladder.
to cram his head full of facts and prepare
But I perceive the real objection the
him only to function as a producer in an editorialist holds against football is its
violence. It's touching, and so magnanieconomic society, but to prepare him
for and acquaint him with "Life?"
mous of him to worry about the broken
bones and mutilated bodies of men who
By their own admission, educators
realized this knowledge factory idea to choose to play f