xt78sf2m920q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m920q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-01-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 30, 1995 1995 1995-01-30 2020 true xt78sf2m920q section xt78sf2m920q  

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WEATHER Purl/v mil/1t

{Iii/av. liig‘lv near {5: worth
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.iumzv I()III()I‘I'(II.". lug/t near 41/.

COMIC RELIEF lawman! Kill/11y .1111! (it/1c



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- - -
. NATION Woman to pilot
I. By Sara Spears work with this year's organization. ship conference field in I.c\ington that goals.
\;ll,1l Muff II'riti'r “There‘s no w "l I could accomplish allowed M i.\ presidents from the t . -m "If it weren‘t for the exec utne space Shuttle .[h rsuay
what I wanted to accomplish working iiiunit\ colleges to coiiiiiiiimcaie it uh diretiois. there wouldn‘t he .iii organi- . ,, I

Following what seems to he a trail with this Senate," Snedegar said. i one another and work toward common ration.” he said. SP5“ ‘I ( I. \ I I “‘1'”!!th . ”W ”WA” f mm
of Student \(imernment Accucmnfln "I would rather not lend iiiv name causes. Sneilcgar's ilso said lte thinks S( i \ “”15"”‘N‘l‘m‘ml ll 'lm'hl "Mk” H ”i ”if” “H"
resignations this \‘ear‘ yct another to an organization that‘s not going to Snedegar said he thinks a iiiaioi'iiy should either he "restructured or ‘l'l’ and “NW” “ill" '1’”"“ “‘ll “ ”I“
muffin-r has [(-fi [hc' fold ' move any further than it has this year " of the ineiiihers of the 8(i \ Senate scrapped" heeause the existing stt'lls - Sh? Ilf'I-nc‘l Ih‘” I I‘ If ‘I' ' \mm'm m

Richard Snedegar resigned on Snedegar was .i spokesman for the remain in the orgaiiimtion iust lictause tiire ofthe organization is not the hest h”- '\”~ I'm“ I’ll'” “mm?" ‘ *““" 1“" E "(‘“l‘ ”l“
ilihursdav as chairiiian ofthe‘Cominu» community colleges across the state they want to complete the year. not to serve the students. ‘I “I?!“ I" ‘ ll‘fl‘ I’ll” I‘m" 1‘ ”“
nity (lollcge ()utreacli Program and He expressed the needs and concerns hecausc thev want to tltvtllliplhll an}. “I‘m really coiiceiiied :lll‘illl the B“““‘" ” “"‘ ll“ 1”” '—“”‘:" " “m“ "I ”l"
Im'wn {mime I-I community (””93“ of community college students to the thing. I ftitui't of \( i,\," he said. “It's going to If“. “WI-5"”? 1‘13““ l "I“ H” H!” l \ “mm”
across the state. I‘ilis he had held for S(i.-\ president and to the Board of Snedecar said he thinks this _\eai”s take so mach work after the Seii;it<'\ l'nlfil '1 dial Wk v i z
the past two years. Snedetzar said he Trustees. S(i.\is full of “resume collectors" ind \, SGA «m Back Page . \H ”I " \‘llllluf' I [INN/(1" In.“ 1“ ,1‘1 ” Iii”
left 8(iA\ lit-cause hc guulil nu [imggr He also was in charge HI 1! Ieader~ this fact cast a shadow o\ ei‘ i'cathiiig H Fun" I)” “it" I “1“,! “W“ I “'H ”IV" I “III 1W

‘ iui‘ting c iances oi \Hllli‘ Monet. \\ a want o
............................................"............................C.......IU........I....'.......I.......... k'IIIIIK.I‘IK‘I.k>\IIIIT(.(I-I\.N‘I“HIT! afix
‘ ' - - (Iollins nc\cr failed tl- ihe ‘ J: in . .iiiie the
\it‘ I‘loi‘tcis second ft in Ht '1. ~' :ii3nt \iiil this
WI In (I‘I'illl'silay, she is a lit iltilt‘tl 'w lit'i ii'IC' the first
woman to pilot a I‘ S ‘Ildcifll‘fl
The in ycai‘rolil \it l‘ort~ c lit';1l<,’ll int .oloiitl ‘»\!ll

I".\\'I‘”IVI‘I{\'ILIT. --~ Seven “ V Y he second in coiiiiiiaiiil of spice shuttle l)isto\ci‘\
minutes remained in Hog Heaven. and its crew ofsix. scheduled to lilast oft I huisday
The only place in the free world If all gt ies well. she‘ll move over to the left scat
where it's considered chic for one to that of space shuttle coininaiidei lw. tht ital of
wear .1 hog on one‘s head. the decade, lireaking the final sc\ lult'l’lt‘!

The score of the game that )ut
the “super" hack in Super Sunilay Critics pushing IDI‘ FDA'S dismantling
Wm! kmmsd a” W HUS “my \v,\siii_\'(;'ii )\ , 'i‘uiitit-ctim-s amt. mi- mm
”CH" had ll points. iVIQmM' All“ headline "If .i iiiiivelei‘ei kills you. "3 hoizv ‘ 5: it
.)\(i)iierican (.orliss \\ illiaiiison had {[19}I)\klII\IHII.II‘\III\I in“: HIIIIHIIN“

" ' . ,. " I he fullrpagc iicwspapei ads il't‘ part of ‘t'IVl‘z
V,'\l1(l Scott}- I huriiian had a date pzliun mounted l>\ I.,)II\I....HIIIW , rm“ to persuade
“"Ih destiny. . .. (:oiigress to draiiiatii .lll\ restructure or in it .lis
[I “"1"” a hr“ mantle the I ootl and I)!"l.l \‘ITHHH‘sIIJHHl‘i. si.
(IMF: . . , ingr it kills \incricans l)\ ovei fi‘eeuiating lllt‘clit me
I he lum'” from «"This is going to he .i serious ._ Hort." and Ilrent
Ru‘tm’ 1“" “th Bahler of (fill/fielh for .1 \ouial I1 onoim. which is
lltlcigl‘mlc rainhow dedicating a large portion of its \ifl million lititlL'L'I
]umper felled Duke to the [Hide “'I'lit l7l)\ l!i.i\ he ,loinc inort hai‘iii
last‘ April. once than gum] ~- ’ ‘
333m played Ill“ link. \Vhile the .tL‘t‘Ilt’\ that filters out .Ieailt: drugs
. ”I hero ”Ilium“ and quack cures has \killlsltitiil siieh .iceusittoits
EPIC “Ilklllg‘lll ”bloom-r I; hefore, the tiltlii‘ccwlt‘!’.ti'-l strength til Iltt laws!
MDSDIBD fiictrrivlfflththiigfirrd attacks has I’I)’\ defenders u z )I i'ie i
. . g i ,
«Cliff/1,1 "“1““ (“$93 ""‘m‘ GOP flexes muscle in governors' meeting
V ry over L I\ yester- . . . . . i
If“, in Bud \Valton \\'.‘\.SHI.\(i I ( ).\ Ifeptiliiitans fle\ed theii
:\X‘L‘!1.’]. ' 111‘\\'H]tt\t‘l" iii ’l‘.t"‘i.i'!vtt?.li "1- 1:23: \w ': ITI- in

T his was the game that Arkansas ,. ,_ )C‘d‘T‘IJFF “ ”I‘ll“? a ‘h" ”“M "“ “*“l‘l‘ri “VII“ "1’
won, liut nohodl' lost. It was a 40— “ reformproposal I” 9“” ‘I “1‘?“ I“ "V" ‘li'l'II'L'I l‘
minute wind sprint when a shot that closely tracks the Ilousc (M )l" plan
clock “tlted hep,“ 30 “.35 consld- :\s they held their annual waiter flltt‘il‘li' in
ered a filihttster, The frantic pace \Vashiiigton. governors of liotli ;i.IIIl<\ l]l.l.".'.’lti.'
rendered several participants iise— that their perennial demand to: it‘wt't man lites
less. from the te leial JIHL'IHII :-:,t was li'! ill. hem;

Arkansas wide-load Dwight GREG [ANS Kym mt’ heard I . ,
Stewart,an athlfetg1 onIy ”f thle ITI‘FI GAME "ME H'Wdi‘affllnx in the 1/1/th tiff/1mg”) Hall celebrate after .1 II '1'“. in li/g/tlicrl't during 1 'l\ \ ,t’irvr law in .\’[:‘(.' i‘iiiifl'i‘enxi' p/iliu ”632:1!iii‘Iilie-fiI-i‘: (Rieiiiiliili‘rl ll: ilvi {I‘HMI’ 11.1.1?” I It
2,113.01: ifhmtch: :ignifiiiriincIZQ‘t? : S‘IIp/Jomori' (flun'hel_70icplt (he/0:2) [rial/11.x {1px tun/(10:71: during fl’t' II 'i/ilxiit‘t ‘14 ’I.’ /m'-. “Infill”? I“’“ er ILlsls 3,, ml:- W» mic M V l I
\'\'\\‘I’ referee ~— i Quarter Pounder and large fries hangnail, who generally makes Bl" ““5.” ”I.“ I 'H‘ '3‘?” ‘l ”’ ‘I“"- 7“ film”
too slow to keep up with the action. opponents feel ahout as coinfortahle san tm‘ml‘m "I ”W“ I \. ‘H' ”“1 (' A “1"“ \V“ " ""

Referee John (ilougherfy seemed in constant as Ed (iriinlev in a ( )I)ses‘sion coin “(m mu'mm‘ ‘ll'mm "3"“ "f 3"” 1”?" I .
search of an oxy gen mask, and paramedics stood by mercial ~ Delk shattered personal [)c’n‘KT‘lt“ I‘” 0‘ ”Hill“ “‘“V‘NI‘J‘II I‘LIH‘MI‘ “I”,
in case 20—year-old senior citizen :\I Dillard, the only and Bud “'alton records. were pushing “VIII”. "I, J “l 1'“ 4".“ i' “UH",
collegian known to he addicted to (ieritol, needed This was a game of punches and Shm w .Im'd‘ l‘”“” I" "1"“ “"'""‘ l” ” ’llf" “""l‘l
assistance. inevitahle intiiiientuin-killing coun- not ht “(hind ‘r‘lnll‘n‘k Li'l‘n'lmfflnw I "NM V”

()n one side ofthis game of “(Ian You Top This?" terpunches, k I‘” I)”Ur “I“I‘IR'”
stood ptiliticaIIy-correct Arkansas, the defending Punch: After Arkansas closed an . .
champs whose .\'o. 1 fan hails frotn a place called 8—point shortfall to $341, l)elk m Peruwan he'lconter SIIDI down
Hope. rained in liack»to—haek treys. MACAS. Iicuadoi \ l’erut ian Ilt'llctiltlft w .is

The Hogs entered the game in an unfamiliar reel— launching one from the outskirts of reportedh shot down ,esteiIiat. kIIIHiJ st‘vt it. 3”,! .it
mg position after Alahania struck a grim note in the Little Rock. least one'Iviciiadoreaii soldiei mm in n he“ mm, ;\,]c
land of (Ilinton a week earlier. turning the Hogs to Anthony I“.pps completed the called a “massive “fig-pout“ hi I’t'f‘ll m . ,hcptlu-‘i
slop in an 8830 waxing. Iilitz with three of his own, making . horder area.

(:oach Nolan Richardson's celehrated "fill inin— it 42—33. . Peruvian officials did not woiniiient on the .iew
utes of hell" had, to the casual observer, effectively (Iounterpuncli You knew fighting ”I casualtit I he\ In“. INH‘HIIU, silent
liecoiiie “three minutes, 4] second of hell." Arkansas would come hack there siiice L'lughcg in Ho wining Limit-Ir area Wart-if

\Vithout an effective zone-court trap, Richardson. hasn‘t heen a surer thing since Thursdav:
the selfldescrihed Rodney Dangerfield of the coach- Hillary (Ilinton dappled in the cat» (ien. lorge ()rtega. I5c uaia v: 's it Im ctintIHJHilL‘L
mg fraterpuy, is )ust ianother middle—aged man with tle [ignarkets . l I, . headed iesferdav ti-oin ()uit , Iii\\.lt'tl (ht- xll‘tmted
a c osct o neon~purp e sportcoats. e rinnin r at t ie izll mar * of . _ , _ . - _ , __, . at -a m the ICC tlie ”H. We

During the 1994 title rtiii, his troops had hodies the figr‘st half, after Pitino removed Delk from the n t)(kthlff'z:t1;l;1‘”:(fid:r; 11]):It‘(‘)tlli.;\vlllxn::ltni Ill::);::::(ll:))ltll:: (} Ie (It'Sd'rlIIICd hca\\' lightinc In.» “I. ind [MM ”It,
liy_lakc, hut recently, they seemed to have hodies hy lineup, UK hroke the coach's first commandment tlie " mm '1” till i ‘ - I er in the day, ’ ‘

R's-LI ["lkc'_ .. . [lunar/.7111!”argue/girliethree. .. Prom that ioint forward. the game was a smen‘ I” dispute I“ ‘l I” ””l“ l"“?"" "I “will" ""“"‘l

I here was, in the Arkansas corner, \\ illiainson Iliurinan and Stewart hit I):ic'k—to~hack trifectas . \ l l _ ~ mount-tins the ( ”MINI.“ ,M (*mhlm Blind
and 'I‘Iiurinan, the Ruth and (ierhig of the Razor— to fuel a I(i—5 run to end the first half. The \Vildcat ”Hull: ‘_I"€IIT2.IIIUI,Wilk, I L'K’ l- . 'I 'I _ clashes‘liroke out m the arei I I {Uh}, . 'i ’1
hack lineup 7 the best thing to happen to the state disintegration c-tided on Reggie (iarrett's half—court I . 'MILAI ‘k L Rimlxifknlgh ”Ii N ”I INTI?" I II' “n i
since Tyson chicken. Hail Mary. which gave the Hogs their first lead in I!) u. put‘ I“ If], ‘le til m U ml“ “ ”I k“ I H“ '1

()n the other side of this ping-pong game stood minutes. [nil-IIIIIR_ IQIDI-ll- _. I 7 I , 'k ,- I I -f 'l' .. , IX .

Delk, who nearly turned the Hogs to pork chops Punch: The Hogs appeared ready to send [K to . ten. _mrm_‘:n m “I “It I I K ma 1“" an NAMEzl7~0 I” f
himself. the slaughterhouse when (Jarrett converted a three foot\countc rpum 1' Pp (g

Despite heingr hounded by Arkansas defensive vig— point play with 9:24 remaining to give the Hogs a :‘n upset/cut, . I" _ II I . / _ 1 H, I ’

ilamc (Ilint McDaniel ~~~ a player as irritating as a 7068 advantage. ' [MM 21mm“! "L ‘ ”w K” 1‘ 1"" (”‘U’mnfl‘g . .
k Fennel. owes them something to taIk about
.....C.O.C........................C...‘..C..C........O..............U.......CC..O....C0..C.OC............I.....'.... N}:\\'\'()RK IIIII‘I11CI{;]I[t\\.l\ll.lllllk IIII‘.nt!
. . I her name to a Fender guitar. in L‘\L h inge for help
SAB contlnues effort to hrlng conservatlve to "K with a program to encourage more girls to plav
The Bonnie Raitt Signature Series \iratocaster
will he the first liendei‘ named .iftei
By Stephen Trimble lege Republicans President David Sam— —*___ _-‘ I.al’ierrc could argue the merits of 5‘ woman. Ihtidcuflfl guitar M“ I“.
IiwmnwIz'di'mr ford, at first halked with the suggestion, gun control. 31;” .‘mru "C“ “lllmu‘ lmml‘l "t
then agreed to consider Schlafly among . . But Sainford and many of the coin- “ 12’9“- , 1' _

Ifat first you don't succeed, try, try a ain. If you three other candidates. niittee's eonsei‘vatiws seemed conr , II‘ hat ‘ ““l "I" “' "“‘Vl‘ l'” ”““'
are trying to bring a conservative spealier to UK, Hoffman agreed to investigate inviting ”/2710”? Zt'tlllf cerncd that Hoffman .iiid others were PM}; R . I II I .
double that. either Supreme Court Justice (Ilarence t k” . . ._ hrinuing Sthlaflv for the wrong rear ut “.m " “mfnmi‘. '1 ”I n"

This week. and for the fourth time this year, the Thomas, syndicated columnist (iill a 0 I.” (”ma sons: ‘ , III-”In“ ”I’m ”1" fill-‘lt‘fc‘N‘T I'M

. Student Activities Board’s (Inntemporarv Affairs Thomas or 'National Rifle Association native...“ I “\\'c~ don‘t want .i token Uil1\t'l'\.l* I‘l‘r‘ ‘1 llmlcm I” PIN-"l“ mm" Ram
Committee will he working on a proposal to bring a President “'ayne liaPierre. Pach will he 0'0” t 1/71”" 71'" tive." Sainford said afterward lessons for. girls ‘I‘ ““5”“. ”Mum .
right—of-center speaker to UK. judged mostly on cost, scheduling and should limit "I think that Phyllis Schlafly should through local Ch‘lr‘tw“ fund” “I” lmm‘k "(It hm"

The committee's conservative members suggested interest on campus. Mitre/111$.“ he looked into. hut. at the same. I don‘t L": I . k' l . .

a list speakers ofeight to 10 speakers for considera- After striking out with high~cost. hig V think we should limit ourselves." I hm '"lgumr ‘P ‘I "l “MN. my parents and
tion. name conservatives such as Pat Buchanan _ In the end. Hoffman set no deadline grandparents gave me one. and I was “mint”, he m A

At Thursday's committee meeting, the pool was and (i. (iordon Liddv last semester, the Dam! samtord for hriiiging a proposal from the coiii- “hm, orchestra ‘md mk“ Pm“) “Wm“ “ml tho
narrowed to four candidates. committee now is looking for a lesser (JO/IF.” R'T’d’lw’” inittee to the full hoard, which will “"1"ch“Whrlnmnb' , . .

Chairwoman Dara Hoffman su gested President known speaker, hut someone who can ”TWIN" make the final decision. . ‘But these .‘If‘I-‘i‘ I dun I thmk " ‘ "11 ”mm" h"
Reagan‘s foreign policy aide Phy lis Schlafly, who dehate ['K experts on a specific issue. . _ . The hoard already has struck down “(‘5‘ and certainly "I" m the ”m” my .
could give a speech and debate a member of L‘K‘s St'hl;ifly' could defy her ohscure name ___e__e_.,_.., ”MM imitations to conservatives \l'altcr I“. Rim “"86“ hXIIJNIII “Ir h” pml‘ld "I ‘1 henefit
women's studies department. and draw hig crowds hy dehating the conservative . Jan. ‘0' ,

,* ‘. However, the conservative members, led by (Iol— view of feminism with a 1K expert. 5“" SPEAKER ”’1 Back Page ( "In/”l"! hm" “- m, ”Wm
i u ‘ U I \ |
- ‘ -



 2 .Ilunduy.]dnuw‘y 11!, l‘/‘/". Ant/11.111 l\.11r..

49ers halt San Diego charge

rifiiiiiiiiié natsaii 11111”


runL1 the same .111 .1rd 111 the Super

three minutes for the “inning

111111hd1111ns, \11 11.1111 111 Super

way to the Final Four in )()[[72 Tb] .021”. son r‘e1‘11r1I tor II) passes 111 .1 teams," Young said. 7 Young took San I‘1r.1n.1s111 right
(g game. He ne1er l1u1lge1l 11ft the side li.11k to tli1 end 711111‘. this tnite

1 3H 7" d Young heeante the seeond lines 111 the 19b") Super lioul \11tl1a1 1.111l I1l)p.1sst11\\ill1am

l f07 > ylll s, l1l‘.111‘r1n asinany years [11 I11ll11\\ \1I1en .\I1)ltt.tn.t ”Limited \111 I'1l1111I.

l the Kentu0ky Kernel .111 .\I\'I’ regular season liy 111111 I‘1ran1‘1s1‘11 01 yards in the linal 1ll1ree possessions. Ihr‘ee



l 6 TDS m romp





there are many diru‘
trons your 1111‘1l11‘11l 1.1r11‘r
can Lro Iltit only the 1\11 time
gives you so 111.1111 unique advtur
tages A int-(treat environment that
truly t111‘u.s'e.s on patient needs. 1‘1111
tinutng edtit‘atioual opportunities
now and throughout \our' career .
the respeet .‘tlttl status 111 tierng .‘111
‘\tt’ I‘11r1.‘e ottieer I'lus‘ 1‘x1ellent 1‘11111»
p1‘ri.s.1t11111.uid lienetits.includingfill
days \‘.11‘.'1t111nw1tl1 payer11‘l17year

l s.\l III M llll‘Rol l ssili‘s‘s

1111: 1111 l


Unwemly Counseling
. and 7115111111 Como,

etrnglomfnyefle County
Health Department


.\II‘\.\II Ihis time, Steie

Young 1l11ln1t 111st stand around at
the Super I’ioul. 11.111‘l11nL1 some
l111d1 else 11111 1t I1111‘ 51.111 l‘1r‘an11s1‘11.
l1l11s time, he grahhed the game
and made it his 111111.
1 Young \I\'l’ 111 1111111ttl1e past
three .\I I seasons uhile tryinL1 to
es1 ape the long shadou ot _I11e
\Iont ant. p11n1t.11 111d his die-.1111
\ear1e‘“.st11d1y. p‘ass1nL1the 4911‘s
to 1111-11 r1‘1ord titth Super Boul

lle 11.1s 111st al1out pert1e1‘t in .1
4‘) 3(1 I)1e1r11
tl1r1111inL1151tperlfioul re111r1ls1\

1‘11111p 1111‘r San

tou1‘h1l1111n pass1‘ He finished
3-1 fora/1 t111r‘ 131 yards with no
inter11‘ptions, and tied .1 postsea-

l 7117)] ( '1111‘ help UK
pl 111111 1‘ for pig/111111!
1072f1‘7 1171111 111711111116

By Amy Huddteston
Mat} II 11.11.}

Sellless dedication I111‘the 111‘].
tare ot the tearii is ..1r1r1t1 111 1'11I-
I1‘1'1 .ttltlt “‘tll\llthL‘1I.t\'.\

II1111111‘r, su1h dedieation
1‘x1sts among the I1oin (lats, a
group ol men who s1‘1‘irnin‘age
against the lady I\1;tt l1ask‘etl1all
te‘ain 111 pr‘a1111‘e.

11K head coach Sharon I‘1‘.1n
ninL1 had heard of programs,
1111‘lu1linL1 SIX: opponents 1Ien
nessee and Vanderhilt. that used
male students to help increase the
.1thleti11srn and aggressiveness 1111
their players.

S111 111 ()1'111her hetore ottietal
pr.11‘t111‘ started. Fanning issued .1
ea” to any interested male sILl‘

l‘it’tyrone riien sl11111e1l 11p tor

IIotsI, I‘1,tttltti[t Smith ”I, Dallas did
it last season.

Young, \1h11 Iltt'1‘\\ tor INN)
yards and 15 touehdouns 111 the
regular season, threu to111hdo11n
passes 1111 the 49ers tirst tln‘ee
possessions. eaeh to .1 1Iitt1er‘ent
1‘e1‘1‘11er. Iiy halltirne, he was I"
tor-31 lot 3“) yards and tout‘

He also s1‘r1‘1nl1l1d going .‘I
_1.‘11ds 1111 11111‘ play and 11 1111
anothe‘.t tinishinLr 111th 4‘1 1.1r1ls
on the ground to he the game s
leadinL1 rusher. It 111s t1l111less
I11111tl1all I111ra qu‘arterhatk at the
top 1111 his 111-1111

I1111‘1‘l1e‘tor1 YounL1 had heen
on -l‘lers title teams. Int l111tl1
tunes. \I1111t.111.11s
1‘hatnpionships. "I “as on the
team. hut \1eren1t 1111

those 111-re


touehdoun against (Iinetnnati.
Against Denver the next year.
Young 11 as \Iont‘ana's relietpin l1
er \1h1‘n the 49ers turned the
L1.‘nn1 1111.111 1; ll) rout 111.1111e
111 \1l111l1 \I1111t..1nt set the Super
’11111Ire“1or1l111tlili\e I I) pas 1.

"I I1. it 11 as he 1t " he s‘111l “111‘1
1111L1t11pl.11 111 the Super Boul

lint it 11 .1sn t quite the s.1‘in1 .ts
heinLr the 111.1111 111.111. the gin \111
I‘ir‘aneiseo depended on right In 111i
the start.

1I1hat 11.1s his role 1e“st1i1l11
.1ndY11unL11l1dnt disappoint. Ile
engineered the t1st1 st I I) in
\111p1‘ r 111ml history .1-H 11r1le 1‘ to
_I1‘tr_\ th‘t.‘ 111st I. 3-111 into the gnne

I h1n he 1 11111‘ right l1.11k‘ uith .1
il \111II I) prt1h to ls’11k1 \\1.1
ters at ‘1 “ tor .1 H lllt .11I.

,‘\t1ter San Diego


Iioul history has 1“11‘r' done that

U11 tlieli l1tltl1
Young took the \inei‘s to another
I I), this tune on .111 .‘1 \ 1rd p.1sst11

It “as .111 .1111‘s11111e ottensiye
lootlrall Yotln‘.1
1l111‘,te.l it p1‘i't1‘1t!\

YounL1 .11l.l<‘1l1\111111111‘1‘111111‘h

111 1ss1'ssltilt.

111111111.1s1‘ 111.1

1l1‘\1n passes t1 l\’111‘. 11111‘ 111 tl11
llllt'1l quarter ,1111l .1i.-11.l1er‘111the
I111n‘111 I he sl\ I I) p.1ssest11‘1l tl11‘
pl.1111lt11‘.,1ik‘setl.\ I).1r‘\le I..1rn
or111‘.1tortheltakland Ix’anlei‘s 111

l he 111‘1111‘1 .tlts\\1_‘t'L'1I the last
question tor the l1‘t1t handed pass?
1.1. 11l111 1.11111‘ out ot irighain
Young and signed .1 11‘111rd 3-H)
nnllion 11111111111 111th the l.11s
\lig‘eles I'Xpt’ess tiI tltt‘ khll ..

the initial tryouts, But heeanse
.\1(1.-\:\ regulations reqtnre s1‘riin~
111.1ge teams. like the 'I1oin (Lats, to
meet all the requirements tor stu-
dent-‘athletes. several candidates
11er1‘ tlisqttalilied.

.‘\t1ter .1 1111.1] tryout.
I‘anning and her assis—
tants sele1t1‘1l lI stu—
dents. hut l1e1‘ause 11t1
seheduling and class
111ntI11‘ts all ll are
rarely together, l1“.11‘ing


After I Inn] my
first 1111107"

si\1‘n1‘ss11I1I111r11111I;tl1I1‘ \1I‘1,(,111|)1)1ir
nents. I‘1.1nninLr said.

“1I1he hottoni line ’I hose guys
are great," Fanning said. "1l1hey
ha1e l1een l1eneli1‘ia1l."

1I1he men s111l pl 1.\
ing th1 I .1d\ l\.1ts1 .111
ln‘eak‘ a lot 11I1l1l
stereotypes .111111111
11'111111‘11 playing sports.

“After I had 1111
lirst ellion experienee,
I (Ittllt1l hold anything

only ‘a core of eight 831097110“ ‘1‘ I I1‘.11‘I11‘."’I1oni (1.‘at S1111!
players ‘ did” 1t [70/11 Mom said.

I1l‘11 'l111111 Cats anything k1l\1 guard Staeey
assume the role ol the [1111(k." Reed said the 1I 11111

other team during their
s‘ “11111111. 1L11‘s with the
I 1.1IyI\ .1.ts

s11 ally .1nass1stant
\11llLl11“‘i1t1th1 the men
on the opposing re; 1111 s
ottense \1hile the I..‘1d1 Kats are
holding shooting drills.

I11 addition to assuming the
role til the other team, the 1111111
(Lats are used to simulate the 5171‘.
strength, qui1k‘ness ‘and aggres~


Scott Hero

’1 11m (.1111 mew/11‘:

WM..-.__....__ _._, ._‘ I y l 1.1 1 I , 11

(Lats had it rough.
espe1‘ial1y at the

"\\11‘ heat '1‘111 r1‘.1l~
. she said.

'I1he 'I 11111 (11ts do not partiei
p.1‘t1 111 e1et‘1pr.‘“,11t111 hut \1I1en
the1 are 1‘ 1Il11‘1l111. they are 1‘\p1‘1‘t

In addition to grueling pr‘a1“
tiL‘es, they must comply with


Kats henetit from coed play

X(1,\ \ r1 gulations liarrinL1 them
tr‘oii‘. 11111111111111.1 111 intramural

\lso 1‘ he ‘11 the players tollou
the I .111 I\.ll\ on the road the}
1I11 s1. .1t1‘tl‘i1ir 111111 e\pe‘ns1 arid 111
1111'” 111.111 1.11s,

\1111l1at do the I111rn(latpl.11—
et‘s re1eit1‘ I11 11‘ their hard work?

I‘1l1ir'11 \1 as .1ll11111‘1l to serte as .1
guest 1‘11a1h during the Florida
11.11111‘ 111 I{11pp.\r‘en;t earlier this
season. plus tl11.‘_\ get to play eoni-
petiti1‘e hoops on the floor of
Memorial (1.11Iiseurn. and they get
I shirts.

illtltl (i‘ats .tls11 :tt‘t' .ttltttitted
tree to r1 1.11l names as guests ot1tl1e

Despite the lady Kats1 slou
start this season. I111r11ar‘d
\11-pl1aru1‘ IIak‘er said priietieing
\11ti1tl11‘1l11rn( .1ts has henetitted
the team.

team unity."

pla1 inL1 111th 11.11re
Baker said. "\Ye 1‘111117





203 orcatl 257-8867 1 weekpn’orto Publication.

11111111 I/ 31]



rXrlB‘ 1“ ”11‘ 9111-,
‘1 , f, t i 1 1

t- I 11 l 11 x, 1 1'. 1 H i
“’ 1 7'." KC’ “‘1 '
Cor 'F""[ ‘1. , {1‘1 1151-11 ‘3.»

‘N, 1 l €211? €135 11’1‘11 11 N11"
’7: u' 1 , ‘ w; .‘ ’

E11919. 7 ~14 1., “1,1111, :' .’.~,i11'1 T"
'1‘ '21 1 ' 5 1 1
UK A.“ ‘1"... 1‘. QM.
1214.435... , ,
th‘flld C71“ , ‘3.‘ "' 1 ’/l 1. '~ ’
I“:3‘<."“111:" ‘ ‘11: ‘ tC'
111 1 .‘

11“]1'71111‘1'Pll‘W1" .1 I U1 .,
11113I’F‘ 1001' ‘1. .‘ "11.1"1
f-r‘s B 11; T11,1«1‘,‘,- ;1,.1..111
1:“‘11‘KT‘911M :1.” ; 1'1r :"1
A prra C1) 1 41" 717,.,11~..;L.51.,,

Spl(|nl IUI NIS
CL113'1(1I.1’ Mast 1' ”111'11-3,“ 11‘ ‘3‘ ‘11‘
lrgvcer‘y week 11,-71 ‘1“. 1: 1‘ ‘11‘ ill 1

RI (Pl “I ”IN
AlK:1 INC 311 1111.1." “
(JILL 1'97 32’5"


("21$ 1. [IIIIUII S
SAD FREE M1’1v'1E “ ‘2'1‘1‘,1
7 30pm. (31.171111: 1'1 1,-1'1,‘ '1‘4101', ’ ‘1

ml I 'INGS I.
The Master S‘iirtorrt P1
Study Smarts," l‘lot Jns’ t‘ 11 1m .; 1.1
sorter] by thn llV (,1..,"1v ‘ "C.“ 11’1”


151111,.11. 1


The Campus Calendar appears in the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations wishing to
publish meetings. lecture: special wants and spotting events. must have all information to SAB room


l.“'11"1;1:11124 301 Tue 81 Thur) Rm

‘ 11 1”11114111111: $115 plus textbook

qt... 1 11 ,1’1 ’1 t1 , Enrollment

I'f,“ 1:517, 1111M L11,‘(at10n_______
.. S1 11 1111 5311me r Study

’, 1‘ H11 1'


- ‘11. 121111 3141111111., Rm.
.‘11771‘I 1.‘ y‘l1. .1AL11 72_5777813L7_7 _
‘171‘11 LI: .111‘ ' spr named by the

’JK C11111‘ts11‘l“ 1C," 1.3(ltt11251()p1n,an
.‘llllF11/15“‘l«ill IRELE 81 I lrltlted

Erw 1111111111 1’,All 357 111.7310 reserve a
‘32:“:(3 . . .1. . .....
H ,w t1) Pl.".;.‘1cl\rr.l t191,tE."1;1."1¢1,-r

".1<;t.s 111.” We rI:1.111171oriv11‘111‘.‘1 ot

K11r1t1ickv fst‘11111S1/111511ltytht,‘ Ky Small
F1.s111.‘ss Clv‘vtelrip111-rrtCtr. I (lltrd ltOpm
"11.1111.” 1 )l)Ii"‘-‘1(’.)S 1 [ex Central
IHI’I’LIPEE. Cstl 725 1 /‘1. .177 777
C 112.1 r1 sored tiv
1t11~llKC1 "011 1 3011111

F111 2‘71'1 I ‘ 111-1‘ Ha FREE X. IVTTIICII
(LAll 2‘1'111117171. reserve :1

Tots Arxrrty .;..
." ‘J‘l'Hj Ct"

Ir‘r 1":‘1‘1-rv’
11111.1: 7 7
('1 .111. A1i‘11qD1.1vr1v.ir1Scl1o'ars
"‘1.‘;r.111 I 111‘er ’s W-l‘ .1rn Brldqes
.‘rgrwiq 1 11.11 «111-11111 111111111111 Stricken
'1 .1t/11 Hr C1111 Vilnqe 1000
‘1'1l1111‘R". ." SI! 11'.1111‘rlt Ctr . Open to
‘ 1‘ P1.t‘1.7C./\ll 28711314
'1AIII’1'1.11‘tIvIIr‘t1“ ; ‘1 ”(mm R111 203
‘.‘1‘.'. "-"."I1" ' (1,t'
7‘ 1‘ t.l.‘1str1‘.‘1t.irt1‘rt Pruqram learn to
1‘ . iv '1." 1r‘1ir NM Jiist Harder s1111n
s11re1lt1y 1119 UK (.oiirisetinq Ctr 610”
1‘. 11(11 1t 17 ,1 ,-‘t t1,1‘1srlaysl Rm

’1'. T‘ 12111. 1111' SW; .s 'rrxtttook,

,Al‘. .1‘11'tl/1l‘irf_rtr1,tlmpnt
i‘1t1-11111‘1t111n 111111 Class Location

315.8 Racism Inst‘tiito Montlnq €130-
9.130prry Rm 't’1‘tSt1lrIrr'1tCtr7

“1A8 Perform-1 ;Arts Committee
Month ‘1 ‘1 1’11" Rrr‘ fill Old Student


-Co—ed Community Sewice Organization
Meeting, sponsored by Alpha Phi
Omega. 6‘30pm. Rm 205 New Student
Ctr, Everyone Welcome'


Student Night at the Catholic Newman
Center, 7 30pm CALL 255‘85b7


Dance Lessons sponsored by the: UK
Ballroom Dance Socroty (Every Tues 1
7 00-8100pm Beginners, 8009 00pm
Novrce. Buelt Armory Dance Studio.
FREE, CALL Beth Nodurtt at 257-2873.
Learn Latin & Ballroom Socral Dances
Partner not required, but helpful


mus f. muuu S

-Faculty ReC1tal. Gordon Cole. flute, With
Alan Hersh. piano, 8‘00pn1, Recrtai Hall-
Singletary CtrgFREE


A. A it works'. Every Wed, 5 00pm. Rm
4 Newman Ctr 77__7 7 7777_7

sprctnii wt NTS

Deadline for International applications to
be submitted to The Graduate School for
the 1995 Fall Semester
‘Last day to drop a course without it
appearing on the student‘s transcript
Last day to change grading option
(pass/tail to letter grade or letter grade to
passtail, credit to audit or audit to credit);9llgge dean'sgtLICQ- . _ __-. ____.-_
Rf (Rf. mm H

-A1k1do Class. 8 OOpm.Alumn1 Gym Loft.
7C7ALL 257-3988


-UK Lady Kats Basketball CI) UNC
Ashevrlle, 5 309m

-UK Men's Basketball vs South
CarcilinatUKTV-Del ). 7.30pm; Lexington.


“RTS S. mnun S

VSAB MOVIE “Ed Wood." 7 3O 81
10 00pm. Worsham Theater- Student
CH1 SawflUJSLD ., . L“, ..__ L ..

m1 [TINGS f. ”(IURIS

-The Master Student Program Learn to
Study Smarter Not Just Harder. spon
sored by the UK Counseling Ctr. 12 00»
12.50pm (1’243/01 Tue 8. Thur.) Rm.
201 Frazee Hall. 835 plus textbook.
CALL 257~8703 tor Enrollment
[abandon a.nd.Cl_a§.,L99§11L.
Developing Winning tnterview Skills.
sponsored by the UK Career Ctr. 2 00






2:50pm. Rm. 201 Mathews Bldg; CALL

-Counc1l on Aging/Donovan Scholars
Program presents Counc1tman George
Brown‘ State of Race Relations 1n
Lexrngton 8. America --5100 00pm Rm
230 Student Ctr. Open 11.1 the Public,
CALL 2578314


—UK Women‘s Tennis Rolex IndiVidual
Indoor Championship. Dallas. TX (thru


("21$ 8. muuu S

Cattery Series: Swan Salon Troupe‘
Caroline Fahrney 8. Merrell Fuson of the
Lex. Vintage Dance Socrety. historical
ballroom dancmg, t2 Otlnoon, Pearl
Gatlery- Kinq Library7Ng7rt7t17 FREE“ _ 7
-SAB MOVIE. “Ed Wood," 7 3O 8.

1O 00pm Worsham Theater- Student Ctr.
$72 With UK ID 7 7777 777777777

SPFUK Lady Kats Basketball 11.1) Arkansas,



School of Music Piano Rerital‘ Mary

Mzinn pia 1st featuring works by

S1:nr|att1H.1y1tn Beethoven, 81 LlSZl.

8 00pm. Recital Hall» Singletary Ctr.

EBE§.§A.LL 2.5111999 -_ A.____
mt I IINGS i. ll (IURI S

-Th11 Master Student Program Learn to
Study Sumner Not Just Harder. spon-
sored by the UK Counseling Ctr,
1.00am-6 00pm, Rm 201 Frame Hall.
835 plus textbook: CALL 257—8703 for
Enrollment Information and Class
Locatr7gr17 7 77 7 7777 777777

sprant IUINTS

-Catho|1cMass.1tthe Newman Center.
97.00 8. 117.739.1111} 5 0078178 30pm
1111an111291 S

Z. RI (RI mum
‘AlkldO Class. 1 ()0pm. Alumni Gym Loft.
C_A_L_L_25_7_‘L328.8__.- LAMS.-- ..1_-
 stirrer: .i l i it ' .i t tl

my the new year t the Year nf wasa iiitist~wiii fnrtlie lltigs’. nppnneiit ni‘ i'itlier. neither hit .l shut in the i at 4a.. ~: 1v 9 813/; .i -' ”5:1,,“ seastin lllglr '5 li“

the I ii] ' "\Ve really needed a big \‘icttirt ripptiiieiit \ititild .Ill