xt78sf2m931v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m931v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 2004 2004 2004-09-17 2020 true xt78sf2m931v section xt78sf2m931v Friday

September 17, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.



Celebrating 33 years of independence


MIMI: | snrr

Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., addressed a fund-raiser at the Brown Hotel in Louisville last night. Edwards
said he and running mate Sen. John Kerry have a plan to allow anyone who served two years of public service to attend college for four years.

VP candidate John Edwards
lays out higher education plan

By Rebecca Neal

ratic vice presidential can-
didate John Edwards said
he and running mate Sen.
John Kerry will work to
make college affordable for
all students.

“Two years of public
service. we will give you
four years of college." he

He said the Bush ad-
ministration has failed to
adequately provide for edu-
cation. cutting student loan
programs to fund corporate
tax cuts.

“They say they don't
have enough money to send
all the kids to college that
want to go." he said.

Edwards was the
keynote speaker at a Democ
ratic fundraiser last night
at the Brown Hotel in down-
town Louisville. More than
400 tickets were sold for the
event for donations starting
at 81.000.

In his speech. Edwards
addressed issues such as the
war in Iraq and said there is
no excuse for the more than
1.000 American deaths in
Iraq so far.

“Iraq by any definition
is a mess. and it‘s a mess be-
cause of George Bush and
Dick Cheney" he said.

He also criticized
Bush‘s handling of the econ-
omy. lashing otit against
American companies send-

ing jobs overseas. He said a
Keriy Edwards administra-
tion would provide tax cuts
for companies keeping jobs
at home,

"Bush says outsourcing
millions of jobs is good for
our country" Edwards said.
“I say outsourcing this ad»
ministration is good for our

He also said the govern
ment needs to do tiiore to
spur job growth and said
Bush has not taken the eco
nomic plight of the middle
class seriously.

”If you include lemon»
ade stands and bake sales.
the the economy‘s growing."
he said.

Edwards arrived at the
Louisville International
Airport around 7 pm. and
held a rally in a nearby air-
plane hangar. He worked the
line of sweaty supporters.
grabbed hands. flashed
smiles and paused to sign a
"Teamsters for Kerry Ed-
wards" poster.

“Give ‘em hell! Stand up
to them!" shouted a support-
er. claspiiig Edwards' hand.

Rdlling up his sleeves.
he smiled at the thousands
of poster-waving supporters
as he addressed the crowd.

“They said on the plane
about 100 people were going
to be here. but I‘d say this is
a couple thousand." he said.

Edwards spoke briefly.
echoing many of the points
he made later at his speech
at the Brown. while support

ers chanted. "Change is on
the way." and waved signs
that read “It's the economy.
Dumbya." and ”Deliver its
from weasel."

Bush won easily in Ken»
tucky in 2000 and is expect
ed to carry the state again.
but Jack Conway. Ken-
tucky‘s Kerry Edwards
campaign chairman. said
it's too soon to L'illl the i‘iit‘t‘.

“Kentucky. despite what
anyone says. is John Kerry
country." he said.

Those in attendance
said Edwards rightfully held
Bush accountable.

“It was a great speech.
addressing issues like the
war in Iraq and saying what
I've been feeling.“ said
Rachael Deep. Bit. :1 law 8111'
dent at Northern Kentucky


()thers said the speech
may help them decide who
to vote for in less than two

"I'm still trying to de
t‘itlt‘ who to vote for. so I'm
glad I came.“ said Michelle
Bisceglie, Jill. of Louisville.

At botlt the hotel and
the airport. Edwards repeat-
edly said this presidential
election is the most iinpor
taiit one of this generation

"It \‘oti love the Repub
licar; l’arty so much you‘re
willing to go tlirotigh this
for four more years. then
vote for George W Iliish." he

‘If you want change.
vote it tr John Kerry"

r/icu/ A‘_i'/i'erne/ com

aux: Drums | sun
Sen. John Edwards thanks his supporters at the Brown Hotel last night.

About 400 people paid at least $1,000 apiece to hear him speak.



Blogging needs to return
to its roots
Page 5

Columnist's beef is with football
coaches, not players
Page 8

Gallery hop
begins tonight

By Kevin Moser

THE kii’iuco KERHEL

The Lexington Arts and Cultural Council will be present-
ing this season's first Gallery Hop tonight from 5 to 8 pm.

The Gallery Hop features several downtown and campus
galleries. Admission to the .
Gallery Hop is free. and each
offers a different collection
to titillate the senses

ArtsPlace gallery; locat~
ed at 161 North Mill St.
downtown. is featuring the
“If You Were Here" exhibi-
tion, showcasing pieces by
several artists from Ken-
tucky and New York.

“The show is unique be
cause even though the
artists featured lived in dif-
ferent places. they were do-
ing thematically similar
works." said Shannon Carri-
co. communications assis~ '
tant for the Lexington Arts
and Cultural Council.

Carrico said the show
emerged as a result of works
viewed by [cxington Arts and Cultural Council President Jim
Clark while in New York. Both Clark and Mary Dinaburg. a eu-
rator from New York. were struck by the similarities between
artists in (‘entral Kentucky and artists in New York.

Artists in the exhibit include Jennifer (‘oates and Michael
Eade from New York. and Kentucky native Lawrence Tarpey.
After premiering here in Lexington. the exhibition will move
to gallery showings in New York and Dallas.

Ann Tower Gallery: located at 141 East Main St. will show
case the works of German artist Ulrike Hahn.

Hahn's paintings. created in Berlin and Atlanta. feature
scenes she calls "the vastness of a landscape. the ambiance of a
small town. the daily routine of the big city. the tranquility of a
rambling park. [and the] sublimity of a ballroom.”

Ann Tower Gallery will also present the sculpture of
gallery-associated artists such as Stacey Chinn. Suzie Scott.
Robert Tharsing. and Tony Higdon.

Also featured in the Gallery Hop are The Downtown Arts
(enter, Factory 15 Gallery. Gallerie Soleil. and Main Cross

"The Gallery Hop is a good opportunity to check out the
Iexington galleries." said Shawn Long. night manager of Arts
I’lace. “There‘s usually a good crowd getting tipsy on the free
wine. It‘s a lot of fun."

Email kmoserwi A'ykernelrom

Women leaders
urge confidence

By Danielle Komis

The last woman standing on NBCs “The Apprentice" en~
couraged women in Lexington yesterday to be assertive anti
speak up for themselves in order to s‘llt‘t‘t‘t‘d in
the workplace. .

Amy Henry was the keynote speaker at the
12th annual Women Mean Hiisiness Confer
ence. held at the Lexington (‘onvention (‘enter
The event hosted by CK also featured Gail
livans. former executive vice president of

Henry began by answering the question
she knew was on eveiyone‘s minds.

“Yes. (Donald) 'I‘i'ump's hair is that bad."
she said. laughing

Henry, u ho has worked for a Fortune 300 company. said
women must break through stereotypes in the workplace. such
as being overly emotional

Henry watched a female friend on “The Apprentice“ get
bred for being too emotional. despite her exceptional business

"t‘omix-teiice is not enough. ' she remembered Trump say


See Apprentice on page Z




Midtown lead Singer, Gabe Saporta, takes the stage
at Hoosier Daddy 2 last night at Memorial Coliseum.
Aiter remnants from Hurricane lvan brought rain,
organizers moved the annual pep rally indoors. Stu-
dent Activities Board otticials estimated crowds at
previous pep rallies about 8,000. But SAB vice presi-
dent Ethan Bennett estimated last night’s crowd at

"it would have been a lot higher if we had held it at
Stoll Field," Bennett said. “But the rain kept the num-
bers down. The dreary weather definitely played a

“Because of the weather, we had to shuttle people
from South Campus instead of having them walk,
which I also think hurt our attendance."

I” m I 81""









Pm. z | Friday, Sept 17, 2004


Continued from page i

The key for women's success in busi-
ness is to confidently speak up for your-
self and take credit for your work. Henry
said. She recalled an incident in which
she fixed a client‘s problem by working
with a team around the clock in order to
fix the defect.

“Not only was the customer content
with the solution. but (the customer) was
ecstatic about the customer service.“ she

Yet Henry sat back in disbelief as her
boss was promoted and given credit for
the job she had done. She said she soon
got over her anger and realized it was her
own fault for not making the company
aware of her hard work.

She has now changed her ways.

“I stealthily brag and get credit where
credit is due.“ Henry said.

Networking and ignoring distractions
are instrumental parts of a successful ca-
reer. Henry said.







“If you focus on an objective and Sill"
round yourself with good people. you can
basically do anything." she said.

Henry never planned to be on a reali~
ty TV show, but went to an audition with
a friend who asked her to tag along. She
and five others auditioned in the same
room and answered the same question:
How would you handle an irrational

When Henry argued with a man who
said he would just go along with the boss
to make him happy. she said she knew
she had grabbed the producers‘ attention.

“The producers looked at me like. ‘We
love her. She's aggressive. she's feisty;
we'll get some good footage,‘" she said
with a laugh.

Henry quit her six-figure job to be on
the show because she said people tend to
regret things they didn‘t do, rather than
remember the things they did.

“Be willing to take risks." Henry said.
“Be willing to fail. lt's expected."

The audience made up largely of
female entrepreneurs or small business
ovmers seemed encouraged by Henry's

Dottie Carter. a manager at Lynn
Imaging on Vine Street. said she wished

she had heard Henry's presentation 30
years ago. because she's had to struggle
for three decades as an outnumbered fe
male in the Workplace.

But she said more women seem to be
succeeding in business.

"It’s definitely turning
Carter said.

Yet not all the women felt that Henry's
message of assertiveness was positive.

"It will challenge the concept of being
humble." said Dr. Chang Xun. a re-
searcher at UK's VA Hospital. Xun said
even though Henry's boss may have tak-
en credit for her work. it was not Henry's
place to demand it.

“You have to forgive them. rather
than punch them back." Xun said. “Then
they‘ll punch you back. And it's never
going to end."

Steve .lacoby. associate state director
of the Kentucky Small Business Develop
ment Center. said Henry's message of
empowering women was encouraging.
something he‘d like to share with his
three teenage daughters.

"It's about expanding their horizons
and that there's other choices out there."
he said.


E—mail dkome/rykemelmm


names of Vietnam War POW an MIA's.

names were read.


Above: Nathan Jenkins (left), a mechanical engineeri‘n senior. stood in honor of Na-
tional POW/MIA Recognition Da while Randy Kreps (no t), a psychology senior read

Right: In honor of National POW/MIA Recognition Day, Lindsey Phillabaum, a asxchol-
ogy junior, stood in front of Barker Hall while a list of Vietnam War POW and l 's




um m | surr








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Kernel requests opinion
from Attorney General

The Kentucky Kernel
filed a six-page request to At-
torney General Greg Stumbo
yesterday. asking him to do
cide whether UK Police De-
partment policies violate the
Kentucky Open Records Act.

UK Police instituted a
policy of blacking out victim
information on all its inci-
dent reports at the beginning
of the semester. Police have
since added a box on the
forms which enables victims
to choose whether they want
their information released to
the public in an Open
Records request.

“UKPD's overbroad inter-
pretation of the privacy ex-
emption stretches it much
further than it has ever been
interpreted by Kentucky
courts or by the Attorney
General." writes First
Amendment lawyer Jon
Fleischaker of the law firm
Dinsmore & Shohl.

“In fact. in a recent deci-
sion. the Kentucky Court of
Appeals affirmed an Attor<
ney General's Opinion which
addressed the same issues
presented here and explicitly
rejected the actions taken by
UKPD in redacting victims‘
identifying information from
all police incident reports re-


Barbara Jones. interim
general counsel for UK.
wrote to Stumbo on Sept. 3
and requested a similar opin-
ion about these issues. The
Kernel's request contends
the public has a right to
know this information.

"The public has a signifi-
cant interest in being fully
informed about the nature
and details of the crimes
committed in their city and
campus; and police efforts to
deal with these crimes."
Fleischaker writes. “Other-
wise. the public would have
not way of determining
whether UKPD is doing its

It should be two to three
months before the Attorney
General publishes his deci-

UK students win awards
at woodworking fair

Two UK students in the
College of Design scored top3
finishes at the International
Woodworking Fair in Atlanta.

Kelly Hart. a fifth-year
student, took first place with
her work in the occasional
table category Hart won
$1.200 for her winning piece
of furniture.

The other UK winner was
Check Netherton. another
fifth-year student who fin-
ished in third place for his
entry in the casegoods cate-

Netherton earned a Stilt)
prize for his efforts.

UK competed against 39
other design schools at the

Gunmen kidna 2 Americans,
one Briton in qhdad

Masked gunmen kidnapped
two Americans and one
Briton from their Baghdad
residence yesterday in an at-
tack that appeared to herald
a new level of danger for for-
eign civilians in Iraq.

The abductions of the
three private contractors.
which occurred in one of the
capital's most affluent neigh-
borhoods. was the latest in a
string of kidnappings by in-
surgents seeking to evict US.
military forces and topple
Iraq‘s interim government.

As many as 10 gunmen in
a minivan pulled up in front
of the contractor‘s two-story
house. barged inside the gat-
ed compound and snatched
the three Westerners without
firing a shot. neighbors said.

All three worked for Gulf
Supplies and Commercial
Services. a private contractor
working on reconstruction
projects in Iraq. said Khaled
Abbas, a company

- Compiled from wire reports




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gardless of the crime.“


Afghan president survives


By Pamela Constable
THE wismncrou POST

KABUL. Afghanistan -—- Afghan President
Hamid Karzai escaped an apparent assassina-
tion attempt yesterday when a rocket was
fired at his helicopter as he was about to land
in a provincial capital. The attack caused no
injuries or damage. but forced Karzai to can-
cel his first trip outside of Kabul since he be
gan campaigning for presidential elections to
be held Oct. 9.

Officials and witnesses said the rocket
flew over a crowd of several hundred people
waiting to greet Karzai near the town of
Gardez. about 80 miles sOuth of Kabul. The
president‘s helicopter was about to land. but
instead immediately returned to Kabul with.
out touching ground.

“We couldn't see it. but we heard the
sound as it went over." said Rafiullah Mo-
jadeddi. an aide to Karzai who had already
landed in a separate helicopter. “There was
no danger to the president."

Karzai played down the incident after his
return to the capital. telling journalists he
wished he could have landed anyway and con-
tinued with the school-opening ceremony he
was scheduled to attend. A spokesman also
said Karzai was “a little upset" that his secu-
rity team insisted he cancel his trip.

But the attack. which was claimed by the
revived Taliban Islamic militia that was ouste
ed from power in 2001. seemed likely to fur-
ther constrain Karzai's ability to campaign
outside the capital as he would like.

Security around Karzai. 47. has been ex-
tremely tight since he survived an assassina-
tion attempt just over two years ago while vis-
iting the southern city of Kandahar. In that
incident. a uniformed gunman jumped in
front of his vehicle and opened fire. wound-
ing several passengers. before being shot by
Karzai‘s security agents.

After that attack. Karzai‘s Afghan body
guards were replaced by a US. security detail
at the Bush administration‘s insistence. and
he has remained largely confined to his heav-
ily guarded palace compound in Kabul.
Karzai. who was named interim president in
December 2001 under a UN. plan. has re.
ceived strong backing from Washington.

Karzai was traveling in a US. military he-
licopter for Thursday‘s trip. A US. military
spokesman here. Maj. Mark McCann. dee
clined to discuss Karzai's means of trans-


portation. but confirmed that a rocket had
been fired at the president‘s helicopter and
had missed. landing several hundred yards
from the school Karzai was to visit.

The pre-election period has been marred
by repeated attacks against voter registration
workers and facilities. mostly carried out by
Taliban forces. The Taliban has vowed to sab-
otage the election —~ the first national poll in
Afghanistan in three decades of war and tur-
moil, and the country's first-ever presidential
election. A purported Taliban spokesman
told news agencies in Kabul by telephone
that the group had fired the rocket at Karzai.
Officials in Gardez. the capital of Paktia
Province. said Thursday night that they had
located the launching site in an abandoned
house and arrested several suspects.

“Security has been a concern during the
voter registration period. and it will be a con-
tinuing concern during the campaign. on vot-
ing day and during ballot counting." Manoel
de Almeida e Silva. the UN. spokesman here.
said Thursday night. "But just as those who
want to spoil the election see this as a target
period. the security forces are prepared to
deal with these threats."

A dozen election workers have been killed
in attacks in the past several months. and
more than 1.000 people been killed in vio-
lence during the last year. including security
troops. Islamic guerrillas. foreign and
Afghan aid workers. The French aid group
Doctors Without Borders withdrew from
Afghanistan on July 28. after more than two
decades operating in the country. after four of
its foreign doctors were killed in a June 2 am-
bush. The group criticized the government
for being unable or unwilling to make arrests
for the murders.

On Aug. 29. a powerful car bomb exploded
in the heart of downtown Kabul. killing at
least seven people. including two Americans.
and injuring several dozen. The blast oc-
curred just outside the office of an American
company that provides security for a variety
of government and private agencies here,

More than 4.000 international peacekeep-
ers currently patrol the capital. and NATO of-
ficials have pledged to send more troops to
protect the election. In addition. some 15.000
American troops are based in Afghanistan.
where US. forces have been hunting for Talv
iban and Al-Qaida fighters since early 2002.
mostly along the rugged border with Pak-

XXV?) 7 7! J! 37 ,,
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9 9/21/04




Zoo tries to find loose gator

By Michael Grunwald
and Manuel Roiq- Franzia


Sometimes Chucky has
threeechicken days. and
sometimes Chucky has six-
chicken days. But Chucky
does not enjoy no-chicken
days and Thursday was
his second in a row.

So Chucky was hungry
And this was a problem. be
cause Chucky a lZ-foot-long.
half-ton American alligator
who had spent the past 15
years here at the Alabama
Gulf Coast Zoo. was nowhere

Hurricane lvan‘s eye
blasted through the resort
town of Gulf Shores early
Thursday. ripping down the
fence around Chucky‘s pond.

Zoo Director Patty Hall loves
Chucky. as she loves every
animal in her care. but she
still dispatched a foureman
crew with shotguns and pis-
tols to kill him if necessary

‘As long as Chucky's been
fed. Chucky 5 happy. said
Hall. wearing hip boots and
wielding a plywood board in
case she encountered water
moccasins ~ or Chucky.
“Right now. l don't think he's

lvan's storm surges car-
ried the Gulf of Mexico al-
most a mile inland. flinging
boats into oak trees and oak
trees into boats. convening
the 67-acre zoo into water-
front property It tore the roof
off the 200‘s gift shop. ripped
down its oak trees. flooded its
feed house and knocked
down its perimeter fences.

It also created an escape
opportunity for Chucky.
some fallow deer and a white
peacock named Cameo. who
is best known around the
nonprofit zoo for knocking
on Hall‘s office door every

"We‘ve got to think of hu-
man life first." said Hall. 56
whose red bangs flopped out
of her ZooLifer ball cap. “But
this is just crushing. These
animals are our family"

Hall has no idea when
she will be able to bring the
animals back to the zoo. or
what will happen to the ani-
mals while they are away. or
whether the zoo will survive.
It is going to need a lot more
money to rebuild. But Thurs
day. her thoughts were with
the missing.





g ll‘lll Will"



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mu | Friday. Sept 17, 2004


By Kimberly Hanna

mm m snrr ‘ 7

This summer introduced to
the UniverSity of Kentucky
streamlined operations at the
James W Stuckert Career Cen-

The previously disconnect-
ed offices of Experiential Edu-
cation and Career Services are
now working together in a col-
lective effort.

"We are creating one-stop
shopping for students.” says
Sue H. Strup. MSEd . the new
Director of Experiential Educa-
tion and Career Servrces

She said an integrated
model needed to be Introduced
to help students accomplish
their academic. internship and
career goals as effrcrently as

“We are now a much more
unified front to employers."
said Diane Kohler. Senior Asso-
crate Director of Experiential
Education & Career Servrces

lndiwdual career assrs-
tance. resume reViews. various
workshops internship servrces.
shadowmg programs alumni
mentoring networks. career
fairs. employment interviews.
career development classes
and an online system are avail-
able for UK students

Most of these servrces
have been available to students
before. However wrthout seam-
less communication the need
was not being met
The Center transformed in
July of this year to its current
booming capacrty
The results have been a
welcome surprise Strup boasts
a 25-percent increase in the
number of employers who are
traveling to campus to inter-
view students
As of Sept 13 companies
such as lBM. Ashland Oil Ernst
& Young. Philip Morris and
Keyence have already booked
some of the 15 interView
rooms on the top floor of the
Career Center Free adiacerit
parking Will be offered in antic-
matron of the various career
fairs coming to campus
The potential employers are
contacted by by Sally Chesser
MSLS. the newly created Man-
ager of Corporate Relations at
the Career Center and she
wants to hear from students
Who do you want to work
for someday? What do you
want to do With your life? if
you aren't sure about one or all

An Advertising Supplement to the Kentucky Kernel

Job outlook improving for seniors;2

career shop Pair circuit starts Sept

Stuckert Career Center 1
Merges Talent

of those questions. perhaps
you should drop by

The pornt is. there is no
harm in asking

Sometimes, even a mis-
placed phone call can lead to

An Akron Ohio company
that usually recrurts at Western
Kentucky Universny acmdental—
ly called Strup one day at the
Career Center

After learning that she had
reached the wrong university
she stayed on the line to hear
Strup‘s pitch about the new op
erations at UK

This company is now plan-
ning a trek down to recruit for
potential full-time part-time or
internship employees

Think about what compa-
nies you'd like to work for and
Strup stresses to let the Career
Center know "We'll make con-
tacts to get them to come

With UK's enrollment rates
increasing more every year, the
Career Center wants to locus
on letting employers know
what UK graduates have to of-

With retirement rates of the
baby boomers increasmg annu-
ally the outlook for employ-
‘ment is growmg even brighter

"The economy is improv—
ing' Striip said in the inter-
View Thats exciting news for
this years graduates

There is a catch however
The lob search far 2004 2005
graduates starts earner than
you might think

Strup emphasized the this-
conception and highlighted the
opportunity ‘Emplovers want
to start talking with seniors .n
September They're actually iii-
tervrewrng now

That’s good news it gradrr
ates antrcrpate the time crunch
Its bad news it you are not ,ei
in the frame of mind to get out


Appointments are being
filled daily for employer inter
views internship placements
and general career advice The
Career Center tailors its w.
vrces for students

Also tee? free to d'Gp iii r-r
centers new drop-in ilOli“
from 3-5 p In every Monday
through Friday for quick dues

Look iii the James W
Stuckert Carver Center no Prise
Street rust [iClOss tram the
Singletary Center and Maxwell


mm nun l sun
The Katherine Kemper Career Library in the James w. Stuckert Ca-
reer Center has a plethora of lierature and material for students
researching companies and other perspective employers.








This year's UK seniors will see better rob
prospects when they graduate. a UK Career Center
associate director said Thursday

Sally Chesser. Assomate Director'Corporate
Relations Manager. said this is shown by increased
commitments trom employers to vrsrt campus for

“We ve been working really hard to get the
word out to employers." Chesser said "We sent
information about Career Center servrces and UK
to over 1000 employers this fall The iob market
overall is up according to the National Assocration
for Colleges and Employers. It Will be brighter for
the class of 2005 "

She said the number of employers vrsrting the
Career Center to mtervrew is up 25 percent from
last year

Chesser said students could come to the
James W Stuckert Career Center on Rose Street
and srgn up for mtervrews



"We‘re a centralized career center." she said
“All students are eligible for on campus interwews,
We have workshops on lab search skills and a li-
brary where students conduct company research.“

With CyberCAT. the Career Centers online ser-
vrce. students can publish their resume. browse
iob announcements and apply for interviews wrth
employers that vrsrt campus. The online system is
available 24/7, Chesser said "Since our office can‘t
be open 247. we ve got CyberCAT."

Employers wrll begin interviewing students in
September for interviews that will be conducted
for December 2004 and May 2005 graduates.

Chesser said many employers will also visit
the Career Center to conduct interviews as well as
Visit the many career fairs scheduled for campus
during the school year.

Among those scheduled are: Lear Corporation.
General Electric. National Security Agency. Shenivin
Williams. Keyence. Newell Rubbermaid, Kroger
and Procter and Gamble.

The Career Fairs kick-off Sept. 22. when the



Business Career Fair wrll set up shop in the Stu-
dent Center Ballroom from 11 a m until 3 pm

A new initiative for this year is a Multicultural
Networking Reception on September 2lst at the
James W Stuckert Career Center from 6 to 8 pm

Engineering. Agriculture and Health Profes-
srons Will have their fairs in October. Communica«
tions holds its fair in November. and the Virtual Ca-
reer Fair launches on the Internet in February.

Other career fairs in the spring semester in-
clude the Government Employment Fair in March
and the Kentucky Teachers Network in April.

All students. regardless of major. are invited to
attend any of the fairs throughout the school year
to discuss internships and full-time posrtions with
companies and corporations.

The Career Center is also offering other oppor
tunities for students to network with professiona
contacts through the Shadowing Program and
Alumni Menotring Network.

The Katherine Kemper Career Library in the
Career Center also offers a great way to research
companies. Chesser said.



lair Dates, 2004-2005









Event e fime Location
Business Sept. 22, 2004 11 am. - 3 pm. Student Center Ballroom
Engineering Oct. 6, 2004 10 am. - 3 pm. Student Center Ballroom
Agriculture Oct. 13, 2004 9 am. - 3 pm. fgwgcrifgggyttortn
Health Professions Oct. 22, 2004 10 am. - 2 pm. Health Sciences Building
Communications Nov. 16, 2004 1 pm. - 4 pm. lGrehan Building






Virtual Career Fair (all majors) Feb, 2] - Mar. 2005 24/7 Ergemtiebrggtnnounced)
Engineering Spring Career Fair TBA

Government Employment Mar, 30, 2005 TBA

Kentch Teacher's Network Apr_ 13' 2005 TBA







Isn’t it TIME you . . .

'Think about your life
and where you're headed?

-Choose a major you
really enjoy?

-Find out what careers
and jobs are related t