xt78sf2m946b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m946b/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1914-04-03 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 3, 1914 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 3, 1914 1914 1914-04-03 2020 true xt78sf2m946b section xt78sf2m946b «QM-WW'Jimm—m-mhmmwaV The Faculty of the State University of Kentucky met in regular session in its room in the Gymnasium building,Apr. 3, 1914, a quorum being present” I" ihe meeting was called to order by President Barker and the minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Taking up the regular order of business, Lieut.Gullion9 on behalf of the Lilitary Committee, stated that he had . LVlZQf/ wwwwfic ,1; reoeivedwaficqmmunicati n from the War Departmentfireeeest-fiw47tflu t/,‘/ g) . ,. 0. 5‘1f’ * éwlijg-igzuthfit the Kilitary Department of the University be granted one whole afternoon some time during April in which to have some training out in the country. The motion was made, seconded and carried, that this request be granted. ‘rhe subject of Commencement Exercises was next consid- ered. President Barker stated that the Alumni were anx- ious to keep the students here during Commencement week, and,to this end, a special baseball game had been arranged WW between the-figefiigf—and the ’Varsity, as one feature of entertainment. A special committee , composed of Prof. Miller, Dr. Terrell, Dean Hamilton, Lieut. Gullion and Prof.Roberts, was appointed to formulate further plans for entertainment during Commencement week,