xt78w950j059 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950j059/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 2, November 1, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 2, November 1, 1919 1919 2015 true xt78w950j059 section xt78w950j059 l Z
To Edina: Th• ·_
···-· ami- ¤¤u·¤·· THE UNIVERSI I"Y OF KENTUCKY Entered .· mm p i
In prepared for the _é{_j_m_ _ class matter at th• 2
press and is released ·?{-¥* post office at Lev V ’
for publication •n " ` ``‘'‘‘` "" mgton, Ky_ I
receipt.   ’
November 1, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. No. 2 ’
—···— j » —— ————- LEADERSHIP R J
,1** ttm ¥”°‘m"g Of the Q°`°p"atlvB The phamplilet, ··cOmm¤nity Diem, The f¤11¤wi¤g members of the Uni- AS =¤ distinctive departure i¤ edu- _;
(,onnc1l ot Kentucky held in the OiflC€ _ _ . . . The WOm&H'·S History Club of
gf the President ofthe University of Lima Th€*’·u`€· and Pagentry S9"' versity Of Kentucky Senior C1aSS’ Cammal W0rk’ th? Umverslty Of Ken. Mount Sterling has applied to the Z l
Kentucky the following legislative ice," published by the Department ot W€I`€ D1€dS6d to thé Tail Béta Pi, tucky is Offering c°*`I`9S1’°¤d€¤°9 Department gf University of Kem f
program to be presented to the Leg- University Extension of the Univer- honorary Engineering fraternity, at €0¤1`S€S ill *1 wide HBH Of educational tucky Extension for the establishing
islature wlas determined 1;p01;1: C sity of Kentucky for the purpose Oi its regular mn plgdgjng period, hgld activities. The object ot this depart- of a Lecture Center similiar to the .
Thru, t 8 Sugggsmm 0 t_B On` aiding iu and encouraging the pm. in the college chapel, Friday, October ment is to provide, at the smallest CPG now l>e¤¤·s conductgd at Mays- it
sumers League that two bills, the _ _ 24_ R S k _h _ OSS.1)1 . tl t ville. A suitable program is now be-
eight hour a day bin mi the Mme d¤¤~1¤¤ of drama ¤¤¤¤¤t the Sims · · · Par S· Rm ‘“°“d· C- R- P ‘_ E """B““ "‘““ ‘“ *6 m°S mg arranged.
mum Wage nin, to be determined by has been commended by the National M°C1“*”€· Lawrenwburgi J- T- Gum pmmcal ““"““‘”`· me highest type Of These lectures are given from time
3 member of each industry Wz1SiHlZI‘0- U¤·iV€I`SitY at W&511i¤St0¤· R9€ll1€$l·$ 1`i€, MOUIH St€1`U1lg· education Possible to the citizeus of to time by members of the Univer-
d“€€d· Pave bean made for a mfmbar Of COP' R. M. Dealtry, of Brazil, was pledg— the Commonwealth who are unable to sity Staff along lines of interest to
Thru suggestion of the Federation lis to bg Sent to Vam°“S wueggs Gd as mg Tau Beta pi Scholar of the attend educational institutions. It is P€°Pl° making aPP1iC6·ti0¤· f01' U19 `
of W0¥mm.S Clubs a civil Fgrvicg blu inrugyixeltSemcogigitgytgggtsre conduct- Junior class who had mammmad the ham that the University of Kentucky center. At present the Community
on which a federal agent is to work; g D · _ highest Scholarship in his mst two should be in close relationship with Club at Maysvlue is Studying S¤<=¤¤1 ,
a, bill to raise the age ofthe protec- The Substancc O? th? Wfbnctmon years the homes Of the State to the end Service problems and the first lac- { ,
tion of girls to 18; and for additional Sentlout by the Umvgrslty IS as fol` The Ta Bam P_ _ U h_ I tl that any citizen might feel fl-GG to ture, on "Hours of Labor and the
tunds to be appropriated for the pur- 1°wS· _ u 1 ls le 1g?€s_ mn` can upon the University for any as- Minimum Wage," has already been _
chase ot equipment for Pine Bluff, at (1) The U¤iV€1‘Si¢Y will make S¤g· or Ifossllllg for a mgm to Obmm ml Fha sistance which the institution can delivered by DO°t°1` Walsh of the
Shelbyville, to which girls formerly gestions regarding the production of gngltlwmng §°51€g€· TWO lP1;d'gmg rcudeh · Economics Department. Other nee- V
_ . , . - · services are e a year in w uc men .
at Gieendale Reform school haxe pageants and plays by communities who have nude mg highest records The ust of Courses includes Ag1_i_ tures to be given at zi subsequent .
been removed, was determined upon. and organizations of amateurs in ‘ . date are: l
Also a, desire was expressed to co- schools colleges churches and other in the junim Yea"` ml one man who cu1tur€’ Art and Deslgm BOtaHy’ ECO- Vvomen and Child Lgibgr b Mg ` `
. . “ . . . ’ . ’ has made the highest record for his uomics, Education, English, French, Y 1 S ‘
operate with the Library Commission. organizations. German Greek History Lamm Frances Jewell, Department of Eng- ·
And suggestions were introduced for (2) Thg University yvju lem] cgptes Freshman {Wd SOph°m°r° yGa_TS* me ,.. ’ . _ ,’ . ’ ‘ . ’ lish.
_ _ _ . . . Maoneiiiatics, Mechanical Diawing, _ t
an a pro mation tor adequate dorm- · 1 · f ‘ Tau BGM Pl SCh°1‘u* am admlttgcl Delin uenc and Cr‘m b D t
. p D . . . Ot Dageimts and D*’~Y5 or Bxammw A, b __ , __ . Mining and Road Building. q Y 1 G y Oc Or ·
ltory mom my the gum at the Um. mm Tm Orgmliwticu wishing SBN,- ctlve ITj1€m els 01 the flatefmty A wmplglg discripmm of the comm C. B. Cornell, Department of Psy- V
·t ,{ K · ·H pim-; -y in -, · · . . are: C. XV. Gordon, Lexineton; N. * · L °' »·h] _ _
wml y Or Gqwppl Q   (1 1,2201 me In _t'h1S mgéld Fhoulq mu us we . -0, · ,— ` .   W . _ es appears in the bulletin ot the De- L {jog}? . _
the Home ltcononncs Depaitment, type Ot pyoductlon It dgglyce \V€ will YV- Iiulchti LOUISUUE. R- V`- YVMBY E _ L _ _   _ V _ Lharity and Relief \Vork by Doctor _
and tm- the provision of tt juvenile mm mcmmmnd Several plays O1- ml,L¤lVT€1lC€bUY§;J·C-M01`1`i5,L€X· p““}“”}° OF U‘“Y€‘“ty 1?"“{HS1°“# Harry Best, Department; Of Social _
attendance crncei- for scncois in each wgwms and wld mpiee The COD- inston; D. W. Choate, Covington; E. mleuwué1¤l<=f€¤l€¤lm¤y °'°“““ me service, , t "ri
county of the State. _ V ics am to be rammed as $00,1 as the E_ Elsey, Lexington K<;inw;\;il1i11gto11 Patrick, director ot Community Recreation by Doctor J. f V
The Co-operative Council is a body play is chosen and a supply of manu- ——-—-·~————-··——·— ° " S- C]€l¤¤iL D€l>&1't1119¤i3 of E00110Il1iCS. ·
composed of representatives of the scripts ordered. S()LD]ER-STUDE]€TS G_x__I Rm GIVE i $*00iHl Hygiene by Doctor C, A.
various agencies in the State MSO- (3) The University will lend books EXEMPTED FROM DRILL "’£‘N OR   ily? Oi? RULES Skull, Dpelmtuleut Of B°ta¤Y· —
ciated with social welfare rwork in on the Dyoducticu gf playg and peg- _. The History Club of Mount Sterl- ‘
any way. Its personnel is composed €2mtS_ These yvill be helpful to teach- Men Students Of the University Of ` W ff lp _ _ ing is studying the public school sys-
·ot representatives from the NAUOHHI eps and others who have local pag- Kentucky who served in the army or Rum? ti) dugct `hé behuvlmr Ot ad. mm ;md_th°? lectures wm be planned ·
Child Labor Board, the State Board Gzmts and high School dyumaucg in navy during tllg Wm. Wm not be 1.€_ UI1d§1`€1Z\SSl1l€I1 Bild llllllcuded tG1‘ tile along this ]me_ · ·
of Public Welfare, the Consnn1ers’ Chaligg Bibliographies for reading quired to drill in tllg University bah l‘¤'0¢i511€ or the lllllvefslty 01 Ken- Before each lecture a bibliography
League, the Federation of VVOlll€1`l’S mm Study wm also be furnished OH {anon for the mst Of the present s€m_ UKCKY h2lVG b€€H .15511ed bythe Senior is sent out by which the hearers may
Clubs, the State Ecard Of Health, request. . ester, Deming C0Hgl_€SSiODu1aCuO¤_ Coiiljt ot the Uurvirsity otlfieitigfzliy prepare themselves on questions to
' and the Welfare League of Louisville. 4 I Y -t d Uhm. of msmm I dd.? 1 t 7 t _Q d. _ W1 El D1‘01111S€ 0 UPG 1‘<=‘Sl1 ‘S 1 ley be diseuseedv- .ezel;»—i—lec ·;—~·~·*-»—»~
The pm-pose Of mist Society is to C6; ;hGnUa1 Mig; ifiy fggly send a repre` ab1;d¤vG;€l1i>a1~;1St0int  E llS‘E§d;n€’9bO(;;   ddijsigeyegi Qffendeig vgiil be fqallowed by fa general discussion.
· · - . .. .. _ .e er 1 enor or ex- · ·— ,
unite the social woikers `of the itate Scnmtwc to asslst m crgamzmg and Sixty men student; Saw SGWICQ in mm an (1; ariéu; f;Om ml; 21511 of {T11; plogram 01 dt ie icturde arid tig
tor the purpose of procuiint, a t 010- producing B4 pageant OI, A Community jms country or in Fmucel Many Ot Dew Y D D ec urers are ma e ou an se ece
going and constructive social pro- theatre OI, dmmm-ic Club NO Charge these feel that they have had Sum _ 1`IBUIBOUSIIGSS. by the Department of Extension
gram' GXC€Dt GXDGHSGS will 139 made f0l‘ UUS cient military training. Exemption The more important rules in brief Whose Office is to mmgge for thaw ~
About 25 of the most prominent S€1,viC€_ was granted to Service men by the are; Freshmen Shen at an times as- centers wherever there is demand, It
people of the State were in attend- (5) The University wm assist in Or_ University Council. Sume A respectful and dgfeyemjal is hoped that four or live will be es-
zmce, among whom Were D1`- A. T. . . , , _ attitude toward upperclassxnen; un— t¤~l>1¤S¤€d’b¤f¤re the Bm-I Of the YEM-
. _ ganizing local centers of the Drama. Uniforms were Issued to Students
M¢C0FH11¢k. S€¢1‘€t¤1Y Of thé Stew LEAGUE Of America by sgndmg marx Wednesda Owing to Emollnlgm of derclassmen shall attend every athle-  ————————
Beard of Health; Ballard '1‘hruSt¤¤, _° d 1 M t. Hd Work . . y' _   tic rally; no member or tue Univer- ALUMNI NOIVIINATE FOR
. d HUG, H10 9 00115 iu IODS Fi additional students iecently yequ1s1· _
Manager of the Red CPOSS, St&t1011G _ . - _ . . sity shall use the paths for short cuts BOARD OF TRUSTEES
. . . . programs wld by S€G¤F1¤S W6 assist tion for more uniforms has been sent -
V at Louisville; Dr. Milton Board ot ance Of the Oxngamzation Department to th War De amneut across the grass; ,110 person Shall _
‘ the stm BMG Of HE’mh’ Bureau °f or nie Drama League ot America and B V D ` paint numerals on or otherwise ae- Six lnvminees for alumni members
Venereal Diseases; Dr. -J. F. Smith, of the representative Of the Leaguam face [hg yvallg and buildings gf the of the Board of' Trustees were an-
V pI'0{€SSOI‘ of SOC18.1 SCIGDCG, B€I`€?1 Iigutucky This Service may be S€_       Ilnivgrsjty; H0 fygghnlgu Shall nounced Ht I1lG€t1Hg of U18 EXGCIIUVB
College· Miss Linda Neville, Society ' IN AGRICULTURE ··b;·eak*· a SgHj())_· at 3, d3_uC€· and DO Committee of the Board of Trustees \
A ’ . . l b th t f x- = . . .
for PI`OL€Cti0H ofthe Blind; C· E- G1b‘ gggigsmerey y 9 paymen O E     Que but S9]; org may wear ggrdurgy (lf UIQ UHIVBTSIIY of Kéntucliy ln
b0I1S, N£1l;l0113.l Child L2Lb0I‘ COIllmlt· l _·—__— ——— trousers, mustgghes, cgtrry canes, or th€i1' 1`€gUlB-1* DJGBUHE OCl30b€1‘ 2.
tee; R. P. Halleck, Kentucky CDH- —_ Short Courses in Agriculture and appear on the campus uncovered. Tim NOHUHGGS ami E- W- Wébb.
A snmers' League; Professor King, UNIVEESITY PARTIGIPATES Home Economics will begin Novem— ...__.?  Lexington; W- H- G1`¤dY» Louisville;
American Red Cross at Berea; Miss LN HOME SERVIG§ AM bel- 3 and continue until February 27 -UN-DERCLASSMEN ELECT H. P. Ingels, New York; W. C. Bron-
Mabel Ellis Raymond Fuller, and PRO R at the University of Kentucky Neitli- augh. Chicago H. A. Babb Ludlow·
’ ` ` OFFICERS FO R ’ · . ’ ’
Doctor Edmund CIODDBF and W- H- Y-. tr entrance examination not- high R THE YEA A. E. Ewan, Greenville, Ky.
Swift Neeml Child Lew Assess A distinctive feature of the state S<=h°¤lg1‘¤d¤e¤°¤ is mquited aud PW The followin sm it b These “°""“"‘"°“S are i“‘“°“€“ by
tion; Professor Carl Hunt, Berea Red Cross Conference which was paration is being medetor enrollment elected to wmgth; ISO iomzi CE; written {ballot by members of the
C¤11€se;MiSS Lidfl H¤ff01`d, Americsu llgld · Lgxm mn October 16,18 was of a large number of students. . _ _ _ D Alum11i Association and are counted
R Cr   M Luton Rickel, P1,€Si_ m g 1-n· the University ot Kentucky for b 1 E_ L. C .
ed 05* rs" ’ practical demonstration day held at The following courses are being ` - , Y tw Xecu We Ommltteg Of the
dent Federation of \Vo1nen’ Clubsr - - . the presgnt couggmte Veal AL B d I 14 1 {
‘ S ’ the Lexington Country Club in which offered in the College of Agriculture: . . _ Oar · H a- NB manner tU`€€ 0
miss Alice L10 tl Conimunit Club - · bm H“kl€» L"Xmgt°“· P "€S"1"“t» tl ‘· n ‘n b 1 t (1 11
Y ’ y ’ members of the faculty and students S011 Management, Crop Production, I , , »_ . . . 19*1 num BY W1 0 G BC B DY t 9
Maysville; Doctor J' S' L°ck’ Kem of the University took prominent Gas Engines and Ti-actors Farm Sen. Mmgdmt Harblsom Shglbyvllkh Ym€` Alumni Association in December.
mcky Tuberculosis Association; Et part. Demonstrations in cooking itation, Plant Diseases, Breeds of President} VV.   Kgféuvfu? Latch- OHS other Of um nominees Wm be
wood Street Director of the Welfare . . . . . Held, TIGELSHYBY, MRISPMGL Sliiillhl . ~ t d b tl M
* were given by Miss Marietta Eichel- Livestock and Judging, Livestock M , -1 _ , y _ dppom C Y *1 g0V‘°`m°1`·
Leanne Louisville. Ducml, Harry _ _ ~ V _ _ _ M _ _ aysvil e, Secretary, Walter Moi-
° ’ _ ’ _ berger ot the Home Economics staff heeding, Dairy Production, Dairy NS Lexington Ch%1_L€&d€1_
B°St’ Du_€Ctm_ Of Ammmim Red and Miss Virginia Croft, astudent in Manufactures, Poultry, Diseases ot 'gh H ’ f th F h` I "WILDCATS" PURSUED BY · l
(‘Y°?“j Umllglblty Of K€)‘tuEky’ PT°_ the department. Livestock, Killing and Curing of [ _ E O mars 0 _ _Q JW; fm? agis ORUEL FOOTBALL "JII*lKS"
fessms Wmst dud Clelaum hCOH0m1C° A playlet entitled: "Honie Service Meats, Injurious Insects, Bee Keep- O1 Ll€_ iim ;1_€’<_d ' ·   A l`  
Depaltmglm and Docml _ F'   Mc- in. Action," was also given by the stu- ing, Fruit and Vegetable Growing, $501; €);{1·;l°n*“1°51_§nt· _ lss J ml? During the last two weeks Univer-
v°y’ mgsldcm Of me Unlvmslty dents in the Home Service Depart- Farm Management, Agricultural Eco- de S “_“\4’V_l ?y?`1G€j____\Q°°`11r°S1` SKY OY K€11U1€kY WUGGMS DIRYGG two
____"*" ment. These students were trained nomics, Marketing and Market Orgs- SGH ’ l_1$°L lim? Pm? ’ Gwlih Of the h*“`d‘*St f°°tb€‘H games Ou m°i"
i CAMPUS T0 BE HOOKED by Miss murine wneny who came mation. T‘{°"‘*"“}y· · · 1°“‘“g€‘· A“b““‘· Schédulé uml, though Hshtius gamely
UP WITH THE WORLD from Cleveland especially for that In Home Ecollomics the Courses me leasumn Zlgklillst heavy Odds, Went down iu do-
_ _ »`l>¤I`l>0$€· to be: Principles of Cookery, Cooking I —— mat m both'
Direct messages from Berlin and for the Sick Dietetics Clothma BOOK STORE ON THE CAMPUS. Saturday, October 11, Indiana Uni—
• <' I ' · J 7 DJ __. `_. .
$J£iF€,£?L‘c‘2i$2E2 ii‘.“3l£§;Z‘3t?§t§’l°§‘t3 FRESHIES Wm D¤=em¤*¤¤g»H¤mG S¤m¤¤¤»  _" Z{§i§§ttLl°£{1;Z§i32iy"3l”;Ji§gg°¥‘h52T§$
_ _ , _ _ M··· t,Cft'M t. A ¤»‘ ·( ·- " “ ‘ '
students of the University of ken- TUG OF VJAR °m‘lg€mi._ H G mm` mmgemw Vm_;;OH?`S Qlggrigijnigti lliortgé   standing stars of the Kentucky elev-
· tucky who are Setting up wireless an- -1 b A y_ L f Ad _     vs B   ? eu were: William Culp, Louisville;
paratus for a receiving station. After three minutes of combat the TO GELEBRATE ARIVIISTICE *el§<·¤l¤il 0 1¤1l11¤L·1¤-1011 ·U1 me- Ernest Mcllvaim Cymhimm; John
‘· Twelve students in the College of Freshman Class of the University ot ———-· It IS fl brimch Qi me UIQVOYSNY Book lricber, Lexington, and James Server,
` Engineering interested in wireless Kentucky, succeeded in pulling the Armistice day will be celebrated NOW (lf lh·G City and IS u¤