xt78w950k28p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950k28p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1953 1954 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs Bulletin of the University of Kentucky Graduate School, 1953-1954 text Bulletin of the University of Kentucky Graduate School, 1953-1954 1953 1953 1954 2020 true xt78w950k28p section xt78w950k28p ‘ BULLETIN OF THE ‘ University I Of Kentucky ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION Herman Lee Donovan, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., President Leo Martin Chamberlain, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., Vice President Frank Dewey Peterson, A.B., University Comptroller John Sharpe Chambers, M.S., M.D., Director of University Health Service Louis Clifton, M.A., Director of University Extension Lysle Warrick Croft, M.A., Ph.D., Director of University Personnel Oflice Bruce Frederick Denbo, M.A., Director, University of Kentucky Press Thomas Lee Hankins, M.S., Director of Northern Kentucky Extension Center l Sarah Bennett Holmes, M.A., Dean of Women Albert Dennis Kirwan, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of Students ‘ Hambleton Tapp, M.A., Ph.D., Assistant to the President, Director of Placement ’ I GEN ERAL T 1 l r Service, Co—ordinator of Summer Session Lawrence Sidney Thompson, M.A., Ph.D., Director of Libraries Richard Lovejoy Tuthill, M.A., Ed.D., University Registrar Raymond Wesley Wild, Ph.M., Director of Public Relations Martin Marshall White, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Frank James Welch, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics; Director of the Experiment Station; Director of Agri- cultural Extension 3 I Levi Jackson Horlacher, M.S., Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and ‘ Home Economics ‘ THE COLLEGES J 1 I Daniel Voiers Terrell, C.E., Dean of the College of Engineering I Elvis Jacob Stahr, Jr., M.A., AB. in Jur., B.C.L., Dean of the College of Law- Frank Graves Dickey, M.A., Ed.D., Dean of the College of Education ’ Carsie Hammonds, MA. in Ed., Ph.D., Acting Dean of the College of Education, 1952-53 ( Cecil Clayton Carpenter, M.S., Ph.D., Dean of the College of Commerce L J P bli l ll Earl Platt Slone, Ph.G., M.A., Dean of the College of Pharmacy at th: Herman Everette Spivey, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of the Graduate School ‘ Accept Volum¢ Nice See 11 Center lacement Sciences ture and ‘ of Agri- ture and a of Law- BULLETIN University of Kentucky 1953,54 ] July, 1953 I J 3, Graduate 56/100] ‘ I g 4 I PUblished by the University of Kentucky. Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post OHice, Lexington, Kentucky, under the Act of July 16, 1924. Acceptance for mailing at Special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized June 30, 1920. - VOIUme 45 Number 7 A Index ................................................................................................................ 117 CONTENTS Page University Calendar for 1953-54 .................................................................. 3 I Registration Schedules for 1958—54 .............................................................. 5 The Graduate Council and Graduate Faculty ..... 7 Graduate School, General Regulations ............. ..... 11-26 Subjects and Directors of Graduate Study ...................................... 27 Graduate Courses of Study .......................................................................... 29 I. Languages and Literatures .............................. 29 11. Social Sciences ............................................................................ 39 III. Biological Sciences ...................................................................... 57 IV. Physical Sciences ........................................................................ 68 V. Agriculture .................................................................................. 78 VI. Education .................................................................................... 89 VII. Engineering ................................................................................ 100 VIII. Fine Arts .................................................................................... 110 IX. Law .............................................................................................. 114 Fellows and Scholars for 1958-1954, List of ................................................ 116 Se} Se; Ocl Oct Oct Now Dec 195 Jan. Jan. Page .. 11-26 27 29 29 39 57 68 78 89 100 110 114 116 .. 117 1953 Sept. 17-19 Sept. 21 Sept. 26 Oct. 16-17 Oct. 23-24 Oct. 26 Nov. 26-30 Dec. 19 1954 Jan. 4 Jan. 25-29 Jan. 29 Feb. 8—9 Feb. 10 Feb. 13 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR FOR YEAR 1953-54 First Semester Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to Saturday, 10:30 a.m.—Registration and classification of all students, according to an alpha- betical schedule. Monday—Class work begins. Saturday—Last date one may enter an organized class for the first semester. Latest date to register for Graduate Record Examination. (Testing oHice, 3rd floor, Adminis- tration Building.) Friday and Saturday—Period for filing applications for degrees. Graduate Record Examination. Monday—Last date one may drop a course without a grade. Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to Monday, 8:00 a.m.—Thanksgiving holidays. Saturday Noon—Christmas holidays begin. Monday, 8:00 a.m.—Christfnas holidays end. Monday through Friday—Final examinations. Friday, 6:00 p.m.-—End of first semester. Second Semester Monday, 8:00 a.m. through Tuesday, 3:30 p.m.—Registra— tion and classification of all students according to an al- phabetical schedule. Wednesday—Class work begins. Latest date to register for Graduate Record Examination. (Testing Office, 3rd floor, Administration Building.) Feb. 16 March 5—6 March 12-13 March 15 April 16-20 May 20 May 26 May 30 June 1-5 June 4 June 5 June 22 June 23 June 29 July 5 July 6 July 6-7 July 31 August 13 August 14 Sept. 13 Tuesday—Last date one may enter an organized class for the second semester. Friday and Saturday—Period for filing applications for de- grees. Graduate Record Examination. Monday—Last date one may drop a course Withouta grade. Friday, 8:00 a.m. to Tuesday, 8:00 a.m.—Easter holidays. Thursday—Thesis deadline. Wednesday—Latest date for reports to Graduate Office on 4 results of final oral examinations. Sunday—Baccalaureate Services. Tuesday through Saturday—Final Examinations. Friday—Eighty-seventh Annual Commencement. Saturday, 6:00 pan—End of second semester. Summer Session 1954 Tuesday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.—Registration and classification I of all students according to an alphabetical schedule. VVednesday—Class work begins. Tuesday—Last date one may enter an organized class for the summer session. Latest date to register for Graduate Record Examination. (Testing Oflice, 3rd floor, Adminis- tration Building.) l Monday—Independence holiday. l Tuesday—Last date one may drop a course without a grade. Tuesday and VVednesday—Period for filing applications for degrees. Saturday—Thesis deadline. l Friday—Summer Session Commencement. [ Saturday Noon—End of Summer Session. l Monday—Opening of Fall Semester of 1954-55. Color—I Se; Se} Feb Feb ass for the ns for de. without a rolidays. Office on assification dule. V class for Graduate , Adminis- .t a grade. rations for ! r i l l REGISTRATION SCHEDULES FOR 1953-54 First Semester Thursday Afternoon Friday Forenoon 1:30 to 2:20 — A through Broo 8:00 to 8:50 — Crao through Fli 2:30 to 3:20 — Bros through Cran 9:00 to 9:50 — Flo through Haw 3:30 to 4:00 — Miscellaneous 10:00 to 10:50 — Hax through Kei A through Cran 11:00 to 11:50 — Kej through Max Friday Afternoon Saturday Forenoon 1:30 to 2:20 — May through Pes 8:00 to 8:50 — Sc through Tol 2:30 to 3:20 — Pet through Say 9:00 to 9:50 — Torn through Z 3:30 to 4:00 — Miscellaneous 10:00 to 10:30 — Miscellaneous A through Say A through Z September 20 —— Monday, 8:00 am. —— Class work begins. September 26—Saturday—Last date one may enter an organized class for the First Semester. Second Semester Monday Forenoon Tuesday Forenoon 8:00 to 8:50 — U through Z 8:00 to 8:50 — H 9:00 to 9:50— Sim through T 9:00 to 9:50—Fh' through G 10:00 to 10:50 -— B through Sil 10:00 to 10:50—Cro through Fle 11:00 to 11:50—N through Q 11:00 to 11:50—Bru through Cri Monday Afternoon Tuesday Afternoon 1:30 to 2:20—M 1:30 to 2:20—A through Bro 2:30 to 3:20 —I through L 2:30 to 3:30—Miscellaneous 3:30 to 4:00 — Miscellaneous A through Z I through Z February 10 — Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. — Class work begins. February 16— Tuesday — Last date one may enter an organized class for the second semester Summer Session 1954 Tuesday Forenoon Tuesday Afternoon 8:00 to 8:50—Ke through Ni 1:30 to 2:20—Clo through Ge 9:00 to 9:50 — No through Si 2:30 to 3:20 — Ch through Ka 10:00 to 10:50 — Sj through Z 3:30 to 4:00 — Miscellaneous A through Z June 23 — Wednesday, 7:00 am. — Class work begins. June 29 — Tuesday — Last date one may enter an organized class for the sum- mer session. THE GRADUATE COUNCIL AND GRADUATE FACULTY HERMAN LEE DONOVAN, M.A., PH.D., LL.D. President of the University HERMAN EVERETTE SPIVEY, M.A., PH.D. Dean of the Graduate School MARGARET HOTCHKISS, PHD. Secretary, Graduate Faculty THE GRADUATE COUNCIL THOMAS D. CLARK, History ........ LYLE R. DAWSON, Chemistry ...... STEPHEN DIACHUN, Plant Pathology ..... CARSIE HAMMONDS, Agricultural Education HERBERT W. HARGREAVES (Secretary), Economics . JOHN KUIPER, Philosophy ................... LEONARD E. MEECE, Education ........ 1952-1954 .. 1952—1955 .. 1952-1953 . 1952-1954 . 1952-1955 . 1952-1955 . 1952-1954 H A. ROMANOWITZ, Electrical Engineering ..... 1952-1955 HERMAN E. SPIVEY (Chairman), Dean WILLIAM S. WARD, English ........................... 1952-1958 RALPH H. WEAVER, Bacteriology .................. 1952—1953 THE GRADUATE FACULTY HAROLD PLANK ADAMS, M.A., ED.D. ........................... Education RICHARD SWEET ALLEN, M.S. .............. NATHAN BRECKENRIDGE ALLISON, M.A., PH.D DONALD PAUL AMES, PH.D. ..................................... CHARLES ARNOLD ANDERSON, M.A., PILD. JAMES WILLIAM ARCHDEACON. M.S , PH.D. MERL BAKER, M.S., M.E., PH.D. CHARLES BARKENBUS, PH.D. .. Anatomy and Physiology Electrical Engineering ..... Chemistry ...... Sociology Anatomy and Physiology Mechanical Engineering .. Chemistry HOWARD WAYLAND BEERS, M.S., PH.D. ..... Sociology ADOLPHE EDMUND BIGGE, M.A., PEI-D. Modern Foreign Languages ROBERT EDGAR BILLS, M.A., ED.D. . ............. .. Psychology RODNEY ELMER BLACK, M.S., PILD. .. ....... Chemistry JOHN HARVEY BONDURANT, M.S., PH. LOUIS L. BOYARSKY, M.S., PILD. ........... GEORGE KEYPORTS BRADY, M.A., PILD. ALFRED CHARLES BRAUER, M.A., PH.D AUBREY J. BROWN, M.S., PHD. ............ JAMES STEPHEN BROWN, M.A., PHD. .. WILLIAM RANDALL BROWN, M.A., PILD. .. Agricultural Economics Anatomy and Physiology English Zoology . Agricultural Economics ............. Rural Sociology ...... Geology JAMES SUTHERLAND CALVIN, M.A., PH.D. ........... Psychology DANA GEORGE CARD, M.S., PH.D. ............ . Agricultural Economics CECIL CLAYTON CARPENTER, M.S., PILD .. Economics WILBERT LESTER CARR, M.A., LL.D. ......... . Aliment Languages tggIAN HUGH CARTER M.A., PHD. .......... Commerce MARTIN CHAMBERLAIN, M.A., PH.D., LL.D. ...... Education Hygiene and Public Hezln' .................. Hishx; ..... Rural SOCiolog} Hislnn .. Englfl JOHN SHARPE CHAMBERS, M.S., M.D. ................... THOMAS DIONYSUS CLARK, M.A., PH.D LITT. D. A. LEE COLEMAN, M.A., PH.D. .. CARL BRUCE CONE, M.A., PH.D. ARTHUR LOUIS COOKE, M.A., PH.D VINCENT FREDERICK COWLING, M.A., PHD. ............................... . Mammal-ml LYSLE WARRICK CROFT, M.A., PH.D. . ..................... Psychologl CHARLES STEPHENS CROUSE, E.M . Mining and Metallurg LYLE R. DAWSON, M.S., PILD. ..................................... Chemist» JESSE DEROER, M.A., PH.D. ............................ Philosopi} STEPHEN DIACHUN, M.S., PH.D. . Plant Patholw FRANK GRAVES DICKEY, M.A., ED.D. .. ..... Educaul . PSYClmlog . PSYCllolog . Mathemafi: CHARLES FRANKLIN DlEHL, M.A., PILD. . GRAHAM B. DIMMICK, M.A., PH.D. .......... HAROLD HARDESTY DOWNING, M.S., PILD. . WILLIAM CLEMENT EATON, M.A., PH.D. .. .. Him JAMES MARION EDNEY, M.A. ...................... Zoolog OGDEN FRAZELLE EDWARDS, M.S., PH.D. Bacteriolng EMERY M. EMMERT, PH.D. ....................... Horticulm JAMES MERTON ENGLAND, M.A., PH.D. ............. Him: STATIE ESTELLE ERIKSON, PH.D. ............. Home Econmui REEDUS RAY ESTES, M.S., PH.D. ............... .. ChemiiL ERNEST NEWTON FERGUS, M.S., PH.D. ..... Agronm WESLEY PATTERSON GARRIGUS, M.S., PHD. ..Animal Husham’: LYMAN VERNON GINGER, M.A. in ED., EDD Educatix JAMES WALTER GLADDEN, M.ED., PH.D. Socin, ADOLPH W. GOODMAN, M.A., PHD. .. Mathemni CHARLES WILLIAM HACKENSMITH, M.A., PHD. Physical Educdfi: THOMAS MARSHALL HAHN, JR., PHD. .............. le ELLWOOD MEACHAM HAMMAKER, PH.D. .. Chemit JOSEPH PERSHING HAMMOND, MS. in MET.E., D.ENG . Metallm CARSIE HAMMONDS, M.A. in ED., PHD. Educari RICHARD HANAU, M.S., PHD. .................... le’ HERBERT WALTER HARGREAVES, M.A., PHD. .. Economi FRED EARL HARRIS, M.S., ED.D. ...... .. Educat‘L ELLIS FORD HARTFORD, M.A., EDD .. Educafa WILLIAM WARREN HAYNES, M.B.A., PH.D. ,, Econom': DANIEL VANBRUNT HEGEMAN, PH.D. . Modern Foreign Langulfi JAMES FRANKLIN HOPKINS, M.A., PH.D. ....... Hislfl ROBERT LUTHER HOPPER, M.ED., PH.D. LEVI JACKSON HORLACHER, M.S. .. MARGARET HOTCHKISS, PHD. ......... Bacterial! FLOYD EDGAR HULL, D.V.M. .. Animal Patholll ....................................... Bacteriolw JAMES CHARLES HUMPHRIES, M.S., PH.D. . WYATT MARION INSKO, JR., M.S. GLENN LEROY JOHNSON, M.A., PH.D. GLADYS MARIE KAMMERER, M.A., PH.D. PERRY ELMER KARRAKER, M.A. .. EARL KAUFFMAN, JR., M.A., ED.D. .. BERNARD DONALD KERN, M.S., PH.D. ......................... Poultry Husbani ............... Agricultural Econonu ..... Political Scia ............ Agroua Physical Educafl . P1132 GRANT COCHRAN KNIGHT, M.A., LITT.D. OTTO TOWNSEND KOPPIUS, PH.D. ............................... .Phw JOHN KUIPER, M.A. ............................................. Philosni Mathemfli TADEUSZ LESER, M.E., PHI). .. SHELBY THOMAS McCLOY, PH.D. ARTHUR CRANE McFARLAN, PH.D. ......... JAMES WALTER MARTIN, M.A. .. Econ“? JOHN T. MASTEN, PH.D. ................. Econofl BERTHUS BOSTON McINTEER, PH.D. ..... Edi JACOB ROBERT MEADOW, M.S., PH.D. . LEONARD EPHRAIM MEECE, M.A., PH.D. . PARL L. MELLENBRUCH, M.A., PH.D. ARTHUR KEISTER MOORE, M.A.. PH.D. .. HENRY BARTLETT MORRISON, M.S., PH.D. PAUL J MARTI KENNE ...... Psycholog and Metallurg Chemiitg ...... Philosopt Plant Patholog Educafill Psycholog Psycholrg . Mathematil .. Zoolog . Bacteriolng Horticulli: :ome Econmll'x .. Chemit .. Agronoll imal Husbani Educalii Socin_ Mathemifr ISICBI Educafil ..... Bacteria“ nimal Pathol! ..... Bacterioli ulh’y Husboi ltural Econom! Political Said ......... AEWW’ ysical Educifi Phli Engli , PAUL KNOWLTON WHITAKER, M.A., PH.D. VERNON ARMOR MUSSELMAN, M.ED., ED.D. .. .. Education VINCENT EDWARD NELSON, PH.D. ...... Geology WILLIAM DURRETT NICHOLLS, M.S., PH.D. Agricultural Economics ROBERT DAVIDSON NORTH, M.A., PILD. ...................... Psychology ETHEL LEE PARKER, M.S., PH.D. .............. .. Home Econ. Education FRANK ACKLEN PATTIE, M.A., PH.D. .. ....... Psychology WILLIAM H. PELL, M.S., PH.D. .......... Mathematics SALLIE ELIZABETH FENCE, ALA., PILD. .................... IVIathelniltiCS ESTELL BURDELL PENROD, M.S., M.M.E. Mechanical Engineering RALPH RUSSELL PICKETT, M.A., PH.D. ...................... Economics LESLIE IRLYN POSTE, B.S. in LS. .............. Library Science HUGH BRUCE PRICE, M.A., PH.D. .......... Agricultural Economics EDWARD WARDER RANNELLS, M.A. Art JOHN C. REDMAN, M.S. in Ag., PH.D. ..... Agricultural Economics HERBERT PARKS RILEY, M.A., PH.D. ............................... Botany JOHN BISSELL ROBERTS, M.S. in Agr. . HARRY ALEX ROMANOVVITZ, M.S., PH.D., ROBERT W. RUDD, M.S., PH.D. ............................. LUCIAN HOBART RIYLAND, M.A., Docteur de l’Université . IRWIN TAYLOR SANDERS, PH.D. . Agricultural Economics ...... Electrical Engineering Agricultural Economics Modern Foreign Languages ..... Sociology MORRIS SCHERAGO, D.V.M. .. ......... Bacteriology JOSEPH RAYMOND SCHWENDEMAR, PH.D. ...... Geography DON CASH SEATON, M.S., ED.D. ............ . Physical Education DWIGHT MOODY SEATH, M.S., PH.D. .................... Dairying WILLIAM ALBERT SEAY, M.S. in Ag., PH.D. ..... Agronomy ALBERTA WILSON SERVER, M.A., Docteur (le I’Université JASPER BERRY SHANNON, M.A., PH.D. . ......... ROBERT EZEKIEL SHAVER, B.S. in GE, C.E. HILL SHINE, M.A., PH.D. Modern Foreign Languages ..... Political Science . Civil Engineering ............................. English JONAH W. D. SKILES, M.A., PH.D. . Ancient Languages CHARLES ERNEST SNOW, M.A., PH.D. Anthropology HERBERT SORENSON, M.A., PH.D. ......... Education ELVIS JACOB STAHR, JR., M.A., B.C.L. Law EDWIN EUGENE STEIN, M.M., PILD. . Music OLUS JESSE STEWART, M.S., PH.D. Chemistry THOMAS BRADLEY STROUP, M.A., PH.D. English MERRELL RODMAN SULLIVAN, M.A., PH.D. ........... Economics ROY ERWIN SWIFT, M.S. in MET. and MIN. ENG., D. ENG. DANIEL VOIERS TERRELL, C.E. LAWRENCE SIDNEY THOMPSON, M.A., LEE HILL TOWNSEND, M.S., PH.D. . ERNEST GREENE TRIMBLE, PILD. RICHARD LOVEJOY TUTHILL, M.A., ED.D. WILLIAM DORNEY VALLEAU, PH.D. AMRY VANDENBOSCH, PI-I.D. WILLIAM F. WAGNER, M.S., PH.D. .. Mining and Metallurgy ............... Civil Engineering Director, Libraries Agricultural Entomology . Political Science ....... Geography .. Plant Pathology . Political Science ......................... Chemistry THOMAS CAPELL WALKER, M.A., PH.D. . Modern Foreign Languages CLAIR SMITH WALTMAN, M.S., PH.D. ....... Horticulture JAMES AUDLEY WARD, M.S., PH.D. . Mathematics WILLIAM SMITH WARD, M.A., PHD. ........ English - RALPH HOLDER WEAVER, M.S., PHD. Bacteriology WILLIAM SNYDER WEBB, M.S., Sc.D. ...... Physics , HAROLD D. WEBSTER, PH.D. ............ Psychology DONALD LEROY WEISMANN, PH.M., PH.D. .. ........................ Art FRANK JAMES WELCH, M.A., PH.D. . Agriculture HAROLD E. WETZEL, M.A. ............ Social Work Modern Foreign Languages .. Psychology .......... Music MARTIN MARSHALL WHITE, M.A., PH.D. ..... KENNETH RICHARD WRIGHT, M.A., PH.D. . JOHN SHARPE CHAMBERS, M.S., M.D. ..................... .. Hygiene and Public Health THOMAS DIONYSUS CLARK, M.A., PH.D., LITT. D. ................ History A. LEE COLEMAN, M.A., PH.D. . Rural Socioloy CARL BRUCE CONE, M.A., PH.D. Historv ARTHUR LOUIS COOKE, M.A., PH.D. Englisl VINCENT FREDERICK COWLING, M.A., PH.D. . Mathemafiu LYSLE VVARRICK CROFT, M.A., PH.D. ....... Psychology CHARLES STEPHENS CROUSE, E.M. Mining and Metallurgy LYLE R. DAWSON, M.S., PH.D. .......... . Chemistry JESSE DEBOER, M.A., PH.D. ............ STEPHEN DIACHUN, M.S., PH.D. Plant Pathology FRANK GRAVES DICKEY, M.A., ED.D. . .. Educatinn CHARLES FRANKLIN DIEHL, M.A., PILD. . Psychology GRAHAM B. DIMMICK, M.A., PH.D. ............... . Psychology HAROLD HARDESTY DOWNING, M.S., PHD. . Mathematiu WILLIAM CLEMENT EATON, M.A., PH.D. JAMES MARION EDNEY, M.A. ..................... History .. Zoology OGDEN FRAZELLE EDWARDS, M.S., PH.D. .. Bacteriology EMERY M, EMMERT, PH.D. ............................. .. Horticulture ' JAMES MERTON ENGLAND, M.A., PH.D. .......... History STATIE ESTELLE ERIKSON, PH.D. ................... Home Economic REEDUS RAY ESTES, M.S., PH.D. .............................. ..... Chemistry ERNEST NEWTON FERGUS. M.S., PH.D. ,. WESLEY PATTERSON GARRIGUS, M.S., PILD. .. LYMAN VERNON GINGER, M.A. in ED., ED.D. JAMES WALTER GLADDEN, M.ED., PH.D. ADOLPH W. GOODMAN, M.A., PH.D. ......... CHARLES WILLIAM HACKENSMITH, M.A., PH.D. . .. Education Sociology THOMAS MARSHALL HAHN, JR., PHD. .............. Physio ELLWOOD MEACHAM HAMMAKER, PHD. .. .. Chemistry JOSEPH PERSHING HAMMOND, MS. in MET.E., D.ENG. . Metalluxgv CARSIE HAMMONDS, M.A. in E13,, PHD. Education RICHARD HANAU, M.S., PHD. ........................... Physics HERBERT WALTER HARGREAVES, M.A., PHD. ..... Economiu FRED EARL HARRIS, M.S., EDD. ......... .. Education ELLIS FORD HARTFORD, M.A., EDD .. Education WILLIAM WARREN HAYNES, M.B.A., PHD. ..... Economics DANIEL VANBRUNT HEGEMAN, PHD. . Modern Foreign Languages JAMES FRANKLIN HOPKINS, M.A., PHD .......... History ROBERT LUTHER HOPPER, M.ED., PHD. . ,,,,, Education LEVI JACKSON HORLACHER, M.S. .. Animal Husbandn‘ MARGARET HOTCHKISS, PHD. ........... Bacteriologt' FLOYD EDGAR HULL, D.V.M. Animal Pathologt‘ JAMES CHARLES HUMPHRIES, M.S., PHD. . ........... Bacteriologt‘ Poultry Husbandn' Agricultural Economio ..... Political Science ........... Agronamt' Physical Education Physics EngliSh WYATT MARION INSKO, JR., M.S. .......... GLENN LEROY JOHNSON, M.A., PH.D. GLADYS MARIE KAMMERER, M.A., PH.D. PERRY ELMER KARRAKER, M.A. EARL KAUFFMAN, JR., M.A., ED.D. .. BERNARD DONALD KERN, M.S., PH.D. ........ GRANT COCHRAN KNIGHT, M.A., LITT.D. OTTO TOWNSEND KOPPIUS, PH.D. .............. Physics JOHN KUIPER, M.A. ......................................... Philosophy TADEUSZ LESER, M.E., PH.D. . Mathematics SHELBY THOMAS McCLOY, PH.D. Histon' ARTHUR CRANE McFARLAN, PHD. ............... Geolon' JAMES WALTER MARTIN, M.A. . _ Economics JOHN T. MASTEN, PH.D. ............................ Economifi BERTHUS BOSTON McINTEER, PH.D. ...... Botany JACOB ROBERT MEADOW, M.S., PH.D. .. Chemism' LEONARD EPHRAIM MEECE, M.A., PH.D. ................. Education PARL L. MELLENBRUCH, M.A., PH.D. . Psycholot'." ARTHUR KEISTER MOORE, M.A., PH.D. t. English HENRY BARTLETT MORRISON, M.S., PH.D. l . Philosophy l l l .. Mathematics ‘ Physical Education ' .lble Health ....... History 21 Sociology ...... History English Mathematics . Psychology 1 Metallurgy .. Chemistry . Philosophy rt Pathology .. Education , Psychologi- . Psychology Mathematics History Zoologv Bacteriologv Horticulture ‘ ...... History 3 Economic .. Chemistry ,. Agronomy l Husbandry .. Education Sociology l 1 Mathematics / r1 Education ....... Physio .. Chemisny . Metallurgt .. Education ...... Physics . Economics .. Education ,. Education . Economics l Languages ...... History ,. Education . Husbandn‘ Bacteriolol" rl Patholofil‘ BacterioloZl‘ ' Husbandn' l Economilfi :ical Scientt . Agronoml' ,1 Education .. Physifi English l’hysitS Philosophy Mathemafict ...... Histoo' ..... Geoloo Economifi , Economifi ...... 130'any , Chemism' _ Education Psychologl' tttt English Dairying \ VERNON ARMOR MUSSELMAN, M.ED., ED.D. Education \rINCENT EDWARD NELSON, PILD. ................... Geology WILLIAM DURRETT NICHOLLS, M.S., PH,D. ..... Agricultural Economics ROBERT DAVIDSON NORTH, M.A., PILD. ............................ Psychology ETHEL LEE PARKER, M.S., PH.D. . Home Econ. Education FRANK ACKLEN PATTIE, M.A., PILD. ..................... Psychology WILLIAM H. PELL, M.S., PILD. ............................. Mathematics SALLIE ELIZABETH PENCE, M.A., PH.D. . ...... Mathematics ESTELL BURDELL PENROD, M.S., M.M.E. Mechanical Engineering RALPH RUSSELL PICKETT, M.A., PH.D. .................... Economics LESLIE IRLYN POSTE, B.S. in LS. HUGH BRUCE PRICE, M.A., PILD. .. EDWARD VVARDER RANNELLS, M.A. . Library Science Agricultural Economics .............................. Art JOHN C. REDMAN, M.S. in Ag, PI-I.D. . ............... Agricultural Economics HERBERT PARKS RILEY, M.A., PH.D. . ....................... Botany JOHN BISSELL ROBERTS, M.S. in Agr. .. HARRY ALEX ROMANOVVITZ, M.S., PH.D., ROBERT W. RUDD, M.S., PH.D. .................. LUCIAN HOBART RAYLAND, M.A., Docteur de l’Université IRWIN TAYLOR SANDERS, PILD. Agricultural Economics . Electrical Engineering Agricultural Economics . Modern Foreign Languages ................ Sociology MORRIS SCHERAGO, D.V.M. .......... ........ Bacteriology JOSEPH RAYMOND SCHWENDEMAN, PH.D. ................ Geography DON CASH SEATON, M.S., ED.D. ......... Physical Education DWIGHT MOODY SEATH, M.S., PH.D. .............. Dairying WILLIAM ALBERT SEAY, M.S. in Ag., PILD. ........... Agronomy ALBERTA WILSON SERVER, M.A., Docteur de l’Université .. Modern Foreign Languages JASPER BERRY SHANNON, M.A., PILD. .............. Political Science ROBERT EZEKIEL SHAVER, B.S. in C.E., C.E Civil Engineering HILL SHINE, lVI.A., PILD. ......................................... English JONAH W. D. SKILES, M.A., PILD. Ancient Languages CHARLES ERNEST SNOW, M.A., PILD. Anthropology HERBERT SORENSON, M.A., PH.D. ....... .. Education ELVIS JACOB STAHR, JR., M.A., B.C.L. ....... Law EDWIN EUGENE STEIN, M.M., PH.D. ..... Music OLUS JESSE STEWART, M.S., PH.D. Chemistry THOMAS BRADLEY STROUP, M.A., PILD. .. .. English MERRELL RODMAN SULLIVAN, M.A., PH.D. Economics ROY ERWIN SWIFT, M.S. in MET. and MIN. ENG. D. ENG. . Mining and Metallurgy DANIEL VOIERS TERRELL, C.E. ........................... Civil Engineering LAWRENCE SIDNEY THOMPSON, M.A., PH.D. Director, Libraries LEE HILL TOWNSEND, M.S., PH.D. .. Agricultural Entomology ERNEST GREENE TRIMBLE, PILD. ................ .. Political Science RICHARD LOVEJOY TUTHILL, M.A., ED.D. ............ Geography WILLIAM DORNEY VALLEAU, PH.D. Plant Pathology AMRY VANDENBOSCH, PILD. .. Political Science l'ILLIAM F. WAGNER, M.S., PH.D. . ............ Chemistry THOMAS CAPELL WALKER, M.A., PILD. .. Modern Foreign Languages CLAIR SMITH WALTMAN, M.S., PH.D. ...... Horticulture lAMES AUDLEY WARD, M.S., PILD. ..... Mathematics WILLIAM SMITH WARD, M.A., PH.D. ............. English RALPH HOLDER WEAVER, M.S., PH.D. .. Bacteriology WILLIAM SNYDER WEBB, M.S., Sc.D. .......... Physics HAROLD D. WEBSTER, PH.D. Psychology DONALD LEROY WEISMANN, PH.M., PinD. . .......... Art FRANK JAMES WELGH, M.A., PILD. Agriculture ROLD E. WETZEL, M.A. ........................ Social Work PAUL KNOWLTON WHITAKER, M.A., PH.D. . odern Foreign Languages MARTIN MARSHALL WHITE, M.A., PH.D. Psychology KENNETH RICHARD WRIGHT, M.A., PH.D. ........ Music DOD????777mnaa,—.HHHH¥UH. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL HERMAN EVERETTE SPIVEY, M.A., PH.D., Dean INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Graduate work is offered in all colleges in the University. Approximately a thousand courses acceptable for graduate credit are listed in the catalogue, under the various departments. Directors of graduate study in the various subjects are listed in this bulletin just before the list of courses. The following advanced degrees are conferred by the University: Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Science in Agriculture Master of Science in Home Economics Master of Science in Civil Engineering Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Master of Science in Library Science Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Master of Science in Metallurgical Engineering Master of Science in Mining Engineering Master of Science in Public Health Civil Engineer ( C.E.) Electrical Engineer (E.E.) Mechanical Engineer ( M.E.) Metallurgical Engineer (Met.E.) Mining Engineer (E.M.) Master of Arts in Education Master of Science in Education Master of Business Administration Master of Music Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Doctor of Engineering (Engr.D.) Doctor of Philosophy The degree of Doctor of Philosophy is offered with major work in the fol- lowing fields: Agricultural Economics, Bacteriology, Chemistry, Economics, Education, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Political Sci- ellce, and in the combined fields of Sociology and Rural Sociology. Minor work may be carried in any department ofiering graduate courses. The degree Doctor of Engineering is offered in Metallurgical Engineering. ADMISSION A Student who is a graduate of a fully accredited institution of higher eaffling may apply for admission to the Graduate School by submitting to the Reglstrar of the University two official transcripts of undergraduate courses and y be obtained from the Registrar a Written application. Blanks for the latter ma 0rfrom the office of the Graduate School. t bIt Should be clearly understood that a graduate student may not be able ‘ 0 e gin immediately a full graduate program leading to the degree he desires. 12 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY It may be necessary for him to satisfy certain prerequisites which he omitted in his undergraduate curriculum. These will be determined by the department in which the major Work is to be done. In brief it may be stated that a grad- uate student may begin a full program in the fields in which he has the l equivalent of a balanced undergraduate major; in some cases the equivalent of an undergraduate minor is adequate. Admission to the Graduate School by the Registrar entitles a student to take such courses as he or she desires, provided the necessary preparatory courses have been taken. However, admission does not automatically make a student an applicant for a graduate degree. Application for Full Graduate Standing and the Graduate Record Examination Graduate students desiring to earn a graduate degree must be approved ' as degree-applicants by the departments in which they intend to major and by the Graduate School. This application should be made as soon as possible after first registration at the University of Kentucky and in any case prior to the beginning of the semester or term in which the degree is sought. The ap- propriate forms are available at the Graduate Oflice. To be admitted as an applicant for a graduate degree a student must have met the following requirements: (1) an average of at least 1.5 (midway be tween B and C) on a scale of 3.0 on all previous college work; (2) a satis- factory grade (in the opinion of the department concerned) on three parts of the Graduate Record Examination (the Profile Tests, the Aptitude Test, and the Advanced Test, if there is one, suitable to the student’s major); and (8) all average or better on all the graduate work completed at the University of Ken- tucky. A student not having a 1.5 average on all previous college Work maybe admitted as an applicant for a degree provided: (1) his performance on the Graduate Record Examination, in the opinion of the major area and the Dean of the Graduate School, is sufficiently high; or (2) in the judgment of the major i area and the Dean of the Graduate School, he has demonstrated his com- petence in graduate work. (The Graduate Record Examination may be taken either before admission or during the first semester after admission. See the calendar at the front of this bulletin for the dates.) Graduate work taken before students are admitted as “applicants for (16- vgrees” will be evaluated by the major area and the Graduate School at the time the degree-application is considered, and the remaining requirements for the degree will be indicated, insofar as is feasible.