“.1. " Gay and Th . 9, LS EWS V Lesblan G O N \. Services _ D ecemb er 2006 Organtzatton h...“ .A Publwatwn at the L'exmgton Gay and Lesbian Services organization Volume 21 Number 12 RObble Bartlett AIDS Volunteers of Lexington New Year's Eve Party World Aids Day Give Youfse” .3 treat and atter‘ld Friday, December1 is WorIdAids Day. RObb'e Bartlett S Th'rd Annual New Ye?” AVOLwiIl hold a reception at the Limestone Eve Party. Th's_ year the theme '3 Hawaiian Club starting at 8 pm. There will be a buffet Luau and we Will be partying from 8 pm until provided by Bluegrass Caterers and Turf 1 am. It will be held at the Picadome Club Catering Company. Senator Ernesto House, 469 Parkway Dr., offS. Broadway, Scorsone, Dr. Seth Noar, Annette Brooks, in LeXIngton.The club house Is rightnext to and Beverly Owens will be the speakers. The Plaza (was the Campbell House). There is no admission charge. There WI” be a buffet dinner, a cash Tom Comns With the HIV/AIDS bar, W9nderfu' music, and dancing on. the Branch of the KY. Department of Public newly installed floor. Prizes Will be given Health, has an articleon page8concerning away all night - even more than last year. AIDS in Kentucky. Tickets are $50 per person in advance, . . $60 on the day of the party. For tickets, Art for Life Auction send checks to: On Saturday, December 2 AVOL RObb'e Bartlett invites you to their Art for Life Auction 627E?“ H'” Street starting at 4 pm at the Red Mile. This year's LOU'SV'HG’ KY40217'1135 auction features new and exciting fine art. 50272726525 _ include exquisite gallery pieces, which will Dont miss ”"3 great party. Create a appeal to the taste of any art collector. colorful Hawaiian outfit, get some friends There is a preview the night before Event sponsors and generous Another Note dorthations fzor’glchal artilsésl :Iay a vital role 9 l . in e even . wou i e to specia y Peace 0710’ ”lb All thank its Medici continued next page Another Note presents it's Holiday f th th Concert, Peace and Goodwill to All, on Sponsoro e m0" Saturday, December 2 at Woodland Christian Church, 530 E. High St. The ,. The HIV/AIDS concert will start at 8 pm with a suggested v Branch of donation of $12. All proceeds will benefit -" K D f Moveable Feast ‘V y ept. 01‘ Another Note is a talented men's Public Health choral ensemble and they always present great concerts. Come and begin your holiday cheerwith us. 800420-743 1