xt78w950k44f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950k44f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1950 Vol.21 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1950 Vol.21 No.9 1950 2019 true xt78w950k44f section xt78w950k44f f ,, “s:
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1 1 1 1 The Kentucky Press—July, 1950
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? July, 1950 The Kentucky Press Page One , {
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- Where there is such vast destruction, a year's i l '
i George Yates Reports on Recent Trip work does not make much impression. The f -
i , German people in many places live in worse f' .
1 Through Eleven European countries conditions than animals. We visited houses f
‘ in which there were 8 to 15 living in one 5
f Our trip was conceived and directed by enjoyed and which relieved the monotony room. This is due to bombs destroying their f
j Dr. Carl Horn of Michigan State College, of conferences, and speeches: housing. coupled with a huge influx of refu» M f5
; who had previously conducted flying studies 1. Story of Dorothy Lamour. gees and displaced persons, and these con- . y
3 within the boundaries of the United States. 2. Visit to St. Peters. tinue to pour into Germany in large num— , ,
i This was his first flying project abroad and 3. Attempt to buy a sandwich. bers daily. 1
f the largest group of its kind to visit the Eu- Our group was divided into four main The people are poorly clothed—you 566 i .
ropean countries. There were 65 members, committees: none well-dressed. All wear clothing which :1 f
; including college presidents, deans of edu- 1. How the people live (I chose this one). looks 15 to 20 years old. The size, style, or ' f f
cation, superintendents of public instruction, 2. How the people work, condition doesn't matter. If they can get 5 if ;
superintendent of schools, principals. ele~ 3. How the people are governed. into it- that is all that matters. There is no , if
mentary and secondary, teachers, Chamber 4. How the people are educated. happiness in their faces and they seem with- ‘1 .
of Commerce representatives, three photog- Each group was divided into subcommit- Ollt hope. When the bombs destroyed their 5 ‘ ‘
. raphers, a reporter and businessmen. “7e tees. At the conclusion of the trip, we spent 11011165, businesses, careers, loved ones, they i .
i were financed by industry, educational or- an entire (lay and night writing up our re- destroyed individual hope and life without l
j ganizations and civic clubs. ports.) These are now being combined and hope is hardly worth living. All this is re- l
The purpose of the tour was to study the edited. They will be returned to us for flected in their faces and actions. l}; j;
i political, social, economic and educational criticism and suggestions. The final report As we viewed the bombed-out cities, Frank- ijf I!
j conditions in 11 European countries— all of will be given to each member about June 15. fort 50%. COhlenZ 90%, Bonn 40%, we won- f
i this in 44 (lays from time we left New York, I regret that the report is not in my hands dered Whether the Germans, viewing these 1 i
f Monday, April 10, until our return Wed- so that I could give you the group findings ghost buildings day after day, are developing f 1
. nesday, May 24. If I were to make any rather than my own personal observations. '4 feeling against war, or whether they will f
f criticism of the trip, it would be that we I have been asked many times about the develop it feeling of revenge Which will dom- ill.” '
i tried to do too much in a short period of food situation. There is no food shortage in i113“? all else. 'f’
time. Our schedule of conferences started at Europe, with the exception of Germany. The Although education was only a minor ‘ A
9:00 every morning and continued with no stores and food markets are abundantly phase Of our study, we did 100k into what 5 i .
j break until 5:00 in the evening. Then there stocked with every kind of food imaginable was being (lOIIC t0 rCfOI‘m German education. fff f
were receptions at night until 11 or 12 and good quality. It does not follow that T0 attempt to change the educational sys- f i
o’clock. By the time we returned to our everyone has plenty to eat— it is a question [6111 Of any COUIItry iS always a difficult task. f f f i
f hotel, wrote a story, a few letters, washed of money and not shortage of food supply— People object strmlgly [0 any alteration 0i f 3 ‘z i
our clothes, it would be 1 or 2 o'clock. This which amounts to the same thing as far as a their educational prOgram- This is CSPCCiZii‘ 5 f
continued without interruption for 44 days hungry individual is concerned. It is true i)’ true 0f the Germans. , i
with the exception of Sunday, which gen- that some items are still rationed in a few Previous to the war they were known the 'i l
erally found us enroute to another country. countries, butter in Sweden, coffee in Fin- world over for the excellency of their educa— l
we covered 12,000 miles. Believe me, we land, for example. The so—called austerity tional system. “/hen the occupying authori- " i i
, were tired upon our return. program in London is misleading. It is not ties attempted reforms, the German people f 'f l
I should like to make it clear that I do not a program of deprivation, but merely one of and teachers said, “\Vhy do you wish to if i, l
have any feeling that one can visit a country restraint. Londoners are not suffering from change something that has produced such i i i
for a few days and become an expert or want of food. Incidentally restrictions are great leaders in many fields and made lasting ,f l
‘ Competent commentator on the social, eco- being removed weekly. There are surpluses contributions to the world?" They point to , i f l;
‘ nomic or political problems involved. Any- of food in the agricultural countries, such as their achievements in the fields of science, ‘ [,1 ii}
One of you who are trained observers and France, Holland and Sweden. literature, medicine, art, sculpture, paint- f if
* experienced reporters could have done a The European countries, except Germany, ing, etc. The obvious answer, of course, is ’ i [i
much better job. Nevertheless, we did see have made almost miraculous recovery in that they have failed miserably in the field f f
and hear many things. And may I say that the field of housing. “’6 were amazed at the of government, citizenship, political science if
f in every country we received a most enthusi— absence of evidence of bombing in London, and international relations. : f
:lstic welcome. It is a fallacy that Americans Norway, Milan, Italy, Holland and Belgium. Now, the German schools are teaching ‘ l '
are not welcome. Our group was received by Housing is still a problem but they are these subjects. At first they met with violent ‘
f the top officials, in Government and indus— attacking it vigorously and you see huge opposition on the part of parents and teach- f ’5 f
’1" try in all the countries visited. They gave housing projects under way everywhere. ers who were untrained to teach in these 3
ur g€nerously of their time and we received the Especially is this true of the Scandinavian fields. However, most of the opposition has i :5,
he benefit 0f the best qualified judgment 0f COllmrif-‘S- subsided and the education officials feel that f i
f i€=l(ling officials. In Germany we visited Frankfurt, Bonn real progress is being made. Obviously a i f
It is difficult for me to know where to and Dusseldorf. These cities were almost real evaluation of the success of the program 1 5
begin, what to include and when to stop. I completely destroyed and they are just about cannot be made until many years have elap- i i :i
‘1 Could easily talk for more than an hour on the same as when the war ended. Very little sed and the effects of the teaching and learn- I"
the human interest experiences of the trip, reconstruction has been accomplished. We ing can be viewed in the light of their demo— . i
i and I can’t resist including several. But I am were told this is due to the fact that currency cratic, political and social activities. w;
Sul‘e your interest is centered on the more was not stabilized until about a year ago. Adenaur, Chancellor of Germany, when if f
f Selinus phases. But before I attempt that, Previous to this there was no inclination to asked his impression of the German schools, l
I may I tell you an incident or two which we invest money in houses and reconstruction. replied that he was not greatly impressed; ,
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333 31333333 3‘ 3 31131333333 1e hands 0- rm to Nat "(11 out5 111C deve 01 Nevertllfl' . with [Our (1 coal 1n —_
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‘3 333 33 3:33;:133333 hunk” lings‘ 1 eCO- / 3 “Dents, 1 11 as ) . flacutd ' manllno . . ~. —
3333 3‘! 13333333331 bad [1 ~ 11 ant 3 111Ves ' 215 We ' 3 ‘l 3 - '1 10St a 3 ' 1n 533‘ ——._
.3 -~ 33 .3331. A, 3. . . ~ the _ h slca Y )edrl 1111-163, 51111) 3 3331.8 (3 11 '3 15 be S _
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33 33 ~ . .3333 ..3 5110118 . - me or , “Claw . .m LL11 1 .1 ,1 (011111 _ . dou _—
33 3 113313 3 3313353133 3 beCOnlc ‘ 395 1!: 15 t] 311‘ )‘ 1 b YVCSEC 3 whlth . roul) th‘l . 15 llttle ' —._
3 '3‘33'3 3. :3‘3‘33'333333 no“ 1116 3361"“ er great- ' s earn“ 1’ ~ concerm in 03” 51 £190 thele nism =
3 313331 33 '«3111’3 31“ heir form revenue 3 3nd olhe1 "briuln ~ 1nlted- ‘ ‘ Commu :—
3. 333, 3 3 .3333333313 nomm ber t - can ~nles <1 -. ulll . 3311111v ‘ .. .11 PlaIL
~ 3 3 3333.3 .1 121116111 ~ feellng - » 01111)“ ~ om1C 9‘1 Ce” 3 Walsh“ - "3t the =
33 '3333‘3 3 3 3331'3-3 3 . s t0 1 na1 . 111° C . , '1 econ the -. the1 ckly ‘ —
. 3 3 man natlo 1d 1) o , I 16 . reen 3111101” « )6 C11“ —_
333 3 1 1 3 3 313133;, Gel 3 h3' ,1 strong 1 d He 83 1 services- 10d bet“ 111at “ .. 1 1311101 - de— _
3 , 3 3.133 33 3 . re . _ 3. ma 3 . . he per 3 ~ Vellul . '111)’ 15 —
33 3333 3: I 33 13313.3 3 'S. 0111) ) .‘ hC (ICC 21 . g1 (l , 1 r1113 t l ()VVC‘ CI; 1 have 0 . actU‘
‘ 33 3 333333333333 ch‘ DISH]: . 1 [1115 ‘ - , 'th C U - ' ble 1 ”OUR unlsm ‘ f ——_
.333.- 3 11111111 Cmnnc . 11 (3le . unstd ’ .. 1‘ ,~ ComIn bel 0
. 3333 3 ,3 33.3333 remt CO . rrectl)’ 33h“ 33 was 60 .- vczm 1'3he ““13 11er num =._
3 333313 3 533-3,- 3: 111cy ms to £0 3,1111 We” . equy 51" 3 close 0 the 51m . ' the =
3 331 3311351331 3' )mblem “ m0 ““ 1. 11353th n ‘ . ~ ~ 'udged by bershll) 3“ ——_
3 33313 33333331313 the 1 - mhsm. 3 . . 1m all . struggt mos- chnlng J . -in‘ mem —:
3 3 ~ ,~ - 3 S ‘ hat 4 . - 1th:6 C ‘ 3 decreas g —-_
‘3 33 333 33133333333. 1131115 Hallo ‘ Umted sme - - 3 111 41350 - ' “7653‘ 111d —
13 3 3 3 . 33.1 . _. 1- . 3 3 mt < , 111 3 CS ‘ S ' —
33 3. 3‘3 3‘3 3333333333 Adenqur tths thel t far exceeds P0llt brougl” ‘33; e3se in pubulatlond 1y the ”3.0115 quhaments' . France—204 seat ==
333 ‘ " 3‘. E 33 f 3 ‘ . ‘ ' ' ) ' L ' ‘ _—-
3 3 33 31.33‘ 1 33 3 , . 111)’ U“ thout a , 3 .3 )1d 111a“ ‘ .. mate V3“ 511113 111 . 1 111m —
3 . 3 3 131.3 3, 1 ‘ 1 Gemh . )6 W1 1116 13:1 . ,, accen 1' _ ember f 994 Be g —_
333 3 3‘3 333 3133333”! mere“ " lat hurol [he 3111ch ““5 - 1 3 mpu 4 Actual m 3 out 0 ~ ’ 50- —
3 1 :3 331333.13 31: 11 111d [1 t loss to ELII"()1)C.3 ‘3 1. )5 of DC 1 11:11 —- 18 t Of 1 ’ ——._
3_3 3- 33 3 “333.333 >333 .. - terest, 1 b ,1 greil 1 Cl‘n . 1 1‘ e g1 ()Ul SUS' _ f 940; Y __ 11 011
.33 3 3 33 333:3'333'333 ‘- Ldl 1n rould ‘3 ‘ r 11 of the 11 ()3 ‘1 g . 3 ,n 3316 ‘ 011L 0 ~ Norway — 12 —'_
33 3 13 313333331 3 .3 many ‘3 3 ' ally <1 1' 3 )hlcelnel . 1 Germ‘l 3" 11 f 387’ herlands ‘ ‘—
33 3 ‘- 3333:3:E3:“33l strong Ger lat Pratt“ r- “‘51 3 uctlon 0 ~ as We 18 011'; O 226' Net 1 :-—
1 : . 333533333? *: add U , . ~ on " Ge 3 e (365” . , 1 men“: “ . — ut 0f ’ Of 5 ' —~
3333 3 3 3 333333333 World' I WOUId tries feel that d 5:13 pfosper' 1101],. [h of internutxomll fflylth)’ trade With Denmark_ 10 fLuxemburg— 4 0m 1d zlnv E
3333 33 3 333 33331331 '11 C0111] ‘ 1 . an en51011 . [21 1621 . l _ 30. £111 . V6 wou ’ __—-
333 I 3133:1133 3 Europed [ 13 a strol g t a 1) - 311311011 0 Vthh t1e ut of lo 3 1183 as V msk _
‘ ‘ 3 ‘3 3‘93" 3 -. ~ Silry 0 ~ 1 [00 [ha 3 3 the 611“] 1113: Of ‘ 3 0 ’th then1 J _ [Ouch ‘ '—_
3 3 33 33 333W 3 3 V 15 116L635 all lee 3 H5 33) '~ ’15 11 reS 3' '011 35 met WI t Was a a —-
3 3 3|. 3 13 3313‘; 11131". but they German)‘ 13.1% A514: ‘ . 100d pmm “/6 . . ~0u1), bUtl ocraCY' =._
3 3 3 3 3 3 3.3 3 3 : ~0)e3 rouS south ~ " . '1 and 3 33 s- 3 1 tlcal g1 n Dem —__
3 M333 3 L111 l -. , dange - . 3 .11erm . 1 IS wt )01 , k upO .
3 3 3 33 313 3. 0115 , 15 (l 15 c011 10m m< do] 21 0th61 1 '~ qttdC S r 0P ~_
‘3 ' I 1“ 3'3 3 German} . 1 t there ELII‘OPean ‘ - ' ‘ of earning t - to then L at eve Y ~—
~3 ' .3‘33 3‘31 ‘ mmg - 1 out “a ' a slblhty 3 )resell Ilste“ ~ 1 all Plan are *—
3 3333 ' 3 "33‘“33‘ 3 5 1d Pom - rest 1n , 3 the P"5 01 the 1 - to 1 Mm“ ' t We =‘—.
3 .. 1.3 11313”; 311011 . 1d mte . we” (15 1 cause ~ “115 , track tle e 15 tha-
1 3.33 3 33.13333. Here 1 ,tlon :11 .. )ollt- . Vere “6 3 . 10 They d . 3m them fen' 1 =
333 11 . 3133213133 comers“ - 11 11 1103 1 - “red, ‘ . 1' LulOl’e' - Thelr 1““ OS6 0 3 ~—
33 3 133,333,133 rderablc nomlca Y is 11111)‘ - ‘~ult1€$ 0 .1 impor' [unlty- . sole Purp t _
‘33 33! 3 3333:3133 13 5‘ . 0 )e, 6C0 3 EurOPe . ~11 (3131‘ - he 11105 P0r 3 tor the rnmen’ =.
3.. 33. 3 1 ., 1LUI 1 that - ~uctu1‘ non [ ~ ~ - 3 r0 3‘3 0V6 —
3 3 13 3- 3333.3 Fedeldte‘ - ted 011t - n. b“ 1 [0111611 ' LulOPe hmg Lu 1 ' 'cs and g '3es —_
3 33 3 .1 33 133333 ur Pom ‘d rs the co 1 be addec, . mused 1n _ 1161 . ,1 i1' polltl _ . - 1110th _
.3 3 ‘ ' "33‘3311 - .3 ~ Ade“a 1 e C01151 e 1111151 ”1531210011 ‘ ' -h 15 - 11] t0 ”6 3 11115th 1n :—
33 33 3333:1333 3 1L3l13)~ ble and 1 . a huge - 3 the (33“ ‘ , 11011 wth termg , ‘C Imperl ’ _
‘3 3 3 1 .11 _ . 1[ee . . 11130 t )omthy .11edt -. . . . tWe (11 3 §~
3 '33 33 33333-33 ~3 19d (Inc , auons - tan 1 1 mom . 115-~ . ~ tha ~ ‘~
3. 3 3313.33.33 33 MK 3 1n 11 1C vr He 3 1 the C 1 clflllng - - htIt ~
,3 331333.931 3 ( . EurOPC‘ . , econom - the “‘3 ‘ . >ort 2111C (e - 1011 t ‘\
33‘ 333‘ 333-33313333335 3 ccntl'atlon Of , )olithal 4nd durmg - h 16213 “"‘r an European . d intentlons’ eneral 0pm. 21 1 :=
3 3 3 3 3*‘3333333 3 onion bOth d 1 "1 result 03 t e 3 111011 Of many dn ed to be the g to £13331me to =4
3 ,3 3 :3 s3 3, u ‘ ' t ‘ '
33 3 33 '3‘ i 333F33 '3‘ 33 mag . tern Europe 1 C-lted financml P05 It seen1 would contlnue =
3 3 3 ,3 .13 7),. 3. . ' ¢ ' x
3. 3 13‘ 353-33333 33 necks”) 3 ,- 1 wthh We? due 0 ' - iS close communism ' re. . lk 0f ‘1 ~—.
1 333,, 3. 111:1 6 es. 3 11305, d (0 21
33 33 33 .3133, 3333133 :31 he problems 3 . Sent tmfle ar . count“ ut of 3h“ c tries 11 tough 1“” re is lxttle 3 _~
33“ 33"3 3 35 3333733333 T fronted at the p16 tion and the 1111‘ The only road (-D 1 between the com-3 c 5m: ngely enough, the T Page 5323') 3 filllmlm
‘ 33 33333 3 3.213‘ 3‘ ‘5 con lestI‘UC las . rathI 1t 0 ‘ ‘tra , 0 '3
333 333 3333.3 3.5;; 1 . to the C d war 1 1 1c COOPe the war Til?”
‘3 3333333 33 :33 .3 33 only 111 part 311ich the last Worl 810110111. rn EurOPe' Bdore the European (Please
3. 3333133 3: 3 3. 1. ‘33:} Poverishment V31 .S Old continent. y 1115 03 333/6:36 tOO frequently that ne another
3‘3 3 3 3 3333 _ on 111. _ ecOnom ‘ . d ut , . , upon 0
333 3 3. 33' - fllcted “P f wolld wre . -3 (1 11111“)
3 v3 3 3 3 1: ~ In 0 r5 - C
33 33 33 3 ‘3 ~.$ 3333 The WhOle Sen“: ' g the past fifty yea coulltl‘les Inflld
.3 3 3 3313 33 :{.i . 11111 ble [0
3 3 .3 3 3.3-, 3 uch (L . '1
33333 5333333335 changed so In Europe W1” only be ‘
33 3 3: 1 ”3.3.3313; 37 Il ‘
33333 333 333 ‘ 3 : £33333 that “ ester tfi—
‘3. 33 3‘ 3 53333333
33.333 3 133 333333- 3 if
3 ‘3 33 “3.23.333 7‘
1 3133 '1313313‘3,‘ '"
: 33. «233.13.333.33; M
. 1-3 33.333333, .33 ‘
333.3 33 ‘3 33333333333 '“'
3333333333 333 333 .. 3R
3 '33 333 ”537331333335
31 - 3 3., 3W3

 ' . :2; : -,.- - > ’ ’ I I I J I»: II
950 l July, 1950 The Kentucky Press , Page Three IIJ r;
, HE J J .
11 1 , , l lllI|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll"llllIll"ll"llllllllllllllllllllllllé J
$131: 35;: I ‘éfllflflllllllllIllllllll|IllIlllIlllllllllllllIllIll||||Illlllllll|IllIIllIllIll|IlllllllllIll|Illlllllll"I|llllllllllllll||||||||||lllllllllll||||IlllIIIIll|IIIIIIIIHlllllllflllflllllllllllllll II E .
, largely lost I E E ‘.
can country J E 2
economy is 3 E E ,J
a period in J E E ,IJ.I
~dination of J E I . E I J
)licy of the s‘ E t D t E I
.es place. J E A n A deq u a e l e E
tropean Re- - E E I
shall Plan, J E I E ‘f‘I I
ItCS and the I E I E . 'I i
rope to its 2 E J :I
ers, jealous- E * E ~ J I
of econom- E E
y has been 2 E Ii
tong to say J E . . ' ' f a hundred E J J J
= « t t bstantial portion 0 = J ,
he MmIShaIJ J E d thirItIIOrrIthfiolfephggg,Chlrsihnzmldethgeg-(itlrlarter billion of dollars worth of E J‘ J
”J. bm 99: 9 2 god aura/rally at a prOfit of one and one-half cents on each dollar, Is an E J J
0' a splrl J E ' ’ f 1 d f _ E JJJ j.
a.“ a gem I E aChleviIlflinglzlg: Eazheeivogld; :ake it, do food distributors accomphsh E I If
my of €60»- ; efficient distribution at so low a margin of profit. . E ‘J !
I? tog-itIIeII E “In contrast we are told, in other nations the problem 15 not one E J
) 6 cut ence E . ’ ' 1]_” g MI
in this C” I E Of an adequate dIeI but 01?:dgfaélmfirgézt 3633a c. Lindley, US. vs. E JJ J
J E The Great Atlantic 8: Pacific Tea Co., et a1. 2 JJIJJ J
if ZIThIeOiIeg- J E No nation in the world is so well fed as ours. . 'f 1 d E .‘I .I
d Germany J E . At no time in history have so many people emoyed such a bountl u an E J :5 J ‘
1112;251:112: J E varled 511:; did this all come ab out? Not by accident, you1 canfbe srfrre. ‘1. th E J
, e 1. E - - - 1t _ six and a half mil ion arm ann les, 6 E J J J
rgnfcoemxjvhco J E ‘c 115112? 1:33:25: naanadnctheuzteateozlrid federal departments of agriculture d E J J
' a FJance’ ' E ~ hggeldone a great job of improving the quality and increasmg the variety an E , J
' - , E - ' 1 d t . _ __E_ ‘ J ,
Jathnteffl: I E quantltlé :ft afigflutlltiIsIIZbfigrSIIfiaie worked unceasingly to develop more eflic1ent E JJJJ J
ZiaELil._ : E and less ecostly means of getting these products into the hands of the ultimate g . J
EOIJ"if:i:: E consunherdz P for example, has devoted all its energies for more than 90 years to E I I‘ ‘l
. JEIngqubt E the IOb Of giéing people 1]]01'6 gOOd fOOd fOI‘ their money. E J
Idhimnism ' E 1 We are constantly striving to shorten bIlIe r22Itl/te and Speetdnfil; 5123113263: E I J J
E dinner ta 6. e are COHS a g , J J
:kly at the E of. food from farm and factory to t'on and food, all along the line. E i ,1 ,J
_1ally is (I: E eh1nnla(t)6:}::?8:1:;fi;:::;8riggffiafg \lzvorked to cut their costs, and to pass along 3 I JJ
Jumper JO J E th savin S to the ultimate consumer in the form of lower prlces. . E JJJ J
II) In I16 E e Thge net result of the combined efforts of faimers and processors and dis- E J, 1, J
E . - d b tt food for our peOp e. . E 2‘5'
_ 204 seats , E tnbutorr 111s r1113: :szgolmeneoferA & P are proud of the part they, have plays/Q1 1“ E : J
l; Bigigg E improvinge the diet of American consumers, by doing the nations most effic1ent E a J
3:11:15— 12I J E job of food distribution. E J J JJ
at of 51. ‘ E E ‘, I J
would any E E J QJ
tough task E ¥ ¥ E ,I’ g
)emocracy. E ¥ 2 J J
every 01" E E J J J
rat we are E E f J
ose of 611- J E E , ,
tvernment, I E RE S E J I
+ A&P F0 2
inion that I E g
dine to a t E E J J
talk of a I E E— tI I
.. . e InunmmImuIuumlmIumHmlIInunnunmunmuImuIumulmummummumtre ..
”age S”) J nTIIIIIl|||lll||||||||"I|||||||IlllIlllIllllllllllllllllflllllllllIlllllll"ll|||||||IlllllllllIllIllllllll||Illllllllll|IllllllIlllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllflllullllll J J J .
-i 3; J .
‘ I

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1 1 111111 11111111111111 1 . mat10"- I t forth 171 _ _ column‘ bligatw" 0 1 hayer’
1 111 11111111. 111 1 {01: 88 mer of news, as Se 1t advertlflflg It afiirms the 0 It raped“