xt78w950k857 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950k857/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1996 1996 1996-11-13 2020 true xt78w950k857 section xt78w950k857      

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“NE ”St lllllll UK senior 'Iohy McCo—
mas leads the Cats into this weekends [VI/1C

Burnament. See Sports, page 2

WEATHER Mostly cloudy
today, high 35 to 40. Cloudy
tonight, low in 30:. Cloudy

tomorrow, high near 40.

t3 " BSII brings Lexington to campus

By Kathy Redlng

Assistant News Editor

The Black Student Union expected its first annual
town meeting to have a greater turnout.

However, from 350 invited participants, about 15
m. A-.. , . _ people attended the discussion in the Student Center

ast night.

President Wallis Malone said she would have
liked to see more show up at the forum, but was
pleased with the ideas shared among the participants.

“I would rather have had this good conversation
with a few people than have 100 show up and say
nothing,” Malone said.

Alejandro Stewart, vice president of BSU, said the
object of bringing UK and the community leaders
together is to join the Lexington black community
with UK because the two groups don’t seem “to be
in touch” with each other.

“They’re (community members are) like they’re
not one of us, they're not like us because they don’t
go to college,” Stewart said.

Teresa Unseld, a faculty member in the art

department, said “a gap" exists between UK and Student Affairs, said the racial atmosphere at UKhas
changed over the years and that “UK can work for

Lexington’s black community.

“I don't feel connected to the com—
munity at all,” she said. “There seems
to be a separation."

She said part of it may be due to
UK’s history and its perception in the
black community as a predominately
white institution.

First District Lexington City
Councilman George Brown told the
students and faculty a need exists to
break that gap.

“The community needs the stu—
dents, facul and staff,” Brown said.

He said e “wears two hats" as a
member of the community and UK
staff. Brown said UK can become
more involved in Lexington’s black
community by participating in service
projects and attending community
meetings and activities.

Chester Grundy, director of African American

black peop e,” but more needs to be done.




I don ’t feel
connected to
the communi-
ty at all. Ther
seems to he a
separation. ”

Teresa Unseld
UK an faculty

“Race is not part of the agenda until they
come here and it hits them in the face,”
Grundy said.

Campus issues were also discussed at the
town meeting.

Unseld said it is rare for her see black and
white students together at UK. Lauretta
Byars, vice chancellor for minority affairs,
agreed this separation exists.

“Students don’t seem willing to take that
risk,” she said. “Students don’t interact.
They stay in their circle of friends.”

Malone said black students come to UK
after being more in the minority at home
than they are at UK.

“We come from all over Kentucky with
that mentality so the school is like that,” she





She said black students need to realize they are

less of a minority yet come together in activities.


Undie auction raises

‘ By Ann Boden
Staff Writer

Sororities, fraternities, undies,
bid cards and red faces were all
seen as prices rose last night in
sorority circle.

The giggles and blushin all
took place as Ka a Alpha heta
social sorority held) its First Annu-
al Undie Auction at its house.

Each sorority and fraternity
was asked to donate a humorous,
yet tasteful, pair of underwear
(preferably not worn) to be sold
for charity and a lot of laughs.

The Thetas held the auction
with Dave “Kruser” Krusenklaus,
from WLEX-TV (Channel 18)
and Arrow 101.5 FM, as the auc—

Though in the beginning bid-
ding went slowly and faces were
red around the room, people
began to bid more freely as the
night progressed .

The most expensive pair of
underwear,originally owned by
the Thetas, was purchased by
Delta Tau Delta social fraternity.

Jeff Ellison, a junior Delt, said
his fraternity was happy to do this
for charitiy, but he was disap-


philanthropy money


pointed though because the fra—
ternity could not keep the under—

He and other Delt representa-
tives planned to have many pic-
tures taken with their $40 undies.

Other participants were also
happy to sup on the philan-
throp , which elps buy under-
wear or women at Christmas.

“It’s a great way for the Greek
Community to raise money for
the Theta’s philanthropy,” said
Katrina Palmer, a senior member
of Delta Zeta social sorori .
Palmer and her sisters boug t
Ka pa Alpha Order’s undies.

eremy Edge, a Sigma Chi
social fraternity senior, said this
was a good way to make money.
Edge said anyone who can get $40
for underwear is doing well.

When asked why he purchased
underwear donated by Pi Beta Phi
social sorority, Edge said, “My
boys said brin home a G—string,
so that’s what did.”

Ann Holloran, a master’s stu—
dent, and Theta member Kelly
Wesley came u with the idea
together, said Ho loran.

Wesley said she was glad to see
more than $300 raised for the
women’s charity.





""01 UNDERWEAR? Top, jenna Fe on, Pi Beta Phi communication sophomore, and Alli-
son West, Kappa Alpha Theta interior £39 sophomore, check out the goods for sale. Above,
Dave Krusenklaus of WLEX-TV auctions of a pair of boxers.


Jerry Claiborne llBlllS to WEIGOIIIB new 00" IIIBIIIIIBI‘S

By Chris Campbell

ty,” said Shannon Bell, geography

Assistant Editorial Editor

A tradition started 82 years ago was
continued last night at UK.

Former UK head football coach
Jerry Claiborne helped welcome 31
new members into the Omicron Delta
Ka pa society.

he national leadershi honor soci-
ety was created at Was ington Lee

, n ,. , . University in 1914, and recognizes and

epcourages the ac‘liiievement of exem-
ary c aracter an su rior uali in
Scholarship and leadersplfip. q ty

Based on its diversity in member-
ship, ODK acce ts members from
both students an faculty on the UK
campus. These individuals were recog-
nized for some form of leadership
which each had displayed on campus
which has contributed heavily on the
UK community.

“We pride ourselves on our diversi-



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senior and ODK president. “It’s a very
big mix of people and the people who
have been selected have exhibited great
leadership qualities throughout their
undergraduate career or their time as a
faculty member.”

The first circle of of ODK members
founded on the UK campus was back
in 1925, and since that time, many dis-
tinguished people in the UK commu-
nity have been initiated.

Among those are W.D. Bunkhous-
er, Albert Kirwan, Frank McVe and
James McFarland. Also on the list is
Claiborne, who was the keynote speak-
er for the initiation banquet and ODK
initiate while here at UK as an under-


“I think it is a at honor to be able
to speak to this ne group of people,"
said Claiborne.

“This is one of the finest groups on
this campus and I am real y glad to


have this opportunity.”

“Jerry Claiborne is a dynamic per-
son. He has been a great person the
University and he has iven to this
campus and ODK all oflhis life,” said

ODK has contributed heavily to the
UK campus and Lexington in general.

On campus, the organization spon-
sors the Great Teacher Awards, gives a
community college scholarship to
someone transferrin from a commu-
nity college to the campus.

Other events which the society
holds is the President’s Reception in
which the UK president addresses the
president’s of major student organiza-

“We try to better service the com-
munity and the campus as best we
can,” said Bell.

“If we see that there is a need on
cam us that we can help with, we do
our to do so and we do look for

people who are community service ori—

For off-cam us activities, ODK
hel s with the 'ds Vote in Kentucky
an is plannin a leadership confer-
ence for next Fall. Initiates said they
were proud to be acknowledged as an
active participant and leader on cam-

p “It is one of the best honors that I
have received since being on campus,”
said Christine Guyer, English senior.

“It is a very prestigious organiza-
tion. I have seen it on campus since I
was a freshman and it is very visible so
it is a very big honor.”

The 24 students inducted were not
the only ones who were proud to
become part of the honor socrety.

“It is an honor to meet and be with
Rflhh fine hstludents,"f«::l)id Donald

, o ogy pro r.
"p‘syc fairly new faculty member
and it is nice to be around such distin-

guished students."



November I 3, I 996



0 Classifieds 5 Campus 3
l Crossword 5 Sports 2
Diversions 6 Viewpoint 4



Planes collide
killing 351 passengers

CIIARKHI DADRI, India —- Saudi jumbo
jet climbing from New Delhi’s airport collided
with a Kazak plane coming in for landing yester—
day, creating twin fireballs that turned the sky red
as dawn and scattered the bodies of up to 351 peo-
ple over farmland below.

If the death toll is confirmed, the crash would
be the third-deadliest in aviation history.

Wreckage dropping from the sky gouged big
craters and left body parts, baggage and clothes
strewn across six miles of wheat and mustard
fields near the town of Charkhi Dadri, about 60
miles west of New Delhi.

The first people to arrive at the scene said the
dusk air was filled with an unbearable stench of
burning flesh.

“I saw 60 or 70 bodies, but only about 15 were
identifiable,” said Manjit Singh, a 19—year-old
college student who sped to the site on his motor-
cycle after seeing the collision from his home.

Rescue vehicles tried to navigate the area's
poor roads, arriving at the crash site after the first
curious villagers.

nnnon Army marred by second scandal

second Army sex scandal in less than a week, three
instructors at one of the nation’s biggest basic—
training posts faced charges yesterday of sexual
misconduct with young women recruits.

The charges were announced five days after a
sex scandal broke at the military's Aberdeen Prov—
ing Ground in Maryland.

The three male soldiers at Fort Leonard
Wood face charges ranging from consensual
intercourse to indecent assault, or touching.
Army regulations ban sexual relationships
between commanders and subordinates.

The recruits were 21 years old on average and
were undergoing basic training.

The Army did not say when the charges were

Jenny Jones guest snared lile in prison
PONTIAC, Mich. — In a case that put

“ambush television” on trial, a “Jenny Jones
Show” guest yesterday was spared a mandatory
life in prison and convicted of second—degree
murder for shooting a gay man who revealed a
crush on him during a taping.

In deciding against a first—degree murder con-
viction, the jury found that 26-year-old Jonathan
Schmitz acted without premeditation in the 1995
slaying of Scott Amedure, 32.

Schmitz could get anywhere from eight years
to life in prison, with the possibility of parole.
First—degree murder carries no hope of parole.

The case had focused attention on “ambush”
television and titillating daytime TV tactics, with
Schmitz’s lawyers arguing that the show misled
him into believing he was going to meet the
woman of his dreams.

Jurors said they concentrated almost entirely
on Schmitz’s state of mind when he shot Ame-
dure, who revealed an attraction to Schmitz three
days earlier as a studio audience whooped and



COLUMBIA, Ky. — Lindsey Wilson College
announced yesterday that it will provide free
tuition to southcentral Kentucky workers affected
by recent factory layoffs and shutdowns.

The college said all displaced workers who
qualify for Job Training Partnership Act and
Trade Readjustment Act assistance will be
allowed to attend the four-year, private college
for free.

The school also created the Lindsey Wilson
Job Retraining Scholarship. It will be awarded to
all people affected by the layoffs, not only those
eligible for JTPA and TRA assistance. The
amount of scholarship will be determined on a
case-by-case basis.

The Lindsey Wilson Career Services Center
also will provide free job assistance to laid off


Felice says cm to India own decisions

CHANHASSEN, Minn. — The star formerly
known as Prince is hap y to talk about one new
creation: his upcoming three-CD set, “Emancipa-

The other is off limim.

The 38—year~old star wouldn’t even confirm
whether his baby has been born.

“Whenever we give birth to our children, the
world won’t know anything," he said. “They
won’t know their names, sex, anything.

“Our child has to make those decisions. What
if it doesn't want to be a public person? That’s
just straight reaps“; it's their experience.”

Prince and 's wife, Mayte, were expecting
their first child this month.

Reports circulating in the European press and
in the National Enquirer said his child was born
prematurely last month with a deformity.






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Wedrmdq, November 13, 1996, Kentucky Kernel



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Memories DI life
begin Will] SOCCEI‘

By Jill Erwln
Staff Writer

Toby McComas’ pre-soccer
childhood apparently wasn’t very
important to him.

“I have no recollection of life
before soccer. None,” McComas
said. “I started playing when I was

That’s over 16 years of soccer,
soccer and more soccer. What
could possibl have brought a
young man like him to a school
ike UK, which, at the time, had
fielded a team for only two years?

“That first year was one of the
most miserable experiences of my
life,” McComas said. “It was terri-

He was recruited by many dif-
ferent schools, but he chose UK
because it was a rogram that des-
perately needed) help. It’s also
close to his home town of Hender-
sonville, Tenn., outside Nashville.

McComas’ mother, Jane, has
attended every game this year.
When McComas was in the sev—
enth ade, his parents went
througTrra very bitter divorce, and
he coped the only way he knew
how. McComas woke at six every
morning and went running to
release the stress he felt due to the


“That’s just not normal at all,”
he said. “I needed some outlet to
get away from that house and from
thinking about it. Who knows
what would have happened if I had
not had soccer to escape to?”

While he and his father do keep
in contact, he and his mother are
extremely close, and he owes a lot
to her.

“I‘m definitely a mama’s boy,”
McComas said. “I can’t say
enough about her. She has been
my No. 1 fan, and she’ll probably
be more miserable than me when
it’s all over.”

That may not be a roblem.
The Wildcats head into ‘5 week—
end’s MAC Tournament in Bowl-
ing Green with a chance of
advancing to the NCAA Tourney.
McComas thinks the team has a
le itimate shot at capturing the
tr e.

“With the schedule we had, we
figured we’d do a little better than
we have right now,” he said. “The
funny thing is, as bad as it has
been, we can still win this damn

After the season, McComas will
begin training for his professional
career. While he admits he will
miss practice, he said he looks for-



uu mrowr Kerrie/W

3060!“ '8 “FE Toby McComas” 11' e bar revolved around sorter, ever since
be began playing the game when he was Syean old.

ward to being a regular student.

“It will be nice to just hang out
and not have to worry about being
at practice,” McComas said. “I’ll
miss it, don’t get me wrong, but I
can have a little more free time."

Coming into the season, he said
he hoped to be drafted into the
Major Soccer League. Due to of
the team’s subpar play, though,
McComas said he no longer sees
that as an option. That doesn’t
defer his interest in pla 'ng, but it
does offer a change for im.

“I’m always going to have my
degree to fall back on,” McComas
said. “But it’s really scary, because
I’ve never had a question mark in
my life regarding soccer before.”

McComas has decided to try

out for the minor leagues so he
can break in and work his way up
to the bi time. Both of the minor
leagues ave combined to form
one farm system for the MSL.
McComas plans to start there after
he graduates.

“His capacity to play the game
has increased in all areas,” Collins
said. “He’s been a good leader and
someone I have been able to count
on in my three years here.”

McComas has some parting
advice for the players he is leaving

“It’s easy to write off your first
couple years everybody told me
it would fly by, but I didn’t really
listen. Before you know it, it’s

Hansen's shadow no longer covers Ewing

By Matt May
Contributing Writer

Yet another national champi—
onship candidate will suit up for
the women’s gymnastics program.

Stepping into the limelight this
season will be senior all-arounder
Robin Ewing, a 5-foot-l power-
house from Brooklyn Park, Minn.
With her high skill level, tremen-
dous consistency and unmatched
work-ethic, the Cats don’t appear
they will miss a beat.

Gym Cat Coach Leah Little
said she is excited about this sea—
son’s prospects, and sees no draw-
backs to Ewing as the team leader.

“Robin actually stepped into
the leadership role last year. Jenny
got all the attention she deserved,
but the media overlooked Robin
and her accomplishments,” Little

Despite the pressure of com-


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peting without Hansen, Ewing
said she looks forward to improv-
ing upon her All-American perfor-
mance last season, but more
importantly, improving the team’s
fourth place finish in last year’s
Southeastern Conference Cham—

“We have to take things one
meet at a time. There is more
pressure to do well at the SEC’s
with Jenny gone, but then again,
people expect us to be down with-
out her this year,” Ewing said.

The expectations placed on
Ewing this year will be great, but
after competing with Hansen
since age ll, Ewing said she has
learned a tremendous amount
from her.

“I’ve competed with Jenny my
whole life. We belonged to the
same club in Minnesota,” she said.
“She deserved all the attention she
got. I just tried to sit back, roll

with the punches and learn from
her. I knew my turn would come.”

“I watched her handle the
media everyday. I’m not worried
about dealing with them,” Ewing

Ewing may not view herself as
“the Leader,” but senior Kristy
Toups disagrees.

Toups said: “Someone always
gets overlooked. Last year, Robin
definitely was overlooked. She
became our leader. Robin is
always pushing harder, for that lit~
tle extra. She does whatever it
takes to get things done."

Little said she sees Ewing as the
epitome of hard work and sacri-

“I wish I had 100 more like
Robin,” Little said. “In four years
I’ve never heard her complain
about anything. She has never
used injury as an excuse for not
working hard. Robin has compet-

ed through ankle and Achilles ten—
don problems numerous times
without a single complaint.”

Ewing said she is excited about
the upcoming season and the pos-
sibilities of UK joining perennial
powers Alabama, Georgia and
Florida as one of the premier pro—
grams in the country.

The team is ahead of schedule
and ready to vie for the SEC and
National Championships. Little
said with Ewing leading the
charge for a young, talented
squad, the team seems poised for
greatness this season.

“She’s in the best gymnastics
shape of her career,” Little said. “I
would like to see her accomplish a

Indeed, it appears 1997 will be
the year Ewing has the opportuni-
ty to step from Hansen’s shadow
and stand in the middle of the
limelight she so richly deserves.

Cool Cats swept by Michigan State

By Ryan Kramer

Near perfect.

That’s the only way to describe
Michi an State’s play in its victory
over e Cool Cats last Friday and
Saturday. Goalie Justin Hosie
faced over 80 shots in the two
games while the offense managed
just 40.

But the blame can’t all be ut
on the offense. Ifthe defense ad
been better, the offense could have
had more scoring opportunities.

The losses, however, were not
all bad.

“At least now the rookies know
what we mean when we say there
is a hard ame coming up, Hosie
said. “ 1th the divisional series
coming up this weekend, they will

believe us that we really need to be
read .”

e said if they had to get
swept, this was the time for it to

hap en.
00 man blown opportunities
led to the col Cats demise, as

the team could only produce 13
shots on goal. More shots could
have meant more scores and prob-
ably a win both nights.

‘We didn’t win, but it was good
hockey,” assistant manager Jim
Hinkley said.

A 7-3 record (2-0 in the divi-
sion) is a good place to be for the
Cool Cats at this time. While the
season only ets more difficult, the
team is rea y to take it on head-

Hosie and team president Dave
Rioux were planning to go to a

local high school yesterday to
teach the game of hockey to a
youn er crowd.

“ he kids will enjoy it,” said Jill
Kramer, the teaching assistant for
the class. “They don’t get to do
thin 5 like this every day.

Tiis weekend, the Cool Cats
will play on Frida night in Indi-
ana and be bac in the “Cat
House” on Saturday. The team is
undefeated in division play and
looks to keep its winning streak
alive against the defending divi-
sion champion Hoosiers.

The division record is impor-
tant because the champion ets an
automatic bid to the nationa tour-
nament in St. Louis, while the rest
have to sit home and hope the
committee sends them an invita—



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Thyi Cox
Balancing school, kids, WOI'II



._. M. Mn*.~- .

a. .--.».o-«-u -~.............,.... -

This year the Kentucky Kernel will he featuring one person each week who has a positive efléct on the UK campus. This person can be anyone affiliated with
UK including students, stafl; administration and faculty. I'Ve’re looking to you tofind the people on campus who have a positive impact—whether it he a smile

firms the cler

at the Cofl'ee Shop, an excellent professor or simply just a supportive roommate. 'Ib nominate, drop

nominee should he profiled at the Kernel office or (all 25 7- I 915 and askfor Lindsay Hendrix.

By Met Herron
Staff Writer

Toyi Green Cox’s daily routine
Would make some UK undergrads
do a double-take.

The fifth—year pharmacy major
shoulders all the pressures of grad—
uation, grade point average and
time mana ement most students
face, in a dition to one minor
detail — she has a son.

Cox’s day be 'ns at 6:15 a.m.
After some prod ing to wake four-
year-old Kamron, Cox drops her
son off at preschool as she heads to
her 8 a.m. class on therapeutics of
the nervous system. If she doesn’t
have an exam, Cox spends some
time surfing the Internet during
her four-hour break before her
next class at 1 pm.

Once 5 pm. rolls around, it’s
time to pick up Kamron at school
— dinner awaits. At 8 .m. Kam-
ron’s off to bed and ox’s study
time begins. She usually hits the
sack about 1 a.m.

'l‘hou h Cox's family, school
and worE schedules may pull her
in different directions, she said
planning ahead eases the strain.

“Every hour, literal—
ly, of my day is
accounted for,” said
Cox, 24, who will grad-
uate next August. “If
something comes up
that deviates from that
schedule, then you have
to juggle everything
aroun ."

Cox credits her
ambitious nature for
enabling her to finish
her degree. Even when
she was pregnant with
Kamron, Cox did not return home
to Ironton, 0 tin to stay with her
husband ha is’ family in
Louisville. She sat out fall
semester of 1992 but returned in
the sprin to take 18 hours.

“The Sad thing about it is that I
can’t start (studying) until my son
goes to bed,” she said. “Of course


Cam us
Impre Ions

he demands my attention and he
deserves my attention. Sometimes
it’s overwhelming, because there’s
so much material to be learned I
have to decide what I’m
oing to learn and what
’m going to sacrifice.”
Before working at
the Kroger pharmacy,
Cox interned at North-
side, an independent
pharmacy where she
completed the first 250
of the 1500 hours
required for her major.
The slower pace of
Northside allowed her
to learn the ropes
before entering the bus—
ier Kroger pharmacy, where she
fills 170 prescriptions a day.
When asked wh she chose
pharmacy, Cox saicl,’ “I knew I
wanted to stay in the medical field,
but I wanted to stay away from
physiology, the blood and ts. I
wanted to be in a place w ere I
could be visible, where little kids,

off a short paragraph that says why your

particularly African-American
children, could see me and be

Cox said she has seen a lot of
black students forego a career in
pharmacy because they were
denied admission to UK’s school,
the only pharmacy school in the

She encoura es these students
to take heart an stay ambitious.

“Only two percent of the
nation’s pharmacists are black, but
12 percent of the country’s popu-
lation is black,” she said. “Black
people don’t get a chance to have

lack pharmacists. I have seen
worlds of difference in my
patients, the way that they react to

So what does the superwoman
do to unwind?

“I still go to parties,” Cox said.
“It's easier for me to just get
together with my girlfriends. We
had a slumber party the Friday of
Homecoming, and we planned it a
month in advance.”

Binge drinking increasing on campuses

By Julie Piolrowski
Daily Northwestern Wmhwemm U.)

EVANSTON, Ill. — In an
effort to attack binge drinking and
the consumption of alcohol by
college students, the American
Medical Association has launched
a seven-year program to change
the attitudes, policies and practices
affecting drinking both on and off

Funded by the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation in Princeton,
N.]., the $8.6 million public
health program will join forces
with six universities across the
nation where binge drinking was
on the rise.

Nearly half of all college stu—
dents binge drink, according to a
national survey of 17,592 students
at 140 colleges. The Harvard Uni-
versity survey showed that binge
drinking on campuses — defined

as five or more drinks in a row for
men and four drinks or more for
women —— has reached its highest
level in more than two decades.
College students drink an esti-
mated 4 billion cans of beer each
year. That equates to 430 million
gallons, enough for every universi-
g in the United States to fill an
lympiC-sized pool. College stu-
dents spend $5.5 billion on alco-
hol a year, mostl on beer. As
many as 360,000 0 the nation’s 12
million undergraduates will die
from alcohol-related causes while
in school. This is more than the
number who will get masters and
doctorate degrees combined.
“Part of (the high binge rate)
has to do with the culture of the
cam us,” said Felix Savino, an
alco 01 and dru expert at the
University of isconsin, “and
people sa this is a ‘study-hard
party-hard: school.”
The selected schools will
approach reducing binge drinking

through community and cam us
efforts. Each college is require to
create a task force composed of
representatives from the university
including students, administrators,
fraternity and sorority members,
athletes, campus press and student
government officials.

The task force will also include
members of the surrounding com-
munity such as health education
officials and police as well as par-
ents and members of the media.

“(Altering the environment)
deals with a change in policies to
restrict the promotion of alcohol,”
said Sandra Hoover of the newly
created American Medical Associ-
ation Office of Alcohol and Other
Substances which will be monitor-
ing the grant program. Each uni-
versity task force is required to
develop specific plans to define
and implement changes in the
drinking policies on its campus.
Another would coordinate
stronger alcohol intervention and

treatment programs.

“Education alone doesn’t
work,” Hoover said. “What’s
important is that you change the

The University of Wisconsm
will be combat binge drinking
through educational workshops

and advertising campaigns to‘

counteract the drinking culture,
Savino said.

“Rather than saying ‘don’t
drink,’ we're improving the quali-
ty of life so that students can drink
responsibly,” he said.

The study by the Harvard
School of Public Health, found
that almost half of the 17,592 col-
lege students responding were
binge drinkers. Collegiate
drinkers who binge frequently
(three or more times in a two-
week eriod) are 7 to 10 times
more ikely than non-bingers to
have unplanned or unprotected
sex and get into trouble with cam-
pus police.


Students to pay secretaries

ly Phillip Reese
The Technician (NC. State U.)

State’s Student Senate vo