xt79057cvc04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057cvc04/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1961 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1961 Vol.27 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, March 1961 Vol.27 No.6 1961 2019 true xt79057cvc04 section xt79057cvc04 ' . ."»§‘. #:1th
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II II IIII 1 e en "C y ress + AS We see It + juvenile courts from the EW::;:11ngs andl‘ MA I
i E ‘ 51 5 tion ‘ ng relicits
a 1 III : Volume 27 Number 6 ' ' i
l ,‘ “h!!- Offi ' 1 pl b - - Justice DOUQIOS Contends ONA Executive Dh‘eCtors Willia ! '
11 :11 1 3:... .1...“ CW 35 Shw'd Be as ?‘”“"” ”We“ WM be 11:1, "1 JUSlIC‘
I '1 I 1 . ' ~1 ' ' ha
‘I! 1I I I Kentucky Press Service, Ihc. A learned discussion of Canon 35' ’ln(l 132:: hdlhtmn to1let the people decide“:
. . u -~ i .i as on 1‘ 1- . .
‘lI ! i l I 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor contentions that cameras have no 1' - ‘ ] - 1 g 15 -t 1e presiding ’11ng Would! BY JUST
I I 1 I ‘1. Perry J. Ashley Associate Ed' . th . . . 1 pace in Live the authority over determi . « .
1I ‘1 1 1 ill? MC’mber um é ICOUItIOOIU, by Supreme Court Justice constituted proper di nit d mug What! There 15 pl‘
-‘l 1 1 1 I I , Kentuck Ch b . William 0. Douglas, is Carried on Page On . l -. . . . g y Ian decomm inr all over the 13
. II ‘1 I II 1 y am er of Commerce Th . . I -l e us courtroom. He also pointed t -
riI l I I l I , Newspaper Managers Association e .utic e, presented before the law school that population increase 0 the fact on W110 and
II I I I I! II . SuStaining Member on the Colorado university campus, is re- fewer citizens could sit 'mé-ant fewer all! radio and TV
I I I‘ II III I; National Editorial Association printed from the Colorado Press Magazine, already too 9qu [,6 "wide Courtro01ml acourt which
! l I h l! National NecrclatePMember , . I There are many Ilewspapermen, includ- The. resolution re'ids” “All ' ! Atfifteen min
I! I I I i l ‘1 Printedplfpe'lr‘h I'OmOtlon Assocmuon ing Fhe Press, that Win ”at agree With all Of Open to the public who. . trlals Shall be announcement
I1I1 i1 1. II I: 1 ______Y_°_{‘:__"‘e“"°s‘_ lime IDOUglas premises and Contentions, serve In .I pemeful man “MY atte'IId and 011. people that
I 3 1 i l i 1 1 any aw ers tak ' . ‘ ,‘ ' ner m suc Ham 1 ' “” s
‘,I I 1-1! II 1 The Kentucky Press Association. Tecogm'zes , it I y. . 6 issue With the good as Will not interfere with m be” thelniyeis If]
1 1 I I ' 1 11 I I. the fundamental importance of the implied 111‘ he: n order to present both sides of the the trial but th p per .condUCt of busy and W”!
E I I ll ! . E trust tmIsposed 0" "IewSpapers and dissemination (11193th the Press Will reprint in the A r'l e court or other t"b11118! mail to change the
'1 . '1 I |§I§ 0f 1’“th informatton. It stands for truth fuir- issue -i l' 1 ~ . . p I CXCIUde any person 0f Objectionab] I I ‘ h'
1‘1 i l ‘ ! 1i! ‘1 "9”» accuracy, and decency in the presentatim '7 ( ( lssenting pomt 0f V‘e‘V by a lead- acter or a m' - - e Char! ! Others avr
I i I ‘ I II I! {’f "91% as set forth in the Canons of Journal. mg Colorado law teacher that was re— 1 ’- I rum, 9‘ any person Whose cm I to know" is b:
l l i i! I ! itsd’T/orf'tsiadvocfes “Tiff ethical standards in its sented at the same meeting P ( “Ct 1-8 01ka ldlSturblng nature or Whose Pres” fore the court
I 1 I 1 1‘ .1 ng coumn. 10' Uses th ' - . I, I I ' ence is i e to ' ' - . .
I I ‘ 1 I1 _1 0f mapaganda under thepguise of‘iw’i‘jfifl’cl‘f‘fl PUMPS the COHU'OVCI‘SY 0n “cameras in derly and grin IltYitfrfere IwIlth the famor- and all like set
:1 1 I 1 1 I! ‘3 firms the obligation a "WWII-per to franh the courtroom’s will not or cannot be . _ l . Par 1a administration of jug. and broadcast
II . I I IIIII honest and fearless e itorial expressiom It re: solved But th . . ie- tice according to law, provided that h ' -d l
E! :1 1 :l,1: Spects equality of opinion and then’ ht of III . c common-law ax10m that trial remain . sue ! “m ’ iave ‘
I! I I ‘3 l iIlil I .1 {Ml-WWI ’0 Participation in the Cgflrstitut‘igzgll Judges always have control of their court- 1‘1”.“ ~S OpenIto .the DUblic generallyr eral public; ar
s 1'1» 1 ram ., Freedmn ii is s. sass... rrd rils” sssiss impissssso. r1. 3; 1” drserllilralior ssrirs .1111 public. slrsrll
1; 1 1 ‘11! n 16 news )a er as "t . ‘ -. . , 1 ‘ .rson. l _ .
Was an sir?" for islr risil miss. lswssss do 111m
11 1 I 1 commimztz/ dc— . 1 , .
. I1- I II I II velarpment and progress”. « ti Ins;I thIe Judges in securing fair treatment * * '°‘ I emrIiIent. l
1 1 1 ’1 _.____._——____ r v _ .
1?“ I I lI'I 1i ——-—-— 0 t e Iflgants. It is a resum tion of . . T e SlXU-a
I I 1!!! I Kentucky Press Association, Inc. oft-repeated cry of “trying thepcase in fh: t' Th]e tax bl” In Congress to provide addi-I med a “P1113
I I IIIII l I W. Foster Adams, Presidevét 1. . newspapers”, Iwhich, we must admit, has 8:):jlwfi'3fi5 0f uEemployment payfor pep/I mentI goes, e”
"1!! I IIIII III 1 John B Cam“ Vicep Iderea Citizen, Berca some basrs of fact because of some news— fits". . « ave ex ausIted normal state he” by pictures 0.
I " "'!! l I hark 6iflie'heetzlf Bowling Cr papers WhiCh are always seeking the sens'i s is In conference, after Senate amend-t cluded in' “t.
l 11115I . .L 4: seen . . I“ ~l‘ . '- - ,. -
:51 ‘I' I l I 1‘ Victor B. Portmann, Secretary—Manager “91ml without due regard to their responsi- #1812“. lddEd dddImo" Increase 0f 0'4 PBT'I COHShthtIOh "
1: l !:! lI’I! Perry 1- Ashley, Assistant Secretafll-Mmingcr bility to the litigants, the witnesses, and the $3110 Increase IGVled on employers on first 'Dissen
I! I II I!!!1 ! Florida ll. Garrison. Assistant Treasurer theories of “iiiiiticent before proven guilty” I l l 00 0f annual Wages. I The Suprer
11r.“11 7~,.- , . . «,.I I. I .
i! 1! ‘11 ‘ l! “ ‘1 . .[mwmh’ f’f Kw'tud'ls Lexmgton ““d 9‘61} person is accorded a fair trial.” U-S- Supreme Court has denied h ‘ I adopted a leh
IrIrIII ! I 1 II :1‘ I District Executive Committee Should cameras be permitted in th( to Vi Murphy Color 1do r t hearing; that ”ms mm
51, 1 ‘I1 1 II! 3‘ Chairman, Fred . . . 1 I A . ’ l ; epor er, w 0w”! lh '
IIII III I iliI I News, Liberty ( tit-312$};inilr’irgmiiz’iihgo“"¥’ courtiooin, we are sure that responsible found in contempt of court for refusal loI Ie (llIsIcIretion
1‘ i ! "1&3‘ I Eafis, Lyon County Herald: Eddyyw'llc- SZICIImd. He‘l‘hpilperlnen WI" ink for and respect the reveal a confidential news source Court ! lhwflhp'nOt‘
I. I 1 1 . 1 .1 . v w . ‘ . . . _ ‘ ‘ 1
II I I: E III I1 ngé Ség‘fi’ C‘dgfiflggfiéifh Cfntral lCity; OI]: 151 If the Jhdge Wthh, themselves “150 has refused to reconsider its recent do I ngIIIlgEsltyt ti
II. 1 9 I _ I. i -, ,- . . . ’. E
11 l I ‘ ! Times, LOUiSVflle; Fifth, Frank TgngfmTflriniIhll: s m” L given “‘thhht PrelUdlce- Our “3‘0" Upholdlng censorship of films prior 0th g'18 e
‘1 II ! 1‘» I!!! 1‘ 1 gfmocrati Eedfmd; Sixth, George Trhtter En— "G‘IWP‘IPCI‘S should give this Pledge and not ‘0 Pllhlic showing. ! hefwme m
If 1 ‘: ” W86, 6 anon; 59 I 1. vio at , ' ’1 _, . ’ nc ievement
_ IIII IIII rII 1 1 Mercury, Carlisle' 3:33;?! gin-en RIhisher, 1 I e. the llldges orders for the sake of A stiff ‘b'll I I Pht I l
I! 1 I I! I Commonwealth, ’Somerseti Niflrg‘le If P In 11%.. sensationalism. While we favor qualified ‘ .el 1 to repeal the Oregon leel - ooIgiap
l!! I 1 I ‘ .Noriés’ Jr" [wependenh Adhland; ferlstahljliiaiir: 1)'Ch‘"“'mki11g in the courtroom, we cannot Correctlon law ‘5 h‘ the “h0pper". New bill I h my VICW 1
III 1‘ ‘ 'I II ' hiELahggeEr‘l’hvggghfihftEh’ipll/lhddllffjrgloiSign!” nhV'iU’s go along with neWSpapers in their I‘I’I’MdelIac: burden 0“ publisher to prove I II: hO‘lISt'I It
II It! I III I Lexington; State-ut—Large, S. ‘C. \llan- €ngsz CII’Y ofI pre]udice” and their selfish defini- d egIec (e amation was un1ntentional,waSI ld\-v t. ls l
11! I 11‘ I ”I: ! (Sltate Journal, Frankfort; Immediate Past Presi: “0“ 0i “freedom of the press." published “71mm“ negligence, that pre- ' 3‘ lOllS lni'lue
!!1 . l!‘ I III 1 FfflfonPaUI Westplieling, Fulton County NgngI scribed retraction was made, and published! the adl'nifliStI
l 1.11! l.11 - ' ° ° ' 0" first in e of All d" 1 Ne‘VSPa 6‘
l : 1 1 u‘ ‘1 K i -_ i g a 6 ltions of newspapers D
II! ;j IlIIIIIs ‘ l‘uncs 5:23:19; ress Servuc, 1m. ON A S A for one day. Proposal shifts traditional re~l tile hands 0f
is“! II! If H I l 151 mmlffgstsenger Bra (1 b T ponsors meudment SPOMibility for mef from plaintiff to news- ! llcnl philosoI
1:1 Ni"; " 1 ‘nc r ' - . .
I}?! II IIII! ‘I George M. \Vilson, First Vice—President n “UT. 0 open Tl’lals TO PUblIC paper. VVG Watch the result with intereSl- I Ivhfltéustlce
all l! ll'j: ? Herald-NW5, Ha d‘ b , . . . I istere .
I!!! !‘ !! Ii! ; Landon Wills, Second Vice-President r "‘5 “‘8 s flie .-Oh10 Newspaper Assocmtion is F” ShUW impact of classified ads, the Some new
‘1I II II III-1 . McLean County News, Calhoun .IIponsoiing aI Senate resolution to Provide Cainesville, Georgia, Daily Times putafullI When owner:
III I‘ III II I Victor B, Portinann, Secret mil-Treasurer I(t)Ii .1 Constitutional amendment in that page of classifieds on page One with llleI with Owners!
III II IlIIII 1 Perry J. Ashley, Asst. SecretaNJ-Treasurer 3‘ (if)? \vhicIIh would open all trials to the headline, “Want ads make front page 1 station the
1‘1 1‘ s1'l ' ‘ , ' r ' . n ’
I !‘ II IIIIIII : 1:320:91ng Kentucky, LeXlngtOH Sue lIc, “hlcl‘l would have the effect of News. Regular front page was shifted to rated with o
.311 3-11 ‘ sI 11am . avis,L ‘ 'iln eevision -. I. i. i
‘l !! ‘11}:ii “14> Eddyvrlle;-»Maurice K. Hefif);l ghugtihlgfi (action of the resid' CI'llger'ls at the (115- * ’°‘ * ! We have
I-I .I 1:1“ giddlesbgro; Niles O. Dillinghg’rm Progress, tion W) ld "pf hlng ]u ge. The resolu- ants 'Ind sou
II" !."11'lf, g awson rin ”; R s ’. .' v (1! ca art 9 ‘
i 113!! ‘1"! 1 man; 30h hayinghelgyclsgllnreréhCIlhunqlrf HICk' Ohio at the \It i bwitesd the people Of \Vheh parents are able to answer the I COurts as we
"l1 '1‘ ‘11 I cers 6x-officio r. . e ym e,- 0ffi- l )Vem 61 regular election. children’s Liest' 't’ ‘ h t the kids sur
51' r I11 1!1 ! l ' Amendments have been offered to exem t . . i (1 10115 1 s a Slgn t a l 0 Can 1
IIIIIII IIIIIIII l l P are growing up. 1 elected.as t
‘!'i!!1|‘Ij .“llll ‘ ”f0“? State:
1' !.i ii 3 i I
1‘ l' ‘1 .3: 1 1 1
.- II' ':1 *j
eeping “350311., " . .
- Will' 3 ' ‘ H I f d 1
, lam ‘
bf on Justice WI lam Doug as De en 5 Need For Canon 35
P e decide lh ' 3
g judge “3,1333 By JUSTICE WILLIAM DOUGLAS Even federal judges who have life tenure very antithesis of our conception of fair 3
ermining “3,333 There is pressure these days on courts may feel the lash of editorials demanding trials.
id decorum in/ all over the land to put trials and hearings that cases be decided this way or that. \Vhen the famous Communist trial was
:ed to thefacil on radio and television. In one state the In Great Britain and in countries like being held in New York City, a motion was
int fewer and3 radio and TV industry leveled its guns at Pakistan, India, and Australia that follow made to transfer it from the Federal Build- r,
de courtroOms , acourt which had banned those broadcasts. British procedure, an editor will be hauled ing to Madison Square Garden so that the '
3 At fifteen minute intervals there were spot up before the court for contempt if he at- crowds could pack in. That motion was de-
trials shallbe' announcements over the air reminding the tempts to indicate how a case should be nied. Those who sponsored it apparently
1ttend and 03,3 people that “the courts do not belong to decided, if he dramatizes the trial, or if, were interested in making the trial a spec-
such numbers the lmvyers” and urging the listeners to get pending appeal, editorializes the case. tacle.
per conduct 0f3 busy and write the members of the court Sparse comment is indeed all that is tol- New Trial Is Alternative
r tribunal may to change the rule. erated. Spectacles, however, do not comport with
-tionable char3 Others have maintained that “the right That kind of issue has consumed many the quiet dignity and dispassionate search
on whose con— to know" is basic in our liberties and there- pages in American law reports. We, too, for truth which we associate with judicial
or whose pres-3 for-e the courtrooms, investigative hearings, have advocates of the View that the editor proceedings. As John M. Harrison, former 3
'h the fair, or- and all like sessions should be photographed who comments on pending litigation risks Toledo Blade editorial writer now at the . 3: 3 ,
tration of 3115.3 and broadcast. Trials and investigations, it contempt. We have, however, resolved the University of Iowa School of Journalism 3 3
ied that suchl issaid, have educational value to the gen- question differently from England. After put it, . . . “it never was intended that 3 '1 j
iblic generally, era] public; and, it is contended, the general all, we have a written Constitution which freedom of the press should give news- 3 :
am against any3 public should be admitted so that they bet- includes, in terms that are absolute, a guar— papers license to cripple the right of every ,3 ,
3 m understand the operations of their gov- antce of freedom of speech and press. man to a fair trial.” :3 3 .
emment. ‘ The First Amendment was once applic- Passion and public outcry, aided and ‘ 3
3 The sixthamendment guarantees the ac- able only to the Federal Government. But abetted by the press, have at times so pos- 13 3
provide addi- 3 cused a “public trial." And so, the argu- the Fourth Amendment made it applicable scssed a community and its courthouse as 3: 1 ,
:t pay for per, ment goes, everyone who can be reached to the states as well. As the Fourteenth to make the trial a mere mockery 'of justice. 1 .1
nal state bene/ by pictures or by radio or television is in- Amendment provides that no state shall de- When that has happened, a new trial has ' :
ienate amend-t cluded in' “the public” about which the prive a person of “liberty" without “due been granted. 3
;e of 0,4 per’3 Constitution speaks. process of law,” the Court eventually held A mistrial was recently declared for that '- 1
loyers on first. Dissent from Colorado Court that it incorporates the conception of the reason in a widely publicized prosecution ‘ i
3 The Supreme Court of Colorado in 1956 freedoms embraced in the First Amend- of Americans charged with attempting to 3 :1 '
_ 3 3 adopted a report of a referee recommending ment. cause insubordination in our Armed Forces 1 ' ':
.enied hearing; that trials may be televised or broadcast in Free Press, Independent Judiciary in Korea. ‘ 31' 33 :
:rter, who was‘ the discretion of the trial juudge, provided If: as in India, our written Constitution At other times thc press has been the 3; '
for refusal lot it would not in his judgment, “detract from permitted “reasonable” regulation of the vehicle for getting into the jury room .evi- 3‘:3 3 .:
:ource. Couril the dignity thereof, distract the witness in press. we might well say that the judicial dence against the accused which nojudge '333 3 "
“S recent '33 3 giving his teStimOIW, degrade the court, or power includes the punishment of editors “’Ollld admit at the trial. Then a new trial '3' 1'
0f films PI“ 3 otherwise materially interfere with the who through their papers tried to influence has also been granted. As the court in Cop- 33 1
. achievement of a fair trial.” decisions. But sinco our freedom of the pedge "- Unm’d States recently “Oted: a ':'3 ;
Oregon Libej3 1 Photographing or broadcasting of trials prcss includes no such qualification, we newspaper may properly print what jurors 3 33'1 .
aer". New bill 3 in my view impel-ils the fair trial of which have concluded that a free press has the should not know. A defendant, however, is i 31' 1 :1
isher to prove i we boast. It is not dangerous because it is same dignity as an independent judiciary. on trial for a specific crime, and is not to be ' 3 t 11
tentional, was3 new. It is dangerous because of the in- Judges must be sturdy characters. condemned, imprisoned, or executed for 1,1 . 1:
e, that pre. 1 SilellS influences which it puts to work in This exposes them to the rough and what laymen would call his bad character :1 .
and published 3 the administration 0f justice. _ tumble of American life. The alternative of or reputation. ' ‘ :
)f newspapersl Newspapers, radio, and television are 1“ putting the press under the thumb of the Judges Make, Enforce Rules 1
traditional re. '3'8 hands 0f men who have their own POli‘ judges would be a break with the First Rules of evidence are designed to narrow ‘ . 1
intiff to news- 3 "0'" philosophy and their own ideas as to Amendment rights. the issues and protect an accused against :3 '.
with interest. 3Vhatl113tice i5 and how it should be admin- We have made our choice, refusing to prejudice. Judges, not newspaper reporters, 3
3 lstered. sacrifice freedom of press to the whims of fashion and supervise those rules. 3
,fied ads, the 3 Some neWSPQPeTS dominate a community; judges. We know that judges as well as At other times the papers may so beat the 33 '3
mes put afull ' when OWnership 0f the paper is combined editors can be tyrants. drums of prejudice and passion as to make 3 3
One With the3 With OWHeI‘ShiP 0f the radio and television This is not to say that the influence of it doubtful whether a trial in the local ' 3
3 front page " Station, the community may become satu- newspapers on trials should go unnoticed. courthouse can be fair to a particular de- 1 3 1
«as shifted to 1 rated with one point of view. At times the papers can help arouse pas— fendant. Local feelings may run so high as i
3 Pressures on Elected Judge sions in a community so that no trial can to necessitate a change in venue or a con- 3 1' 3 '
3 We have had publishers who were tyr- be a fair one. The courtroom by our tradi- tinuance to allow emotions to subside. 3 ':
“His and sought to impose their will on the tions is a quiet place where the search for The point is that our remedy for exces- 31:
9 answer the l “OUI'tS as well as on the people. This pres- truth by earnest, dedicated men goes on in sive comment by the press is not the pun- 1
that the kids 3 sure can be serious when judges are a dignified atmosphere. ishmcnt of editors, but the granting of new 5
1 elected—as they are in about three-quarters The trials recently held in Cuba at 3. trials, changes in venue, or continuances to 1 13
i of our states. stadium filled with hooting people are the parties who are prejudiced. ' ' ' ' 1 3 3
3 1 31 2
3 .
33 .
.11: 2
.u .1, 14"
11111111111 1
1 1 1 1:: 1 1:1 ‘
11111111; 'I I PAGE TWO
1 11.1 11111" 1
a 1 1 111 11‘
1. 11 111111; They. 1. THE K
11 11 1 1111 : the pre:§d:f1 11311113111311, aCtivitieg I ENTUCKY pRESS 1 1.
. 1 1 . _ H ‘lou . A 111 h'
11 1 1 111, thus . . “Qt mdul W 10h 1
111 1 '1?11 1 T111211‘ltu‘1e Of the trial 115111” 1e“ the 111- 111111101111“ "0‘ be diVided - MARCH
11 1 1 1111 11 new fir-hnatter Of the Puhlic ub'eIChanged‘ puntnlbadcaSt alldience \Jllthfthe teleVisiol] . '1961 MARCH:
1 1 1:111 POI‘tions t} ,1 '121 £155 lave n . 0 01' h 111g 1'
11 1 t 1e,a 1. , limes 161613111 . t e m 11 the C , .
111 1 1 1 1 ent Should n K ( dys. T the 1 1 . ‘9 Intel-est OSt . . . 0111 “00111 ~.
11 1 1 ' 1'1 - . ‘Odem ' . . 0 What ex- . ploceedm s. ’1 0f CUI‘iOS‘t - Celtmg- It 15 more :
11’ I 1111 11 161101-tat111111? MOIIleIIlIII‘1IeIIt10xrs be use d to CEIVC that all Parts-t 15 not difficult ml: 1n tiona] “Otio does not 00mp01.ttha_nd15001.1 Ania] that
111 1 1111 r i 110 p In improving the 3111?11.ti°“5 Can often Concer‘wd With 111119211118 may beCOme 0 011.1 for his life ms. of a fair trial. A wlth “1111‘ “1851116 OPPO‘
11 1111 11111 11 10:11 k 1 a mlmstration 0f jug- 111111111135 01‘ testi1n():1mpl1eSSiOn their 'Ictizel_ the n10b 113,11 Ebert), needS proltnan 0111111311 magnanimous
1 ~1 1 1 1 M u, f ~ .. ‘ Sent m 1~ .V “’11 mak ‘ “5’ ad ~ 1 1 0 5 are - ecfi‘mf ’1he1udge
11 e 11 1‘ 1! 01 “mm 1‘ 1 I 11 tltllde, e on the mlmstl‘at‘ . not mte~ 101“ 1 1
11111. 11 1111111 1 2:811 eleCtmniC riczrélas 1ecently substi_ ThGI‘e is Inountj ab- aPpetitcs 101011 .of JUStiCe, ThéeStIeld 11111111 While the1
111 1 111111C0:11I: rePOI‘ters at a“ 211:] machines for :ficommendation 1113}? OPPOSifion to that distort a triflagsfg‘ Even still gictive 111118 the presenCe
1‘1 1 1 1111‘ 11 n 5' when A; ta 1‘15 ’1“ the st- at the Co 1 6 opponents - Pict' ‘ ’ 1“ ame '1 r68m. seeking publi
1 1 z 1» 11 1 ~, ‘ e 1 . , - ate , nCe )t , mm - 111g a - ‘ Pl‘0ce - a)
1111 11 111111 1.1-1 lutrldl' a record is gregztfrdmg ls made of PIflndmg one ti) 1:): 1: P1113110 trial is agtam Whole Ornloummportant minis:d1ng by 1181 or make the
111 1 11111 ofdrmth and Emphasis flrvad that has mOre t1mes, that trials ‘h ept in tune with 1:31:1- liC eyeS h Wer the 1u(1icialproue of the ting public a
.‘1 1 I 1;;2 ; a 1'6p01tel-I an the Cold 1 tCIevised u I 5 ould be b1. , 6 m0 y POI‘tI‘ayin 0655 In 11 1 As one tri;
11 1 111 1111‘ ”1011‘ faithf 1 A taped record ' notes It ~ Bless unfaimess o‘ldCaSt or mentS- g Only the Sefls t1) 1 h f t f
111 1 i 11 111; . ' ll acem, ‘5 indeed ‘5 fl “publ‘ - , “’Ould r A gt a 011211 19 ac o g
1 1 1 111 :11 1 transcrib d nt of tht ,. a sen I 10 may th -1 CSult. dte com-t I. 1 1 . . .
‘ 1 111 1 1111' 1 e notes F ‘ “ent on th 16 State st- at lb gual- Cast' U 6 that b , mtmsmn 15
1 I I 1111 t 1 . ew an , dtute_ . aIltee lng 0r aI’Ie . .
1 11