xt79057cvc29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057cvc29/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1941 37 leaves: ill., map; 28 cm.. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.60 books English Cooper, Tex: Delta County San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Delta County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 60, Delta County, Sept. 23, 1870 - Nov. 2, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 60, Delta County, Sept. 23, 1870 - Nov. 2, 1939 1941 1941 2019 true xt79057cvc29 section xt79057cvc29 - _ WLTUM 1
’ E ENDEX ? »
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’ - ' No. 60

September 23, 1870 — November 2, 1939
Prepared by
The Texas State—Wide Records Project
Division of Professional and Service Projects
WOrk Projects Administration
Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences .
The University of Texas; Official Sponsor
Published by
’ Delta Countyg Texas
February 1941


The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases
filed in Delta County, Texas, is No. 60 of the Texas series of counties.
The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day—to—day usage
by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen and other citizens

. who have occasion to consult probate case records for the proper conduct
, of their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and genealo—
gists to obtain references to unpublished source material. ‘
. The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are
‘ arranged alphabetically, with reference to the filing date of the case
' and the case number. The notation ”no papers” following the name of the
' principal indicates that no case papers were located during the inventory.
Differentiation between probate cases assigned duplicate numbers is aCCOm—
plished by the addition of a letter following the case number and by nu—
. merals in parentheses. Case numbers preceded by ”0”.were assigned to
' previously unnumbered cases. The following numbers in series 1—1772 (in-
' eluded also are cases numbered 1905, 1920, 2956, and 3292) were not used
. as case numbers: 76, 91, 132, 165, 169, 175—178, 181, 187, 189-191, 198,
‘ 202, 208, 217, 221, 22A, 229, 233, 236, 238, 260, 2A5,425h, 256, 262, 265,
268, 276—278, 285, 287, 294,7298, 300, 301,-303, 30A, 306, 309, 312, 313,
315, 321, 325, 326, 329, 330, 33A, 335, 339, 3A3, 348,"353, 359, 363,
‘ 365,1369, 375, 377,‘380, 381, 383, 388, 391, 393, ADO-AOZ, 608, 616, h18,
#20, 425, #29, A39, #43, ##7, 4&9, 452, A53, 456, #58, 463, A78, A80,
[#883 [+903 [-lvglsl-l-98, 505: 5063 5123 5133 515: 5163 5183 523) 525) 5329
535, 537, 539, 5h3-5b5, 552~1122, ll2h-llhl, llh3-ll55, 1157-l332, 133A-
1348, 1350—1499, 1503, 1505, 1508—1514, 1516,1518, 1520, 1522,1525,
.1533, 153A, 1536, 1539, l5h3, l5hh, 1568, 1550, 1553, 15573‘1562, 1568,
1575, 1579, 1583, 1587,1589, 1591, 1595, 1596, 1603, 416-07, 1615, 1622,
1621, 1625, 1633, 1635~1637, 161,5, 161,6, 1650, 1657,1658, 1663, 1661,, ,
1668, 1672, 1671,, 1676,1678, 1683, 1689, 1691, 1692, 1697, 1702, 1705, '
1718, 1720, l72hrl727, 1731, 1736, 1739, l7h6, 175A, 1755, 1760.
In Delta County the probate case papers are filed in 26 Steel file
drawers along the north wall of the county clerk’s office.' The papers
, pertaining to each case are filed upright in separate file jackets., The
file jackets are arranged according to the surname of the principal in
file drawers marked with the letters of the alphabet. Within each file
‘ drawer the jackets are arranged in ascending numerical-order.

Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has af—
fected probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the
probate case should have been filed, a map and table 9f territorial ~
changes are included herein. Notations concerning present location and
availability of records pertinent to Delta County follOW: '

Hopkins County, Sulphur Springs, all records extant. _ --

Lamar County, Paris, all records extant. ~_

Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches, all records extant.

Red River County, Clarksville, all records extant. ' '

E Map of Delta Countyfihowing the Probate Areas and V, g. _ ' .
8 ..‘.' ‘, -.‘ f: ’_
. Their Derivations . . , ”
3 (1) in Municipality of necogdoehee (" ' ‘ to 11/11/1835 " "
8 H ' - n - and County of Red_River from 11/11/1835 to 12/17/1840 (1)
. N Lamar County ; . . H 12/17/1840 to 8/26/1868 (2)
" Delta County '_ i- 4 V.. 8/26/1868 to date (3)
E . ,~ . If . .
g (E) in Municipality of Nacogdoches , to 11/11/1835 >
g n n and County of Red River from 11/11/1835 to 12/17/1840 (1)
.4 " Lamar County, , H 12/17/1840 to _3/25/1846 (2)
s; “ Hopkins County ' ” 3/25/1846 to" 8/26/1868 (4)
g N Delta County» . " 8/26/1868 to date (3)
, © in Municipality and County of Nacogdoches _ ' to 12/14/1837
; H Fannin County - from 12/14/1837 to 8/26/1868 (5)
g " Delta County ' , H 8/26/1868 to 7/29/1870 (3)
g " Fannin County ,. " 7/29/1870 to date (6)
E3 CD) in Municipality and County of Nacogdoches to 12/14/1837
1 H Fannin County 1 from 12/14/1837 to 4/11/1846 (5)
g " Hunt County ’ . " 4/11/1846 to 8/26/1868 (7)
4 H Delta County H 8/26/1868 to 7/29/1870 (3)
g " Hunt County " 7/29/1870 to. date (6)
(i (:) in Municipality of Nacogdoches . to 11/11/1835
4 n n and County of Red River from 11/11/1835 to 12/17/1840 (1)
( " Lamar County . " 12/17/1840 to 3/25/1846 (2)
y " Hopkins County " 3/25/1846 to 3/31/1871 (4)
g ” Delta County . " 3/31/1871 to 11/17/1871 (8)
g n Lamar County H 11/17/1871 to date (9)
(2; ‘ .
b ,
(- “W‘ . “‘5‘ .
(; ‘ 1. H.P.N. Gammel, Laws <3; Texas, I, 532.
E 2. lbid., 11, 561.
t 3. Ibid., VI, 61.
p 4. Ibid., 11, 1330. « ~
‘g 5. ppid., 1, 1395.
E 6. gpgd., VI, 216.‘ . _ 7 .
E 7. ppgd., I1, 1364.
: 8. lbid., VI, 920. . . ,.
E 9. 1hid., v11, 32. ~
1‘ A-” - .1,
k,~ ,1

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Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No.
, _ A _
Abbott, Joseph D., deceased June 22, 1925 A 165
Adair, J. F., deceased, (no papers) April 25, 1928 A 257
Adair, W. B., minor, (no papers) July 4, 1916
Adams, Claude Joe, NCM, (no papers) Oct. 21, 1955 A 446
Adams, Cleona, NCM April 10, 1929
Adams, Ida, NCM, (no papers) Nov. 17, 1904
Adams, J. B. Jr., epileptic,(no papers) Sept. 4, 1955
Adams, Jannie, NCM, (no papers) Dec. 9, 1918
Adams, Lorenza, NCM, (no papers) May 24, 1924
Adams, V. C., deceased, (no papers) March 7, 1882
Addington, Ewing, deceased Feb. 22, 1909 1580
Addington, W. S., NCM July 14, 1905
Aikin, Cora Patricia, minor Nov. 22, 1955 451 A
Ailes, Dora, NCM, (no papers) June 6, 1925
Akard, Henry, deceased May 9, 1916 1671
Akard, M. 0., deceased, (no papers) Jan. 28, 1909
Albright, J. B., deceased May 11, 1917 1708
Albright, James, Douglas and
Susie, minors Feb. 5, 1917 A l
Albright, James, Douglas and
Susie Kathleen, minors Jan. 50, 1917 1690
Albright, Mary Hamilton, deceased Sept. 29, 1954 A 417
Alexander, S. A., minor, (no papers) Aug. 27, 1906
Alexander, Alice A., Floria M.,
John F. Jr. and Samuel A.,minors March 51, 1900 1(4)
Alexander, J. F., deceased Nov. 19, 1904 42(2)
Alexander, Lucy, minor Oct. 6, 1875 25
Alford, Willie, NCM, (no papers) May 17, 1925 A 119
Alldredge,Rubie,tubercular,(no papers) July 7, 1921
‘ Allen, J. F., minor, (no papers) Aug. 27, 1910
Allen, Laura J., Lina, Willis H.
and Wood M., minors April 12, 1886 022
Allen, Lovena et a1, minors,(no papers) June 1887
Allen, Vernon, epileptic, (no papers) Sept. 24, 1927
Allen, W. W., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 8, 1896
Allison, E. A., E. M., Ethel M.,
R. J. and W. B., minors,(no papers) Jan. 20, 1912
Allison, E. B., E. M., Ethel, R. J.
and W. B., minors March 21, 1905
Anders, David, deceased Jan. 25, 1899 0202
Anderson, Mrs. A. C., deceased April 5, 1925 A 115
‘ Anderson, A. F., deceased Oct. 14, 1887
Anderson, A. L., deceased, (no papers) July 4, 1887
Anderson, Albert F. 0., deceased Dec. 12, 1887
Anderson, Archabald, minor Aug. 18, 1874 50
, Anderson, Aubrey B. and Virda G.,minors may 8, 1906

) 2
; 11.8222211266292291114291“ 021411119132..-___.l_..D_a_t_e__Tli.l_e_d_.__... . .0986 N 0-
Anderson, C. 8., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 26, 1959 A 547
Anderson, Delores Jean and
, ' James Hollis, minors Nov. 2, 1951 A 541
Anderson, Delores Jean and
James Hollis, minors Feb. 8, 1958 451 A
Anderson, Elridge, deceased Jan. 20, 1955 A 570
Anderson, Frank, minor Jan. 17, 1918 1750
Anderson, H. L., minor, (no papers) Jan. 4, 1887
Anderson, James Hollie, minor Oct. 26, 1951 A 540
Anderson, Jennie, NCM Dec. 1, 1909 1528
Anderson, Jennie, NCM Jan. 19, 1910 1550
Anderson, Jennie, NCM Oct. 19, 1915 1656
Anderson, Jennie, deceased Feb. 10, 1921 A 69
Anderson, L., deceased Jan. 50, 1922 A 89
Anderson, Mary Jane, NCM Nov. 25, 1892 45(2)
Anderson, Melsena, deceased Oct. 50, 1888
Anderson, 0. et ux, deceased Jan. 7, 1957 486 A
Anderson, Pauline et al, minors Oct. 17, 1915 1618
Anderson, Mrs. S. A., deceased Jan. 28, 1929 A 258
Anderson, Sallie, deceased Dec. 25, 1952 A 596
Anderson, Virgil, minor Nov. 1, 1920 A 60
Anderson, W. 5., deceased Sept. 15, 1955 A 587
Anglin, Irene, NCM, (no papers) May 15, 1956 A 465
inglin, L. R., NCM, (no papers) Jan. 26, 1905
Anthony, William, minor, (no papers) May 21, 1879 45
Arenas, Jesusita NCM, (no papers) Dec. 8, 1919
-Arnold, Raney, NCM, (no papers) June 10, 1911
Askew, J. H., deceased Feb. 5, 1906
.. B .—
‘ Baber, Lester Moses, tubercular,
(no papers) April 26, 1925
‘ Bailey, Charley, John and Mary,
minors, (no papers) Oct. 18, 1890
Bailey, Mrs. J. C., NCM, (no papers) Jan. 25, 1905
Bailey, J. C., deceased Sept. 7, 1956 474 A
Bailey, John, deceased July 18, 1890
Baker, Josiah, deceased Sept. 15, 1894
Baldwin, Jesie, NON, (no papers) Feb. 2, 1905
Banthel, Bedford F. and Catherine R.,
minors, (no papers) July 18, 1877
Barker, P. J., deceased, (no papers) July 19, 1927 A 219
Barnes, Lorane, minor, (no papers) Jan. 26, 1912 1569
g Barnes, Margrett M., deceased,(no papers) Jan. 5, 1911 1567
BarneS, Mattie, deceased, (no papers) June 2, 1928 A 254
Barnes, Robbie, minor June 15, 1905 77(2)
‘ Barnett, Mae 2., minor Oct. 27, 1916 1677
‘ Basham, Charles,Ezra,Naney and Sallie,
, ‘ minors July 21, 1905 047
’ Basham, Chas., minor June 19, 1908 02,014
, Bates, Fred H., NCM June 50, 1926 A 192

3 lleaaafgsneeaedlAliases.12112610..___.,.M...._..1221.9.F.i.l.92._._ 1- - Case N0-
, Bates, George Allen, NCM, (no papers) may 9, 1959 A 541
Bates, Mrs. H. M., deceased July 2, 1925 A 166
: Bates, J. A., deceased Nov. 25, 1912 1590
‘ Bates, Lee, NCM, (no papers) May 6, 1905 ,
? Bauer, J. J., deceased March 24, 1900 1(5)
Baxley, W. R., deceased Aug. 51, 1954 A 412
‘ Beakley, Mark, minor July 8, 1882 102
Beakley, Mattie, minor July 19, 1882 102%;
Baal, Grover C., minor Dec. 17, 1896 1(2)
Beal, Thomas J., deceased Aug. 29, 1896 114
‘ Beard, C. B. and Lula, minors Aug. 4, 1898 150
Bell, 0. A., deceased Nov. 18, 1908 081
Bell, T. T., deceased, (no papers) Nov. 19, 1878 \
Bell, Willie, deceased Oct. 28, 1920 A 57
Benett, Otis, minor, (no papers) Nov. 14, 1910 1521
‘ Bennett, Everett and Helen, minors July 5, 1924 A 142
Bennett, Frank H. and Walter, minors,
(no papers) March 21, 1885 112(2)
Bennett, Otis H., minor May 4, 1906 80(2),l549
Bennett, 17. 11., non May 5, 1917 1706
Bennett, W. H., deceased Feb. 26, 1924 A 155
Bennett, W. H., deceased June 6, 1924 A 140
Bennett, Walter, minor, (no papers) March 21, 1885 112(5)
Bennington, Fred and Wilmer, deceased May 4, 1957 A 496
Benyon, J. M., NCM May 5, 1902 0220
Berry, G. W., deceased Sept. 9, 1915 1614
Berry, William J., deceased Nov. 6, 1924 A 147
Bills, Mrs. Fannie, tubercular,
A (no papers) June 14, 1955
Birthright, Claborn, Cora E. and
Lou, minors June 14, 1897 119(2)
Bishop, J.H.,tubercu1ar,(no papers) June 1, 1959
Bittick, E. F., L. Ml, L. Y. and
M. L., minors, (no papers) Sept. 19, 1885 116
Black, A. M., deceased, (no papers) March 1, 1958 A 514
Black, J. B. Sr., deceased Aug. 20, 1921 A 77
Black, Mrs. L. E.,deceased,(no papers) Sept. 9, 1959 A 550
Blackwell, Dovie, deceased Feb. 28, 1925 A 152
Blackwell, J. P., deceased, (no papers) Sept. 20, 1895
Blackwell, J. P., deceased Sept. 20, 1895 54
i Blackwell, James, L. C., M. H.
and T. E.; Furgerson, Mary and ‘
‘ Eddie C., minors Oct. 24, 1888 0201
Blackwall, Permelia, deceased April 16, 1905
‘ Blair, W. L., NCM Jan. 28, 1929 A 257
Blair, W. L., deceased March 14, 1952 A 552
I Blake, Lewis, Lorine and Mildred,
minors, (no papers) Dec. 18, 1919 A 55
, Blake, Mattie, deceased Dec. 16, 1919 A 56
L Blandon, Florence, deceased Oct. 5, 1925 A 128
1 Blandon, J. B., deceased April 2, 1929 A 261
‘ Blandon, J. 3., deceased April 5, 1929 A 262

. 1
3 Leafliaeesse? 2. 111111....01 111.011.0101 0......_...110.12_0_.1:11.00...... -. .. .0000 N0-
; Blaylock, Fred, NCM, (no papers) A 271
; Bledsoe, Emily, minor, (no papers) April 12, 1886
‘ Bledsoe, George L., minor April 20, 1880
? B1edsoe,Lois,tubercn1ar,(no papers) Sept. 27, 1957
Blevins, Alma Eunice, minor Nov. 1, 1922 A 105
' Blount, A. 1..., non June 21, 1901 085
‘ Bly, Loyd, minor April 25, 1925 A 116
‘ Board, J.-R., deceased July 26, 1954 A 410
Boatwright, Reba Ellen, tubercnlar,
(no papers) July 5, 1954
; Bohannon, Addie, Gus and Mattie,minors April 28, 1917 1704
. Bolin, J. N., deceased, (no papers) June 27, 1958 A 526
- Bond, Ella, deceased, (no papers) May 22, 1907
Boothe, J. E., deceased July 29, 1952 A 561
Best, B. 1.1.7., C. 1)., M. A., R. E.
and w. 1., minors May 24, 1897 117(5)
, Bost, W. V., deceased Aug. 16, 1904 067
1 Bowden, Lewis, NCM, (no papers) Nov. 10, 1904
Bowden, Samuel, deceased June 6, 1906 0240
Bowman, Alic H., deceased Dec. 21, 1921 A 88
Bowman, Alic M., deceased Oct. 8, 1925 A 151
Bowman, Earl et a1, minors Dec. 4, 1918 1759
Bowman, George, Joel, Leanna and
‘ Nancy, minors July 25, 1875 19
Bowman, myrtle, NCM, (no papers) A 527
i Boyd, Fannie, Lizzy and Walter,
' minors, (no papers) Oct. 10, 1887
‘ Boyd, Joseph Paul, minor Aug. 5, 1926 A 195
Boyd, S. L., deceased Jan. 29, 1901 9(2)
Brackeen, Ada, deceased Sept. 5, 1899 146
Bracken, Phenia and W. E., deceased March 11, 1956 460 A
Braddock, Esther, deceased Jan. 7, 1956 454 A
Braddock, Fran, NCM, (no papers) Feb. 25, 1919
Bradford, Alice, minor, (no papers) June 15, 1919 A 11(2)
Bramblet, Waller, NCM, (no papers) May 15, 1957
‘ Branch, Maggie, minor June 10, 1951 542 A
: Branch, Tom, deceased June 10, 1951 A 528
Brannon, H.L.,tnbercular, (no papers) June 12, 1956
’ Branson, Tandy H., deceased,(no papers) Nov. 20, 1878
Brecheen, David, May, Nancy and
‘ Wilson, minors July 25, 1879 75
Bresher, B. F., deceased, (no papers) April 4, 1890
' Brewer, Bellvie, Charles, Ethel, Nettie,
j Oliver, Oscar and Thomas, minors Dec. 28, 1896 7(5)
1 BreWer, Claudie 8., NCM March 4, 1925 A 155
Q Brewer, Wesley,tubercu1ar,(no papers) Nov. 27, 1955
: Bridges, Martha Lee, minor April 5, 1954 A 407
‘ Brimm, Susan and W. H., deceased Nov. 17, 1926 A 204
: Briscae, Ina Mao, NCM, (no papers) A 505
i BrOWn, Henry, minor, (no papers) Nov. 22, 1882
‘ Brown, James Sr., deceased, (no papers) March 22, 1882 95(5)
Brown, M. E., deceased Dec. 15, 1920 A 65

1 5
112112.91“Allergies.- , Casififiz
1 Brown, 5.11., deceased April 24, 1905
3 Brown, Walter, minor May 9, 1925 A 153
‘ Bryan, 11'. C., deceased Nov. 5, 1922 A 104
Bryant, Altha, Edith and Milton,minors Jan. 19, 1908 A 42
3 Bryant, Lena; Chancey, Malcom, minors July 20, 1908 010,013
1 Bunch, Henry, NCM, (no papers) March 4, 1913
1 Butler, R. D., epileptic,(no papers) July 15, 1950
Byrd, Carl, Leonard, Morris and
3 Raymond, minors Dec. 8, 1914 1638
{ Byrd, Julia, deceased March 24, 1914 1673
, Byrns, Viola, minor, (no papers) NOV. 12, 1912
: -- C -
: Caldwell, Carrie, minor Nov. 26, 1892 101
Callicott, Mary C., deceased Jan. 13, 1880 0180
Cally, Joseph, NON, (no papers) June 6, 1902
' Calvert, Anna, NCM April 29, 1895 0163
Calvert, Bertha May, minor July 23, 1912 1515(3)
; Calvert, Bertha May, minor Oct. 14, 1913 1617
Calvert, Bertha May and JOseph
Maloy, minors April 19, 1906 1515
Calvert, Bertha May and Joseph
Maloy, minors May 4, 1908 1515(2)
_ Calvert, Freda and Reba, minors Aug. 14, 1919 A 24(2)
' Calvert, Freeda et a1, minors,
1 ' (no papers) Aug. 14, 1914 A 24
Calvert, Horace et al, minors Sept. 1, 1914 1631
j Calvert, Horace and Ira, minors Nov. 27, 1916 1679
‘ Calvert, Joe Malony, minor,(no papers) Feb. 26, 1917
Camnedy, T. 8., minor, (no papers) May 2, 1911 1555
Campbell, Ernest, minor Oct. 25, 1919 A 30
= Cane, J. E., NCM, (no papers) A 299
Canterbury, Elijah C., deceased Aug. 22, 1873 0l65
‘ Cantrell, Alvin, NCM, (no papers) March 26, 1938
Capwell, Johnie, Neva and Tommie,minors Jan. 25, 1915 1639
j Carlock, r. 1.11., deceased, (no papers) Oct. 9, 1951 A 557
, Garner, Robert E., deceased,(no papers) April 15, 1929 A 269
1 Caroll, Hertha, NCM, (no papers) July 27, 1903
‘ Carpenter, Cyrus, decaased May 11, 1883 117(2)
‘ carpenter, Doug, NCM, (no papers) A 350
. Carpenter, Thomas, minor Nov. 29, 1895 0164
J Carroll, H. L., deceased March 25, 1933 A 373
: Carroll, Martha, deceased Oct. 31, 1910 1537
1 Carroll, Mary Susan, NCM, (no papers) Feb. 28, 1899
3 Carroll, R. E., deceased, (no papers) June 29, l9l5
§ Carroll, Mrs. R. 5., deceased June 29, 1915 l649
, Carroll, 8. E., deceased Feb. 1, 1887
3 Carver, Artis et a1, minors,(no papers) June 3, 1929 A 270
1 Casey, Albert E., Lillie May, Mattie
1 Lee, Ora Bell and Walter
1 Edward, minors, (no papers) April 24, 1916

f 6
j game of Degeased, Mingr_52;}unatic Date Filed Case No.
5 Casey, Lillie May et a1, minors,
¥ (no papers) Jan. 15, 1929 1667
Cassles, W. R., deceased, (no papers) June 25, 1955 A 442
Oates, Abner Walter, tubercular,
(no papers) may 20, 1951
V Cauley, J. C., deceased, (no papers) Sept. 9, 1915
1 Chambers, Judie, NCM, (no papers) Oct. 21, 1955
Chancellor, Luther A., deceased,
(no papers) Dec. 6, 1929 A 291
Chancey, Malcom; Bryant, Lena, minors July 20, 1908 010,015
‘ Chandler, John 0., deceased,
(no papers) April 11, 1955 A 457
Chandler, Paul, non, (no papers) Jan. 16, 19:59
. Chandler, Virginia, deceased Feb. 26, 1917 1698
Chapman, Cinderella, deceased April 19, 1895 0199
Chapman, Dawson, Lucy, Sallie,
Tommie and Virgie, minors,
(no papers) July 51, 1899
Chapman, Roy, minor, (no papers) Nov. 1900
Chapman, w. N., non Nov. 14, 1904. 065
Chestnut, Birdie and Robert, minors Feb. 27, 1905 56
Chestnut, Galen T., minor Sept. 25, 1919 A 25
Chestnut, J. R., deceased Sept. 11, 1920 A 55
Chestnut, J. R., deceased Sept. 16, 1920 A 55
Chestnut, Lola T., deceased Feb. 16, 1904 0106
Chestnut, Lucy, deceased June 15, 1901 24(2)
Chick, Mary T., minor, (no papers) Jan. 17, 1877 56
‘ Childers, Gertrude, minor, (no papers) May 26, 1925 A 164
‘ Chiles, Belle, deceased, (no papers) Aug. 14, 1957 A 502
Chiles, W. E., deCeased, (no papers) May 22, 1955 A 458
‘ Choate, Lucy, deceased, (no papers) Oct. 8, 1954
Cheats, Vera, NCM, (no papers) A 290
1 Choate, Vera, NCM, (no papers) July 22, 1955 A 584
. Christian, Sylvester, minor April 26, 1907 102(2)
Christian, Willie Lee, minor Jan. 51, 1906 71
Chumbley, Mrs. May, deceased June 7, 1927 A 210
f Clark, Frank, deceased, (no papers) April 27, 1925 A 118
Clark, Josh, deceased June 50, 1904 060
Clark, Mable, minor, (no papers) Oct. 5, 1925 A 129
‘ Clawson, L. 1)., non, (no papers) March 4., 1879
Click, Mary R. et a1, minors,
‘ (no papers) Oct. 15, 1890
Click, Theodocia, minor, (no papers) June 1887
Clifton, Martha Loreen, Patricia Faye,
a Rose Marie and Thomas Stanley,minors Aug. 11, 1928 A 245
j Clower, D. M. Sr., deceased,(no papers) April 15, 1891
‘ Coffman, Monroe, deceased, (no papers) April 8, 1955 A 574
i Geffman, w. F., NCM, (no papers) April 12, 1920
‘ COggin, A. E. and A. F., minors April 1, 1885 055
_ Coker, N. J., deceased, (no papers) Aug. 15, 1888
‘ Coker, Nancy J., deceased July 7, 1888 0256
; Colley, Joseph, NCM Juno 6, 1902 0218

i '7
;' nagging.easessiennquismaiicmi.-Minei.einio.cim_._-sese._rn
, Collie, John, deceased, (no papers) March 26, 1902
i Collier, John, deCeased April 5, 1902 0191
I Collins, John, minor Feb. 2, 1875 0245
; Combs, Annie 1., Charley P., R. L.
; and Sue C., minors Aug. 16, 1886 15
f Combs, R. L., deceased May 19, 1923 A 120
Cummings, Ezekiel, NCM, (no papers) June 12, 1896
f Commings, M. T., deceased, (no papers) April 2, 1928
1 Cmnnings, Texanna, deceased, (no papers) Sept. 17, 1927 A 223(2)
: Compton, L. 5., deceased Dec. 22, 1904 54(2)
E Compton, R. E., deceased Aug. 3, 1901 30(2)
1 Condit, Jane, deceased May 6, 1876 0232
‘ Constant, Derwood, Mertie, Millard
j and Vernell, minors Oct. 4, 1918 1756
‘ Constant, Mildred, deceased Aug. 31, 1921 1156
§ Cook, Mrs. Annie, deceased, (no papers) Oct. 4, 1929 A 283(2)
Cook, Lillie, deceased, (no papers) Oct. 4., 1929 A 283
1 Cook, Solomon 8., deceased Hwy 25, 1904 0121
: Cook, Solomon B., deceased Aug. 8, 1904 059
, Coon, Mary C., non Feb. 5, 1898 124(5)
Cooper, Fred L., deceased, (no papers) March 13, 1933 A 372
Gordon, P., deceased Dec. 23, 1925 A 179
_ Cornelius, Due L., deceased, (no papers) Dec. 15, 1936 A 483
I Cornelius, Due and Pearl, minors Aug. 16, 1907 107
‘ Corriker, A. P., deceased Nov. 8, 1888 053
i Coston, I. A., deceased Jan. 27, 1919 1768
. Cother, Audra May, minor July 9, 1903 0222
Cother, Audrie May, minor April 6, 1898 110(3)
‘ Cotton, Allie, Ara, Ira, Nettie and
; Ula, minors, (no papers) Aug. 28, 1899 143%
? Cotton, Allie, Arden, Bula and
. Nettie, minors Jan. 21, 1901 8(3)
3 Couch (Cough), W. 8., minor,
(no papers) Jan. 28, 1937 A 487
Counts, H. D., NCM, (no papers) June 25, 1925
Cozart, E. D., deceased Dec. 8, 1894 94(2)
; Craddock, C. S., deceased, (no papers) Jan. 18, 1934
1 Crawford, Era E., deCeased Sept. 23, 1915 1652
1 Crawford, J. W., deceased, (no papers) Sept. 19, 1936 A 475
- Crawford, Lula, NCM, (no papers) Sept. 17, 1899
? Crawford, Margaret, minor March 12, 1918 1737
Crawford, Mary L. and Minnie C.,
- minors, (no papers) Feb. 27, 1919
Crawford, Pearl, minor, (no papers) April 29, 1913
, Crawford, Pearl, minor Jan. 2, 1901 5(2)
§ Crawford, T. M., deceased Sept. 19, 1923 A 127
E Crawford, William C., deceased Feb. 7, 1890 072
Gregg, Ida May et a1, minors Jan. 10, 1920 A 38
T Crook, Helen, minor, (no papers) Sept. :5, 1932 364 i
1 Cross, Billie A., Jack, Lyndal and . 1
? Weldon, minors, (no papers) Nov. 20, 1928 A 248
f Cross, Mrs. Emma, tubercular, 1
i (no papers) Aug. 89 1958

( EEQELEELEEEeasedJWEEnor O§_EEE§EE1___ 'lgfie Filed ___ Case No.
, ) Cross, Mary Alice, deceased, (no papers) Aug. 4, 1954 A 411
E Cross, Vera, NCM, (no papers) A 523
E Crowder, C. S. 5., deceased Oct. 14, 1886 098
E Crowder, Earl, Fred and Mary, minors July 10, 1901 27(2)
( Crowder, Laura, deceased Jan. 4, 1899 071
( Crowder, Sephrona, minor Feb. 8, 1898 097
' Q Culp, G. B., deceased April 25, 1906
E Culver, Charlie, Fleming, Janice,
j Jeff and William, minors April 28, 1916 1669
E Culver, Charles, Fleming, Janice, Jeff
f and William, minors, (no papers) Feb. 10, 1925 1675(5)
Culver, J. W., deceased June 15, 1916 1675(2) 1
3 Culver, J. W., tubercular,(no papers) Oct. 25, 1928 ‘
( Cummings, G. W., deceased, (no papers) Jan. 12, 1951
Cmmnings, Mrs. G. W., deceased,
5 (no papers) Oct. 22, 1955 A 448
} Cummings, Jennie, NCM, (no papers) Sept. 2, 1929 A 280
f Cummings, Johnnie Cox, NCM,(no papers) Nov. 1, 1925 A 200
1 Cmmnings, S. E., NCM, (no papers) June 9, 1904
( Cunningham, Mary E., deceased Feb. 19, 1880 052
Cushing, Caleb, deceased May 6, 1881 0157
- D -
3 Dale, Carl and Raymou, minors July 5, 1919 A 15
) Darwin, Billie Joe and Wendell,
I V minors, (no papers) March 7, 1951 A 522
( Darwin, J. A., deceased, (no papers) Feb. 2, 1951 A 517
Davis, Albert, Esker, Kirby and
5 Oscar, minors July 20, 1905 0105
i Davis, Benjamine, Charles B. and
E George M., minors, (no papers) Sept. 18, 1879
1 Davis, Benjamin 8., Charles 8., Emily
S and George, minors Nov. 25, 1876 41(2)
) Davis, Gertrude Irby, tubercular,
f (no papers) Dec. 12, 1924
9 Davis, J. M., deceased, (no papers) 1560
j Davis, J. 11., NCM, (no papers) May 22, 1905
: Davis, S. L., deceased Oct. 7, 1892 42
E Davison, Jessie, NCM, (no papers) April 14, 1950 A 295
g Dawson, Curtis, Mabel and
5 Noble, minors Feb. 25, 1911 1627
( Dawson, James, Jessie and Ollie, ,
( minors, (no papers) Feb. 18, 1901 '
i Dawson, Jess, minor, (no papers) April 20, 1905 6(2)
5 Dawson, T. B., deceased, (no papers) Nov. 6, 1926 A 249 ‘
? De Frate, John, deceased SGPt- 19: 1875
( Deigh, Bertha, minor, (no papers) April 28, 1916 1670
( Denis, W. W., minor, (no papers) Sept. 15, 1902 5292 (
( Deon, Earl, minor, (no papers) Oct. 17, 1921 A 82 1
( Derrick, Eva, Sue and Willie, minors Aug. 9, 1911 1561
- E Dashazo, Ollie, minor, (no papers) July 29, 1909 1517 I
i 1


1 9


1' 119118.311.29929_a2911',9_191"19.a.1_.v-n 1.“ . .. Pataliiiadlm.-1_0.esalio -



) Devenport, Jane, minor Feb. 25, 1882 98

. f Dewitt, L. N., deceased, (no papers) July 51, 1918 1745

i DeWitt, Mary S. E., deceased,(no papers) Oct. 2, 1926 A 199

1 Dial, James, minor, Malissia, NCM,

) (no papers) June 5, 1905

. Dial, Melissa, NCM, (no papers) Oct. 11, 1902 1

; Dial, Oliver et al, minors, (no papers) Feb. 27, 1914

; Dickinson, Allene and Hale, minors July 26, 1904 0209

} DiVers, Bard, Elvis, Lottie and

E Willie, minors, (no papers) Jan. 9, 1920

Divers, 11. v., 11011 April 15, 1917 1701 3
1 Divers, Mildred, NCM, (no papers) July 2:5, 1892 ,
Dodd, Daisey, NCM, (no papers) A 292,1. 566 j?
: Doe, Frank, minor Jan. 8, 1884 121 j
§ Doolan, John W., Kate E. and Virgil 0., ‘
f miners, (no papers) Arg. 19, 1901 26(2)

: Dozier, Elizabeth, deceased,

i (no papers) Feb. 5, 1905

i Dozier, A. D., deceased, (no papers) Sept. 12, 1928 A 246 ‘
3 Dugan, Lewis and Willie K., minors,

; (no papers) Sept. 5, 1926 A 196

‘ Dugan, W. M., deceased May 5, 1928 A 259

‘ Duke, Lousina (Louisanna), deceased,

' (no papers) Aug. 11, 1888

‘ Duncan, Ema, minor April 8, 1919 1565(2) ‘
3 Duncan, J. A., deceased Feb. 2, 1924 A 155 *
1 Duncan, James Alford et a1, minors,

I (no papers) may 5, 1924 A 157

; Duncan, Thomas R. et al, minors,

f (no papers) Oct. 7, 1911 1565

5 Duval, Joe, Minnie and Qua, minors May 4, 1907 100(2) .
{ Duvall, Joe, Minnie and Oma, minors, 1
1 (no papers) Jan. 29, 1909 1500 ‘
5 — E - l
3 Early, Opal, minor, (no papers) March 4, 1920

1 Early, Willie F., deceased Sept. 9, 1899 0211 E
Edgar, Lula 17., minor Jan. 16, 1884 128 3
) Edwards, Aubrey, Elmo, Georgia Bell,

{ Lucile and Marie, minors May 15, 1922 A 94

3 Edwards, L. D., minor July 25, 1917 1714

f Edwards, Lena, deceased Feb. 2, 1907
f Edwards, Leonard B., epileptic,
(no racers) March :3, 1904
5 Eiland, Kate, deceased Oct. 10, 1921 A 79
E Ellis, E. 11., deceased Sept. 19, 1892 40 ,
i Ellison, E. 11., E. 11., Ethel, R. J. z
and 1'1. 13., minors Jan. 20, 1905 55(2) ’
i Elmore, Burny, Edna and Eugene, minors Feb. 20, 1912 1576 ,
1 Elmore, Gertrude, minor Feb. 20, 1915 1605 1
? Elsor, Arthur, minor July 21, 1919 A 19 ‘
1 1

 I 10

I EEEEMPf Deceased,_§§pg£_g£;§pnatic Date Filed Case ME;



i i
I Eppers, H. E., deceased June 29, 1929 A 272

I Eppers, Tennessee, deceased, (no papers) Dec. 22, 1905

E Erwin, Clyde, Delbert, Golda I
I and Velma, minors June 25, 1920 A 49

I Erwin, Fay, minor, (no papers) Aug. 26, 1902 I
! Evans, C. G., tubercular, (no papers) Sept. 25, 1956 ‘
I Evans, Mrs. Lydia, tubercnlar,

I (no papers) Oct. 2, 1936 ,
I Evans, malciza V., deceased,(no papers) Sept. 25, 1901

f Evans, T. M., deceased, (no papers) March 7, 1925 A 154

I Evetts, Levi, deceased July 4, 1905 0189

f Ewing, L. A., deceased, (no papers) Nov. 19, 1878

I Ewing, W. M., deceased, (no papers) Feb. 5, 1875 I
: - F -
I Fain, Josephine, deceased,(no papers) Aug. 7, 1955 ‘
I Faulks, J. 8., minor, (no papers) Nov. 10, 1884 i
i Fergnrson, M. E., NCM' Feb. 16, 1915 1609 .
} Finch, Rachel, minor June 12, 1908 021 I
f Fincher, Viola, minor Oct. 21, 1901 56(2)

Q Finley, Doris, minor, (no papers) Jan. 22, 1909

; Finley, Doris, minor Jan. 15, 1924 1507 :
f Finley, w. v., deceased, (no papers) Feb. 28, 1918 ‘
Fisher, Etta, NCM, (no papers) Nov. 15, 1927 A 226 “I
I Fisher, J. IL, deceased; Dona McFarland, g)
j ' Hubert King and Willie Claude,minors Jan. 6, 1891 99 I)
Fisher, Raymond 2., epileptic, ‘1
5 (no papers) Jan. 17, 1951 I
§ Fisher, W. 3., deceased Jan. 51, 1929 A 259 ‘
; Flanary, W. 8., deceased Sept. 12, 1918 1749

i Flanery, Margret A., deceased, I
I (no papers) Dec. 51, 1958 A 510 d
= Fleming, Lula 13.,Nettie B. and 1!
i Sadie M., minors, (no papers) Feb. 6, 1901 ‘
1 Foster, Edith, minor, (no papers) Jan. 18, 1901 J
‘ Foster, Eudala, minor, (no papers) Jan. 15, 1910

I Foster, J. B., deceased, (no papers) Oct. 25, 1909 1526 I
2 Foeter, Mark, deceased Jan. 6, 1909 166

3 Foster, Martha, deceased, (no papers) April 14, 1890

I Foster, Sara E., deceased, (no papers) Dec. 25, 1915 1660 I
§ Foster, Susian, deceased, (no papers) Oct. 16, 1886 :
FOster, W. 2., deceased, (no papers) April 24, 1915 1606 :
; Fox, Altha, Alva, Anna Bell and I
i Era, minors June 25, 1917 1710 j
I Fox, Alvin, tubercular, (no papers) July 6’ 1926
I Fox, Clarence, Connie and I
E Roy 13., minors April‘20, 1925 A 161 3
I Fox, Effie, minor April 20, 1925 A 160 I
I Fox, Murreli Jean, tubercular, I
I (no papers) Aug. 15, 1959 ;
j Fraizer, Emory, minor April 22, 1905 024 I
I 1
I 1,]

I 11 J
( Nome of Deceased; E129? or Lungtie Dq£e_Filed Case No.
( I
' ( Franklin, llice, deceased, (no papers) May 2, 1958 521
i Franks, James, minor July 10, 1879 074 1
; Free, 1:. B., NCM, (no papers) April 10, 1907 ‘
( Freeze, Lou, deceased Aug. 20, 1957 505 A
( Fulsom, E. T., deceased, (no papers) Jan. 51, 1875 F
j Fu1som, E. P., deceased, (no papers) Jun. 17, 1877 16 k
f Furgerson, G. 0., deceased; Eddie C. and )
g Mary, minors; Blackwell, James, L. C., ‘
g M. H. and T. E., minors Oct. 24, 1888 0201
) Furlong, Lola et el, minors,(No papers) July 22, 1909 ;
- G - I
g Gnndy, Gus A. and Morris L., minors Dec. 6, 1926 A 207 f
; Gent, Loy J., deceased Feb. 5, 1956 455 A 1
E Gent, M. 1.1., deceased April :1, 1929 1. 255 I1:
( Gardner, Ann, deceased Oct. 20, 1890 0145 E
Gerdncr, Bernice, minor April 9, 1914. 1650
§ Garner, Ada, tuberculer, (no papers) Dec. 2, 1955 f
; Garner, 2., deceased April 50, 1900 1125
§ Gerred, Julie, deceased April 24, 1955 1
i Garrard, Glen, miner July 4, 1900 0225 ;‘
Gerrard, M. T., deceased March 12, 1917 1698(2)
1 Gerrard, T. T., deceased, (no papers) Hey 11, 1922 3
Q Garrett, Jay, tuberculer,(no papers) June 50, 1927 5
( Garrett, Ollie Pearl, tubercular, (H
i (no papers) Dec. 1, 1950 i
Gates, randy, NOE-II Feb. 19, 1900 054. “I
1 Gatling, Mrs. U. A., tuberculer, d
; (no papers) Aug. 19, 1955 1
Goulding, 2. 1.7., deceased, (no papers) May 12, 1958 A 519