xt79057cvd2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057cvd2v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 1972 1972 1972-10-24 2020 true xt79057cvd2v section xt79057cvd2v l<2| II UCky Vol. LXIV No. 39 an independent student newspaper
Tuesday, October 24, 1972 Universny of Kentucky
Eight pages wxingion, Kentucky 40506
lri p to l K t k
e a e e I '
gives msnght into schoo ..
" w
By ROGER DRLIRY Getting further into the mountains, we noticed a 3‘ " '
Kernel Staff Writer . change in the houses. Many were built on stilts and
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Roger Drury spent the some had swinging bridges leading up to them.
weekend odectober 20‘2: 0nd the :ppalacian Our caravan of three UK station wagons turned ’
Serlninar stury group con ucte by t e Human off I 64, and onto US 15. Now we were really into ..§
Re af'of's 0' 'fe' _ f _ . _ eastern Kentucky. There were mountains on each an
.T'f's '5 the ("'5‘ ”f asenes 0 articles containing side of the road as it twisted through a valley.
hlS impressmns as a first time traveler to eastern
KentUCRY-l We finally arrived at the Hindman settlement .
school, where we were to spend the night. We were \s
We left UK in the late afternoon. Our general met by Lionel Duff, the school’s idirector,and his '5’ .
destination was eastern Kentucky. Our purpose wife. "
was twofold: to learn something about the . . ' '
educational process in Eastern Kentucky and to AFTER taking our gear to the dorms we met back sis
objectively study strip mine operators. at the main building. This large building is divided , ‘
into two parts, half is used for a cafeteria and half is WE "
As we headed east from Lexington on I 64, the used for recreation. ' Wham, bamm ! ! !
terrain got steeper and sharper. We began to notice A5 “’9 53‘ around talking, Mr. Duff announced he
an increase in the number of hills cut by the road. was gomg to teach us to square dance. Not all of us During a karate exhibiton at Lafayette High
The layers of rock grew darker as we journeyed were comfortable at this announcement, but we School. Sin The demonstrates one of the finer points
east, turning first to slate and eventually into small decided to try our hand at this old eastern Kentucky of self defense. Here he is breaking a block on 7
veins of coal. custom. Marvin Beavers’ neck. (Kernel photo by Harry
Continued on page 4. Col. 1 Baeverstad)
Warns of socnalisf weaknesses
Candidate Labe Jackson assails Democratic policy
33'R()N3VIITL'HPLL we conquered them by using the free The US. is breaking down the desire to North Vietnamese. ”9 labeled ”‘9
' KernelbtaffWriter _ . enterprise system,” he said. speaking to a work by handing out money. he said. " Mchovern plan I" end the W‘”
The US. Will end up like Great Britain— forum at the Law School courtroom "distasteful“. However. he did not
a third rate power—if Congress does not Monday. There are people on the welfare rolls elaborate on what “distasteful" meant,
cut down on spending said Labe Jackson who are abusing the S
. . ystem and should be .
the Republican candidate for Congress THE US. should not destroy what it has omitted from welfare benefits, he said. iackson refused to comment 0n.. the
from the sixth district. built by introducing socialism which is Jackson said he supports a plan where S: JéC-t Of torruption Within the' huxon
“Great Britain socialized this and that what the past two Congresses have at- welfare money would be distributed by farmlinistraiio: Otfhter than] to Sd'Vf the
. . . . _ . CFS Wl ene I In on
untilshe ended up a third rate nation while tempted through their welfare policy. local officials With the money coming from the recent wheat deal witch Rigs? mm
the US. helped Germany and Japan after Jackson said. the federal government. “ ‘
. ., , . _. _ __,_. i . .1, , -- ' l '1 l , l h l '1 On other campaign issues. Jackson said
-% if 3?)???“ $5333, “ ” ’ ‘ f - if If .It lb set ulp on d, olca ' eve ' t 9] (rd, heis in favor of veterans benefits. against
Q an a... fig; . . j" , «ya offiCials woud he abe to contro an) the legalization of marijuana. against a
at egg: . 3:: k?fi”°§é:;t ”7;: :SI :7 “I“? “ abuse. he said. guaranteed family income. in favor of
j ' - «a» “g.” g % 4 ' SWITCHING to Vietnam.Jackson said he defense cut hacks and against amnesty
* ‘- ' . re i; -' i“ _ '. .. feels the US. has conceded enough to the and busing.
.. B fb
, é ypass o ureaucracy
.. - so ves board 5 problem
By RON MITCHELL those reviewing the applications now
Kernel Staff Writer allows members to be appointed with only
_ ‘ Lack of students to serve on the Board of the approval of Scott Wendelsdorf. Student
Student Publications will be solved at the Government «5G; prcsrdent. and Dr
.. end of this week when the appointments Robert Zumwinkle. vice president for
p _ , ,, g . ’ . w will be made by oassintv over the student affairs.
.. ~ - ’ “maniac—‘0‘ ”i0 Wivers">‘- Wendel-Wort Is now asking students he
M " "'" " ' ' ' ”W When applications for board ap‘ thinks might be interested In the board to
350.0 Dreaming of an exotic place or just waiting to pointments were taken last spring. only submit zippllcatlong
9y 80 ‘0 "355‘ R0“ (‘oleman was caught 2;" 1:" a one application was submitted for the five “We arc not really breaking the rules.
stone wall near the Engineering “i ing vacant student seats. M: are lust passmg over much of the
orBomba?. ,7 . .- ‘
Y yesterday- thornt‘lpholob.‘ BruceW-nmgletom .\ si H l,\l, Altitunhnrxr with Continued on page 4‘ (.ol. I
Inside fh e Ke rn e, T d . The weatherman IS promismg
O a y a mostly sunny and cool conditions
For those of you who are into Jethro Tull, check today. with fair and cool con-
page 5. More on the World Series and ‘Bama sunny ditions tonight. The high today
beating the Vols on page 6. Dr. Cascio‘s column will be in the upper 50's and in the
is on gonorrhea and Tom Scholl tells how to d I upper 30‘s tonight, The
change our politics on page 4.Campus and World a n COO probability of precipitation is 10
Wrapups areon page 7. percent both today and tonight.

 The l ' ll 'v.t My; As i\'.|ll' Mmmqillq (duh)! Kain- M((dlihy I I
Kentucky 3 4:35;; 5573;; 5;." gym EdllOrlO l5
d ' I972 Iifi P
Two more owners in po cs 0
Two recent events on the national themselves suddenly disenfranchised could stifle much of the student vote 1‘5 well 35 the dere [0 expand student (Edit
' political scene promise to make the in the first court defeat of the move to in a crucial electionyear state. "O““g rights everywhere. Kernel
muddled election picture facing many allow students to vote in their And as if things weren't bad enough returne
students even murkier before Nov. 7. university towns. for the students. the first test of the That. too. is a disappointment~but His last
The first and latest is the Although 40 states allow college court‘s ruling won‘t come until after wetrust the New York setback isonly where .
, , , I , , ' . students to do just that. a New York the Nov. 7 election. a temporary one. and that the rights tatorshl
somewhat su1 prising tameness of _ . . . . . . . . fl . . .. . ) . ) . ‘ d t oters will be u held as Korea
consumer-muckraker Ralph Nader‘s mu” h‘ls lbbuéd a tuling making ‘It 'Loss of that valuable student vote of stu en v . _ p martial
long-awaited “investigation” of the nearly mtpossnble—and the state s will probably hurt the flagging they have been in Kentucky and govern
l'nited States Congress. complex absentee ballot procedures campaign of Sen. George McGovern elsewhere. reasons
Newspaper writeups of Nader‘s %/' . ., ”I ‘ , l, . ‘ him):
reportwissued rather conspicuously . ._ ' ' '/ :1? f . . . . . . .1 men an
in time for this year’s vote—depict , ‘ .f’ ‘w n " . ’U with on-
the volume as a sloppily-prepared ' ,~-- . I. .- , a dema
collection of congressional ,/ ' 4 ' " fl- ' - '. ' ‘ (V ‘ i, ‘ Talks of
biographies. culled mainly from a. ‘ _ .‘ '34!”sz f ,' “/7; M last mo
newspaper articles and amateurish ‘ -, , , - 1137:" 3' If " 20-year
interviews. ' a, ‘f ‘ .,. 3 I ‘ t .‘ ' ls ' , Jung P
. : t,J “VIE: . 4.. - ‘1.” I that hoc
‘Facis' in error ’\~\ ’ if} u l “5/ ’ The C
. 't ED ‘ I? " {k‘ , Islands
Even worse. many “facts" of the “ ‘ I firm ‘ . .
Nader study are just plain inac- ~. j , ' . ‘ I
curate— for instance. a roundup of .~' ' ,. ' .' . ‘
Northern Kentucky Rep. M.G. . , I 57 ‘
"Gene" Snyder's district which lists ";—””“‘ “‘7' . ‘; r'
the Tennessee Valley Authority as one ‘I "1% “.th z i 7 \ . _ Q \\\~\\\\: .‘ _- «’j/ 3
of the area 5 big economic boosters. \ t?! O -m . "‘ Vela “ , . f’,’ ‘7
m: rec _ ' 1" ‘“ - <27
The object of Nader's study. of L‘fir" . . % \Qv ' yr, .. C .
course. shouldn‘t have been merely to . a ‘ 7 \x \h‘, ‘g . l M- K? j
dig dirt on the nation's senators and ‘ x 7"; . A“ . “ " ' . ,_ f l I ‘ \K\ . W "
. . t , .. \- ~¢ , v , ' _ p. 5 '
congressmen. But it appears the {W’ \\\ . . ‘ ‘ . “I. ‘E . . a ”K
investigator‘s valuable reputation as " /7 ,._\.-{\ \' l -3‘: ,,~ . . l W ~
a digger of the “inside" facts has been - ' ‘ ' - 15"" l ' ‘" 5’ H 'I' T" ' 395$???" ‘ I ha
drained on a Capitol Hill yearbook of ‘ ‘41-, [MN 1 39aner
the type that can be bought in “most fl" FIRST AMENDMEN' (AMENDED) 15:“
any drugstore for a buck-ninety eight. ' . . . . Althi
It‘s a shame. because we expected Navy 5 FrISbee prOIGCf has US up In the all“ towels
more. ceptio
The news that the US. Navy spent When the Navy does something, it plastic disks flew in wind tunnels. the contac
None of that. however. will help or four years and $375,000 to try to adapt does it thoroughly. Tracking cameras better to probe their aerodynamic infeae
harm the 200.000-odd collegians in the Frisbee to warfare has our heads monitored the flight of Frisbees secrets. names
New York state. who have found whirling. thrown from tall cliffs. Other colorful heavy
It seems the, Navy was looking for a Wha
better way to keep flares up in the air. .1" m
The current parachute flares (about sexual
Letters $50 each) burn only three to five fever,
minutes before they fall down into scrotu
rice paddies and poof out. The Navy
Wants more dafa declared God on earth“ voters can con- Could it be true that these accusations Sfafglszllolsggf S::l?d?:gihi:§éi?gh2
tradict themselves by denying a principle are the last link in chain holding the m, which to shoot (mks and other
on speech feam that they themselves voted in. in 1968. McGovern forces together? If that is true, ‘ . g To
And Ialso do not understand why more then it seems to reason that Senator enemies Of democracy.
Much appreciated are your . daily and more people jump on the bandwagon McGovern is as much as a politician as Of course. this isn't the first time
coverages 0f campus, news and 1551185. toelect a fellow who does not respect President Nixon is accused of beingAndI the Frisbee has been involved in
handy world and LS. wrapups and prinCIple enough to carry out the main thought that I‘ve heard everyone say that warfare During a student rotest at
frequent bulletins of other colleges. function of his job. Meaning; McGovern they are tired of politics. one California colle l tp th M
Concerning debate teams of UK and was elected a senator to represent the Steve Lacy ge as year 6
others. however. although the scores are people in the Senate and that is where he A&SJunior rumor went around that Fr‘SbeeS
there and who won and who lOSt, I have not should be He doesn‘t get paid as a senator CQUlpped-Wlth razor blades WOUId be P
seen mention of the topics discussed this to campaign for President. so when there used against the local constabulary, thei
year. What were some Of the PFOPOSEUOHQ is an amendment or a bill to vote on then ShOUId they invade the campus. thei
1490" D. Nettlflon he should be there to vote. He is therefore - the
Donovan student. not excused. even though one may note Policy on IOTTGFS wNothmg came of .that awesome pos
COUPE? 0f Library SCanCP that it has been done by many hopefuls for eapon ’ JUSt as “Othmg came .Of the try
public office. But the principle remains, In order that everyone may have Navy 5 efforts. Flare-equipped fice
Says MCGOVGI‘ n and 5.000 wrongs don‘t make a right. equal access to this forum, letters to {T'Sbees tended 10 take 0” straight UP sho
. ' o . . Maybe candidates should go to a 24 hour the editor should not exceed 250 hke rOCketS‘ and also lOW‘llght TV T
'5" f fulfilling [Ob day til they are $0 dedicated to the words. Issues requiring more ex- was developed for battlefield use. are
. . _ ’ . American cause) to be able to work and tended discussion shall be run as NOW It appears the Frisbee is ours also
.Nm a (maple? 0f "39"“? dedarlng the the“ campaign. , “Comments“ and should not exceed once again. M0
dietyofa certain preSIdential candidate. 1 Another. prinCiple. one that may 750 words. All submissions should V . and
feel It my obligation as a bystander ‘0 forgotten. is that of impeachment of a be t d and tri le-s aced and So the next time you‘re out on the who
inject a “Proclamation of prinCiple. naughty President. There are many ac- ype p .p v ’ grass between Classes S innin 3 ca
Itseems today thatfew view principle as cusations floating around about Mr. Nixon. mUSt_ tnclude the wnter 5 name’ ‘ . l .‘ p g . f r .
. . . r risbee around trees and do 5 0
relevant but arbitrary. And few recognize That he is destroying our nation ClaSSlflcatlon and an address and b ' ‘ g.‘ how
our government as the authority but economically. internationally and telephone number where she or he remem ‘cr thdt that innocent PlaStIC did
subject to authority. Granted. the people politically. If this be true then why haven't can be reached. Material to length ‘0} .Wu re playing With might have 1‘
make the government.butwe also makeit the patriotically»minded McGovern Will “0‘ be edited except for been ”5"" by your government to ana
the authority. It is beyond my com- supporters rallied to impeach President grammar, spelling and libel. help klll Vietnamese people. It‘s a the
prehension how that so many “self Nixon'.’ sobering thought. or

 ] rm: KENTl'CKY KERNEL, Tuesday. October 24. 1972—3
0' I Imenl' Department of
Theatre Arts
. . presents
Paranond Asnan governments try martial law EuripideS’ ‘
t By RICHARD KIMMONS Spanish $20 million for those 7,000 islands in There can be no doubt that the imposition of This Weekend
(Editor’s note: Richard Kimmons was a 1898; we gave the South China Sea surroun- U.S.-style democracy upon these Pacific Oct. 27 - 7:30 p.m.
Kernel editor in 1967-68 and has recently ding the island-nation lots of ships nations was a mistake. A democracy-yes, but Oct. 28.7:00 p.m. 8. 10:00 p.m.
returned from a four-year hitch in the Navy. and lots of bodies during the Second World inthe hands of the statesmen who grabbed the Oct. 29 - 7:30 p.m.
t His last station was in the Philippines, from War. and then in 1946 we gave the Philippines reins. the style of government did not work. Laboratory Theatre
V where he was able to watch Marcos’ dic- their independence. The rich gotricher,the rice crops remained Fine Arts Building
5 tatorship CIamp downt) . Each country, after gaining some measure the same and the fishermen just changed Box-Office opens Thursday,
5 Korea and the Philippines have declared of self-government,leaned heavily on the US. from nets to dynamite. It lasted for about 20 0d 26 noon . 4.30
i martial law in the past 30 days. Both for economic assistance, straight-out grants, years and now we see the strong emergence days of performance,
governments learned how to do it, and some tarrif favors and State Department of locally-bred guerrilla movements. noon - curtain
reasons to do so, from the United States. They benevolence. It‘s because of the local government‘s fear Phone: 258-2680
learned their lessons well. It is exactly this last type of assistance that of these Cuban-style movements triat have led (Box omce Location Gungnol Theatre
From 1950 to 1952 the US. dumped a lot of has led to the present situation in the two to the imposition of martial law. Each L°°°V' ”‘9 Arts WWW)
men and money upon Korea. We ended up countries. country is militarily strong enough to combat
with one commanding genereal recalled, and most local threats.
3 demarcation line separating two Koreas. State Department assistance to Korea and And that‘s something the US. has been COMEDIAN '
Talks of reunification between the two Koreas the Philippines eventually set up fierce anti~ unable t0 set up in Vietnam—and remember.
last month suggested a final settlement in the communist local governments, perhaps in it was about the middle 50'5 that the llhitEd GEORGE
20-year-old conflict. But now with President response to the 1946 birth of the People's States first sent “advisors” to Vietnam.
Jung Park Lee and his martial law powers, Repubic of China, perhaps in response to TOMORROW: We'iiSt‘t‘ just hOW Stmng the CARLIN
that hope seems quite faint. local US. anti—communist pressure. Anyway, guerrilla movement is in the Philippines. and
The cost to the US. for the Philippine they were installed, and functioned ef- whether it is even the reason for martial law 'n
Islands was much higher. We gave the fectively enough for the US; satisfaction. in that country. lOUISVIllE
NOV. 24 55"”
Your health E] $6110 »
3 Tickets on Sale,
" o’ro Friday. Oct. 27
Barney Muller’s
Record Center
. . Downtown
Cascno answers questions on gonorrhea steve sass Em.
By DR. FRANK (‘ASCIO Females have a different and more difficult problem. After in- ~—
Director. University Health Service fection, most women may not develop any obvious signs of F; ”39m ‘. r
. I have selected some of the questions we have received about gonorrhea for long periods oftime. This means that a woman may .
, gonorrhea to make up this second of a three part series on venereal unknowingly carry the disease for quite a while, during which time ‘ ~, ‘ I. " If '_ ,- i . '
disease. she‘may infect others with whom she has sexual contact. .. -. - Q. ‘ ' ‘ .- ' ' .
(‘an you get gonorrhea from toilet seats? In most cases, in women, the infection will eventually spread
Although some would like to blame dirty toilet seats, bed linens, causing vaginal discharge and will spread to the other sexual
towels, etc., this is extremely unlikely. There may be some ex- organs, particularly the tubes, resulting in symptoms of fever, _\ SI’H‘HI. INVITATION
ceptions, but in general gonorrhea is transmitted during sexual nausea, vomiting and lower abdominal pain similar to the signs of ’11) STl'lmx'rs
contact when a germ called the gonococcus is passed from one appendicitis.
. infected person to another. Although it is often called by other
names such as clap, drip or strain, gonorrhea is not caused by What happens when you go to a doctor because you think you
heavy lifting! might have VD?
What would makeaperson suspect that he has gonorrhea? Smears and cultures from swabs taken from the cervix, the M
In males the hallmark of infection with gonorrhea is a drip or penis, rectum or even eyes and pharynx will reveal the presence of ( ))
discharge of pus from the penis, usually beginning 1 t0 8days after gonococcal organisms. There are no good blood tests for deter- (
sexual contact. If untreated, the infection may spread causing mining the presence of gonorrhea in the blood, but if gonorrhea is gm
fever, lower abdominal pain, severe pain and swelling in the suspected, a blood test is usually taken to determine whether
scrotum and eventually sterility. syphilis might also be present.
Gonorrhea, once diagnosed, is very easily treated with a proper
_ dosage of penicillin.
If needed, other types of antibiotics are also effective. If you .
suspect that you may have venereal disease please consult a
Tom SChO" physician. You can and will be cured. Self medication or treatment
:7 by well-meaning friends can be disastrous. In addition to the local
, spread of disease as mentioned above, the infection may also
spread into the blood stream and cause rashes. arthritis and even
0 . disease of the nervous system (meningitis) or heart disease
Mak'ng VO'ces h e ard (‘an I get a shot to keep from getting VD
Unfortunately, no serum or vaccine is available yet which will
, make you immune to venereal disease. Reserach is being done in
People have tried all sorts 0f ways to change or support this area. There are. however, certain preventive measures which
their favorite candidates and officeholders. Nearly all of can be taken.
their attempts have been next to worthless. Sometimes (I) Remeber that sexual relationships with a number of partners "mus“. Steaks
these attemps backfire and tarnish where they were sup- isa likely way to catch and spread venerealdisease. Avoid pickups. 1' i A
posed to polish a candidate‘s platform. But people continue to You may pick up more than you bargained for. 0 Baked Potato
try everything to put a candidate in office, change .an Of- (2) Condoms, rubbers or prophylactics. while designed for “"‘iimitt‘d “0mm“
ficeholder’s m‘hd' or change. or condone a current policy. In contraceptive protection, can be an effective deterrent to tran— Salad "8"
short, they try to make the" vmces heard. smitting or contacting gonorrhea. Other methods of contraception .Hm "mmnhakpd "read
There are those who protest and those who argue. There such as the pill or the various contraceptive foams or jellies do not
are those who desert and those who burn and destroy. We prevent gonorrhea. Olicycrages and Bar Sertice
V also find some that take 0” work to beat up those that protest. Someone told me that the Health Service has to report cases of
More peacefully we have those Who writeletters to the editor, \'I) to the Health Department. Is that true? 94] Winchester Rd.
and those who write columns (like this one) and even a few As with any student medical records. information concerning the . _
who give their opinions 0" nation—wide TV- Closer to the treatment of venereal disease at the Health Service is strictly 100—1030 p.m.
campaigns we have a dedicated few who work day and night confidential. The Health Service is required to report only the total 253-0750
for a particular candidate and some that simply tell people number of cases of diagnosed gonorrhea to the Health Department.
hOW and where to register to vote for their selected can No names or identification numbers of patientsor contacts are ever .
didate. reported to anyone. Health Service physicians tell students to urge CM! want i '7
Then there‘s the bunch who examine the issues at hand. their contacts to see a physician. Kentucky has a new state law . ’ ,
analyze and evaluate the candidates and their policies vthen permitting Physicians to treat minors for venereal disease Without ' , i 4. '| _'
they go out and actually do something worthwhile to support notification or consent of a parent. ' ' '
or change our POhtiCS- They vote. Next week I will answer questions concerning syphilis.

 l—Tlll‘l KI‘INTl't‘KY KI‘IRNI‘IL Tuesday. October 28. l972
' S b divin shop sails
l" .
- - I all k d L i
t i, i into an ac e exmg on
i: "."l‘llr" (I didn’» .
l (:3! . l0 ill: ‘0‘ W B) FRANK i.. YARBRUL'GII from Lexington, Conaway said. it, said Conaway, but they must
. (3.,» 1 :tki‘fin‘lyz yTlfff _ l Kernel Staff Writer ”It isn‘t the best place to go. the show proof of training. “Anyone
. (3 lQplfiflfQKi/X . With the nearest ocean about visibility isn‘t too good. but it‘s who would rent eqmpment t0
A\[ K \“i’tp'i/(‘fl ‘ 1..“ “I" 600 miles away. why WOUld about the ClOSGSt-H someone J“St to get the” money
. N/W / : ~ - 1’ ,1, . ' ' . anyone open a store in Lexington Conaway attributes much of can tglve a damn about Peoplei '
. /' «///* i V 0% . . to sell scuba diving gear’.’ the growing interest to television he said. If they. are not properly
’ I f ill/t \2’ T Anincreasing interest in diving and movies. TV shows, such as trained. It S likely they Will
. ‘ ' ‘T Reg U'K' Mum . and a recent discovery of nearby “Primus,” and “The Undersea drown.‘
. . ,. . . - . " A certified diver is eligible to
(pictured) dmng locations inspired Dan World of Jacques Cousteau ,and . '
l - . Conaway to open the Aqua Shop others which deal with diving, he go on the various trlpS sponsored
. . about four months ago in the said. by the Aqua Shop.
‘ Chevy Chase shopping area. “WE are fixing up a room with “Basically we act as a travel
. . ONE of three divers in a TV that will be sort of a divers agency,” he said. “We make all
. Place your order at . . Lexington, Conaway said he set clubroom, where the kids can the arrangements, and everyone
. all cafeterias & S.C, Special Mum . the shop up about 16 months ago come in and watch TV and rap," splitithef costthWet don’t make
‘ ‘ ’ ' , ho he said. any mg rom e rips.“
ch_ 24-26 «Frat. Svmbols. in his garage With a partner w . .
. ' has since left the business. Four On some nights the shopwnl be A trip has been planned near
. (lubs, etc) l months ago he moved to the showing both professional and Christmas to Cozumel, an island
. . present location. He, has six home-made underwater films in the Carribean. Conaway said
. Sponsored by UK HortICUlture C‘Ub . vears‘ diving experience. and slides. he said. 14 people have signed up to go,
. . The nearest place to go is the THE Aqua Shop will rent including four UK students and
- - O - - - - O - - - - - O - ‘ Cumberland River. about an hOUI' equipment [0 anyone who needs three professors.
I I oard members sought
' “’0‘ I U ' ' b *' b
. -: r”. I niversfly yposses urea ucracy
“Q h /, i
I '/ ex 751;: i I ( ontinued from page I that the board no longer has control of the
I 4' ’q. l’é? . I lw;iiii';it'i‘;itit process ol the l‘niz'crsit} Kernel had a lot to do with. it because there
. , ,, . , . ..,,1 was lot of interest in thc Kernel'~
I t J - I \u tide. lsdort said ‘ . .
.. remap“ mp“, gm. mop. applications Publications talling under thc boards
I m . - Y z: I ta: “,4: “l, ‘zian my”. “Ht ngimnt- to my control are those published for a campus-
I ~ I Zunivsinkic find 1min) arc [v.0 major xxidc audicncc with full-time student
I V 7“— reasons forthesmalliiumhcr of applicants participation. and thosc supported with
I I this year. he said. l'nivcrsity tunds. The only publication
I WRITE YOUR ()VVN AD, CLIP I “\Vli MADE the announcement late in currently under the direction of the board
I THIS COUPON AND MAIL TO: I the year,“ Zninwinkle said. “and the fact is the Kt’lllUCklan. the yearbook.
' k h w
E The Kentucky Kernel : Trip to eastern K entuc y s o s
The University of Kentucky . d off f h I
| Room 113. Journalism Bldg. | a I erenf type 0 SC 00 system
I Lexington. Kentucky 40506 I (‘ontinued from page l dorms. I noticed the bunks were money for repairs instead of
I I _ much shorter and the bunks were letting the S.Ch00l continue to run
LOcal Rate (Up to 12 words) Mr. D9” patiently taught ”5 closer together than those at UK. down. He '5 Still domg repair
I I several different dances and soon work. _
One Day Five Days Three Days we were all “promenading” and The next morning, Saturday, In talking to Mrs. Duff. ‘1
I $1.50 $5.00 $3.50 I “SWinging our partners". we were able to see what the learned the school is supported
I I . ‘ . settlement looks like. The Hind- by a couple of funds with a cer-
I Extra words over 12—12 cents per I ~WHILE domg the Tennessee man school is a series of tam amount of money anoted for
word per day. (Count each word, Mixer,Mrs.Duft told me howhshel buildings on the side of a expenses monthly. Although the
I sets of initials, addresses and I taught hf” elementar)’ 5“ °° mountain. They range in con- money is adequate for keeping
I tele hone numbers when figuring I kids their left and right by struction fromamodern concrete the SChOOl 0P9“, several 0f the
I costp) I Seaching them how to square structure toa log cabin. A crisp school buildings have been
- ance. .
clear mountain stream runs closed.
' —— ' through a large open field in the SETTLEMENT SChOOlS were
I Copy Deadlme MUSt be recewed at I After dancing, we returned to center of the settlement. Near first established on a small
I The Kentucky Kernel by noon, one I the dorm. The. Hindman dorms one end of the field is a basketball college-type basis. The schools
I day prior to publication. I bear little Slmllarlty to the UK goal surrounded by blacktop. were for kids from the mountains
I who lived too far from the public
hoot to 1k e er da .
I I «I WHEN M" 13““ “me ‘° "‘e SCSettiimenla schdolsy hayve dor-
’ >‘ ‘ ‘11—'27- - o . '
I _.— W" Hindman 5cm”? T May 1971’ he mitories as well as classrooms.
I I f” m found many buildings run down, The students live there during the
I I -' :é'f -_. 3», 33‘1“]: oflthe msgeonesi. :1: week and go home on weekends.
———-—- —__..__ ..____._._~ ._ IAN! DOE j"; . 0 cm This type of education has been
I I -..-.\ <9 (.5 ments in the school, such as .
_ . q . 1 “3.: industrial arts and use the very successful in eastern
I ' I (‘6; k - 1-9, . ’ Kentucky.
w _—_ ——————-‘ I . .‘ . 7-5;,3 ————
~ " » - t. --' , - 'oi" ~. 1, . Although the role of the set-
| .. ‘ -‘ ~ t « them - mm
-‘ ' _ . ~ . I L . 4 --\ y. _ g m tlement school in ca
I w a“. w I Sign! \—-_W4.~s_:>‘ The ‘M'ucky Kernel, HJiJOUFDOHSM Kmmky has be“ imwmt in
, -‘ ~ - 'Buildlng, University of Kentucky. theposhthtsroleisdecreuingas
' inmon. x c k m. Mn'too five
I . I MEMO/STAT'ONW .33.. “a: 33'... “mm... the public school me... a-
. " " d i not “MW , (O
I ' . ’ . » I .339 Sui)!“ DOE t0- u “:02; Wing‘m summer ”ISM. M' g
I ' i - . . ' f - ;- .' u 7 ' I mama... (DNANE DOE zoomed by 7:: f": :rcs’svkpc. 1272 Mr. Duff showed us the _
. '4 ' . .» 6 Lane, ex . en y.
' Please publish my ad for—days. M"':g,‘;g§°sgngm:3‘:d:‘ofi'ssg’ :33 mt, :, m, W"; ",4 m, Wm,“ weaving room at the school. and
I . ‘ , . ~ . . t' i ‘ I -envclopes mm matchmgootors— continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since on the way back to the mam
3-4—45 endosed- Any wef’paymen . . " ‘ Wmamwwm 5200 ms. The Kernel Press, Inc. founded im. t tak me
. ded - otorot v Secoooclus postage paid at Lexington, buildingJ stopped 0 e 50
I wm be rem“ ' I c amt/DiM/IIQMWY 323:? Norma “mm .‘ mm '0 pictures. When I found the rest of
' ' v ll l I I
I ' ‘ » - I I ‘ m, m be mans: mm help the rmeooer buy. Any mseor misleading the party, they‘d found what was
W, -. an“; vgs"‘,‘;.“ advertisinoshouldoereoonedtotheeoitors. a novelty to most of them—a
awn “to, 7 _ noun “mucous
I Name mfl ' Starving: izheck ovmoney O'a'oflly' Editor. Editorial Editor 2574155 Buckeye tree_ ‘ .
I AderSS—--—————————————— ' “if.“ ' ' rmWWFW“ ”9““ ‘3'“ , ”“7” After learning that. buckeyes
. . _ m, N! M dverhs-nq, Bus-ness. Circulation .. .
I Clty ' I . Mam L m! Des-go Box 89 Radnnr 03 19037 l‘ - > 753 ‘6“ [were DOISOHOUS bl“ 800d to guard
I t ‘ itiggrggrfw’“ :2; ;% Iagainst rheumatism, we got in
mmmmmmmmmzmmmmtmm ”WE: "M" “"“T' W "w" "m...— our cars and headed out again,

 TIIE KENTl'CKY KENNEL. Tuesday. October 24. 1972—5
, ,, .y f f . very mg you always wanted to know about...
, , "iii-l“ ..--_-.! I C
_._,‘ 4‘ U OCt 26 "Stamslalcsgé‘ and ”A Wark Ol UK “mom" (‘me MUS‘C
Oct 25 Chamber MuSlC Rental 8 l5
‘ QLtGmltqpm UK Lab Theatre, Fine Arts 0 3 Dance 1) m UK Memorial Hall
.- 4 ._ » ., It I The Bt-ryorka Dame (om Olt 77 Josh While 8 pm Uk Stuannt
_ H . Oct 27 8. 28 Liberall OI L B J ' m imy. . p m en >l ll m
. ’ I v 6 3089p m UK StudenotnCenter, "Foe‘aersless can» 8 15!) Mir: al C0. 5 U} (Baum allrillfgtatlons 8. Supremes 8 m
lust : ‘- ’ 23/23:” Killers" ll 30 p m, UK Student E thhgouqh E0TH 3i Barbara McCord Memorial Coliseum V p.
_ . , ._ x I It K ‘ r . ‘
x I} :’ ‘ O" 79 "The Bug SHOT?" 4 30 pm, UK Through Nov 3 3:22: gheeler Exhi it NOV 2 WSV‘DO"? Afi Bpm-SC Ballroom
0m , . . Student Center Lexmgton Public Library b
t to . it Oct 30' “The Clowns" d 30 pm, UK Thr0ugh Nov 3 L. d ommn E . .
ney . . r‘ y . I, ($3.56qu Serverme For Bum-n9” 4 30 Central Kv Blood (Entaer Art Geller: 0' FAMOUS CRUTCHER
_. ‘ . I l - pm
y“ .. y .2 o .
my , . , .- , . , . . . ANTIQUE SHOW
Will '- c .- c; * .. «-..=.>..a;s.~:.;::«: . W; « .
, . a.” J” .1! 3.: of i: . . OCt. 26, 27, 28, 29
e to . . . - -' w ‘ a: I Dlvlng Lessons State Fairgrounds
ored ‘ : , F . -ifii‘tsw”\ii
. f . . to“ was» 1500 E. 38th (US 36)
ave! . . :-.j:.-_-s::;.fi F S I blartmg V ednesday 135 dealers
. , Jr“ 5 ”1- — Or a e— () . ll ' n
. . . ctober . Not a dish
a“ I ' 91., ' “El-15. 1965 Austin Healev 3000, Excellent condition 25 1- Show
bone . I: it!“ . ' ‘51.:- . cal